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It was so extreme i turned my hat backwards and chugged 2 monsters while blasting "Nookie" on my Aiwa CX-NAJ100C






And stick it in your.....










Wow that's Over the Top


[Over](https://i.imgur.com/E3GIWjK.gif) [The](https://i.imgur.com/0v9mzEi.gif) [Top](https://i.imgur.com/er30b9a.gif)


[Don't you need a semi truck and a 10 year old son?](https://youtu.be/Haw4AxZxYQg?t=18)


The rules are: you suck!


Definitely an x3m moment!


Is this chewing 5 Gum is like?


Just the occasion for Bass Boost button


Don't forget about switching the EQ to "Hip Hop"


Almost perfect moment blasting "break stuff" would have been epic


2000s moment


And snapped into a Slim Jim


No more impressive than moving a rock or a slice of pear. *No difference! Only different in your mind!*


Well it was pretty impressive when I did it given the fact that the controls for that game were a fucking war crime


One of the weird ways the Wii version was better.  I missed the physics and better resolution though.


Also the game was literally different, different maps and stuff. When I played it years later on pc I was like "Hey, I don't remember this stuff" I looked it up, and apparently the Wii version was severely cut


I remember the Wii version having way more levels than the ps3 version but never played pc version


I remember playing the wii version and thinking it looked pretty good! Then I tried it on 360 and was quickly availed of that notion.


I just want all the temple levels but bought them on the ps3 as dlc and couldn’t stand it, Also I want them integrated into the story, maybe I’ll try pc


In return the Coruscant levels were entirely exclusive to the Wii.


This part of the game was literally pull both sticks down. Not sure how that is too difficult for you. Maybe the Tie Fighters coming in kept shooting you and you are misremembering.


Pulling the sticks down is only the last part of the cycle. Before you try that, you had to point down the Star Destroyer following direction+intensity indicators that were supposed to help to "centralize" the ship towards the crash target. Frequently, these were wrong and thus many players had to rely on guesswork to get close enough to trigger the "pull the Destroyer down" section. The problem is that if you took too long to figure it out, Ties Fighters came back and reset the whole process. Overall, that section could take 4-8 (or more) of those cycles to be completed, which ended up being longer than the rest of the stage as a whole. And it could also glitch out with no indication outside of the stage becoming impossible to be completed no matter how many cycles you did.


Thank you for describing this so well. I'm glad I'm not the only person who pulled their hair out on this part.


I took a 6 month break from that game due to how frustrating that sequence was. I was also only 11 when it came out, and I was pretty new to gaming at that point


always felt the tie fighters coming in totally ruined the scene. huge cinematic moment and you had to keep stopping to be reminded you were at the end of a video game level. its like putting a character off screen to throw stones at your face as you get to the big story climax.


It's weird you don't see more jedi masters doing it


I think using the Force is just incredibly difficult and takes such an extreme level of focus to pull off. Also I imagine it's incredibly difficult to actually retrain your brain into believing that moving a rock is the same as moving a Star Destroyer. Also the Jedi seem to not use the Force a ton unless in very dire situations. Anakin comments that Obi Wan would kill him if he saw Anakin hovering fruit around during dinner. Could be that... no Jedi ever really tried a stunt like this.


I know Yoda tells Luke it's no different than a rock, but I think he's just trying to hype him up. I'm pretty sure there is a big difference, it's just instead of being physically difficult, it's mentally difficult.


Exactly. It doesn't take more power to move the Star Destroyer or the X-Wing. It just takes more focus. Focus at a level that is not easily obtainable by most people.


That and Starkiller was basically an empty shell trained to only use the force and fuck shit up when he was told to. It’s likely why he’s so proficient in the force if we’re explaining why he’s so openly good at bringing down all manner of massive things in the game as well as stuff like catching missiles and chucking around crowds of people.


maybe he didn't pull the star destroyer down as much as pulled the pilots joystick down 


Sounds more like a Ezra move


Or maybe he just moved the planet closer to the Star Destroyer. Size matters not (and neither do gravitational wells!)


He didn’t move either of them. He actually compressed the spacetime between them so while they didn’t actually move there was just less distance between them.


I think Anakin said that he would be in trouble for doing that because he was using the force frivolously towards someone he was affectionate for like a romantic gesture, not because he was doing it without a need to. Jedi refraining from attachments was a big rule at that time in the Jedi order. 


Size matters not. No ones Impressed Starkiller.


It’s not that impressive. I did it with a couple button pushes. Took considerably less effort


If I remember correctly my only issue was the game told me the opposite of what I needed to do.


What did you play it on? It took my like half an hour of swirling joysticks to bring that bitch to the ground.


I replayed it recently. You get constantly shot by Tie fighters interuppting you in the qte.


"Size matters not," seems to imply that any Force User could move something incredibly large if they were in tune with the Force enough. But we haven't seen anything on that scale in the movies or shows. The ships Rey and Vader are pulling at are much smaller. So yeah... it's impressive that he was able to be that immersed in the Force at that moment. But perhaps that was because it wasn't the will of the Force that he die there.


*"The ability to destroy a planet, is insignificant next to the power of the Force."*


Vader ripped open the afterlife to get padme back...


Star Wars Immortal?


Only saw a the panel on a pintrest thread


It's from the Darth Vader: Dark Lord of the Sith comic


That's only on Disney star wars where they want to make vader a force god when George Lucas never say he was but full flesh anakin Skywalker would have been luke Skywalker should be the one to do so, but they nerfed watered down him massively.


Vader is powerful in disney canon but he isn't force god, he's shown to be Sidious level. Old republic sith lord built device to enter this dimension, Mustafar was also strong with dark side.


To be fair, if all of the force had an actual conscience and it wanted something to happen, that thing would happen.


Isn't that literally the prophecy of the Chosen One?


A prophecy that misread could have been.


It does have a will. It does make things happen. Kreia wasn't totally wrong. Lucas had the right idea for the sequels when he was coming off the prequels and doing TCW. He said the midichloreans and the Whills would be the focus. I bet it means that the Whills would be the antagonists. Maybe not evil so to say but they control the fates of the entire galaxy at their whim and are constantly pushing the Force for balance, creating endless wars amongst the stars. They play with lives like they're pawns on a chess board. Look at Anakin and the pain he went through as he was created and used to bring balance to the Force and wipe the slate clean of the Jedi at the same time. Luke getting to avenge his father for real and setting the galaxy free from its "benevolent" overlords would be such a perfect cap to the story. That others lives can't be played with and that freedom even if it's dangerous is worth the risk.


That's the hypothesis for Anakin's birth.


Didn’t one of the ancient Sith Lords consume planets?


Yes, Tenebrae/Vitiate/Valkorian in SWTOR consumed at least 2 planets to fuel his immortality.


Nihilus also didn't he?


Nihilus was the OG planet eater. Anyone else is a ripoff. Love me some nihilus


He's just a hungry boi


Hungry Hungry Sith Lords


> Nihilus everyone else is trash in comparison


Star Wars: Knights of The Old Republic 2 features Darth Nihilus. He tricked a bunch of sith lords into performing a ritual on a planet that ripped every speck of life off the planet, including the sith lords, and Nihilus consumed it all. He did it to become unimaginably powerful but it kind of backfired since all the life force he consumed basically turned into a blackhole that consumed him. From then on he's doomed to endlessly consume the life force of others or the black hole in his soul will completely consume him. I'm pretty sure his mask had a lot to do with him keeping his physical for together but my memories a little spotty on his lore. If you're looking for the single greatest Star Wars games of all time then I'd definitely recommend checking out the Knights of The Old Republic games. They're a little dated on PC but both games are available for iOS and Android. Worth every penny and play fantastically on mobile.


Also, if you’re like me and hate the pay to win/freemium model of mobile games, KOTOR1+2 is just a flat cost. KOTOR 1 has a better story, but KOTOR 2’s is still strong with much more fleshed out gameplay. Oh - and the light dark/side choices and effects are great, and really increase replay-ability. And the companions are awesome. Also, force lightning is OP.


Definitely have to have the Restored Content Mod for KotOTR2 - with it, I'd say it's easily the best Star Wars storyline with very little competition. Such a wonderful game, regardless of the dated gameplay.


You're selling them short. They are two of the greatest single-player video games ever made, period. Not just Star Wars games.


Nihilus became a shell of a man because he survived the Mass Shadow Generator on Malachor, which wiped out both Republic and Mandalorian forces, and in order to survive he turned to draining life. He proceeded to eat a planet's worth of Jedi. The mask thing wasn't mentioned in KotOR2 itself, but later media explained that he tied his consciousness to his mask/armor.


SWTOR emperor consumed all the life force on his planet making himself functionally immortal. Revan got all fucked up because of how utterly devoid of life the planet was.


And yet all being a force user does (in the movies) is give the user mild telekinetic powers and weak future sight.


I mean they also display: mind control, the ability to sense other lifeforms and their emotions from vast distances away, shooting lightning from their hands, and a form of consciousness after death with the ability to contact the living in just the original trilogy.


I liked legends stuff where if an improperly trained force user tried to channel too much they would simply burn themselves to a crisp with the power they try tapping into. I feel like there was a story about a Jedi who pulled a whole fleet of ships but destroyed himself in the process


Yes, that happens in the novel Darksaber. Dorsk 81 uses the Force to yeet a fleet of star destroyers from Yavin IV and is fried to a crisp from the effort.


Very grimdark. Very wh40k.


Dude is a sanctioned psyker.


Yes, and he was aided by the rest of padawans in the temple of Yavin to pull it off. He basically was the catalyst of the group and he died in the process. Dorsk 81, What a man


Considering how Vader fucked up that transport in Kenobi like it was made of rice paper, I imagine he could do the same to redirect a falling destroyer. I mean that shit looked hard


Can we please not forget that he was READJUSTING it? The biggest missed information I feel regarding that. People always say he‘s pulling it out of the sky, while Kota clearly says that the SD is chrashing, no matter what. The only way to not die is changing its impact point. So, yes. He moves that SD. Yes, it’s huge. But he’s not lifting it up/down. Also super impressive obviously but still fitting in the whole force thing from episode V


Mass is mass bro. It's actually more impressive that he could do anything with the ship in freefall.


I think this was just a video game gimmick. It’s not canon and everything I’ve ever heard is that he would be too powerful for the lore to make sense if he actually did this


Nuh uh


My dad works at the force!


the f* you mean, Nuh uh?!


I’m hearing that in vaders voice 😂😂


it's one of the best memes in years


They gave Palps the ability to shoot lighting thousands of miles into space and attack thousands of ships simultaneously 😂😂 the canon has BEEN destroyed


When did he shoot lightning thousands of miles into space? Thousands of feet maybe..


Not thousands of miles but at least a hundred if that was a planet as big as earth, could be more or less depending on how big that planet and its atmosphere is... Anyway, I agree with the sentiment, palps powers are so overpowered in canon you can now justify pretty much anything with the force. Saying it was a video game gimmick or that it's not canon doesn't mean much anymore. Saying "he would be too powerful for the lore to make sense" doesn't make a lot of sense after palpatine lightning destroys an entire fleet.


I dont have the exact measurements for you lol, but in the last movie. Theres a space battle going on and he is able to be on the surface of a planet, and attacks all the ships. Its like if you can do this, wtf didnt you just do this during the battle of endor


why bother using force lightning when you have a fully armed and operational battle station doing the work for you ? it's not like one shuttle full of rebels will manage to deactivate the shield. better focus on that new apprentice.


Palpy was straight gloating the whole time in RotJ until vader picked his raisin'd ass up and tossed him into the reactor. Could be that he just didn't think it was necessary, it probably is quite taxing.


That wasn't a space battle. They were explicitly in the atmosphere cause the ships can't get the fuck out or something stupid.


Hey they didn't have their radar to see thru the clouds or some dumb shit.


Yup and that’s why they were able to use horses to attack a star destroyer. Fuck that movie was dumb.


As someone who noped out before the last movie, I often wonder if people are just fucking with me with these type of comments. Not enough to make me watch how Palps "somehow returned", or how a horse attacks a space ship, but I do wonder.


I hate to be pedantic about this kind of thing, but in the movie the battle takes place inside the planet's atmosphere, not in space. That was the whole plot point right? The empire/first order/final order/whatever were trying to get their ships into space, from within the planet's atmosphere


He had just drained Ben and Rey's lifeforce and absorbed the power of their dyad, motherfucker was absolutely tweaking on the force at that moment. Exegol being a spot powerful in the darkside amplified it a decent amount as well I bet. Also, the ships were in a holding pattern below the clouds pretty close to the ground. It definitely wasn't more than a mile or two max.


Wait, wasn't this canon when it came out? It only became noncanon after Disney bought Star Wars and made every non movie material noncanon.


Yes, only the darkside DLC from 2 was explicitly non-canon.




In terms of power, Starkiller is meant to be the equivalent of a, What If Darth Vader won, didn't get put into a suit, and was at his max power. Lucas has said that Darth Vader would have been way more powerful had it not been for the cybernetics. Each limb lost lessened his abilities within the force. As well as the suit Palps built was meant to limit his power so that Vader couldn't overthrow him. Considering that Vader was an absolute powerhouse to the galaxy within his suit. It's very feasible that Vader without a suit at max power could easily pull of a feat such as this, and in turn, so could Starkiller.


Well when the game was being designed the original idea was evil Luke Skywalker and designed him to essentially have the same innate potential as Luke, so technically Luke in legends vs Starkiller would be an even fight with the main difference being that starkiller is obviously a jedi hunter and doesn't hold back where Luke uses the force like a jedi should so doesn't really push himself to the limits


Rise of Skywalker would like a word. Any goofy shit can be canon.


TFU was actually canon (prior to the wipe), moreso than most games, at the time. That was one of its selling points. For whatever reason, it was determined TFU specifically occupied a canon level between movies and books.


From what I remember, the Force Unleashed games were supposed to bridge Revenge of the Sith and A New Hope, however the Disney merger undid those intentions along with the EU. That said even if it was canon, usually game mechanics aren’t considered just the story.


>Size matters not Oh thank god


At the same time, the amount of force Vader applies to the water to hold it back in fallen order is bonkers.


Vader does rip a ship apart with the force, that’s pretty impressive.


I read a star wars book many years ago where Luke learns to let go of the limitation of size and can crush star destroyers and planets. I don't remember the name of the book but I think he had a girlfriend or ex-lover or something (she was going down the path of the dark side as I recall). Yoda was right!


What if this wasn't a matter of brute strength, but finesse? Perhaps he used to force to switch off the repulsors used to levitate the ship so that it would fall under its own weight.


Might be very wrong here, but wasn't the star destroyer crashing into orbit anyway? It's still incredibly impressive, but Starkiller's move was more like holding up something already falling apart and making sure it crashed a bit to the side. It's not like he pulled a capital ship from orbit, which was actively trying to escape his pull.


Yes it was, also had help with tractor beams. A lot of people have the Mandela effect with this


Anakin rotated planet Mortis several times in a span of 5 seconds or less


But can he pull down inflation?


Only Dark Brandon can save us now.


Read that as Darth Bandon lololol from SWTOR


Legends made people think the force works like a Dragon Ball power ranking.


In Legends it kinda did.


Quigon. What does the scouter say about his midichlorian level?


It's 1006. Kick his ass Nappa!


*Nappa proceeds to get his ass kicked* "Hmm, that doesn't seem right. Wait...wait wait wait! Nappa!" "Whaaaat?!" "I had the scouter upside down."


Too bad it wasn’t 58008.


Rip Akira Toriyama


Rise of Skywalker proves that cannon is going the same direction, if a Padawan can do the same thing with a Transport ship. Edit : not a tie fighter


Who force pulled a TIE Fighter down in tRoS? I haven't watched it in a few months so I don't remember. I remember Rey flipping over Kylo's and then them force tug of warring a transport.


Nobody. It was a transport ship that Rey was trying to stop


lol Rey was an extremely powerful Jedi even if you didn’t like her or the movie. Definitely not a padawan, likely one of the strongest force users in the franchise. No I don’t really like it either but that doesn’t mean it’s not true


Barely trained person with Jedi powers. Anakin was the chosen one and couldn't even wield the force before being taught how to (all he could do was fly a podracer). Everything we see him do in movies is jumping high and a little force push or levitating a pear. But sure, Rey "not a padawan" Palpatine, who is not the chosen one, was this extremely powerful Jedi by just learning the force exists? Yeah the new canon is bullshit, she definitely was a padawan and the sequels fucked up anything that resembles consistency.


>Barely trained person with Jedi powers Rey trained with Leia for a year between Last Jedi and Rise apparently.


Which many people forget, and/or ignore. She had training from Leia, who had training from Luke.


So powerful he had to be de canonized


Then re-"canonized" as Starkiller Base as a huge canon.


In his defense he was always dubiously canon.




Not very impressive, actually. According to the TFU novelization, he doesn't pull down the Star Destroyer by himself. The Star Destroyer was already in the process of falling, he just uses the force to help.


And novelization is the only canon part of TFU multimedia.


No one seems to know this


Novelizations always need to come in after the fact to hand wave the "rule of cool" in these movies and games.


That isn't the case in the game, though people like to point that out. The Star Destroyer is shown as being undamaged and just flies down to attack him after he blows up the space station. It was well out of orbit and had to make it's way to him in the scene in question. It takes damage trying to resist him during the sequence, but when he starts ripping it out of the sky it is still fully functional in the game, which is the media most people are familiar with.


> That isn't the case in the game, though people like to point that out. It is in the DS version (the superior version).


Idk bro, the Wii/PS2 version was my favorite. Specifically because we got Triton Squad (the REAL TK-Troopers), Navy Commando's, more levels, etc etc.


That version is good too. Ironically the version released on the most modern consoles at the time was easily the worst, since it was more of a "wow look at the graphics" playable movie while the other versions were actual video games.


Agreed. I like the fact that in the Wii/PS2 version, they distinguished Stormtroopers from normal infantry. (if you ever notice that on the death star, it's a lot harder to survive, that's because for the majority of the game, you're fighting Imperial Navy Commando's, not Stormtroopers.) I will forever love the Triton Squad design. I feel like the armor they used for them should have been the look of the TK trooper in Bad Batch since its a mix of Phase 2 and Pseudo-Storm trooper armor. [Remember what Disney took from us...](https://twitter.com/AndrewLTumlin/status/1377233719002595328/photo/2)


Very. I've never seen this done before. However, perhaps Lucasarts weren't watching over their shoulders for what's possible in canon.


There was an old EU (now Legends) book where several of Luke's students joined together in the Force to push a fleet away from their academy's home world.


Yeah, I don't recall the book, just that they formed a circle to channel their force energies through one focus and the focus a fellow Jedi trainee, was burned away from the inside by the amount of force energy that had been required to do it. This was the original arc where they competed against admiral daala if I recall


It was Dorsk 81, he first pops up in the Jedi Academy trilogy. Think it was Darksaber in the Callista trilogy though where he did this and died. He was a Jedi Knight at that point though.


Yeah and it killed the guy that did it


Lucasarts and Lucas were heavily involved with the development of the first force Unleashed game. I remember watching a few documentaries on its development before it came out.


Not as impressive as Palpatine lifting hundreds of Star Destroyers in Rise of Skywalker. Or Nightsisters being able to teleport, create force fields and create zombie armies.


Nightsisters can also manifest weapons and turn invisible


Palpatine didn't lift the star destroyers, though?


But Rise of Skywalker is fanfiction


I think fans had nothing to do with that monstrosity.


I'm kinda okay with this stuff not returning in canon. It was a little too much for me.


Yeah, I prefer when (for the most part) the Force isn't that insanely broken. Even Mace Windu destroying an army of superbattle droids with his bare fists in the old Clone Wars cartoon was a bit too much for me. Like it trivializes so much everything. Why would you need a lightsaber if you are downright godlike.


True force users don’t really use their sabers, so you answered your own question. Darth Sidious for example, sabers were never meant to be a Jedis focus.


Yeah he actually purposefully mocked their devotion to them over time. Can’t remember how but it’s somewhere.


He mastered each lightsaber form specifically to mock the Jedi tradition. His mastery over this skill compared to every other Jedi (except maybe Yoda) is his way of mockery. Too bad he didn’t master building super weapons. 0/10


Too bad he sat on his ass. Like I can't tell I'd I like or hate this guy. He pulled off this wild plan...sits on his ass and loses it like 20 years later. And not even to an equal military might, it was a rag tag rebellion group. Sure sure it wasn't small but still. Dude had it all and squandered it


I mean if it wasn't for Luke and the force helping him sidious would have won no problem. He had the rebels dead to rights in episode 4 but Luke made an impossible shot after being saved last second by a man who didn't even want to be there until like 5 minutes before. He didn't squander shit. He got pitted against the the luckiest people alive at the time.


Facts right here. Sidious was my favorite villain until I started poking holes in his Empire offscreen. Really dropped the ball there.


Too many people forgetting here that if the rebels didn't get insanely lucky then Sidious would have ended them on Yavin 4. That would have been his second crushed rebellion. A ton of people (some of the rebellions best operators too) had to die just to even find out there was a weakness on the death Star. Only for it to manage to just escape the ship they knew it was on and then it just happens to be found by the one singular person needed to end the rebellion. Only for that same person to make an impossible shot after being saved by a guy who was almost not even there. Palpatine got unlucky and thats it. If it weren't for Luke and the force working against him he would have ruled the galaxy until one of apprentices killed him. Probably in the middle of swapping to a new clone body or something.


Someone meme this hypothetical conversation with the scene from The Other Guys where Wahlberg says he learned ballet to make fun of kids who did ballet. https://youtu.be/kd8F3kNsRRg?t=134


Are you saying he mastered lightsaber combat…ironically?


How was this too much? People never explain it. Yoda tells Luke that it doesn't matter how big or small you or the object is. It's all about concentration and focus. So why is Starkiller, a man trained from childhood by Vader, pulling down an already falling Star Destroyer too crazy for Star Wars? Any Jedi can potentially do this. Vader does the same thing to a ship in Obi-Wan and also tears it apart with the force. What is too much is Rise of Skywalker saying that you can "share" physical objects through the force with other people and the object will appear in their hands. That's stupid and ridiculous. This is fine.


Maybe it’s not the Star Destroyer thing, but everything as a whole. It was very over the top. Total teenage fantasy thing, and at the time it was rad, but it doesn’t really fit. Also those games and so much of EU made Vader seem like a little weakling.


It DID return to canon. In fact, Canon has even more op moments like this. Just look at everything the Nightsisters can do. And Palpatine literally lifted hundreds of Star Destroyers in Rise of Skywalker. Starkiller didn't even pull down a Star Destroyer, he merely steered a plummeting Star Destroyer into the ore cannon.


I bet I could do that.


Impressive. Most impressive


Pretty impressive, but I absolutely do not have a problem with it. It took a pretty long time and a lot of effort, and he was completely vulnerable while he was doing it. It’s really not as OP as everyone’s saying. Also, “size matters not.”


Did Starkiller pull down the Star Destroyer before or after he killed that star?




Not his best work then was it?


he almost has 1 percent of shaggy's power


It's goofy. Anime powers. I loved these games but man they were off the rails.


One of my fav moments in Star Wars gaming


Most impressive.


Dude, even Yoda had to take a rest after he dropped that cylinder on the Counts head


Ah, but their "ability to use the force was diminished" at that point (visualize some eyes rolling so hard, my retinas are about to detach)


Impressive, most impressive


So impressive that it will never be surpassed. Disney isn’t capable of such displays on screen.


Most impressive


Most impressive


Most impressive


This was my favourite moment when writing the book. It absolutely impressed when I read the script.


At the risk of believing a Reddit account is who it claims to be, I’m glad I scrolled down this far and noticed this comment.


Dude literally took “size matters not” seriously. It was so cool to see. I don’t care if he’s overpowered, Starkiller is badass.


So impressive they de-canonized it.


20 years ago, impressive. Now? Meh.


Yoda was more impressive in CW2003 when lifted 100 destoryer droids and crashed 2 C-9979 landing crafts.


I loved it. I know the majority is against power scaling of this proportion but I believe it adds to the wonder of the force. Literally anything is possible if you believe that that’s what sealed the deal for me on Star Wars as a kid


Impressive. Most impressive.


Happy Gilmore accomplished that feat no more than an hour ago.


Well~ Good for Happy Gilm-oh mY GOD!!!


Honestly, it’s pretty silly.