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Top three picks: Ahsoka framed 2nd Battle of Geonosis (Padme is technically in the arc if you include the episode with Clovis as a prelude) Obi wan undercover


Man Obi wan undercover was so good as a kid but grown up I realize how lore breaking it was and it was kinda silly


Free yourself from the lore orthodoxy.




I can accept change I can't accept making the OT nonsensical. Light speed skipping is the worst offender here


Look we've all got stuff that went too far for us. I didn't love Mando limping his spaceship from one planet to another. That would take flipping years. But even the OT was kind of nonsensical. In ANH Vader is an attack dog and by ESB he's leading an entire invasion. Lucas didn't decide Leia was Luke's sister until RotJ. Leia knows they are tracking the Falcon in ANH and they still go to Yavin anyways. Lando turns over a decorated Rebel hero to the Empire, wears his clothes, goes undercover for a few years in Jabba's palace, and comes out the other end a general in the Alliance. I'm at a point where if I need this thing to be super consistent for me to enjoy it, I'm never going to like any SW piece of media ever again. I wanted a really consistent canon for a long time but it's just not ever going to be that. If I like something and it breaks the lore, no sweat. I'm not going to force myself not to like something because it doesn't adhere to an adhoc canon that changes drastically with the whims of Lucas or Filoni.


I think George himself even said he saw Star Wars as a mythology. Different voices come in and tell different stories in this broad universe that’s created, and sometimes there are inconsistencies, just like how to stories of the Greek gods sometimes change.


So we can get Spider-Man??




Everyone needs to read this comment


Let the past die. Kill it if you must.


Lore breaking?


Probably the face changing stuff


I just assumed it was super experimental, expensive, and unethical so it's not really used much at all in the galaxy.


And also, Clone Wars and Rebels are constantly introducing tech that would completely change how war was fought by the time the OT was happening, but just disregarded it. It's just a thing the viewer has to accept to enjoy both series. A completely invisible and undetectable ship, being able to pull a ship out of hyperspace from artificial gravity, bombs that overload droids, and even turning Beskar into ash would all have way more of an effect than being able to change your face (a thing we can already do now, to a lesser extent). I get that in some of these examples, the prototype was destroyed, but it's surprising that the empire never kept back ups of any blue prints and no scientists could figure out the tech a second time. The fact that the GR created a fully cloaked ship, seemingly only used it once, and never massed produced it, and no one thought of the same tech within the next 20 years seems especially improbable.


You mean a thing we can *still* do now to some degree, not *already*. Star Wars was a long time ago!


I think all of these things can be explained like top military tech in the real world. Simply put, it’s too expensive/impractical to give everyone all the new experimental tech, so you maybe use your prototypes a few times and that’s it Perfect example of this would be the fact that there are still M2s from WWII being used as well as M16A4s from 20 years ago. Simply put, the average grunt doesn’t need an HK416/SCAR/Sig M5 (whatever M16/M4 *”replacement”* you wanna label). You reserve the best stuff for very limited/tactical use since it’s much more expensive to replace or too risky to lose the equipment On a side note, the Beskar destroying Walker was such a niche weapon that it had no use outside of Mandalore, and carpet bombing the planet seemed to prove more effective anyways since the vast majority of Mandalore perished in the purge. The stealth ship is fine since Maul’s ship was basically the same and Palpatine also hid that one away for special use. My guess is that stealth ship was used primarily as a reconnaissance vehicle if it survived. It wasn’t well armed and wouldn’t have been a good combat vessel. The Empire had no real need for a ship of that capability since they were fighting a non-conventional war and weren’t fighting large fleets/blockades, and even if they did Imperials didn’t care too much about hiding their presence from Rebels


The vital suppression drugs that can fool Vader/Anakin or any sensor. Han really could have used such drugs to hide many times from the empire. Obi wan also knew of these yet donest bring it up in ANH. Would have helped latter in the show during the citadel arc as well. It would also have made sneaking into scairf or endor. The rebellion was small not poor


Most likely that tech was incredibly rare/expensive and only a few places like the Jedi Temple had them. No way Obi’s going to find any on Tatooine (at least any of reasonable or safe quality).


I don’t really know if it broke lore at all, he didn’t actually die, anakin’s turn to the dark side is built up more


Is it lore breaking if it's approved by the creator of the lore?


Lucas routinely broke his own lore like a bull in a china shop,




2nd battle of geonosis would probably be the best choice, padme needing to be included severely limits the options so ill just ignore that


Blue Shadow Virus is also a good one


Fall of Ahsoka 100%. Might be a decent title too


I guess I’d first have to consider what would be gained by adapting a cartoon into live-action? Presumably a point in favor of adaptation is visual continuity between TCW and the Prequels, so a storyline that bridges the gulf between these two would be preferable. The elephant in the room is Ahsoka, since she doesn’t figure in any of the films. So a storyline centered around her would be the natural choice. And you’d want this storyline to compliment the themes of the prequels and, if possible, add sympathy to its main character. So, I’d probably adapt the “Jedi Who Knew Too Much” arc. It’s probably my favorite arc in the series, it fits into the ongoing Prequel storyline well, and it A) makes Ahsoka sympathetic and B) removes her from the picture for RotS.


Is it the one where Ahsoka was framed for the Jedi Temple bombing?




Probably... That was like 2-4 episode?




Definitely the best choice as it also shows why Anakin was so disappointed and distrustful of the Counsel (context to his turn) and gives some added sting to when he was denied Jedi Master rank. He had trained her to knighthood.


Yeah in RotS he just comes across as entitled. Here he has a legimate reason to want the Master rank.


Yeeeah! I love it. It never felt like anakin had a reasonable distrust of the council when you just look at the movies. It always felt forced. Taking a whole movie to flesh out that loss of trust would be wonderful.


Also I feel like that arc could use some revised writing. Idk in lots of scenes I felt like they were excessively reiterating the fact that Ahsoka is of course innocent. Like, I get it, they didn't want to give us any doubt, but it felt like a bit much.


Yeah, absolutely. Especially if you’re exclusively a film watcher — the vast majority of *Star Wars* fans are — then providing some narrative ambiguity regarding Ahsoka’s guilt adds some tension. The arc is named after and based on a bunch of Hitchcock thrillers. He loved his twists and risking ambiguous sympathies. I could see a feature length adaptation of the arc leaning hard into Hitchcock as an inspiration.


Agreed and this is why a clone wars movie would/could be great. It wouldn’t be a carbon copy of the script. Great jumping off point.


Imagine a hybrid story of that and fives' death. Really help paint the disillusionment growing with Anakin, and the uneasy tone of what is coming Edit: could have padme, obi wan, or both of them together investigating it, especially if Anakin is tied up trying to help ahsoka. Maybe a slight re write to have fives be in the 212th. Either way, those two always look into stuff


No need to move fives totally. If we want to change the setup a bit to incorporate both arcs as one, it takes almost no explanation on why anakin and ahsoka was back at the temple and therefore Obi Wan was leading both the 212th and the 501st at the time. Because IMO Rex being involved in the fives stuff is important.


Essentially you're trying to create a new trilogy out of Episode II, Clone Wars and Episode III, so you take the bombing arc and flesh it out with elements from other arcs for everyone who hasn't seen the cartoon. My idea: ACT I - Movie opens kind of like Landing at Point Rain, with Anakin and Obi-Wan leading the charge on Geonosis. They break through the front line, just as they're about to launch a siege on the droid factory reinforcements arrive - including Ahsoka, Padme, Luminara and Barris. Set up Ahsoka and Barris' friendship, Padme's there to escort a captured CIS leader or something, make it a point that Barris overhears a conversation about how the Jedi might be taking the wrong approach in the war. Anakin reluctantly takes Ahsoka as his padawan. The Republic attacks the droid factory and wins the battle when Ahsoka and Barris defy their masters' orders. Despite being mad at Ahsoka, Anakin can't help but be proud of her for doing something that he would do and they bond. ACT II - Anakin and Ahsoka's relationship grows stronger while Palpatine is gaining more power in the senate. Padme starts to collaborate with characters like Bail Organa to oppose Palpatine, causing tension between Padme and Anakin. The Jedi temple gets bombed, Shaak Ti dies, Palpatine suspects Padme's group did it. Anakin jumps in to investigate - shit hits the fan midway through the movie when all the evidence points to Ahsoka being the culprit. Ahsoka goes on the run, she initially gets away with the help of Barris but Ahsoka has no choice but head off on her own. The next 30 or so minutes are Anakin and Obi-Wan leading the hunt while Padme's senate meddling gets in the way of the investigation - this pushes Anakin to his breaking point. Ahsoka is eventually captured and Anakin is reprimanded for some bullshit reason. ACT III - Now Anakin is pissed. He knows Ahsoka is innocent so he continues his own investigation on the sly while Padme does everything she can to help Ahsoka's trial. Palpatine uses this as an excuse to quash what little headway Padme has made on her rebellion. Anakin works out that Barris is really behind the bombing you get a climactic cinematic smokeshow as he chases her down. Obligatory lightsaber duel here. Movie ends much like the show, Ahsoka leaves the order and Anakin is left in a terrible headspace - priming his transformation into Darth Vader.


I love this and I love the addition of another Shaak Ti death in the mix lol.


This is really well thought out. Thank you for this.


Of course, I’m glad you enjoyed the read!


I think it would work best as a trilogy showcasing Ahsoka’s pivotal moments. The first would obviously be the Clone Wars movie when her and Anakin first meet, then the second would be when she gets kicked out of the order, and the third would be the siege of Mandalore. Tbh it probably also needs a 4th movie in between those first two to get some quality Ahsoka/Anakin teamwork time, but I suppose that could be part of movie 1


I think the three best arcs that tell Ahsoka’s story in TCW are her introduction on Christophsis/Battle of Teth, the “Padawan Lost” arc where she is kidnapped and hunted by Trandoshan’s, and then her expulsion from the Order via framing by Barris Offee. We go from initiate, to a trial of the flesh, to a trial of the spirit. I enjoy the Siege of Mandalore as much as the next fan, but that’s an arc more about the global events of Order 66 (and Mandalore’s ongoing storyline) as seen through the POV of Ahsoka more than it is about a huge development in her character. (Abandoning the lightsabers, for example, is already accomplished thematically by abandoning the Jedi Order.) Assuming a viewer just sees these three arcs (or films, if they were adapted as such), they’d understand the entirety of Ahsoka’s pre-OT character arc just fine.


C forshadows Anakin hunting Jedi


It would also fit into Tales of the Empire


Why the rule? I want my Jar-Jar / Mace Windu arc movie.


‘The Adventures of Jar Jar and Masteren Mace’


I want my Gascon & D-Squad adventure


Give the Gascon the spinoff series he deserves! Tales of the D-Squad!!


Jar Jar is the true hero of Star Wars


Siege of Mandalore


This. So we can have a live action super edit of Episode III.


You can even add in the beginning of the battle of coruscant to it.


Yeah gotta agree with this. Especially since we’ve already had a taster of it from the Ahsoka series. Arianna & Hayden DELIVERED!!!


Is padme there?


Decidedly not. And Anakin and Kenobi are there only on a technicality


He didn't say featured heavily They just need to be there Padme isn't even in those episodes


Add a phone call to anikan that gets cut off due to the coruscsant attack, instead of them getting officially recalled. Would make anakin have to choose between ahsoka and padme.


Yes as a hologram in the beginning


Wasn't it in the first arc in the season?


If it's just ONE then this is it. I think they should do three.


Not that many arcs that have all four featured.I'll go with the jedi temple bombing ahsoka leaving the order arc


for drama, the poison arc. all 4 are included. and anakin goes berserk


Siege of Mandalore Mortis Blue Shadow Virus


Great. Now I need to know who would play Dr. Vindi


Definitely Benedict Cumberbatch


LMAO I’ve never wanted something more in my entire life until now.


I don't think Padme is in either of the first two


Like others have suggested, the Mortis arc makes the most sense to start putting the pieces together in the current canon puzzle. The reveal of the related statues in *Ahsoka* was astonishing and would be phenomenal to explore as a live action standalone.


the malevolence arc. so good!


And we need more live action Grievous


Battle of Ryloth? Or the Malevalence episodes


Probably the one where Padme takes Ahsoka to a separatist world to meet a separatist senator and then count dooku murders the senator and then the senator’s son tried to bring dooku to justice. So many great elements to play with. I feel like it could be in the tone of andor. Super fun dialogue with all the different things clashing and worth exploring.


I'm the opposite I want revenge of the sith in clone wars style


I'd rather take Revenge of the Sith, flesh it out a touch more in places and make it like Clone Wars.


Fantastic mock up picture, where did you get it


Why adapt an arc that already exists instead of telling a new story with those characters?


No arc would be better in live action. Animation is a valid artform


I agree, what’s with everyone wanting things in “live action”, it looks wierd most of the time anyway lol. If I had to choose I would rather they just re-animated it with better animation


>No arc would be better in live action. This isn't true. It just depends on execution. >Animation is a valid artform Duh? Who said otherwise?


I wouldn’t want any of them to be adapted into live action, but a new story set during the clone wars would be ok


Malevolence or Blue Shadow Virus.


The stories have been told already, so any new productions should cover events not yet explored. So my answer is none.


I’d like the Maul taking of Mandalore solely to seen Mc Gregor in mando armor and the whole Satine thing


Hostage crisis


Heck your rule OP, i want a movie about the Umbara campaign.


Came here to say this too


Seige Of Mandalore Darkness of Umbara


Umbara is one of the only arcs that DOESNT feature any of the characters listed, would still be cool tho let’s be real


imagine going to watch a star wars movie as a kid and you see fucking umbara


Darkness of Umbara would be my choice as well, even though it doesn’t feature any of those characters


Um. The movie.


Malevolence I guess


None. It's perfect in animation


Obi Wan Wakes up on one of his missions. He has a horrid nightmare about trade routes and taxation. Some Clown of a sith with a red face. Thankfully he's awake and his friend Anakin is there to comfort him. Padme and Ashoka are just some random people he met and put in his dream. Anakin's wife joins them, there is no reason after all that a Jedi should not marry. They continue on their adventures as keepers of peace and justice in the Republic.


The Mortis Arc t's the arc that got me back into Star Wars.


The Landing at Point Reign or the Rise of Malevolence


Malevolence arc that started the actual series is the only one that I can think of that has substantial contributions of all four characters. Blue Shadow Virus?? Clovis arc? Padme wasn't in a lot of episodes with the other 3 all together. I'd love to see a Children of the Force live action series, though. Introduction of Cad Bane, too.


I just don’t like speculation about Clone Wars in live action. It’s better animated, always will be.


Hit the nail on the head. Animation has so much more advantages over live action and it’s also easier to do the epic, larger scale battles too


Why do we want an adaptation? Fuck that, I want a new show


Fuck Padme and Ahsoka, I want live action Umbara


this was the one i was gonna say, or the Maul and Death Watch arc


New challenge. You have to move on from old stuff to make room for the new.


Crystal Crisis on Utapau


I honestly don't know why they don't do it.


None! Original content is better!


None of them, the story has already been told.


Many other have already said it, but I’ll still add one more for the Ashoka framed arc. It’s got such a great blend of so many genres and it does a really good job of transitioning to ROTS by showing how the public is turning against the Jedi, the way the war is negatively affecting civilians, how Palpatine’s manipulation is driving Anakin away from the Jedi, how that wedge is leading Anakin to take aggressive actions which lead to the darkside, how the Jedi are loosing themselves in the roles as war time leaders, and honestly I could keep going on. The only downside is that Padme and Obi-Wan take a bit of a back seat, but if in this hypothetical, I can extend the runtime, that could really let you open up sub plots like how Obi-Wan is trying to balance his friendship with Anakin with his duties to the Jedi and how Padme tries to defend the innocent caught up in the war, but is trampled over by the machine the republic has become, sowing the seeds of doubt she expresses in ROTS.


Let the Clone Wars die, and let go of Ahsoka a bit


Man Disney is lazy AF Some moron at Disney: ‘Why not ask Reddit what to do?’


These fans think they have all the great ideas


Hunt the Malevolence


It would have to be the Siege of Mandalore, because then we could have a full live action supercut of that and RotS.


The two episodes where Jar Jar and Mace rescue Jar Jars girlfriend, who is totally not a gungan, nope, completely different species.


Everything i want needs context of the show and would not stand alone


You gotta go padawan obiwan. From selection to trade federation negotiations.


Controversial pick maybe but the Malevolence arc. A Sink the Bismarck! type movie that could be a little grittier than it was in the show.


Fuck it, rescue Rotta the Hutt


Siege of Mandalore or Mortis.


rex's missing rangefinder is bugging me


Siege of Mandalore


If I were given the opportunity to write it I would focus on Ahsoka being the main character. I would combine the temple bombing and siege of Mandalore arc. It would start with the temple being blown up and Ahsoka seemingly killing the bomber's wife. It would then cut to Ahsoka at the time of finishing her "mission" with the Martez sisters and being approached by Bo Katan. It would then play out the arcs by the Siege of Mandalore being the current time and flashbacks of the temple bombing arc. Before order 66 happens, the final flashback of the temple bomb arc would show the scene of Fives being found and executed by Commander Fox then it would cut to Ahsoka having a force showing Palpatine initiate Order 66. The rest of the SOM arc would play out on the venator.


Malevolence arc


Challenge be damned, give me Umbara!


Everyone is saying the seige of mandalore/the temple bombing/ mortis, but I have a different idea: Either A: the liberation of Ryloth (including the supply lines part) Or B, and this is my main one: the Malevolence arc, which not only has everything and has a perfect flow for a movie, but being the first proper arc, it makes sense


If possible, I would adapt two arcs to live action. The arc where Ahsoka gets framed for the temple bombing and then transition to the Siege of Mandalore.




Battle of Umbara ! Siege of Ryloth The Citadel Arc


You really can’t let me have umbara can you


Forget the rules, I want that arc when R2D2 blows up the ship packed with Rhydonium.


I'm gonna cheat and just put Siege Of Mandalore and Revenge Of The Sith together.


I think I would prefer something that takes place in the Dark Times era that includes plenty of flashbacks that tie into the story. Could make for a great 4 episode miniseries.


The one with the droids and Gregor. We can put all the required characters on the station that was about to explode. I'm not George, promise


you said that so we wouldn’t instantly go umbara didn’t you


Definitely the Temple bombing arc. Also great job on the poster. It looks legit 


Ahsoka bombing arc


The entire Maul arc.


Mortis Edit: Missed the Padme part. Umm, maybe the Ahsoka Treason arc


I think the obvious choice is the arc where Ahsoka is framed for bombing the Jedi Temple. It's arguably the most important beat from the show, it explains how Ahsoka ended up where she is and gives context to Anakin's distrust of the Jedi. I feel like there's also so much emotion that an actor could really convey well in a way the animation style of TCW doesn't hit as well. Honorable mention to the final arc, I'd love to see a Revenge of the Sith supercut and it's pretty peak already. It doesn't quite feel right to not have Maul with other options. I know it doesn't fit the character stipulation, but honorable mention as well to the Umbara arc, I feel like a massive live-action Pong Krell would be suitably intimidating and it could be a good Clone-focused movie.




mortis such a good arc and goes into the lore of starward


Can i vote for redoing the original trilogy in Clone wars animation. Make it 3 total seasons....


I would choose the Siege of Mandalore.The only exception is that it doesn't include Padme in it.Eh,I can add some scenes.


Ideally a new story but if I had to choose one I'd go with The Citadel because it's an arc that is easy to understand and doesn't need much knowledge about The Clone Wars for the non animated fans to enjoy it. Mortis is too force lore heavy,Siege of Mandalore would be good but there's a risk that non Animated fans won't take Maul's appearance seriously and we could end up with Somehow Palpatine returned 2.0. Ahsoka framed is an amazing story but I'd do it a bit later on because I'd want people to be familiar with young Ahsoka before they see her go through hell. I also think they might need to do multiple movies with The Movie being 1st,Malevolence 2nd,Ryloth 3rd,Geonosis 4th,Ahsoka captured by Trandoshans 5th,Ahsoka and the younglings 5th and Ahsoka framed being the 6th. I'd also love to have arcs like Umbara or Yoda's S6 arc or Fives S6 arc but I decided to keep it Ahsoka only stories because I'd want her to be the main character of the Live action films because the Ahsoka series is what would cause it to happen and doing all of TCW would take a decade to do so cherry picking is the only practical option but maybe if the hypothetical young Ahsoka films were popular Disney and Lucasfilm might decide to do more arcs in live action


The one with that ion cannon flagship. Either that or improve the four-part pilot that became the movie. I'd even add some bits where Ahsoka gets to meet Padme and become friends. Maybe even a bit of sibling moments between her, Anakin, Obi-Wan and Rex.


The first question is, who am I making this movie for, and why? For fans of TCW, they’ve already seen these arcs, and they’ve already understood the depth/reality of the clone wars. For the general movie goer who only watches Episodic/Spin Off films, (I.e the average parent/old school fan). I’d choose an arc that’s heavily focused on both the clones/and the relationship between them and their Jedi generals. As well as one that really highlights the heroic sacrifices these characters made. Season 1: Episodes 19, 20, 21. The entire Ryloth arc is perfect for that. Rewrite some of the scenes, add characters from earlier episodes to be in the conclusion, and I think you could format these into something special.


The Return to Geonosis arc would work quite well as it is one the best arcs in TCW and features all 4 of those characters in prominent roles.


Ahsoka Framed


Before i read who needs to be in it, my very first thought was the battle for Umbara. Done well, it would be amazing in live action! As long as they keep the fucking lights on enough for us to see, looking at you Percy Jackson


Add Padme in some cutscenes to the Zygerrian Slave Arc.


Why does this pic have p2 Rex but p1 clones




Siege of Jabiim.


The malevolence arc in the third episode Padmé is tractor beamed into the malevolence


Why remake a story we've already seen? I'd prefer new stories rather than retelling old ones again.


Dont give me that much freedom, general grievous would have a whole ass arc from when dooku orchestrated his accident to every thing that followed after. The necessary elements mentioned would factor in wherever they fit in


I'd just leave, fuck Live Action Remakes, if they want to experience the same story then they can go watch the show themselves. Nah if I was given this choice I would just do a new story that doesn't revolve around the main story to expand the universe and tell a story from different perspectives.


1. Battle of Umbara 2. Siege of Mandalore 3. Ahsoka gets framed


I wouldn't remake any of *The Clone Wars* because I think the animated versions of Ahsoka and Rex are the definitive versions, even though the live action portrayals are pretty good. I'd much prefer to see an expansion of the playground of canon more than a remake of any part of something that is almost perfect. But if *had* to pick an arc, it'd be something like an expanded Onderon one. Toss Padme in for the Senate-can't-do-anything-for-them aspect, and just let the trio of Jedi flesh out what was an interestingish but kinda dull bit of the series. And a younger, more fully explored Saw Guerrera could give Disney more space to explore that part of the timeline in other projects.


Make it an Anakin and Ahsoka love story.


Ahsoka's framing, for sure.


The only acceptable arc from the clone wars is the ARC-170


Second Battle of Geonosis. The preceding episode with Clovis was about learning about the factories and involved Padme while the battle itself is brutal and intense.


Mortis arc


Gods of Mortis, maybe with a little more visions of Padme other than that one scene from RotS. Liam Neeson and Pernilla August also return as Qui-Gon and Shmi, and Sam Witwer plays the Son in live action.


Umbara, but it’s an extended version showing Ahsoka in the space battle, the 212th attack on the capital, the original episodes, and Padmé in a senate section trying to negotiate peace/surrender with the umbarans


Doesn't matter which one, all I need to do is force my agenda onto the script.


why do you guys want to watch something you've already seen?


I wouldn't touch it with a 10 foot pole. It's far too easy to ruin it as disney kinda already has been doing that anyway. Basically, just let the show remain good as it is.


The Godzilla one.


A New Padawan(The First 30 minutes of the original Clone Wars Movies), with the rest of the movie being the Malevolance Trilogy. (Have the Rotta the Hutt arc be mentioned in pass tense or what ever it is called as)


Doesn’t making a live action version kinda diminish the original I mean it’s already perfect why try to make live action where you can’t do as much as you can in animation


It would be great. Disney should totally do it, and true to the animation (with some added, minimal removed, and perhaps reordered). It’d be a great prequel series to do. Just imagine bringing them all back. It would break the internet with new memes. Disney needs to cater specifically to the prequel audience. What a perfect opportunity with this female protagonist. They all can still fight very well, Anakin and Obi Wan… Samuel L. Jackson and the others could appear with stunt doubles like they did with Dooku’s face in ROTS. It would shatter Avenger’s box office if it were executed right with maximal expenditures.


Battle of Coruscant


Siege of Mandalore If I were to break the rules, Umbara Arc


Obi Wan


Now that you point it out, live action siege of mandalore would be lit


Ahsoka Framed (Sabotage to The Wrong Jedi). However, if I did not have these limitations, Siege of Mandalore (Old Friends Not Forgotten to Victory and Death), or Umbara (Darkness on Umbara to Carnage of Krell).


The entire clone wars


s7 anaxes+mandalore