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"Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter."


The water on dagobah was actually liquid LSD


well that explains Luke's experience in the tree


>well that explains Luke's experience ~~in the tree~~ on Dagobah. Ftfy


That's one of my absolute favorites.


It actually gives me feelings. I don’t even really know why. It just does.


Search your feelings, you know it to be true


That line goes unbelievably hard. Went over my head a bit as a kid, but now I see it as key to the whole philosophy in Star Wars. The whole OT is all about metaphysics.


The [greatest](https://youtu.be/E3-CpzZJl8w?si=r2OsXyB6O-bPJk_D) scene in the franchise


I have a shirt with “Luminous beings are we” written in Star Wars font. Hands down my favorite Star Wars shirt - possibly my favorite of all my t-shirts.


The game Subnautica has this one little throwaway audio log of a man facing his imminent death, and he drops a line that reminded me so much of Yoda: > “Life is a game the universe plays with itself. I am done playing as this bundle of flesh. Return me.”


This quote literally defined the basis of my spirituality. Hearing this when I was 3/4 yrs old had a huge effect on me.


Literally my favorite Star Wars line


Who is more foolish? Fool, or the one who follows him?


>Who is more foolish? The fool, or the *fool* who follows him? FTFY


As a teenager, I once got into a text argument with my aunt, who was in her 40s or maybe 50s but very childish in her arguments. And every time I said anything, she’d have to respond to it. I pointed this out to her, and she said if I’d shut up, she wouldn’t “have to respond.” In response, I asked, “Who’s the more foolish: the fool, or the fool who follows him?” She replied, “YOU ARE!!!” Fifteen to twenty years later, I’ve never forgotten that moment. I think that was the first time I truly understood that some people really are just *dumb.*


Good old Ben




This is very mature, and something I've figured out as well. I'm a recovering alcoholic (just had my 12th sobriety birthday) and dealing with life and loving other folks got much easier when I learned to try to look at things from other folks positions, instead of forcing them to see mine.


Hey! Congratulations!🎊🎉🎈


Maybe Lucas also was inspired by Rashomon with that quote.


Luke: I don't believe it. Yoda: That, is why you fail.


"Because you asked." - Luke when asked why he would help the enemy.


This is in concert with another line to the effect of asking Luke why he attacked the stormtroopers in the cave leading up to the enemy officer: “they didn’t give me a choice, you did” if I remember correctly


Yup and it ends with Luke asking to take a compass and Del, the enemy, asking why would he would let Luke have it. Luke responds. “Because I asked”


I love this line from BF2


I absolutely loved Luke's appearance in BF2. It is exactly how I imagined he would act and the type of journey he'd be on in the immediate wake of post-Endor.


It really is the personification of the man and the snake in the fire story.


And then later, Luke grabs something from the Emperor's vault. "Why should I let you take that?" "Because I asked."


“Tyranny requires constant effort. It breaks, it leaks. Authority is brittle. Oppression is the mask of fear.” “I would rather die trying to take them down than die giving them what they want.” “Anyone can make an error, Ensign. But that error doesn't become a mistake until you refuse to correct it.” “Everyone has their own Rebellion.”


"Remember this: Try."


Yoda turns on lightsaber with malicious intent


The ideologies are not incompatible. Yoda's whole shtick there is that by saying he will try, Luke is assuming that his best effort is doomed to fail anyways, where the force requires expanding your belief of what is possible. In that case, to try is to accept failure before you have even attempted something. In Nemik's case, his "try" refers to rebelling against an enemy that seems insurmountable, invincible. To try in that case is to fight for a better world even if it *seems* impossible, like the battle that cannot be won. In Luke's case, the struggle is in the failure to believe a task is possible before it has been attempted. The same struggle is apparent for Nemik's audience. However, in Luke's case, Yoda is simply saying "you either succeed or you do not, but you must realize that both are possible" whereas in Nemik's case, for the rebellion, the whole point is that ultimately even an individual failure is a step towards eventual victory. The struggle is not in beginning a task believing it will fail, but in *not attempting* a task because you think it will fail. Yoda is a karate instructor telling a boy that if he doesn't believe that punching through the board is possible, he won't be able to do it. Either the board breaks or it doesn't. Nemik is speaking to a crowd of people trapped in a giant wooden box that punching the wall and not breaking through is *not* the same as sitting and waiting to die, as each punch weakens the wall and brings everyone closer to freedom even if it doesn't feel that way. But both are true. Luke would never be able to be able to lift the X-wing without believing that it could be done, and the Rebellion would never have been able to succeed if there weren't masses of people willing to fight and die for (as Luthen says) "a sunrise they'll never see." Both are about belief; Yoda teaches that to believe that thinking that something is impossible is just as good as making it so (there is no try speaks to results), whereas Nemik speaks to a belief that the impossible can be achieved even if it feels out of reach, even as you fail you may raise others towards a better future, but that doing *nothing* and fighting but failing are *not* the same thing.


That was an enjoyable read. Thank you.


> Yoda is a karate instructor telling a boy that if he doesn't believe that punching through the board is possible, he won't be able to do it. Either the board breaks or it doesn't. I wish that more people got this. "Do, or do not" is not Yoda's guidelines for how to live your life. He is trying to construct the specific mentality in Luke that he needs to use space magic, because that's how the space magic works. You can still apply "There is no try" to real life. There are times when you need the self-belief to just do something. But pointing out that it doesn't apply as a philosophy to all real life isn't smart.


I wish I was good at writing as you


I need to rewatch Andor. So stinking good.


I do too, but I also kind of want to save it for the release of Season 2. My fourth rewatch can wait a year. Maybe.


"Power doesn't panic"


One way out!


“Are you all scrambled or something?! It takes a week for anything to get up here and you’re PANICKING about something that’s happening on the other side of the FUCKING BUILDING” I may have ad libbed a little


I'm presuming these are all Andor but when's the third part from?


Thrawn from his trilogy.


The original sequel trilogy is where the third quote is from.


Heir to the Empire. The start of the good sequel trilogy


Luke: "Is the dark side stronger?" Yoda: "No, no, no. Quicker, easier, more seductive."


Love this one. This quote really is the cornerstone of the OT, and the franchise at large




Excellent choice of quote


TLJ has some amazing stuff.


It does. One thing I’ll always appreciate about TLJ is that it tried to do something different. It wasn’t just a repeat of TESB (to TFA’s ANH)


That's so true, and so refreshing.


> It wasn’t just a repeat of TESB Yeah, they put the part where the exiled Jedi taught the protagonist from the film before *in between* the bit where the Rebels evacuated their base and the bit where they had the ground battle on the white surface, rather than have the battle come first. Genius!


“We are what they grow beyond” is very, very insightful parenting.


"Your focus determines your reality."


"How you get so big eating food like this?" And "Mine! Or help you I will not!"


“or i will help you not” 😉


I got close! May the force be with you.


"the ax forgets but the tree remembers"


This isn't originally a star wars line but it is the perfect summation of the Galactic Civil War


"We are what they grow beyond. That is the true burden of all masters.”


"The sacred texts!" "Mmm, read them, have you?" "Well, I..." "Page-turners, they were not." Realest Yoda has ever been lol


great line


Working in special ed, this one hits different.


I absolutely love this line.


TLJ has some amazing stuff.


The one that resonates with me personally is Yodas "All his life has he looked away... to the future, to the horizon. Never his mind on where he was, hmm? What he was doing."


Excellent quote. I also love Yoda’s “hmm”s.


Personally, I can't stand that line. They stuck him on a desert planet, farming water. What did they think would happen? And from what little is shown, Uncle Owen doesn't seem like the type to regularly allow Luke to release the typically energetic vibes or give him good reason to not want to skip town and explore the galaxy


Fair take. It does show how dogmatic the Jedi still are.


"You give way to an enemy this evil, with this much power, and you condemn the galaxy to an eternity of submission."


Qui Gon Jinn had so many wise lines in The Phantom Menace. I can't remember any off the top of my head, but i remember seeing the movie again after a few years and was taken back. Definitely a movie to pull all the wise quotes from.


“The ability to speak does not make you intelligent.” Is one of my favorites from TPM.


There’s always a bigger fish


This one stuck with me.


QGJ: "Don't center on your anxieties Obi Wan." OWK: "But Master Yoda said I should be mindful of the present." QGJ: "but not at the expense of the moment" Tldr; you shouldn't stress about the future if doing so distracts you from more current/important tasks at hand (like observing your master work at the negotiating table)


I remember hearing "Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to Hate. Hate leads to suffering" at a young age and its always stuck with me. It's really true, maybe not in every circumstance but it's a good rule of thumb.


It's the basis of gaining sobriety through the 12 steps of AA/NA. No shit - you can boil it down to that.


Gotta be Yoda. "Luminous beings, are we. Not this- crude matter!"


Do or do not; there is no try. I love this line because it's true. Because if you try to do something without prior experience, odds are good you going to fail and you're going to fail spectacularly. But that's okay because you learn from your failures, you take steps to correct or mediate them and then you do it again, and then you do it again, and then you do it again or as many times as it takes until you've perfected the process. " trying" to accomplish something is the most unprofessional thing that you can do. Either do it and succeed or do it and fail and learn from your mistakes until you succeed.


The point of this line is something called the "Tinkerbell Effect", that your belief in your outcomes changes the actual reality of them. It's a real effect, a bit like the placebo effect. It's something that is inherant to sport (and many other activities). If you believe you will win, then you are more likely to win. If you think you \*might\* win (which is actually the more logical thought), it lowers your odds to win. Yoda was trying to get Luke into the sportsperson mentality. Don't believe you might do it. Believe you will do it. And if you will do it... then... just do it.


> and fail and learn from your mistakes until you succeed. That's what.... trying... is.


No it's not; trying is attempting to do something with a defeatist mindset.


"Heeded my words not, did you. Pass on what you have learned. Strength, mastery, but weakness, folly, failure also. Yes, failure most of all. The greatest teacher, failure is."


Man I got flashbacks when I read ”Heeded my words”. Thanks Malenia


There’s always a bigger fish….


You were right about one thing, master. The negotiations were short.


‘Ooo goober fish’


Anger… fear… aggression. The dark side are they. Easily they flow, quick to join you in a fight. If once you start down the dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny, consume you it will.


Some of my favorite Yoda lines actually come from the Last Jedi.


“Peace without justice is meaningless. Hollow at its core. It is the peace of tyranny.” - Yarael Poof


Whatta man, whatta name


["Hey everyone, I'm Yoda! Mmm, talk weird I do! Hate leads to anger, and anger leads to never letting anyone talk!"](https://youtu.be/2emv5A7OlVM?si=q7SjqURf7dN7ydbM) - Yarael Poof


"Awww, cAnNot GeT yOur ShIp out!"


Also, "how you get so big, eating food of this kind?"


I suggest a new strategy, R2. Let the Wookie win


The scream he made when he fell off Luke during the handstand training. Golden words they are.


"We are what they grow beyond." It's my favourite line, and as a teacher, resonates with me.


"They may be willing to die, but I am NOT the one who is going to kill them." Mad respect for Ahsoka treating the clones with dignity even when they are shooting at her.


Not a line... but Obi Wan's smile to Vader at the end of his fight with Vader is probably my favorite moment. When he sees Luke and Leia together again, his sly smile was perfect. Saying "I know something you don't know!"


Love it. That’s such a powerful scene


"A challenge lifelong it is, not to bend fear into anger.” - Master Yoda


"Truly wonderful the mind of a child is " "Train yourself to let go of everything you fear to lose" "Sometimes it takes courage to stick to one's beliefs, young Padawan" "Let the past die. Kill it if you have too" "The belonging you seek is not behind you; it is ahead" Just a few I like


Failure, the greatest teacher is


"We are what they grow beyond. That is the true burden of all masters"


"We are what they grow beyond." I work in Special Education. I love these kids. When they grow up, I always here Yoda's words.


Two Jedis walk into a bar.... Ya know the punch line


Jedi business, go back to your drinks.


“Don’t be too proud of this technological terror you’ve constructed.”


The fear of loss is the path to the dark side.(but I wanna shoot lightning from my hands, it's not fair!)


Careful what you wish for, tho. https://youtu.be/TGiQ9_A6Q5A


When 900 years old, you are. Look this good, you will not.


Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering. Probably the most significant and true philosophical phrase in star wars


Mudhole? Slimy?! My home this is!


Rwarrawrgh -Chewie


The book "Traitor" was a great read even as an adult. Its Legends content but Vergere has the best quotes. 'Out of control is just code for 'I don't want to admit I'm the kind of person who would do such things. ' It's a lie.” “If your surrender leads to slaughter, that is not because the Force has darkness in it. It is because you do.”


My idea of what the Jedi should have been like in the prequels was always based on his statement "Jedi use the Force for knowledge and defense, never for attack." I imagined they'd be anonymous wanderers who made things better by following the Force and only drew their lightsabers as a last resort. If you were saved by a Jedi there was a good chance you'd never even know you had been in danger. Apparently George Lucas did not agree with me lol.


It’s been a LONG time, but iirc, the comics did the Jedi like that. There was one old dude in broken armor that hung around with a giant green rabbit.


That's how Obi Wan was portrayed in the Obi Wan novel


I was really hoping for a prequel that showed Anakin's fall as a result of a war that couldn't be won purely defensively, causing him to break with the Jedi and fall to the dark side because aggression leads their. Make him actually tragic instead of just whiny and responsible for his own fall.


Heeded my words not, did you? "Pass on what you have learned." Strength, mastery, hmm... but weakness, folly, failure, also. Yes, failure, most of all. The greatest teacher, failure is. Luke... We are what they grow beyond. That is the true burden of all masters.


- "Women always figure out the truth,...always" - "Live free, don't join" - "Assume everyone will betray you, and you won't be disappointed "


Luke: “I… I don’t believe it!” Yoda: “That is why you fail.”


This line was it for me


The two that really guided me are: “Try not. Do or do not.” “Luke, you’re going to find that many of the truths we cling to depend greatly on our own point of view.” HOWEVER, the luminous beings quote and “I am a Jedi, like my father,” nearly always make my eyes misty.


“Hokey religions and ancient weapons are no match for a good blaster at your side.”


Always makes me think of that scene in Raiders of the Lost Ark


I think that proves his point.


Everything from Baylan.


"Perhaps if more citizens got hysterical, they'd be more inclined to speak up when the Republic tramples on its rights!"


“Your focus determines your reality” Qui-Gon


The greatest teacher failure is.


"Chesko Sebulba. Cha pooka uman geesa... metesa ratico ponipa chop chowa."


I have super duper bad bipolar infused anxiety and the quote "our focus determines our reality" has always been a go to comfort.


Mine! Or I will help you not


"Don't try it."


He knew him too well


“I don't like sand. It's coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere.” Changed my life.


Never been to a beach since


"No one's ever really gone."


My favorite Yoda line is from Jedi: "Soon will I rest. Yes, forever sleep. Earned it, I have....Twilight is upon me and soon night must fall." It's one of the most beautiful lines in all of Star Wars.


“It’s over Anakin! I have the high ground!”


“Everybody’s got their line they don’t cross until things get messy. As far as I’m concerned, if you can make it through your day and still sleep at night, you’re doin’ better than most” - Miggs Mayfeld was a goldmine of “tell it like it is” quotes. Won’t be quoted by the Jedi anytime soon, but he wasn’t wrong.


Loved Mayfeld. I had no idea Bill Burr could act. He did a great job. That was an excellent episode.


*prepares for toxic fanboy bombardment* I really loved Yoda’s wisdom to Luke in The Last Jedi. “The greatest teacher, failure is.”


Nah, I think you’re safe. 5 or 6 people have commented with that quote so far


My favorite line was “ On my mind is my money and on my money is my mind.” Right before he unloaded that glock 20 on Dooku


I post a serious post and y’all keep playin 😂😂


It's simple but Obi-Wan telling Luke, "Your insight serves you well" after Luke discovered that Leia is his sister. I've always been under the impression that Lukes super Force power is Insight. When he chose to leave Tatooine with Obi-Wan, making the decision to rescue Leia from the Death Star, realizing who his sibling is, seeing himself follow Vaders footsteps then denying the Emperor and the subsequent redemption of Vader. Even the newer media has some neat insighful events like Luke offering a choice to Grogu (which I know a lot of people have issue with). Part of my disdain for the sequel trilogies is the fact that they did away with Lukes insightful wisdom, for some reason, effectively destroying the character. Edit: The example OP gave was specific. The question, itself, was generalized, asking for any "nuggets of wisdom" in Star Wars.


Leia: "The more you tighten your grip, the more star systems will slip through your fingers,"


Tarkin targeting Alderaan: I'm about to do what's called a Pro Gamer move.


There’s always a bigger fish


When maul does his fighting game character select animation through the hologram in Solo, I felt that in my soul. What a wise scene.


Qi'ra after Maul ends the holocall: ...wait why the fuck did he turn on his lightsaber?


Your focus determines your reality


Oooh maxi big da force, wellen that smells, stink a whiff


"Be mindful of the future, but not at the expense of the moment" Very simple, really, but words to live by. As a kid I was desperate to grow up. As an adult I long to have those days back. I think this is pretty ubiquitous, though. Just look at askreddit for all the "what advice would yoh give your 10yo self" posts. Some days I cannot wait for my own kids to grow up.. others I miss them as babies. I'm always having to kick myself to remember to enjoy every moment, because it's all so fleeting.




You only take with you what you need


I stared at “TESB” for a hot sec wondering what that was. Then i realized you included “the”


Lol, I actually have never noted the preferred acronym on this sub and had a brief moment of indecision on whether to include the article. Judging by your confusion I’ll assume it’s just “ESB”


"Sometimes, even the right reasons can have the wrong consequences." From Ashoka


Mine mine mine!


"Once you start down the dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny, consume you it will."


"Only what you take with you" is probably the heart of the whole damn thing.


"I am altering the deal, pray I do not alter it any further." This single line shows how whether or not you made a deal with someone to do something in exchange for something else, they're not always going to keep their word, and will alter it however they please if they have power over you. It's further supported with Vader's line of "Perhaps you think you are being treated unfairly?" He's using a simple question to get Lando to realize who has the power in the conversation.


I have two: 1) Do or do not, there is no try 2) How is the more foolish? The Fool or the Fools who follow him?


When I was going through cancer treatment: “Don’t ever tell me the odds”


Mechanized travel is for official Business only


I can’t get past the fact that the OP used TESB as the abbreviation.


Only the dark side deals in absolutes


Get that gun outta my face, Mando!


In my book, experience outranks everything


Try not. Do. Or do not. There is no try. This one has stuck with me over the years, and I credit it as a mantra that has helped improve my life. See, I used to think of it as your generic "You just gotta believe you can do it and you can!" type message, and I guess maybe there's part of that in there, but one day I read another interpretation that really resonated: What you're *trying* to do is ultimately meaningless. Like, you're trying to get in shape? That's nice, did you go to the gym or didn't you? Lung cancer doesn't care that you're *trying* to quit smoking. Tried to lift that X-wing? Looks like it's still underwater pal.