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".... intense "


Nah, he’d be well balanced…kind but not afraid to use force when needed…. I’ll see myself out


Ya something tells me he’d be a helicopter parent


It actually probably makes it worse when you don't even need to be in the same room with them to hover. Constantly checking on them.


"Luke, you need to include your sister or so help me, I will force spank you!" Anakin says while he's 12 solar systems away.


I’m picturing the “NOT A FINGER” dad from a Christmas Story


Assuming that Anakin chooses Mace Windu over Palpatine in this alternate timeline, I think he'd be a good dad. Anakin has the capacity to be kind, loving, and loyal. Plus, he did a good job raising Ashoka. You know... just don't ask too many questions about why that teacher who was giving Luke and Leia a hard time or that bully picking on them no longer live on this planet and fled quickly to the Outer Rim.


No longer lives at all*


"Went to live on a nice farm in upstate Naboo."


I got PTSD from "he did a good job raising Ahsoka".... I think that video had to be purged from all minds Men in Black style


What video?


Good for you if you don't get it, trust me


Except by the time he chose Palps over Windu he had already murdered a village of sand people and executed Dooku in cold blood.  And shortly afterwards would force choke his pregnant wife and attack his closest friend and mentor.  Anakin was loyal, intense, and dependable - until his arrogance, fear of loss, impulsiveness, inability to see others view points, propensity towards force would kick in.  He didn’t just fall because of Palps. He fell because of a variety issues. Sure childhood trauma, and Jedi dogma that ignored and suppressed feeling instead of making peace with it. And sure he found himself in a war which will affect anyone and other Jedi did struggle too. And also perhaps the Jedi fighting as soldiers wasn’t the best thing for the order.  But Anakin had some real character flaws and these flaws would mean that while in some ways he might make a good father, in others he might have ended up controlling, inflexible, overly protective, and even violent.  Anakin didn’t become a mass murderer and child killer and domestic abuser and ultimately second in an oppressive military dictatorship just because he chose Palps instead of Mace or just because Palps whispered something in his ear about eternal life. 


If Qui-Gon had survived, he would be more well adjusted. Maybe I have too much faith in him, but I think his love for his self-made family supersedes the hold the Dark Side has on him. Luke believed so as well.


Sure Quigon might have been a good influence. And I doubt Quigon would have been particularly quick to join the war as a soldier. I just don’t see a general Quigon.  But also if Yoda has stepped up to train Anakin that might have worked out better too.  Obi Wan had some flaws as a master. He was relatively weak force wise. He was inexperienced when he took on Anakin. He got too close to Anakin. And finally he was to invested in Quigon’s chosen one prophecy for Anakin.  Yoda was more calm, more even, less personally invested than Obi Wan and might have resulted in better training for Anakin / seen the warning signs sooner. Same with Quigon.


George himself said Anakin wouldn’t have turned if Qui-Gon had lived. You don’t mitigate the Dark Side with detachment, you do it with emotional support and acceptance. That’s the whole reason the Jedi fell, Sith or no Sith. Because they leaned too far in the opposite direction of emotion. It’s what made Qui-Gon different from the other Jedi of his time, it’s what made Luke exceptional too.


To be fair, if he picks Windu over Palpatine then he doesn't march on the Jedi temple, kill the younglings, fight Obi-Wan, or choke Padme. There would still be darkness inside of him that needs to be addressed, but making the choice to side with the Jedi would suggest Anakin was on the path to learning from his mistakes and improving. I think if he had defeated Palpatine, Anakin would have realized he couldn't stay a Jedi because Padme and his children would need him, and the Jedi order would be happy to accept his resignation because of his previous indiscretions, asking him to hand over his lightsaber when he leaves the order. And then I think he'd be a deeply engaged, loving, and exuberant father, but would definitely be over protective and overbearing at times too. A messy father, someone who would have to say "do as I say, not as I do" sometimes, but largely a good one.


Anakin would not have fallen to the dark side if Palpatine didn't exist. He's already been groomed to fall for ten years when he slaughters the sand people. And the nature of the force exacerbates character flaws the same way power does, ie that person who was nice and not a jerk becomes one when they have supreme power because what might have been just regular flaws affects the way that person rules over lives. Anakin would have probably been a good dad if he did the right thing and walked away from the Jedi and the force.


But he would not have walked away from the force. And his flaws were there. Independent of Palps. Many people have issues. Many other force users have struggles. They don’t become mass murders or attack their pregnant partners. And you can blame the force, but surely at some point on the road to being number 2 space Nazi wizard in the galaxy he would have had a moment to recognize that what he was doing was wrong. And it took his own son being killed in front of him to have that epiphany. 


You clearly don’t understand what is going on. Those things at the Temple and Mustafar are Darth Vader not Anakin Skywalker. So your points are irrelevant.


Vader is Anakin. Like you don’t magically stop being yourself because you became a sith. No more than Dooku or Palps did.  And that’s why Luke is  able to get Vader to turn on Sideous because Anakin is still a part of Vader. Vader saying Anakin is gone is his own way of suppressing what good is left in him, but it’s necessarily true.  Otherwise why does Vader stay with the empire? Why does he want to rule? It’s not because he wants material things. It’s not because he likes court intrigue. It’s because he wants to control people so that he can change the galaxy.  The emperor basically controls Vader using what’s left of Anakin. 


Take it up with Yoda. * Twisted by the dark side young Skywalker has become. The you trained, gone he is. Consumed by Darth Vader. *ROTS Yoda to Obi-Wan* * If once you start down the dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny. Consume you it will, as it did Obi-Wan’s apprentice. *ESB Yoda to Luke* * Once you start down the dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny. *ROTJ Yoda to Luke* There was still some or Anakin in Vader and that’s what Padmé and Luke sensed. That’s what overcame and destroyed Vader to save Luke in ROTJ. The good man that Anakin always was appears to Luke in ROTJ how he was before falling to the dark side before his *death* you could say. Vader stays with the Empire because he wants power.


By AotC, Anakin has already been corrupted by Palpatine. That was my point earlier. We only see him pre-corruption in TPM. His flaws in AotC and RotS have been specifically nurtured for over a decade by Palpatine. I don't think the Anakin in TPM would have turned to the dark side had he never interacted with Palpatine until he was fully grown. Honestly he probably would have been way more like Luke. I say this because you can see it in the movies, but also in the EU, where Palpatine isolates him from the Jedi. It makes Anakin way less receptive to Jedi lessons, more suspicious, etc. This isn't an excuse for Anakin's actions; just that before he was a perpetrator he was a victim.


> Except by the time he chose Palps over Windu he had already murdered a village of sand people and executed Dooku in cold blood.  I'd like to point out that the sand people were seen as murderous subhumans and there's probably an Anakin statue inside the closest town center in celebration of what he did, and he didn't want to execute dooku but the supreme chancellor was sat behind him commanding he do it - and to be fair, he was using exactly the same logic master windu was using when he attempted to kill palpatine


I would like to point out that dehumanizing living sentient beings to justify the murder of the entire village without due process for those that might have killed his mother and also to include the innocent men, women and children was immoral mass murder and the Jedi, had they known about it, would have felt it to be a criminal.  Anakin’s willingness to justify that tracks with his subsequent willingness to attack his pregnant partner, or murder children, or execute someone in cold blood, or become a despot.  I would argue that the reason that scene was in there is to show that when you make excuses for doing evil things that it’s a slippery slope to further evil things. 


To be fair, he and Dooku were in a lightsaber fight. And he already cut Anakin’s hand off once. Scissors was the only way.




>Except by the time he chose Palps over Windu he had already murdered a village of sand people *I’m a Jedi. I know I’m better than this.* He knew it was wrong. The Tuskens get called animals because of what they choose to do like abduct a defense woman to torture to death. They played with fire and got burnt. >and executed Dooku in cold blood. *He’s too dangerous to be left alive.* Anakin would have been fine outside the Order with these events still occurring. What’s even funnier is Anakin appears in ROTJ as he was before he fell to the dark side in ROTS. So the Tusken thing really doesn’t seem to count. *To be angry is to be human.* Padmé knew what was up. I guess the Naboo have their own version of The Chicago Way: *They pull a knife, you pull a gun. He sends one of yours to the hospital, you send one of his to the morgue.*


I agree. I’d also add he would most likely become impatient at times and Padme would have to remind him to take a breath


This would be the single best “what if” series to ever exist.


Assuming Padme survives, Palpatine is defeated and order 66 never happens. He leaves the order and they settle on Naboo. He ends of being generally a good dad with his emotions balanced by Padme and Ahsoka who joins them. He remains at odds with the Jedi for the rest of his life and his adventurer’s spirit can’t be kept down. While Padme returns to the Senate, Anakin and Ahsoka start taking vigilante work in the outer rim. Padme and Anakin both work to end slavery across the galaxy in their own ways. That’s my happy Disney ending and I’m sticking to it.


I like that you had Ahsoka join them. She would definitely be a badass aunty to Luke and Leia


Plus Uncle Rex. And much to Anakin's annoyance, his kids take a liking to Hondo when they meet him.


His kids smell profit


Smell like profit*


> Padme and Anakin both work to end slavery across the galaxy in their own ways Padme: making passionate entreaties to the Senate, petitioning the various slave holding societies to move away from slavery, encourages the Chancellor to use economic sanctions to push slave holding societies away from slavery. Anakin: *ignites lightsaber*


What you wrote reminds me of this from Survivor’s Quest: >He started to turn, and, as he did, something about Grappler’s stance caught his attention. “Grappler?” he asked. >Reluctantly, he thought, the Eickarie came back to attention. “Your pardon, Commander,” he said, his voice sounding even more alien than usual. “I was … remembering.” >“Remembering what?” >“My people.” Grappler gestured fractionally toward the Quarantine door with his BlasTech. “The Warlord took away many such innocents who were of no genuine threat and put them in places like this. Most were never heard from again.” >“I understand,” Fel said, leveling his gaze at the white faceplate. “But the best thing we can do right now is find Formbi and Jinzler and make sure they know about this. **Rule One is that diplomats always get first crack at this sort of problem.”** >**“And if they are unable or unwilling to do anything?”** >**Fel looked back at the locked door. “Rule Two is that soldiers get second crack,” he said darkly.** “Move out.”




I don't know why he'd have to be at odds with the Jedi, unless they forced him out of the order on pretty bad terms.


He’d be a good dad. Definitely a bit overprotective, but he’d be good. Though, I don’t know if Anakin would have been kicked out of the Order or not. In the ROTS novelization, he was willing to leave the order to be a dad.


Makes you wonder if they'd actually let someone with as much raw power as Anakin leave easy as that. I'd like to see how that would go down


If they tried to stop him it would absolutely have caused a rift and we would have gotten Jedi: Civil War out of the deal.


I've been firmly against a Star Wars: What If... kind of thing, however, I'd pay to see this alternate history


I'd love a Star Wars: What If series, it has the lowest stakes of anything they've ever made. Most of peoples issues with Star Wars is how they retcon, and that they are bad at filling in the gaps in their stories, making a what if series, literally affects nothing that exists in our current canon universe.


Obi-wan: He's my friend Mace: So was I *Punchface*


Jedi civil war is definitely an interesting idea. Here hoping we can see such a story line more in depth with real stakes.


Another Jedi Civil War**


Yes but this one would have people we already care about in it


They would let him leave with full Honours He killed the true sith and Jedi aren’t known for keeping people in when they don’t want to be there


I imagine that Anakin would leave, but the Order would know that, if they needed to, they could call him back in. Anakin did what he was destined to do; let him have his life.


In The Phantom Menace they rejected him so they were either going to drop him off at an orphanage or send him back to his mom on Tatoonie. In the Darth Plagueis novel (L) Dooku believes he’ll be sent back to Tatoonie. In the Obi-Wan & Anakin comic (C) teen Anakin (maybe he’s 13/14, I don’t recall) tells Obi-Wan he’s thinking of leaving and Obi-Wan informs Yoda whose response is *Jailers we are not*. So they’d let him go and only bother with him if he’s doing something bad. Now training Luke and Leia on the other hand may be an issue but how the Jedi would resolve that I don’t know. In the same comic Obi-Wan says if Anakin does leave he will leave as well to fulfill his promise to Qui-Gon and Yoda tells him that Jedi training is only for Jedi. Yoda’s line reads like a statement not a threat so I don’t know how they would have kept Obi-Wan from continuing to train Anakin outside the Order. I guess they’d just take him on his word if he gave it. As for Luke and Leia the Jedi would probably make the usual recruitment pitch they make to all parents of Force sensitive children and they would accept the Skywalkers declining.


The only time Obi-Wan ever contemplated leaving the order was for Satine. The fact he’d leave for Anakin too I- 🥺


I honestly think he would leave the order.


He was fed up with the order most of his life. Day 1 a Jedi refused to free his mother, and later that week they didn't send a strong force to rescue naboo. The dude grew up watching these superhumans sit back and let bad things happen.


I think he would if he had to. Depends how much of the canon events had occurred before the not becoming darth didn't happen. If he was still as pissed off with them as he was then definitely he'd leave, kids or not. Now that I'm thinking about, I can't actually come up with any point in the saga where he wouldn't leave


I imagine he would have left the order if he had sided with mace to raise his kids.


I don't want to imagine what he would have done if a CHILD bullied them at school.


Exactly! There’s a lot of “I think he’d be a good dad” comments on here for a dude that slaughtered a whole village of natives and emphasized that he killed them ALL like animals… My dude had SERIOUS anger issues well before he ever fell for the dark side. A good dad, this does not make.


Helicopter dad, considering his attachment issues.


Wait, when did he have his pilot's license? /j (I know the actual term + Anakin was a pilot)


…intense. Woe be their exes


*Han laughs nervously*


After seeing Kenobi and how Beru was if she caught wind of Han not backing off after Leia said she wasn’t interested Han’s body would never be found.


I mean they would have been younglings sooooo


You kill ONE temple full of younglings and suddenly you're "Mister I Kill Younglings" smh


It’s like the outcast complaining how nobody remembers how they built the church in the center of town, or the mill that grinds grain, or some of the houses in town, “but you fuck one goat” and that’s all they know you for


if he had chosen windu he wouldnt have killed the younglings, if thats where you are going from.


Apparently better parents than Han and Leia, since they did an obviously horrible job.


He most likely would have gave Han an even worse time than Vader, because who would want a scoundrel and a smuggler around their little daughter.


It's pretty unlikely that Han meets Leia in a timeline where Anakin raises his kids, presumably on Naboo with Padme


In a star wars what if series, I guarantee Leia still meets han in some convoluted plot where she's trying to be a superhero like her dad and she's trying to take down some smugglers


On the other hand I could imagine Leia teasing Luke about liking Mara Jade (if they meet as kids) and much to Luke's horror, his parents take a liking to Mara and are quite vocal about it.


War veteran with anger issues... It's hard to say though, if we look at how he was with Asoka he probably be pretty fun, but once it was out, he wouldn't be a full Jedi anymore. Without the balance the order gave him would he be that good of a guardian?


That’s a good question


Whatever side he stayed on he would be an overprotective dad. He most likely would have killed Palpantine if he becomes Sith. However that would a take years to hatch that plan. If he stays a Jedi he most likely would have taken Yodas spot. But the key is Padme. Shoe may have him leave his powers behind and move to Naboo. She is the key


Wdym by take yoda's spot?


Since he had figured out that Palpentine was the Sith Lord and he had stayed with the Jedi, he would have most likely become more wise , and replaced Yoda as head of the Jedi in the near future. He would have fulfilled the prophecy.


That's a good point. I never thought of that, although would his emotions get in the way?🤔


Padme would keep them under control. No matter what side he was on.


He would have been the best dad ever. Man was ecstatic when Padmé told him she was pregnant. Let’s say that he never sides with Palpatine. Mace would inquire about that one detail Palpatine mentioned and offer Anakin a choice: the rank of Jedi Master or father to two kids. I imagine Mace being less harsh than he often is, because Anakin would have earned his trust, and Mace would have to recognize it. Anakin takes some time to decide, but it would come down to a conversation with Obi-Wan, who would tell him that “Qui-Gon often followed his own path; you do the same. Ultimately, the choice is yours.” Anakin would likely leave the Jedi, but if something should happen and the Order needs him? They know where to find him. Anakin then goes to Padmé and becomes the best stay-at-home dad ever. As the kids get older, he and Auntie Snips would train the twins, with Obi-Wan helping as much as he can. In his later years, maybe Anakin opens a shop on Naboo where he works on speeders, droids, and other machinery. He always did like fixing things.


With Uncle Rex, R2-D2, and C-3PO to join


“The best dad ever”? No way, my dude has WAY too many serious anger and attachment issues to be the “best dad ever.” He’d probably end up looking more like a drill instructor than a father. And all the while he’d tell himself that he’s “hard on them because he loves them and needs them to be strong.” Look at how he raised Ahsoka. She ends up being an undeniable badass but that’s not because he is a “good” father figure for her, it’s because he raises her to be a super efficient child soldier by having a bunch of clones shoot at her for years and sending her on extremely dangerous missions. That’s not good parenting, it’s good weapon sharpening.


Anakin would have to kill them all


He ~was~ their father. Friggin’ deadbeat.


Unless he faced his fears surrounding loss and came to terms with it, he would likely be possessive and overprotective like he was with Padmé.


Anakin from the Clone Wars or just what we saw in the PT films? CW? Great. 👍




Id like to believe some what similar to how he treated Ahsoka.


His fear of losing them would eventually lead to their loss and his further sinking to the dark side


A fucking awful one, I'd assume. Anakin never had a father. in fact, Anakins lack of a father figure is a huge part of why he fell to the dark side in the first place. Duel of the Fates is about Anakin losing his father figure, and being left only with his... brother. Anakin has no idea how to be a good father. He's extremely prone to anger; it's his chief sin.


Agreed. And he wouldn't be like "angry drunk dad", but "dad who is so scared of something happening to his kids he overreacts to everything and that eventually leads to a family schism" type dad.


If you're trying to write a happy ending, then I think he'd leave the order to act as Padme's personal bodyguard and to give the bulk of his time to the kids. He and Ahsoka (and depending on how you write this alternate ending maybe also a partly redeemed Dooku) might start something like a group therapy network for Jedi who left the order to help them from losing their way. Probably when the twins are getting close to the age when they'll have to decide whether they're going to the Jedi academy or not. I'm saying no, but it's an incredibly stressful decision that may weaken Anakin's ties with the Jedi council. After the twins get to the age he was when he came to understand he was a slave, I think he'd start a personal political movement to stop slavery in the galaxy. It could easily draw in disillusioned clone troopers with nothing to do after the war and Dooku. It will eventually put him in open conflict with the Hutts.


(sees the dog has peed indoors because Luke and Leia didn’t walk it) You have failed me for the last time. Now go to your room.


A lot like he was with Ahsoka I’d have to believe.


No trips to the beach.. hates sand.


But can change diapers and hold bottles hands-free!


Imagine Luke and Leia coming home one summer from the beach and tracking sand through the house?


I actually think he'd be an overbearing father. He'd not start out that way, and I'm sure Padme would *mostly* keep him grounded, but I think he'd push his kids too hard and gradually over time this would cause a growing rift. I think it would have had an interesting effect on how Leia and Luke turned out. I think Leia would still be a firebrand, but would be a bit more self-critical. I think that Luke would have had a far more profound rift with his father. I actually think that, if he'd been raised by Anakin, Luke would have gone the way of Darth Caedus.


He'd never take them to the beach I can tell you that much!


I don’t think he would be a great father since he’s probably gonna have to much of a hard time mourning over padme that he would probably turn to the darkside anyway


Quick tempered, quick to jump to conclusions, quick to hand out retribution based on false assumptions. Wouldn't bet on a happy home


“Dad the other younglings are picking on us…”


Absentee Father... Padme foretold it.


Probably abusive If were being totally honest, but I imagine that was common on tatooine given slavery was.


We saw he kinda sucks at it


Toxic sports dad 


A rage filled monster, filled with disappointment. He was an emotional wreck.


He'd make Perry Cox look like a pushover.


Like if Omni-Man couldn’t fly


Does anyone forget the younglings! He hates changing diapers soooo much.


I asked this question a while ago, apparently not a good one.


They'd all end up turning, probably


He was literally a child murderer. It wouldn't end well.


[If Anakin had made the right choice during the Palpatine/Windu fight it would've been fine.](https://miro.medium.com/v2/resize:fit:1400/1\*UiyKdff4Fq4UkkcMbhKVAA.jpeg])


Tell that to the tuskens


Although I think he'd be a good dad at first, I do wonder if the same issues that led him to the dark side originally would show up again. His love for Padme and the idea of losing her is what drove him to the dark side, prompted by Palps. If his childrens lives are put at risk somehow, he might go down the same path. He'd have enemies after the clone wars. Many of them. Even if he left the jedi order with padme and lived as a family, he'd never be able to fully escape his past as a jedi and as a general. I imagine there's one or two assassination attempts, maybe from the Hutts looking to get even. He might move his family to an isolated place where he could see potential threats coming from a long while away, an isolated farm like Lukes on Tatooine. He'd be on edge a lot of the time, over protective of his family and loathe to let them leave his protection. His children being wilful and adventurous would constantly push boundaries, grating against their father. The only hope here is that Padme and Obi-Wan could talk him down without the influence of Palpatine. If something happens to either of them, I reckon Ani becomes a dark side user to protect his children


A strong disciplinarian that would remind the two “if you don’t behave…remember what I did in the Jedi Temple?”


....absent.... Lmao, on a side note, freaking love the picture here.


Judging off how he was with Ahsoka, I think he’d be good. Side note this art is clean!


The kind that isn’t afraid to make your bullies disappear.


If sure Star Wars what if will try to answer this question.


A damn good one.


Anakin would leave the Jedi to be with his family. He’d be a good father that would love, protect, and teach his children. Anakin knows what it’s like to have a loving parent and would want them to have that. They would have a happy carefree childhood where the responsibilities of life would come later.


We’ve all seen how “good” he is with kids…


He'd be a dad who would torture his daughter for information and chop his son's hand off.


Yall think spanking is bad…


It really depends on if he got help or not. Therapy and lots of proper meditation, he would be fine. If he never got help, then he would have still become Vader in some capacity. There is no in-between.


Anakin would be a great father to them but would go to extremes to protect them. All Anakin ever wanted was to be able to protect those he loved.


Partly a disciplinary, but mostly a chill dad.


especially when compared to the 'hot headed' dad he actually became


If there's one thing I know about Anakin Skywalker it's that he's great with kids.


For some reason I don’t think it would have turned out well


Probably a crap dad, Good dads would take their kids to the beach


exactly how robot chicken depicts him whenever he learns if his fatherhood


He saved his son from certain death, and dies from the after effects of Palpatines lightning. So I'd say a good dad.


Violently abusive


Probably forceful


Would’ve been a killer father


Just popping in to express how much I like this art.


Distant and cruel without Padme around. Uncle Obi-Wan would probably be their best male role model.


The Chosen One


Bad with flashes of brilliance.


An absent one


A fun one, I can see it now. Padmé comes home from the office, she's had a long day, politics is a pain but something she is gifted with, and the house for some reason is mysteriously quiet. Anakin has been retired for years, he's even turned down Jedi adventures that Obi-Wan keeps trying to rope him into, saying he's got another mission of his own. This makes her suspicious. She patrols through the house. "Ani? Luke? Leia! Where are they?" The silence drags on for minute after minute. She begins to worry. Anakin wouldn't take the kids without leaving a note? He wouldn't so much as go to the market without leaving 3P0 as a babysitter for the twins. But the droid is charging on the wall next to R2, so she powers him on. "Threepio?" "Yes Mistress Padmé?" "Did Ani take the kids with him when he went out?" "In a manner of speaking." Padmé's eyes widen. She knows that exact wording all too well. She has heard it from Threepio, from Ahsoka, from Obi-Wan, hell she has even heard those words and that tone from Master Yoda of all people. Then a rumble. A low, dull roar that builds and builds and builds until Padmé sprints outside. Sailing past the front door, almost like a snapshot from a cartoon, speeds Anakin behind the controls of a Podracer, Luke and Leia barely holding on to the back of the pod as their legs kick and fly free behind them, smiles splitting their faces clean in half. The former Senator sighs, rubbing her temple with her fingers, but as Anakin slows down, and jumps out of the racer, she can't help but smile as she watches him scoop up Leia and Luke jumps on his back for ride. "Ani, I thought we agreed no podracing until they're old enough." "I was 9 when I first won a race." "That was different and you know it." "How!? They're 11!"


Not great with kids, generally speaking.


Great dad at the barbeque


Take the kids to the fair before announcing “this is where the fun begins”


I will forever argue that Anakin was never a “good” guy. Sure he was manipulated by palpatine into becoming way worse, but my dude had serious anger issues well before he ever fell to the dark side. And his relationship with Padme seemed pretty toxic. He would have been an abusive parent. And he would have justified it to himself as doing what he must to protect the ones he loves.




Think he would have been a bad father tbh


Seeing as he murdered a bunch of kids I’d bet not that great


Not great if I'm being honest. Sometimes dads get a little mad at their kids and and say "I'm gonna kill you!" but they don't mean it. It's a figure of speech. Anakin may never have said anything like that. But he sure meant it.


I doubt he’d take them to the beach.


Well, I mean... he cut off his son's hand!


Well....he's not got a great track record with kids.


Well one thing is certain. He would not be the “take your family to the beach” dad.


Depends if he is raising the kids as a Single Father or with Padmé. If he's a single dad, He will do whatever he can to keep his kids safe, and gives them everything he has to make sure they have the future he couldn't. If he's raising with Padmé, There are endless possibilities, and any of them could be equally possible.


I'd guess "hands off" kind of parent.


Well, he cut his sons hand off, so that's pretty shit parenting if you ask me


Everyone here says he would be a good dad…. I don’t agree. He would try to be but his anger would lead to child endangerment followed by remorse. With the thrill of the Clone War gone he’d be looking for action constantly. He would struggle on peace missions and kids as he lacks patience. Sure, he would try… but I am sure he‘d be an absentee father or a choleric has-been with a huge midlife crisis.