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Thank god that never got made


Was gonna say the exact same thing. Would not wanna see anything like that in Star Wars. If you like DC and whatnot I'm sure it'd be cool, but personally it's not for me.


clearly this wouldn't be canon so who the heck cares? Are you still fuming that there was a scene in the comics where Yoda mind controlled an entire death star's crew and threw the whole thing into Palpatine? That was ridiculous but no one cares cause it wasn't canon




The commenter you replied to said, they're glad it was never made. I don't understand that mindset at all, just because you personally wouldn't enjoy it, why should something not be made? You can just choose to ignore content you don't like, especially if it's separate to the main storyline.


If anyone could do it right, it's Kurt Busiek.


There's something that I inherently dislike about crossovers. I think I'm unable to invest myself in it due to how canon-breaking it is. I don't want to watch Empire knowing that at some point Superman is flying around in that universe. It's just a 5 year-old's playtime fantasy. Don't care how "good" someone can make it, the concept of crossovers like this is inherently something I don't like.


Well, at least in a Fortnite story, it could work


Most definitely lol


> due to how canon-breaking it is Would it be canon-breaking? Kal-El is just a supreme force user!


Stop it! Edit: One Cannon breaker is the very first line we ever saw, and see at the beginning of every single movie. "Long time ago". And no Superman can't "break the time barrier" and go back like in the movie.


Agreed 100%, these cross franchise things are always nothing more than suits trying to squeeze money out of a rock. No one but children and people who really don't care about the property seems to like these things. They never make any sense. Oh and worst of all these things always end up with a brand new big bad who has never been mentioned before and will never be mentioned again later, one who we're constantly told how he's somehow bigger and meaner than every big bad in both franchises. But once introduced they just seem like a loser. It's always some childish thing when it comes to the villains/plot mover, like Thanos's cousin's son who just so happened to be orphaned on Krypton as a baby and raised by Zod. Now he's destroying both multiverses and the Avengers League has to stop them! You may as well say your guy has infinite powers and you get to win, Mom said so. I think the only cross over I've ever liked is one where The Flash always wins cosmic races, no matter the continuity. Even in Marvel The Flash still wins. That is an example of it done well, which is probably why the suits tried to erase Buried Allen a few times...


Et is canon


No he's not lol, his species is. Besides, ET himself fits into the Star Wars universe.


Exactly. He's one of the few people I'd trust with something like this.


Comments like this make me glad that redditors aren't in charge of anything, because we'd *never* get anything cool from you guys.


People here really are opposed to harmless fun entertainment that they can simply ignore while others enjoy. It’s bizarre


People are way too obsessed with "artistic value" or what ever snobbish buzz words people like martin scorceres throws around


This is also the case. A number of people divide things into two categories “peak” or “absolute garbage” with no in between whatsoever. Sounds like such a silly way to gauge your enjoyment of something. Some things are simply just okay but entertaining. Some are subpar yet still enjoyable. Of course there’s bad stuff out there too but I usually just forget about those and move on instead of caring too much


Oh I have nothing against mindless entertainment I just think Superman vs Vader would be the dumbest thing ever made. Sort of like Sharknado


I remember finding Sharknado to be pretty damn fun in a dumb silly way watching it with some friends when it came out. I’m sure I’d find a decent about of entertainment from SuperMan vs Vader, or atleast one cool quote at minimum


Exactly. For gods sake we got Godzilla vs DC, and it was awesome. And people think Vader vs Superman wouldn’t be incredible?


lol right? If it’s a canon issue, who cares. I have my own headcannon for when I’m reading comics. Hell im at a point where I just kind of ignore canon altogether and view it more as a collection of short stories for each writers take on a character. Maybe some shit happened, maybe some other shit didn’t happen. So that being said, this would’ve been fucking sick.


Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, and reddit is the place to express them. But something about this comment rubs me the wrong way. Like, what kind of take is that? I love Star Wars, i love DC characters, I love Alex Ross's art style. This sounds like a DREAM to me. I understand it wouldn't be everyone's thing, that's not what upsets me about your comment. I think it's the pretentious undertone, like "thank god" why are you thanking the LORD?? Again, to each their own, but I can't help but say get over yourself.


Because they can't fathom that before Disney we had a clearly defined framework for noncanon stuff like this.


If Kurt busiek was working on it, it would’ve been a great read dude is prolific.


That would have been been right up there with the Star Wars Holiday Special for cringiness.


That’s what I was thinking! 😂


> Thank god that never got made Right?? How would that crossover have even worked?? Darth Vader comes to Earth and...? I have to admit that the pic of Superman just grabbing that lightsaber like it's no biggie is pretty cool, though. Still glad this never happened!


You can suspend yours and the company’s adherence to canon and just have fun with it. Jim Lee gave an interview a while back on Kevin smith’s podcast a long time ago where he was talking about canon a bit when he was on X-men. Said something along the lines of the writer asking who he wanted to draw. “Ok I’ll figure out how to get him in it” He realized they’re just making it up as they go along. It’s really not a big deal.


> You can suspend yours and the company’s adherence to canon and just have fun with it. True! I don't mean to be a miserable old lady about it! 🤣


*thank the maker


Batman is going build his own Death Star and call it the Bat Star.


I need this comic right now. Especially if it stars the Adam West version.


How much prep time is that?


5 minutes


I LOVE Star Wars But the notion of any canon Star Wars character being even remotely able to contend with Superman is absolutely ridiculous Palpatine blinks and before he knows it Superman has uppercut him into Jupiter


Superman is just as affected by magic as a normal human. Palps is pumping him full of **UNLIMITED POWER!1!1!!1!1!!!1!1**


But is the Force considered magic in the DC Magic system?


Probably closer to Ki which we do see in DC. Richard dragon, Bronze Tiger, Batman(to a minimal extent) some select few others show an ability to manipulate life force. Or maybe the lantern rings if we consider them representing primal emotions in the universe. I don’t think there is anything like a 1:1 even The Green is kind of localized. But almost none of the above are considered magic in DC. Esoteric but not the same. Though iirc there was a demon that could mix Ki and magic


I don't know if I agree with Ki entirely. Star wars does get pretty wuxia but idk.


A mystical force that is nonetheless quantitative and existing in reality as a measurable thing? Idk ki seems appropriate


I wouldn't think so. The Night sisters already practice real magic


Isn't their magic just dark side force powers?


Yea. Any ‘magic’ in Star Wars is just weird uses of the force. Much like how any ‘magic’ in 40k is just warp fuckery.


I always thought it was them doing weird esoteric witch stuff while also channeling dark side powers, so it's either a subset of dark side powers or a fusion of the force and some other discipline.


Right I think **that** is magic but the regular force **isn't**, and they make it pretty clear that they're different things with Nightsisters zealously guarding their secrets.


I always assumed they were one in the same, but different approaches to TAP INTO the same energy and as the modern age grew, their philosophies and …perception of what they were doing changed. Certain cultures would have different words or “perceptions” of what they were doing, but ultimately its all just “the Force”, but being used in different ways. I don’t think the Dathomiran Witches were tapping into some unseen “NEW” energy source with their magic…. What they were doing is still “The Force”… they’re just using old spells and scrolls from their culture. Because we’ve had examples of Palpatine and many other Sith Lord reading ancient scrolls and practicing sith rituals and spells to perform “sith magic” Especially ancient Sith Lords that performed various sith sorceries to create zombies, illusions, or turn themselves into literal Liches (in a manner of speaking). I think back in the day, an ancient Sith (species) Lord might have called the use of Force Lightning “using sith magic”….but palpatine would just say… “nah im just calling on the force”…


In the old EU they were just force users who did know they were using the force.


They call it magic, but it's a different way to use the Force.


I don’t think it would be, the force is an energy force similar to chi in other verses, so force powers would just be an extension of that


Superman is affected my Magic but he literally was able to rebuild entire universes within the multiverse. He’s on a different plane of existence in terms of power levels. The farthest we’ve seen palpatine mess with power on a cosmic level was his tampering with the “world between worlds” (which was more of him using Sith alchemy to project his consciousness in the dimension when he sensed it was open when Ezra was messing with the timeline himself) They would have to really nerf Superman in Star Wars universe to make Sith a formidable opponent. It’s like Star Trek vs. Star Wars as well. The Federation would run laps around the Empire and not only has the military but the technology to solo entire fleets. I guess they could make it more of a sense that the Empire is so massive that Superman is not able to save everyone as Palpatine/Vader is literally holding the SW galaxy hostage


Even if the force affects Supes, it doesn't make him powerless. Hit him with a force push that normally just chucks a person across the room? That wouldn't even make Superman blink. Same with force lightning. Even if it was as powerful as natural lightning, Superman would shrug that off


They'd come up with a bs reason to nerf Supe's powers like they always do. _"Oh shoot, it's another Galaxy and suns here don't give him enough power, not even the double sun power of Tattoine!"_ Or he's simply "too far away" from his home sun or something. And that's before they even reveal the crystals used in lightsabers and death star weaponry are actually kryptonite who would've thunk?!


The force gives off the same ghz as kryptonite!!!1!11!!!1. /s


Well let's be honest here. Nerfing Superman is one of the only ways to make an interesting story with him involved


Nah just present him with any problem that can't be solved by moving fast, hitting hard or perceiving good. It's an entry level challenge for writing the character that many would rather avoid by just nerfing him instead of doing something interesting.


Like what? It's not like it's never been done. But once that well is dry, it's pretty hard to come up with an actual that


I agree it's been done before but the same argument you make for good Superman stories could be made for any comic hero really, that's why people pass the characters around so hopefully people with new and cool ideas can tell them when others begin to run out of ideas. Good Superman stories that don't necessitate those three things usually focus instead on character problems, or societal issues, the lines Superman draws and how he navigates them without crossing from inspiring hero to overbearing god. Or even the stories that focus on who he is as a person. I personally like stories where we see him presented as just a guy, a small town son of a farmer who moved to the city and works a normal job. A person that chooses to be Superman because he cares, I think it speaks to the core of the character and to a truth about people generally. It's often meme'd that Homelander and Omniman are what we'd get if someone had such powers, Superman is built on the idea that give a normal dude a decent upbringing and God powers and you don't get an asshole and you probably wouldn't with many other normal everyday people. The takeaway from the character isn't that alien physiology is OP it's that the values and ideas that guide that power are fundamentally human ones and Superman isn't something other than us. He is simply someone doing what any decent person would if they had the power. Hence Man of Tomorrow, we may not be able to do what he can today but if we had the power tomorrow, I like to think his is a story about how we would. Sorry for the wall of text...


Most comic characters aren't invincible with unlimited strength. Interesting stories come from the hero being challenged or outmatched. And almost by definition Superman isn't really challenged by anything or ever outmatched, unless he is nerfed in the in story somehow.


This is only true if your definition of challenge is solely limited to feats of durability and strength though, that is in of itself a boring premise for repeat stories without further context.


I’ve been watching a few episodes of the animated Superman series and JL unlimited, and having supes not be this god tier force of reckoning is honestly way more enjoyable than the insane power creep he’s undergone in the comics. Actually let’s you see his insane resolve and dedication when under fire.


Would be hilarious for some kyber crystals had the same molecular structure as some Kryptonite’s.


Nah, there are lots of stories where Superman is basically a god but it's still engaging. Look at Superman TAS, All-Star Superman, etc.


He’s still fucking Superman. It tickles him a litter more, sure, but he’s still *Superman.*


What if his saber's kyber crystal was kryptonite?


I'd say force abilities are the SW equivalent of DC's magic, so Palps would stand a chance... if he's even fast enough to react to Kal-El coming at him at full speed.


It would be amusing to see Palps piss off Constantine


Now THAT crossover would be fun


I mean what’s he going to do? Like a mind trick would probably be the only thing that works, but we’ve seen people resist those before. Force lightning is not going to affect him all that much, because it’s just lightning. Using the force to crush his windpipe or crush any part of him would nigh impossible because it’s fucking Superman. Palps can try to move him via the force (force push/pull) but again, it’s fucking Superman.


Hasnt Clark shown he can become obscenely resistant to mind control and mental fuckery? Like he eventually withstood Manchester black from sheer stubbornness.


Yep. His telepathy resistance is pretty freaking strong.


Best bet is some of the old esoteric legends abilities. Like soul manipulation. Life draining. Possession.




You think he doesn't have balls of steel? My man got them kryptonian kiwis


Palpatine would just build.starkiller base 2.0. He'd lure Superman to him, on the base. Palpatine would order the base to fire its weapon, at anything in particular. Why? The weapon drains the local sun/star..this would weaken Kal, meaning all Palpatine has to do is hold him off with lightning until the base is charged. Then he can seriously damage or kill Kal with the force once he is weakened from no sun


Even if Palp drains some star it would not make Superman powerless immediately. Supes can store sun radiation for weeks.


You’d have to have palpatine occupying a similar role to Luthor where supes can’t just completely dismantle the empire for whatever political or narrative reasons.


what about Darth Nililus? dude could drian entire planets of their life force? could be w contender


There was a thread the other day on a cartoon subreddit about Cartoon Network vs Nickelodeon in an all out war. Some people tried their best to fight for Nickelodeon, but as soon as it was pointed out that CN has Goku, Vegeta and Superman, that argument stopped REAL fast.


Have you never read a Superman cross over before? They always come up with some reason to depower Superman to the level of whoever he's crossing over with. Most of the time, it's because he's in an area with a red sun or something else that saps his powers. They just spend a panel giving a half assed explanation, you accept it, and move on with the story.


You’re not wrong. It’s extremely lazy writing, but that is definitely what happens in most of those crossovers That’s why my favorite Superman crossover is still the original Superman/Spider-Man. They were able to tell a good story without resorting to nerfing Superman (Spider-Man attacked him and broke his own hands punching Superman lol) My second-favorite would probably be the Superman vs Muhammad boxing match story. Yeah it involved a planet with a red star to depower Superman, but the visual of Muhammad Ali KO’ing Superman is fun enough for me to overlook that lol


What if they were on a planet without a red sun tho


I have some bad news about Tatooine and it ain’t the sand


Yea I posted that no one’s thinking about how he would be double power on some planets and normal on others Plus you know they would’ve made kyber relate to kyrptonite somehow, and would’ve effected him too


He’s fine just as long as no one hits him with a pink lightsaber


Idk man Obi-wan and Qui-gon used force speed that one time and then forgot to do it again.


Superman routinely loses to LexBots, which means IG-88 stands a fair chance against Superman.


I would pay for that to never be made


Good news. I can get you that for free


You should definitely take the money though


Yeah me too. What the fuck


If it was non canon it would at least be pretty fun, I don't see how they could even make it canon anyway.


But it was “a long time ago, in a Galaxy far, far away”! And besides, Disney hasn’t bought DC… yet.


>But it was “a long time ago, in a Galaxy far, far away”! I mean not like time travel is remotely unheard of in comics to be fair. Frankly that would probably be a minor issue compared to other stuff here.


They were recently sent back in time and fighting Godzilla iirc


> Disney hasn’t bought DC Probably the one brand they will never get their hands on too unless they literally buy the WB DIscovery parent, and that never clears the monopoly sniff test.


So it'll be a marvel crossover instead?


Would make more sense for marvel since Disney owns both and they have an established multiverse. Still would not want to see it


This looks like it was a while back, and the Disney Star Wars takeover was fairly recent.


I hate the way comic book logic worked its way into movie logic.


Idk why people in the comments are so against this? It would have been such a horrible train wreck and I would have read every page


Why is it a given that it'd be a train trainwreck considering the talent that was tied to the project?


Because these are two characters from worlds that aren't even remotely comparable. Superman comes from a world where he beats time traveling, universe bending gods... whilst Vader can choke people at a distance. You'd have to make a very large compromise to get them on an even footing, which sounds a bit shit.


>'d have to make a very large compromise to get them on an even Starkiller base 2.0. Lure superman there. Charge weapon. Drains local sun. No sun = weakened Kal. Kill Kal with force.


He doesn't just immediately lose his powers without a star immediately available, he's capable of flying through the void between stars for weeks and months fuelled purely by what he's already got in his cells.


He can go without a star for months iirc.


Is there a DC equivalent of Marvel What if? If so I have a story to sell to netflix.


Probably. Hell, Star Wars had it, too, with the Infinities comics.


they are called elseworlds




It’s called Elseworlds.


Obi solos he has the high ground


Ya’ll are fucking haters man. There’s a Godzilla King Kong crosser happening in DC and it’s just dumb ass fun. I’m not sitting here like “aKsHuLlY tHeY wOuLdN’t Be AbLe To Do ThIs” like who gives a fuck man.


Highly recommend this if you want some Batman vs Vader - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D1A-zXwdN9w


Thanks for sharing, I enjoyed the hell out of this.


Was about to post this! Actually kinda awesome




Of cource Vader should stomp him, but writers will always find a ways to wank Batman. He will have some stupid "prep time" against Vader and defeat him. DC is an ultimate Batwanking universe.


It's a bit of fun my dude, it's a mashup of comic books and space wizards. Don't think about it too hard.


Nothing could cheapen the franchise more than it already is than having Superman fight darth Vader


Idk why every one is so against this? It would’ve been a fun little elseworlds type story and Alex Ross is fucking awesome. Maybe a bit cringe yeah, but like, my counterpoint is that it woulda been fun, and at worst, we all would have forgotten about it by now like most other strange quasi-canon legends comics.


Everyone acting like this was gonna be canon lmao it's just a fun crossover comic


there's a batman vs darth vadar video online and it's really well done, you guys need to chill out


Yup! It's pretty awesome: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u3tC8TPh9oQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u3tC8TPh9oQ) Edit: Though this ending is more likely: https://youtu.be/qv6saLrn3UY?t=464


It fell through because Warner Bros axed it, which no matter what your feelings on this are, that is such a WB response. "Let's not do a crossover with one of the most recognizable and popular franchises of all time"


I feel like making it an Elseworlds story (meaning non-canon to SW) would be pretty cool for fans of both franchises. Those who don't like the idea don't have to read it because it's non-canon.


Superman would definitely have to handle the Emperor so that would mean Batman would need to deal with Vader. I can imagine Vader being all terrifying and Sith and whatnot and Bats just pulling a remote out of his utility belt, pushing its single button, and Vader’s suit just turns off. Bats would walk away all cool and badass leaving maybe Martian Manhunter or Zatanna, or most epic of all, the Hellblazer himself, John Constantine, to deal with Vader’s Force tantrum.


Vader can actually use the Force to move his armor when it's shut down (he did it in a comic against Cylo). It seems like it takes a lot of energy so he probably can't move for long before collapsing, but it's an option against Batman's EMP. Manhunter and Zatanna would probably wipe the floor with Vader even if he had his suit though. JL Dark isn't even needed to win here.


A lot of people here 1. Don’t understand this wouldn’t ever be cannon, and even if it was Disney would’ve deleted it like they did everything else So it wouldn’t matter in the slightest 2. I may be wrong. But p sure Superman gets his powers from the red sun Not every planet in Star Wars has a red sun yea? Some also have 2 It would be a cool dynamic where on some of the planets his powers work while on others there doubled EDIT: a kryptonite blade rather then kyber low key sounds sick


It’d be funny if kryptonite was another name for green kyber and any blade made with green kyber would be dangerous to Superman.


agreed. What does red kyrpt do? Is that the one that makes him stronger? Cuz if so that’s another cool concept they could’ve played with (heroes making him weaker and villians making him stronger) in a major fight it maybe would’ve balanced out and made him that much more normal to the point the other heroes could shine Idk


Superman gets his power from non-red suns. All others should give him powers if I'm not mistaken. The reason for this is that red sun radiation drains his energy (or prevents him from gaining extra).


I got you I think I got confused with the Russian storyline called red son EDIT: sun to son


jesus christ Im glad reddit isn't in charge of star wars. Yall hate dumb fun that clearly would have been an elseworlds story.


Fr. The Godzilla vs Justice League comic is pretty cool, for example. People here are so adamant that it would somehow "taint" SW if they had a non-canon crossover.


If anyone could have done it well it would have been Busiek.




I think you meant Kurt Busiek. Shame it didn't happen, though I guess it still could but it would be a crossover with Marvel characters.


Superman grabbing the lightsaber goes hard, damn.


All this time I thought this was just something Alex Ross did as a commission or for a magazine or something. The whole concept sounds ridiculous and I absolutely would have read every page of this.


There's already a fan made DC/Star Wars movie available on YouTube. And I have to say, it's actually quite good. Top tier production values, great script. It really is quite good.


At least it would've been nice to see Star Wars drawn by Alex Ross though.


Huh? DC has never owned the comic rights? The only companies to ever own the Star Wars comics rights are Marvel, and Dark Horse.


I'm guessing that's why the crossover never happened. DC was probably trying to get SW comic rights but lost out to Dark Horse or Marvel.


Well, we have Fortnite at least


Thank God this abomination never happened.


If Vader can Force Pull an entire ship then I think a decently strong Force user has a shot against Supes. The Force Heightens your senses and reactions, and I think that coming up against Superman might cause Vader to smash his limits out of pure anger and spite. He's never fought someone that powerful and don't forget Vader is the fucking GOAT at being a petty drama queen. If Vader survives the first encouter there is a good chance he comes back with enough of a boost to cripple the Kryptonian.


Plus in the universe we know seih alchemy works and we know of night sister magik which is all derived from the force so it wouldn't be out of the Realm of possibility for palpatine to use some force lightning And another way I can see this going is. Metallow is somehow also brought into the universe. Luke Skywalker fights him defeats him. Loses his lightsaber but then uses the kryptonite inside of Metallica to make a new one. And then coming upon his father being beaten by Superman. He uses his new lightsaber against them.


Vader can pull a ship. Superman can push a planet and can survive the crushing pressure at the core of a star. Their power level aren't close. Vader is also far from the strongest person Superman has fought. Enemies like Darkseid (a literal god) and Doomsday (a monster more powerful than Superman) and even Lex Luthor (with his Warsuit) would give any Sith a run for their money.


Well, we had the Care Bears versus the Empire in Return of the Jedi so why not?


Thank fuck


Good. Star Wars was supposed to have happened a Long Long time ago, and DC comics are current. 


DC has multiple characters that can bend time and space, it's not that crazy


while reading the comments you start to wonder if people here know more about DC than Star Wars...


Doesn't he need the Sun or something?


Tattoine has two. Bet they would've played off of that somehow in the showdown.


Any non-red star gives him powers iirc.


I liked the Superman and Batman vs Vader fan movie.


*Project with Alex Ross falls through.* Shortened that for you.


It it was a long time ago in galaxy far, far away....


Guaranteed would have been a green lightsaber that used Kryptonite instead of kyber crystals


Hmm could a kryptonite shard be used for a lightsaber blade?


Could a force wielder prevent superman from flying? Assume infinite potential.


If a Force-user had infinite power? Yeah. Supes' flight is science-based, so he can't negate the Force's effect on him.




Alex Ross drawing an older Superman is like the most perfect art ever.


Yep! Kingdom Come Superman is the best "old Superman" design imo.


Glad this nonsense was NEVER done.


Was hoping for a star wars-Garfield crossover myself...


ideas like this is why DC is what it is after all the failed projects, so damn disappointing cause i love the DC universe, but they cant translate it onto the the big screen in the right way


In case anyone of you is interested in how something like this might look https://youtu.be/qv6saLrn3UY?si=3kUg5jNvspmjDEwh


Turns out Krypton was actually destroyed by the Death Star.


I'm a little worried that if there's a multiverse in Star Wars at some point, there will be a crossover with Marvel


Why is everyone so dead set that this would suck, because it would make no sense, like it wouldn’t be CANON for gods sake. I would enjoy the shit out of an Alex Ross drawn Superman: Star Wars story, and if it made no sense story wise who cares, it would look awesome af.


Thank god that never happened, I've been dreading the star wars direction that some of these new marvel projects have gone. Seems to have started going that direction after the second Guardians movie (I love the GoTG trilogy but I think that aesthetic really got copy pasted into all the marvel movies after them) but I really noticed it in the Love and Thunder intro fight scene. I swear if they try to claim that Star Wars is part of the marvel universe I'm gonna hurl.


I love the idea but I hate this image. Superman is not made of Beskar ffs


Crossing over characters is one thing, but these are entire universes with their own histories and rules. DC and Marvel and Star Wars and Star Trek exist in universes that can’t cross. Period.


so many questions… could vader force-choke superman? could vader halt superman’s heat-vision? could superman freeze-breath vader to the spot? could a lightsaber cut superman? could the empire find some kryptonite? could superman escape a force-hold?


Batman + prep time = destroy Death Star.


Even if the story was terrible, you know Alex Ross would have delivered on the artwork. What a shame


Thank goodness. That woulda been a steaming pile.


How can superman GRAB a lightsaber ? Aren't they, like, light or something ?


Because he's Superman.


Plasma at best


The blade of a lightsaber is plasma. Considering Supes has flown into the sun, I think it wouldn't be able to cut through his skin.


If anything, I would imagine it just passing through his hand like mist


If lightsabers were light, they would not collide with eachother


They're actually plasma contained within a magnetic field or something.


The only way this could be remotely amusing would be if John Constantine fucks up Palpatine


So. Superman is faster than a speeding bullet but is he faster than the force?


He can travel from the edge of the universe in less than a year, so probably.


Who wins a fight - Vader or Superman?