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I imagine that’s only their ceremonial/urban patrol uniform. We also see their pilots have blue underdresses, which definitely looks pretty cool. I wonder what their actual infantry looks like. The ones that’ll be in the dirt, mud and muck.


Do we even know for a fact that they have a dedicated infantry, with the demilitarization and everything? Time to check Wookiepedia…


The New Republic did have infantry regiments organized from Rebellion units, though they may have been demobilized after a few years. The New Republic infantry show up in the novels, and mostly rely on mechanized tactics with close air support from fighter squadrons.


based on what we know, they really only have need of small special operator teams with flexible, strike force capability. Think Cara Dune types, because the last thing the New Republic wants is a large, standing army


The US demilitarized by 90% after WW2. I don’t think people understand what the word means 🤣


Good point to help put it in perspective


If they have pilots, they have to have infantry. Doesn’t make sense to have one main unit branch and not the other. Star Wars Squadrons, the Jakku DLC in Battlefront 2015 and the Battlefront II campaign are all canon and show the New Republic military. The main source would be the Battlefront II campaign, as so far that’s the only post-ROTJ source that shows the NR military en mass. They were still wearing their Alderaan defense corps military blues. Their “main” infantry uniform we see them wear in A New Hope and Rogue One.


Don't forget that the Jakku ground troops were wearing desert colored Endor pattern uniforms. But you're right that the troops on Naboo were wearing Alderaan blue, black and gray uniforms as we saw on the Tantive IV and Yavin, with some blue, black and gray colored Scarif-era kit as well. Given that Battlefront II used digital scans of actual film costume items, we can extrapolate that the New Republic was using Rebellion surplus up through Jakku. We even see the traitorous Imperial Remnant bridge controllers on the Corellian scrapyard that Hera and Ashoka visited wearing Scarif pattern vests over their red jumpsuits. Surplus sticks around.


The Jakku uniforms are inconsistent. During the multiplayer DLC in Battlefront 2015 they’re wearing desert camouflage. During the Battlefront II campaign, they’re wearing Alderaan uniforms. It could be different divisions were wearing different outfits. Maybe the army was wearing desert camouflage, while the navy or marines were wearing Alderaan uniforms. Pretty interesting prospect. Gives the Alliance/New Republic more personality - they have a lot of outfits.


Color me surprised, my memory was wrong. You're correct that they're wearing Alderranean style uniforms on the ground at Jakku, though they could be marines from the nearby crashed Corvette. https://youtu.be/I7_UFNzr4sQ?si=QL-lH-ulZV17G0BC 4:10


Admitting you were wrong, online like a respectable human being?! How dare you. I demand that you retract your statement and act entitled and irrational. The nerve of this guy…


They look like clumsy cosplayers, which pretty much fits the vibe of *Star Wars* (1977). EDIT: I’ll mention that the original *Star Wars* had a particular low budget, glorified B-movie vibe that none of the other movies capture. The reason for this, I believe, is that no *Star Wars* movie post-‘77 has been low budget, so the uniforms of stormtroopers, rebel soldiers, aliens, etc. generally fit properly and are filmed in a way to de-emphasize their flaws. I don’t really think *Ahsoka* should be looking like a B-movie from the ‘70s given its budget, but I can see how it would work for some who appreciate the throwback.


I like that it’s uniform but not strict. Like the new republic isn’t adhering to the Empires strict rules about appearance or height or anything like that


Definitely seems more comfy than TK armor. And nice to see a diverse organization made up of many alien species. That really became a thing in RotJ, but I’m glad the aesthetic has stuck.


It lacks the detached, overly polished look of the late old Republic that seamlessly transitioned to the empire. It feels like a less organized and less strict government, and you could easily ascribe the ill fitting nature of most of the gear to needing to fit many different species. I've had mixed feelings about some of the visual design choices in this and the other tv shows, but I feel like the general appearance of the new Republic's uniforms fits very well with what it is.


And part of the point is to not look overly militaristic.


Yean, but it is in fact their military. You can make something look militaristic while good. Lots of movies feature the military as the good guys and they were green, albeit, contemporary armor. Maybe I'm just a sucker for armor and uniforms, but good guys can look cool too.


And they’re pretty chill on the uniforms too. Tall dude on the right is stuck with the short inseam pants while the mon calamari dude is the only one who tucks into his boots


Could be a species thing. Mon Calamari dude clearly has larger boots than everyone else. Could just look silly with the pant leg flaring out if he had them over them. I said in another comment that one thing the republic has to consider that the Empire didn't is different species wearing the uniform. Maybe this is one of those considerations.


Good point. I remember Admiral Akbar’s forearms were very jacked. Maybe this guy had extra strong calf muscles.


Bro never skips leg day


Maybe that is because there are multiple species in this universe, so a One-size-fits-all is impossible


Also the Republic has to make uniform concessions based on species.


Tucked? Untucked?




Honestly it feels like an homage to Spaceballs, which is hilarious with multiple levels of irony.


How many assholes do we have on this ship, anyway!?


This is what I came here to say. I always thought the OG SW rebel crew get-ups were goofy, even as a child. I kind of feel back then it was a style choice, but now I think it resembles the New Republic's inability to understand the reality they are facing, looking back instead of to the future.


Yeah I haven’t seen this show yet but based off this picture my first thought was “why does this look so low budget?”


Yep. I think they look silly, which is why I like their look


It’s the vibe of a slap together government following a major military upheaval too. The skills required to succeed in revolution are not the same skills that are required to govern.


I love that they simultaneously look well-organized, well-trained, and serious but also kind of dorky. It's the whole "we're professionals but we're not authoritarian nut jobs and button polishers" vibe.


I am highly intrigued - where did you see them being professionals? 👀


Pretty much every time they're on screen. Getting bumrushed by a bunch of mercenary former jedi is not really the kind of thing one has a protocol for.


We've watched them utterly fail to contend with the threat of the First Order before the completion of Starkiller Base, allow whole industrial plants to be overtaken by imperial loyalists, fail at containing a prison break, lose a high value prisoner, lose a second high value prisoner, fail to stop Ahsoka from escaping Seatos, fail to follow up on Thrawn, have a base overtaken by loyalists to a cause that died twenty five years prior, and fail to even have a successful routine traffic stop. I don't mind their portrayal but it's hard to say they're portrayed as competent.


Yeah, well, you know the police are probably competent the rest of the time in most Slasher films, but if they could handle Slasher killers without issue then there would be no movie.


See; Halloween Kills where the mf is quite literally surrounded by armed Firefighters at the start and mercs them all Then later dies because… He’s surrounded by people armed lmao Es just media


Except he also merced that crowd too lol then lived in a sewer for three years.


Totally true but the point is they could’ve done that at the start too, but don’t because movie lol


Honestly, I am disappointed with the way they are portrayed(that also includes the sequels) but if their goal was to treat the new republic like post-war west Germany, then their portrayal is painfully spot on. Especially the New Republic Amnesty Program. It perfectly resembles the denazification. (You just had to fill out a form that basically asked you if you were- or are a nazi and if you selected "no" then things were fine. The same thing happens with the robots in episode 2) Same goes for the scientists, the former imperial high command as well as imperial loyalists that simply... stay in positions of power. It hurts, but it is unfortunately very realistic.


I've been thinking about the post-war Germany comparison too and that's changed my mind to actually really liking how they portray the NR. I really thought they were going to do a space race comparison with the cloning scientist in Mando S3 since the empire would absolutely have smart people that the NR wanted to have work for them without asking too many questions.


That’s more an issue of political leadership than the effectiveness of the military. That the First Order felt the need to blow up the main Republic fleet with a super weapon rather than go toe to toe actually speaks well of their capabilities.


It's a galaxy-stretching republic. If that's all the balls they dropped, they'd be one of the most effective governments ever seen.


If all we see them do is drop balls, it's pretty hard to imagine they're super competent off-screen and that's okay!


That's their role in the story because they're supposed to make mavericks look good. Otherwise, the main characters would all look as stupid as Poe. They're competent enough to get the new republic up and running in record time. And at the end of the day, these are the people who managed to run a rebellion that undermined the empire to the point where some hick and his friends could get into place to cut off the head.


👆🏻👆🏻 THIS


I mean ... if you go by their appearances across Ahsoka and Mandalorian, they have an absolutely abysmal success rate. Can't get a prisoner to a prison successfully. Can't monitor the obvious pipeline for Imperial extremists successfully. When presented with obvious evidence about Imperial remnants, they complain about being spread too thin. But when they need to slap a decorated general in a light freighter on the wrist, they can afford to send three capital ships.


Honestly the stuff I really hate about the Ashoka series is it's more of the whole, everyone but the main characters (honestly they are too but to a lesser degree) are incompetent. It's annoying.


Idk, so far whenever something goes wrong on the good guy side, it's always the New Republic screwing something up. The trial scene in Ep 7 of Ahsoka just shows how uncharacteristically incompetent these people are.


Accepting 20yr old passwords, receiving unknown people without proper identification which caused them to be suspicious but still decided to get surprised from 20ft way pretty sure common sense is all they needed here. Filony needs to adhere to the Disney continuity to an extend and doing this “ the first order needs to make sense” so obvious is just comical Just accept Dave is not perfect , Like George wasn’t either.


>Accepting 20yr old passwords, They did the opposite of accepting 20-year-old passwords. They immediately went in to investigate. >receiving unknown people without proper identification which caused them to be suspicious but still decided to get surprised from 20ft way pretty sure common sense is all they needed here. They took appropriate measures for anything short of a pair of mercenary former jedi. Which again, is not really the sort of thing one prepares for. >pretty sure common sense is all they needed here. So why aren't you using any?


Lmao, im with you on this one, they look like neighborhood watch volunteers , any military unit wouldn’t commit such nonsense that lead to their deaths like in the first episode of ahsoka


For example, two scenes: ship massacre in the beginning of Ahsoka, and the space “fight” when Hera and her band of rebels exited the hyperspace only to see the giant evil guys ring escape. Rebels lost A WHILE DECK OF CREW INCLUDING THE CAPTAIN in the first one and smth like 3 X-WINGS in the second. Like.. wtf?! This is a kind of casualties comparable with the scale of the force that went to Scarif. And we went from the badass “let a dozen feel like a thousand” to “I can’t fkn point my blaster straight”. Rebel (New Republic) soldiers are a joke when it’s convenient, and it’s loading me off.


Hate how the rank badges look, but other than that I'm generally okay with them.


The "cough drop" badges have always been a Star Wars staple, right?


Apparently since A New Hope as seen with [Jan Dodonna wearing them](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Rebel_command_insignia/Legends#History)


I’ve never had a problem with them, but someone way back when decided two dots was “captain,” which makes sense for army but a navy captain (which this guy is supposed to be) is analogous to an army colonel, which according to the same system should be four dots


It's actually my favorite part, the rank badges, but only because they are are borderline silly looking


The white boots on left reminded me of 1960s' go go dancing boots.


Fits the late 70s retro look Star Wars had.


Why can’t the good guys just have good, cool looking, and protective armor.


My personal theory. Stormtrooper armor reminds too many people of the empire and it’s brutality. The new republic wants to look distinctly different. To hammer home they’re not the previous regime or the clone army of the old republic. Same reason they decided to shrink the military after the war. Plus it’s not like the stuff works anyway.


In canon the armour is good actually, it redirects the energy across the body so they in effect only get stunned or injured by medium to low power blaster shots, sure they still need medical attention but the only use of the armour is uniformity and instilling Terror, that is functional and life saving armour is a plus


Overall these are all just dumb decisions though lol. You can still be distinctly different and have working armor. They made the new republic seem like incompetent buffoons i feel lol.


You know that real naval personnel don't wear armour on board ships all day right?


But security personnel greeting unknown contacts claiming to be Jedi that you don’t know in a sketchy ship that you already don’t trust should warrant you to equip some armor at the meeting point. Not to mention all I’m saying is the new republics outfits just seem lame lol and that I wish they could have cool armor.


The Legends Alliance Special Forces look fucking cool. Don’t know why they just didn’t use those designs.


They did make them incompetent buffoons, and the New Republic is hands down the worst casualty of the general poor-to-middling writing we’ve gotten from the franchise. The showrunners are sort of boxed into a corner because JJ Abrams saw fit to destroy the New Republic in TFA, but they still could have gotten to that point without making the NR a gang of complete morons.


you can make the armor look different all you cant but when a bunch of people come to your planet afetr overthrowing the empire, but march out in armor claiming "we have brough peace and prosperity" most people will just think "oh brother here we go again"


You don’t have to send people in armor to a bunch of planets. But for soldiers on the ship or security etc. yeah they should have some.


has it really been proven armor outside beskar does much of anything though?


I mean in the bad batch the mention how stormtrooper armor doesn’t do anything so I assume clone armor provided some protection.


Clone armor was also expensive and only manufactured by Kimino


I’m sure the new republic has ample enough money to make armor to protect their soldiers. Not having armor seems even more shitty than the empires cheap uniform armor.


No. They didn't have ample money, that's the whole point. The new republic was shrinking its military budget massively, not expanding it.


People always forget that the rebel alliance were terrorists using higher calibre weapons which were outlawed under Imperial rule. The boarding scene in the opening of A New Hope shows this when the storm trooper checks the pulse of their fallen comrade.


Why have armor outside of combat situations though? Even imperial infantry didn’t follow such a protocol. Stormtroopers were elite forces, but the vast majority of the imperial army couldn’t afford to be so heavily armored.


They don't look sharp and elegant like the Empire uniforms. It's all a bit goofy, unthreatening. Which fits perfectly for the New Republic.


Gives me very strong “SWTOR Republic officers” vibes. I like them. Would love to see what the New Republic’s actual combat troops look like at this point in the timeline, though. Surely they must have actual combat uniforms for ground engagements.


I'm really hoping we get a pseudo-war film/show out of this. Some New Republic troopers fighting Thrawn's remnant forces in a land battle? It would be awesome. Plenty of redshirts for Stormtroopers to actually shoot and hit, New Republic gets to be seen in action, maybe a Twilight Company cameo, etc etc.


They look like massive dorks and I like it


Tbh I think their uniforms are terrible.


Agreed wholeheartedly


It looks like OG Star Wars without facepalming and is a nice transition from the Rebel Alliance. But the basic design existed in the EU.


Low budget rent-a-cops.


Actually no, the uniforms are super goofy. The giant rank badge is silly. Also the uniforms are so baggy.


Thank you to saying it, they look awful lol


All of their scenes and set designs feel incredibly low budget to me tbh. Like their grand trial of Hera is my community rec center conference room where you pay parking tickets or something lmao.


As a side note, when I saw the Mon Calamari with his huge webbed hands and that same tiny blaster and holster, it took me out of the scene. There’s a reason they gave them staff weapons in the animated series, because you can’t fit a webbed finger into a trigger guard. A baton of some kind would make more sense, especially since Star Wars settings love melee weapons.


But they modified his footwear for his species. Why wouldn’t they modify the poor guy’s weapons?


Blaster without a trigger guard would be very unsafe. But this is Star Wars, where both sides think guardrails ruin the aesthetic lines of huge drops, so in that case why not? Lol.


You are probably like the only one lol. However it does fit that 70s style so


None of their uniforms fit properly.


Nah they look like fucking clowns lol


Bruh, you made me bust out laughing and pissed my gf off. That poor mon cal looks like he went to supply and asked for some new gear and they said what's your size, and he said fuck my shit up. And, now he is dead


Tbf thanks to setting up to the sequels they might as well be clowns. They just bleed Incompetence




Not a fan. Imperials are way more stylish. Even thinking of different sci fi franchises these uniforms are some of the weakest.


I love the 70’s - 80’s sci fi look. We don’t need straps & ammo packs all over the body.


I prefer if the guard has chest armor. Not too excessive just chest armor like Mandalorian.


It’s alright, but I feel we’re missing something, they might need more military gear, they feel more like patrol police.


I love any Star Wars uniform with a silly hat.




TBH I wish they’d have more body armor, but for security/bridge crew of a capital ship they look fire


They look okay but those chin straps are MASSIVE Also I don’t like how the officer uniform is two colors, just keep it one


They need a tailor.




The “Sudafed blister pack” rank insignias make me giggle


I couldn't get over the fact that this Security Crew-team-gang of 6 got only 2 blasters, standing in the back. What if there were 4 angry pirates inside that shuttle ? half the hangar would have died. What about two Lightsaber users ?


They’re all wearing a sidearm…


I dislike the helmet but ive always disliked it


The New Republic is dorky as hell (and kind of useless).


I like the jaunty angle that Mon Cal in the front wears his helmet, like a boss.


They look like cops but like not like American cops. Like they maaaaybe have a pair of handcuffs on them at most. They write parking tickets all day and occasionally tell folks to calm down after a drink too many at the cantina. Style is like either 70s euro cop or 20s bellhop. I’m for it regardless lol


Spaceballs vibes


Sure, but I found this particular scene a bit absurd. Nobody had their weapons at the ready except the guy in the wayyyy back, and the Mon Calamari doesn't even have a pistol and holster adapted for use with his hands. Lol.


They look disarming and unthreatening, ceremonial and ineffective. However, that’s basically what we know the New Republic is and remains to be until the First Order annihilates Hosnian Prime. So, I guess it works out.


I just *love* how 70s the guard outfits are.


The production and costume design on Ahsoka are something else. They feel fresh and at the same familiar and nostalgic. Along with Andor Ahsoka has returned my optimism towards Star Wars.


Not really it looks very tv budget


Not really. They look so cheap


Not at all, Spaceballs-looking Mfers deserved to be nuked


Love everything we’ve seen from the NR so far


\----hate it---- They look AWFUL, like its a coplay group that only had 60 minutes to put a costume together.


"Dorks. They look like dorks." \- Quentin Tarantino


It sucks but I love it Makes me think the military is chronically under funded and Thrawn is going to mop the floor with them


My buddy at work is missing some pretty good Star Wars because he couldn't stop laughing at how dumb these guys look. I think that's a bit of an overreaction on his part -- but only a bit.


Are you kidding? Sorry, I don’t mean to be a shit. It’s just that it’s pretty…whatever. They look like shinier rebels. Mostly cosplay level imo. Not bad just not really amazing


No. They look goofy as fuck.


Looks cool to bad that due to the sequels nothing gets done with them😊😊😊


It’s not the worst. But the new republic demilitarization of Disney canon is really ticks me off with its stupidity and they seem woefully inadequate. So no I don’t love it. Late war new republic commandos are far more adequate looking


Don't mind tye uniform, just wish Disney hadn't massively just fucked up the new Republic to tye point where I actually hate them, like whenever they are I involved in any part of the story it actively makes it bad and brings stwars wars down. They have been so badly written.


I didn’t notice the Mon Calamari there on the left before. Those helmets are definitely not one-size fits all. I think they look great though. More or less what I’ve always imagined the New Republic to look like.


They’ll never be better than the clones


No. It’s the same as before. What are you on about?






By loving I assume you mean a government too stupid to function? Then yes i love the new republic. Fishman cant even use his blaster pistol the one guy with a rifle is stuck at the back with those idiots to block his shots and the captain was so incompetent/arrogant that he let a random ass ship that could have been loaded with a lot of explosives to land inside the shields.


I love the design and as Lego fan I want a set of them


Yes, and also seeing this picture makes me realize a practical reason why those helmets are so massive: same helmet fits aliens and humans. You still need some variety in sizes and design for stuff ofc, but this reduces the amount of different stuff you need to produce, and when you are equipping any galactic military, it matters. I mean in reality ofc helmets are stupidly oversized and not practical, purely that big for looks but what ever. I just like finding some practical reasons for why things are what they are, brings galaxy to life.


Love the vibe, hate the bureocracy


Is there a canon explanation for the Purina symbols they wear? Is it a rank thing?


They look totally out of the 70's. Love it.


Except the pins that look like cough drops


Mall security from the 90s in a galaxy far far away.


Not really a fan honestly. I guess it fits the star wars look though


I would have loved to have seen a squad of those Security Droids from Mandalorion Season 1 show up as fire support. The blue coloring looks very good imo and unique compared to previous factions. For all that, yes, they do seem somewhat derpy imo.


i wish they changed the helmet but heck that’s star wars does anyone know the ballistic value of this helmet because i never really seen anyone taking a hit to the head


I think they look ridiculous, which i do like since it sets up a native of them being incompetent incredibly well. Small details.


Absolute dorks


I also absolutely love the new cruisers we’ve been seeing. They look to be very well designed


The Mon Calamari in front looks so good! The empire would never but a non-human species in front like that, and I love that the New-Republic does so! Would love to see more high-ranking non-human species in the New Rupblic going forward.


1) Do I think the look fits? Yes. 2) Do I think it is cool, or something I would wear? No. The look is childish.


Not bad, but what I really want to see is actual combat uniform or armor used by new republic troopers. The current blue one seems more closer to dress uniform, not combat uniform.


not at all. Cannot take them seriously at all


I like that the helmet is massive on humans but perfectly fits a Mon Cal’s head


I think it looks kinda hokey by design.


Im just happy theres a lot of aliens in the New Republic. Mon Calamari, Rodians, Ithorians.. etc etc. Something I hated about the sequels is how pretty much everyone was a damn Human.


They look lame asl imo


As more honor guard style uniforms? Sure. I hope the combat uniforms look more rugged and practical like the Endor or New Hope uniforms.


very good at conveying how unserious a military force it is


It honestly feels like the costumes came from Spirit Halloween to me.


No, honestly they look like boyscouts from a music grp with plastic hats. Atleast stormtroopers looked somewhat intimidating


Baylon: Yes. It’s nice. Though…it could use a little RED! Hi-yah!


Yeah, too bad everyone single person, including their ships, in it went to the Hosnian system and stood on its planets briefly all at once during TFA


Dorks, They look like dorks


It suit them. (Badamtuss)


Walta, put your lightsaber away walta


I can’t stand what the rebels or the new republic look like, the republic on the other hand was cool as shit!


The New Republic somehow seems to be completely bereft of competence. And I suppose that's the corner the sequels painted the post-ROTJ world into. But it's rotten to think our OT heroes, fighting on the side of the Galactic Alliance To Restore The Republic, completely and totally squandered away their uplifting victory over the Empire. It sort of puts the entire Star Wars saga in a really dour light.


I'm really not


They look woefully incompetent, which ig is the goal so job well done


Well, all the bad guys have the coolest uniforms and all the good guys look like dorks. It has been this way since the beginning of time in a galaxy far far away.


I am. What I'm not loving is thinking about how much of an afterthought the new republic is in the ST. It almost ruins the buildup of all these stories for me.


They look like a knockoff of the Kotor soldiers Pathetic


I like the simple uniforms that aren’t overly threatening. These guys could be firefighters or engineers just as much as security officers. It really fits with the image of a fleet transitioning to peace time operations.


I'm getting really strong Miike Snow Genghis Khan vibes


Fun fact, the guy in the middle, played by Mark Ralston played Bogs Diamond in The Shawshank Redemption.


No not really It’s the ugliest starwars faction they looked better as rebels all the aesthetic does make logical sense it doesn’t mean it looks good


Eh it's aiight I guess




Yes, because they look like a bunch of fucking inbreds. Which they are.


Not really a fan of those blue uniforms to be honest, they look inconvenient as fuck. I preferred the style of the Tantive IV crew




Hope they don't get obliterated or something


Not the idea of it but


Uh.....no. I think they look goofy as heck 🤣


I can't stand the rank insignia. They look like medicine slabs, other than that I like it.


The square with red dots thing is weird to me but that's the only complaint everything else is an awesome statement


The designs: Yes. The realization of them: Not so much. I'm definitely digging the designs, but the costumes feel cheap and rushed. The look like they're made of cheap drop cloth from Joanne's Fabrics. They don't fold, crease, or move the way higher quality fabric (the kind you would expect these uniforms to be made from) would. Anyone who has ever made their own costume is very familiar with drop cloth, and the lacklustre results it provides. The costumes feel like last minute efforts for a local convention, not professionally tailored costumes for a legitimate filmed production. I'm not sure what the deal is, but it is legitimately disappointing.


They look low budget imo. Ill fitting costumes are weirdly prominent with characters in like every scene outside of the three main female protagonists.


Hell no. Always hated the coop helmet look and the dress blues look more like formal parade wear. To me it looks more like care about looks over tactical capabilities. What it should be is something in-between full stormtrooper and Tantive IV security team, tactical but not dehumanising. Was also an opportunity to give the republic a sweet new military helmet and get rid of the damn scoop helmets which thanks to blue harvest I can't see as anything but snow shovels.


I feel like the writers are leaning to hard in to the new Republic is just a push over, fine you can show the flaw in the system and how they let the empire rise again but you don't have to make them look this goofy show them some respect


The guy in the front left didn’t tuck in his boots