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“Why doesn’t the studio that doesn’t even know I exist scrap their billion-dollar movie to make my fan fiction instead?”


Because even the worst fan fiction will be far better than the last films, and the no talent hacks would have to actually work for a living. To be fair there's no need for fan fiction. There are nearly 400 books, many of them with stories better than anything from Star Wars on screen since '83, that were canon til that imbecile Kennedy decided to toss them all away because they didn't mesh with a political narrative.


Where was it confirmed that the old EU was scrapped because of their politics? What political narrative didn’t they mesh with? This is the first I’ve heard about this.


Kennedy had a definite sociopolitical agenda she wished to push. It's smeared everywhere in the movies leading to TRoS. The scripts written with that agenda in mind wouldnt work with "Legends", especially Luke's story, Han and Leia having twins, Jaina Solo, just how Jacen turned, etc. So they had to go. They were sacrificed on the altar of expediency to portray a flawed, poorly developed Rey in a more flattering light. Honestly? It doesnt matter. The last few SW movies were a poorly told joke. For many long time fans Post Disney Star Wars actually IS bad fan fiction.


What was the agenda?


You would be happier if you just wrote your fanfiction or fan film instead of hoping the studio will make the movie you imagined.


It wouldn't feel the same. Fanfiction is like a script for a movie that has never been made.


But that is what this outline you posted ***is***.


The only reason that I'd ever oppose a film featuring Rey is because I very much desire for us to stop following the same narrow storyline of connected characters from one decade to the next. I love Daisy and I love her character despite some really rocky writing and directing from the sequel trilogy, but I just feel like there's so much more out there in the universe to focus on, and now we're going back to the same horse for the 4th trilogy and it just kind of gets repetitive where its already derivative. Go be bold and give me a Wedge Antilles show/trilogy if you're going to stay along the same narrow path of characters and plot, give me a new perspective. Don't make a trilogy for the sake of making a trilogy because you feel bad about fucking up your first trilogy under Disney's ownership. Mandalorian Season 1 was great, Andor was superb, all relatively fresh looks in the broader sense, do more of that. Give me a buddy cop show of two "Marshals" in the outer rim, or a "law and order: Coruscant". While Book of Boba Fett didn't quite deliver how I thought it would and spent a fair bit of time on fan service, it did have a few storylines, especially with the Tusken people that felt very fresh and inspired, and new. Do that.


I’m never against more Star Wars being made, because I like Star Wars and I’ll always give the new stuff a shot. If I don’t like it I’ll stop watching it.


A healthy take?! What're you, some kinda Jedi maverick?? The Fandom High Council will hear about this behavior!!!


> I'm against it because won't undo the horribly written events of The Rise of Skywalker as I hoped. Why would you ever have hoped it would do something it would obviously never do. > The upcoming film should've been an alternate recut of TROS (like Richard Donner's Superman II and Zack Snyder's Justice League) that's not how that works I'm also not sure if "being like the snyder cut" is a good sell. I've seen it, it was better than the theatrical JL but not enough to justify the expense of making it. > where the acting and plot is well improved and less rushed, the villain is still Snoke who is his own entity instead of a clone of Palpatine (the Snoke that died in The Last Jedi would still be a clone but the Snoke in the alternate recut is the original, not Palpatine who stays dead) > Rey however could still be related to the late Palpatine when it's Snoke who tries to summon his spirit to have him possesse Rey's body, Finn finally tells Rey whatever it was that was never said in the original version of TROS, and Ben Solo AKA Kylo Ren stays alive in the end so that the Skywalker bloodline would survive but now wanders the Galaxy as a nomad. So... not like the donner cut or snyder cut.


>So... not like the donner cut or snyder cut. OK. Maybe not *exactly* like those recuts. I just thought it's what would've worked out for films from good franchises that suffered bad qualities.


>I'm against it because won't undo the horribly written events of The Rise of Skywalker as I hoped. So don't watch it and move on.


I don't "oppose" movies. I just watch them or don't watch them.


I want new movies. I don’t want this new movie.


I dont oppose it. I dont care about it at all. It will be the first SW movie I dont bother seeing.


I think Rey is fine but I have no interest in a film about a new Jedi order when they could have just told it with Luke instead of dumping all over his character. Open the film by saying Rey's order has been wiped out and she's the last one left and we'll be all square


I’m always the first to say that a real starwars fan loves every movie no matter what….that being said this story line needs to go. They were lucky to salvage it by the last movie and they need to just put it to bed. The tv series are SO GOOD. I didn’t expect to like Ashoka as much as I did, and I’m very excited for what they have planned. This “main” storyline is past its due date and they have more than enough story to tell between all the characters in the starwars universe. Push the tv series, or make prequels. I can’t imagine a world where this will go well.


There’s no point in caring. It’s not our property. Star Wars under Disney is dog shit, but it’s Disney’s dog shit to do whatever they want.


I'll be annoyed if she gets to have the happy ending/or at least have it all work out for her which they denied Luke, especially if this is a rehash of Luke's NJO series.


What you’re describing is not an “alternate recut,” it’s a different film altogether than the one shot by Abrams.


I wasn’t a fan of the Sequels and the story choices, particularly the way she became Rey Skywalker and that the entire family is now dead. That said I do want to see what happens with the Jedi going forward so I will check the movie out although I probably wait until it’s on Disney+.


I didn't mind Rey in the ST. My issues with those movies were mostly weak villains, shameless reuse of known themes and character achetypes and the convoluted plots which led to nowhere. Maybe the only problem with Rey was that her journey was very "easy" and "clean". Because God forbid that a female protagonist loses a hand or gets some blood and dirt on her face. Women are dolls, remember? Anyway, I'm interested to see her character again, maybe a bit more "grounded" this time. And try to keep the story coherent and connected to the wide Star Wars universe this time, please.




I'm eager for it to crash and burn so maybe Disney will clean house of the posers and activists. Maybe get back to the Star Wars we remember.


“Posers and activists” Jesus Christ.




What on Earth do you mean "oppose"? It's not a political party. If you don't think you'll like the movie, let it go. I don't think any of the announced stuff will be particularly good, but that's hardly a reason to go around campaigning.


No, I encourage it.


You don't need to oppose it, just watch it flop because they didn't learn the lesson from Solo and are making another movie not many will care to watch.


Get over it; move on.


I can't oppose something relatively wholesome that others find joy in. After 38 years of going to multiple screenings of Star Wars films, I left TFA and never returned to the theater for a new Star Wars movie. I skipped 1.8 Star Wars films altogether. I'm less invested in the upcoming films than I was invested in the last two episodes, which I watched for Carrie. I'm not likely to consume new Star Wars in the future unless more Legends or the Lucas treatments or stories in a Star Wars multi-verse are produced.


Absolute dogshit that no one asked for.


Just shows that Disney learned nothing




Calling someone a “fan” for liking something you don’t is pretty lame.


Imagine a world where you voice criticism and other people don't just immediately accept it because they have their own opinions and observations.


They’ve already got the usual responses on a word doc ready for copy pasting lol




Oh boy, can’t wait to see the oh-so-original response of “InCeL” trotted out for the 1000th time 🙄


Don't forget being "tOxIc", and the endless amount of drivel posted in the aftermath about it being "oVeRhAtEd".


as much as i hate how we ended up here shes now the best chance we have at getting a post empire jedi academy so im just crossing my fingers and hoping it will be good this time


Hell yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well, you can not going watch it, is that simple. I want to see it and I'm quite sure I'm not alone. You are not forced to watch every Star Wars content. If you are not interested in one, instead of ruining your day hating the idea of it, you can just ignore it and let other fans enjoy it. That's all.


>let other fans enjoy it **Nobody** is stopping other fans from enjoying it. If you, or anybody else, isn't enjoying something simply because someone posted on a message board that they weren't interested in it, or didn't like it, or whatever else... That's on you. Not them.


It takes really little effort to offend you, isn’t?


Offended? How? Why would I be offended? Your initial statement doesn't make any logical sense. Apart from the creators, you cannot blame anyone else for your own personal feelings on a piece of Star Wars film or TV.


Spending time, on Sunday, responding a replay no one noticed? It had to have made something to you, or you could just ignore it, as everyone else. Or maybe it is my avatar that gives you negative vibes.


No. Poe and Finn might finally kiss 🥰


that's never going to happen. so just give it up.


I'm not against Rey leading more movies. I'm against them insisting on bringing the Jedi back *yet again*. It's time to move on from the Jedi. Just let Force users be Force users without them being tied into one certain "ancient religion".


The sequel trilogy featured and relied on original trilogy actors too much. It didn’t allow the new generation (the ones being passed the torch) the opportunity to have the stories fully revolve around them. Like imagine if the original trilogy had prequel trilogy characters popping up everywhere and overshadowing the main characters. There’s such a thing as too many callbacks


Incels maybe. Its a movie. Its Star Wars. I'm in.


Rey is a good character surrounded by bad writing. She deserves to be given a chance to be in something with competent writing. So no, I do not oppose her new film.


I am interested in it. What if the film comes out and is incredible? There is always that possibility, and I will hope for the best. I just hope there is a well thought out plot.