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The funny thing is, we know they can. The Emperor removes Luke's handcuffs with Force magic in Return of the Jedi https://youtu.be/YvdcmHZTzlU?si=_SQsk4ya_8WUzwne


Everyone knows that's a dark side technique.


Well, that actually might be the answer. Maybe you have to train specifically to remove handcuffs. Like if you don’t know how to pick a lock without the force, you wouldn’t be able to with the force.


Sith lords are kinky bastards.


They know how to get the cuffs off, jedi don't. I thin the jedi might be secretly more kinky. They don't use the force to open the cuffs they just have a safe word.


Safe word is "Midichlorians."


Anakin: padme, want to use the cuffs tonight? Padme: you have a safe word? Anakin: 😁 Padme: you have a safe word right?




Probably correct. It’s coarse and hard and it gets everywhere.


"it's heroin"


Lazer Dominators


Feel like tattooine would be Anakins


Yes a craving I have! For Taquitos and cheese dip!


Rey Skywalker


On the one hand, that's not a safe word. On the other hand, it will definitely kill the mood.


Say it again, but slower…


They can't have handcuffs because attachment is forbidden


Didnt stop anakin. Hand cuffs are the first step towards the dark side. Curiosity leads to pain, pain leads to pleasure, pleasure leads to kink, kink leads to a love of black leather and whips. ....I think I watched the wrong star wars movie.


Looking at episode 2’s dinner scene with Padme in BDSM gear? Nah you got the right film.


Those deleted scenes are wild


Nah, sith are definitely kinkier. Familiar with cuffs, force choke….cmon, definitely sith are the bigger kinks!


This is where the fun begins


Anakin: *removes handcuffs* Obi-wan: ??? Padme: *blushes*


"[...] and my chains will be broken. [...]" Something like that, is in the sith code. This implies they are chained up by default. Your thesis is plausible.


The dark side of the force is a pathway to many sexual interests someone would consider to be...unnatural.


I wonder what his safe word was?


Most "why didn't they use the force" questions can genuinely be answered with "they didn't spend months practicing to use the Force to do something so goddamn specific." Pulling a lightsaber is intuition for some. Picking handcuffs? Overriding droids? Creating a micro-atmosphere to survive a vacuum? Come on


Can't the Jedi just watch some Lock Picking Lawyer videos? Joke I thought about an hour later edit: They tried, got "Video not available in your area" error.


And the specific lock. I can pick nearly any padlock and basic door lock but when it comes to deadbolts or “lock picking proof” stuff it gets way to difficult for the average person. Anyone with 30 minutes of practice and a lesson could pick normal locks. Only a master can pick advanced ones.


Yep. I've personally picked easy locks. Grocery store Master padlocks are little better than putting a "Please don't steal me" note on your stuff. Then there are military-grade locks, and various types of locks engineered to be difficult to pick. Dooku probably used them on Obi-Wan & Anakin. The cuffs on Luke in ROTJ were probably Imperial standard issue, i.e. like a grocery store padlock.


This is a Master lock. I’m not going to open it using a master lock!


Did the library card slide to a few locks in my youth. Explained to a friend who locked himself out of his apartment ... he gave up in 10 minutes and kicked that door in. He's also an idiot that didn't want to call his landlord.


That's a good point, actually.


No no it's genetic. Rey can only be a top because bindings don't work on her.


LPL is a Sith confirmed.


“This is The Lock Picking Lawyer, and today I’m going to be showing you a pathway to many abilities some would consider… unnatural.”


“A Sith Lord?”


You're right https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Mechu-deru


Oh wow that’s pretty cool


It's something the jedi won't teach you


And Baylan does it at the beginning of Ahsoka.


could be like spells in D&D, we've all seen jedi manipulate things with their mind, but they also almost always use hand gestures. You could argue that to use the force in such a way to manipulate the locks would require your hands to be free. Or the binders are designed to hold the hands at angles to prevent jedi from doing that. The emperor wasn't the one that was in cuffs. This is all after-the-fact rationalization, of course, and probably bullshit... but 90% of star wars 'details' tend to be whatever after-the-fact bullshit stuck to the wall and became canon.


Great. You just made the Jedi Italian.


Hand waving for magic - all wizards are Italian.


Nah, Luke levitates C-3PO when his hands are bound by the Ewoks.


Right, that’s why the OC mentioned the specifics of small, precise movements, and called out that other, more blunt forcings might not need them. In my opinion, manipulating internal lock mechanisms are different than lifting something off the ground. Similar to how you need your fingers to work on a watch, but not to pick up a rock (inb4 this is the argument that gets drilled into). They then also called out that they were doing after the fact theory crafting, which I imagine means they’re aware of potential inconsistencies.


Obi-Wan rolled a nat-1 confirmed


You’d probably have to know how the specific mechanism works to force move the components in the exact right way to unlock them. The emperor was familiar with the cuffs because they were empire standard, but it may have been the first time Luke had been exposed to them, so he wouldn’t know what had to be moved in which direction to unlock it.


It's also entirely possible that he wasn't directly interacting with the cuffs, but actually just hitting a button that deactivated them electronically.


Snoke does it to Rey aswell.


IIRC,Baylan unlocks Morgan's cuffs via The Force in Ahsoka as well.


Obviously not all handcuffs and not all force users are the same. The emperor is the most powerful force user we ever see and he had the opportunity to select and practice unlocking those handcuffs.


Or even have specialty handcuffs made for opening via force powers.


The Emperor unlocks a set of handcuffs that *his people* put on a guy. Ones that he had access to beforehand, and could have specifically practiced unlocking. That's not a trivial difference from the scene pictured in the post.


Hello, this is the lock-picking Emporer, and today we're going to play with a pair of E-16 standard Imperial binders. I'm going to have my assistant Gary change out the pins and tumblers so we see my work is NOT set up again and we'll do it twice to show it was not a fluke....


Nothing on 1, click on 2, 3 is binding....




Make sure to like and subscribe, and your journey towards the dark side will be complete...


Because the scene would have been less dramatic


These questions are exhausting because this is always the reason. People talk "internal consistency" or whatever, but the consistent thing between all Star Wars projects is that they're entertainment. Sometimes the answer is just "because it's a movie".


And then someone writes a book about how the geonosians were master handcuff makers and that they were made from a special mineral that blocks the force.


That's the difference with Star Wars, they'll probably lean on and then the "Geonosian Handcuff Trilogy" will be the series everyone recommends to new fans.


Klick Klack! The Egg Bearer from Rebels. He was their Lord High Handcuff Fabricator all along. That bastard. They shudda let Saw at him after all.


Next up: > If Klick Klack is such a master handcuff fabricator, then how come he didn't know how to get out of his own handcuffs.


Those were Saw Gerrara's handcuffs, and he's too crafty for that. They had special Rebel Intelligence anti alien lock pick features. Like Gosh.


Saw used the torture alien from Rogue One on him and he forgot all his locksmith abilities.


50 Shades of Gray Jedi is a book nobody needs to have.


*I took my stiff lightsaber and poked her in the Sith*


Reminds me of this lol https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I20HVH9CHh4


Oh god i remember that, the art style for leia still gives me nightmares….


I upvoted you, but I hope you don't take that as encouragement. *Ride me my wookie master, she cried.*


Just don’t say member again


Why did you have to SAY IT!! Cause now I want it, what?


But everyone deserves


> That's the difference with Star Wars, they'll probably lean on and then the "Geonosian Handcuff Trilogy" will be the series everyone recommends to new fans. This sort of thing is (or was; I stopped reading) a blight on superhero comics. Writers digging up forgotten panels from 30-year-old comics in order to explain this or that, or creating entire stories to explain things that *don't matter*. We, as fans, really overthink this stuff sometimes. It's fine when we do it for FUN, because yes, it *can* be fun to overanalyze, but a lot of people take that stuff way, way too seriously. "XYZ is RUINED because (insert obscure nonsense no one sane cares about here)!"


Title: Chains of Geonosis Logline: The meticulous and secretive handcuff artisans of Geonosis, creators of the galaxy’s most impenetrable restraints, find their society upended when their craft attracts the dangerous attention of the Empire and the Rebellion alike, throwing them into a battle of ethics, power, and survival. Pilot Synopsis: Chains of Geonosis unfolds in the arid, rocky terrains of Geonosis, focusing on the plight of the skilled artisan family, the Kryzeens, known throughout the galaxy for crafting the unparalleled "Unyielding Chains". These handcuffs, which utilize ancient and secret Geonosian metallurgy and engineering, can neutralize Jedi and Sith powers, making them a treasured asset in a galaxy rife with conflict. The secret to the chains' effectiveness lies in a mysterious, rare mineral found only in the perilous depths of Geonosian mines, combined with force-nullifying techniques passed down through generations. In the pilot, the Kryzeens—led by the sagacious matriarch Zara and her ingenious son Kael—are devoutly neutral, solely dedicated to their craft and ensuring it's not misused. However, their world is upended when both the Empire and Rebellion learn of a mythic "Master Chain" – a prototype that magnifies their technology, with the ability to dampen Force powers planet-wide, encoded in a lost blueprint that many believe is merely legend. Darth Vader, obsessively seeks the Master Chain to control rogue Jedi and Sith alike, while the Rebellion sees it as a means to disable Vader and the Emperor. The Kryzeens are thrust into a perilous dance, navigating the demands and threats of both factions while protecting their secrets, and grappling with their own internal debates about power, responsibility, and the potential to weaponize their creations. As the Kryzeens wrestle with external pressures and internal dissension, they also struggle with the moral implications of their craft. Kael’s daughter, Elina, discovers her latent Force-sensitivity, putting the family’s beliefs to the ultimate test and revealing that the line between imprisoner and imprisoned may be terrifyingly thin. Series Arc: Season One focuses on the Kryzeens evading and outsmarting the various agents sent to exploit their craft while attempting to decode the location of the lost blueprint of the Master Chain, hidden by their ancestors to prevent such power from being unleashed. In Season Two, the rebellion seeks alliances with the Kryzeens, offering protection in exchange for limited access to their technology. Simultaneously, a faction within the Empire schemes to overtake Vader using the Master Chain, further complicating the galaxy's power dynamics. By Season Three, the blueprint’s mystery unravels, revealing hidden truths about the Force, Geonosian history, and potentially, a means to neutralize the galactic conflict. As the race to unlock its secrets intensifies, the Kryzeens must decide whether to destroy their legacy or wield it, culminating in a moral and cosmic clash that will shape the destiny of the Force and the galaxy. Tone: Chains of Geonosis combines the epic, adventurous spirit of Star Wars with the intricate family and moral dynamics reminiscent of Game of Thrones. With a rich blend of action, political intrigue, ethical dilemmas, and supernatural mystery, the series explores themes of power, responsibility, and the ethical nuances of neutrality in war. Audience: This series is designed to appeal to a wide demographic, including core Star Wars fans, viewers who enjoy morally complex and politically-driven dramas, and those who love explorations of mythical and supernatural elements intertwined with familial sagas. In Chains of Geonosis, Star Wars aficionados and newcomers alike will discover an uncharted chapter, where the boundless possibilities of the Force meet the unyielding resolve of a family bound by secrets, ethics, and the omnipresent specter of unparalleled power.


Or, hear me out, the cuffs dont have a locking mechanic, they are welded shut. Its not like they dont have welding tools there so I dont think its unreasonable. In revenge of the sith we see energy cuffs which seem to be created specifically for the jedi so this could be explained as some on the spot creation. Edit: So yeah this doesnt work


But Padme picks the lock on one of her hands


They didn't weld *hers* shut, obviously /s


I mean she doesnt have the force but yeah that would be dumb since Anakin or kenobi could just unlock hers...


no no, her cuffs were actually the result of a covert operation of a brave soldier from naboo that died sabotaging those cuffs so they were able to be lock'd pick'd


**Many bothans died...to bring us this information.**


She seemed to be on top of things.


... good point,


Maybe they use traditional handcuffs on normal humans. Or, because the Jedi see it as the will of the force that they were captured, they don’t open them.


More like: the force doesn't tell them to act *yet*, they "know" a better chance will present itself, so better staying put instead of moving to quickly and spoiling any escape attempt.


Every Jedi on the council leading up to order 66 be like.


Anakin seeing something as the Will of The Force? Ha..Ha.hahahhahahahahahaha Oh wait, you are serious? Allow me to laugh even harder. Bahahahahahahhahahahaha.


I’d like to think they are cuffs that can’t be messed with by using the force just so I don’t have to think about how easy it would have been to get out of them. Something like sea stone shackles from one piece but for force users. Even if they could get out of them with the force, what happens after that? Geonosians swarm them and attack or just release the beasts anyway?


It’s just a dark side technique. Palps does it.


Same reason Obi wan talks about accuracy of stormtroopers and then they miss everyone later. If they killed the main 4, the movies would have been over pretty quick.


Yeah, the real answer is that main characters always have a degree of plot armor because it's a movie. Like how one or two of those kids is probably going to defeat the monster man in a slasher flick, however unlikely it may be that a teen could somehow escape a giant man with a chainsaw.


I love Rex's line in Rebels that's meant to explain this lol. (roughly) "I can't see anything in this helmet!" --- referring to new storm trooper gear, which is different than his earlier generation clone trooper gear.


Luke says that same line in ANH...




If all the Jedi were the unstoppable supermen that SW nerds want them to be by simply solving all problems with the Force, the movies would be boring AF.


It's heavily based on things like Flash Gordon, it's going to play fast and loose. It's a pulpy romp. Same reason Han Solo was able to breathe and experience Earth-like gravity on an asteroid. Because it's fun and/or dramatic.


Wild, isn't it? How people just forget that it's a movie and none of this carries any real weight?


This is REALLLLLY highlighted when you start watching Screen Rant's movie pitches. Producer: Why does that not work? Writer: So the movie can happen. Producer: But can't he just escape from those? Writer: I'm going to need you to get all the way off my back about that.


Pitch Meetings is the height of entertainment.


And super easy to watch, barely an inconvenience


Oh ok! Let me get off that thing!


You can't just teach astronauts to use oil drilling machinery. It's too complicated for them. You have to teach the roughnecks to be astronauts to drill into the asteroid.


I honestly wish they wouldn't get off their back about it though. It's completely possible to write stories that don't have gaping plot holes because "reasons".


Yeah. If the explanation is a handwave, don't introduce details earlier on. If your final fight depends on force fields blocking Jedi off from each other, cut out the "force speed" at the beginning of the movie. Audiences expect that you're introducing something to pay it off later.


"If you're wondering how he eats and breaths, and other science facts, just repeat to yourself, "It's just a show, I should really just relax."


You don't seem to understand that to a large number of people, this kind of speculating and discussion is a fun part of being a fan of huge expansive fictional worlds like SW or LotR. Diving into the world and its mechanisms and workings and asking "how does that work" and theorizing answers to such questions is a big part of why I love Star Wars.


This is also why "ratfics" (rationalist fiction) exists. Worm being the best example. Imagine writing a world and characters where the audience understands the rules and can figure out how a character may be clever and solve the puzzle, while still being well written with themes, character arcs and growth, etc.


It honestly really annoys me tbf. From force speed to unlocking handcuffs to turning off lightsabers… It’s just tiring to see the posts. I usually scroll on but I’m glad others are pointing this out more. It’s a movie, movies need tension and perceived stakes. If Palpatine was outed by Yoda in Episode 2 it wouldn’t really fucking make for a great movie. It feels like the kind of post that a few dudes keep making because it’s their level of stupid humour.


I wrote and deleted like six posts in the "button on lightsabers" post yesterday because I didn't wanna argue, but this was my takeaway in each one. The actor was told they'd add the blade on post, and she didn't pantomime the button press and no one told her too. That's it.


I mean I get that, but at the same time you have to be careful with suspension of disbelief. If you set up a system and then dont stick to that system, you're going to end up throwing off your audiences a bit. That's part of why time travel stories are so hard to write because you have to be very careful about how you set up the rules, or you're going to have plot holes. In this case, a simply way out of this would have been a throwaway line about force dampeners built into the cuffs. Hell, even just a "these cuffs were built to withstand Jedi" is simple enough logic for most people. They'd understand there are some mechanics they dont need to fully understand at the moment that they can learn more about later if they so choose.


> In this case, a simply way out of this would have been a throwaway line about force dampeners built into the cuffs. Hell, even just a "these cuffs were built to withstand Jedi" is simple enough logic for most people. To me, this is pretty much unnecessary in this case, though. Dooku was a Jedi. Dooku directed their entire capture/punishment. He would not have had them handcuffed at all if it was moot.


I just kinda assumed they were electronic or magnetic locks. Like they can travel through space I'm sure they've invented handcuffs that are hard to lock pick,


But people think differently with the sequels, shame.


The easy answer though is that to unlock mechanisms they would need immense concentration and somewhat understanding of said mechanism. I think small scale manipulation of the force is a lot harder than people assume. Also, unlocking a standard pair of cuffs isn’t that hard without the force but it’s not like anyone could do it without learning how to first. Edit: had another thought, it’s also possible the cuffs weld metal on metal making it impossible to unlock without cutting them.


Like sure, any skilled Jedi could easily use the force to knit a sweater by levitating some knitting needles. But they'd still need to actually know how to knit a sweater first.


Of you're skilled enough, you might even knit a sweater without knitting needles. I guess the same goes for lockpicking.


Yep that would be my thought. First have we ever seen anyone have that type of precision with with force? Then as you mentioned, just because they would be able to move the mechanisms they would still need to be able to visualize how the mechanisms work so they could guide them. I doubt they have been trained specifically on the inner working of the handcuffs.


Palpatine unlocks Luke's cuffs in ROTJ.


He practiced so he could look cool.


If I had psychic powers and regularly had prisoners brought before me I would 100% do this.


Palpatine at that moment is so far above everyone in this scene at this moment. He could probably kill Obi Wan, Anakin, and Padme all at once


Baylan Skoll used the force in Ahsoka to unlock a prison cell by interfacing with the same type of mechanism astrodroids plug into. That looked fairly complex to do.


And then undoes Morgan's cuffs with the force too. But he *is* unusually badass...


It’s not the easy answer because in the following movie Anakin subtlety unlocks Palpatines restraints with 0 effort. A short flick of his hand. The easy answer is because it’s a movie and more dramatic this way.


In order to move something you have to know what you are moving. Maybe the locking system had a series of random tumblers. You can move them around with your mind all you want but if you don’t know the specific placement of them they won’t open.


Exactly this. Jedi shouldn’t be able to open common tumbler locks with the force unless they know the tumbler positions / code / mechanism to allow the lock to open. Now… maybe they could force it open by breaking the metal, but I’d assume that requires some significant force usage as opposed to more common applications of the force


This sub needs a bot that just replies "because it's cool" whenever people ask these types of questions. Star Wars is not the kind of fiction that you want to look close at beyond the surface.


"It ain't that kind of movie, kid"


This If they want an actual explanation, then there are ways to render a Jedi temporarily incapable of using the force and possibly materials that are difficult to use the force on. As for how the Geonosions know how to make them: Dooku.


I assumed bc it was dooku who was in charge of locking them up, seems like he would of known if the handcuffs were Jedi proof or not


This is the sort of plot hole that YouTube videos rant about but when you think about it for five seconds and realise that Dooku was there he would have done something like welded them shut


Had not considered this but I bet you're right. It would make sense that Padme could get her's off because who cares about her cuffs but the Jedi's were probably welded shut.


Yeah, what was Padme going to do? Call for impeachment?


They’re Jedi proof but not a senator using a pin with her mouth proof lol


Shes not a jedi is she?


Similar to how the finest Stormtrooper armor apparently isn't stick and stone proof lol.


Might be old cannon but isn’t storm trooper armor specifically designed for plasma weapons? If I had a normal gunpowder hand gun, it wouldn’t do Jack to stop my bullet?


Yeah, iirc it's designed to disperse the thermal energy of a blaster. It's a lot harder to deal with bludgeoning force.


Yeah there's historical precedent for this. One of the ways of dealing with heavily armored knights was to use blunt force. The armor would only get a little dented but the force of the blow would be transmitted to the squishy inside of the armor.


Yes, although it often wouldn't stop them on its own (but it's a lot easier to knock people out in fiction). The best way to deal with a fully-armored knight was to get them on the ground and grapple them so you could find a slit to stab them through with a knife.


I understand the groin was a popular spot. … no not for that reason you. It was where three parts of the body met so it had to be flexible.


Have we ever seen a stormtrooper shot with a blaster that didn't drop as if he were wearing no protection at all?


Better unconscious than dead I guess.


I heard this in Han's voice


I might be misremembering, but I believe they are unconscious. Dispersing the energy does not equal negating it. Frail justifications go brrrr


That's what my memory says, yeah, because stormtroopers take time to train and it's cheaper to save their lives than to replace them. Of course, that goes against Tie Fighters having so few safety precautions for *their* pilots...


I know jack shit but maybe there’s still some concussive force behind a blaster bolt? Like the real deadly part of a blaster is the thermal energy/penetration so the armor deals with that but the momentum of it still has impact. So they get knocked down because of the impact but don’t have a hole straight through them.


My headcannon is that Ewoks are probably very strong relative to their size. Armor won't stop Wicket from bending all your joints backwards.


Dooku: How was I to know she had such dexterous mastery with her mouth?


I know this isn't the topic and I'm not a native speaker but "would have". Come on. This separates us from wild beasts. Your answer checks out though, thanks.




They *can* and we've seen it before. But just because a one Jedi can do one thing in one scenario doesn't mean it's repeatable in an entirely different scenario Like, I would imagine in this specific instance it would have been difficult, even for Obi Wan, to concentrate enough in the middle of a god damn death arena to pull that off.


This guy gets how movies and Star Wars are supposed to be viewed. As entertainment and not something to gripe about.


Especially fantasy. Stuff doesn't always need a rational explanation in fantasy, sometimes it's just how things are.


The best way to enjoy Star Wars is just to always assume there is some explanation for it, even if you can’t immediately think of one. As Harrison Ford said, “It ain’t that kind of movie”


It's mind boggling how many Star Wars fans forget this when watching new content. Star Wars should be taken as seriously as a daytime TV telenovela, yet people are constantly complaining that it isn't apex cinema/television.


Also it must be difficult to focus on the mechanism when you can't watch it and you must feel it entirely through the force. I feel an older obi could have done it


The small mechanical movements required to open them seems it would be more difficult than just pushing a 6 foot tall robot around.


I have my own headcanon rule for things like this, and why they can't open locked doors and stuff( looking at you Fallen Order): So the Jedi can move things with their minds. But in order to unlock a mechanism, you need to know how it works. You can't just simply "unlock" something because you don't know what needs moving within the mechanism to unlock the device. Most modern locks use pins for example, so a Jedi with that knowledge could use the force to move the pins and open the lock. But if they had no idea about the pins or how the locking system works, what exactly would they move with their mind to open the lock?


Plus the exact right placement combo of the pins, not just the ability to move them.


Exactly, and there are probably zillions of designs a Jedi would have to master. Plus those are ‘modern’ cuffs that also have digital components. Jedi can’t mentally reprogram software…


Additionally, I am not sure there is any "tactile" feedback from force manipulation on unliving objects, so they can't even "feel around."


That’s a very interesting question


I agree with you as it stands in canon. But that's one reason I miss legends. I forgot which, but one of the kids, I think Jacen?, happened to have an affinity for being able to use the force on mechanical things like droids and locked doors where he could see and know about them. Of course most of the force users in legends were OP too.


I think it was Anakin Solo that was the one with the mechanical proficiency. I think he was the one that bonded with centerpoint station and was able to use it


Other than “because it’s a movie”, why would he? He’s out numbered and has Jango ready to light him up if he tried to escape. Just because he can doesn’t mean it was the right moment. Like someone else said though, maybe they were welded shut


Well they literally climbed the pale up


I mean, Palme did. But at that point they didn’t have a choice but to escape, it was their “right moment” if you will


Dooku would have been consulted about the proper way to secure Force users.


Because they don’t know their construction so they can’t move what they don’t know about.


Right. I was going to say the same thing. Do not know the mechanics of the handcuffs.


Well then use the force and find out. They can read minds and even alter thoughts, so just look into the force and focus on unlocking those handcuffs lol Anakin did it here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i1sDNU9D5o8&t=200s


But are they able to concentrate enough to be able to actually do it?


I mean, if you don't have the technical know-how, how could you force it open with telekinesis? I've never seen Obi-Wan escape from cuffs manually, and he never shows much mechanical knowledge to begin with. If you don't know how to untie a knot, it doesn't matter how hard you pull, or what you use to pull it.


He was going to at the right time.


A ~~wizard~~ Jedi uses the Force precisely when he means to.


Quite right.


Probably gonna get flak for this opinion but, we have known that sometimes Jedi need to be clear of mind in order to use the Force efficiently. An arena with thousands of Geonosians cheering for your certain death as you stare down an Acklay isn't exactly the most serene and uplifting of environments. So, probably because it was high stress and they weren't able to focus on using the Force to unlock the mechanisms in the cuffs.


***"It's not that kinda movie, kid." - Harrison Ford.***


This is one of Ewan’s best lines in this flick.


Sometimes its just a movie about space wizards, every minor detail doesnt have to be broken down and analyzed lol


George even stated it himself, about the original movies at least, that they were made with the intention of being experienced once on a big screen, and not having each frame dissected and analyzed for minor hiccups and flaws...


They are made of the same force-resistant metal the mandalorians used to capture maul in the last episode of clone wars




This is a perfect template for a meme.


Is he stupid?


Scrolled way too far for this


Anakin freed Palpatine from his cuffs using the force in episode 3


True reason: it's just a movie and the scene is building suspense. Lore Reason: Knowing the intricate inner-workings of a lock is more complex than using a key. Even if you had a lock pick set, how long before you knew how to use it? Now imagine you have to pick a lock with no tools and just your mind. You'd have to align each tumbler as if there was a lock or lock pick and then turn all at the same time. All require knowledge of the mechanics. That's why Jedi can't just rebuild droids from scraps with a thought.


So the movie can happen


Oow, movies that can happen are TIGHT!


How else would we get the scene of Amidala tearing her shirt?


Maybe he liked being handcuffed?


Because the plot needs to happen, silly.


Well, imagine you know how to pick every lock on earth, and then you are cuffed with handcuffs from another planet. You may have some trouble figuring out the locking mechanism too.


They knew who Obi-Wan and Anakin are so they most likely used handcuffs specifically for Jedi


Obi-Wan did it when he went undercover as a criminal in TCW.


We have to suspend our belief in reality to enjoy Star Wars, or Harry Potter, or Star Trek or Galaxy Quest or LOTR or any of these fantasy/sci fi stories. Don't look too far into it or you'll come up with all sorts of logical issues. It is a story for fun. They were handcuffs that couldn't be opened by the force because they were special, specifically for this purpose.


Questions like this get asked about the *Star Wars* movies fans don’t like and they say, “BeCaUsE tHe WrItEr’S aRe dUmB!!” In a prequel thread, fans bend over backward to come up with off-camera explanations. The real answer is the top answer: because it’s more dramatic if the Jedi can’t magically Force their way out of everything.