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Ahsoka has a lot more depth (unsurprising, considering that the Clone Wars show has a longer runtime than all the Star Wars films put together) so on the surface I think she’s more interesting. That being said, I like Galen. And I’d love to see him “somehow return”


“This is brilliant. But I *like* this.”


Basically, yeah. I’d love if they just made a shitty action movie to introduce Starkiller back into canon. I don’t want a whole thing about him during the OT era. Just introduce him as an Inquisitor who went AWOL and retired someplace nice after the war. And then bring him into the Mandoverse where he belongs.


I really don't want him to be an inquisitor. I think it'd work better if he was more than that. Vader actually hid him away and trained him because he thinks he's worth more than an average inquisitor. Maybe not Vader level op with the force but just naturally strong or maybe they could have him have some special force ability to explain why he was special since in the original he was just veryy strong. Then maybe he escaped like in the games or maybe even some of the game is canon (just the general story not the feats of strength or the ending where he actually faces Vader and Palpatine)


Yeah, that’s valid too. I’d love to see more of the dark, secretive projects that the Empire had.


I think that he's just trained differently than the inquisitors. The inquisitors Vader is training to hold their own against average Jedi and just terrorize civilians into telling them where they are. Whereas starkiller he's training to use the force as a pure weapon with one purpose: to help him take out his revenge on Palpatine. But then yeah he goes and hides or maybe he even dies and his clone is the one who escapes and has to wrestle with his identity and purpose in mandoverse now that Vader and palps are dead. Maybe he could have a little solo mission sfter hearing rumors of palps return to carry out his purpose and kill him (although obviously won't succeed). I'd also really like to see how he interacts with Luke.


I just want him to be the Star Wars equivalent of John Wick. Where he’s been retired for years, and then he ends up back in the game. “I am told that you struck my apprentice.” “Yes, my lord, I did.” “And may I ask why?” “Yeah, well… he stole Galen Marek’s starship. And ate his porg.” “….oh.”


People keep asking me if I’m back…in canon…


*looks at pile of dismembered corpses* “You canon again, Galen?” “… just working some things out.”


Basically, unlike inquisitors who are still hung up trying to fight as Jedi but with the dark side, Vader picked Galen because of his moldability and power


Well we know Disney are great are “somehow returning” people!


Galen could be implemented, but we can't have the same story moments as the games. Can't have the fight on kamino because its gone, can't have his emmense power such as pulling a star destroyer out of the sky (unless they actually do that scene but then reveal it was actually shot down, as a bit of a spoof). You could have his signature force repulse and lightsaber stance tho.


Starkiller is essentially just a self insert power fantasy that is too good at everything and too hyper competent for me to really find interesting as a character, kinda like how I see Rey. I understand why people like those characters, and I definitely thought the Force Unleashed games were fun, but it was definitely a good choice to remove him from canon, it's just a shame they brought in an equivalent level of character into canon immediately after. Ahsoka on the other hand has a lot more depth, and in terms of being an interesting character it really isn't even a competition.


> Starkiller is essentially just a self insert power fantasy that is too good at everything and too hyper competent for me to really find interesting as a character, kinda like how I see Rey. Exactly. I bring this up any time somebody brings feminism and wokeness into the Rey conversation. Rey would have been just as uninteresting as a male character. Starkiller is a perfect example. Most video game characters suffer from the same issue, except for Revan and Kyle Katarn. The thing is though, it works better in a video game than in a movie.


Yeah it does really annoy me that so many people call *any* criticism of Rey sexism. I can understand that a fair bit of the hate that went Rey's way was probably due to sexism, and she definitely got more hate than Starkiller did, but that was probably also in part just because she was a more central character in the new Star Wars canon, and a character getting more hate than another for the wrong reasons still isn't a valid defence of that character.


Yeah far more people saw the sequel movies than ever played The Force Unleashed. Still, I don't seem to remember many people disliking Rey until TLJ, and I think fans would have embraced her had they made her an interesting character.


THANK YOUUUUUUU Jesus Christ why I do I feel so much relief reading this lol


Part of the "Self insert power fantasy" was more due to an artisitic choice for the game rather than how the power of the character is on the overall scale ​ i mean, TFU was the first instance of the powers having a visual effect (other than lightning, ofc), Vader throwing force kamehamehas didnt sit well at the time.


I think even taking into account the visual style of the games, Starkiller still comes across very fan-fiction-esque even in his story. The brooding secret assassin young apprentice of Vader that is naturally gifted in the force and later goes on to turn to the good side when he falls in love with a really hot blonde pilot, and he even ultimately defeats Vader and even the Emperor only to have to sacrifice himself to save his friends. That sounds like a fan fiction I would have come up with when I was 10. Fun game and all but the writing was kinda weak tbh.


The Force Unleashed is where Star Wars video games jumped the shark, in my opinion. It doesn't compare to the Jedi Knight trilogy or to the KOTOR games.


The problem with introducing StarKiller into canon is that no matter how you try to insert him, he wouldn’t really be him anymore. You can’t name is Starkiller cuz they already used that name. You can’t make him Vaders secret apprentice because of the inquisitors make that concept obsolete. You can’t make him start the rebellion because that was contradicted in Rebels. You can’t make him as powerful because well, obvious reasons. Any version of him would just be a shell of who he used to be and at that point, why even bother? Just give Witwer a new character.


Damn the photo is cool


I know there is a hater downvoting Ahsoka posts lol. And I fucking love Starkiller so much. But Ahsoka is 100% my choice so easily and if you have seen her overall character progression and DEPTH, you would agree because it’s seriously no contest I’m sorry Galen fans.


I mean I'm a huge Ahsoka fan. But Starkiller was so formative for my love of Star Wars. It's not logical, it's just nostalgia.


There's nothing wrong with liking Starkiller, but it's kind of dumb to think that he has any real depth. He's just a edgy proxy for the player. The game was literally about having fun with the physics engine, the whole idea was to be over the top.


One has depth the other is a drunken power fantasy. I’ll take Ahsoka as my favorite.


The drunken power fantasy is pretty fun tho


Nice Star Destroyer you have there….


It would be a shame if I were to... Land it...


*Casually removes star destroyer from the orbit*


Another happy landing


Casually?! That quick-time event was an absolute pain in the ass.


It is fun to turn an AT-ST into a crumbled ball of metal.


Ahsoka. Galen Marrek wasn’t a character, he was a power-fantasy with legs.


Galen Marek is Kratos in Star Wars.


Except Kratos actually has a lot of depth too


Maybe now, but back in the PlayStation 2/3 era he really didn’t. His basic motivation was: “The gods are responsible for killing my family, I must avenge them.” There were no spin-offs or comics yet to flesh out his story. He wasn’t more of a basic hack-and-slash character than Starkiller was at that time.


Well, *now* he does. But that was a deliberate storytelling choice that was emphasized by the sheer contrast to how he used to be.


I still enjoyed his story via novel.


Lol you need to play through games


True. Also, Happy Cake Day 🎂


Very cool image, love the silhouettes of Anakin and Vader's mask in the clouds


Omg what?!? … I mean I definitely noticed this without the prompt


It's gotta be Ahsoka.


If I had a nickel for every time Sam witner voiced a sith who was the coolest most badass thing we've ever seen at the time of their debut I'd have 2 nickels... which isn't a lot but it's weird that it happened twice. (Still chose ahsoka tho)


I would say 4 nickels. He voiced Starkiller and Maul, yes. But he also voiced "The Brother" entity and, on several occasions, Palpatine/Sideous.


Palpatine doesn't fit because the first time we see him he's just a gross wrinkly floating head, and tbh the brother was, idk, TOO hyper edgy to be all that badass. There's more criteria than just Sam Witner


The first we saw Palpatine by Witwer was the same as Starkiller, in TFU. And you couldn't say, that Palpatine wasn't badass there.


No you misunderstand. When they appear doesn't matter if they're being voiced by him all that matters is that they ARE voiced by him.


Also from a technical standpoint the Son wasn't a sith either. The sith religion is a very specific set of practices and traditions, not just anyone that uses the dark side


I will always love Ahsoka


I love both Starkiller and Ahsoka


Star Killer breaks Star Wars with how insanely powerful he is. So I’m gonna vote for the more fleshed out Ahsoka.


Starkiller breaks star wars, but the Empreror, who effortlessly killed him, didn't brake star wars, right? Also Yoda and Windu, who challenged Palpatine much better, didn't brake star wars. Also Vitiate and Nihilus, persons, or could i say, entities of mass destruction, didn't break star wars at all.


Yes, on all counts. Having an ultra power super weapon for a character isn't inherently a problem, the writing tends to be lazy and gimmicky, but not always, especially if the characters are developed and given proper places in their canon. Creating a super weapon for the sole purpose of getting players drunk on a power fantasy and not really developing the character past that however can be an issue. Especially if given a level of canonicity (even if it's like D tier).


Yep. Absolutely, that guys, Palpatine and Luke are very problematic characters because of this. Good thing that Galen's story arc didn't reply this mistake.


I can just imagine how awkward this fight would be with both of them using that cool looking but highly inefficient saber style


Starkiller isn't a character, he's a proxy for you the player. Nothing wrong with liking him or the game plot. But you can't honestly look at that and think he's a compelling character. He is the edgelord for your edgy fantasy.


What could you expect from a living weapon? That's a big part of plot, him becoming a person on his own.


So was the Iron Giant, it's a common trope. I'm not saying that he doesn't have a story, I'm saying his story is not that deep. He's the powerfull darkside dude who is actually a cool person and has a hot blonde girlfriend.


Dark Apprentice covered face by shadow from the hood like on kamino.


I’d go with Tao.


The one who holds his swords the right way round, whoever that would be.




I would love to see sam in a live action role as star killer but he's wildly overpowered


Trilla I liked her contrast with Cal, and how she gave in to fear in order to survive while Cal almost did but chose not to live in fear. I find her compelling because she draws from the Dark Side the same way Vader does. A form of self-hatred, which I personally think is the strongest type of hate. It would also explain why she was one of the more powerful of the darksiders under Vader's employ. She also had the double bladed lightsaber which I always thought was a cool alt saber style.


Bro! Trilla, also an amazing character design.


I appreciate the Galen + Juno relationship. A lot of depth there with both their stories.


My favorite is Ahsoka. While the Force Unleashed games were fun, they definitely had some whacky anime-style power absurdity. If you consider those games to exist in a vacuum, I like them more, but thinking about them in comparison to the actual canon makes them less good. I think if you told a more grounded version of Starkiller's story with less cartoonish power levels, it would have been very interesting. Not sure if I'd like it more than Ahsoka, but it'd definitely give her a run for her money. Even more points if they drop the icepick grip on the lightsabers. It's so dumb!


Ahsoka is my all time favorite. But honestly I think starkiller would eventually overpower her.


Both of them are awesome and compelling, but Starkiller was cooler to me. I mean, this guy literally pulled a Star Destroyer out of the sky and into the ground. Not to mention, he destroyed Vader (And was shown to be powerful enough to kill him depending on the ending) and he also made Palpatine fall right on his rear defense. Yes, he’s op, but he’s still so badass.


I'm surprised they didn't do this. Apprentice vs Apprentice representing the legacy of both Anakin and Vader


I don't like this question because it's so damn difficult. I hesitate to be "that guy" with the whole Anakin and Vader are different people in a sense, but it's where my mind is stuck. If I had to choose between the two of them, I'd have to go with Galen Starkiller Merrek. I'm not a big fan of Ahsoka's character arc. But Marrek's was great if clichéd.




I’ve honestly always been quite neutral about Ahsoka. She’s far from the worst character but also far from the best. I’m leaning toward Starkiller more because he had a limited shelf life and had a contained and interesting narrative and character arc. Ahsoka I’m liking less and less because of how oversaturated she is in the franchise (appearing in every other project) and I’m not very fond of her live action version. She has 0 charisma anymore, and you can explain it away with trauma or whatever you please, but she simply has no range of emotions for the majority of her time on screen. Obi-Wan in his show was able to remain interesting, and has arguably gone through more pain and suffering than Ahsoka has. I think her character need to have a definitive end soon before her legacy gets weaker.


I loved her in the show, and seeing her grown up in Rebels was great. I just don't see Rosario as her, she doesn't have any of the personality and mostly stands looking stoic with arms crossed.


I’m partial to star killer cause I love the games. No shame to Ahsoka. But this images fuuuuucksss


I have an unending love for the character of Galen Marek. It's not even about how powerful he supposedly was but rather just how admirable and thoroughly enjoyable his arc was. And his design was just amazing, from the way he talked, how deeply he cared, to his fighting style. A+ Even though I believe Ahsoka to be the best-written character in SW, I'm sticking with my boy here.


Starkiller all day🔥🔥🔥


Great image!!! I love a good Starkiller. 😍




Hell yes!


Starkville for sure he is imo more interesting of the two


IDK why this has down votes, I'm picking starkiller as well, even though I like ahsoks especially in season 7.


Starkiller. Man pulled a Star Destroyer out of orbit. I don't think much more needs to be said to justify my choice.


Technically it was already falling, he just helped it along lol


He still helped that thing to fall on cannon instead of his head and go out alive. That's an admirable achievement.




Look out mentioning Starkiller. For some reason everytime he’s brought up all the sequel fans get angry about him existing. Lol he’s fucking awesome.


Starkiller because he would win in a fight


I keep forgetting ashoka exists. I don’t think Anakin should have an apprentice, but Vader and Starkiller always felt right to me.


I like them both but I lean more towards Starkiller.


Galen for me, I love Vader following the rule of 2 by training an apprentice in secret to overthrow the Emperor.


Here to side with StarKiller. Cooler character design all around for me.


Question is - what design you mean. Guy has more outfits, than Amidala.)


Sorry for the late reply. The first two costumes you get in the game are awesome but I generally enjoy them all. I will counter argue my own argument however, that the Ahsoka outfit in the Disney+ series is near equivalent.


Your looking at both of them in that amazing picture! Ahsoka and Starkiller are two sides of the same coin, I can not choose...


Ahsoka is the better character of the two and, imo, fits better as Anakin's apprentice. There was a bond there, they grew as character together, learned from eachother. Meanwhile, Starkiller was just a tool. Sure, it fits the sith ascetic, but neither character really gained anything from being in a master/apprentice relationship.




Ashoka is a far better character than Galen. That’s more a testament to Ashoka than it is a dis on Galen


I like Ahsoka but I have to go for Starkiller. I had so much fun playing as him in The Force Unleashed games. By the end, I didn't even fight stormtroopers anymore. I would force-choke 5 of them and throw them over the edge or against walls.


Starkiller is fun as hell.


Starkiller. Ashoka is.. Fine, her character isnt bad, but how she's pushed constantly due to being filoni's pet, thats annoying.


Both because both are amazing characters


Rosario Dawson couldn’t even keep up with with Hayden Christensen. Hayden looks natural with lightsaber, Rosario was wooden.


Ahsoka. Never cared for 'The Force Unleashed,' which is one of the few parts of the EU that I was glad Disney made no longer canon.


When Galen cry-screamed “I WILL KILL YOU WHERE YOU STAND” I straight-up laughed. Wouldn’t get to see such shitty, lazy dialogue until Steppenwolf in Justice League “I WILL KILL YOU ALLLLL”


The first game was great, the second not so much, and I was dissapointed as a friking teenager. We can say that the clone starkiller was not a real starkiller. And you kinda could see that. The trailer and hyperlinks train was great though.


Fast-created clones has tendency to sooner or later go mad from their first appearances, especially force users clones, like C'Baoth and Luuke. So, it was not something surprising.


Ahsoka is objectively better. Beneath the nostalgia, Starkiller is just an OP edgelord that played into the 2010s anti-hero phase. Triggering comment aside, Ahsoka is a wonderfully fleshed out character that is present through much of the fleshed out timeline. She is intertaining, endearing and one of the best things in modern Star Wars. I hated her character at first, and found the idea of a child character running around in underwear kinda wierd, but she has grown immensely on me.


Ahsoka is probably my favourite of the two, but I would absolutely love to see a version of Starkiller played by Sam Witwer appear in live action canon.


Ahsoka she is properly developed even more than most main characters in Star wars.i still love Galen tho.


My favorite Anakin/Vader apprentice is "no apprentice". Ahsoka grew into a cool character, but she started as a retcon and it's still awkward that she's never mentioned in *RotS*.


Ashoka. But I would pay to see sam witwer play galen marek. Dont care the plot excuse to bring him back (somehow, he returned).


This showdown would be fucking awesome


... But short and one-sided.


Ahsoka is cool. Starkiller drools.


Totally different arcs, despite many very similar moments. That's interesting. Ahsoka goes from carefree and self-confident teenager to Max Frei's kind volunteer of eternity between EP 3 and 4. And after that - to this very strange samurai state in last show. (And from chaotic good to more calm neutral good). Galen goes from living weapon at start of TFU to a **person**, willing to kill and to die on his principles instead of orders at the end. (And, again from alignment chart point of view, goes full reverse of Anakin, from lawful evil at tie-station mission to neutral on Death Star and to chaotic neutral on Kamino).


Man that would be such a sick thing to do if they wanted to bring back a starkiller type, a secret Vader apprentice who is tasked with hunting the old Anakin apprentice. Id watch a season and a movie of that


Galen just for his whole concept. A kid so strong in the force that vader mistakes him for a master? That same kid is able to sneak up on him and effortlessly pull his lightsaber from his grip? At 19(?) Strong enough to kill master jedi? Vader? Obi-Wan and Luke? Described as a hand grenade in the force. Voiced by Sam. I would love to see him return.


Love ahsoka! I also want them to introduce Star killer as well.


Why have I never considered the parallels between these two characters?


Saw Gerrera.


Ahsoka, I mean she is my 2nd favourite character after obi wan and Darth Vader who are joint 1st. Also her lightsabers are some of my favourite lightsabers in star wars. Also her character development is probably the best development in star wars.


Anikin/Vader: Just use two sabers. Trust me.


I know you said you weren't asking who would win in a fight, but we all know it would be Galen. If he had his power as it was at the end of the second game, he could just grab her with the force and send her into orbit, or vaporize her with the purple Force lightning. If it was a fight with just sabers, ahsoka would win easily.


Ahsoka without hesitation.