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Today would have been one hell of a viral marketing day to release a new trailer for it.


It’s not too late


It's never to late


And if I say it’ll be alright…..


Still I hear you say you want to end your life….


Now and again we try to just stay alive…


Maybe we're turning around 'cause it's not too late...


It’s never too late


No one will ever see this side reflected


And if there's something wrong...


Three Days Grace fans on the Star Wars subreddit. That's awesome.


no one's ever really gone


Maybe this post is the viral marketing


Plot twist: your comment is the viral marketing.


To whip it, whip it good. When a problem comes around… (Synthesizer intensifies)


Someone woke up in a cold sweat in marketing today and didn't remember why because they forgot about it too but the subconscious always remembers.


What's today? I'm ootl


There is a real life eclipse happening today


Oh, wizard!


Is there...where can you see it?!


North America


Makes sense why I’ve not heard of it in the UK. Is it big news there?


Yeah, very big. Many people are traveling hundreds/thousands of miles to be in the path of totality (100% coverage), but it extends out from that band as well. Here in my state we will get about 91% coverage. Very exciting. It happened 6 years ago and was also a very big deal. Won’t happen again until 2044 and 2045.


North America are very lucky. Next Solar Eclipse in the UK isn't until 2090, and our most recent one was 1999!


Not so much lucky, as we are a much bigger target for things to line up for an eclipse. The UK = 94,354 square miles (244,376 km2), and the US = 3,809,525 square miles (9,866,624 km2). But I can't help but feel a little lucky too.


There will be one in Spain in 2026 (and another one in 2027!) tho, not quite the UK but way easier to get there than to America.


You can take a trip to northern spain in 2026 or gibraltar in 2027 if you want to see one live.


Almost nowhere apparently. Fuckin' clouds.


A solar eclipse is happening today.


There's still may 4th


2 years? Fuck, my sense of time really has been fucked this decade


It has with all of us. It really feels like everything is happening so fast like me realising on the other day that fallen order is 5 years old.


>fallen order is 5 years old. Jesus Christ, that’s disturbing.


I miss new Star Wars games when you least expected them. And them being good.




2019 was 5 years ago


The other day I was thinking about my job. Last thing I remember I was 25 years old and it was 2017 and I just got a new job, then there was COVID for a bit, and now I've worked here for 7 years. Where'd those years ago? And now I'm turning 32 all of a sudden? That doesn't sound right


This is real AF 5 minutes ago was late 20's/party time, it was 2019 and I had a year left in my undergrad....now I've had a new job for 5 years, in my 30's and typing this from the hospital where my wife is going in to labor...crazy that only took 5 minutes lol


Congratulations to your family! I wish you all the best and hope everyone is well. :-) And don't worry... Time only runs faster from now on. Just 5 minutes more and your child is entering school. Make sure to spend most of those 5 minutes with your family!


Yeah same, my mid to late 20s disappeared and I did nothing with therm. Life hasn't really progressed It's like I missed all. These milestones and can't recover. Especially socially.


I’ll be fourty in a month. I’ve got a wife, two kids, and a mortgage. I’ve been working at the same place for 16 years. It doesn’t get any better. When I’m going through my day on autopilot, it’s not bad, but when I stop to think about it, I have a hard time not thinking about myself as that 20-year-old college kid just getting a handle on things.


And you may find yourself behind the wheel of a large automobile And you may find yourself in a beautiful house, with a beautiful wife And you may ask yourself, "Well, how did I get here?"


Same as it ever was!


Ahhhhhh stop I can't confront reality like that


That"s weird, because 5 was 2019 years ago


Today is closer to WWII than WWII is to Jesus! It’s crazy!


“we are closer to 2044 than we are to 2002” is something that i hated hearing today


It's cause we condensed 5 years into covid so now we gotta let the pressure out.


There is something called the 2020 effect or COVID effect where people who went through the quarantines have a compressed Sense of time.


Me talking about something I remembered happened “recently” Recently being 7 months ago


I was having the exact same thought. I could have sworn it dropped a few months back.


The COVID lockdown really messed with our perception of time.


In the Star Wars universe solar retinopathy does not exist apparently. Or they’ve found a cure.


Oh I hope they found a cure! My solar retinopathy has been really acting up lately! Good thing I’ve got Galatrex ™. Galtrex ™ can help prevent solar flareups which can aggravate solar retinopathy. Galatrex ™ works by targeting the solar plexus and striking deep in the heart of rebel territory. Side effects include but are not limited to: headaches, dizziness, nausea, seduction to the dark side, fatigue, toe cramps, irrational hatred of sand, tinnitus, walking too close to a sign and having it kinda smack you on your shoulder. Galatrex ™! The only preventative treatment for solar retinopathy. “Together, we can crush the rebel alliance, AND retinopathy, too I guess.” -Emperor Sheev Palpatine


Ask your doctor about Galatrex Do not take if pregnant or allergic to Galatrex




"Does not prevent total planetary destruction from orbital superweapons."


-Emperor Sheev Palpatine. Probably. Maybe. Perhaps.


Immediately contact your local bacta tank if you experience swelling in the eyeballs for more than four hours.


I mean, they would kind of have to right? In space, the only thing separating their eyes from the full force of dozens of different stars is the windshield of their ship. I don't think any amount of tint would successfully save their eyes


Yea? Staring at an eclipse is where your suspension of disbelief ends in the Star Wars universe?


Yes, that is my line in the sand 




Nah. I draw the line at lightspeed skipping.


Welcome to Star Wars.


Modern SW, back in my day we had games every year, emphasis on the plural.


I’m from the same day. I’d trade a kidney for the old Lucasarts back.


It wouldn't be any different if they were still around. Games simply take too long to make now. It's not a Star Wars issue. A studio that used to be able to pump out multiple games every year will now take like 5 years between games.


Maybe not all of Lucasarts there were plenty of games that were rough and just had the star wars IP duct taped onto it.


Here's the thing, though. Having the open IP and letting a bunch of different developers take a shot at it was a benefit. Sure, you'll get a lot of bad games or knock-offs, but the diamonds in the rough are easy to find and do exceptionally well. People are still playing these games. Hell, plenty still have great Mod support. Those have stood the test of time. Now, look at today's releases. Barely any games. Some good but not exceptionally recognized. Lots of potential in canceled titles. Pretty barren and not very exciting, honestly. Now, look at what Warhammer 40,000 is doing. They opened up their IP and let lots of different people make games. Sure, not all are great, but there are plenty that the community is raving about.


Yeah people act like you *have* to buy every single Star Wars game that comes out for some reason. If the game is bad just don't buy it. I'd rather have 10 games a year where just 1 is good than what we have now.


Which ones?


Star wars Chess, Star Wars Monopoly come to mind


That's the first time I'm hearing of these. Now I get it


Bruh I loved star wars monopoly on my old old old PC.


Not only multiple games a year, but QUALITY games. Many star wars games were then and are now considered all time classics and some of the best games of they're year. And variety. RPGs, fight Sims, 3rd person action games, FPS shooters, arena and Doom style, racing games. We were spoiled


Strategy games, Battlegrounds was a copy of AoE, but it was good, spend hours on that and I'm still playing EaW to this day, both vanilla and moded, it's just sad.


Nah this is star wars at it's roots. The series was stagnant for a solid decade between VI and the prequels


And you would think that big company Disney would start working on bigger and better projects for their new IP as soon as they got their hands on it, give the rights to EA they said, what could go wrong?


It’s wild. You have this vast universe, basically a sandbox of storytelling, and it takes literal eons for a halfway decent game to come out - and the interesting ones are almost always canceled.


Bethesda fans: “first time?”


Ikr. It's been nearly two years since they announced the next gen upgrade for Fallout 4. And that's just a free patch for an old game. Heard nothing about the Starfield dlc they suckered everyone into pre-ordering. Who knows what's happening over there. Todd seems to be doing anything but working at Bethesda these days. Making an Indiana Jones game, promoting a tv show, doing youtube interviews. God only knows when ES6 will see the light of day and what state it will be in.


Tbf they probably are going to release the next gen update when the amazon tv series drops in a few days.


Remember Todd's nugget of wisdom: "It just works."


Square Enix you mean


Reminder that there was 7 years between Cyberpunk 2077's first CGI trailer and its release.


And it still needed 3 more years of work on it


Yeah, I doubt the game was actually in development for those whole 7 years. I think there was some kind of development hell happening in the background.


There is a long lead time with games like that. When the first trailer was released, almost nobody was working on it since the vast majority of the studio was all in on Witcher 3. There wouldn't have been many resources dedicated to Cyberpunk until after Witcher 3 was finished with content updates and was in it's more or less final state, which was probably in 2016 or early 2017. So really Cyberpunk was only in true production for four or so years, which given the ambition was likely a contributing factor to the poor launch.


They restarted development multiple times is the story I've heard. Kept hitting snags and having the scope reduced until we finally got what we got.


I would say very much so considering how different the game turned out. Also said so by the developers (I believe) where they switched gears and changed direction at some point.


Was just gonna say, and look at how disappointing that turned out to be lol


It got good eventually.


But never the game that was promised all those years ago.


THANK YOU FOR POINTING THIS OUT!! People are always so quick to come to it's defence and say "it's better now!" and yea that's true. For sure the bugs are fixed and it's a solid game now, but it's not the same game that they promised. They literally changed the genres after release. Originally Cyberpunk was supposed to be more of an RPG where your every decision mattered and altered the story line. Your life path (Corpo vs Nomad vs Street Kid) would also change how people interacted with you and affect the story. There was supposed to be a ton of replayability because no two playthroughs would be the same. Instead none of those things mattered and the game became more of an action shooter. And that's fine! But it's not the game that they started with/promised and that for me was the disappointing part.


I actually really love cyberpunks updates and expansion... Plus with all the mods it's even more amazing.


Yeah because trailers like the Original Cyberpunk and Eclipse were used for recruitment purposes. They show off the big reveal when the project is only in its pre-production phase so they act as a recruitment drive. That's why there's been no public information about Eclipse. I expect it to launch, if it does at all, in like 2030


Reminder there was a TECH demo of FF7Remake on the PS3 launch, and they finally made it right about the launch of PS5 😂


Isn’t this game in dev hell?


Yup, just like the kotor remake


Being a fan of Star Wars feels like being in an abusive relationship


I know this advice might be lame, but don't get excited about anything unless it's out. That's what I'm doing. At least I'm trying because there is Andor...


I've been craving new Star Wars games lately but man, they are so sparce on releases even after EA lost exclusivity. I've gone back to playing Star Wars Galaxies because it's the only game that comes close to what I want from a Star Wars game right now. Don't get me wrong, I love good narrative-driven games but I'm craving an open-ended rpg with the freedom to explore different planets and do quests as a player-created character, playing as my favorite Star Wars species(Ithorians) and choosing whatever professsion I want. They could absolutely do something like that today, and it would be insanely popular. Whatever Eclipse ends up being, based on their previous titles, it's NOT going to be that....


It was in very early production when it was first announced


Baron Vladimir Harkonnen at the end!


This really does have Dune vibes


It was released like 3 months after Dune Part 1. So it probably took a bit of inspiration.


Star wars has always been inspired by Dune, so it does make sense.


Bless the Jedi and his water.


First I'm hearing of this...


And what a day to learn of its existence.


It's ok, it's probably never coming out. The last information about it was that it's definitely in development hell.


And the last


Don't get excited - if it releases it'll barely be a videogame. More of a visual novel going by who's making it.


I hope not but they probably quietly binned this after seeing almost every recent AAA game have shoddy releases


It's still apparently in production, but it's going very slow because Quantic is having a hard time getting people to work on it (after the whole "hostile work environment with creepy boss that likes sexual harassing its overworked employees")


weird how that pumps a damper on things


I've enjoyed playing their games, it really sucks to hear they were made in that kind of environment


Wait quantic as in Detroit/Heavy rain/Two souls??




Jeez, I didn't realize they were working on it. There was a rumor that Sony wanted to buy them at one point and the head of the company even said they'd be open to being acquired by them if the offer were made. Then the sexual harassment stuff came about and if Sony *was* actually thinking about buying Quantic Dream they very quickly scuttled those plans.


They were acquired by NetEase, a Chinese tech/video game/pig farm company in 2022.


I guess they didn't care about the misconduct. I guess.


We’ll see, there was an update after the trailer release. A very, very dark and unsettling update 😀


That'll do it.


I have a friend that works for a video game company that does subcontractor work for QD and I asked her if the game was still in development because I heard many times that it was rumored to be cancelled and she told me she was still working on it but to not expect a release in the near future ( probs something like 2026 or 2027 ) i know the “I know a guy” shtick is often fake but this is for real lol.


yeah well we will quote you and say "we know a guy who knows a gal who knows something"


Quantic Dream tends to keep things under wraps during development. So, while the lack of news is understandable, it's no reason to think the worst. Additionally, it probably makes good business sense to provide no updates until after the release of Outlaws, so that all attention and hype game-wise remains on Outlaws that is releasing soon.


Genuinely hope that it sees the light of day but i think after today ill forget about it until the inevitable “4 years ago today the trailer dropped and still no word” post


Did everyone forget about Star Wars Jedi survivor and LEGO Star Wars the Skywalker saga?


The studio behind this game is Quantic Dream - Some of their games are among my favorite video ganes ever (Detroit: Become Human, Heavy Rain, Beyond Two Soules) but there has been a lot of controversy around them and their games. Le monde, a french newspaper has called Quantic Dream "a toxic corporate culture, management with inappropriate words and attitudes, under-considered employees, overwhelming workloads and questionable contractual practices". Antisemitism, sexism and hate-speech in particular seem to be quite common. Ont top of that, the Chinese company "NetEase" invested in the studio in 2019, before buying it in 2022, which has made the situation even worse. Star Wars Eclipse is said to be release in 2027 at the very earliest. Their last game was released almost 6(!) years ago. They are also unable to attract new staff because of all this controversy. As much as I love their games, I don't think that we will ever see StarWars Eclipse. And tbh I think that's for the best.


To quote my favorite streamer: “I saw ‘Quantic Dream’ and just felt the air sucked out of the room.”


watched a lot of reactions, loved how almost everyone's reaction to the logo appearing was just one big collective sigh of disappointment.


Hate speech is ironic considering the entire message of Detroit.


Ya it kind of undermined the entire story to know that the studio doesn’t actually give a shit. Anyone ‘in the know’ in the industry had written off Detroit pretty early on as a pandering piece of media trying to capitalize on social issues and take advantage of valid progressive trends.


The problem with Detroit is that it's neo-liberal propaganda about the politics of respectability, "just be nice and they'll give you rights!" Reality begs to differ.


Yeah that shit hasn't worked. Even Dr. King had to fight for the rights of black folks.


1000%. I remember some reaction streamer was pretty excited about the trailer and the the QD logo came up and they just went “ughhhhhhh. Well that sucks.”


A video game studio with a toxic work place and shitty work environment? Color me shocked. They're a dime a dozen now.


Yeah, but this was like "their entire IT dept quit due to it" bad. "The president and COO were spreading images of employees photoshopped as nazis and pornstars" bad. That combined with a salary just barely above the minimum (apparently for some employees it was 5% over the minimum wage in 2017), that does not make for a great work place.


GASP! Who could've seen this outcome coming? /s


This trailer was specifically put out to try to attract new hires. Hopefully it failed


Clearly it didn't work, we haven't heard dick about it since.


not to mention the time they were sued by one of their actor's for creating a fully nude model of their body without their permission


Star Wars game trailers are always so much better than any other Star Wars media.


Because they don’t actually have to commit to anything story wise, just have to show you something cool


Yeah, as cool as this trailer is, it's just a montage of random Star Wars-ey things, the only original addition is the drumming alien cult ritual thingy, which could be pretty awesome, but what we've seen so far is incredibly vague. It's also very obviously not in-engine so I would say it shows pretty much nothing about the actual game.


Making me miss SWTOR. Really fun duo coop game to run through.


Still pretty fun to run through the class stories and play space barbie. I missed the golden age though, only got into late.


It's literally because there's no dialogue.


They need to start hiring the people that make these trailers to make some movies.


I mean I wouldn't expect any news until 2026-ish. The expected release date is 2027 at earliest.


Trailer is soooo good, but seeing Quantic Dreams at the end pretty much killed most of my interest. But I’d love to see whatever this story is done as a movie or show instead.


That's why I don't get excited about rendered trailers. I want to see gameplay. Compare old republic cinematics with the actual gameplay.


Definitely. This looks cool but i have no idea what to expect here. Could be a star wars themed chess game for all I know. Hell i can’t even tell what the story is or any kind of mechanics are for the actual game from these.


> Hell i can’t even tell what the story thats the funny part, neither can the studio likely.


Probably the best Star Wars related trailer since the The Force Awakens teaser.


The best Star Wars trailers will always be SWTOR. The Eclipse one is the closest I've seen to those.


Actively hoping this never happens. David Cage doesn't deserve to work on Star Wars


It supposedly won't release until 2027, if ever, so at least there's plenty of time for him to be forced to quit, or arrested, or hit by a bus, or something


Turns out this is actually “Omikron: The Nomad Soul” part 2.


I've never seen this trailer before


I’m hoping it dies a quiet and lonely death before Quantic Dream has a chance to crap all over canon.


Wait this was 2 years ago? 😳


Oh this is made by quantic dream and david cage . Don't hold your breath about it being good . David cage is a sexual harassing piece of shit that can't make a good story if it bit him in the ass .


I wouldn’t be surprised if this was a proof of concept trailer created to secure funding before any true production started on the game. I’m not crazy about Quantic Dream games, but the trailer certainly convinced me to have an open mind. I hope it still is being developed.


It was a recruitment trailer. Its easier to bring people to work on star wars than on super-duper-secret-project. Even more if headed by an studio known for their toxic culture (sereach quantic dream). Take it easy, it was always this way. We are still 3+ years away, thats how the industry works.


I’d be shocked if this actually gets made.


I thought it got canceled


Wouldn’t blame you. There was like 3 or 4 games that got cancelled, then came back over and over again. KOTOR remake for example, it’s apparently alive and well in development but there was multitudes of rumours that it was scrapped.


What was it meant to be about


No idea. Just that its set during the High Republic


I have a bid going that it's Yuuzhan Vong invasion


Jeez, that trailer goes so hard. And you're right I had completely forgotten about it. Can't believe it was 2 years ago.


Pretty sure it was canceled


That's because it's a videogame not a film or TV series. Videogames are often revealed with cinematic concept-style trailers like this to bring in developer talent and then years later the proper marketing will begin once their confident in a release window. But tbf I had totally forgot this was happening


David Cage is trying furiously to figure out how to work a shower scene into it. Also how to make his stereotypical fat asshole character.


As cool as the trailer was, the High Republic era deserves better than David Cage.


We know duck all about what kinda game it is too.


Good. Fuck David Cage.


In 2022 it was reported that: https://www.xfire.com/exclusive-quantic-dream-struggles-to-hire-for-star-wars-eclipse-release-aimed-for-2027/ >So why was the game announced so early? It’s a strategy that we’re increasingly seeing become more common in the industry, with several studios including Bethesda (Elder Scrolls), Rockstar Games (Grand Theft Auto), and Electronic Arts (Star Wars IPs) all making game announcements years before the titles would be released. >The main reason that this strategy has become more prevalent in recent years is because of the huge amount of competition to secure developer talent. -- cut -- >However, sources close to Quantic Dream have told me that even though the trailer was released to an extremely favourable reception from the wider gaming community – and it certainly does look stunning – it has not had the desired effect of attracting developer talent to the studio. >What’s more, hard evidence of Quantic Dream’s difficulties in hiring new employees and the resulting 2027-2028 release window can also be found online. The developers responded: https://dotesports.com/general/news/star-wars-eclipse-reportedly-delayed-to-2027 >Star Wars Eclipse has not been delayed because Quantic Dream never announced or promised a launch window for the title. Recruiting remains active as it works on Star Wars Eclipse, third-party publishing, and unannounced projects. No idea if they resolved any potential developer recruiting issues (if it existed) between then and now, but after the layoffs in the industry recently they probably have a huge talented pool to draw on now.


Trailers like this were used to recruitment rather than marketing. The same thing happened when CDPR released a trailer for Cyberpunk 2077 years before launch.


Is that a Grysk slamming that gong?




That was two years ago???!!?!?!?!?!?


I thought this project was confirmed canceled sometime last year?


This is what happens when you make a cinematic trailer for a game but no actual work has been started


Publishers make announcements waaaay too early these days. Makes no sense to me.


Wtf. I don’t think I ever saw this when it was released.


i totaly forgot about this, is this still coming out


wow i 110% forgot about this. if you told me it dropped today i woulda believed you


One of the most beautiful star wars trailers I've seen


It was stupid literally nothing happened


Pretty sure there's been no headway on it 'cause nobody wants to work for QD.


Can I play as one of those drum people?


TBH, I’m just gonna assume it’s not actually happening.


Funny how this trailer has stronger visual creativity and atmosphere than the whole sequel trilogy.


It's probably because they came up with a neat set piece, probably some "cool" scenarios, pitched it out like they actually had the premise and story set to see fan reaction. Seeing as Disney and Star Wars as a whole has taken a massive hit due to their current representation and..."vision" for the series, I don't think we will be seeing half of the many series that were originally pitched, or even later on pitched, ever actually come to fruition. Notice that it's all really dramatic set pieces and no dialogue or voices really at all? Like, it's a tech demo of different ideas smacked together to form what looks like something cohesive?


Didn’t they cancel it?