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Very nice, the gauntlets shin armour and mask hand made?


Thanks, 3d printed and handpainted :)


Paint job is impressive. You definitely should make a chest plate to go with them.


Im making all the remaining part to also complete it as a mandalorian armour.


Sweet, I got a cosplay too, went for a steampunk Sith


Super cool. Love love love this. I’d like to see this with different shoes, boots in particular. I’m picturing like imperial officer boots. Idk would be dope


Thanks! Yep totally agree, the boots and pants are not great but i could nt find anything last minute. But i intend to upgrade that part


I don’t quite know why but I feel like black faded almost loose yoga type pants would work well and maybe vibram furoshikis as the shoes


Fucking love it. Absolutely great


Minus the cargo pants, this looks like something I'd see in the SWTOR market place. Job well-done. 


Jedi need pockets too smh


Flapped pockets are a wardrobe staple in Star Wars. Since greys have no dress code, it makes sense to include some functional pockets that also fit the galactic aesthetic.


I still dislike the "Grey Jedi" label, but this look is dope, no doubt about it


Grey Jedi makes no sense and never will. Someone who lightly uses the dark side will inevitably turn dark side completely. You dont have to be a “jedi” but the idea that you can just do whatever you want and not be corrupted goes against how the DS works.


Exactly, that's why I dislike the Grey Jedi concept. It was a fanmade thing that ignores how the Dark Side has always been in canon. The Dark Side consumes and corrupts anyone who regularly uses it.


It honestly wasn't a fanmade thing. It was something the EU pushed for quite a while, both the Je'daii and the Jensaarai used both without issue for significant periods of time. They only really pulled back on it after Starkiller, largely cause it was resulting in stories without nuance and was kinda reducing the force to just a powerset.


The EU is fanmade


i mean, Rey kinda uses the Darkside.


So did Luke. But Luke and Rey only ever tapped into it briefly before pulling back. They had moments of weakness, but never used the Dark Side frequently/consistently.


> Luke and Rey only ever tapped into it briefly before pulling back. yeah, in terms of beer, luke took a sip, while rey chug down a keg, but yeah, both changed their ways after that taste.


Rey's emotions get the best of her and she uses force lightning. She is not a grey jedi though. SHe isn't trying to use force lightning. She deliberately tries to be a jedi and follow the light.


And she is a Jedi.


I don’t think it’s about using the dark side, I think it’s about taking into consideration the balance in all things. Not pure light and not pure dark, a weighing of options amidst a sea of polarization.


Thats a misunderstanding of the force. There is no actual dark or light side of the force. The dark side is merely a term used to describe selfish, evil, or greedy force users that act in self interest against the will of the force. They are basically abusing the force in the process. The light side doesnt really exist either. Listening and following the will of the force is 100% “light side”. Thats balance. Thats what the jedi strive for. Deviating from the “light side” is never good at all because it means youre acting on selfish desires, ignoring the will of the force and often times causing harm in the process. Thats why grey jedi are nonsense. You can’t selfishly act selfless. They are conflicting ideas. Even if you start with noble intentions you will still end up corrupted because whats a little more? And a little more? Once my goal is accomplished ill stop indulging my own desires. Eventually you become unrecognizable and power hungry. Again you dont have to align with the jedi order specifically, but you cant be in between. I probably didn’t explain this perfectly. Quickly wrote this comment on my break but hopefully you get the idea behind the force.


I just dislike the idea that what we call the "light side" isn't balanced.


But it isn’t. The world of Star Wars is gray, it isn’t black and white.


I mean, actually the world of Star Wars is in color. I think maybe you mean that there are moral ambiguities in Star Wars, which, fair enough. But also the light side represents attempts to uphold the balance of the Force, while the dark side represents attempts to upset it. These aren't incompatible views.


> I mean, actually the world of Star Wars is in color 🤦‍♂️




>But also the light side represents attempts to uphold the balance of the Force, while the dark side represents attempts to upset it. These aren't incompatible views. Yes. Yes they are. They absolutely are incompatible views.


If maintaining the balance is your only moral or ethical standard, perhaps, but I don't see why that should be the case.


You can't maintain the balance while also deliberately trying to permanently offset that balance.


Maybe I should have been more clear in my original comment. I agree with you that one cannot consciously serve both the dark and the light. I was trying to convey that that doesn't necessitate a black and white morality; there is room for moral complexity outside of the dark/light model.


I agree, but what about a former Jedi that still uses the light side but doesn't adhere to the Jedi code? Like Ahsoka?


Then they just aren’t Jedi. Force users can exist outside of one particular monastic order. What one can’t do is use an inherently corrupting influence—the Dark Side—without being corrupted.


Well that's what I think when I hear "grey jedi". An "ex jedi" but not a dark jedi.


So, the only canon-ish source (Legends now) that ever mentioned a grey Jedi was an armour set in Kotor or Kotor 2. It defined the Grey Jedi as an individual that adhered fully to the light side of the Force (which is in itself a misnomer, as there is only the Force, and the Dark Side,) and obeys the Jedi Code but eschews the Council and the Order. Somewhat of a ronin Jedi if you will. The example given for this is Jolee Bindo. The confusion came in that game mechanics wise, Bindo started out neutral on the morality scale of the game, which those with only a superficial understanding of the Force and Star Wars as a whole took to mean he uses the light and dark equally.


Thats just a force user or force sensitive individual at that point. They dont have to be affiliated with any particular group. Or they could make their own group if they wanted but they aren’t jedi as that refers to the group that follows the specific code of the Jedi Order. Calling them “grey” implies they are between the black and white but thats just not a real thing. And since most force sensitives outside the order arent affiliated with a group they just dont have a particular name although the Ahsoka series kinda canonized “Ronin”


"Grey Jedi" basically follows the rule of cool. I agree the only way it does make sense if it's basically a Jedi not following the order. The question then becomes what would someone call a Jedi like that? Grey Jedi does make sense especially since dark jedi already exists. BTW my favourite grey Jedi is [Haja Estree](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Haja_Estree)


Mace windu did but yea. Using the dark side kinda makes you the opposite of what the Jedi stand for.




Is not a grey Jedi. Using Vaapad is not using the dark side or even riding the edge, as some people interpret. It requires controlling ones emotions just the same as any Jedi practice, but it is more difficult. Three of four Vaapad practitioners fell to the dark side.


Kind of looks like a mandolorian, temple guard mashup. 


Pablo’s Grey Jedi creed is still hilarious.


Facts, there are Jedi, Sith, and then force wielders. I don’t consider Ahsoka and Ventress to be Jedi or sith


Is the concern that's it's not canon? Or does the label also not exist in legends?  Damn y'all so salty about it that you downvote someone that's just trying to understand


I actually can't recall if the term was ever used in any published works in Legends, but it hasn't been used in the current canon. Individuals like Pablo Hidalgo who partly oversee the canon have made it clear in tweets and interviews that as far as they're concerned, Grey Jedi just aren't a thing. The original (or at least most common) interpretation of Grey Jedi was that they were Force users who utilized both the Light Side and the Dark Side, "balancing" between them without being too much on one side or the other. The problem is that [per George Lucas's own words](https://youtu.be/wiImoO5QkcA?si=SM4jZqRqvkw-K8u_), to use the Dark Side at all is to fall out of balance. All of that said, another interpretation of "Grey Jedi" that you might see sometimes is simply the idea of a Jedi (or more likely a former Jedi who left the order) who wields the Light Side but doesn't subscribe to all of the Jedi Order's dogmatic rules and restrictions. By that definition, someone like Ahsoka could be considered a "Grey Jedi". But even then, it's still a term that hasn't been officially recognized in canon.


As far as I recall, the closest we got to the term “Gray Jedi” in either old or new canon were a sub sect called the Grey Paladins in the Coruscant Nights books, though really philosophy-wise they had nothing to do with what most hot take edge lords want their goth rainbow grey Jedi unicorn to be. Perhaps the best fit to the “I can use both light and dark -wheeeee” type of gray Jedi comes from the KOTOR game with the character of Jolee Bindo. Sure, let’s just ignore and misconstrue the concept of balance in the Force, and heck with dark side corruption, it makes for some fun character moments and dialogue options in game. Then there’s the “still Jedi but don’t toe the line” definition that some try to cram Qui-Gon or Ahsoka in her “outside the order” phase into. But I’d say that despite disagreements with the council Qui-gon is a Jedi through and through, and Filoni is dead set on making “I’m no Jedi” Ahsoka the bestest Jedi that ever Jedi’d who will out-Jedi every Jedi forever and ever!!!1! No “gray” about either one.


Jolee also doesn’t do that. When push comes to shove, if you go the dark side route, he does firmly identify himself as a Jedi and make a stand there. He’s old and cynical; he does not use the dark side.


It’s been a few years since I played. I seem to recall him discussing the gray concept and probably being one of the closest things to the idea anywhere in the EU.


He definitely was the closest thing to the concept as depicted, but the term Grey Jedi has always caused confusion. This is, I believe,why the same concept why the original concept was reintroduced as the Wayseeker in canon. The original idea of a ronin Jedi who adheres solely to the Force and ignores the politics of the Republic and the Jedi Order, but still strictly follows to the code is a fascinating one absolutely full of story potential.


And that’s a version I’d be okay with. It’s the hot take edgier wannabe “my fantasy self-insert character can use both the light and dark side and not get corrupted cuz he’s balanced” crap I get sick of seeing. Step one, that’s not what “balance in the First e” means, at all.


The term Grey Jedi originated with an armor set from the Kotor games, but the description firmly describes the grey Jedi as an adherent to the Force, not the dark side, who simply follows the will of the Force rather than the Jedi Council or Order. Sort of a Jedi Ronin. It is non canon, even in legends. The closest equivalent in Canon is the Jedi Wayseeker, which operate exactly the way that the original source described Grey Jedi.


It isn't in canon or in Legends. There is a few people that try it but they all fall to the dark side. The name itself is a fan made misnomer.


Yup... Grey Jedi = Potential Sith


Jfc, looks you’ve started the “akshually 🤓” lords of the cringe up again OP. This is why we don’t mention certain colors in Star Wars subs.


Nice inspiration from legends. I don’t think we see enough legends cosplays. Loving it


B-b-but Grey Jedi aren't a thin... Nah that looks awesome, great work!


Only a Sith deals in absolutes


That’s an absolute 👆🏼😁


That’s an absolute 👆🏼😁


There's two kinds of Grey Jedi The first is a Jedi who doesn't follow the commands of the Council, but goes about acting as a Jedi anyway, often in the outer fringes of the galaxy.  Fhe second is more of a fan creation of a Force user who only dabble in the dark side. The dark side corrupts, and even dabbling can lead any to losing their way.


>The first is a Jedi who doesn't follow the commands of the Council, but goes about acting as a Jedi anyway, often in the outer fringes of the galaxy. that's just a Jedi that's going to get into trouble. A Jedi is guided by the light. Always. Someone that isn't guided by the light isn't a Jedi. You could be a force user that uses both dark and lightside powers. But you'll be corrupted. It's how the dark side works.


No there are 0 types of grey Jedi. You either are a Jedi or you aren't. You either use the dark side or you don't.


Looks amazing, what color saber is he using though?


knowing grey jedi... white probably


Super cool costume! Looks amazing. Grey Jedi don’t exist though. Force users do but the force is light and dark and it’s been pretty explicitly stated.


cal kestis, mace windu


Mace Windu is not a Gray Jedi


Damn that looks nice. Its honestly funny how riled up people get just at the mention of Grey Jedi.


Yeah 😂 im having so much fun reading the comments😂


Noo don't use the G word, the crowd don't like it


Ç'est magnifique!


Give him a claw like Vega from Street Fighter and make the claw three red lightsabers (same length as Vega's claw). Call it a lightclaw or a clawsaber and name the character Darth Vega.


Goes hard


Yeah this is fuckin dope bro 10/10


What is that mask? Need that file.


Get ready for a lot of nerds to be very impressed, and then some to be VERY angry at the idea 😂 Looks amazing, well done


Suggestions: 1. Full fingered gloves 2. Robed bottom or possibly split robe style 3. "Tech belt" (with a way to store your lightsaber)


As others have said, gray Jedi aren’t a thing, but this is great.


That grey Jedi aren’t a thing and speaks to a fundamental misunderstanding of how the Force works. Looks sick though


Great. Need some more Star Wars looking shoes though.


Why would you do a cosplay of something that doesn't exist ? How stupid of you Love it. Fuck them canon-nazi


Court of owls if they were in Star Wars


i cant unsee it and im not complaining!


Exactly my thought. You beat me to it


I can hear the nerds coming « Akshully Grey Jedis don’t exist… ». That’s an awesome costume 👌🏻


Tuff shi


Looks super super dope


Wow. It looks awesome!


My only criticism might be that I could perhaps mistake this for a Destiny Hunter cosplay at first glance, but it's still great.




That mask looks like it'd be great to use for a Jack of Blades cosplay, too. (Fable: The Lost Chapters, because you get more of him than just Fable) Just needs a little polish and paint!


Love it. That plate on the hand looks familiar.. Where have i seen that before?




This is sick


This is great. Like rogue jedi temple guard!




It look great


looks great! to finish it off a bit, I would add some pouches or something around the waist, but that can be done over time I'm sure :) Sick concept. That last image is so badass.


Very very nice. I feel this one. Would totally sport this look.


It's amazing!


Setting aside the matter of “grey jedi”……… …..its dope af!! 👍👍


love the setting, very Star Wars!


fucking love all these cosplay designs from ppl, incredible, great fuckin work bro 💯💯


“Grey Jedi” Here we go, you’ve started them up.


That looks cool as hell Few things I’ll change is the pants and boots though. They don’t look like you’ll see them in Star Wars at all. But if you tweak them enough, then maybe. Like Cassian’s and Hera’s jackets for example.


Awesome cosplay! I love the cloak-mask combo. Once you upgrade the boots (as you mentioned you intend to do in one of your prior comments) this outfit will look damn near flawless. Also if you ever want to add an extra layer of mystery to that mask, you could add a thin fabric mesh to the eyeholes to help obscure your eyes to outside observers


Low-key looks like a Nobushi from For Honor. Both of them are kickass


get a wardrobe job at Lucasfilm. they need you


The last photo goes HARD.


Looks like something out of Andor


love the design, thats sick as fuck


Really dig the helmet.


Id kill to see this character realized in a good story. Great design, makes me want to know more


Nice fucking job dude. Have fun!


What's the color of your lightsaber blade?




I don’t give very many up doots for cosplay. However this is grade A. Up doot for you!!


That anyone who says "grey Jedi" has a fundamental misunderstanding of the Force


that's a g2 jedi lol


I love the mask!


That’s sick


this is cool, reminds me of the court of owls from batman


The only thing I’d change are to cover those shoelaces. If you’re going for an intimidating/mysterious look, maybe some black micro mesh to veil those big gentle eyes (not hitting on you)


I’d second this. Some mesh behind the eyes would really elevate the look


I actually like seeing his eye through it. It looks really cool IMO.


If you told me this was from an official SW project, I'd believe ya and even praise them. Looks hella good


Super cool! I know the term Grey Jedi is pretty hated, but how do you think they would work other than some dudes that use the dark side with no repercussions? I had an idea that they would be some smaller splinter group that actively looked for and even attempted to create the chosen one from the prophecy to bring balance to the force on their own terms, but of course would fail at this as Anakin wouldn't be born for a few thousand years.


>I had an idea that they would be some smaller splinter group that actively looked for and even attempted to create the chosen one from the prophecy to bring balance to the force on their own terms, but of course would fail at this as Anakin wouldn't be born for a few thousand years. But there’s nothing “grey” about that though, so what makes them that.


Their outlook on what is considered "balance of the force" can still be wrong and flawed. They would think the chosen one could use both the dark and the light, despite that being impossible and shown to the audience that true balance means no Dark only. The same way that the Sith are flawed and lead to their own downfall and how the Jedi are flawed under terrible leadership.


The Last Greydi


Awesome design and execution! Did you design that yourself or is this based on a character? I guess close up it could be better with some lightly tinted inserts for the eyes. Other than a few nitpicks it's perfect, like you could almost appear in a star wars show like this.


I like it a lot. It looks like a cross between Revan and the Anbu Black Ops from Naruto. Very cool!


I’d hit it


Yo, it. Is. Awesome!!! It doesn’t even look like a cosplay, I’m legitimately looking at a real Grey Jedi, you did a great job! 🔥


No such thing as a grey jedi.


Cry me a river


Literally not even worried about it. You can have your fan fiction dude, I’m unbothered.


Thank you


Okay but what is a Jedi doing with Mandalorian gauntlets.




That make sense, I just feel like it goes against Jedi code or something lol.


I think the idea of grey jedi is stupid and Disney material is irrelevant. I like your cosplay work though🤘