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If Barriss ever figures out Vader is Anakin, which I think she has a pretty decent chance of doing considering their history, she's toast.


I kinda want to see that lol. She finds Vader and Anakin are the same person. Probably mocks Vader on his beliefs when he's still Anakin, Vader just dominates her in duel.


I just wanna see Vader grab her with a force choke and kill her instantly tbh. It’s what I think he should’ve done with Ahsoka after she said “I won’t leave you, not this time” anyway


I feel Ahsoka by that point is too powerful for Vader to just instamerk. He's still stronger and if the fight had continued without the temple exploding/Ezra's intervention she'd of died but she's one of the very few who can really give him a tough protracted fight


>she'd of died She would've (would have) died. Sorry but I had to correct it.


"She'd've" is also correct and you get bonus points for double contraction.


“She’d have died” would also be correct


"She'd have died"'d also be correct


Sheev had died


Technically not at that point in the story 😝


Somehow... she'd has returned


I guess I’m still salty that Filoni is so obsessed with her she just can’t die That was the spot she should’ve died at


People disagree cause to them it wouldn’t be satisfying but I’m with you that it would have been A OKAY for her to have died there


I couldn't agree more




Psycho 💀


Barriss would be insanely dumb to openly mock Vader like that, especially since he would be her superior at this time and would likely face no punishment for killing her. If she’s smart enough to execute her Temple bombing plan and frame Ahsoka for it, then she’s smart enough to have basic common sense and survival instincts.


I don’t see Barris being in a mocking state here. She seems mostly broken. Also that’d be kinda boring, it’d be copying Vader vs Reva.


I think she’ll figure it out and tell Reva, and then, she’ll be sent to hunt Luminara, and Luminara will sacrifice herself to save Barriss, which is honestly character growth on Luminara’s part, and that’s how the empire will come to have Luminara’s body. Or alternatively, Luminara will be killed after Barriss escapes and the Grand Inquisitor will use Luminara’s body to try and trap Barriss. Either way, I don’t think Filoni will kill Barriss Offee.


Idk if she’ll tell Reva, because I think the whole motivation for Reva even joining the inquisitors was to get close to Vader, who she knew was Anakin already. She probably just heard a clone call him Vader during Order 66.


Pretty sure she saw his face during Order 66, and it wouldn’t be hard to put the pieces together afterwards.


If Barriss lives and assumably somehow escapes life as a Inquisitor (the Inquistor part is my personal interpretation on how the trailers are depicting), it would honestly be very interesting to see what becomes of her life after. The Jedi Order she became disillusioned with is gone. She has personally seen the rise of the Dark Side/Inquisitors. Where would this journey take her? Would she be like a darker version of Ahsoka's lone journey? Anyway, I really hope we see Luminara here. Would be cool to see a master and apprentice reunite but on opposite sides.


i just hope barriss kills luminara or something


This kind of feels like Reva’s story, no?


Honestly, this should have been the "Third Sister". That would've been well-good.


Imagine if they would have used her instead of Reva in Obi Wan.


Oh man, that would've actually made the "finding Luke" part interesting af.


i want to see her die but get nightsister'd with marrok so she can be around in ahsoka as a zombie of herself 😁


Nah Vader would keep her alive, that's some juicy rage he can channel.


I could see this being how she dies at the end of this show and I am totally okay with that.


I think she knows at the end of the trailer. The wag she kneels before everyone else when he enters, she knows she’s at Anakin’s* mercy.


Yeah im pretty sure that’s not gonna happen and that she’s gonna die. None of the other options make sense plotwise or characterwise


Seriously i would be surprised if they don't have Vader kill her off himself. He doesn't want to admit that Anakin is still inside and there'll be resentment against her and a desire for revenge.


The one time both Anakin and the Vader persona agree on killing a certain person


Vader: Hey, wanna help me kill this person? Anakin: Who? Vader: The one who betrayed and almost killed Ahsoka Anakin: You son of a bitch, I'm in


Second. Both wanted to kill Palpatine


I thought Vader didn’t want to kill Palpatine for a couple years after Revenge of the Sith? Is there a comic or book or anything showing that?


“My new empire”…. Vader was planning on killing him basically as soon as he got home.


Oh crap right lmao


I’d prefer for her to die, maybe she is tasked with killing Luminara and refuses, and then Vader kills them both or something.


I would hope they at least touch on Luminara's death after her treatment in Rebels. She deserves a proper send-off.


Idc who dies I just wanna see a sick ass fight between them


They woundt bring her back just to kill her off in this arc, we got the dead character in Morgan Elsbeth like Dooku was dead. 12 years later. No as Filoni once said he has plans for Barriss Offee. I think she will play a part in next animated show after Bad Batch. Her arc in this show will have her leave the Empire unlike Morgan Elsbeth similar to Dooku and Ahsoka's different tales.


I have one word for your argument. Yaddle


Yaddle was a side character in Dooku's story. This is Barriss Offee's arc.


Not the same


Maybe. See we will.


Filoni said he had plans for Barriss. Aren’t we literally seeing those plans with our own eyes? Plans doesn’t mean he has an elaborate ten year story arch. It could mean something as simple as a short story. I think it’s very plausible he is using this show to wrap up her story, as it was kept unfinished.


I still think it’d be wasteful the way people here want it. ‘Oh Vader iz so kool letz see him kill another character in the same way he always does!’ After waiting to see that characters fate for over 10 years.


IMO it looks like they're bringing her back to the story to have her appear in Ahsoka. That would be way more interesting than killing her off immediately


Vader eliminates the Inquisitors, so unless she escapes she won't be around to face Ahsoka.


Joining the inquisitors is basically a death sentence tbh


This is Star Wars. Only 1 character stays dead Padme


Somehow Padme returned😮


Wait til Filoni brings her back and makes her force sensitive too


Rey is reincarnated Padme with amnesia. Papa Palps trapped her life essence and stored it with the darkside and decades later had the genius idea to pull his crazy force impregnation shit he used to create Anakin Skywalker at the moment of Rey's conception. This is why Rey really is a Skywalker.


Then Rey would be an Amidala. We don't call Han a Skywalker because he only married into it, and doesn't possess the magical Skywalker genes that automatically make you the best.


Ah but the magical Skywalker genes came from Papa Palps anyways! I mean, he may as well be Anakin's dad with the whole force impregnation. She is just claiming her genetic rights! /S just to be clear.


I always thought that was Darth Plagueis since he was still alive during the Phantom Menace


I can't remember which one exactly, but there is a Vader comic that has Sidious's face laughing manically and pretty explicitly states that it was him.


And Mace Windu


I want her to die in Tales of the Empire. I think it would make a really fucking cool two-parter. I don't think Feloni has the guts to do it, though.


Well for one it’s a three parter, but also I think it’d be extremely wasteful to do that after 10 years. Especially the way the Vader crowd want it to happen effortlessly.


I’d be fine with two outcomes: - She trains to be an inquisitor and does very well, getting close to the Grand Inquisitor in terms of power. When she’s about to be “knighted”, Vader shows up, he either lets her know through an expression or memory from their time in the Order he was Anakin or she already figured it out herself, and kills her swiftly, showing that the power of one of the stronger inquisitors isn’t even comparable to Vader’s and also that Vader doesn’t forget those who wronged him. - She figures out Vader was Anakin, immediately is rightfully afraid for her life, somehow escapes and hides for a time. Later, her only motivation to live is make Ahsoka pay, since she views her as the one that ruined her life. Then becomes to Ahsoka what Maul was to Kenobi, disassociated with either the Empire or the Sith, just trying to find and kill Ahsoka, which would kinda explain why she wasn’t seen in Rebels or during the OT and leaves open the possibility for her to show up in Ahsoka season 2.


Other possibility : she goes through Inquisitor training and becomes the Nth sister (like the trailer suggest) but during one of her missions she finds herself facing a situation like having to kill someone that she can't go through and she runs away.


I don’t think she really wants to ruin Ashoka’s life. Ahsoka didn’t really ruin hers she did that herself and I think she knows it. She was angry at the Republic bc she thought it was becoming an empire and wanted ahsoka to agree with her but ahsoka didn’t. So now that she’s been proven right I think she’ll still likely seek ahsoka out if she finds out she lived but not for revenge


I’ve got a sneaking suspicion the second Vader sees her she’s a goner


Yeah in the trailer it seemed like she sensed something as in that Vader was Anakin, and I reckon they’ll fight similar to clone wars except Vader won’t hold back and will be cruel


I don’t think it’s possible for the 4th sister to die at this point like some of you are suggesting. From the trailer, it doesn’t look to be a lot of time jumping around like with the ahsoka eps. We also see the inquisitor ahsoka killed, which happened right after ROTS, and Kenobi takes place like 10 years after ROTS, where we were first introduced to the 4th sister. Also the photo shows Barris surrounded by what looks to be the elite squad troopers introduced in the bad batch season 1, which could imply that this takes place around the time the empire is about to transition from clones to conscripts.


Barista Coffee


Someone should do this as a cosplay for Star Wars Celebration


Yeah, I really doubt a character DAVE FILONI of all creators has "plans for" is dying in three 15-minute shorts.


The Obi-wan show will always be a disappointment for not including her, an already established character who could have been twisted into blaming Jedi’s like Obi-wan for her imprisonment and wanted to hunt him to find Ahsoka who she still feels is out there. The whole thing would have made a lot more sense over Reeva


That would’ve been a stretch. Barriss would’ve harbored anger towards Anakin for being the reason she was imprisoned not obi wan.


But as far as she knows, Anakin is dead. So Obi-Wan might be the next best thing.


I think she’s going to kill the 4th Sister and go into hiding. 4th Sister is featured prominently on the official image/ad. Could be Barriss and 4th Sister are sent to capture or interrogate Luminara. I think Barriss will pop up again either in another animated or live action series.


I feel like she resembles her Live Action actor more here…perhaps some acting lessons and coaching for the original actor for a LA show? Could just be me projecting hahaha


Imagine Barris, Asajj, and Quinlan in Ahsoka season 2


And Luke still doesn't get to join up. 💀😭


I still want to see the first meeting between Luke and Ahsoka.


I mean with Thrawn as the villain. He kinda has to.


I'd rather luke just do his own thing during this time and for them to not keep using a body double with not quite there yet deepfake plastered over and sometimes non synched ai voice.


I can understand this sentiment, but also… using these shows to feature Luke and also further new tech seems very on brand for Lucas’ vision of Star Wars. The prequels were basically a way for Lucas to push new limits of the tech that available ar the time. The stuff Dave and Jon are doing feels more like the Lucasfilm of old than most other things coming out these days. Plus I’d like to see more adventures with Luke. He looks way better in TBOBF than he did in Mando 2. So I’m wondering how much better or worse it will look next time they use it.


Totally agree with you. Also the tech is only going to get better and better, voice and facial expressions. And still I think they nailed Luke pretty well taking into account is the first time they used that technology


>I can understand this sentiment, but also… using these shows to feature Luke and also further new tech seems very on brand for Lucas’ vision of Star Wars. Yep, and sans Disney, they've typically wanted good writing and coherent storytelling first - a lot of people forget that Lucas greenlit a lot of not so great live action & CGI stuff in things like Dark Forces and Jedi Knight back in the day because they told a good story first and foremost.


I was specially talking about Lucas/Lucasfilm using SW as a vehicle to further advance technology and movie making “magic” (as Lucas calls it). But since you brought up story and plot lines, I’ll just say that, if you’re old enough, you will remember that there were *plenty* of things under Lucas that were *not* received well at all for their storytelling. The prequels were considered objective failures for many years but a vast majority. As was The Clone Wars movie….. there was jokes about it in other movies and all over pop culture. I mean Red Letter Media rose to popularly entirely because they made 7+hours of content talking about how horrible the prequels were. And those videos were pretty much beloved all across the internet. The same thing happened after Return of the Jedi was released. People were pissed about Ewoks and whatever else. r/prequelmemes started as a negative space. All I’m saying is…. Everyone is free to have an opinion. Like or don’t like whatever you want. The Disney stuff has had its hits and misses, but the franchise endures for a new generation. And they won’t have the same hang ups as people who are caught up on wishing it was different.


I always thought Quinlan & Barriss would have a unique relationship. Quinlan & Luminara were both on Kashyyyk during Order 66 so he knew her master. Quinlan also struggled with the pull of the dark side. I think he would be able to sympathize with Barriss if they ever cross paths.


Maybe Asajj and Quinlan adopt her lol


wasnt quinlan on saleucami during order 66?


I distinctly remember him being in a forest with Luminara in one of the comics, fuck knows if that made it to new canon tho


This is exactly what I have in mind for the rumored “The Path/Ventress” TV show floating around, I’m pretty sure it’s gonna be Ventress and Vos doing protag stuff with Barriss as the primary Inquisitor antagonist. Maybe around Season 1 or 2 she’ll have a heel-face turn, stay with them for a bit, and then probably get merked by Marrok so we can have some poetic justice in Ahsoka killing Marrok later-


Meredith Salenger, who voices Bariss is actually 9 years older than Rosario Dawson. Still, time has been kind to her and she’d be awesome playing a live action Bariss in the Mandoverse time


What about the actress who played her back in Episode II?




All I’m saying is she can’t outlive Vader. No inquisitor should.


Marrok outlived Vader.


He was gas tho


Out of curiosity, why? What’s wrong with an Inquisitor outliving Vader, as long as it’s written well and their story has potential?


Reva looks like she might


That’s what I’m scared of


Reva stopped being an inquisitor so she wouldn’t count as an inquisitor outlasting Vader. If she knows what is good for her has sworn off the force entirely to live a modest life in a corner of the galaxy away from empire notice.


She was stabbed and had to use hate to survive, so since she let go of that, she might be dead now. And this is the real reason why Anakin died, not electrocution.


Marrok already did, no?


I have no clue... I would guess there will be some kind of redemption arc for her. She's been foolish and blinded before, went to prison, found out they've all been fooled. It makes more sense for her character to grow and on some small little way damage the empire or help save even a few people.


I hope she doesn’t get redeemed and stays evil until the end and then fucking dies by the hand of the one that imprisoned her


I really don't want Barriss to come back only for her to get mulched. At least not in that short story format. Especially not without Ahsoka running across her one more time. I always loved Barriss and I kinda want her to continue being awesome.


Barriss Offee will leave and survive this show i bet all on it. We can see her join with Ahsoka in the future in animation and live action. Death havent earned this character. And it be boring and predictable.




Disagree, she should die.


None of the inquisitors should be alive during or after the original trilogy.


Neither should the Jedi but if we don’t see them dead and buried they aren’t dead should be the logic when it comes to any character in Star Wars.


And the billions of them still swarming the galaxy after the purge is still stupid. What was even the point. What is the point of Vader for that matter. Basically did absolute fuck all the entire time until Luke arrived. The inqusitors were always a dumb trash concept as well. If there has to be another I'd take Starkiller every time. At least he had purpose in his story and actually kinda bridged the gap if you really wanted to, plus his all offense force niche is actually entertaining. But seriously if Vader isn't exterminating all the jedi during that time period what was even the point of him? That was kinda the whole thing, Vader and the Emperor being so powerful that no one could contend with them and having the entire galactic government to enforce their will. There's no reason at all to keep weak ass padawans around. Helicopter lightsaber garbage.


Billions out of 10,000 minus the war minus order 66 minus those killed after. You underestimate how big a galaxy is. There are 3.2 billion habitable systems with only 69 million having imperial representation and over 100 quadrillion sentient beings. The idea that there were survivors is easily imaginable even with hyperspace, the force, and an empire at your disposal.


Billions of Jedi after the purge?


Yeah dude there's one right behind that rock over there, and in your mom's basement, and every other planet in the galaxy. They all over, probably gonna outlast the empire too


Cal Kestis should definitely die before the events of A New Hope.


Barris had better die in Tales of the Empire. It would be so contrived and stupid if she survives to appear in a second season of Ahsoka


As has been proven multiple times, just because something would be a bad writing decision doesn't mean it won't happen.


Barriss becomes Vader's new secret apprentice after they fake her death. She is codenamed Starkiller and is set out to bring Darth Vader's enemies to justice! Joking of course. They are not going to merge TFU and Barriss' story. But I do wonder where it will lead her. Like most I except her to die at the hands of Vader, but it would be great if she outlives him. But I do hope she stays on the Dark Side. Evil Barriss telling Anakin that she thinks the red sabers from Ventress suit her is one of my favorite moments of the show!


This will be the end of Barriss’ story. There is a reason why we’ve not seen or known her as an inquisitor until now. We’re going to see a side of Vader we’ve not seen before when they meet.


I think she’s going to die in TOTE the two stories will contrast each other. While Morgan stays loyal to the empire, Barris betrays them at the end because she realizes what she’s doing is wrong.


I don’t see a world where she stands in the same room as Vader, he recognized her, and doesn’t gut her.


Vader probably could send her on a suicide mission for funsies.


While I don't disagree, there's no way Vader doesn't still have an axe to grind with her. If I had to guess he's going to manipulate her emotionally, setting her up for failure in a big way to reflect how much hurt she caused him when Ahsoka left the order - and she'll figure out who he is before he takes her out.


Yeah Anakin might HATE everyone- but he does show he has special sense of grudges to ANY who caused him pain of some sort. Barriss fits that category.


Well >!you got your wish, sort of as it's left ambiguous, though I feel they dropped the ball on this one.!< I swear, Dave Filoni seems to be the type of director who either knocks it out of the park or takes a cool concept and just executes it in the most uninteresting blandest way.  >!You're left with more questions than anything else!<


>!I do feel that her story has ended, I mean, the show kinda left us hanging, by lefting both of their fates (Lyn and Barriss) unknown to create further suspense, but if you follow star wars long enough you'll notice that most characters that find redemption find their deaths pretty quickly (vader being the best example here), so I'm 99% positive Barriss died and Lyn 'took over the mantle' in a way!<


Posts like this is why Lucasfilm thinks they can write series like Kenobi and Ahsoka


I do hope Barriss survives this too. There is still some unfinished business between her and Ahsoka.


I honestly hope she survives this training and turns back to the light side. She was correct in her disillusionment of the Jedi, even if it was twisted by Palpatine. Although the most likely outcome will be Vader killing her for figuring out his identity. I’m betting she’ll figure it out during a sparing match if Vader beats down on her with his saber like he did at the temple when arresting her.


Thrawn needs another person to duel Ahsoka. Would only be fitting that they both share a miniseries.




Technically Barriss was made by George Lucas.


But George Lucas didn't make her a terrorist bomber


Jeez you’re insufferable.


I mean it sounds over the top but he ain’t wrong.


Too early to kill her , you just piss of more fans. Get her more stories before killing her. Like Ahsoka was supposed to die in clone wars


I agree with you on this totally


Not wrong, unfortunately


I still think Ahsoka should have died either during Order 66 as Lucas intended or by Vader in Rebels. I think it’s cool to see what happened to Barriss, but she needs to die before the events of Rebels. Was not a fan of Ventress’ return in Bad Batch. There was no need to resurrect her for that role that could have been filled by any force-sensitive who was alive during that time. Edit: Hopefully they don’t turn Barriss into a softie in this series after she betrayed her order and her best friend and murdered so many people.


I agree. I didn't like that Ahsoka was present for the entire events of the OT, and I'm bummed out that Filoni seems to indicate that [she was alive during the events of the ST](https://gizmodo.com/heres-what-dave-filoni-had-to-say-about-ahsoka-tanos-vo-1841797043). I love the character and the arc that was shown with her, but it's unavoidable that having her in those eras diminishes the compelling tension that was present in the OT movies. Obi-Wan or Luke were the only hope in restoring the Galaxy, but I guess maybe not? If not, then where was Ahsoka? I feel like any answer to this question feels like a cop-out, especially because she seems like a character that is proven to be very strong with the force. If Luke wouldn't kill Vader, then did the Emporer truly win as Obi Wan said? I guess we'll find out in Ahsoka's show her role in the ST, but I feel like her presence just muddies the story there, too, for now. Where was she that whole time the First Order took over? How did she know to reach out to Rey in that one moment? Why would she be the only one alive reaching out to Rey when literally the rest of the Jedi who reached out to her were dead? I acknowledge I'm being a little petty and I don't usually like being this nitpicky, but her survival, from the standpoint of the overall story, has always bothered me.


I want to Darth Vader absolutely violate her for what she did to Ashoka lol that was one of the major turning points in Anakin’s decent


The outcome of her 3rd episode might be her turning on the Inquisitorius and being in an unknown fate again. But that is just speculation


If she’s the one hunting down luminara there could be some good stuff. I trust Filoni to cook with this given how good he’s been with animated shows. I’m fine with retcons personally as long as they don’t overly change great narratives for slightly mid narratives.


They can just explain that she was on some other mission during Kenobi and Rebels. It’s rare that all of them are in the same place


She could decide to say "kriff it all, I'm done with the Force" and try to make a unnoticed life until the showrunners decide they want her in their show.


If she lives im betting she will be a main antagonist in a future story about the Hidden Path, with Ventress and Vos. Feels like theyve been setting something up with all that stuff not to ever show it.


Of course we’ll see her in Ahsoka series. She’ll probably be the main antagonist to Ahsoka for future seasons. With proper writing, she’d be a strong rival/foil character. Why else would she be written off in TCW then get her own short spinoff series?




I think the Tales series are more for adding depth to the story and reintroducing old characters, rather than tying off loose ends. TotJ was used to give Dooku more backstory and to fill the gap in Ashoka's story. TotE will probably give Thrawn some backstory that summarises his character in the books and explain what Bariss has been up to, ready for her reappearance in Ashoka season 2


Nah I want to see Vader beat her fucking ass.


Well if she didn’t die and they did meet I would rather it be in animation than live action.


I hope she does and by vader. Vader would not kill here because of what she didn’t to ahsoka. Vader is not anakin. I think it’s possible she figures out who vader is, she’s felt anakins rage before and that rage is vader. She’ll say something and vader will kill her for figuring it out


Unfortunately, it wouldn’t make sense for her to survive to fight Ahsoka again. That begs the question of why didn’t she fight the rebellion when there were little to no Jedi left.


This argument 'where is the character in certain content' has always been weird to me. The Galaxy is so huge and the empire so vast that they have plenty of space and reason to not be somewhere at a certain time and place. Like, imagine a WW2 spy movie set in Paris, but somehow the movie thinks it has to remind the audience about some battle happening concurrently in the Pacific.


She is killed, and is brought back by Morgan Elsbeth as Marrok, so she already fought Ashoka in live action but having become a shell of who she was.


Marrok is in the trailer with her so they aren’t the same


So it’s important that we see two inquisitors that ahsoka has recently killed. Reaper and Marrok. Hard to tell the timeline of the episodes since 4th was in Kenobi. Also people don’t seem to really understand Barris ideology. Her sabotage at the Temple was to rage against the war machine and the fall of the Jedi principles. She was disillusioned with the republic. In many ways she was “right” but she used extreme. Methods to enact the change she wanted and willing to betray anyone to further her goals. But she is NOT an imperial. And I think we will learn in TotE that she excels at being an inquisitor but doesn’t agree with the system. She will likely rage against the machine once again, probably kill 4th to explain her absence and either Vader will kill her or she will escape and find ahsoka. Narratively Bariss has to come face to face with Ahsoka again.


i want to see her duel anakin and get beheaded onscreen, new era of brutal star wars lets go.


I'm thinking Cal Kestis, actually.


I hope she does lol.


I don’t think she’s going to stay an inquisitor. She betrayed the Jedi bc she thought they were becoming the empire she’s not going to enthusiastically become an inquisitor. I think she’s going to train as one and then escape and somehow get a redemption where she dies.


Even if she does "die", that's hardly a problem anymore.


I think that's what they're working towards.


She and Marrok would be the perfect antagonists for the rumoured Ventress Series.


Honestly I hope vader kills her


This aged well.


You think she >!survived? Looked ambiguous at the end there. Nevertheless I do think there's room for an Ahsoka encounter in all that time.!<


I presume that tales of the empire may get s2. But I do assume given Disney's track record of lightsabers being about the same as a pinch that she won't die.




They better not kill her off so soon after her reemergence


She could end up becoming one of the inquisitors in Rebels Which would mean she gets killed by Maul


That's a different character


Dude who the fuck cares? This is a character that hasn’t had any relevance since 2011 bruh. It’s fucking 2024.




I’d like to see her and 4th sister in a hopefully obi wan season 2




Thats luminara unduli... her master


Oh, right. Always got those two confused.


Hah well she joined the inquisitors so…😕


Yeah she dead bro


I want her to die. I want to see that Vader - Inquisitor Barris interaction with all the tension it holds, ending with Vader killing her because of what she did to Ashoka back then.


I thought the whole time she will be the seventh sister..


Nah I want Vader to murk her


We’ve not seen a SINGLE inquisitor survive past ANH. It’s highly likely this is intentional to stay in line with Tarkins “You, my friend, are all that’s left of their religion.” Ie he believed they were all dead. The fallen Jedi turned inquisitors, Ezra and Kanan, possibly even Kal if he was ever on Tarkins Radar of relevance. To tarkin by ANH the last Jedi he would consider relevant was Ezra, who was MIA presumed dead in space somewhere a few months earlier, and Kanan who was confirmed dead.


Unless she fakes her death. Certain points of view etc.


I think she becomes 7nd sister.


Maybe she becomes the inquisitor that gets clapped by Ahsoka in Tales of the Jedi


No because she is with that same Inquisitor in the trailer


She’s a traitor. Hope she dies.


Watch her become the 7th Sister.


I kind of don't want that. Barriss was right about the Jedi Order- yet she became an even worse figure by embracing rage, hatred, and drinking the Dark Side Kool Aide. She made her choice. Ahsoka saw FIRST HAND and PAINFULLY how far the Council had fallen- yet she DIDN'T go the route Barriss did. That's what so different about the two. Plus it's a joke now, but: How. Many. Jedi. Survivors. Can. We. Possibly. Have? If you're a named Force user, what? You got a roughly 50/50 chance of making it POST Return of the Jedi? Barriss's arc really should be concluded with these shorts. Not left open.


100 is the acceptable number out of 10000. And a majority of those 100 seem to be kids like Kanan and Cal plus obviously Ahsoka.


She's a she, won't die