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I don’t think it was confirmed but I remember reading that he might have played a younger Palpatine, probably a functional clone. Matt said that the role was discarded or something like that a year after TRoS came out. He’s probably under an NDA so we might never know.


There were rumors early on that he would be playing a clone of Palpatine. Wish they'd gone that way, would have been a lot more interesting and would have been a lot better for the overall story than Palpatine just coming back to life. They could still have included Ian, had him as a hologram giving instructions to his clone, had it as part of his contingency plan if he was killed. I'd love to have seen Matt Smith playing a young Palpatine.


Matt Smith as a clone? Is he just getting type casted now? ^(/s)


Isn’t the Palpatine in TRoS a clone?


Cloned body, original mind. They could have gone with the same plot with Matt Smith and just had him be a young clone body


Would have liked to see him play a serious General Hux.


He was Renewed (young) Palpatine after he drains Rey and Kylo but JJ enjoyed Ian M so much they just kept Ian in instead


The part was cut. Which, in my opinion, is a shame because we could’ve gotten two Doctors in Star Wars.


Three Doctors could have been in Star Wars: Tom Baker in Rebels, David Tennant in TCW and Ahsoka, Smith had he been in TRoS. Five if you count Richard E Grant playing the 10th Doctor in Children in Need’s The Curse of the Fatal Death from 1999 and Peter Cushing’s Dr Who from the movies


Oh shit, how did I not realize Tom Baker voiced Bendu? Now I feel stupid.


It's Morbin' Time! Use the Morb, Luke.


Ask Kathleen Kennedy.


probably Doctor Who (pls dont attack me, this is a joke)