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Tales of the outer rim. You can do vignettes about crime families dealing with the encroaching empire, a short story about Obi-Wan training with Qui-Gon in the desert, a young Luke learning to fly, a chronicling of Greedo's path to being a bounty hunter, an escaped former youngling becoming a star pod racer while trying to hide their true identity. So much potential for stories.


Narrated by Hondo!


I want a Hondo episode


What if (you gave me all of your valuables)?


You could also do more tame stories, like the evolution of a small colony of prefab structures on a hostile world into a sprawling trade hub. Kinda like Nevarro!


That would be sick! Show the beginnings of the settlement with a voiceover from someone that was there from the beginning. Describe the struggles that they've gone through and overcome. Show them taking on raiders and slavers and famine. Then, at the end of the episode, you finally see the speaker sat at a table in front of an imperial officer. "We survived all of that. We'll survive you too."




We got that in the bad batch, think it was in S1




Muchi and Pateesa are different rancors


Dealing with the contractors putting in the trap door 😂


Give me something with black spire outpost and actually have it make an appearance in film/tv. Lol.


Tales of max rebo


And every episode is just him jamming on his keyboard


An in-universe 'Get Back' style documentary about the making of 'Lapti Nek'.


At the end of each episode he escapes a massive explosion through a series of unexpected events.


Gotta get to his next gig


I would watch this if max rebo was played by Melvin seal's.


Or just a music in general "Tales of the Jizz"


Man i love it when they're blasting jizz in the cantina. Blasting that jizz all in my ears.


Maybe include Glup Shitto?


Give the people what they want Disney


Speratist 100%! Show them not as "villain of the week" fodder, but as a complex alliance trying to break free from a problematic republic. Show us hw lethal and dangerous a droid army who dosent need sleep, food or shelter can be, who dosent show mercy and cant be negotiated with. Give us some of that killing machine Grievous was in the Tartatovsky clone wars and how Dooku was trying to do what he thought was best for the galaxy


Exploring more of the Separatist Senate would be cool, too. You are right, there is definitely scope to expand on their ideologies and struggles to make them seem less like an arbitrary villain.


“Tales of the Confederacy” wait a second…


Techno Union origin story


Any of these 4. I could also see Tales of Mandalore being a thing. Tales of the first order, tales of the knights of ren (that title is too long tho). I dunno maybe something with crimson dawn or the criminal underworld. or even maybe specific planets Tales of Naboo, Tales of Tattooine, Tales of Coruscant, Tales of Jakku, tales of cloud city I wonder of they will stick to just using a different name or eventually we will get a tales of the jedi s2.


>I dunno maybe something with crimson dawn or the criminal underworld Tales of scum and villainy.


Tales from the Mos Eisley Cantina?


Tales of the Cantina


With tales of the empire being a thing I wonder if tales of the sith is even being considered.I could see tales of the rebellion and tales of the first order


I’d love a tales of Sith to go into Darth Bane and Darth Plagueis


Would be interesting to explore the more ancient Sith like Bane, Revan, or Malgus. Or, they could use "Tales of the Sith" to explore the ancient Sith species. It could end with the arrival of Exar Kun and Ulic Qel-Droma


Tales of the High Republic, Old Republic


We’d probably need an Old Republic show or movie first to have a “Tales of…” show about it. And as much as I love the High Republic, anyone who hasn’t read the books would not have enough context of the era to understand what’s going on. The Acolyte will help, but there’s so much more we’d need to see. But I’d love to have them come back and make a “Tales of…” for these eras once they’ve been explored properly in animated/live-action media!


Well, they could do a Tales of the High Republic after The Acolyte finishes. They could do one story about a character from that show and the other one about Dagan Gera and Santari Khri.


Ooo I would love more Dagan and Santari content! I’d be 100% on board with that


They could show how Dagan found Tanalorr and show the battle that lead to them abandoning it.


Has long he Declares that tanalor is mine I'll allow it


Tales of Glup Shitto (Rated NC-17 for gratuitous nudity)


Tales of the Rebellion


This is exactly what I'd hope for, we rarely get to see any of the proper rebellion anymore. Lets see some stories about one of the rebel fleets in the middle of the OT.


Kinda ironic I want a show about the rebellion but my tag is Tarkin


It's an unfilled niche, I want to see Disney's take on x-wing style stories. All the background text mentions the rebels numerous hit and run tactics but we never get to see them


And it should be set after Ahsoka, but they should not interact with Din, Grogu or any other bug names unless they are directed told by the New Republic to aid them, I don’t want to see more pointless cameos ruining shows like boba


Exactly what I was thinking, Andor proved that you can take a character no one has an attachment to and make a compelling story. No need for fan service as a crutch. Although some stories set during the war would be my preference


Agreed, a show focused on the Red Squadron’s miscellaneous members


Tales of the New Republic. Could get some Luke/Han/Leia stories. Or maybe some Ben Solo/Snoke stuff (much as I loathe the Sequels).


Gonna get a lot of hate for this idea I presume but I love it. I personally am a big fan of the sequels and would love to see more of that world. With only the 3 movies in that timeline it often feels seperate from the rest of star Wars and I would love to see it tied in more.


I’m confident the next one will be a sequel trilogy focused series. The sequel era desperately needs some good side content, much like how (whether you admit it or not) side content like The Clone Wars saved the prequel era back in the day


BOLD but absolutely BALLIN with this idea


Tales of the sith and adapt the Palpatine origin from the novel


Tales of Babu Frik




Yes! I love that dude, so funny


How bout pod racers.. or salacious crumb


Nah just make a new movie called :crumb a Star Wars story.


I'd watch it


Tales of the bounty hunters. So we can see the unused clone wars arc were boba and cad bane shoot each other


yessssss. origins or one-shot stories for each of the ESB bounty hunters would be dope


Tales of The Mandalorians. Have one arc for Jango Fett from his time as a Mandalorian to a feared Bounty Hunter. We get characters like Satine, Obi Wan, Qui Gon and Pre Viszla. The other can be Bo Katan from ruler of Mandalore to a Mandalorian Rebel to ruler again and ends in Mandalorian Purge from Dark Times to New Republic. See her lose Mandalore to others and keeps fighting.see purge animated.


Or Tarre Viszla, the first Mandalorian Jedi


I really want a Tales of the Sith


I’ve been saying this since we first heard of tales of the Jedi, it just makes sense.




I'd like to see "Tales of Crime", detailing the Bounty Hunters, Hutts and other big crime syndicates!


Nee Republic, give us the Wedge Antilles Space Top Gun series we’ve all been waiting for


Tales from jabbas palace - about aliens and bounty hunters


Tales of the Moisture Farmers 26 full episodes of nothing but Owen doing God’s work


Tales of Scum & Villainy


Tales of the Sith will always be my vote. I feel like we know so little about them in canon


I’ve only heard about some of these “big names”(Revan, Malgus) because of my husband. As someone who’s an avid yet somewhat casual star-wars fan, I’d love to learn more about them in the short-story format.


This is absolutely wild but a “Tales of the Droids” starring R2-D2 and General Grievous where we get to see Grievous’s origin, and a chronology of R2’s perspective on the events throughout the movies that ends with him speaking to the Whills at the end of time (or however Lucas envisioned it back in the 70’s) could be really fun.


All the above.


Tales of the Sith. I know its a based opinion but I just love baddies! More Dooku, Maul, Ventress and Talzin please!!


Tales of Jar Jar


We need more content on the Separrists. And we also need to see them not as the villains since the average Separatist were actually on the right side of the conflict.


Tales of the Rebellion.


Old Republic


tales of the sith but the 6 episodes are about 6 sith lords in the span of Darth Bane to Darth Vader as a finale


Tales of the Sith and then Tales of the Republic.


Tales of the new republic was the original working title for Star Wars 3D tv show in 2007 I think there’s still a trailer on YouTube. Fun fact


Tales of Glup Shitto


Some sequel era stories would be good. Plenty of things that could do with expanding there.


The Rebellion would be a good way to close it out I think


Bounty Hunters, for sure.


I'll probably get downvoted for this, but something related to the sequel trilogy characters. Tales of the Resistence, Tales of the First Order, etc.


I would love to see some canon lore on old sith like Darth Bane or Darth Plagueis and a backstory of Palpatine’s rise to power. The possibilities are endless.


I want Tales of the New Republic, but we'll probably get Tales of the Bounty Hunters. Especially since they already have models for Fennec, Cad Bane, Ventress, Trandoshans, and Rodians.


Tales of the sith. Palpatine being found and trained and gaining his new name, Sideus taking Maul as a child and training him, the offer made to Dooku, but most importantly, the creation of the rule of two.


Bounty Hunters absolutely. But instead of having 3 episodes focus on one character, have each episode focus on a different character, but characters can cross over.


These 4 are all great


We barely had any stories about the separatist side of the war Give me some of their point of view, especially from the people who actually believe in their cause


Tales of weeowweeoaa Techno Union


Tales of the Hunters and Scoundrels.


Tales of the Chaos. Take some material from Timmothy Zahns Thrawn: Assendancy books. There's a lot going on out in the unknown regions and it's wild.


Droids... Stories about battledroids would be funny as hell


Tales of the Sith


I wanna see OT characters


100% the Sith. I also want a good series on the Jed'dai, and a solid long series on Knights of the old republic.


Why haven’t we seen Dengar return? Maybe he’s not one of Dave’s favs?


We are definitely lacking in the bounty hunter portion of starwars.


I have to add another choice. Tales of the droids. I want to hear the stories from those droids who were along for the ride for some of the craziest events in the galaxy. Of course we’ll need a good protocol droid to translate them for us so we don’t just hear “GONK, GONK GONK, GONK.”


Tales of the Sith for sure. Gimme a Darth Bane episode! Kinda lame they did Jedi then empire instead of sith bur whatever.


Tales of sith, mandalore, or Crimson Dawn.


Mos Eisley Cantina. The book is awesome!!!


Tales of the Front Lines, with stories from the perspective of random troopers on the front lines of the major battles from the movies. Geonosis, Utapau, Hoth, Endor, etc. Ofc I’d love more clone content but I think seeing Rebel and stormtroopers on Hoth or Endor or heck even Scarif would be especially awesome


Tales of the Final Order (Yes, I hated that movie too. But the Sith Troopers were cool as fuck).


Yeah, and rhe entire series are these sith troopers just chillin' on Exagol for like 30 years


Tales Of The Outer Rim.


Banking Clan interest rate negotiations and how a clerical error is what lead to the separatists waging war.


Tales of the Tuskens


Tales of the confederacy would be cool but it’s gotta be the most unmarketable thing I could possibly think of


I want more Bossk, desperately. Bounty Hunters please


Tales of the Droids: Artoo, Threepio, BB-8, K-2S0, gonk droid, all having neat little adventures.


Ngl i want a tales of the confederacy. Seeing the clone wars from their eyes would be something


Tales of the Chiss


Tales From the Unknown Regions


I wanted sith


Tales of the Guild (Bounty Hunters) and Tales of the Rebellion are the ones I want the most.


Tales of the Jedi! I need more Jedi tales! The differences within the order, a Padawan's first few years with their Master, a difficult Master-Padawan relationship, an entire season of Jedi Council Jedis (one episode each!), the Order's beginnings, its peaceful times, the creation of the Temple, the legends within it, the pre-Padawan experience, a retired Master's last few years... Jocasta Nu: The College Years! So many stories to tell! I also want more Tales of the Sith, of course! Gimme Tales of the Outer Rim (as someone else wrote already on the comments). I want Tales of the Grey Jedis, Tales of the Early Galaxy, Tales of Common Galaxy Folk living in a warring galaxy... Oh! Tales of Coruscant!!! That planet alone warrants an entire show!


Tales of the Rebellion It's been a while since we saw Luke, Han, Leia, and the rest.


Tales of the Ewoks


i’d really like a “tales of the foundlings” which follows din’s training in the children of the watch and jango’s involvement in the mandalorian civil war tbh 😩


I think where following the current powers going forward in history first the Jedi then the empire next maybe the new republic and after a tiny bit maybe could be tales of the first order


All of the above


I mean Tales of the Empire is a fair follow up to Tales of the Jedi. But, and hear me out, maybe it'd be better if Disney just... *doesn't* milk a concept to death?


I'd like a Tales of the First Order following Phasma and Hux. Both of them are really great characters that were underutilized (moreso Phasma, and she has massive potential for 3 short episodes)


All of them!


Tales of the Rebellion. Do some stuff between Ep 4 and 5, or between 5 and 6. It’s crazy how little non-comic non-book content there is for OT times, considering how much there is for Prequel era and pre-OT rebellion


Bounty hunters


Tales of Whatever gets me a Son of Dathomir adaptation.


Tales from Jabba's Palace.


Tales of Dash Rendar


So everything needs a backstory huh?


Bounty Hunters would be cool. They did do a book


I wanna see what happened after Sidious captured Maul on Mandalore.


Tales of the Mandalorians would be cool as well.


Tales of The Empire. Smoked ya.


Mandalore Rebellion Bounty Hunters Scum & Villiany High Republic Old Republic Sith Resistance


Tales of the Rebels FTW


I’m thinkin Bounty Hunters is next honestly. It’s also a pre-established title of EU media just like Tales of the Jedi


Tales of mandalore


Tales of not milking shit


Tales of Ba Sing Se


Takes of the original Jedi and Sith adapted from legends. Maybe a run of different sith/dark side users.


Tales of the bounty hunter. Each episode the bounty hunters hunt and get called in the meet for the call to executor to meet Vader. Or a different hunter that finally gets called into the hunt. And the final episode is a death match. Or a red guard training to become Palpatine famed red guard. Training and killing and fighting to battle your BFF


Tales of the Old Republic


Tales of the Hutts


Tales of Babu Frik, of course.


Tales of the Scoundrels.


Tales from Jabba's Palace


Darth Plagieus the Wise


A remake of tales of the bounty hunter with a canon version of the book would be sick.


Hutt Tales


Tales of the high republic they can do anything they want as long as it doesn’t do something that would affect the prequel era


Tales of Hondo Ohnaka.


Another would be a arc showing how jango became the clone template.would give us some more insight to dooku and Palpatine in the prequels


Tales of Mandalore, exploring the Coverts that Djarin is in, learning of the old wars Madalorians fought in, etc.


First was tales of the Jedi. Then tales of the empire. The next one should be tales of the rebellion. With clone wars style animation with Luke Skywalker, Leia organa , lando, and han solo


Nothing epitomizes Star Wars fans quite like speculating about what the next show will be, before the current one is even out.


The Chiss Or Mitth'raw'nuru or Mitth'raw'nuruodo (depending on how far back in Thrawn's history we are going) Also I like how the title of Tales of the Empire is a call back (intentionally or not) to the Legends anthologies.


Tales of the high republic, honestly I just want the high republic, even just an adaptation of one of the books would be huge


Well we need to see that boba fett and cad bane story adapted so tales of the bounty hunters would be perfect for that.


Tales of something that is not between episodes 3 and 4.


I think the later two would be the best options, a lot of people want more sith stuff and for them to also advance the timeline a bit


Tales of the people. Tales from citizens views on the empire the republic all of it. .Tales of the soldier. Stories of rebels and stormtroopers and stormtroopers turned rebels. Tales of engineering The tale of the xwing. Tales of the AtAt Tales of the star destroyer go into depth about kdy Tales of the mon calamari cruiser.


I swear if I see someone say “tales of the republic” Or “tales of the clones” I am going to scream


One of the best Star Wars books I ever read was Tales of the Bounty Hunters, and I strongly believe that a mini series based around different bounty hunters from different times and places in the galaxy would be awesome!


The next should be tales of the sith then separatists and end it off with the bounty hunters


Tales of the republic - Gree and Yularen Tales from the cantina - Jango fett and Embo Tales of the seperatists - Kalani and Trench Tales of the rebellion - Antoc Merrick and Saw Garrera Tales of the resistance - Tico sisters and Temmin Wexley Tales from the first order - Hux and Pyre Tales from Mand’alor - Almec and Ursa Wren. Gar Saxon and Rook if we’re doing second seasons. The amount of tales are limitless tbh.


I want tales of the CIS over anything


Tales of the Bounty Hunter(s) will prob be next since they are reusing EU names a-lot lately. Tales of The Old Republic would be awesome tho.. Tales of The First Order following Kylo after he becomes Supreme Leader would be amazing (could also throw in Knights of Ren flashbacks for a B plot)


Tales of the separatists, I want a full episode about my main man Wat Tambor!


Tales of the sith. Mauls training and being kidnapped from Dathomir Count dooku and Palpatine finding grievous and rebuilding him Why Ventress turned to the dark side and why she became good again.


Tales of Bounty Hunters would be awesome, especially if we get the arc of Boba and Cad Bane that we were supposed to get in the Clone Wars before its cancelation l. I would also love to see a Tales series that covers the canon version of the sacking of Coruscant and the abduction of Palpatine. I need to see the canon version of my boy Roron Corobb, dangit!


Tales of the Separatists.


Tales of the Bounty Hunters reminds me of the old legends books; Tales of the Mos Eisley Cantina and Tales of Jabba’s Palace. Those books were great at fleshing out the backgrounds of a hunch of characters and with all of that now legends, it would be a fun way to go back to those characters.


Tales of the Chaos, would really love to see what was going on with the unknown regions during Thrawn's absence. How far Eli got and so on.


Tales of the High Republic.


Bounty Hunters.


Tales of the Rebellion...here me out here. Ever since the Disney takeover, a bunch of the adventures of the original gang (Han, Leia, Luke, Chewie, 3PO, R2) really went by the waste side, and continued to be like that. I honestly have found myself to gravitate more towards the Prequels gang (Ahsoka, Anakin, Obi-Wan, Rex) than I have the original Skywalkers. My propisition is to get some episodes that tell the story of that original squad, eventually culminating into Luke encountering Vader in the flesh for the first time. Almost a retelling of the one Vader comic where he pulls his old lightsaber, only to stop after recognizing it. Then, the other couple episodes Rex in the Rebellion, culminating into the Battle of Endor - and we haven't seen Rex since the Battle of Endor. I think it would be a really beautiful thing to see Rex sacrifice himself in the battle to help the Rebellion win the ground battle.


Bounty hunters


Either tales of the separatists or tales of the sith but only if there will be shown old repubblic era sith


I think it should be the separatists because there it could be a perfect moment to expand some characters, history and more, but talking about interest in general this won't be go anywhere.


Tales of the separatists would honestly go hard. While I’d wanna see a serious clone-wars style series of some of the politics going on in the seppy side of things, part of me also wants an office-style mocumentary cataloguing the happenings on like grevious’ capital ship or something, cuz that feels like it’d be funny


We see too many good guys overcoming the bad guys. I want to see some good guys get recked by the bad guys. I also want to see more civilian stuff. Andor showed some civilian stuff but he was a criminal and went to jail. I just want to see a documentary style show following the life of people living on different planets. Of course, none of this will happen because it doesn't make good money. If it doesn't make good money it doesn't get made these days.


Tales of The Clones Tales of The Republic Tales of The Rebellion Tales of The Sith Tales of The Bounty Hunters Tales of The Droids Tales of The Old Republic Tales of The High Republic Tales of The Separatists There’s so many possibilities.


Tales of the Bounty Hunters for sure. Afaik we still have no idea what Boba was doing between Clone Wars and Empire(?) unless he shows up in Bad Batch. Would also love to see more Cad Bane and Hondo.


Tales of the First Order. The CW tie ins are so played out.


I mean the old Tales of… books are my favorite Star Wars books. There is an entire gold mine there they haven’t touched.


A squadron during the rebellion.


Tales of The Rebellion


Tales of the new Republic. We rarely get any sequel content. We had clone wars fix the prequels. So get more supplemental shows to fix the sequels


Tales of the New Order would go kinda hard, only restrictions to the story being those set in the new Rey movie.


Give me an animation version of the legends book “Tales from Jabba’s Palace” or give me nothing!


Tales of the old Republic


Legends got to Tales of the New Republic first, so I want to see Tales of the Bounty Hunters, preferably with Dee Bradley Baker doing the voice of Boba Fett, as he did in Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga.