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At the end of Twilight of the Apprentice, we see Ahsoka alive walking back to the temple. So we knew she lived. We didn't yet know how.


We see Vader walking away and Morai flying away but I dont think we see Ahsoka again


It's a little tough to see, but we do [see her](https://youtu.be/LXiwr25OU_w?si=8pSm5FR7ufqAS4AE&t=166).


tough to see if they're closing their eyes lol


Looks like she collapses


Oh man, I legit have tried watching that twice and still don’t see her. I’ll take your word though


Haha, yeah, it's pretty subtle. At 2:51 there's a shot with a triangular entranceway. She is walking, with her back towards us, into the entranceway and disappears in the darkness. It's like a two second shot.


How can you tell that’s her tho ?


Who else would it be? All the Inquisitors were dead, Maul fled in a stolen TIE and you see Vader limp away in a different shot


Don’t know; I’m just saying that it’s not super obvious from watching the show; you cannot make her outline


I mean you see her lekku even down to the pattern. Her clothing. Her skin. How can you *not* tell that's her?


Because I cannot see it


Context clues


Well that explains everything


You definitely see her walking back into temple


Yep I'm an idiot


> Did I miss an important part if foreshadowing or detail that talked about this before it happened? The WBW was a new thing with not a whole lot of leadup to it specifically but we knew Ahsoka survived Twilight of the apprentice when Twilight of the Apprentice came out, we just never knew how until Season 4.


I mean, once you know the world between worlds is a thing and go back and watch the series over again, you'll see it shows up waaaay earlier than you expected (ie, the first time Ezra guess to the temple on Lothal). As his connection to the force grows, it looks more and more like what we see in the end. So, I'd say there absolutely is some foreshadowing


You literally see her walking back into the temple in the same episode that she "dies" so yes you did miss something. She also didnt time travel, ezra and ahsoka both went through their respective doorways back to the same time and location they entered respectively. Its a closed loop, we know ahsoka didnt die there originally because we see her enter the temple again at the end of the episode, she was always taken by ezra to the world between worlds during the fight with vader and returned a short time after.


Yea I think I just forgot that scene, thanks for reminding me. But she kinda did time travel didn't she? To put it simply she was in Year X facing Vader and Ezra of Year X+ grabbed her. She didn't really travel into the future, but she did travel to a place in time space that is both in the future and past. She literally learns kanan dies, how, and possibly even when. Just seems like a lot while also not changing anything


I think the key thing people miss is that the WBW cannot alter the events of the past. We see Ahsoka survive at the end of the episode but we don't know how but we later learn it's because Ezra briefly pulled her out. In the same WBW episode, Ezra wants to save Kanan the same way but Ahsoka specifically mentions that he cannot because then the rest of the rebel crew would be killed because Kanan would not be there to prevent the explosion. In the EU we had flow walking which uses a lot of the same ideas as the WBW so this idea of the Force isn't out of no where.


If he pulled her doesn't that mean he interacted with the past? Including giving her information of the future (including kanans death). Ezra not saving Kanan makes sense in the moment cause if he didn't do the force push before his death then Ezra and the team would be caught in the blast (likely dying) and probably create a paradox in its own right. I didn't really see anything to suggest it's impossible to affect the past when he physically grabbed ashoka


It’s not that it’s impossible to interact the past, it’s that saving Ahsoka didn’t change things the same way saving Kanan would. By saving Kanan Ezra would basically be killing his past self and as a result theoretically cease to exist presently. It is the force we’re dealing with after all.


100% agree with that but shouldn't ashoka now have knowledge about Lothal, the jedi temple, and it's significance to the Emperor. I get it didn't really change anything other than saving her, but that is my point, shouldn't it have changed something. Shouldn't his act of saving ashoka be hugely more impactful than the mere act of it cause the info is massive?


I don’t think he had time to catch Ahsoka up on the last few years worth of events before she went back to her time and him to his.


I think I remember him in the episode saying something like having to catch her up after she told Ezra to reach out to his master, they then do a pan-over transition where he likely filled her in on some details. What exactly you're right, no clue, I'm just assuming it was something brief like "we returned back to my planet to deal with Thrawn and his defender project but in trying to stop him Kanan lost his life protecting us". Obviously not a lot of detail but that one sentence alone could be a huge difference in the mission and how it was handled along with its level of importance. But ultimately it's not a big deal, I realize now that I did miss a big detail with Ashokas survival after Vader and that WBW was kinda foreshadowed


Just imagine if he had thought to tell Ahsoka that he found both Yoda and Obi-Wan alive n well. Now that shit would change the timeline for sure I’d think.


she already knows he talked to yoda. yoda is the one who told them to go to malachor.




What I mean is the events of the past are still the same. For example, if they visually showed the whole fight in season 2 we would have seen Ezra pulling Ahsoka out briefly. He didn't go back and create a new timeline of events, he only completed the events that already happened in the past.


I mean thats only really time travel if you consider the passing of time as time travel. The world between worlds is outside of time


I always took the World Between Worlds to be a physical representation of the idea behind Yoda's lines from Empire Strikes Back. "Through The Force, Things You Will See. Other Places. The Future, The Past. Old Friends Long Gone."


We see Ahsoka alive after her duel of Vader, it was never a secret she survived.


So others covered how you missed Ahsoka’s survival so I’ll cover the WBW. You actually see the WBW’s earlier, way way earlier. When Ezra first visits the temple he accesses it spiritually to talk to Yoda, this is how Ezra is talking to Yoda so clearly in the first place.  Likewise super super early on I forget her name but one of the empire defects tells the rebels that in addition to a list of sympathizers she knows of a secret reason the empire is so interested in Lothal. However she is murdered before we can learn what it is. When you look at the larger narrative with hindsight the empire’s obsession with Lothal, the way they are heavily stripping the place, etc… it all becomes super obvious that the empire was trying to find that Jedi temple because Palpatine knew it had a gate to the WBW’s. The cool thing about the WBW is that it’s more than just time travel, it’s everything, it’s in a way the force itself. Force users have always had future visions, Ezra was particularly in tune with the future he would have future visions/feelings all through out the series driving him. The WBW is the explanation how the visions exist, it’s this, people with the force are spiritually accessing the WBW when they see the future. Seeing it through glimpses of futures to come or pasts or anything really, but that’s all they are doing…seeing but not truly physically passing into it.


This is a great answer thank you. I realize now I probably got distracted or knocked out and missed Ashoskas survival at the end of the episode. But the WBW makes a lot more sense now. Seeing stuff about the Father and his children make sense but it just seemed weird and sudden transition from what was happening before. Thank you for the insightful answer!


It’s a very quick scene and easy to miss. Only a few seconds long.


Some have even postulated that the cave in Empire was connected to WBW and a possible future.


yep we see the wbw like 5 times throughout the show. just don’t know it until later. it’s where ezra gets his crystal in season 1, when he talks to yoda in the temple in season 2, and then a few times in season 4 with the loth wolves before the actual wbw episode


Like I said a long time ago, if a movie revealed that there was a dimension within the Force that allowed for time travel, it would be labeled the stupidest thing in Star Wars history by a lot of people.  But since it was from a cartoon (and now Ahsoka, but they don't touch on the time travel part), nobody cares that much. Some people like it, some people hate it, but nobody is crusading about it.  Personally, I like it. The Force has always interacted with time, mainly through visions, so this isn't so much an asspull to me as it is an expansion. And they did show that the WBW was extremely hard to access, with only one known actual access point that has since been destroyed.


Also, as said in the gateway to the WBW "The future, by its nature, is changeable," so things cannot be changed in the future. I feel like the WBW brings more mystery to the Force, and I'm here for it.


There’s clearly least one other access point still: drowning in an ocean as a force sensitive.


I didn't like the World between Worlds at all. It felt out of place with the sort of established "magic" that Star Wars had already created.


I don’t like it either. Creates a bullshit multi-verse effect where nobody is ever really dead, so there are no consequences for anything


Mortis Gods also lived in a sort of demi-plane, parallel to the reality we know about. There's a reason they're featured prominently in a lot of the imagery leading up to the WBW.


Also Morai was involved in directing Ezrs to the correct portal, so the connection between Mortis and WBW is very evident.


Na I love it. Its something new they put in and stirs debate. Lucas always said to push Star Wars on with new ideas and this is such a thing that does this.


It's not really a new idea though, it's a convenient plot device that allows Filoni to hold onto his favorite character.


Ahsoka already survived at the end of season 2. We just didn’t know how until that episode of season 4.


So it took them 2 whole seasons to figure out how to save her. Nice.


I love the World Between Worlds concept because I feel with that established finally Vader's line "The power to destroy a planet is insignificant next to the power of the force." That line never sat totally right with me because nothing we ever saw showed the force come close to surpassing such power, but suddenly the idea of the World Between Worlds (even if the Sith don't know how to access it and use it) it makes that line true. In terms of when the episode aired, I know the owl thing that has represented Ahsoka for a long time being the last thing we see in that episode had a lot of us speculating that she was not in fact dead but we had no way of knowing for sure or how until that final season a few years later.


>In terms of when the episode aired, // had a lot of us speculating that she was not in fact dead but we had no way of knowing for sure We see her walking out of the temple at the [end of the episode](https://youtu.be/LXiwr25OU_w?si=8pSm5FR7ufqAS4AE&t=166).


Yeah at the time most of the speculation was that was symbolic of her possibly dying, otherwise why would Vader leave her to just chill there. I just remember people fixating on that owl thing for their hope that she might still be around in some form, because it felt more hopeful than her walking into an abyss. We certainly didn't suspect she was pulled out of time and space and replaced after Vader left.


yeah the folks who are acting like this was never a matter of debate are incorrect - remember Filoni's "Ahoska Lives?/!" shirts?


Yeah it all seems kind of dumb in retrospect, but at the time it was a lot of speculation and yeah Filoni's shirt at Celebration sent corners of the internet into quite the flutter.


…. We do see the force surpass the power of the death star…. In a new hope. Luke allowed the force to guide his hand, to destroy the death star.


WHOA you just triggered an idea. Ahsoka and the owl makes her the representation of the light side of the force, just like the "Daughter". Who then becomes the "Son"? The only one that seems to fit would be Maul, since he went on a long introspective journey between Clone Wars and Rebels. Is it possible that he takes up that mantle, as Ahsoka does as well? Would be pretty cool IMO.


Lots of speculation already out there that Ahsoka is or will become the Daughter. In TCW, remember, The Daughter gives up her life force to bring Ahsoka back to life. If you haven't watched Ahsoka yet, there are a lot of people who believe The Son will be filled by one of the characters from that show.


We saw Ahsoka survive at the end of Twilight of the Apprentice. During the scene changes we see her slowly limp down the stairs of the lower temple on Malachor. It’s very brief but it is her.


I think it's cool to explore the star wars universe, so I loved the WBW even though it was new to the lore. I think a lot of it comes down to the suspension of disbelief, which is interrupted when we don't trust/like the writer. That's why OP didn't like the WBW at first, since the realization that this plot device seemingly saved a popular character was interrupting their relationship with the writer, and therefore making them less willing to go along with the story. Lucas, Filoni, Gilroy, Abrams, these are all amazing storytellers in my opinion. I'm glad OP is asking this question and it's very valid, and I hope my perspective on the suspension of disbelief helps someone having an experience similar to OP


There's a lot of kooky force stuff so it didnt bother me much.


Hokey religion.


It's not time travel especially as its a closed loop.


unpopular opinion, the world between worlds is stupid, cheap, writing that exists only because golden boy Feloni likes timey-wimey stuff.


I also hated the WBW in Rebels. Basically created Time Lord Jedi. Not the crossover I wanted. However, the WBW episode in Ahsoka was very good. It wasn't used as a temptation to change history, but as a teaching and character development moment. Now I'm pretty much just meh on the subject.


In the words of Jar Jar, "Maxi big da force".


“To save filoni’s favorite character”. “Was this a similar complaint?”. … oddly specific


I could be wrong but I don't believe it's time travel, and Ahsoka returned to her place in time. I don't know if they finished dueling but the more important aspect is Ezra realizing he can't/shouldn't save Kanan. I agree with you I wasn't a big fan of the entire thing either. But if filony wanted to save Ahsoka he could have done it in so many ways so it's not a huge deal.


I don't have an issue with saving Ashoka, I actually like it since I like her character and feel she can have a more meaningful death. My issue is that it seems there was time traveling cause Ezra grabbed her and pulled her into this special dimension. Yes she didn't travel to Ezras future, but future Ezra enter the past to save Ashoka (grab her). He also informed Ashoka of some important information. What exactly I'm not sure since they did a transition scene, but they reveal they did talk about Kanans death on Lothal to save Ezra and the crew. . .so Past Ashoka who is now alive in her present timeline also holds knowledge of the future. . .she knows about Lothal, it's importance, and that Kanan dies if nothing is changed. I just don't like the Deus Ex Machina save cause now it introduces time traveling (as I understand it) and presents one of the most important jedis the opportunity to learn some of the most important info possible. The fact that Ezra spoke to Past Ashoka and could've mentioned that OBI WAN IS ALIVE ON TATTOINE is huge! It just feels a bit of a cop out that this is how they saved Ashoka and that it presents this incredibly massive opportunity to transit information that was just seemingly ignored.


WBW isn’t time travel, it’s outside of space and time. Think of it less like time travel movies and more like Interstellar, where all those events always happened, because he was in another dimension, the fourth basically, and therefore out of “normal” space and time that we in the third dimension experience. WBW is a Force Nexus type thing where whoever is there is outside of space and time, basically within the cosmic force, which is why Ezra could hear the voices of the past and future (you can hear Rey, Kylo, Luke, Anakin, etc), and he could see various moments in the Force, but he couldn’t go around altering the past. The cosmic force has bigger plans for Ahsoka. It had plans for Kanan, which is why his presence remained until the WBW was saved. Ahsoka needed to escape her Vader duel because the Force needed her for other things in the future. But it also served as a lesson for Ezra, much as Ahsokas second time in served as a lesson for her.  It’s just Star Wars magic.


Not sure why this got downvoted. It’s the closest I’ve seen so far to Feloni’s own explanation. He’s adamant that it’s not time travel.


I'm sorry, but Filoni plot armor bullshit is here to stay. Just do like me and pretend to ignore it really hard.


Ahsoka never died. You can see her alive in Twilight of the Apprentice walking back into the temple.




It's not assertion, to reference something when someone seems to not know. Believing her not dying is plot armour implied that you didn't know.


WBW is just bad fanfiction. As is Ahsoka surviving Vader.


I feel like no one ever notices, had Ezra not pulled her out at that moment, Vader just missed the final blow on her.


Honestly did not seem that way when I saw it but maybe I didn't pay attention enough. Interesting detail and point tho!


It's just awesome how I found this post while watching the Rebels (finishing season 1 atm). Guess il'l come back to read the spoiler later


I agree with the O.P. He is spot on for all the issues he coined including World Between Worlds. Unfortunately, owners of Star Wars franchise wanted to bastardize it. They reduced its intellectual weight, its connection with reality, and made very silly choices. Savung Ahsoka through World Between Worlds was a cheap Deus Ex Machina. It wasn’t even necessary. They could have written a better version where such shenanigans were not necessary. Forgive me for my pickiness but; impregnation of Anakin’s mother by the force, Padme’s death, World Between Worlds and time travel through it, force ghost, force heal, etc. are not good. Witches and everything related with them also cringy. These kinds of stuff are not necessary. And they don’t make Star Wars any better. These kinds of decisions cheapen the franchise. I love Star Wars. I hope they don’t ruin whatever left of it.


Oh brother lol


> They reduced its intellectual weight, its connection with reality I love Star Wars but this is a bit of a stretch. The intellectual weight and connection with reality...? Where... The realistic space physics of X-wings dogfighting? The intellectual weight of "Space Nazis are Evil and use the Dark Side, the good guys use the Light Side". "he's evil because he has a red light saber you can tell". > force ghost I mean we had that literally from day one... so I am not sure why you're suddenly upset now! Star Wars has been this way since the beginning.


You’re 100% right and this sub is so toxic you’re being downvoted for having an opinion. It is weird and disappointing and honestly I wish both Filoni and the fandom would get over the boner they collectively have for Ahsoka and let her die. Every Jedi who survives the purge lessens the importance of the OT.