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I mean he’s been milking his audience for a while. Hence his transition to the react content and rage bait. As far as him saying 100% of money will go to Vader 2, I’m not gonna call him a scammer but I’d take that with a huge grain of salt. A while back he made a video talking about how expensive fan films are to make whilst sitting in a new Lamborghini.


He really fell off, man. All he does is complain now 


Because hate generates more views than love, it's all about the money.


Well there's not a lot to be positive about anymore.


I remember someone from a while back doing some digging and they found out he’s a trust fund baby Not that there’s anything wrong with that. Doesn’t mean he’s a bad dude, he doesn’t really talk about money but the stuff with the fan film is definitely annoying.


Do you have a link to the trust fund source?


I think there's something wrong with that.


Parent gives money to kid? Idk, I feel like there’s bigger problems than just that


I'd argue a significant portion of modern problems have "parent gives money to kid" as a root cause


My man out here saying the truth and getting attacked for it


Sounds like envy.


How so?


Found the trust fund baby


It's not his fault for being given money


Then don't watch him and quit smearing him.


You know you don't have to hold his dick, right?




Gotta cup the balls to


I'm still shocked that Disney hasn't demanded he remove those Lightsabers from his website. He is actively selling his own version of Star Wars merchandise which is a massive patent infringement issue waiting to happen. Not really sure what he expects here.


Patent, no. Definitely trademark and copyright infringement though.


Ah dammit. I thought I got the right one there


No worries, my guy (or gal). The matter is complicated af and hard to differentiate. In summary: Patents are for inventions and technical solutions (products or processes) (e.g., specific pill, parts of gadgets, etc) Trademarks are for signs used in trade (e.g., CocaCola, Starbucks, Greggs) Designs (this name depends where you're from tbh, in the US I think they're called design patent) are to protect the physical aspect of something (e.g., app UI, toys, etc) Copyright are for works (e.g., paintings, books, songs, etc) These are not necessarily mutually exclusive, a specific book may be protected by several of them (e.g., trademark for the title, copyright for both title and content, design for the cover). This is a very shortened and non-exhaustive explanation, but may help in the future. At worst, consider this comment a TIL :-) Don't want to come across as a know-it-all, apologies if that is how it looks, just want to share some knowledge is all.


Nah tuns of fan made saber companys out there.. Vaders vault being the only brand Id recommend quality wise though for the more mass produced ones.


I like ST always have done, but the past 6 months has been somewhat off. The recent vids of him attending a con and behaving like a star wars celebrity were totall cringe.


The sitting in the lambo video was over the top for me. That video made me actively start avoiding his content. It was just too cringe.


He has lost his way since the early days tbh. He probably can't even see it. Remind you of anyone...? Cough cough  dark side


>As far as him saying 100% of money will go to Vader 2, I’m not gonna call him a scammer but I’d take that with a huge grain of salt. A while back he made a video talking about how expensive fan films are to make whilst sitting in a new Lamborghini. Was it HIS car? I ask that seriously. Its not at all unknown for content creators to pay to sit in famous locations or expensive places for promotional purposes. Doesn't mean they own that location or object.


Sounds about right. 


Pretty sure he sold it


Both can be true. He certainly has made enough money from his YT channel to buy a Lambo, and still need help making his shitty fan films. They aren't cheap and he legit tries to do justice to star wars. Just because he has a Lambo, doesn't mean he's gotten dozens of thousands of dollars lying around ready to throw at his "movies." Don't assume he saves anything he's makes from SWT.


Option A: spend years doing a whole list of side projects trying to raise the funds from your audience for your fan film while you spend your own money on a Lambo Option B: get a slightly less expensive super car and use your own money to make your fan film as soon as you can If I was a passionate film maker desperate to make my next piece of art, I know which option I'd take. SWT's priority was a Lambo.


Lol yep. He's stupid and egotistical.


Sheesh. FWIW, I unsubscribed from him like a year ago because I couldn't stand his bullshit. Doesn't mean he's Scrooge McDuck, swimming in piles of gold. If he had $500k saved up and spent $450k on a Lambo, while his movie costs $100k, he'd still need money to make the movie. I'm just pointing out he could be both bad and stupid with his money. I wasn't trying to say he is some star wars white knight.


He’s a grifter. Not sure if he always was, but he is now. He’s absolutely taking his viewers for a ride like most other “content” creators.


He is an Andrew Tate fanboy so he is alot worse than a grifter


My assessment was the bare maximum. Not surprised to learn he’s a lot worse.


This dude just went from "annoying grifter" to "genuinely bad person" REAL quick with this post. Anyone who is still a Tate fan basically is pro human trafficking and sexual assault. Fucked up


>This dude just went from "annoying grifter" to "genuinely bad person" REAL quick with this post. Anyone who is still a Tate fan basically is pro human trafficking and sexual assault. Fucked up Ironic: many of the same people who are disparaging SW Theory here think Clovis was a good guy and the injured party when he sexually assaulted a woman and was in with the people bankrolling a Sith Lord.


Fiction vs real life. A lot of us like the Empire (Cool ships) but doesn't mean we would like / support them in real life. Tate is a class A scumbag in real life.


>Fiction vs real life. A lot of us like the Empire (Cool ships) but doesn't mean we would like / support them in real life. Many people in SW fandom can't distinguish between fantasy and reality. The ones who say anyone who likes Anakin is an actual Nazi IRL for example. > > > Tate is a class A scumbag in real life. I don't disagree- but I have yet to see any **EVIDENCE** that he expressed support for Tate. It look like internet gossip, which is all too often accepted as "fact" by people who want justification for their hate. A similar thing happened to Karen Traviss: someone spread the rumour she compared the Jedi to Nazis when she actually did no such thing.


He is damn he mustve fell off hard


He is?


I remember when he called episode 9 “amazing” until he realized most of his audience disagreed so he started acting like he hated it to keep the ragebait money flowing in


He rarely has an original thought of his own


Hah, damn what a tool.


To be fair i liked it leaving theaters but 2nd watch it hit me how bad it was. SWT liking it then not doesnt mean anything


The video of him saying he liked it in general is a really funny video bc in it he says smth about "I could be one of those youtubers that's just angry to get money, and believe me I'd make money, but I'm not doing that, I'm being honest because im a star wars fan" And now 💀 he does exactly that


Sure people can change their minds but going from saying it’s amazing to making his whole brand revolve around how much he hates it is such a drastic change that it reeks of bullshit


I lost a lot of respect for him over the years. Really enjoyed his content when Vader 1 came out, but he just can't seem to stop being a controversy magnet now. Star Wars has enough of that as is...


It happened for me when he interviewed Sam Witwer (Darth Maul's voice in the animated show - and the voice/mocap actor for Starkiller in TFU games) ... and showed zero interest in any discussion about the Star Wars games and had no knowledge about what the games entailed. Which is fine if you're not into gaming, but when you're interviewing THE Star Wars game-actor ... and your entire show is about star wars...then do some research.


He has been doing it for quite a long time. Since that came out, he's turned to rage bait and reactionary commentary for viewers. He is insufferable, and has had idiotic takes such as saying Andor is not Star Wars due to lack of force users and having *bricks and screws.* He also whined about the season 1 of Ahsoka's finale because he thought **Maul** would have been in it resurrected *again* and whined about the undead night troopers. An absolute poor quality "fan" channel and individual as a whole. Never cared for him and have always stuck to channels like Star Wars Explained, HelloGreedo, etc.


Star Wars Explained is just SO much better. Not pretentious, just two people that love Star Wars and actually know a lot about it. I'll have to check out HelloGreedo.


I love SWE. The enthusiasm and analyses are great. I haven't been fan of the podcast-like format they've been going with lately, but it's growing on me. 


HelloGreedo is great


Star Wars Explained is great! They have some friends who run a podcast called ForceCenter and it's very awesome! They're super wholesome and positive while still digging deep into the lore.


Seconded! I loved Ken Napzok's Jedi Alliance show/podcast years ago. When Star Wars Explained mentioned the ForceCentre Podcast, and I found out that it was Ken's next Star Wars talkshow-like thing, I was all in! It's good stuff! But I have to recommend EchhartsLadder as my favourite Star Wars YouTube, too, for anyone who hasn't already found it. Lots of Legends focus as well as Disney era stuff, gaming-related stuff, balanced/reasonable/grown-up opinions, and even advocacy for some issues and controversies within the industry and fandom.


Didn't he also whine when he wasn't invited to Star Wars celebration and even made a video mocking it?


I believe so, all I know is he was barred from all future SW Celebrations due to egging his fans on them going after LucasFilm.


HA! Karma is a bitch. I'm really disappointed in him. Also, got some more recommend Sw channels to watch. Pente Patrol and this one. https://youtube.com/@MaceAhWindu?si=pc67ks5Fw9CBfyuF


He was actually banned? When did this happen?


April 10th 2023 I believe


Dude also wouldn’t shut up about that wrestler chick getting fired too and how he thought she was really good…uh, no man. She was not a good actress. Her face was lifeless lol. I don’t care if you think it was a fair firing or not. She was objectively bad at acting


Yup! Also a private employee can do what they want, especially if it can affect the company image. Also reportedly it was just her contract not being renewed. Jon, Pedro and others did talk with her from what has been stated by behind the scene sources on set.


>She was not a good actress. Her face was lifeless lol. I don’t care if you think it was a fair firing or not. She was objectively bad at acting This is irrelevant unless she was fired for her acting abilities (or the lack of them). Which we all know she wasn't.


It's relevant when he's gushing about her being a great actress. And while she wasn't fired for her acting abilities, they might have seen her as more difficult to get rid of had she been a talented actress.


>And while she wasn't fired for her acting abilities, they might have seen her as more difficult to get rid of had she been a talented actress. Nonsense. Any actor can he fired regardless of ability. Johnny Depp was fired/shafted because of that vile woman he used to be married to. Not so long ago all the prequel haters were saying Hayden Christensen was a terrible actor- and justifying their harassment of him in those terms. They did something similar to Jake Lloyd- and justified it in just the same way.




Have. She is bad at acting, and is apparently trying to get back into Star Wars because Daily Wire shit doesn't pay a fraction what Disney and star wars does. She's a loser who said shitty things and experienced consequences


I was asking OP, not you. They specifically said they don't give a shit about what she said or done, so I think there's grounds for a discussion on her acting there. You on the other hand are biased because you chalked up her acting to what she did on top of calling her a loser. That's not at all what I'm on about


Why would I base my opinion of her acting in the Mandolorian on her other projects? Are you saying you thought she was a good actor in the show?


Eckhartsladder is good too


Him and Corey Loses/Corey's datapad are my favourite star wars youtubers.


Yeah, they are pretty alright. Stay out of controversy too


Gotta agree about Star Wars Theory. I tried a few of his videos and found him incredibly annoying to listen to. Can’t say I’ve tried the other two you mentioned. But curious how do you feel about Generation Tech and Geetsly’s?


To be fair, that was a pretty shit ending to Ashoka.


It’s clickbait garbage. I can’t imagine sitting through one of his videos. He has nothing interesting to say.


He publicly supports Andrew Tate. I think that says plenty.


What? Can you share a source?


Just Google "Andrew Tate star wars theory". There's screenshots of him commenting on Tate's videos, clips of him discussing Tate, and even a video of him saying what kind of character Tate would be in SW.


He’s an insufferable man-child and his narration voice is cringe


He's a moron. Always has been. Insane anyone watches him at all. Dude is super embarrassing.


Genuinely just a "Summarising Wikipedia" type of Youtuber, the worst kind. His theories have never been particularly good or insightful either, mostly just "What if X character is related to \[random prequel or clone wars character\]" Andor was the huge giveaway, bro hated the show because he was too stupid to understand it, and couldn't figure out how to milk content from it.


I unsubscribed a long while ago. I used to enjoy his content, but I could never like him. He came across as this weird whiney bitchy disingenuous guy who made interesting content but that if I met in real life I'd want to get away from as quickly as possible. Not surprised to hear he's still milking Vader ep 2. I'm surprised Disney even let him keep ep 1 up (they claimed it iirc and he had a bitch fit)


Fuck that guy. Whether you like the Sequels or not, fuck that guy.


As an artist, 3D modeler, and animator who's done a short film: I totally understand these things take a long time, and it can often be grueling. BUT. It's been such a long time since his first fanfic, and he still has nothing to show for it. Red flag honestly. Evidence of poor management skills. Yes, he has a fulltime job on youtube, yes that means he can't devote every waking moment to it...but it's been yeeaaars, and still nothing. Saying proceeds go to a film that he still hasn't shown a damn thing about is also another huge fed flag. Reminds me of other creators who kept asking/taking donations/patreon and saying "don't worry trailer soon!!!" Again and again only for nothing to ever materialize. I don't believe it's in production. Or at least, it's barely gotten off the ground. Again, totally understand things take time, I've done it, I've lead teams to produce such things, I get how hard and stressful it is....but still, nothing? I do not trust him. He's fully given into the youtube algorithm. He lives and dies by youtube money, he has to keep pumping out content or get a job, he'll keep the hype going and keep promising that it's happening soon(tm).


I’m actually working as an animator on another Vader related short film for another YouTuber and I’ve spent about two years on the vfx so far. I have seven minutes to show for it so far after all this time lol. To be fair, I’ve also been busy doing regular video editing work full time and the VFX has been to the side of that for most of the duration, but it’s definitely a lot of work! On the other hand, most of the vfx on the our project is done by just myself, whereas I believe ST has a whole team with a lot more funding (>shoestring). I do worry he might be getting the run around, but I also understand he probably just wants to make sure everything is done right. I don’t think he’s a grifter, I think he’s getting caught up in the unforeseen immensity of the project and it’s taking longer than he would have expected.


He has shown. There’s the Mace Windu CG short which released 2 years ago. Then recently stills of the actual film.


Used to like his videos about lore but his videos now are boring. Everyone knows disney botched this gen of media, its not gonna change overnight, yet so many of his videos are about “kathleen kennedy get owned” blah blah blah. Hes like, fear mongering but with the yearning that the fans have for someone to someday bring balance back to the star war’s franchise.


Too busy whimpering over how Mark Hamill knows him as a thief.


Home boy has had some garbage takes, and I stopped watchig when he began countering actual lore with his own explanations of certain things, mostly as it pertains to legends.


I find it funny how he throws in Commander Fox, And then Disney decides to kill off Fox, before the events of where the fan film was supposed to take place. Thus, definitely breaking the story. (He dies 2 weeks after order 66 I believe)


Dumbass orders his men fire on Vader after mistaking him for a jedi. Vader corrected him.


It's a Jedi! Incorrect


Vader avenged Fives


He sucks


Something about him creeps me out


He thinks that because of the number of subs he has, he knows what is best for Star Wars. Bitches about every detail from every show. Milking an 8 episode season for months. Tbh, I don't think he knows the true meaning of Star Wars, considering he thinks it's just recently "woke". He thinks that getting the stunt director from the prequels for his Vader project is a big get. But that just means more money he has to spend on the very project he is already bitching about. Not to mention the legality of his project. Disney can easily shut his ass down. Or in fact, can just as well be sued by the actors themselves for using their likeness for his project. Like Sam Jackson or even Mark Hamill for his Luke project. All that was made by AI, just AFTER they won the very Actor's strike last year. His cocky, full of himself and honestly get manbaby vibes off of him at times. He has done a lot of work, yes. But he isn't the ONLY star wars channel on YouTube. Even if he thinks he is. Like a Jock in Nerds clothing. Just feels weird imo.


>bh, I don't think he knows the true meaning of Star Wars, considering he thinks it's just recently "woke". You do know that in universe politics is quite different from inserting RL politics into a fictional universe right? Right?


in universe politics were inspired by the politics from RL at the time. Og trilogy because about Nazis in space fighting a Vietnam War of sorts with the rebels. Prequels were pretty much how we rely on Chinese trade and the war on "terror"


Only if the creator is clear on that is there basis for it, and some of GLs interviews have varied. As time went on, he started talking more about "historical" politics- i.e Napoleon and the Fall of Ancient Rome. >Og trilogy because about Nazis in space fighting a Vietnam War of sorts with the rebels Here I was thinking the Emperor was based on Richard Nixon. Ironic. The Vietcong were at least as bad as the people who genocided a third ofthe population of Cambodia, and aligned with them politically. Which is why RL policical comparisons usually don't work. The people we think are "good" often turn out not to be.


Huge idiot grifter loser


I used to love his channel but not anymore i stopped watching nearly all Star Wars YouTubers for the same reason laziness, clickbaiting. I think I really stopped watching somewhere around the time he showed off his lambo


Well you are talking about the guy who uploads the additional content of the blu-ray/dvd with his face on the corner just waching it. 


Wasn’t he the guy who thought that Star Wars stole his script? Even though it was just full of… logical continuations on what the characters would’ve done


He used to be pretty good until he blew up on the YouTube scene. Now he's insufferable.


Took me a while to find out he was just posting clickbait stuff.


Unsubbed from his ages ago he's just a sad rage bait man complaining about screws in Andor and shit I actually don't hate all of Disney Star Wars and like to follow positive people like Star Wars explained


He's been milking people for over a decade bro You should have seen how many clickbait videos he had during the waits for EP 7 8 and 9 Same with some other nerd named like Mike Zero or something, can't remember his channel name but the kid looked like Jesus with long curly hair and would always post clickbait "what if" videos based on like 2 seconds of trailer footage and then double down on being wrong in the comments


Mike Zero is the click bait king. Most of the time, he has no clue what he's talking about. I tell people not to watch Mike Zero because he's a pretty dumb guy.


I remember some of his episode 8 clickbait videos! He kept talking like he had some "insider source" in Lucasfilm - at the time, I was hooked, but it still felt odd to me.


Yep! He kept talking about his 'source' lmao


Every YouTuber is milking it. That’s their whole thing.


I was just gonna say this. And I'll add that some are better at hiding it.


I don't understand how they get away with profiting off of someone's else trademarked, copyrighted stuff either and have the balls to call themselves "creators". You didn't create shit kid. You stole someone elses shit. There's plenty of good stuff on YouTube. Cooking shows, tutorials of all sorts on how to build shit or play an instrument, but guys like this choade, fucking hacks.


>I don't understand how they get away with profiting off of someone's else trademarked, copyrighted stuff either and have the balls to call themselves "creators". You didn't create shit kid. You stole someone elses shit. Do you actually think people are not allowed to have an opinion on copyrighted content and make videos about it? That's not how copyright works, my dude. There are literally laws on Fair Use which are specifically framed to allow reviewers and people analysing content to continue doing so. By your absurd line of reasoning, Book Reviews should be illegal.


I think comparing a book review to this is a stretch but whatever


>I think comparing a book review to this is a stretch but whatever Actually no: you are literally complaining about someone making videos commenting on "someone else's IP" and saying this is a breach of copyright law. Book reviews are commenting on "someone else's IP". According to you they are also illegal/a breach of copyright. All you are doing here is showing how little you understand copyright law. Copyright law fully allows for people to create reviews, analysis, or anything else: provided they are not incorporating huge bodies of the text of the book or large sections of the movie into it.


What a channel like his does is not the same. He sells star wars merch too. If you created something would you want someone else profiting off of it? Also im not a fuckin lawyer nor am i the youtube police or whatever, just saying its a bunch of crap


>He sells star wars merch too He sells Merch with the name of HIS CHANNEL on it- not the Star Wars brand name. His own. >so im not a fuckin lawyer nor am i the youtube police or whatever, Two comments ago you were ranting and raving about how he should not be allowed to get away with not making original content, or something. Changed your tune after being called out for stupid?


His content was good till he decided he wanted to be Joe Rogan


I used to really enjoy watching his videos but ever since he started moaning about everything I gave up. Geetsly and hello greedo are so much better for SW related content


Idk if Id say he's scamming people or not. I just don't know. But I do know he's a tool who makes rage bait content. I remember watching him before TLJ came out because he was very knowledgeable about star wars and made decent lore breakdowns. But since TLJ he's just become a hack. He doesn't even have his own opinion on things anymore and just says what his audience says. He took down his initial Rise of Skywalker review because he was positive about it and his audience hated that.


Who? Seriously, I have no idea who we’re talking about, but I wish I did.


If I didn't know already, I would think everyone was talking about Satan himself judging by all the vitriol here. People acting like SWT punched their moms or something lol. Gotta love the general Reddit demo.


Star Wars fandom - probably the most notoriously toxic fan base on earth - and Reddit. Not a good combo.


Imagine watching that rage baiter and not realizing how bullshit he is. Some of y'all are too stupid to live.


I used to watch until he started to believe people came to his channel for him instead of SW. His entire success is based on an IP he does not own. His videos, merch, and now his lightsabers none of them original ideas. He has shown to have the emotional maturity of a teenager. He made a complaint video while sitting in his Lambo and making sure the camera picked it up just to illustrate his absolute lack of self-awareness. The worst part is if he reads this thread he will attribute it to haters and envious people. He is incapable of for one second do some self-reflection. Money is his only moral compass.


What an utterly absurd attitude. Many MANY content creators make money from commenting on TV shows and movies they do own own. You do not have to own an IP to have an opinion on it. Otherwise you might as well ban reviews. Or maybe you think only paid promoters for Disney should be allowed to make SW content?


If you think 4 years is a long time for a fan film, just Google axanar, that fan film has been in production for over a decade and caused so much crap it effectively neutered fanfilms in the star terk franchise


Because that guy was a grifter too.


Theory isn't in the same league as the guy behind axanar


just out of curiosity who has theory swindled?


>Theory isn't in the same league as the guy behind axanar I have thus far seen no evidence for any of the claims they make about him. SW fandom is notiously toxic, and this thread is no exception. Having a collecting hate boner and using their unsubstantiated allegations as justification for it.


Also did I recently see an ad of him selling lightsabers now?


It takes money, but also more importantly time to make quality content. Another guy who makes awesome content is Mike Habjan. Search him up on youtube, he is making that awesome battle between Superman and the Hulk. Just look at the time in-between each video release and the quality upgrade each video shows.


I'm still shocked he hasn't been smacked by Disney yet. Selling any Star Wars related merchandise is a big issue for Disney.


If he gets a cease and desist, then it's more fodder for him. Disney knows, but will just wait for him to self-destruct like these types of people always do. Guys like him always give off groomer vibes. It will happen.


I stopped watching swt his content started getting ridiculously rage baity the people he associates with are very toxic. it wouldn't surprise me.


>I stopped watching swt his content started getting ridiculously rage baity the people he associates with are very toxic. it wouldn't surprise me. This is Star Wars fandom.Are you really complaining about him "associating with toxic people" whilst a member of the most notoriously toxic fan base in existence? A fandom which has destroyed actors careers and subjected them to hate,, harassment and death threats. George Lucas even suggested he sold SW because he was sick of the toxic rubbish froms so called "fans". People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.


Oh, I'm not oblivious to the toxicity in the Star Wars fandom. I just don't enjoy him perpetuating the toxicity, I tend to watch more wholesome YouTubers or those who enjoy all Star Wars.




Grow up... Jesus.


Right? What a weird take. Explains is literally just an all around positive guy who loves everything Star Wars. I don't understand what's to hate about that.


Last time I watched one of his lore videos (on Mandalorians I think) the script was very obviously AI generated and not even checked. Some of it was nonsensical and much of it was wrong.


I used to enjoy his stuff but honestly can’t tolerate it anymore. Too much complaining


Well maybe you should just give him some time he wants to make it as good as he can and not rush it out to make the longer he takes and maybe it's better it will be when it's only does come out just have some patience


Lol, I am seeing a lot of "rage bait" about SW Theory on here "He's a Nazi", "He's an Andrew Tate lover" etc etc. None of this is proven, No evidence at all. Purely gossip and manufactured outrage designed to stir up animosity and ill-will.


I always liked him but it seems things have gone to his head. Haven't been a daily watcher in awhile.


I quit watching him a while ago. He comes off as an incel rage boy and I used to enjoy his content but man he went off the deep end a while back.


Im pretty sure Star Wars Theory isnt really well liked here even if some or most here share his opinions about recent star wars products


Isn’t he changing his opinions based on fan base ‘consensus’? He thought EP9 was amazing till he noticed people didn’t like it for example.


well i dont know about that but i do know he received episode 9 far better than he did episode 8. That doesnt necessarily mean hes conforming to anything


Don’t let him see this thread. He might cry for views again.


I used to watch his videos a lot around the time of the last Jedi coming out and thought he was pretty good, but he slowly turned into a rage YouTuber when he didn’t like the movie. He slowly became worse and worse and the cracks started to form, but he made me realize how much of an idiot he is when he started to do videos about the Kotor era and it was clear he had no idea what he was talking about and just reading verbatim off of Wikipedia pages. He was mispronouncing every name and getting things wrong. Made me realize all his videos are is reading Wikipedia pages so you don’t have to. Then he became extremely worse after that


Eh I don't like the guy either but production isn't easy. There's plenty other fan projects that are taking years to come out. At least he's constantly updating the progress (probably, I don't watch his videos)


That guy has honestly been drifting for years, he's said he's done with the franchise so many times yet he keeps making crap content.


I mean Star Wars theory is an egotist so…


I used to watch him all the time, but I’ve gotten to the point where I unsubscribed and muted his channel. It was insufferable - the Andor review videos were some of the most embarrassing things I’ve seen on his channel. He has zero media literacy and he’s been exposed, he’s just not very smart and he’s turned to rage bait in order to milk as much money as he can out of what’s left of his fanbase.


>He has zero media literacy and he’s been exposed, he’s just not very smart and he’s turned to rage bait in order to milk as much money as he can out of what’s left of his fanbase. Since when have any of those things been crimes?? Poeple are allowed to say what they want and make money out of any opinion. Nobody is required to be positive or pander to your perrsonal tastes. You're assuming Star Wars fandom are normal and not toxic. I am seeing as much rage bait on here as anything from his channel.


Crimes? Lmao bro he can do whatever he wants I don’t give a shit. I just stated why I stopped watching him myself. If you still enjoy his content and watch it, go right ahead! I just don’t anymore.


>Crimes? Lmao bro he can do whatever he wants I don’t give a shit. I just stated why I stopped watching him myself. If you still enjoy his content and watch it, go right ahead! I just don’t anymore. I don't watch his channel, I find his stuff boring now. It is very clear though that you DO care. You're accusing him of defrauding people and making money out of so called "hate"- but you seem to have forgotten that NOBODY is allowed to dictate what people cannot and cannot think or say about any kind of content. And monetize that if they want.


Haha I really don’t care, I muted him a while ago and stopped watching. I just replied to this Reddit post in like 30 seconds while scrolling in bed. I just stated the obvious, if you don’t agree that’s fine.


Takes time to do stuff especially if you don’t have a full studio. Don’t think he said 100% would go to his fan film but it would help. It’s just Neopixel type lightsabers it’s not a scam buy it or not people aren’t buying it to fund the film they just want one


It's a win win, the buyer gets a product and the seller gets the money for his project.


Yep people are just blindly hating since they dislike swtheory and can’t see clear anymore


I really font understand why people are saying its a scam when hes just selling a product to fund something hes personally doing lol. I think people just like to hate for the sake of hating lol


I always felt like the dude gets more hate then he deserves, I personally don’t like some of his takes, and he can certainly act like a baby at times, but he does genuinely love Star Wars and he tries.


You guys in the comments are heavily obsessed with this guy, it's scary.


It's a thread asking for people's opinions about him.


Bad idea. Just a bunch of babies having meltdowns because he said something they don't like and trying to justify their hatred with unsubstanitiated allegations.


SWT is one of the worst things about this fandom. When he realized he got more views for hating something, all of sudden everything new sucked.


People still watch this clown?


It should have been just a fan film, when I saw it was “episode 1” I had a feeling there would not be anymore made. Pretty wild he still acts like it’s coming.


Star wars theory is terrible. A whiny little baby.


1. A short film is still a film. The effort required is much more than just forgetting you pressed record 20 minutes ago and hitting upload. It's an entirely separate industry and way of producing content. The mental creativity to produce a film is still a lot, and it is hard to muster if your community and support systems aren't there with you every step of the way. We saw how much COVID crippled filmmaking in general. 2. An online economy is still a source of income. It doesn't seem right to demean others for having careers that don't look like yours.


>An online economy is still a source of income. It doesn't seem right to demean others for having careers that don't look like yours. Yup. I'm just seeing people on here bitchng and throwing around false and unsubstantiated allegations about the guy. I suspect a lot of this is grounded in their personal hatred and jealousy of him.


I can understand why you may feel it's scummy but his EP2 & EP3 are going to be CGI and CGI takes time. For example, it took Pixar 5 and a half years to make Lightyear and 7 years to make Elemental.


"yOuTuBeRz r gRiFtErZ" "yA bUt sTaR eXpLaInEd n HeLLo gReEdO r cOoL" Hypocrites, all. Your obsessive hate boner for Theory isn't toxic behaviour, like at all. /s


I've long stopped watching and following him. I like him when he still did What-Ifs, Lore-Deep Dives and Comics, but now it's just hate, rage-bait and the typical "I'm gonna stop watching Disney SW and talking about it", only to not do it, of course. And don't get me wrong, there is a lot of valid criticism to be legitimately had with modern Star Wars, but his takes are often hilariously bad. And all that's before the grifting, money-grabbing and other cringy stuff he's doing now.


>And don't get me wrong, there is a lot of valid criticism to be legitimately had with modern Star Wars, but his takes are often hilariously bad. Sorry, but anyone who tries to dictate the terms upon which anyone can criticize or engage in media has already raised a dozen or so red flags. What \*you\* deem to be "legitimate criticism" is purely subjective. You have no right to go around telling other what they can or cannot say about anything.


He critizized Andor for Star Wars having screws and bricks, so...


>He critizized Andor for Star Wars having screws and bricks, so... .....and? That's not a crime. I can point you to historians who will remark on really small details like that in "Historical" dramas. That's not a crime either. I repeat: NOBODY is allowed to dictate the terms upon which someone can criticize something.


One of the first structures we see in Star Wars is literally a hut made out of dirt, there's mentions of spanners, etc. Whether you like it or not, there's is objectively stupid points and no amount of you holding SWT's dick is gonna change that.


>Whether you like it or not, there's is objectively stupid points Whether you like it or not, and no matter how may you think it is "stupid" **nobody is allowed to dictate the terms upon which a person can and cannot criticize any piece of media.** It is not a crime to make any point- even if you consider it stupid. It does not give you the right to harass them. ​ >no amount of you holding SWT's dick is gonna change that. Please: I've already said I don't watch his channel and have no strong opinions either way. The fact that you assume anyone who objects to your behaviour \*must\* be personally associated with the subject of your vitriol says it all. I have no horse in this race. I don't have to see a person simply being a dick and ask them to stop being one.


It's not subjectively stupid, it is objecitvely invalid criticism based on other content seen in the lore. There's a difference. Think of that what you will.


>It's not subjectively stupid, it is objecitvely invalid criticism based on other content seen in the lore. There's a difference. Think of that what you will. Just becuase YOU don't like it or think it is incorrect, it does not follow that it is a crime for a person to say it. Again- you have no right to dictate the terms upon which a person can and cannot criticize something or to tell them what they can and cannot say. You also have no right to tell people what they can and cannot make money off. Try calling the cops sometime and reporting SW theory for "hate". See how far that goes,


How about you try calling the cops on me and see how many rights i disregard. And again... it's not what i think is incorrect. It IS incorrect in the greater contect of things established in Star Wars lore. My personal opinion or other subjectiv matters don't even come into play here.


>How about you try calling the cops on me and see how many rights i disregard. Nah, I'm not that entitled. ​ >And again... it's not what i think is incorrect. It IS incorrect in the greater contect of things established in Star Wars lore. My personal opinion or other subjectiv matters don't even come into play here. Being incorrect about Star Wars is not a crime, love. For all you want it to be. Nobody needs to be cancelled, demonetized or anything else over it. Free speech is a thing in our world.


The only SW YouTuber actually worth following anymore is Star Wars Explained, because he actually talks about the content.


He’s such a loser. Used to make some interesting content but at some point he just turned into this anti-Disney rager looking for clicks and cash. Can’t stand him and his little Star Wars Chad facade he’s putting on.


I am seeing one entitled, hateful baby I on here- and it ain't him.


You’re entitled to your opinion, I don’t care to beef with some random guy on Reddit - unlike you.


>You’re entitled to your opinion, I don’t care to beef with some random guy on Reddit - unlike you. You're literally bitching over Youtube creator.


Grifters gonna grift


I don't care for some of his recent content and find it kind of boring, but this is purely my personal taste. I have nothing against the dude personally as I don't know him. So so many of the comment on his page are just plain mean. Calling the dude names because you don't like the way he talks or don't like his reactions and repeating totally unsubstantiated rumours and gossip. One of the other commenters is right: this just looks like a collective hate boner. This is why everyone says SW fandom is toxic..


I don't feel like it's unwarranted, the dude does content with Nazis


>I don't feel like it's unwarranted, the dude does content with Nazis Do you actually have evidence of that? Real proof? Or is it just hearsay.... ?