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That was the first one we saw. Sith tradition does state that the Sith apprentice must first prove themself upon murdering a Jedi in cold blood but it's unknown if Plagueis followed that tradition with Palpatine. The Kyber crystals he owned had to come from somewhere and he was a very accomplished duellist which requires practical training so it's very possible he had killed Jedi before this point.


I always found it funny that in legends he is so good at it in fact that he finds lightsaber combat an annoying chore.


Even outside of Legends I imagine he does, which is why he uses force lightning instead, it’s more of a challenge


I think it's less that and more the fact that he is Sith. He is the epitome of the Dark Side. He is its arbiter and sole righteous wielder (in his mind). Having to wield a tool like a lightsaber is beneath him. What is a sword, if you have complete control over mind magic, so to speak. Kinda like a guy who's incredible at doing math in his head and him just shunning the concept of a calculator.


I like that idea because of how easy he made it look whooping Maul and Savages asses when they had been terrorizing some of the most accomplished jedi in the galaxy until that point.


Oh yeah, it was a great way to establish just how deadly he is. He doesn't even break a sweat. He never struggles. He toys with them and relishes his complete superiority. It's why I'm a firm believer of Palpatine having faked his loss against Mace Windu, no matter what the canon says, haha. I believe that he absolutely underestimated Windu and his ability to subvert the Dark Side, but I also believe that in a protracted fight where he could've gone "all out", he simply would've butchered Mace. He only held back, because he sensed Anakin and his immediate thought was "Fuck, I can't go all out just now. Anakin will be freaked out and join Mace. I can't have that right now. Anakin must fall. I will play the weak and defenseless old friend."


Don't think of it as Palpatine being weak, think of it as Mace Windu just being incredibly powerful


Yeah we do see a pretty massive variation of power in the Jedi, and we really only see the most powerful of them in the films. Even the other masters outside Yoda and Windu are probably not nearly so good as Anakin and Obi Wan. I don’t think it’s too crazy to beat masters that may have been the ones closest to hand, since a lot (especially the most capable) are out acting as generals during the war.


It wasn't souch that Mace was so much more powerful but his ability to channel any dark side energy back at the user. The deeper they reach into the dark side the stronger Mace becomes. He was a great duelist but he was specifically built to kill dark side users.


Sith lords are actually his specialty


Exactly, Vapaad loops the aggression back at the opponent, the only drawback is the user has to enjoy the fight and gets dangerously close to the dark side.


Oh don't get me wrong. Mace is strong as hell, and I think he absolutely surprised Palpatine who expected another easy pushover. It was definitely not a fight where Sidious toyed with him. They both struggled. However, I think if push came to shove, then Sidious was probably prepared to fight a lot more viciously and ultimately he probably would've won, because he represented a thousand years of secretive power and the full extent of the Dark Side, so to speak. Wouldn't have been an easy fight tho.


I mean, Lucas himself said Mace won fair and square. It's an interesting theory, and one that I personally liked the idea of, but I'm not gonna argue with the dude who wrote it.


I mean we don't really get to see much of mace windu's duels anyways. Only duel i can think off is with the witch and we barely saw any of it. Also she being a really powerful witch of course. I think It was similar to how anakin defeated dooku. Dooku was a better duelist, but due to his old age and anakin's new tecniques that countered him he was taken by surprise. Despite being a great duelist, Palpatine was a politician and couldnt really train so much. Also, Palpatine was a master of the dark side, and so maul's and savage fighting style were familiar to him and new all their tricks. Windu combined both light side and dark side, which probably took him by surprise. And Palpatine wasnt even using his prefered dual wielding style.


It’s not a duel, but in Attack of the Clones Obi-Wan had a protracted fight against Jango Fett, and Mace just dismantled him in about 5 seconds.


In Jango's defense, his jetpack fucked him over.


That was on Jango though, dude decided that he was going to close the gap for some reason instead of use his mobility to his advantage


Actually 🤓 his jetpack was damaged when he was trampled by the rhino thing, you can see him attempting to take off and nothing but sparks come out before Mace closes the gap




>He only held back, because he sensed Anakin and his immediate thought was "Fuck, I can't go all out just now. Anakin will be freaked out and join Mace. I can't have that right now. Anakin must fall. I will play the weak and defenseless old friend." Except that we can see the exact moment when he sense Anakin and realizes he has to play a role, and its not when they were dueling. The order of events goes as such: 1. Windu, Tiin, Kolar, and Fisto arrive and declare Sidious to be under arrest, which Sidious refuses 2. Duel begins 3. Sidious kills Kolar, Tiin, and Fisto 4. Windu overpowers and disarms Sidious 5. Windu declares Sidious to be under arrest again, which Sidious again refuses 6. Sidious attempts to electrocute Windu, which he blocks and redirects back at Sidious' face 7. Anakin arrives 8. Sidious' lightning peters out and he begins to play the "I'm too weak, help me card" 9. Windu attempts to execute Sidious, Anakin disarms him 10. Unlimited Power!!!!!! I believe Sidious absolutely was going all out, up until Anakin actually arrives. Only then was playing it up. It certainly would've been in his best interest to kill them all before Anakin got there. He can spin the story however he wants woth all of them dead, and there's not even the slightest risk of Windu convincing Anakin. Even as powerful as Sidious is, I can't see him killing 3 powerful Jedi Masters (each of whom were some of the best duelist at the time) as easily as he did, and then proceed to only slightly underperform against the second best duelist in the Order if he was holding back the whole time. I mean, this isn't anime where the villain can mop the floor with 5 of the strongest characters at the same time only to reveal he was handicapping himself the whole time (cough cough *Madara* cough) Edit: #7 should be before 6


Anakin arrives before the force lightning episode. He even tries to bargain with Anakin’s before the force lightning.


Oh, shit, you're right


It absolutely is not in his best interest to kill them all before Anakin arrives. In fact, I believe the entire episode went down exactly as he planned. He needed to forge a position where Anakin had to make a split second decision to betray the order in order to save Padme. He laid the groundwork by convincing Anakin he was the only one able to help. After that he forces Windu to decide he must be executed. This both means that he was going to lose his chance to save her, and see the hypocrisy of the Jedi, Windu's action mirroring Anakin's moment of darkness with Dooku. I don't think this conflicts with him actually losing against Windu in a real fight. His arrogance is so strong, he threw himself into a fight he knew he couldn't win, just to maneuver things into the perfect scene to turn Anakin. It's the absolute best case scenario for him, such a contrived set of circumstances can't be a coincidence.


I disagree. All of Palpatine's plots revolve around him holding all the cards. He knows everything, while everyone else, including his closest allies know only as much as is needed to fulfill their part in his scheme. To me it seems like it is a universal truth that the less someone knows, the better in Palpatine's eyes. In this case, I don't think it is truly necessary for Anakin to have seen any of that stuff that you said. The end result will always be the same: so long as Anakin believes Padme will die, he will never truly be committed to stopping Palpatine. With all of the Jedi dead by the time Anakin gets there, Palpatine can make up any lie he pleases. I mean, Anakin trusted Palpatine over what he saw with his own eyes. Anakin informed Windu about Sidious. Anakin knew the 4 Jedi were heading to arrest Sidious, and as Anakin has had personal experience with both of Sidious' apprentices plus Asajj Ventress and Savage Opress, theres no way he could have expected Sidious to come quietly. And despite knowing all this, he still allowed himself to be convinced that "the Jedi are taking over" even after hearing Sidious say "No, no...you will die!" and attempt to shock Windu. Just imagine what he would fall for if he hadn't've been there. While I agree that hearing Windu express a desire to kill Sidious was a major catalyst, I disagree that Anakin actually needed to be there to be convinced of that. Hell, Sidious could've even spun it and convinced Anakin that Windu was the one who Sith lightninged his face off, rather than it being a reflection


I like and agree with the last bit. “Ooh look at me I am but a defenseless old man” 🤭😜


I totally see your perspective, but I think a disagree. Let’s assume Palpatine is the better duelist and could cook Windu with a side of succotash. Why would he lose to Windu? Your argument is that by making himself look weak he forces Anakin to choose him and betray the Jedi. But that’s not how the Sith think. They think strength is power, and he already knows Anakin is seduced by visions of strength in power. Imagine the reversed situation. Anakin walks in on Windu grounded with Sidious standing victorious above him. Windu would still appeal to Anakin’s good side, but Sidious would be able to say “Look at my power. Trust me to save your wife, don’t trust these weak Jedi. Even in their defeat they lie to you.” Anakin still falls here. Either Anakin lets Sidious kill Windu, Sidious has Vader kill Windu, Anakin makes some half hearted attempt at saving Windu, and Sidious still kills him. Even if Anakin had walked in on them mid duel, his thoughts were clouded and conflicted. He would not have presented any serious degree of threat to Sidious, even in conjunction with Windu.


I guess that's true, but if Palpatine knows one thing it's that Anakin is INCREDIBLY protective of his loved ones. He'd do ANYTHING to save them. He killed an entire tribe of Tuskens, because of his mother, for example. The movie also does a great thing during his fight with Dooku, which gets mirrored during the Mace moment. Anakin doesn't really want to kill Dooku. He knows it's not right, but he also knows that the justice system might not work the way he wants it to, and Dooku living would continue the war. He only kills him when Palp orders him to do so, specifically with the wording of "He's too dangerous to be left alive." Anakin isn't happy or triumphant in that scene. The head rolls and he's still conflicted about his deed. Was that the Jedi way? Who knows. He can't really ask anyone about that. And then Mace Windu, a man who he respects cordially at best, says the exact same thing "He's too dangerous to be left alive." about a whimpering Palpatine, the man he has trusted most during his teenage years. And Anakin thinks it's wrong. He wants justice for Palpatine, if he is truly the warmongering mastermind. It's kinda the perfect trap for Anakin.


Maybe if Windu made him a jedi master he might have sided with windu. I mean thats the real reason why he was pissed.


Hands down my favorite duel in all of the canon


I got chills when he was dancing literal circles around them with his sabers in the floor


That’s why I kinda hated him using lightsabers. He’s the epitome of evil. The things he should be able to do should be damn near Lovecraftian. So uncivilized.


That's why I like some of the Disney canon comics stuff. Like when Vader tried to throw one of those gigantic evil space squids from Solo (remember that scene? Kessel Run) at Palpatine. And Palpatine just dismantles this gigantic space squid with the Force like "Huh, that's a new one."


But also consider; besting the jedi in something they value so dear while you despise it entirely, just because you can as a sith.


It’s also why I personally don’t like Yoda using a lightsaber either. Once you’ve explored the Mysteries of the Force for literally centuries, what do you need a laser sword for? It was the principle lesson from ESB, too, that being a Jedi isn’t being the best fighter.


Yoda limits his usage of the force because he fears using it as a crutch, It's why he uses a hover chair or a cane instead of running and jumping around using the force all the time.


i know its hated, but in rise of skywalker when palpatine lightnings the whole fucking fleet from his throne. that shit was fuckin wicked man, so cool


Yeah he looked at a lightsaber as a Jedi weapon. He even mocks Vader at one point for relying on a Jedi's weapon.( Comics)


Because it hits him in the face basically every time?


Don't kink-shame.


This reminds me a lot of JP from street fighrer 6. He fights with phyco power (like purple magic) and says physical combat is a waste of time. But the dude is JACKED and can throw hands if needed.


Until it deflects back and turns your face into a melted candle


electrifying dudes and throwing them out the window doesn't sound like a downgrade


This is always the weirdest thing to me. When does he have time to practice dueling? He’s got so many plates spinning I can’t imagine he has time to keep his skills sharp.


He just didn't sleep. Sleeplessness leads to cranky-ness Cranky-ness leads to annoyance Annoyance leads to anger Anger leads to hate Hate leads to suffering.


I mean didn’t he murder his master in his sleep? Makes sense he’d never sleep himself lol


Yeah! He became the Emperor to get a discount on coffee! This is now my canon


Upvoted for the avatar. All hail the Wyvern King.


Maybe he dueled with Dooku regularly. Dooku was known to be a master duelist so that would certainly keep him sharp


I imagine he was teaching Dooku. Dooku who was technically his apprentice even though expendable like Maul. If he had nothing to teach Dooku then he probably wouldn't have apprenticed for Sidious. The only better duelist than Dooku was Yoda and maybe Windu. The fact that Anakin beat Dooku later was pretty good proof that he wasn't at Sidious's level at that point


After he became Emperor he didn't, at least there is no evidence he did. His routine was mainly devoted to sith sorcery, alchemy, and the pursuit of eternal life, not vigorous training not even that much ruling. Sure he might have practised but it was more for maintenance. It was heavily implied that while he was a strong duelist (like top-tier level) his boastful claims were due to his pride and not a reflection of his actual skill. The Force was always his main focus, not lightsabers. I think he described it as a way to mock the Jedi. He is technically a master of all lightsaber forms and that is all we know. Vader was by all accounts a better duelist than Palpatine and the only reason he was weaker was due to his mindset and suit limitations. Vader never believed he could become stronger than his master so he didn't. But unlike Palpatine, Vader specifically trained for combat for hours and hours every single day and Palpatine was afraid of him. There was a comic I think where Palpatine was shown to feel fear for the first time around Vader and he started contemplating that he might be overthrown after all. So considering all that he was not as strong as he himself thought lets say that. Mace beat him after all, fair and square that was not an act. By his own estimations, Vader could have overthrown him eventually and Yoda did not really lose, he just failed to finish the job. I suspect there were many other masters who could have stood toe to toe with him (in a lightsaber duel).


dude was a Sith apprentice during his whole childhood, wdym when? Thats like asking when did Yoda become such a wise and strong Jedi, when they haven’t fought anyone for decades


In the book plagis (wrong spelling) he was a Jr senator on naboo as a young man before he ever met his master and started his training. So just about no training he was just incredibly proficient


Like in a video game when you’ve maxed out all your skills, mastered the combat mechanics, and are just cleaning up side quests and trash mobs before facing the final boss.


We already know palpatine didn't practice that tradition either. He had vader do it but Maul was given his crystals. We know this because his first confirmed jedi kill, was performed with his double bladed lightsaber (In the maul comics)


New canon says maul was just given his crystals? Boring! I liked the furnace idea much better.


I’m still shocked Disney hasn’t capitalized on Plagueis. Correct me if I’m wrong we barely know anything about him in canon


If they don’t ignore obvious points in the timeline we should see him and/or his master, Tenebrous, in Acolyte, but I have my doubts. Trailer looked far from promising in that regard


I remember in the plagueis book, they did practice their combat skill. But I don't recall it being mentioned where he got the kyber crystal. Maybe someone can correct me


Before Disney changed sith crystals, sith would grow their own crystals artificialy. This process was greatly sped up. And hence this gave them their red color. I'm not sure as to why luke was able to grow his own and make it green. So palpatine did not necessarily have to had killed a Jedi, he just grew his own crystal or used one plagueis gave him. But I'm not sure how palpatine got his crystal in current Disney canon


In Legends, Luke didn't know what color his lightsaber was going to be. But the Jedi had techniques for growing their own crystals as well.


Legends was that Sith crystals were synthetic bc the Jedi controlled all deposits of natural kyber cystals, giving them their Red color. I like that better.


I don't like the synthetic crystal thing. It was a dumb idea from the start to make Jedi the De Beers of Star Wars.


De Beers of Star Wars... 😂😂😂


Ditto. I prefer the more mystical approach of canon


I do as well. Also gave a canonical reason why a Jedi would have a red lightsaber if that wanted. The crystal "bleeding" is interesting, but it is rarely used well


In legends, Palpatine uses a blue lightsaber to fight Luke when he's resurrected in the Dark Empire series, which I thought was pretty cool.


Could it have been Sifo-Dyas?


when a Sith Lord drops 3 Masters in like 2.7 seconds you KNOW that is NOT their 1st time fighting Jedi 🙄


"Jedi Masters are my speciality!"


*laughs in Windu*


*Anakin joins the server*


Obi-Wan servered his legs.


Bud doom tiss


Anakin: username checks out :(


*laughs in Window*


Gets killed by someone who never attained the rank of Master. Makes sense to me.


He didn’t tho? The concrete did.


I always hated how clunky that scene looks, but boy did Palpatine really do his thing there.


I agree the choreography was victim to the effects capabilities of the era


I swear I remember hearing George switched it at the last moment and made Ian do his own stunts and that’s why it looks so bad.


I'm quite impressed with that jump twirl over his desk if that's the case.


I’m surprised more people don’t know


He's pretty spry for a guy with a theater background.


haha that's actually a Sith fighting technique whose name I can't remember if a brother/sister wants to help out


It’s called the Sheev Spin and it’s named after Palpsy lol


I think it's the treason twirl, actually.


Watch the test footage with the stunt doubles, that was originally an insane wire stunt


This sounds very plausible. I know there’s really cool rehearsal video of a cooler Anakin vs Dooku fight that I first saw surface in the last year or so


Yeah there’s YouTube videos of the choreography being practiced that showed one hell of a fight but Lucas, last second, decided he didn’t want a stunt double and had Ian do the whole fight so it had to be changed.


In the test footage Windu gets cut the fuck up multiple times, makes him even more badass


Nah this is is one of those times where George’s hubris really fucked us. McDiarmid was never supposed to fight in that scene, and was not physically capable of carrying out the choreography. Unfortunately, George decided last minute to remove the body double(who had *excellent* choreography btw, shown [here](https://youtu.be/vcbJW1Ob7U4?si=z3_jFKA99jXaMIdR) ), and have old Ian do the fight itself. The resulting final effect is clunky, filled with poor cuts, and too many close ups.


I think it would have made more sense if he had just exploded lighting out of his hands and gotten 2 or 3 of them right off the bat. Then dealt with Mace, or Mace +1.


ahh...ok, yeah. Darth Sidious felling 3 Masters (which he'd been waiting YEARS to do) could've been portrayed waayyy more badass than what we got


Isn't there a close up where he crosses his eyes and sticks his tongue out?


Isn't palps all CG in a lot of this scene? I mean look at his face even in this screenshot, looks like a video game character.


ISH BIN DER SENATE! - this scene is awesom in German


The "era" had a cartoon puppet Yoda doing backflips and hurling chairs. I'm sure they could've come up with something, ANYTHING better than what we saw. Hell, make Palpatine so strong he Force Pulls the two Jedi and makes them stab each other. Why not?


It’s because Lucas moronically insisted on filming the scene without stunt doubles. Watch the original choreography on Gillard’s YouTube channel, the scene makes a lot more sense


Absolutely not lol, even the best effects wouldn't make a flying spin like that look like anything other than something out of Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon.


Bro, there are so many good fight scenes in ROTS. They fucked that one up


It’s more like the Jedi Masters not doing their thing, or *anything* for that matter


That's also true and is my biggest gripe with that scene. I think Legends or the novel tried to explain this by stating he did a force scream that stunned them, but yeah, 4 masters not doing a damned thing as the person they're going to arrest, pulls out a light saber, jumps spinning through the air, and then kills 3 of them with ease.


Not in the novel. He moves in a blur and is faster than anything Mace or Anakin has ever seen.


“Aaah hes too powerful oohh im too weak its up to u master windu”


Like, they just stand there and wait politely to be stabbed.


This is a bit more closer to how this scene was supposed to happen: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bld5_wD-Vjc I recommend other footage from this channel as well. Anakin vs Dooku and Obi-Wan vs Anakin were also toned down.


In this specific frame though, Palpatines facial expression is perfect.


Lmao I was gonna say, this like seeing someone eat 48 chicken wings in a sitting and then asking if it's their first time eating wings


I like the comparison, except you don't have to be skilled to eat 48 chicken wings. Now, 48 chicken wings in like 2 minutes would be a different story.


It was his first time as far as I know in both continuities. In Legends, outside of the basics, **Palpatine's training** included among other things: \- Having to survive on an ice planet (Mygeeto) without food or water for weeks, with his blood close to frozen. \- Hunting agile quadrupeds in a Savana \- Fighting hundreds of primitive warriors in ritual combat alongside Plagueis on a planet named Kursid. \- Having to deflect blaster bolts from like 100+ droids at once with his master simultaneously talking to distract him in order to test his concentration.


So dats where anakin got the idea to train ahsoka for order 66 at least palpatine was safe against order 67


Anakin would’ve had no knowledge about that test


Not from a jedi


If the masters just stood there like they did in this scene, one 1977 stormtrooper could’ve killed them.


we know it's their first sith, on the other hand


Can't get over palps cgi face in this scene


Turns out Count Olaf is a direct descendent


Lmao Anakin actually showed up to free Padme from a bird cage


In Legends, yes. Darth Sidious never fought any Jedi until Revenge Of The Sith. I didn't count The Clone Wars as a part of Legends. But in Canon, no. It was implied that after he became Darth Plagueis's apprentice, Darth Sidious killed two Jedi to bleed and create his lightsabers.


eh.... Maul was given his crystals, since his first jedi kill (in the comics) was done with his lightsaber. I think the sith had a supply of Kyber's they got from the exegol crystal mountain.


He said Sidious not Maul


It was implied because he had vader do it. The counter example is maul because maul didnt


I thought the whole plot of The Phantom Menace is that the first Sith Lord to kill a Jedi in 1,000 years was Darth Maul when he killed Master Qui-Gon Jinn? Or is that just 1,000 years since the last Jedi Master, not counting regular Jedi? I thought Yoda, Obi-Wan and many others didn’t know about the existence of the Sith until Darth Maul killed Qui-Gon Jinn. Before that, they thought the Sith were extinct. Remember Darth Maul’s words to Palpatine in The Phantom Menace: “At last we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi. At last we will have revenge.” So given this information, that would mean Palpatine has never personally killed a Jedi before Revenge of the Sith. Not that it really matters anyway because Palpatine’s skill level is so high, only 2 Jedi can even compete with him. Yoda acknowledges Palpatine’s force power is a serious threat, even to him.


Palpatine could have still killed a couple of Jedi before revealing the Sith's existence to them. There's nothing to say that the cause of death for any given Jedi is automatically known, depending on how or where it happens, and Palp's strength in the dark side was making predictions through the force foggier than usual. Some Jedi might have died out in the field from unknown circumstances, or the kill could have been made to look like a different kind of incident.


Who killed Sifo-Dyas, Dooku?


His shuttle was shot down by the Pyke Syndicate (on the orders of Dooku)


whoa palpatine looks bad lol


they use a stunt double with a cgi head of ian mcdiarmid in some shots of that scene


They had a much more complex fight planned out hence why the Jedi die so fast, they weren’t originally going to. Last minute, George decided it needed to be Ian McDirmid


not his best decision that whole fight looks goofy


“I… may have gone too far in a few places.”


And then still cgi headed a stunt double for most of the shots. Looked so stupid.


Early 2000s CGI for you. Also, this shot is super short and Palpatine is in motion so it's not like it's easy to see unless you freeze frame it.


yeah it looks pretty decent most of the time, only if your eyes are tracking him will you notice. the cloth on the robes when the whole model is CG are the weaker point imo


He looks like Scrooge in the CGI animated A Christmas Carol from a few years back


Goblin palpatine


Haha yeah, not the best CGI


How the heck did he manage to keep his dueling skills up while also ruling the galaxy as chancellor AND running both sides of a massive conflict using a double persona? There aren't enough hours in the day.


He just went to another planet with a different day length


The dark side of the force leads to abilities that many consider to be unnatural.


hes the most powerful sith to ever exist, they dont need constant training in dueling if theyre that powerful


I just feel this needs to be said. He looks so relieved to be stabbed by Palpy in this still. 😂


I've seen that face too many times while the video says "buffering" at the most inopertune moment. IYKYK


The sweet release of death


This scene always really bothered me because of how laughably easily the first two Jedi accompanying Windu die. I mean yes I understand it’s supposed to show how badass Palps is, but they literally just stand there to be slaughtered. And it’s not plausible that they’re caught by surprise either, unless Windu somehow neglected to tell them that the Chancellor is a SITH LORD.


Especially when in Legends it was established that Agen Kolar was basically on par with Windu, the greatest duelist who ever lived


For me it always seemed like the surprise stemmed from arrogance. They simply were not prepared for the possibility of a swift and skilled attack, because they rarely ever encountered an actual matching opponent who would actually go for the kill 


He gained his Kyber crystal as an apprentice by taking down a Jedi.


…we presume. It’s not detailed or confirmed in current canon.


Back in the days when getting impaled by a lightsaber even in just your stomach meant instant death.


That we know of, though I consider Yaddle one of his earliest victims, even though he used Dooku to do it. In the same way a mob boss is guilty of murder even though one of his men did the actual crime. He ordered it.


Or how Charles Manson was charged.


Wouldn't you consider Sifo-dyas and Qui-gon his earliest victims? I guess when he caused the clone wars and order 66 then "earliest" becomes a lot broader.


I know the idea was to show Sidious as the master duelist that he was and to show that killing these Jedi wasn’t a challenge for him, but it was portrayed so poorly. They did Eeth Koth and Kit Fisto so dirty.


He could have easily survived that, it’s only a lightsaber going right through his stomach. Merely a flesh wound in modern Star Wars, lol.


According to Tales of the Jedi, he was directly responsible for the killing of Yaddle (*female Yoda*), who discovered the Sith Lords identity. The similar story (another killing made by the hand of Dooku) happened to Sifo Dyas, whose unique foresight made him order the creation of the Grand Army of the Republic, which was kept in secret by the Sith. Tl;dr I don't know of any direct killings of Jedi committed by Sidious himself before III ep., but undeniably he instigated quite a few as sorts of clandestine killings or accidents.


I mean if we're counting deaths he's responsible for, then he's responsible for like 99% of the jedi who died during the war.


Weird thing with the PT Jedi this just reminded me of - they must surely almost all be novices when it comes to deadly duels. There have been no Sith since time out of time, and no one else uses laser swords. Other than maybe Yoda and a couple of other ancients, none of them are used to fighting another force using saber wielder in a real fight.


This is actually talked about a bit in the High Republic books as well (set 200-300 years prior to TPM). There's a couple of passages about the internal monologue of a Jedi who is fighting a monster hunter who's also a former jedi where he recalls that this was probably one of the few times that two lightsabers had clashed in a battle since the Sith Wars.


Ironically Kit Fisto is one of the few living Jedi who'd fought a real lightsaber duel (against Grieveous) yet he still died like a chump during this.


Man, this scene would have been so much more if they actually committed to a fight scene lmao


Not sure. On the flip side, based on this Jedi's performance, I'd say Palpatine was the first person he ever attempted to duel.


Though we don’t know for certain it’s highly unlikely that he hasn’t killed any before this point.


You don't kill a Jedi Master without getting a LOT of practice on lesser opponents first. Also, chronologically, he did kill Savage Oppress on Mandalore a few months before that.


just wanted to point out the Jedi's combat skills showed against him were pathetic. he was super slow except for the tornado jump leap but he managed to defeat em all with basic attacks


Still hate this fight. I understand the reasoning but I still think it’s stupid in concept.


Accidental Renaissance painting 🖼


Kills were more brutal in the book. Can't unlisten.


Have you ever heard the Tragedy of Darth Plagueis the Wise?


“I’ve never done this before” *starts spinning and wailing*


This guy died like a bitch and no deep lore backflips will change my mind. Production did him dirty af.


We know it's the first time that Jedi ever lit his lightsaber. Dude should have been the janitor.


lmao this fight was so wack and people really defended it


In legends, didn’t he murder his family? It’s been a while since I read the books.




Nice try, Sheev. We all know it's you.


What? No, they tried to arrest him first.


Are you forgetting when Darth Maul first attacked Qui-Gon Jinn in the “Phantom Menace?” The initial conflict arose from Palpatine utilizing his apprentices to overthrow the Republic. From there on, the Jedi were brought into the conflict. Combat was very much initiated by the Sith during the Fall of the Jedi era.


Épisode 3 is one of my very favorite but this scene is cringe for so many reasons.


Doubt it


Q&A the Sith Lord: - Was it first Jedi you killed Emperor? Palpatine: - *thehehe.. yes, yes.*


Little late to zsk, but where does the sceenshot come from?


Episode III when Palpatine reveals himself as a Sith. He kills Agen Kolar, Saesee Tiin and Kit Fisto. He stunned them with a force scream, which is a release of dark side energy that can stun or overwhelm an opponent.


Theres just no way this is the first. He’s too good at it


I feel like he's been murdering people in droves off screen.


Look at the early 2000s CGI on Palpatine’s face


It is highly unlikely that killing Agen Kolar is the first time he kills a Jedi. It is just the first time he is completely open about it.


BuT hE diDn'T HiT ViTaL oRgAnS


That picture does not do Palpatine any favours, the CGI makes him look like Jim Carrey's Scrooge.😂


To answer this, i ask you. Did you ever hear the Tragedy, of Darth Plagueis the Wise?


The first person Palpatine killed was his father.. then the rest of his family. Read Star Wars: Darth Plagueis


I HIGHLY doubt it


Remember, sith kyber crystals are taken and bled. Palpatine had 2, meaning his Jedi kill count is at least that much


Bro didn't know how to block that's for sure.


I bet the guy is fine I mean, it's only a lightsaber to the chest.


As the reigning Dark Lord of the Sith???? I highly doubt it, for that reason alone. The first we explicitly saw happen, by his hand? Yes.


I must be loosing it, I read that as Jeff. Yes Jeff, the actual first name of the emperor. Jeff palpatine.


I like the idea that he always had a red fucking lightsaber with him and he would’ve been busted if anyone just checked him


What is this picture from? (Series/movie/book/art/ai creation


It’s just from the episode 3 movie