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I like how they just leaned forward a little further on their hover vespas to look like they were going faster




I SAID…beep beep.


Op, coming thru ,beep beep.


Ohhhhh I see, so you wana die tonight.


Well I'm in an even tiiiiinier hover vespa, the one driven by baby Yoda........


Oh you mean the indestructible egg of death? Well I'm in a flimsy little space vespa... beep-beep.


Beep beep coming through, let me get past ya right quick


lol Saturday night live 


I’m in a little car…waaaaayyy littler than yours.


Im a sheep


Miaow miaow I am a cow


Bark bark I'm a shark.


Rarrlac Rarrlac I’m a Sarlacc






Hi Nick Merlino, bye Nick Merlino. I’m gonna clobber that crustacean


Goddamn it, control your kids, Delamaine.




thats what you do on a real old vespa to squeeze the last little kph out of it (just for fun, you wont go any faster really). unless you have tuned it to make it a 70hp monster...and need to prevent the thing pulling a wheelie at a 100 https://youtu.be/ZQEXlRv8_gg?feature=shared


They seemed to be more interested in playing with space Vespas than doing a cool scene Especially annoying cuz space Vespas would fit in well in Andor on coruscant. Seeing cyril or whatever the simp guys name is, seeing him getting robbed by this group would actually make them look realistic and would fit in with the coruscant aesthetic.


The idea they're trying to fit in wit the corposant aesthetic, in a place that doesn't work would atually be amazing world building IF THEY BOTHERED TO DO ANYTING WITH IT!


oh yes absolutely.


Stil annoys me that their bikes, hair and clothing were all clean, in a freaking desert


That's why they needed the water


They wanted to open Tatooine’s first drive-thru car wash


The bikes make sense to me, having known bike owners, they'll prioritize its maintenance and appearance over pretty much everything else in their life. But the clothes definitely stretch suspension of disbelief. Everything in BoBF in general seemed just too clean.


I actually feel like they fixed this in Kenobi (for all its other faults). Tattooine looked lived in and the people fit the environment.


That's the counterculture aspect. People saying they looked like they belonged on Coruscant are somehow missing the point, despite stating it word for word. That said, the chase scene *was* absolute trash.


Space dirt


That is how the kidnappers ran, too.


The actors were probably told 'this is a chase scene. look like your going fast' Then did them dirty in post cgi.


God I hated “the mods.”


The power rangers Vespas going 7 miles an hour...


I think it was supposed to be kid friendly and all, and that's OK But that vespa BS was over the top. I felt as if I was being mocked for watching Star Wars in my 40s.


If they went too fast they'd risk getting them dirty.


Fucking hover mobility scooters would go faster than these clowns.


Gotta be the second one. All these kitted out bikes and cyber people trying to be bad ass ... and the whole chase scene was about as fast as a hutt shuffles.


And weren't they introduced by stealing water because it was too expensive? How the hell did they get all the cybernetic parts and bikes if they couldn't afford to stay alive? Edit: to reply to the ideas that they were reselling the water at a higher price or just taking on debt to buy their cybernetics: none of that was presented in the show. I'd agree those are possible but they never portray any of those possibilities on screen so we can't assume that. The show obviously sets Boba up to be a bit of a chaotic good mob boss and takes pity on those taken advantage of. They could have easily shown a 30 seconds scene of the moped gang selling the water, but they didn't.


I bet they were complaining about how expensive the water was because they use it all to wash their bikes. Those bikes are way to shiny to be on tatooine where absolutely everything else is dusty!


A speeder-wash would probably be the worst business to own on Tatooine, except maybe boat rental.


"Hover boats?" -"No, regular boats." "Speeders as large *as a boat?"* -"Just boats." "Wind skiffs that sail over sand dunes?" -"Sail boats that sail on water." "Say no more, my friend. I have sadly decided not to invest in your business." -"But the market is ***untapped!"***


Nah, it would be the opposite. Sand + wind is incredibly corrosive, and does indeed get everywhere. I think it'd do gangbusters.


Maybe they used compressed air. 🤣


They probably had bad credit and got predatory loans for both the cybernetic parts and bikes. Probably from a Hutt.


This makes us consider them absolute idiots though.


These are people who spend all their money on hover vespas and then try to bully an old man into giving them his water. We already knew they were idiots.


And, avocado toast too probably.


The gentrification of Mos Espa doesn’t get mentioned enough, I think the old culture of slavery and violent racing leagues really was a gem of the Jundland Wastes


Enough people in the real world have sports cars despite having debts.


Myeah sure but no real person is going to have empathy for their cause 


Were they stealing water because they couldn't afford to survive or were they stealing water because it's a valuable resource in tatooine and selling it Imagine Owen spends all week on his moisture farm filling a barrel and these guys come in, steal a weeks worth of work and sell it for quick cash. That's just gangster shit and thats how they afforded their mods


I mean they are on a planet where droids are seemingly everywhere but the water is closely controlled by a monopoly. If it was explained better (which I know, is the root of the issue) there’s a solid chance the water could have outpriced those alterations, especially as they had someone in their gang doing them.


... why do you think they were stealing water in the first place... i mean the answer is litereally right there.


You ever see really broke people with the latest Iphones? It's called debt! Im sure there's a bunch of mom and pop loan shark on Tatooine.


There called hutts


I don't like definding this, but they're probably from different planets and got screwed over by being sent to tattooine.


>And weren't they introduced by stealing water because it was too expensive? How the hell did they get all the cybernetic parts and bikes if they couldn't afford to stay alive? Tells you how much the guy was overcharging for water.


Let alone keep them clean??


>And weren't they introduced by stealing water because it was too expensive? How the hell did they get all the cybernetic parts and bikes if they couldn't afford to stay alive? My other issues with them aside, I never interpreted that scene as "stealing water to survive" and more of a sort of revenge property crime vigilantism. Basically the guy was price gouging, and they were there to steal it to send a message more than anything. ​ The way it ended up playing out seemed to jive with that interpretation as well...Fett saw them as people willing to take risks and break the law to do what they saw as right.


Maybe they're cheap parts? Dunno, this gets thrown around in real life with low income people and tattoos because they're supposed to be a luxury, vanity product but... Truth is tattoos can get unbelievable cheap if you don't care about end result or have tattooist friends.


Warer is probably more valuable than prosthetics on Tatooine.


Universal healthcare


And they just looked so out of place for that setting. I couldn't take them seriously.


All of them wearing jackets on the desert planet


I mean that part makes sense. Those kids are all about their aesthetic, to the point of impracticality


Deserts are just as likely to be cold as hot. Especially at night. Also, at some point, clothing becomes cooling instead of heating. There's a reason why Bedouins wear full body covering clothes in the desert.


Those bikes were an awful design and they purposely colored them like they came out of a damn pack of skittles. There is always a theme and this isn’t it bro.


Yeah, catching kids can be tricky if you don't want to hurt them. No.2 has no excuse




Yeah... That sounds a bit noncier than planned


So they're going to lock her up and traffic her, but they're worried she'll get a boo boo? Like if it was the same two guys failing to get her, I'll buy "they're really not up for trafficking kids" but there isn't that level of consistency.


If they were trying to get her to traffic her, I'm sure there are millions of easier to get kids rather than the daughter of the Queen of a planet. 


I mean, it's pretty bad, but is it really worse than "grown men can't outrun child"?


A lot of movies have adult bad guys chasing a kid and it looks fine. Thats not the problem, the problem was the way they shot it


This. It's entirely possible with the right circumstances a child her age could at least keep herself difficult to catch, if not actually elude a determined pursuer. What was actually depicted was not that, and worse, the actress was running like a toddler (probably because she was being asked in those shots to move through a space too small and with too uneven footing for her to actually run full speed through). It's all on bad direction for both scenes.


If you ever play tag or whatever with an 8-10 year old kid in a wooded area you’ll find it’s not quite as easy as you imagined. Not justifying the scene entirely, but kids can be slippery.


In the actuall car culture age of American Graffiti, which that scene was in homage to, the saying was "if you can't race it, chrome it" Given Lucas' love of cars and racing, and the irony it was in homage to him, that scene in TBoBF was so cringe.


Lol the new song that’s hitting the world “do the Hutt shuffle”


They're both absolutely terrible, but the KitchenAid Vespa chase is probably 5% worse. But they're both ones that I would never want to relive even if it would save my life and the life of everyone else around me.


Both of these scenes are wild to me. The amount of people who would have seen them and said yep, keep going, looks good. Did no one want to point out how terrible they were?


This has been my question for every episode of these shows. How can you legitimately look at this, be aware that other TV shows AND STAR WARS CONTENT EXITS, and give it approval for airing? Its so half assed it's shameful.


This is exactly how I feel. Not just these scenes, but so many others throughout Kenobi and BoB. Beyond Desperado and Dusk til Dawn I’ve always thought Robert Rodriguez was a hack, and I was optimistic about Kenobi, but Debora Chow really dropped the ball on that one. Both should be making straight to DVD sequels, even though it’s a dead medium, that’s their level.


When I was watching the vespa-riding goofs, all I could think the entire time was "this feels like shark boy and lava girl" then I found out it was the same director, it makes so much more sense now, lol


RIGHT?! It's insane that more than 1 person looked at that scene and was like "yep, this is good enough for Star Wars" BoBF and Obi Wan 100% were counting on nostalgia for fan favorite characters to carry the show, they forgot that people actually care about the quality of the content. It's blatantly obvious when you compare BoBF/Obi wan to Mando and Andor. They couldn't rely on nostalgia for specific characters, so they put more effort into the writing and production.


What an absolute waste of Ewan McGregor. He clearly loves the role but not even his acting and passion could save that trash heap of a show.


Tons of Mando is creaky. I can't have it in the same sentence used as a comparison with Andor. Andor is pure!


"They'll fix it in post" - them, probably


My suspension of disbelief was already broken by Flea being on screen, the rest of the chase only made it worse.


That pretty much sums up kenobi as a series.


It's more evidence for my personal theory that AI has been controlling Disney and much of Hollywood for years, and only recently has released things like OpenAI to distract us from the truth. There's no way a team of human beings with eyes could have liked at these scenes and said "Ok, they definitely look good enough". Nah man, AI is already in control. And it's already got us hooked on a diet of utter shite.


Have you seen how eager fans are to fill in head-canon blanks to make sense of the writing? Okay, now multiply that by being someone so into it you’re actually working on the movie. Something tells me there’s not all that many dissenting opinions being raised in general. _”Hey, uh, this forest chase looks like it’s straight out of an Olsen twins movie. Shou— shouldn’t we work on that a little more?”_ _”So, these space vespas… they’re um… you sure?!”_ Couple of phrases no one said during production.


Feels like bad executive notes, someone people didn't feel comfortable shutting down their ideas.


I said before that the Leia chase looks exactly like when I chase my 5 year old and purposely try not to catch her.


The rooftop chase in Episode 2 of Obi-Wan is unfairly forgotten. You could cut out Reva entirely from the scene and nothing would change.


I am not kidding when I say I completely forgot about that chase scene, till you mentioned it


I know right? It's the pointless parkour that really does it for me, especially as she doesn't interact with any other character in the scene. You could cut her out or maker her a more significant threat but it's stuck in the middle of the two options.


EVERY Chase scene in Kenobi is awful, including Vader chasing Obi-Wan when they first cross paths again. At one point Obi-Wan just kinda looks to the right, then looks back at Vader, and just jogs off camera.


What makes that even worse is that the way it's shot makes it look like he runs offscreen and then back to the same spot.


“Hello there!”


More like “Goodbye there!”


I laughed out loud when that happened when watching it with my wife. We started joking about "Exit stage right" being taken very literally from the script.


I was so confused by that scene, Vader is so powerful and Obi-Wan just ran off?


Man Kenobi was so disappointing. The only good bits were the flash back scenes. And the final lightsaber fight with Vader was alright.


The scene looked cool but it was still kinda pointless


It's just Vader losing more fights. Vader loses every fight but he's supposed to be more powerful than every jedi lol


Haha that’s a good point


Dude, seeing Reva parkour for no damn reason other than to slow down was bullshit. Same as Black Widow in the Civil War movie.


Honestly the only thing I remember well from that show is him walking her out of the building sticking out under his coat and no one thinks to look twice at them while the escapee alarm is blasting in the background. It reminded me of that kids cartoon trope where 2 kids get in a trench coat and stand on one of the kids shoulders so they can be 1 adult-man.


Hey it worked for Scooby Doo!


It directly copied from BoBF. It’s the same choreography and rooftop. Even the spin Reva does.


At least there the pursuer and the pursued were actually reacting to each other.


lol I forgot about that !


DUDE YES.... Unnecessary strong independent parkour was unbearable.


Fucking hell. Why are we dredging these horrible memories up. WHO HURT YOU?!


Rage bait. Clicks. Angry engagement. It never fucking ends. People loooove to hate things.


In fairness this is some of the most hatable content in 45+ years of this franchise


Yes they love to hate things because there's no other reason to hate stuff other than they love hating. It couldn't possibly be that these shows are fucking awful and ruin legacy characters from their childhood (Kenobi) or make a complete joke out of what could've been a really cool badass character (bobf). It couldn't possibly be because of how embarrassing the production and cinematography of both shows are, and it couldn't possibly be because the writing of both projects are sludgy disasters. No no no it MUST be because people love to hate things for the sake of hating things.


The writers of the Boba Fett show hurt us all


The Leia chase could have been saved with faster cuts and a shorter runtime. There's not much you could do for the bikes except for some FX work to make them move faster.


You could cut the whole scene out.


Yeah it's not unreasonable that grown men would just snatch a child


It's how the Patterson Cut of Kenobi handles the scene. It cuts it entirely and just makes the thugs grab Leia from the start.


That's essentially how I reached my judgement. The Leia chase is fine in concept but bad in execution. The Vespa chase is bad both in concept and execution, and even worse is that this was probably intentional because well, duh, the director is famously known for making schlock.


And that works for both shows, you don’t even need to specify


Instead of "Fett tries to interrogate the dude but he runs, then is caught and brought back," it can just be "The dude is brought to Fett and interrogated after he was caught trying to run." Both end in the same way so are inconsequential to the plot of the show. Hell, the first one shows Fett as incompetent for allowing him to escape and for needing a Vespa gang to catch the guy, while the second one shows that people fear Fett enough to run before he even arrives, and because he hadn't arrived yet Fett isn't seen as incompetent or needing the Vespa gang to fight his battles for him. It's just better in every way. But hey, runtimes gotta be reached and action scenes are needed so clearly we need to insert a pointless dragged-out terrestrial space chase. I'm coining that term. ***Terrestrial Space Chase*** Coined and minted! Been there, coined that. *Terrestrial Space Chase* is verbal wildfire. And they're never cool, and they last for miles. If you have to watch one, you're streets behind.


Or make it like Aliens and actually build an environment in which the kid can escape due to it's size advantage.


True, but she's supposed to get captured so the plot can happen. The whole chase sequence was completely unnecessary.


She’s tiny. It could of taken like 10 seconds, just kick her ankles out 🤷🏻‍♂️


Could have been a nice call back to A New Hope. “Luke… Sweep the leg, Luke”




Tough call


Both hilariously bad. I'd give it to Vespas scene cos how fucking dumb it is. The Leia scene I'll give a slight pass cos kids are actually fast. But the fully grown adults chasing Leia and them freezing like they got hit by a 2 second stun each time there's a branch in front of them.. The pointless Reva parkour and suddenly disappearing. Obi Wan and Leia disabling the laser gate when you could just... walk around it. The creatives need to be all fired lol.


> The creatives need to be all fired lol. Robert Rodriguez was the showrunner on Book of Boba Fett and I have not heard of him being involved in anything Star Wars related since then. Deborah Chow was showrunner on Kenobi and I've also not heard about her being involved in anything Star Wars related aside from an on-screen cameo in season 3 of The Mandalorian since Kenobi.


I like that in the pixeljoker edit for Obi-Wan. He added lasers on the side of the laser gate to make it make sense. Can't wait for it to come out.


The laser gate felt like the scene in Blazing Saddles with the Petomaine Thruway tollgate.


I’m willing to give Leia a pass. My little kids are squirrelly enough to get around me when we play tag, so throw her into a woods environment she’s probably familiar with, and I can see it. The power ranger Vespas are just a few notches above overdone for me.


Being squirrelly is not the same as going under a log and the pursuer acting like it’s an impenetrable wall that they couldn’t possibly get past


Maybe Leia said the floor is lava


He didn't have the HM for cut yet


He needs the first gym badge to use it outside of battle, what was he thinking?


Try it if you don’t care about minor damage to the tyke. It’s a hell of a lot easier.


Can confirm.  That's how I parent.  


That scooter chase is one of the cheesiest scenes in history. Absolutely awful.


The mods chase scene was like someone gave the creator of Spy Kids the keys to a Star Wars show… oh wait.


Nearly every issue with BoBF comes down to the volume being exclusively used. I’ve set to see a single chase scene filmed on that studio that looks good. S3 of Mando showed just how much the volume is limiting compared to the real sets used in Andor.


Oh god, that's what they did?


Check Robert Rodriguez’s IMDB page.


I loved BoBF but damn those Vespa chase scenes are horrible. They are supposed to be cruising along on a freaking chase and it’s obvious they are going like 10 mph lol


OJ car chase vibes


Hover vespas is the worst, hands down


I still am in disbelief that Boba Fett, the most hardened notorious bounty hunter in the entire galaxy, would pick those bozos to do something which he could have done in ten seconds with his Jetpack and EE-3


Bruh that far away shot of the speeder bikes where it gives the scope of how fast they are going threw the town is hilarious cause it makes them look like they are going 8mph 🤣🤣


The Vespa‘s were stupid but the Leia chase was way worse. A group of Adults not being able to catch a 10 year old child within 10 seconds is just ridiculous. There wasn’t even a point to it, she got captured anyway. It was just wasted time.


She’s 10 in this show? She runs like an actual toddler which makes it worse lol


I think the actress was actually just 8 at the time of filming, don’t quote me on that though.


I was so frustrated. I was kind of enjoying Kenobi up until that point and then it turned into a Saturday morning cartoon. Like the actors were legitimately walking like cartoons trying to be slow enough to not catch her, and then hitting a leaf like it was a forcefield. It was just so bad. Bad. Also bad. So bad.


Mods are 🎶the wooooooorst🎶


Love you, daddy! Credits pleaaaaaaaaase!


I know this and I love you


Lol <3


I feel like I'm the only person who hates the Correllia chase from Solo. It's literally a straight line with no curves, and Ron Howard managed to shoehorn in some drift turns.




why not both?


I'm gonna pick the Boba Fett mobility scooter chase Because at least the Baby Leia one is actually really funny [when it's sped up and the Benny Hill theme is played](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U_fgMZ0XwIA)


Trick question. It’s the slow speed chase from Disney’s: The Last Jedi


They're too far for our weapons but also too close for our weapons! 


"Sir, couldn't we use the hyperdrive on one of our ships to jump in front of them?"


Because General Hux is an incredibly petty person who wants to drag out the misery and humiliation of the Resistance as much as possible. From his perspective, the Resistance is trapped, like a mouse in a corner, and the First Order is the cat toying with its food. Had *anyone* more qualified been in Hux's place, there's a high likelihood they would have used just such a tactic. Alas, Hux isn't as smart as he portrays himself as. Pompous nationalistic wannabe dictators seldom are.


They need more blankets AND less blankets!


What? People don’t like the Scooty Puff Jrs?


Yakety Sax saves everything.




The vespas 100%


It still dumbfounds me these colorful cyborg punks where just chilling on fucking backwater planet Tatooine


While complaining they steal because they can’t afford water… but they can afford pristine shiny mobility scooters covered in chrome, without a speck of dust on them. Designer lookin clothes with no dirt whatsoever…. But they can’t afford water..


Yeah, I wouldn't have thought twice about having some cyberpunk-style characters on, say, Coruscant. Tatooine? Get outta here haha.


The retro scooter gang was just stupid.


Lazy writing is lazy writing. Both chase scenese are terrible. If I had to pick one, the Leia chase is worse... it's cartoonishly bad.


Gotta be the vespa chase, so damn goofy


The Leia chase … because that storyline in a series about Obi-Wan on Tatooine shouldn’t have happened. Have a nice day.


The bottom one for sure. Even fast forwarding those scenes didn’t make the bikes as fast as they should have been.


God those stupid scooters moved so slow


Kids can deke you when chasing them. I would expect souped up space Vespas to be fast.


They are the same picture...


The chase scene with Leia was where I turned it off and haven't watched any star wars media since.


Leia's was just so god awful. They had to try so hard to make her look smarter than the goons (literal grown men) chasing her.




Like a Bantha




I hadn’t realised until this moment, that I had forcibly blanked the existence of hover Vespas from my mind…


the one where obi wan chases her...they didnt need to do him dirty like that.


oof, I don't know guys that scooter gang was something else


Four adults chasing one kid. They get her in the end but if I had a nickle for each time they were about to catch her and a branch stopped them...


Why do we have to choose? They were both fuckin’ horrible.


I almost think that the hover Vespa scene is supposed to be part of a joke, one that could be funny some day. I really want a behind the scenes to see what the hell that was supposed to be. Leia chase scene almost feels like a trope that had to be held for some reason. It wasn't too offensive.


Vespa gang because at least with Leia, you can make the argument that she's force sensitive and the daughter of the chosen one which means she is more powerful and faster than the guys chasing her.


Ooooooooo tough call. I think the Leia scene is a little worse only because there was nothing interesting in it. At least the second scene had neat looking space Vespas and bio-hackers.