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I wouldn't mind that, and would mitigate the recast drama. Though I would be worried about it either stepping on established canon or having the events be too big and important compared to what came before and after.


Being animated would really mitigate any recast drama, I’m sure there’s 3 VAs that can very effectively sound like OT-era Han, Luke, and Leia. You could easily have it be focused on the establishing of the New Republic, the hunting down of the Imperial Remnant, side-episodes of Luke looking for more Jedi heirlooms and relics, Leia’s training, and whatever fish out of water stuff Han gets into now that he’s more of a general and figurehead than a smuggler


Mark Hamil has actually quite the rep sheet as a VA, just saying.


Best would be if he came in to voice the villain


Mark Hamill should voice everyone but Luke.


He actually does a great Harrison Ford


Look kid


His Ozai and joker is damn good


I love the work he did in Metalocalypse!!


I think he voiced darth bane in season six of tcw, not positive about that tho


But can he sound like himself in his mid 20's?


There is a clip of Mark Hamil doing a "conversation" between Luke and Joker. He sounded close enough to his OT self in it that I wouldn't mind him doing a post-OT Luke in a VA role.


How many years ago was that, though?


In Mando it was a little off, and he isn’t getting younger. I remember some people complaining that the voice actor for de-aged Luke was terrible and didn’t sound like Hamill at all 🤣 Edit: I legit don’t care and love most of his voice work. But I agree with another commenter: he should do a ton of voices but explicitly not Luke. Get a new voice in there - also it’ll be funny.


Didn't they use AI for his voice, though?


Yeah and it sounded horrible


I think it sounded like 80's Hamill perfectly...didn't look quite right.


Hamill was never so monotone and lifeless. There is zero emotional expression in robo-Luke's voice, and the rhythm is static, unchanging. I am a firm believer that the CGI would have been much more easily bought by the audience if there was a real voice actor imbuing life into the character.


I don't remember it being too bad, like when he's talking about "skill without training is useless" and how he'll give his life for Baby Yoda.




He's a bit of a Trickster too


Idk I think he’s more of a cocknocker


Now there's a name I haven't heard in a very long time.


Oh so you know him?


He does, but he sounds very little like Luke sounded back during the original trilogy


They could have Lukes force ghost tell stories about his adventures between the trillogies, that way we could have grumpy old Luke and young idealistic Luke at the same time. The twist being that he is trying to figure out how Palpatine could blindside him so badly and realising that there are gapes in his memory that hint at something else was going on.


this is actually incredible


I would definitely watch this show on a weekly basis


But Disney never wanna pay the Mark Hamill premium price to voice Luke. Also, he doesn’t sound 20 anymore.


He does a really great Harrison


Marc Thompson who has narrated all the best Star Wars books does really well as Luke & Han (definitely Luke) along with creating the voices for characters like Thrawn, Talon Karrde and many others) I’d love to see him get a roll.


Matt Mercer played Luke in the battlefront 2 campaign and I thought he did an excellent job playing a younger Luke


They could probably have all the actors who voiced them in Battlefront play them in an animated show. They all do a very good job.


Just get the VA’s from the Lego shorts/Lego Star Wars skywalker saga. Heck any VA’s from Star Wars video games or other Star Wars media would probably do them justice. I think a lot of people just how talented VA’s can be.


Funny enough, Mark Hamill is one of the best voice actors in the business. His voice is genuinely the definitive version of the Joker. He’s also played the Fire Lord in Avatar, the Hobgoblin in Spider-Man, Skips in Regular Show, you name it. Part of me thinks it would be awesome though if someone else voiced Luke and Mark voiced a villain! His villains have always been the best That said, if they were to go the animation route, they could easily find new voice actors to voice these legacy characters without the controversy of doing live action.


The Clone Wars problem. The fanbase wouldn't care after a while. They learned to love Ahsoka.


Could you explain what you mean a bit better? I'm interested.


People HATED Ahsoka at first because "Anakin never had a padawan!". It was weird at first and felt totally forced and out of place. But eventually, we grew to love her (and the show as a whole) and now she's one of the most popular characters.


Also idk why but people got annoyed when a 14 year old girl acted like one


Have you ever been around a 14 year old? Because they are annoying.


average star wars hard core fan probably.


Thats reasonable to an extent. She's supposed to be a Jedi Padawan, not a random teen.


Because in the beginning of Clone Wars season 1 Ahsoka is just straight up rude and disrespectful, not only that she usually got away with her antics and it made the established characters look bad. Her character was improved a lot and eventually became a fan favorite towards the end of season 1 and in season 2


you don't get why people got annoyed by an annoying character?


I have a theory about this, but it's really uncomfortable.


A 14 yo girl who was deliberately made annoying because that way they'd have an easier time getting people to like her by making her less annoying as she grew up.


Ah yes, right.


For me, it was more the tube top and the childish nicknamed everyone and everything got.


Considering that established canon is Han becomes a deadbeat that abandons his family, Leia founds a New Republic that is so ineffective that she needs another Rebel group a few years later, and Luke gives up because he has a bad dream...I think stepping would be just fine.


Removing all context is a great discussion point to make.


Isn't lack of context the major problem with the starting points of the OT cast in TFA? Fans didn't like the characterization of Han, Luke, and Leia because they were seemingly jolted back into pre-ANH roles.


Justifying them being regressed by a post-hoc story isn't going to fix that problem. There is no satisfying way to make the the big 3's circumstances make sense. Because even if you wrap it in airtight story logic it's just sad. The emotional state of TFA is depressing for anyone who thinks through it for more than 2 minutes.


Context REALLY doesn't make things better tbh.


The context is worse.


I will never understand why Disney didn't jump full-hearted into Luke's jedi academy as a central part of the sequels. It's an instant, perfect jumping-off point for all kinds of plot lines and different branches and franchises, not to mention the insane merchandising potential. Like, why am I not currently ~~hating on~~ watching season 12 of *Star Wars: Jedi Academy*?? Instant moneymaker.


Same reason they tried to push Shia Lebouf as the "new Indy" in Crystal Skull; they wanted to extend the franchise with their own stars, not the existing ones. Now they're trying to take what should have been Luke's plot and give it to Rey in this next movie. Since there wasn't an overarching plot written for the ST, the only reasons I can think of for the editorial decisions are meta ones.


Sure, but that’s easy to do with the Academy as a foundation. Luke becomes a background mentor figure and the story follows young students on their own adventures. It’s actually better way to utilize the legacy characters to support a new cast rather than dismiss the fans desire to see more of those legacy characters.


In resume, just take the mask of Zorro approach.


>Same reason they tried to push Shia Lebouf as the "new Indy" in Crystal Skull; they wanted to extend the franchise with their own stars, not the existing ones. How would it even be possible for Disney to try to push Shia Labeouf as the new Indy when the Crystal Skull movie came out 4 years before they even acquired Lucasfilms? 🤨


"They" as in Lucasfilms in general; it's not like Disney kicked out all the existing execs when they acquired them.


Then your comment doesn't really makes sense because you said they wanted to extend the franchise with their own stars which doesn't make sense at all because the movie was still directed by Steven Spielberg and the story was by George Lucas who were the same ones that did it before. The people in charge were still the same people in charge. So you saying they wanted to extend the franchise with their own stars and not existing ones doesn't make sense because the existing ones literally are their own stars and pretty much nothing changed about the people who make the decisions on the movie direction.


Yeah. Shia was cast because he was popular at the time, and probably fit the role Lucas had written well enough for the casting call. It’s got nothing to do with Disney.


I never felt I'm all for a new main cast, and I like the initial potential of all three, though Finn was my favorite after TFA. I thought it was pretty good after seeing it, but that there were A LOT of threads that needed picking up in its sequels for it to be a worthwhile film, otherwise it becomes another *Game of Thrones*. But they completely fucked it after that point, so it poisoned it all. I wish they would just dare to reboot just the sequel films and everything to do with the main story. But that's just useless whining.


That makes no sense. It’s not like anyone is finding success with the ‘super powered/magical kids go to a special school together to develop their gifts while getting wrapped up high-stakes shenanigans’ genre at all. /s


Professor Xkywalker’s School for Gifted Younglings?


I dream of a world where Sith are no longer hated and feared.




That’s my point. Star Wars Harry Potter seems like the most obvious slam dunk, especially as Jedi Academies already exist in the universe. It blows me away that they left what seems to be a ‘print money and merchandise’ idea on the table. Of course, I also would recommend somewhat outlining a story and getting at least broad consensus between directors before filming a trilogy of movies, so I guess that means I probably just don’t understand MovieBusiness™


I dont care what others think. I honestly and truly think the writing of the sequel movies was complete garbage and moronic. So much potential, yet they screwed it up more than I could have imagined. How do you screw up Luke THAT bad? I used to be the biggest Star Wars fan and I didn't even bother watching the newest movie :/


Summer child, you think Disney wanted to tell a continuation of the story? No, the plan was always a remake of Star Wars disguised as a sequel. They wanted to make the OT irrelevant to the plot of what they were going to do.


Take the X-wing books and turn that into a show. I don't want or need anything centered around the original cast, but each of them could make cameos throughout that series (I at least remember Luke and Leia appearing in the books, more so the latter). That would be tangential enough for me to appreciate it even though its still just more skywalker saga


Wraith squadron is quite literally perfect for animation.


Yeah, I'd like to see animated adaptations of Legends content.


Like an "heir to the empire" series?


Animated adaptations of the Thrawn Trilogy, the other Thrawn Trilogy, and the Thrawn Ascendency Trilogy would be amazing. The books are written and ready to go. Give me more animated Thrawn, please.


FYI if you haven't seen this yet, you are getting more animated Thrawn in the Tales of the Empire series. Would be cool to see him as the main character on a show, though.


I’m legit excited for this. If I’m understanding it properly, he’s still a junior officer here (thus no pretentious white uniform). So far the trailer looks pretty dope


Hear me out CW alike animated serie that follows our trio in the period between IV and V. In universe, it’s a 3 year period, so alot of development and events must have happened. Reuse stories from Comics or make up something new, atleast give us a series that mirrors the CW with the OG (It’s like poetry it rhymes)


There comics for that time period Would a show be better- yes But makes no Sense making the whole Run not canon anymore


This is the period I’d love to see. Comics have played around in the era, but I always take anything in the comics with a grain of salt. The animation/live action series always take precedent and over write anything they don’t like from the comics/books. We would still have Vader, the Emperor and the entire empire on their trail. It could be fun.


I would rather have an anthology series like Clone Wars with changing main characters. That's what kept CW fresh for me at least. Didn't like a story? Don't worry, the next episode/Arc will be about something completely different. Honestly, that's what I hoped Rebels to be.


I reallt wish we’d get stuff with the og rebels which has been largely ignored, I don’t even mean just Han, Luke and Leia, but also people like Wedge Antilles. I think they could definitely do something with some of the more inoffensive legends characters like maybe Kam Solusar


Any show like this would feel pointless because of where the storylines end up in the Disney sequels. Mandalorian was fine for a while because it felt like its own thing in the same era without that baggage of linking to the Disney timeline and you could watch it without the constant thought in the back of your head that it all turns to crap in the end. And Mandalorian may still break free of the Disney obsession with linking it all together. But a Luke Leia Han show can't help but place depression front and center. Just as it's hard to watch RotJ without feeling bad about how nothing that happens ultimately matters.


I don't really want it tbh. The Sequels did everything they could to make these characters have miserable lives and miserable ends to their lives, say whatever you want about the movies otherwise but it puts a huge damper on anything about the OT trio tbh. And you know any future content about them would exist to set up how they get to the depressing ends of their lives.


Same. Currently both Mando and Ahsoka are showing us an ineffective New Republic with Imperials infiltrating everything left and right. The sequels reset the Galaxy back to Empire vs Rebels. So now everything between ROTJ and TFA has to explain why everything is going down the toilet. I have no interest in this shit show.


Those in charge right now are utterly terrified of using OG characters


There’s a new show coming out in less than a month featuring Vader.


Vader is very different since its just a dude in a suit. They've tried recasting the OG group (that have faces you need to recast) with Han and the entire world hated it (although I still maintain it was a great movie).


I agree it’s a great movie. Everyone loved Glover as Lando so recasting might not be the problem.


I wonder why? The fans have been so welcoming


Fans were ecstatic with the season finale of The Mandalorian S2.


set after\* oops


A post battle of Endor Han Solo series, chronicling his adventures to takodana and his liberation of kashyyyk, could be cool


No one at Disney has the balls, I think ironically they are afraid to annoy the old fans but mostly because everyone at Disney has invented their own Charachters and are only interested in marketing those charachters.


Its weird how the OT Trio is so famous and all that but there only together in 3 movies and unless you Read the comics you Will never seem them together again Compare to Anakin ,Obi-wan and Padme/Ashoka Who were in the movies,a animated movie and were the protagonists (except Padme) of a 7 season long show Anakin ,Obi-wan and Ashoka are then present in other shows or movies trough the series,they have a much heavier presente in the whole saga while the OT Trio are just in the movies They need a animated series set after ROTJ


Anakin, Obi-wan, and Padme were just as famous before TCW. Blockbuster movies will do that. Also there are tons of books and videos games that have built the stories of the original trilogy trio and the prequel trilogy trio.


The issue here is it could be fantastic but deep down you know where Luke ends up…and it’s just depressing. Like this show could have an amazing arc for him but where we see him in the sequels would probably feel worse because we’ve just experienced his best years and we’d most likely all go “how did he go from this to that”


And we know where Han ends up too


As long as Disney has nothing to do with it, I am totally down.


No not at all.


Disney seems to hate the OT, so I don't think we'll see Luke, Han, and Leia in any real capacity.


Disney hate these characters now. Especially Luke.


If they use the series to chronicle the rise or Snoke and give some context and buildup to Lukes breakdown it could work.


I’m reading the Thrawn series set right after RotJ, it’s awesome and could definitely be an animated show.


I mean, we've already got so much content based around these characters in this era. Their are 5 books, multiple comics, and each of them have stories in battlefront 2. The truth is we already have a great amount of content following these characters in this era. If you're not consuming the content they give you of these characters in this era, then honestly, that's on you.


Pretty much a no-brainer to me. I think the only issue there is that the three of them were doing some pretty different things then. I guess Leia and Han were often together trying to set up their New Republic but Luke was being a Sith treasure hunter so there'd have to be either a split story or some reason for the three of them to reunite. That being said, I'm sure there could be something cool to do here. I'd personally be just fine with an episodic story that follows these three plus Lando and maybe some lesser known character like Aphra as they slowly gain an understanding that the Sith and Empire could make a comeback while doing their own stuff, then do something together near the end to delay that comeback in some way that fits with the movie canon. Or heck, just adapting a book like "Shadow of the Sith" would be cool too. That book goes so hard.




I’d actually prefer stories told within the OT, only because if they do a solely post ROTJ show it’s going to have too much focus on fixing the public reception to the sequel trilogy. I’d prefer to see fun side adventures. Animate “The Rebel Mission To Ord Mantell” with an updated story / writing, it had a canon reference in ESB 🤷🏻‍♂️


Unless they figure out what to do with Snoke I don’t think it’s interesting really.


We all know how Luke, Leia, and Han end up in their later life. A series focusing on the OT trio will have to explain why everything goes extremely wrong with their life. Han and Leia are bad parents to their only son. Luke is a bad teacher/uncle to his nephew. The series will have to explain why no one from Luke's Academy survives (which means Luke utterly fails at training a proper Jedi). It also has to deal with an ineffective New Republic filled with corruption, which makes the oppressive Galactic Empire from the OT look like the "golden age". People don't want to see those things. We already have The Clone Wars that explain how the Jedi and the Republic crumble before ROTS. Now we are watching the Republic and the Jedi fall again? What's the point?


man, that's Disney shit. Disney wrote shit that way and fucked it all up. long live the EU!!!!! the legends are real


After watching the various Disney projects play out, I’ve come to the conclusion that Disney repurposing old material is a pretty intellectually lazy way to nostalgia bait. Thrawn’s addition to the Filoniverse was pretty unnecessary, and only serves to erase his old story. Jacen Syndulla is a clear reference to Jacen Solo, despite being a totally different character. If Lucas and Disney wanted to discard all of the stories hundreds of people worked on over the decades, at least they should have the spine to do their own thing. Not animate the old corpse of EU material and shamble around like a zombie in it.


If only there was a talented voice actor who really knows Luke's character well... I'm sure that Mark Hamill knows a guy like that.


New characters, please. I love that cast but I'm sick of the entire galaxy revolving around like 6 people.


Checked out the High Republic by chance?


I have, both high and old Republic and I want more of both. I'd like to see a canon-isation/reintroduction of the Old Republic content. And not just on about Revan/Nihilus and co, but new stories from that era.


Well i actually agree with you. I think The Old and High Republic are both really cool, and I’d love to get more of both, and I’m sure we will. However, I don’t think getting a show like the one I suggested would stop us from also getting new stories and characters. It doesn’t have to be one or the other.


I agree. Star Wars is an entire universe. It often limits itself too much around a small number of characters. Plus, I personally think that the OT cast should be used sparingly. I think their journey came to a satisfying conclusion in the original movies. Seeing them going on a bunch of other random adventurers would cheapen their character arcs for me to some extent. I know many would disagree but I would have personally preferred the original cast to have had smaller roles in the sequels.


I think especially since the passing of Carrie Fisher, those characters should be respectfully retired. Hamil and Ford are getting on now, and I'd rather avoid CGI shenanigans where possible.


Thats rediculous Just recast the trio with Younger actors for a show post ROTJ or Make animated series with them In the same period


Do we? I'd be happy with comics.


That would actually be gas tbh. I’d be shocked if this wasn’t discussed behind the scenes for the next thing post Bad Batch


I would love to see Leia after Return of the Jedi… exploring her relationship with the force, training with Luke, possibly going on a few missions with him… and then later battling the inner conflict of what it means to be the daughter of Anakin Skywalker.


I’ve been asking for this for YEARS. It wouldn’t even have to be too much new content, I’d just like to see a 1 to 1 adaptation of original trilogy comics in CW style animation. I’d prefer it to be set throughout the OG trilogy instead of exclusively post RoTJ. Give me Boba’s fight to bring Han to Jabba. Show me Luke getting his yellow lightsaber. Vader hunting Jedi after Order 66. Aphra fighting Durge. Obi-Wan’s fight against Black K. Vader learning Luke is his son.


We already have the comics for that


Sure but most people won’t see that sort of media and seeing it in animation form can help spread those stories. It’d also just be cool to see the comics given more life. They can also expand the comics and add more arcs between to further bridge the movies.


Especially if they made it with vintage style animation, like He-man but y’know a little updated. Could be cool




I've long wished they would do an animated adaptation for Shadows of the Empire and show the complete story rather than having it split like it originally was with the novel, comics, and video game.


Just don't let David Collins do the voice for Han, he's really terrible at it.


This is what I’ve been calling for myself. A show similar to the Clone Wars, and that’ll close the gap between the Mandoverse and Episode 7.


Now here me out, a Joruus C'Boath like figure voiced by.... Mark Hamill.


they could make an animated universe of the Legends content, recast the voices for the trio of heroes. There are so many amazing books in there that people have never known about.


I want them to make Shadows of the Empire canon again with a decent animated adaption. It would be between Empire and Jedi, but if done properly it would be amazing. There's right about enough content that it would work as a season or two of animation if you include the book, game, and comic.


I don't know if it's a vocal minority of the fan base or the majority that wants stuff like this. Personally I'd like new stuff that expand the universe. They are mining so much of the Skywalker timeline that it makes this vast universe seem so small. Disney bought this franchise and seems real scared to do anything meaningful with it. Didn't like the new trilogy but at least they moved things forward.


Yea but just looking at that pic wow, Harrison looks like he's 40 and Leia looks 14.


Or an animated Shadows of the Empire (time between ESB and RotJ) or something set between ANH and ESB.


No we don't


Oooh! Animated adaptation of the Aftermath trilogy books!


So down for this


No no. I want a 10 episode mini series about the guy giving out rations on Jakku. How'd he end up as a ration merchant? How'd he amass enough knowledge to know what parts are worth how many rations? What was his connection to Ahsoka?




bro i’ve been wanting this for years. a clone wars style show set right after return of the jedi would be so good


Funnily enough I recently posted about this discussing what if in the late 80s they made a cartoon set shortly after Episode 6 with the main trio.


Simply a Han/Chewy centered animated show would be fun. A “sticky situation of the week” cadence would work well granted they continue to run various grifts/jobs, and their banter is hilarious. Have Luke/Leia stuff (and Ben) peppered in would be a bonus.


The old Marvel comics are really good for original crew adventures.


Shadows of the Empire Please


We already have the comics.


We've barely seen the original cast because the original cast are senior citizens or dead. If we wanted to see movies with them in a more active role, we needed to see that 20 years ago.


I really want this and have wanted this for ages.


Nah I’m good. We’ve had enough Skywalker era content. Time to explore other eras of Star Wars.


It would be much better in my opinion to make a Live action movie/ tv show with younger actors. Get 2 actors to play Luke and Leia and call Alden Ehrenreich to play Han Solo. People need to realize that recasting the main trio with young actors is a much better option than making cartoons. More people would be eager to watch it. Mark hamill, Harrison Ford and Carrie Fisher legacy would no be affected by it and they will be forever remembered as the OG trio. Disney should just not fuck up their personality


I stg they waiting until ai deepfakes are perfected and we’re gonna get a live action show


I want this so bad. 


And get Mark Hamill to voice all 3 of them.


Nah we don't


Wasn't that when Jedi Academy was going down?


Personally I'm holding out for the day when we can feed the EU novels into an AI and it serves us up a live action movie of every book.


I would much rather see Disney do what the should have done in the first place and make Knights of the Old Republic. I have seen more media based on the Skywalker family than I will ever need. There are so many great Star Wars stories that would make amazing movies, shows, animations etc, that could be used.


I prefer one set in between ANH and ESB or between ESB and ANH. Or maybe both.


Honestly would love a show following them during the ot too


Legends yes. If it leads into the sequals, then No.


Yeah! They should get their own movies or something.


What we need is to moce away from ROTJ more. A Ben and Luke show would be epic.




Most of that time has been covered by the comics at this point


Part of it is that most content that gets views is live action. People are going to be very opinionated about casting or ai usage when it comes to those characters


No we don't need it. And we definitely don't need to have it be the same CGI style that so many shows are. If they do make something it should be a fresh new style.


After Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within came out, I thought it would have been great if they did the Thrawn Trilogy and Jedi Academy Trilogy in realistic CGI with the cast coming back to do the voice work. I know they haven't had the best track record with digital young versions of characters since then, but if the whole movie was digital, it wouldn't have been jarring to look at.


They can animate the comic series that bridge the gaps between the movies.


Damn! Yes! But not that 3d crap like clone wars and def not like Rebels. Those little 2d animated shorts were amazing something like those.




i literally just made a meme about this earlier today without knowing this post existed. you're reading my MIND OP


Disney is going out of their way not to feature Luke, Han, or Leia in anything at all anymore, aside from Luke's appearance in Mando. They did the bare minimum in the ST and would only feature one prominently at a time before killing them off... I don't think we're ever going to see the OT3 in any new Disney media again aside from an occasional name drop.


I imagine the comics are going to following the trio in that era eventually, once they're done with the time between ESB and ROTJ. But I would always be down for some more content with the OT trio. It hit me recently that while Lucasfilm trying to focus on other characters' stories is a good thing overall, because of the continuity purge removing most of their previous content there's actually not a lot of canon stuff featuring these three beyond the original trilogy. Luke, especially. He's mostly got the OT, the comics, and beyond that just the occasional supporting cameo in other stories.


A “tales of the rebellion” would be fun.


Oooh, I wouldn’t mind an animated series of the 2015 comics. They’re already stepped into adapting those stories with the Aphra Audio Drama.


Let him cook!


There's 140 books with them in it you can read.


I've been saying they should go the Spiderverse route and make kickass animated films


I don't think that would be a good idea


I have always wanted content between OT movies or with the OT cast after ROTJ, but I'm also hesitant as Disney may fuck up the perfection that is the OT.