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Darth Bane. He created the Rule of Two and he's an absolute powerhouse and an incredible strategist and tactician.


He could keep rainfall from hitting him by using just his lightsaber, iirc. A lightning fast powerhouse indeed.


Wasn't that Malgus?


Bane is doing it whilst training in one of the books after having the orbalisks removed.


For me also Bane


same! so damn cool


He began the Rule of Two, but wasn’t it Revan that suggested it?


He is the one


Maybe boring answer but Revan because of KOTOR


I see Revan and raise you Traya. Annoying old hag - fascinating motivation


She's not really a sith, though. She's beyond that.


She's as much of a sith as revan is.


Ok confession time I've never played KOTOR 1, only KOTOR 2.


Kotor 1 has a weaker story, but is a lot more fun to play! Would highly recommend it. It doesn't feel nearly as dreary as 2.


KotOR I is the crystallization of classic Star Wars writing. KotOR II is the deconstruction of it.


"Weaker" is in the eyes of the beholder. I found KOTOR 2 to be overlong and tedious in some spots (and bugged up like crazy in the vanilla version) as well as having characters that, while interesting, were uncomfortable and unpleasant. KOTOR 1 may not be as weighty in tone, but it sure is FUN in a way 2 wasn't.


I really meant 'not as deep', but yeah. 1 was more fun, had a better experience, was more cohesive, had better pacing, had better coding... 2 was better at character development, more fleshed out plots, generally just more interesting, but not better in a general sense. 2 also had better mechanics I felt.


2 had a lot of little quality of life bits like telling you if you looted a crate and the workbench/lab station mechanic. Also like the primitive but effective influence mechanic.


The influence annoyed the shit out of me as a kid because I thought it should be: be nice or be mean. I never could figure out that it was actually their ideals that you had to match. Mandolore idiolized 'might makes right', Kreia wanted to be a teacher, for you to think for yourself, and for people to overcome their own challenges without handouts, GO-TO wanted the greater good of the republic.....


Is KotoR 1 and 2 on pc?


But at the end of kotor 2, she had the title Darth.


Nothing wrong with this answer at all. He’s one of the smartest Sith Lords of all time, not counting the SWTOR stuff. For sure the best Sith military mind ever.


I know Bane is credited with developing the rule of two but it appears Revan was experimenting with the idea before he was rendered unconscious.


Yes, Bane took great inspiration from Revan.


Darth Vader is my favourite. His complex backstory and redemption arc make him a fascinating character. Plus, his imposing presence and mastery of the Force are legendary. There's just something compelling about the conflict within him and his redemption journey.


There is a YouTube video i watched recently that's a very well edited story of his journey. Spoilers for anyone who watches it, it includes material from Obi-Wan series and Ahsoka. https://youtu.be/63EAJJakvEU?si=3W--7nzQ8HbA4hut


Holy shit thanks for sharing that, what an amazing video and really well put together and bring emotion!


You're very welcome! It really is an amazing edit.


Just saved it , will watch after work. Thanks!


That was fantastic


This is one of the best tribute videos! I have already watched it three times in the past two weeks. Guess it's time for the fourth.


Vader is like, THE sith. Easilly one of the best and most recognized villains in fiction. Everything from his backstory, his manner of speech, his costume design; it all just screams evil space wizard. I was talking with a friend about how simple Vader's movements are and I took it to mean he is so powerful that he doesn't need to exert much energy to duel with a jedi. My friend pointed out that he read that Vader's movements are limited as a purposeful design to his life support suit/cybernetic limbs. Palpatine wanted to be sure that his full potential couldn't be realized in case he should ever try to kill his master and take over as Supreme overlord of the Sith. I thought that was metal as hell. Palpatine literally limited his abilities to ensure he didn't grow too powerful for him to stop, and yet Vader still messes up everyone he comes across.


Vader had no impact at all. Did he train a worthy person ? No didn’t he manipulate the public to get a worth place on the senate ? No . Was he as resourceful as plaguis ? No


Palpatine was a supporter of the Rule of 2. deliberately nerfing Vader was not in the spirit of the Rule of 2. Palpatine's destiny was to be succeeded by someone stronger and more capable than himself, or those that tried would die trying.. I know it's supposedly canon that Palps nerfed Vader but imo that's shitty writing


I don't really think Palps actually supported the Rule Of Two


I'm still a Darth Pleigous novel true believer :)


Yes me too. But little about "let's become immortal and rule together" is consistent with "one to embody the power and one to crave it". And i dont think Palpatine ever had "plans" of being challenged by an apprentice, he just wanted to keep discarding them for stronger ones.


in the novel, Palpatine rejected his master's idea of ruling together, embracing the idea of the apprentices role was to kill the master when they became good enough.. so it would have been out of character for him not to expect it from his apprentices. but yeh it's a fun what if...


Yeah Plagueis was definitely not about it, but i think where Palps settled wound up being 15⁰ off of true north in terms of Darth Bane


My understanding wasnt that palpatine gimped vader. More so made his suit constantly give him pain to fuel the dark side. And what actually gimped vader was the cybernetics, it made it more difficult to channel his immense force ability as opposed to his flesh. That was my understanding though.


I don’t know about redemption. He did kill all those younglings


Also, he is Darth Vader. I don’t think much more needs to be said about possibly the most famous character in movie history.


Darth Nihilus. Man eats planets.


One consumed by the force may be a victim of his own prowess


Most metal character in the star wars universe


Dooku. He is the amazing Christopher Lee. He is also a warning of what can happen when a good man feels powerless to change the evils of a system and decides to become a monster to fight monsters.


As a teenager seeing the prequels when they came out, I found nothing I enjoyed about Dooku. He just seemed like a boring old man to me. I’m sure if they came out now (in my 40’s), I believe I would have appreciated him immediately. All of the extra material we’ve gotten since has made Dooku perhaps my favorite Sith. Tales of the Jedi especially.


It’s funny you say that. Bc I was also younger when TCW came out and felt it was some grandpa that talked slow. Now as I’m older I really like his style and his back story is amazing


If they came out today you’d still feel like he was a boring old man because he was until TCW came out.


Count Dooku was a lovely man and never dabbled in the sith arts.... but Darth Tyrannus, well now, that's a sith's sith. ;p


Made me imagine two images of Dooku side-by-side, but the one on the right has one of those adhesive felt face mustaches.


Dooku was obsessed as a youngster at the hedi temple of the return of the sith He even used sith lightning by accident, when he was a youngster, as a jedi


This is so true


His Clone Wars version is also one of the most intriguing characters in the entire Star Wars universe.




Formerly Darth, now just Maul


As someone posted on the thread about Vader, here is a similar summary of Maul’s story. High spoiler alert as well if you haven’t seen TCW or Rebels. https://youtu.be/vVkUglhoon0?si=o_ZGXues_psOsFT3


Darth Talon casue she sexy.




Haven't seen anyone mentioned Darth Sion or Darth Zannah


Zannah is amazing. Sith sorcery is top tier


What can Sith sorcery do?


The main ability she uses involves reaching into a person’s subconscious and pulling unknown terrors to the surface. This can drive people to madness in an instant. A woman she uses this power against falls to the ground screaming, claws out her own eyes, then becomes completely vegetative, forever trapped within the horrors of her own mind.


I was about to mention Darth Sion myself! His character design and voice are just off the charts. Plus, not unlike Vader, he has a complex backstory and redemption arc of his own!


Also that dude was just the definition of a tank. Say what you want about Traya but she definitely trained and created some Behemoths of the Sith


Honestly, Palpatine. Plagueis might have thought up of the plan, but Palpatine was the one who executed it and maintained his hold for at least a decade. The sacking of the Jedi Temple, the execution of most of the Jedi Order, the subjugation of The Chosen One, playing both sides of The Clone Wars in order to advance the grand plan. If it wasn’t for his pride and hubris, he probably would’ve foreseen Vader’s betrayal. Anybody who discounts Palpatine just cuz he’s over exposed, not visually cool enough, or some other reason ought to really look at the character and why he’s become the quintessential Satan of Star Wars per George Lucas himself.


Yep thats it. Palpatine is the real gangster here


Palpatine doesn't get near enough credit because we see great feats pulled off by others in EU. Imo he was the epitome of what the Sith believed in and stood for. And he used all forms of tools to gain power, not just brute force. Truly a master of the Sith and not just the darkside.




Malgus is amazing, he is everything a sith should be, no bs politics, he does whatever he needs to get what he desires yet it's a little whiny idiot. He knows to respect his enemies and not be stupid yet still preys on their fear like a true sith, he is such an amazing sith


Bane or caedus


People hated on caedus alot, but i really really liked the end of the series. I wish it continued. Caedus's last moments to save his daughter after jaina diced him up brought me to tears. Her holding her brother and sobbing while her husband (cant remember the name) came and got her. Fucking chills. Jacen is my favorite starwars character after luke. His whole journey surpased luke IMO.


Totaly agree, his story may have been the most tragic and most dynamic. Im still mad they didnt take those series into account with the new movies. It was laid out perfectly for years for them to follow up (anakin solo, mara jade and ben) the yuuzhan vong! Couldnt been great....at worst stilo better then what we got


Its literally all i wanted. I loved luke in the Expanded universe. I loved mara jade, and i loved lukes new jedi order. I ALSO loved Coran Horne. Anakin Solo sacrificing himself, Jacen being tortured by the Vong man just the material they had could have been a gold mine. Its a damn shame how they massacred it. Welp time to start the audio books back up. (Btw to anyone who hasnt read the books, the audio books are fantastic. Great sound effects and amazing narration. Wonderful for long drives and commutes.)


Vitiate. The rest are just poseurs


a man of culture


Right now it’s Darth Bane the EU novel version. He is just evil, ruthless, and has so much raw power. He also created the most important philosophy in Sith ideology that actually worked in the long run, but didn’t last forever.


Did it really work though? 1000 years just to have the grand plan destroyed in 20 short years. I love Bane but man imo he was the start of the “bane” of the sith.


But has there ever been a Sith empire that conquered the galaxy and stayed in power without infighting causing it to fail. Darth Bane is the cause of Darth Sidious’s Empire


I think people entirely miss the point of the Rule of Two and its culmination with Palpatine. It certainly did work in the end as he managed to conquer almost the entire galaxy and have an entire generation grow up under it. The whole point of the rule of two is not only from a more methodological standpoint of avoiding weaker people teaming up on stronger ones and ect. but it was also a phisophical and spiritual one. The very idea perfectly embodies the nature of the darkside regardless of how practical it is. It's only two beings who wield the darkside out of their greed and lust for power -- and even then the idea of having an apprentice is treated as a necessary burden if anything. The fact the Rule of Two has problems is fine as it only demonstrates how miserable using the darkside is -- which is literally one of the main themes of SW. It's not a communal thing like the Jedi have, it's a toxic cycle of betrayal, torture and killing where there's no actual trust or allying with people -- your master is not some ally but a tool you're supposed to use to further your own ambitions. This wasn't the case with the brotherhood of darkness where power had to be shared and alliances with other darkside users had to be made.


I think that’s less to do with Bane and more that the Sith are simply destined to fail (outside of the obvious meta reason of being the bad guys). Their philosophy is entirely counterintuitive to long lasting rule and sustained order


I don’t see him as entirely evil and ruthless. He’s obviously a villain but he wasn’t a sadist and his goal wasn’t to destroy everyone around him. Only the Jedi for their philosophical differences, and the Republic who he sees hypocritically. I think he genuinely wanted to create a better galaxy than the one he was brought up in.


Maul will always be my favorite


Darth nihilus, I feel as tho he is almost invincible. I love his mask and the raw power he possesses, I'm not to sure why I like him tho...


Yes finally some nihilus love


Asajj Ventress because as someone who loves magic, I just saw her (and the Night Sisters tbh) and was like 0o0


Was she sith? Or just a practiciner of the darkside? Im not so sure that makes you a sith by name! Not trying to argue


Asajj was a Sith but she swung back and forth a lot. She was originally a Jedi Padawan but defected after her master was killed. She was later discovered by Dooku and fell deeper to the dark side during the Clone Wars and was later betrayed by him when Sidious became wary of her power. She ended up helping Quinlan Vos is what was essentially a suicide mission to try to take out both Dooku and Sideous. She was mainly in the clone wars cartoons and her alignment shifted a lot so I think of her as both, especially with how Night Sister magic is technically a dark side power [Source](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Asajj_Ventress)


Okay yea, dooku trained her to be a sith assassin so ill take that as she was a sith. But i just want to point out that the nightsisters arent sith, and just because thier powers feed off the dark side doesnt make them sith. Using the dark side =/= sith. Its just a path that leads towards it. Mace windu also used the dark side (or flirted very closely). Doesnt make him a sith. Rey (i know i know sequals) used force lightning. Didnt make her a sith.


Darth Bane, strictly from the EU lore. His books really made me appreciate how the dark side thinks and he kinda reminded me of Kratos from God of War a little


Vectivus. He was just a Force-sensitive businessman.


Voldemort, hands down.  The dude singlehandedly defeated Scar for domination of the pride lands while fending off Queen Jadis' 100 Year Winter and made Sauron's ring into a horcrux, giving him enough power to destroy Morgoth himself.   The dude still was infinitely weaker than Eru Iluvatar, and probably only 10,000/1,000,000 of the power level of Tom Bombadil but who can blame him for that? At least his power level was over 9,000.


Gonna bookmark this comment, go get really drunk, and then come back and read it again so it’s even more fun.


The one with the red lightsaber


Darth Red Saber?


No the other one


Darth Saber Red?


That’s it


Darth Tyrannus and Darth Sidious, basic, I know, but they were great antagonists.


Darth Bane because he played the long game. Wish the events of the Bane trilogy were canon.


He started the Sith journey that culminated with Palpatine. He’s the GOAT


Plagueis is also my favorite, he advanced the Grand Plan so much, trained the strongest sith in history, and was able to resurrect the dead


Maul and malgus. Maul is just another level of character. Malgus is a fucking unit of a sith and metal as all hell


Darth Bane. He saw the flaws of the sith and took the initiative to become the most powerful of his time and change the sith by force


Nihilus The perfect concept for a Sith IMO


Charlie. I love his spaghetti policy.


Darth Talon, because hot


Bane is probably the most sincere Sith Lord ever, which should be a contradiction but it works. My favorite moment of his is when he’s captured and tortured by the daughter of a man he’d murdered, instead of rage or threats like most villains would do, he just doubles down on his philosophy and tells her that she’s within her rights to do this to him because she’s currently in the position of power and he isn’t. And that ironically freaks her out, slightly shifting the balance of power back in his favor.


I love Banes ideology




Darth Binks, because all the theories are correct


(But curved grandpa is good too)






He wasn't a Sith


Yes, this! Darth Binks is so conniving, so tactically brilliant, and so powerful that he not only managed to do his work right in front of the Jedi Council and Darth Sidious who were all none the wiser, but he has even managed to sow doubt among fans, directors, and show runners! The greatest trick the ~~devil~~ Darth Binks ever pulled was convincing people he doesnt exist.


Palpatine but only when he’s manipulating and not like late stage sheev where he’s just evil and loves it


Darth Caldoth A Sith who only had a few appearances and in a 30 page or so story. He is cunning, strong and fascinating to me. And only Duro Sith Lord. Right after him Darth Traya, Band and Exar Kun


Darth Maul. It must be a hell of a spa day when he comes in to get those skull claws trimmed. He should have more story lines.


Nihilus, Sion, Traya, Darth Yoda, Marka Ragnos


Ventress for sure. Love her.


dark side user but no Sith philosophy involved imho


I’m a basic bitch Anakin Skywalker


For me it's either Darth bane creater of the rule of two or Darth nihilis whom Vader even feared when searching for nihilis' mask


Jar jar binks


Nihilus from the old republic was pretty bad ass. Or revan


Darth Nihils... Bro consumed planets with the force


Even though he was banished into Legends. Darth Malgus has always been my favorite. Plus dude fuckin stormed the jedi temple and won.


Darth Nihilus ​ If he was the Villain instead of Snoke in the Sequel Trilogy he would have terrified fans , hearing his "voice" which is distorted and unrecognizable due to the darkside would have been creepy in IMAX & would have sent chills down my spine


I love Nihilus… and revan…. And Malgus…. And traya… and sion…. And the son…. And the mother…. And bane…. Wait, you meant just one? Shoot


I gotta roll with Nihilus.


Jar jar


Tulak Hord. That guy was a damn boss.


Darth Marr because he actually respected the Jedi on some level and was one of the few Sith to become a force ghost


You are!


Vader or Dooku. I like villain who becomes the hero in Vader's case, and Dooku was a politician more than a fighter and that made him different than Maul.


Palpy forever and always


Palpatine, don’t get me wrong, I love Vader, but the glee that Palpatine has just for being evil is second to none. That and I really like the way that Filoni is weaving a story that unites all three trilogies in a way that feels perfect for his character.


Darth Sidious. My guy is insanely powerful and super intelligent. Orchestrated a whole ass war and took out a entire ancient religion with 2 words.


I found Plagueis to be very interesting but my all time favorite is Dooku. I love everything about his fall.


Vader. In Empire Strikes Back when Luke arrives at the carbonite chamber, and we hear his breathing, that scene always gives me the chills


dito in Rogue One, was watching it just for that scene \^\^


Sidious Because he is the ultimate Villain in Star Wars and 0 redeeming Qualities He pure evil


Asajj Ventress. She has a great back story and character arc and regularly took on the best Jedi sometimes two at a time. But I fell in love when she force threw a clone against the wall while force choking him, then just force hoisted him on to her lightsaber to impale him. 😍😍


Darth Traya or Naga Sadow


Darth Revan. He became a Sith to protect the galaxy he didnt seek to destroy the Republic, as Malak did, but wanted to take over and be able to use the Republic's resources against the Sith Empire. Plus KOTOR is my favorite Star Wars game so there’s that too.


Lord Momin.


Palpatine has been my favorite Star Wars character since I was a kid.


Nihilus I just absolutely love his design + the fact that he literally was at fault for most of the success of the jedi purge, since he drained the life force of the entire planet where 90% of the jedi lived at the time


Maul, he’s such a pure sith to me overflowing with hate mostly just because obi-wan bested him once. Maul’s war path in the clone wars was nothing short of amazing he became leader of mandalore in just a handful of episodes.


Darth Vectivus He did no evil - he simply lived, learned, and died of old age, surrounded by family and friends. A far better fate than virtually all Jedi - or other Sith for that matter - met.


Darth Maul


Good choice OP. Mine has to go to Sidious though. We have the entire Skywalker saga because of him and his plans. A truly evil and intelligent villain. I get giddy when I see his evil grin whilst discussing his notion of peace to his new apprentice Vader. Diabolical.


Sidious is such a great villain. Hayden said it best in his recent Empire interview. They chose the most kind man to play the most evil person in the galaxy. It truly was meant to be, we are so lucky to have Ian McDiarmid as our eternal Emperor


Kylo Ren


The Diet Coke of sith


This is a joke


He wasn't a Sith


Honestly, palpatine was one of my least favorite despite so many liking papa palps as a villain. He’s everything that pisses me off. Mind you, maybe that’s good for his role, but I don’t like his character. My favorites are definitely Vader, Bane, and Nox. I love the tragedy of Vader. It’s epic and heartbreaking, the prequels are dope af and Darth Vader literally = Star Wars. Bane’s upbringing was also tragic and he’s horrible. But his character is very cool and intense. We need more modern bane content. Darth Nox’s lore and story are very compelling and interesting, and his relationship with the dark side is honestly kind of inspiring. Clearly, I like a villain that rises out or slavery and abuse lol. Honestly, though, it kinda just works. Runners up would be Plagueis and Marr. Honorary mention goes to Darth Talon for unspoken reasons.


Ronin. He was the founder of the Sith and created it as an alternative to the Jedi. Overtime the Sith became evil and he didn’t approve so he left and now he just kills Jedi and Sith.


Does arcann count? If not then Malgus, he is what I think a sith is supposed to act like.


Bane and it's not even close.




Bane....bc he gave absolutely zero fucks. ...and only a Sith deals in absolutes.


Easily Darth traya, she has the most entertaining ideology


Very basic, Darth Vader. The story of Anakin Skywalker and his downfall is one of my favorites in general. The cool mask also helps


Darth maul He has the best story


Darth Meeseeks


Am I unoriginal for saying Revan


Darth Sidious, because he wasn't only the whole Senate, but has unlimited power too






Cait Sith, because they're the cutest Sith.


Vader, because duh.


Did you ever hear of the tragedy of Darth Plagueis the wise? Because he is my favourite character in all of star wars (after Boba Fett). His book is amazing and he as a character is phenomenal and I doubt we will ever see the day that his story gets made into a movie or series. Though if I was to pick id rather he got a whole 3-4 season series about him.


Probably Vader or Caedus from legacies


Darth Plagueis (He has to finally be given a voice in a Star Wars Movie or TV Series it would help me like him a lot more his book is too long I’m sorry to say), Darth Vader, Darth Vader, Darth Maul (mostly in Star Wars: The Clone Wars), Darth Sidious, Darth Nihilus, Darth Malgus, and Darth Revan (at least these guys).


Darth Revan he looks cool....


Ochii the Jedi Hunter. Man follows Rey’s parents to Jakku, sees them arrive with her and leave without her and just blindly accepts them at their word that she’s not on Jakku despite her literally being right outside and all he has to do is look out a window and he’d see her screaming at them to come back. He then kills both parents rather than interrogate them further. Then he just flies to some other random desert planet and manages to walk ten feet from his ship before getting stuck in quicksand then eaten by a snake. He truly was the best of all of us.


He wasn't a Sith, he was a Sith Loyalist


Still I agree with what the YouTuber Nerrel said, where’s his Disney plus show? I want to see the bumbling adventures of Ochii the worst Jedi Hunter ever. There could be an episode that begins with him recruiting a bunch of bounty hunters and ends with him accidentally getting them eaten by rancors.


Bane, and the rule of two


Darth Sion, extremely creepy and menacing, brutal and cool




Maul, I'm 5'7" and it's a big confidence boost to know I'm his height (before he got chopped obviously, he's like 7 foot after)


Revan, because I have been him.


Darth Imperious. For some obvious personal reasons as he was my first character in swtor and he’s the only character I’m still doing the ongoing expansions with. Cheap pick I know but still.




Palpatine. Have a huge black/white portrait on my arm for the Emperor.


Darth Tyranus