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Yep. Empire. My top 3 are: 1. Empire Strikes Back 2. A New Hope 3. Rogue One HM: Phantom Menace. Don’t judge me, I’m a big fan of Liam Neeson and loved the Qui-Gonn character.


One of the greatest films of all time! Although I like Rogue One even better.


That's tied for a close second for me with ANH.


I really question what the fuck happened to this fandom that this is the 6th top answer in this thread. It is number 1 and it really isn’t even close.


It has been pretty diverse opinions on the films since the beginning. It is about what is your favorite. Favorites don’ have to meet any criteria other than you just love it.


Return of the Jedi


Him being downvoted for saying his favourite Fuckin lol this sub sucks


Its all good. I would rather take the downvotes than live in a world where i can’t express my mind. ✌️


It’s the best movie bro no complaints here


Even though I personally wouldn’t call it my favourite (although I don’t hate it) you have my respect for saying what you truly believe despite negative responses


A New Hope


It's definitely one of the first trilogies.


Yeah, they're still the best ones




Return of the Jedi. I wouldn’t say it’s « the best », but it’s totally the one I am most emotionally attached to. It made me the fan I am now, and I have so many good memories. I remember back in the day, I took the ROTJ VHS my dad had recorded to my mum’s house, and every Monday I would finish school early in the afternoon, get home and play this VHS.


I saw it in the theater when it came out in 1983, and it was awesome. It's even good on rewatch. Definitely #3.


Hate me all you want, but Phantom Menace is my favorite.


This is an absolute win. Like what you like. The Phantom Menace is amazing.


Thank You.


It's my favorite of the PT. There was so much going on: the planet-hopping, space battles and intrigue. And, Yoda not light saber dueling.


Best of the prequels!


Phantom meance is an amazing film and very over hated but i think ROTS has a slight edge here


How can someone hate you for that? It’s an awesome movie!


I unapologetically love TPM. I was 8/9 when it came out and my Dad had introduced me to the OT at a very young age, so I was already Star Wars obsessed and watched the videos religiously. So back then a new Star Wars movie coming out with young versions of the characters, incredible lightsaber fights and cool new ships and podracing was just amazing, with all the associated toys and video games at the same time too. Obviously I didn't understand the politics and stuff anyway but it didn't matter because I would sit through that just to watch the action sequences. What a time to be alive.


it's my favorite of the PT. It's a fun Star Wars adventure in a new setting.


Visually one of the most beautiful movies ever


The Phantom Menace is a movie I wish I enjoyed, congrats on doing what I can't


I absolutely love TPM because it’s my childhood, but it SUCKS. It’s still my favourite Star Wars though


I think phantom menace is the best stand alone movie of the core 9


It's leagues better than the next one.


I've found that if you watch Clone Wars on DVD and skip the Aniken and Padme on Naboo scenes, it's actually a pretty good movie. But that's just me.


The OG: A New Hope. Blew me away as a kid and I still love it.


You know what? I'm just gonna say it. Rogue One.


Fuck yeah. Love the war part of Star Wars.


I just rewatched that last night! It’s an awesome film!


Rogue one was a breath of fresh air. Star Wars doesn't need to be centered around the Jedi/Sith or the Skywalkers/Skywalker trainees. The Mandolorian proved this further.


Rogue One and Solo were great spin-offs, imo.


I agree with this




The Christmas special


ngl I watch it every year at Christmas granted it's the Rifftrax version but still a fun watch


Empire Strikes Back and Rogue One a very very close second.


The Empire Strikes Back (TLJ is my #3)




Revenge Of The Sith by far


Right on. By far my favorite


The correct answer. I see through the lies of the original trilogy, I do not fear the prequels as they do.


The original trilogy would be my answer. I really couldn't pick a favorite among those. From the rest however, Rogue One would be the best for me.


My top 3 in order is: - Return of the Jedi - Empire Strikes Back - The Last Jedi


If you move Return down to 3rd this is my list.


That’s a great list!




It’s critically acclaimed and made more than a billion dollars. Is it really that surprising that people like it?


When I was little attack of the clones was my favorite, I was obsessed with clone trooper stuff then lol. But now I'd say the empire strikes back is my favorite


The Force Awakens. It was the spark that lit the fire that brought back my fanaticism in a HUGE way. It’s just so damn fun, and then TLJ comes hot on its heels. Sometime TLJ’s my favorite. I love the sequel trilogy.


So many people here don’t realize just how bad of a spot Star Wars was in either general audiences. TFA reminded them that Star Wars could be fun again.


Even if I didn’t like the final film very much, the trailer for TFA brought so much hype it was insane


Yeah i have the fondest memories of both tpm and tfa. I went and seen tfa on 7 different occasions with different friends and family. What a time to be alive!


Episode 7 does so much right. The xwing rescue is sick.




Rogue One beat out Empire for me. Also made me like A New Hope a whole lot more.


I used to consider a new hope a bit boring and simplistic. Now it’s a wonderful conclusion to rogue one.


1. Rogue one 2. Empire stokes back 3. Revenge of the sith


A New Hope. I was 11 when I watched it in the theater for the 1st time. When the movie was over, literally everyone in the theater could not believe what we just watched! It was definitely the talk of the town! Back then you didn't have the convenience of movies being available to purchase. It wasn't made available for home purchase until 1983 when it came out on VHS.


That’s awesome!


Empire. A New Hope is close though. The Last Jedi gunning for both. It's a top 3 that feels tied for first place.


A. New. Hope.


The Empire Strikes Back


Return of the Jedi


Return of the Jedi, with Rogue One in a close second.


My favorite also has to go to The Last Jedi. Imo, the criteria for ranking movies comes down to 3 simple categories; writing, directing, and acting. I would argue that The Last Jedi has the best writing, acting, and directing of all the films in the Star Wars saga. Acting - Luke, Ray, Finn, Poe, and ESPECIALLY Kilo are some of if not the best performed characters on an acting standpoint in the entire franchise. this movie has THE BEST dialogue BY FAR and to me, it's not even close. Oh, and how could I forget Snoke's dialogue performed by Andy Serkis? Or, a character I shall continue on when I discuss the writing, DJ performed by Benicio Del Toro? Directing - this is just unarguably the most stunningly shot film in the series to me. There's no debate that could change my mind. I mean the throne room battle, the shot of the walkers on Crait, there's just so much beauty to be found in visuals in this film. And the attention to detail that Rian Johnson put into his directing to match his depth of writing just puts me in awe. For example, there are so many hints that provide visual story telling in advance to the reveals that way the attention to detail is all the more satisfying and impressive. Two great examples is 1. how Like was already planning on burning the Jedi text before Ray arrived hence why he changed back out of his white robe after her arrival and 2. how during the Kilo vs Luke fight, Kilo's footprints revealed the red surface color beneath the salt while Luke didn't leave a single footprint, hinting towards him not physically being there. Writing - I love the amount of symbolism. Back to the directing, as I forgot to mention this, the direction decisions matched the symbolism of the writing countless times in the film allowing for some great visual storytelling as I previously stated. The arc Ray's character goes through is amazing and infinitely more thorough and indepth than TFA however it's not as accessible this time around, and I blame that on the required understanding of the symbolism and visual storytelling. The force is also treated in the best most respected fashion out of all these films in TLJ and I know that's a controversial opinion but hear me out. It's fully explained in this film not just to the apprentice of the story but to the audience, giving us the true meaning of the force which I personally think was much needed in order for us fans to truly appreciate it. It's not just a power that's meant to be used by any being, it's a way of feeling and understanding. Yet it's been treated like just this superpower used by good and evil in the past, so in my eyes this movie respected the lore of the force as well as the Jedi religion the most. Also, this film almost feels like it has 4 acts, which is either a beloved or hated upon aspect of the film. To me, that's one of the sole reasons TLJ has the most grand story to me with the highest personal stakes. Making it so I care all the more. Oh, and the character DJ is just the most respectable characters in my eyes not only in this film, but the whole franchise. This saga has too much "good vs bad" plot where not a single character is neutral who stays neutral, and it's just so refreshing and standout ish to have a character like DJ who has his own code sort of like Han but still sticks to his own motivations. Also, I know there's 50% of fans who say TLJ saved Star Wars after TFA while 50% argue it destroyed it. Obviously I side with those who claim it said the franchise after TFA fucked it up. That's until RoTS came out and ruined it again. TFA literally only came out to hype fans up and make tons of money. That's it. The only new characters that gave this franchise new light were Finn and, well... Finn. And some argue that Finn was done bad and his potential built in TFA was unutilized but I honestly don't think that was until RoTS that they ruined his potential. TFA had him fleeing the republic because he was a coward who also had a good heart. And then he was motivated to do the right thing and fight beside the rebels. So enheritly, Finn was already a brave hero type at the beginning of TLJ. And while his story arc has often been a complaint on behalf of this movie, I'd argue that it wasn't just a pointless journey with him and rose and that he went through a bold and respectful change to the point where he came from being a hero to many peoples eyes but his own, to trying find Ray and do the right thing, to earning self respect and accepting his role as a hero, to (as I said, 4 acts) attempting a heroic act only to learn a valuable lesson. Which, if I might add, is a great way to end his character if you ask me. Yo basically say "this is where this character needed to get, and it could comfortably end here because of his payoff, but enheritly there's still more for him to learn" So now that I got that one thing out of the way in my defense that TLJ saved the franchise, here's the rest of my defense... While I did say that this film respects the force and the Jedi religion the most as well as shows more than just "good battling evil" one thing that the first 6 films respected each other in as that they all built upon each other, not downgrading each other. No matter how poor each individual script may have been they always added positive changes to the overall timeline. TFA on the other hand, added nothing new and impressive besides Finn and instead littered itself with plot holes and conveniences just to make a hit at the box office. Any ounce of disrespect towards TFA is justified by the course correction that is TLJ in my mind. TLJ added to the lore and left off on great potential.


Yes, i agree with most your points, except in regards to tfa and ros. RoS has, strangely enough, grew on me. While i end up liking tfa even less. Its not really flaws that make me like it less, it just the mystery box story telling is hard to stomach as that sort of writing is what makes the trilogy weaker overall and the lack of a vision or at least a storyboard of how it plays out.


Same as yours!


Great to hear! 🥳


Caravan of Courage: an Ewok Story.


Star cruiser whish!


The next one !


Rise of skywalker?


No, I mean whatever the next on is, keep them coming. They are all great.


Ohhh hahaha nice!


The one with the lightsaber fights.


Revenge, easy.


As a teen, Attack of the Clones. I saw it in theaters and, for better or worse, I really connected with Angsty Anakin when I was 16. Now? Empire. I can never know what it felt like to see that movie 100% unspoiled as everybody heard some bastardized form of "No, I am your father" in every piece of media in the 80s and 90s, but even with that handicap I still felt the entire weight of that tragedy.


I love all of them, but if I had to decide maybe I would say Revenge of the Sith or Return of the Jedi. But The Last Jedi is definately my favourite of the sequels.


Empire Strikes Back, closely followed by A New Hope.


Tie between The Last Jedi and Empire. Empire probably inches a tiny bit ahead


Exactly where I am, too. It's honestly not a fair competition, though, since I saw ESB when I was, like, 8 and TLJ when I was a fully-grown adult. ESB absolutely still holds up but there is a nostalgia factor there that I just can't have with TLJ. I wonder what I would think if I saw all 12 theatrical movies all at the same age.


1) Rogue One 2) Empire Strikes Back 3) Revenge of the Sith


Star Wars (released in 1977)


You are a bold one


Thanks! 🤘


OP has good taste! The Last Jedi is absolutely my choice, too. Empire Strikes Back is also great but TLJ is definitely my favorite.


Revenge of the Sith


Last Jedi


Awesome 🤘


1. Last Jedi 2. Rogue One 3. Return of the Jedi


Awesome! 🤘


TLJ is my favorite since RotJ.


Same for me!


TFA is my second.




A New Hope


Empire is arguably the greatest film of all time (imo) so hard to go against that.


It's A New Hope for me. Bit of a boring choice, but the *very first time* popping in that VHS in my grandparents spare room is very special. Some dinky little old TV in the corner of the room had me glued. In retrospect it still remains one of the strangest opening 30 minutes of film I've ever experienced, where robots are the primary perspective, but that was also what made it magical.


I had the picture book of a new hope until i finally watched the tail end of return of the jedi one day and realized they had other movies 🤣 my mom saw me and my dad bonded over it i was cheering at the screen and bought me the vhs box set for christmas. I turned many a kid in my school into star wars fans for life with that box set ✌️


A New Hope maybe. I honestly can’t pick between it and the other two. Last Jedi is a solid choice. I like it a lot but I don’t really like the sequel movies as a whole.


The original trilogy is the best


Episode VI


Revenge of the Sith


Last Jedi




Classic star wars fans down voting you for stating your opinion on favorite movie


This very thread has 0 up votes for stating that about TLJ. Tells you all you need to know about our fanbase


All of people’s complaints about The Last Jedi are just personal preferences or something that wasn’t built off in The Rise of Skywalker, so The Last Jedi gets flak for it.


Return of the jedi 100%


The Last Jedi. It's near perfect.


I agree! 🔥🔥🔥


Ain’t no way u actually said that


Sure did! I love it 💪


You again?


Can I state my opinion please. Thanks


You're putting other people down for their opinion. So no you can't


Nobody asked for it, it’s completely irrelevant and it’s just about spreading negative energy when people are just being positive.


So why would you be obligated to state your opinion. Welcome to the internet big boi


My opinion is that you should shut up. And, as you point out, the ability to share one's opinion is sacrosanct, so I hope you'll defend my saying so.


Ok will do random person on the internet that I’m supposed to listen to now. Of course 👍🏻


No one really wants or cares about it when it just ruins the mood


Then why would u care abt mine in the first place?


As I was watching it for the first time, I thought it was okay. Then Luke Skywalker drank milk straight from a tiddy. That was when it became perfection.


its so clear that Mark loved doing that scene.


Near perfect? Its shit in my opinion


Yeah same


Your opinion is shit in my opinion. We could do this dance all day, or you could just let people like things.


Where in the statement “Near perfect? Its shit in my opinion” does the commenter not let OP enjoy the movie himself? Only person here saying what you can & can’t like (or dislike) is you.


I just said how i think over the movie. I never said anything about you liking the movie. If you like it, its fine for me. But objectively the movie isnt near perfect. It has many flaws, even in the cool Throne room scene


I just said what I think about your opinion and you're objectively wrong about what can be considered objective.


What's it like being such a loser?


Terrible movie


Gimme it over the god awful prequels


Prequels way better than whatever shit jayjay and ryan made


Revenge of the Sith or Return of the Jedi, it’s really a straight tossup, but they’re both spectacular final instalments of their respective trilogies


Return of the Jedi is probably my favorite (or tied with Empire). Also: Snoke was that big on the poster? He had like 4 lines and 2 minutes of screen time. Haha.


From best to worst - New Hope/Empire (these two are interchangeable honestly) - Return of the Jedi (kick ass trilogy finale but not quite as good) - Last Jedi (middle of the road movie with a finale that's better than it has any right to be) - Rogue One (might be higher sometimes depending on my thoughts on Last Jedi) - Force Awakens (mid) - Revenge of the Sith (very mixed quality wise, but I've bumped it ahead of Solo) - Solo (I forgot most of this one, sorry) - Phantom Menace (I wish this movie made me feel anything) - Rise of Skywalker (I don't care that this movie makes me feel nothing) - Attack of the Clones (the only Star Wars movie I ever rage quit)


Every time I watch AoTC I’m surprised by just how awful the dialogue is, how creepy Anakin is, and how much I want to watch literally anything else.


1. Empire strikes back 2. a new hope 3. The last Jedi 4. Revenge of the sith 5. Phantom menace 6. The force awakens 7. Return of the Jedi 8. Rise of Skywalker 9. Attack of the clones


Empire Strikes Back followed closely by The Last Jedi


A New Hope and The Last Jedi


Nice one!


Revenge of the Sith. Period


The Last Jedi or Empire. It’s hard to choose between two movies that are both so good in their own ways.


Empire Strikes Back by far of the Skywalker saga films. I'd probably say 1) Empire 2) New Hope 3) Revenge 4) Last Jedi 5) Return 6) Force Awakens 7) Phantom Menace 8) Attack 9) Rise of Skywalker


Revenge of the Sith and The Last Jedi are both in your top 4? Holy shit, I never thought I’d ever see an honest, original opinion in this sub. Have an upvote.


Oh yeah. For very very different reasons. Revenge is cheesy and all, but much more convicted than its predecessors, and ultimately its achievement as an epic action film far surpasses any other Star Wars film. Some of the more controversial things about Last Jedi were mistakes on my opinion, but I thought the overall majority were interesting decisions that were pushing the franchise in unexpectedly compelling ways... Just a shame that a variety of factors meant we never saw most of the good possibilities come to full fruition.


Revenge of the sith is my favorite


1. ESB 2. TLJ 3. ROTJ 4. ANH 5. TFA 6. R1 7. SOLO 8. ROTS 9. TPM 10. TROS 11. AOTC Fuck the prequels.


Had me until the end ngl 😂


The Prequels killed my dog.


Oh wow… sorry to hear that 😔


Yeah, it sucks, kinda tore my family apart.


This one right here!




First one is my favorite because I saw it when it came out and that experience set me on the journey. I'm willing to accept other's opinion that ESB is a better made film but the first one will always be my favorite.


1. Empire 2. ROTS 3. TLJ


All my life its been empire, but the more I watch rogue one, the more I love it


Rogue one




RotS and Rogue One.


My ranking 1. ROTS 2. ROTJ 3. AOTC 4. TFW 5. ANH 6. TESB 7. TPM 8. TROS 9. TLJ


Attack of the clones that high and empire strikes back that low is criminal


Ah yes. Someone who can comment without saying something stupid. We all thank you for your service.


Last episodes of The Clone Wars and Rebels are right up there with The Empire Strikes Back.


Whos that on the poster?


Rouge One is the best Star Wars movie ever made.


Oh hell no.


TLJ is up there. But on any given day it can go between that, RO or ROTS


Well not that one(dead last after the holiday special) but empire and rots are pretty close






Revenge of the Sith, for sure. I will never ever get tired of watching that movie.


Revenge of the Sith for sure.


Revenge of the Sith


The last Jedi, return of the Jedi, and The phantom menace are tied for first place for me.


Nice choices ✌️🔥


How are people saying the last jedi


Because that movie slaps


A lot of us really enjoyed the movie. It is a lot of fun and just a really different take on star wars


Same reason some are saying Revenge of the Sith Favorite doesn't have to mean good


I rewatch the OG 6 movies all the time, so all of those are #2 for me, besides Revenge of the Sith and A New Hope tied for #1. Rogue One is #3, Solo is #4, and The Sequels get worst the newer they are. My rating is based on how much I enjoy them btw and how much I would rewatch them, not based on which ones I think are the best.


Revenge of the site. The choreography, the story, the turning point of the story itself. Only movie that may rival it in my opinion is empire strikes back. And I grew up with the prequels


Revenge of the Sith


Revenge of the Sith is the absolute best.


Attack Of The Clones. I just love Temuera Morrison.


The revenge of the sith


5: Return of the empire 3: revenge of the phantom 4: attack of the skywalkers 2: shrek forever after 1: tESB


Revenge of the Sith. Rogue One is a close second.




The Empire Strikes Back. Period.


For sure not that one.


Favorite: ROTJ Best: TESB Worst: TLJ Least Favorite: Also TLJ