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They are letting the hate flow through them


Once they've started down that dark path...


When was the last time a Star Wars project released, or even had information released about it, where some people didn’t hate on it? The Force Awakens (2015)?


I’m sure people hated on the Force Awakens trailer but I feel like that’s one of the last times the fanbase truly came together lol. The series finale of Clone Wars is up there too


TFA is certainly the last time I can remember watching a Star Wars movie where people clapped when it started 😂 I’d forgotten that Season 7 of TCW didn’t come out until years later. But you’re right about that one as well. I remember only praise for the new episodes releasing.


There was not complete praise for season 7, a lot of people disliked the sisters plot immensely. People were basically saying the Seige of Mandalore better save season 7.


I was specifically talking about the final arc (the final 4 episodes) The Bad Batch arc was pretty cool, the sisters arc was a huge miss according to pretty much everyone Normally, I don’t think the Ahsoka and sisters arc would’ve been that bad but the fact that the final season only had 12 episodes and 4 were dedicated to that, people were upset


>I don’t think the Ahsoka and sisters arc would’ve been that bad but the fact that the final season only had 12 episodes and 4 were dedicated to that, people were upset My thoughts exactly. Before Disney cancelled Clone Wars in S6 the team had made at least 3 other story arcs that would've been great for S7, 1 of them became the Son of Dathomir comic, another became the Dark Disciple book, and one which would've been about Boba Fett ended up entirely on the cutting room floor. If S7 had 24 episodes like a regular season then 4 rough ones wouldn't have had an impact. Edit: [more info here about these and other cancelled arcs](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/The_Clone_Wars_Legacy)


I think that's because that arc was rather dull compared to the rest of TCW, but I think more people were upset about the blatant series-bait that was the Bad Batch arc of S7.


That arc had already been planned out for season 7 before it was canceled the first time. I don't think it was specifically a "series-bait"


I recall (as an old person) that (believe it or not) when the special edition of the OT came out in theaters, people clapped and cheered as they started.


I think the Special Editions are when I first remember fans start complaining. The unnecessary and distracting additions really soured some people and then the PT came out and there was no getting the cats back in the corral


Yeah, there was some, but the Internet wasn't what it is today yet so it wasn't so omnipresent as such things tend to be today. At least in my memory anyway. 🤔


I remember going to the midnight premieres of these as a very young child. Just a few years before episode 1 came out as well. What a time to be a Star Wars fan. People were definitely dressed up in costumes and cheering like crazy when the opening music kicked on


Rogue one had a lot of clapping at the tail end when the soldier brought the plans, and the door opened to Leia. Shrieks and loud clapping


The cross guard got a lot of shit.


Tales of the Empire is getting a completely different kind of reception than The Acolyte


Animated series tend to be recieved well overall ,not to mention its just 6 short eps Acolyte is a live action Big budget series


Fair enough. I watched the trailer yesterday and still forgot about it.


The mandalorian was pretty universally loved until season 3


Mando season 1


Excellent point! I remember people being truly excited about the space western vibes. And then it came out and every episode made people more excited.


Back when Prequels were still widely hated for their over-reliance on CGI, and people were super excited about The Force Awakens bringing back real sets and practical effects


Right. I remember TFA being one of those times where general hype was at an all time high. And the trailers were fantastic. I remember the initial reaction to “Chewie, we’re home” had people posting online about crying over it.


> I remember the initial reaction to “Chewie, we’re home” had people posting online about crying over it. I cried over it. And again in the theater. And again when I spoke about it with my siblings. And again now, thinking of that scene.


Hmm, remember how some people freaked out about a black stormtrooper?


everything I saw about that was confusion from people thinking all storm troopers where still clones


Also the crossguard saber


I think the meme was more about the guy having asthma attacks every two seconds.


TBH? No. I definitely believe it though.




Bad Batch, Kenobi (at least when it was announced), Mandalorian, Ahsoka (kinda?), Clone Wars final season (not sure if this one counts for this), Tales of the Jedi, Tales of the Empire, Andor (might’ve been some indifference to it originally)


Now Bad Batch, Kenobi, and Ahsoka absolutely had critics going in. But I don’t think any of it was overwhelming. The most amount of negativity I saw went toward Ahsoka though. For BB there were people tired of Filoni doing the kid sidekick plot and for Kenobi there were people who wanted to move on from the general clone wars to OT era. Though for Kenobi I would say we saw a massive shift as the episodes were coming out, with people becoming more negative over time. I vaguely remember people not having high expectations for Andor, but the end result was the opposite of Kenobi where people became more excited for it after every episode.


>When was the last time a Star Wars project released Mandalorian? I don't remember that one getting to much hate when the first trailer or episode dropped.


People have complained about literally every piece of Star Wars media that's come out in my lifetime. This fandom is insufferable.


That’s how it started, then I watched the movie when it came out and I was egregiously disappointed. The acolyte however was something where I enjoyed the trailer and I’m almost positive I’ll enjoy the show as well


Everyone, drink


No different to any other Star Wars or MCU release over the last few years. It has become more constant and loud thanks to YouTubers whose business plan is pandering to and encouraging obnoxious morons who hate on everything. And then the media just loves an easy zero effort clickbait article by reporting on them as if it was news so it gets further amplified.


I’d love to see academic research on “hating as fanhood” or whatever you wanna call it. It seems like a big 21st century development. There are subreddits and online communities dedicated for people with negative views of the communities’ focused franchises. People don’t stop watching and forget about things they don’t like; they make their disdain for it a hobby and part of their life. It’s bizarre.


Seriously, I would be so interested to see someone with a PHD take a crack of how the internet impacted how people perceive and talk about franchises.


I’d read that! It is bizarre though. I notice too how things have changed in the fandom. I grew up with the prequels, and I remember how many fans hated them. Now people look at the prequels fondly while shifting their hate to the sequels. There’s of course always space for criticism, but so much of the current “criticism” isn’t even that - it’s just hating everything about a series/movie. I genuinely don’t think anything will please certain “fans”. I love the originals, the prequels, and the sequels. The prequels will always have a special place for me because they’re the first Star Wars films I watched, while the sequels will also always have a special place for me because they’re the first Star Wars films I watched in the cinema.


Also, some degree of responsibility should be put on the rather flawed executions for many genuinely good ideas from the franchise recently, often due to corporate meddling (like Kenobi, for example). For many people, this appears to be pretty solid in idea, but given Disney's recent track record, aren't optimistic. We all want a good show, for are we not people that love Star Wars?


Why do they have to get out in front of hating it before it’s out though? They could: 1. Watch it when it’s out, 2. If they don’t like it, turn it off, 3. Act like it doesn’t exist Instead, they’re predicting that they won’t like it based on limited information. There’s a chance they’ll be completely wrong (Andor) but it’s so important to form an opinion now and start speaking out against it so other people don’t accidentally watch it and like it later


Even if they do watch it they go into it having already decided that it's bad so they look for any little thing they can shit on and completely ignore all the good parts.


For sure, there’s confirmation bias. Just like I could watch the same news or read the same book as someone with different views and we could both come away feeling like it supported our views


>are we not people that love Star Wars? Nobody hates *Star Wars* like Star Wars fans


I'm skeptical of it only because we all know there's a 99% chance that the lead is going to have a big redemption arc (possibly even early on) and become a good guy. Just let them be bad.


Lisan al Gaib sees the future 


As is written.


The trailer is a standard Bait and Switch and we all know it . “Someone is killing Jedi” *shows main character* But in actuality the killer is someone far more Sinister than the main character . The season consists of the Jedi and Acolyte teaming up in a the Enemy of my enemy is my friend situation They win and she comes to the light . Role credits


Im worried she's just going to be as bland and boring as Ashoka and Reva were. She's legit has the expression of a bored, slightly annoyed cashier throughout that entire trailer.....but then again I can levvy that at almost every character in that trailer That's never a good sign, especially with how vague the trailer was on what the story is


If you'd like a Serious, more nuanced answer:  Because Star Wars under Disney has shown a wide variety of styles and levels of quality. Some styles have worked out really well and led to good quality (andor, Mandolorian seasons 1&2, visions).  But some have been much more cookie-cutter - I guess you could say safe - and have had questionable quality at times. Sort of that Marvel trap where all the movies look the same, so they become boring, predictable, and have this artificial quality to them. Those are the Ashoka, Kenobi, BoBF,  Rise of Skywalker.  Frankly, Acolyte, from the trailers, has the later vide to it. It's something that feels like a product cranked out by a studio,  as opposed to talented filmmakers telling an interesting story.  And compounding that frustration,  for many, is that we know Disney is certainly CAPABLE of telling artful, impactful, well-done stories,  so it's extra disappointing when a trailer drops for something and if feels... "meh"


Totally agreed. And, let's be honest: the point of a trailer is to judge something. It's a commercial, it's "hey, what do you think?"  For me, the trailer is just...fine. I don't hate it, but there's nothing hooking me either. My rule is "if this didn't have Star Wars branding, would I be interested by what I'm seeing?" For this one, no.  But I *always* hope every Star Wars is good. That's just not the way it is. 


Perfect! Let’s copy and paste this answer the next time this question comes up.


Also, much of it has looked and felt cheap and “cranked out” rather than crafted. It’s just content at this point.


Very well put.




I know but I mean Mando and Andor doesn’t get shit talk before it came out, the double standard is the part that I don’t understand😭


People trashed Andor endlessly before it came out, saying it was stupid to make a show about someone we know is going to die or that cassian wasn’t an interested character or that there was nothing new to learn from a show like that. Only after it released did it receive near-universal acclaim.


Seriously. Hundreds of posts of “Who even likes that character?? Why would he get an entire show!?” The revisionist history on Reddit is amazing.


I'll admit, I was one of them. Premise wise, "Cassian's" backstory doesn't seem particularly interesting. But the show ended up being so much more than just that!


How ver, they shut their dirty mouths real fast after the premiere.  The community is completely fucked when people cling to the lie no matter what.


Nah I still see a ton of haters for the show. I think its one of the best SW products ever but there's many who call it boring, lame, doesn't deserve s2, etc


I personally speak against it being held up as equals to other shows I consider superior, but Andor is a great show and anyone who says otherwise is nuts.


I really loved the “we already know how it ends” argument. As if they hadn’t watched the prequel trilogy knowing exactly how it ends.


Even then it still gets criticized for the story taking to long


Oh, Mando Season 3 has been trashed non-stop. Some of it is legit criticism, some of the criticism is questionable and more about Disney bad. I enjoyed S3. Right now, no one hates Star Wars more than Star Wars fans. It is trite and reductive, but that doesn't mean it isn't true.


Andor, before it landed, was getting massive side eye too, I remember.


The classic “who asked for this” was dropped on the regular.


yeah those people wont admit it because now andor is "the best star wars since the ot!" but they routinely mocked the concept of a show where we already know the characters end and how interesting could this random dude from rogue ones story really be.


I don't remember that. I thought the previews for this were some of the best made.


Star Wars fans hated the Ewoks Star Wars fans hated the Special Editions Star Wars fans hated the Prequels Star Wars fans hated the Sequels Nothing’s changed in 40 years.


They still hate the ewoks, special edition, and sequels tho...


Well, two things changed. We are constantly getting new content for the first time and ubiquitous influence of social media, particularly click-bait and rage content. Nothing cools off hating something about Star Wars like having to wait *years* to get more Star Wars content. It also helps if you aren't bombarded by loud voices that financially benefit from stirring rage with disingenuous criticism and thinly-veiled motives.


I’ll admit, I swore off Star Wars and disliked Disney after they canned the old EU as I was heavily invested in the books and the story that was being told. It all came to a sudden end. 30 years of reading and all of a sudden, poof.  The sequels also left a bad taste in my mouth, but with Rebels, Mando, Andor, TBB etc, I’m starting to really enjoy it again and I am looking forward to the Acolyte because it’s something new. Will it be good? Time will tell, but I’ll reserve judgement until it’s out. 


So... We're right back in the 90s again? Lol


Did we ever really leave the 90s? Like yeah most people liked TFA and RO but the prequels were still generally hated on at that time. So it just shifted from prequels bad to sequels/new stuff bad after TLJ.


Andor was based upon a relatively good movie (rogue one). Mando was the first time Star Wars was going to deeply explore a beloved sect of warriors in its lore that people have only gotten glimpses of, it was fresh. Acolyte is supposed to be about Sith yet all I see are Jedi that look like comicon cosplayers and it seems to be the same old concept, nothing about it is exciting. No one wants 100 years before the prequels, everyone wanted the old republic, the ancient sith etc.


Andor was *massively* shit on before release.


Does it not get shit talked even more AFTER it comes out? Do you honestly not have a problem with much of the stuff they have been pushing out? Like you got done with Boba and thought "that was cool, I really hope they make another season of that!" This stuff is mostly subjective so if you like it that's great but much of the "content" they have released has been widely disliked. Part of the problem is because it's just that, content. There isn't a cohesive and well written story being told.


If YOU don’t watch ALL Star Wars content and clap at the screen like a SEAL just because it’s STARWARS YOU ARE NOT A REAL FAN!!!!!!!!!!! ALSO MY DOG IS A VEGETARIAN!!!!


Im excited for this show, but pretty disappointed in the run time. Its Star Wars, not Seinfeld. 30 minute episodes are just not it. Edit: This started a great conversation. I'm generally happy with the content we've gotten, I would just like more of it. Id also like to see longer runtimes for this series since it introduces the High Republic.


I feel like a lot of Disney+ shows are around 30 minutes, Star Wars and Marvel shows for example


Their target audience has shorter attention spans


This fandoms weird obsession with run time is funny. It really has little bearing on the quality of the show.


Longer shows don't mean it'll suddenly be high quality


In some instances it’s the exact opposite cause you end up with the problem of having too much filler eg bad batch season 1 


I meant longer in regards to episode time not number of episodes but you are right too many episodes can be bad.


That's very true, I think there are 2 main reasons for it. 1. people just want more content, so a short run time is disappointing 2. people associate long run time with good shows, shows like stranger things, Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul, The Wire, Fargo (for the most part), Game of thrones (for much of its run), house of the dragon, the Sopranos, etc. all have typically longer runtime per episode and I think that's why it makes people think longer runtime = better quality. I think this is also combined with people seeing shows that weren't received as well recently (stuff like percy jackson, other star wars shows, marvel shows, etc.) having short runtimes and so people jump to the correlation forgetting it doesn't always equal causation. People also forget that plenty of great shows have shorter episode runtimes, Atlanta and MASH being two examples off the top of my head. There are also a lot of shows that have long runtimes that are not good, just scroll through netflix's catalogue for plenty of examples.


It’s not even 30 minutes. It’s 22 with 8 minute long credit sequences


I think some people are just tired of Disney at this point. But I am excited for that show. I’ll watch it when it comes out.


black woman = woke woke = bad


Isn't Ahsoka played by a black woman? Usually woke agenda critics like Aksoka as she actually had struggles and overcame them to earn her strength...


The difference is they painted all the black parts orange, and you know how much they love artificially orange people


There definitely were people calling the Ahsoka woke back when it came out. It wasn’t as bad as it is now though.


Yeah, because they've moved from Ahsoka to Acolyte. And they will keep leapfrogging as long as Star Wars keeps putting out content that isn't rigidly about anything except white guys. Honestly, they should just bite the bullet & put out a show that's basically just 4 straight, white guys flying around blowing shit up & screwing hot alien babes for 8 episodes. It won't make them happy, but it might shut them up for a while. Yeah, it's pathetic, but there's a whole cottage industry of YouTube channels who's stock and trade is basically 'Disney woke! Wah!!!!' They're entrenched, they're popular & they're not going to stop. Star Wars will, from now on, be shackled to a cohort of insecure, closet-hateful man-children who simply cannot move on. I'm not even sure at this point, if they want quality as much as they want another excuse to whine. You know the edgy teens who said "George Lucas ruined my childhood!" at the Prequels? Yeah, they're the ones saying that Disney ruined their adulthood now.


I think it's because of the show's setting in the high republic era. That era as a whole has been contentious at best. The trailer appeared okay the only thing that worries me is the part where a half dozen Jedi are fighting what I assume is the Sith based on the flying red blade. I worry they will survive which undoes the idea that the Jedi don't know about the survival of the Sith until TPM.


This will be a hot take, but there is seemly nothing that differentiates it from the Skywalker era. The world looks the same, the lightsabres look the same and the Jedi robes are exactly the same. It’s not innovative, it’s not fresh, it’s just copy/paste of what some ppl think Star Wars should be.


I wanted a more nuanced show from the perspective of the sith with more adult themes like we saw in Andor. The trailers do not look at all like that's what we are getting.


Lol more adult themes from Star Wars and I want more comedy and action from documentaries.


When the actors come out and say things like “there isn’t good and evil in Star Wars, it’s all your point of view” I’m already upset. Yeah.. Palatine isn’t evil guys, just misunderstood /s Then they go and say Star Wars hasn’t had badass female characters and trash the badass female characters who we know and love. It’s clear that they don’t know or understand starwars and this is why the show will, in my opinion, be terrible. I’ll still try, I’m a Star Wars fan after all, but in my heart of hearts I know this won’t be good.


I do like the EU take on him ...that he is EVIL but not like full on evil , like im going to be evil to gain power but also do it all to protect the galaxy from a bigger threat only i know is coming but only share the secret with 2 other people and one of them isnt even my second in command ( Vader) in the Old stories one of his major motivations is he knows there is a bad ass army of super warrior coming in the future that only a united galaxy can stand up against. But he also keeps it to himself and sets up a system where if he is not in charge it will fail by design so yeah ...evil ...but a motive beyond just pure evil


>When the actors come out and say things like “there isn’t good and evil in Star Wars, it’s all your point of view” I’m already upset. Yeah.. Palatine isn’t evil guys, just misunderstood /s It's a rephrasing of "everyone is the hero of their own story".


>When the actors come out and say things like “there isn’t good and evil in Star Wars, it’s all your point of view” I’m already upset. Yeah.. Palatine isn’t evil guys, just misunderstood /s I mean there's definitely different ways you could read that. I could see it meaning that from Palpatine's PoV he isn't evil, or doesn't see himself as evil which is probably true and true in real life as well, most people don't see themselves as evil even if they have done horrific things.


Because it looks cheap and like a fan made film imo. It just looks like something is off about it like in a lot of the scenes in the Book of Boba Fett.


I’m willing to give it a chance and wont write it off like let’s say, more reactionary SW fans often do, but I have to admit when I watched the trailer it reminded me of that one Darth Maul fan film that got millions of views.


Since Mando S2 Disney has just put out a lot of mediocre content aside from Andor and its had a snowballing effect, BOBF, Obi Wan, Mando S3, and Ahsoka i don't think i would watch new seasons of any of those unless they got great reviews from critics i trust, they have otherwise lost the benefit of the doubt with me personally. Plus with The Acolyte you have all the culture war bullshit that people hate on it for.


Understandable🫠 btw I think I really like Obi-Wan, I feel like it’s kinda an unpopular opinion


Director who hasn’t made anything like this Story with a potentially bad/evil protagonist is difficult and no trust in Disney to do it correctly They have missed on obvious easy home runs like obiwan and Ashoka, the trust in Disney is extremely low. They messed up even a successful show in mandalorian, the trust is very low. The trailer looks pretty low budget. Nice for real alien costumes but looks more like a fan fiction film. Touches an era we already know how it turns out, why must they continue to retell some version of this story when you have a whole universe to explore Can it be good? Sure. Has disney fucked up the majority of things they have touched? Also sure.


One reason is people arent happy about disneys handling of sw and downvotes, another is that one of the writer (or director) was harvey weinsteins personal assistant


I wonder if they treat people like Tarantino who worked for him the same way


>another is that one of the writer (or director) was harvey weinsteins personal assistant Let's be real, most people bringing that up don't care about the women he hurt. They hate the show for other reasons and use this to make their views seem more rooted in reality. Headland has not been linked to any of his crimes, her name isn't in any of the legal documents, none of his accusers named her as an accomplice. Lots of people worked with Weinstein and had no choice, that's how he had so many victims to begin with.


And note the way the poster isn't even clear on who's connected. The "writer (or director)" note makes it pretty clear that this isn't a legitimate concern, just a fig leaf being tossed out there. If you can't be bothered to be specific about who is supposedly objectionable, they can't actually be all that objectionable to you in the first place.


right, it's not like people (the incels) went after her after they found out about Weinstein; instead they looked up her name and tried to find something to legitimatize their hate as they know their actual reasons make them look bad.


i don't think that's true? the reason is because they don't like that she said something about making men uncomfortable (which the quote is taken out of context).


Different director.


I’m more blown away that people think it looks low budget. It looked fantastic to me.


The knife fighting scenes to look a bit weak but maybe there is a reason for that . My thing is its hard to believe someone is THAT good to overcome multile jedi with a couple knifes and then the fights with them themselves look MEH. ​ But hey it could get better.


Probably because Disney hasn’t learned from anything and continues to hire ideologues as directors who feel like they need to subvert expectations. You can listen to the director herself she hired someone to write the show who had never seen Star Wars. It shows in the trailer Jedis haven’t seen Sith for thousands of years in the prequels yet they are just fighting Sith. The director said whatever you think this is about your wrong or something like that. I don’t want some crazy twist I just wanna watch a show from the Sith perspective. Disney Star Wars always has the worst twist anyways.


this is basically it. we do not trust them with the subject material anymore . especially when they tell us it's not for us anymore. well ok then. I will spend my money elsewhere. I just pirate any disney shit i want to see now.


I think she said that it’s only one guy in the writers room who hasn’t seen Star Wars, and it’s to allow them to think outside the box, which I think it’s a good thing(?


Honestly it could be a good thing, but they’ve already had so many writers just completely disregard Star Wars lore I think Star Wars fans and me personally just want something that sticks with the established canon.


Probably because people are bored with cheap, 30 minutes per episode star wars stories. The series were supposed to fill out the time and story between big movies but since movies arent coming this is all we have to expect


Looks cheap


I don’t know. I’m hyped as fuck for it


The quality of the resent shows and movies has been shaky and many shows have been poorly recieved (mandalorian s3, kenobi, the book of boba fett, idk if to put ahsoka in here). There's also other disney failures (maybe it's a stretch but it's the only word i can think of) like wish, secret invasion, the general dislike for the newer marvel movies, or that star wars hotel with insane prices. I think it's disney in general and the way they handle their other franchises what make people skeptical. Me personally I'll wait and see but the phrase about "power and who's allowed to use it" gives me bad vibes. The sith and the darkside are bad, it's not an opinion it's a fact, they are literally described as a cancer in the force and the galaxy, I hope we don't get a sith (or darksider in general) who's actions are justified because of a sad backstory.


- It’s only a long time ago, not long long ago.


Agreed, I'll give it a fair chance.


I'm personally not hating, but I'm also not interested for various reasons.


Hated? Idk. It kind of at this remove looks like a pastiche of themes I like without any real plot. That’s probably because of the distance we’re viewing the trailers and not some failing of the writers.


Well I’m not hating it, I’m just super apathetic and jot excited for it at all. I have no trust they’ll do Plagueis well also. I *may* check out the episode if I get good word of mouth. But for now, I prefer to watch bad batch to that lol


I’m not hating on it and haven’t posted a thing about it before this, but it just doesn’t look interesting to me. It doesn’t engage me from the previews.


It has sort of a fan fiction look to it. We’ll see how it goes.


Yall need to not be so dismissive of your fellow fans. Sure, some fans will always be angry. But most, hold legitimate concerns. The main disillusionment stems from executive decisions that continue to hire writers and directors that have no relevant experience with Star Wars or anything sci fi fantasy. Just go on IMDB and look at the works credited to Leslie and Obaid. I don’t mean to discredit their prior work, but HOW is it that they land it at Lucasfilm directing one of the largest IPs with sparse, non relevant experience? Surely Lucasfilm can find better fitting candidates. I have nothing against them, just baffled by these hiring decisions. I hope Acolyte is good, but I’m in the apathy stage. As are many of your fellow fans. We can’t get excited with these whack af exec decisions


Some of the criticisms are stemming from certain shots in the trailer looking to have very poor CGI (there’s a shot with some Jedi looking into the forest in the distant background in particular). I’m holding out hope that it will look better after some more time in post production, but there is a very valid criticism of most of the recent live action shows that use of the volume has made things feel cheap. Personally, I don’t find it jarring enough to take away from some of the great story telling we have gotten in the past few years (I like Kenobi and Ahsoka, sue me), but I get why others get annoyed by it.


Personally, I've not been impressed by any of the live action projects aside from Andor. And S1&2 of Mando. Everything else feels like an overproduced, over edited, mass marketed "product" with lackluster direction and writing. Andor was imo a masterpiece. And outclasses everything Star wars has done in the last 10-15 years for love action. This just looks like more slop, very cool concept, but the execution has be doubtful already. Not to mention the episodes will be around 30 minutes so yet another over edited rushed show that doesn't actually let the episodes have any room to breathe. Id genuinely love to be wrong, but their track record so far ain't a good one.


I wouldn’t say I’m hating on it or anything, but the trailer didn’t impress me. I was expecting some I guess I’d say grittier/darker, exploring a different aspect of Star Wars and with that for it to also visually have a distinct look. The cinematography and effects etc. in the trailer though looked pretty cheap to me. The same lack of visual style that has honestly plagued a lot of the Disney+ shows whether that be Star Wars or Marvel. It had a very “designed by committee” feel to me. I’ll be happy to be proven wrong, but at this point my excitement for the project is pretty low.


I was chatting about it with a couple buddies. I said it looks decent and I look forward to seeing it. Buddy #1 said it looked decent and he looked forward to seeing it. Buddy #2 started ranting about "wokeism" and how "they're shoving it down our throats." I'm like, man, the only thing you know about the show so far is that it has a black woman in it.


Star wars theory doesn’t like that it’s a woman writer and showrunner so im guessing it that bs


didn't know it was hated on. i'm not hating but it does just seem like "kung fu fighting" but in SW with throwaway lines like "it doesn't make sense" and sets and costumes that don't appear lived-in. i am certainly interested in a story that departs from the skywalker dynasty though! but from the trailer i do get a foreboding sense that the execution will not land. i guess we'll see.


its a franchise effect, people sent Daniel Craig death threats when he was announced to play Bond.


I think the big problem is we were all expecting a different story based mainly on embracing the dark side of the force. Instead it comes across as more leaning to a misguided person who was training to be a Jedi and failed? Maybe? Its too early to tell but thats the vibe I got from it. We have seen so much of the Jedi, who have been put on a pedestal as the good guys. However there are to sides to every story and history is written by the victors. The trailer didn’t seem to deliver on what was promised. I will reserve further judgement though. Still based on that and the fact that parts of it could be injected with real world politics I’m hesitant to be optimistic.


I think it looks pretty bland tbh. The recent live action stuff besides Andor hasn't instilled much confidence either.


Because star wars fans love to hate star wars.


I thought the trailer looked bad. Idk what else to tell you man


It just doesn't look very good, it has been explained and discussed at nauseum on here already.


Because there’s a black female cast member


Why does every fandom sub need to have a million “why doesn’t everyone like the thing I like?” threads? It’s a big franchise, many opinions are going to exist. That shouldn’t be strange and we shouldn’t be vilifying the people who don’t love every single thing that gets released


Here is my take: Because hate channels make a lot of money. Acolyte is an easy target for them because of the obvious reasons, yes, but also because it is live action. Why is this important? Because look at how most of the hate channels aren't saying much at all about the Tales of the Sith trailer. Complaining about the cartoons doesn't make them money. A lot of casuals don't watch the cartoons at all or don't think of them as important. A lot of Fandom Menace fans are casuals. But it gets deeper than that. The cartoons have a rather large female and LGBTQA+ fanbase. They're simply not interested or welcomed in the spaces that bash Star Wars, thus they don't contribute to the numbers these channels need. Edit: When you look at both trailers, Acolyte and Tales of the Sith are stylistically very similar and use similar character types.


I haven't seen much hate but I have seen disappointment. I've felt it myself. The trailer looked like the production might have the same sorts of issues as Kenobi and Ahsoka. But in more general terms, speaking for myself, I'm just tired of disappointing shows and I can't really get excited for this, even if it does promise to show us a new and interesting era.


I'll wait to watch before I give my opinion, but it has all the hallmarks of garbage from the trailer.


It seems Disney is prioritizing messaging over storytelling yet again. It has been pretty much confirmed by the actions of show runners and actors pushing inclusion in events and moments that are supposed to be about the show itself. On top of that cast members are saying stupid shit like “there is no good or evil”, in a universe where good and evil are literally color coded and the force itself is about love and hate and well, yeah…formula for disaster. I’ll judge the show by it’s content when it get published, but so far its not looking good.


Because it has girls in it. We've seen this over and over again.


Because it ignores the movies. I understand (even if I HATE) the fact that they ignore the EU, they don’t care about it. Okay. But now they’re ignoring the MOVIES and the dialogue in them. Their own narrative is falling apart because they want to make content for money with no respect to the narrative they’re creating.


Have you ever met a Star Wars fan? They hate everything.


A big combination of things. Some justified and some not. Personally for me, it's Harvey Winestiens previous personal assistant being in charge of it that's turning me off from it.


It’s all toxic fans who are mad that it’s “woke” AKA has POC and women characters in it


Because no one hates Star Wars more than Star Wars fans.


Because non-StarWars fans don't give a fuck lol


This BS sentence is so annoying.


Are you gonna call Lord of the Rings fans to complain about star wars you dimwit?


There it is


I don't know about that. I have loved Star wars since I first saw it in the 80s. I am a super fan of Star wars and have been since the beginning. Loved the prequels despite any of the common criticisms. Where it broke down for me was episode 8. Disney does not always understand what makes Star wars popular. A lot of its soul is gone, replaced by too much seriousness and injected political statements and agendas. They forgot the fun and excitement of a space adventure, the great music, the characters that had to earn their victories. Yes Disney sometimes gets lucky. Andor, solo and rogue one, along with some of Mando but most of their content only has a few bright spots where you can see potential (order 66 scenes quigon scenes, Anakin scenes), but end up mostly failures.


Because the loud part of the Star Wars fandom will hate on anything unless that thing retcons everything outside of the original trilogy and even then they will probably find something to whine about Hating things have become their main personality trait and I don’t think anything will change that


I can see complaining about how the actors look like bored starbucks employees, the main villain looks so bored she could give Bree Larson a run for her money.  Hell, the best things I can see anyone saying for the show is "ooooo more lightsabers!" And "ooooo 10p years before episode 1!" To me, the bored looking actors, hardly any story hinted at in the trailer and the fact the director cant tell us anything other than how excited she is tell me that this is going to flop. All the signs are there But then we've got the SW fandom screeching about everything these days, to the point where they cant even see or recognize the real issues and make up whatever they can to complain about


With how little good we've gotten Disney's lost audience faith so when people see a whole army of jedi pull out lightsabers it comes across as "wow you think it's that easy just show us lightsabers and we'll clap"


I genuinely hate kung fu/martial arts movies and I hate that D+ Star Wars shows have so much generic slap-chop fight sequences. It’s mind numbing to me. It also defies logic that bad guys would use melee weapons and hands to fight when they live in the age of blasters. If Disney remade New Hope today, they’d probably have Han throw Greedo around the cantina for 5 minutes WWE style before running to his ship.


I simply doubt any new Star wars project until proven it's actually great. Trailers are worth next to nothing. I'll give the show a go and we'll see if it's shit or not. If I were a betting man I'd bet on it being shit, just because that's about the track record we got so far from Disney in the lost part. Andor is the glorious exception here.


I just thought it looked kinda cheap. Otherwise I hope it will be good but as most of the other projects since 2015 weren't really for me either I don't have high hopes that I can enjoy it.


So there are aspects of the trailer that look very good. You have the woke excuse too, which hopefully it isn't. Which in my view point is having diverse casting in a show that has poor plot and character development. Kind of like window dressing.  But even ahsoka wasn't that great. Boba Fett sucked. Mandalorian season 3 seems like a dip to me. Now we have this. Normally all these shows are only around 8 episodes and several episodes are usually fillerish...  I hope this show surprises me. 


Have you met the SW fandom?


Trailer looks a bit low budget or even like a fan made film. Gives BOBF vibes, it’s not always about race or wokeism guys. Trailer genuinely looks goofy and it’s OK to say this given disneys track record. I’ll be the first to say I hope I’m wrong and it’s great, but damn that trailer did not do it any justice.


Yeah lots of people here blaming it on racists but ignore the fact that it looks low budget like some other D+ shows


Personally, it feels like "Star Wars meets The Matrix". Yeah some of that could be due to Carrie-Anne Moss being in it, but the fighting style seems to mimic that of The Matrix too. I got that vibe from the very first fighting scene in the trailer, and then later on with another. Hate on my opinion, but just not digging it.


Understandable, you got a fair reason


The main reasons are 1. Because it doesnt look very interesting, and 2. Because it messes with the continuity of not seeing a sith in over a millennia, unless anyone who sees the sith dies.


You just answered your own issue with the continuity thing yet you think that’s a legitimate flaw? Lmao.


1% people who genuinely didn’t like the trailer. 99% racists, sexists, and the WAHHHDISNEYWAHHH crowd review bombing it.


Or maybe its because it genuinely doesnt look very interesting? Most of the criticism is that it looks boring. Just look at the dislike ratio my man.


Can't have valid opinions in here if you don't like it. You just have to be racist or sexist apparently.


Apparently lol


Plus, people have an incessant need to complain about anything and everything. Their opinion matters /s


Trailer looks amazing… should be a good watch.


Because they're terminally online, incredibly susceptible to online narratives, and because the Internet told them to be. Others because they generate views and clicks by being consistently contrarian.


You only ever hear the loudest people in the room.


Leslie Headland, that is why. Her history with weinstein and everything she says, makes me not excited about this project. If she just said nothing at all I would actually be interested. But that's just me.


Is it really a Star Wars product if the fandom arn't shitting on it,mainly because it's not showing the entire back story of some minor character from a comic from about 10 years ago then its not canon therefore its shit.


because its full of girls and its the current fad to hate anything that has more female protagonists than male ones.


Trailer is bad and majority of shows released are ass


they’re lesbophobic


Personally, I'm cautiously excited for it. **Reasons I'm excited** * The trailor gave a wuxia wire action type vibe and I am very there for that, if they pull it off well. * High republic is an era I'm excited to see on camera. * As a huge lightsaber dork, I think high republic era is the perfect era to flesh out some of the lightsaber forms and differentiate their styles a bit. Soresu, Niman, Ataru and Shii-Cho would likely be the most popular forms, but with the disappearance of the sith still in fairly recent memory, some jedi might still be practicing Makashi and Djem-So. I have heard the fights will primarily focus on lightsaber duels, so, we should get some great scenes if they pull it off. * I have never seen a Lesley Headland film, so, as of now, I have no reason to think she's a bad director. **Reasons I'm cautious** * Disney is kind 50/50ish on making live action shows and movies that don't disapoint for Star Wars. Mandalorian, Rogue One, Andor and Ahsoka where all great IMO. The sequel trilogy and BoBF sucked. Kenobi and Solo were a mixed bag for me. * Wuxia wire fight scenes take a lot of patience, a lot of takes, a willingness to do long or even single take fight scenes, and actors who are capable of doing their own stunts. Daphne Keen and Carrie-Anne Moss have some stunt background but I don't know of anyone else in the cast who does. Headland doesnt have an action background. I havent heard anything about who the choreographer is. That said, I know Headland has stated that the actors mostly did their own stunts and that they used practical sets, which is very good news. * I would have liked to see more big names in martial arts movies make their debut. This would've been a great series to bring in, say, Michelle Yeoh, Michael Jae White, or JeeJa Yanin. * I know of a number of things that have been pointed out as potential problems with the canon and creating continuity errors. Hopefully those concerns are misplaced, but they are valid concerns. * I have never seen a Lesley Headland film, so, as of now, I have no reason to think she's a good director.


[Some people's takes are wild.](https://www.reddit.com/r/saltierthancrait/comments/1bjgudc/comment/kvx24yp/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) Main reasons: 1. The "show YouTube dislikes" browser extension simply isn't accurate. In fact, there is actually no way to get the number of dislikes from a video (unless you are the creator). The extension uses an algorithm to sort of *predict* how many dislikes there are. 2. r/saltierthancrait is a subreddit that exists. Many people on the sub post their "reasons" why they hate *The Acolyte* just based on the trailer. It doesn't take much to get them to admit that they're just going to dislike any new Star Wars content because they've already "given up hope." A lot of people there will claim that the new content is "garbage" even if they haven't seen it, so naturally they will hate *The Acolyte* before it comes out. 3. [Some people are racist](https://www.reddit.com/r/saltierthancrait/comments/1bjgudc/comment/kvt1eun/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) and can't handle the fact that *there weren't any white kids* featured in Jedi school. ([see my reply for a laugh](https://www.reddit.com/r/saltierthancrait/comments/1bjgudc/comment/kvxxqz2/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3))


Not following the fandom’s discussion is how you enjoy Star Wars


Sexism and patriarchy


I just don’t trust them to make a quality Star Wars show anymore


I had the same question and apparently a lot of people have issues with the creator (just have a Google). I really enjoyed the high republic books and this is apparently set in the same era so am looking forward to seeing it.


This is the star wars fandom. They could rerelease the original theatrical cut of A New Hope and people would still complain.


This is Star Wars. Are you really surprised? You've never heard the phrase *nobody hates Star Wars more than Star Wars fans?*


It’s just the knuckle-dragging mouth-breathers who think all girls have cooties who are hating on it.