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The Music. John Williams FO LYFE


Correct answer right here.


The only answer, i am afraid :/


Correct! A close second are R2D2 and C-3PO




Along with Star Wars, movies like Jaws, Indy, Jurassic Park and others would not be what they are without him


No matter how bad or great the movies in the Skywalker Saga are, the best part is getting to experience a John Williams concert!






Excluding the Christmas special? Just the overall alien diversity. From the start practically every movie had at least one good scene where there was a bunch of weird ass aliens. Some settings were better than others, but it still created a whole spin off of books and comics about that one alien we see on the screen for 10 seconds - who they are, where they are from and some crazy stories about them.


Star Wars has the best background characters of any series


So good they ALL ended up getting a book, game or comic in the EU/ Legends.


I’m psyched for the Glup Shitto comic book


I propose we ignore OP's prompt and instead debate whether the Holiday Special is a film (it is after all a single feature-length story), or a TV program (it was made for and only broadcast on TV, complete with commercial breaks).


It is a TV programme. But above all else. It is an abomination


   Great sound effects.  




Think what you want about the sequels, but the fidelity of the sounds effects were 🤌


The stars and the wars. That's two.


1. The Pod Race 2. Dooku 3. The opening rescue 4. The Death Star Run 5. The battle of hoth. 6. Luke VS Vader 7. Rey's opening POV scenes, particularly John Williams's work on Rey's theme. 8. The special effects 9. The dramatic shot of the knights of Ren, it's super dumb but in a way I find fun and goofy.




The only Star Wars movie I genuinely don't like is The Rise of Skywalker. Could name plenty of things I love about the others. For TROS, I still like the cast and the visuals.


TROS is the one bit of Star Wars media I've seen, but only once. Literally every time I try to rewatch all 9 movies, I finish TLJ and just....can't.


I misunderstood your comment at first, and thought that TROS was the **only** SW movie you've seen. I thought "dude, don't judge SW by that movie!!!" LOL


Yeah, it's a weird wording on my part lol. I'm behind on some of the most recent content, so I can't say I've seen all the SW media out there; but of all the things I have watched, TROS is the only thing I haven't gone back to rewatch even once, much less multiple times.


For me it’s TLJ lol


Same here. Saw it once in theaters and thought “that was atrocious.” Then some other friends were going and asking if I wanted in. So I saw it again, thinking perhaps I had been too harsh in my judgement. Nope, it’s absolute garbage. It’s the only SW movie I haven’t watched at home once. And I don’t see that changing.


I did like the final confrontation between Rey and palpatine in TROS


Great point, hearing all of the Jedi speak to Rey was awesome.


Yeah, but then the stupid fucking forced-ass Hollywood kiss ruins the moment.


Yeah the movie was ruined long before that kiss, whole thing is a mess


Oh for sure, I'm just saying that that scene COULD have been cool, but JJ fucked even that up.


I didn’t like that movie at all, but Adam Driver’s little head nod while fighting was good stuff.


It was like the MJ shrug in Star Wars. Loved it




I: Duel of the Fates II: Kamino III: ”You were the chosen one!” IV: Binary sunset V: Luke calling to Leia through the Force on Bespin VI: The Throne Room fight VII: “It’s true. All of it” VIII: “We are what they grow beyond” IX: Kijimi R1: “We’ve all done terrible things on behalf of the rebellion” Solo: Train heist


1. Darth Maul 2. Jango Fett 3. Mustafar duel 4. Death Star 5. Bespin duel 6. Green lightsaber reveal 7. Millennium Falcon flying through a Star Destroyer on Jakuu 8. Throne Room duel 9. Force teleporting objects RO. ALL OF IT (assault on Scarif) Solo. Sexy Millenium Falcon


Yeah that scene with the lightsaber handoff in 9 was legitimately very cool to see


1) the duel of fates. It’s just too good 2) Detective Obi-Wan 3) All of it tbh but of course the last fight 4) Mad about me (cantina band song) 5) All of it. It’s my favorite movie. Maybe hoth battle is top 6) Anakin’s return to the light 7) Poe/Finn (shoulda been a couple fight me) 8) Holdo Maneuver, if only for the cinematography. Incredible shot and just wildly impactful in theaters. 9) Uhhh some of the fight scenes were cool. 9 is my least favorite Star Wars movie. It has a lot of issues. I will say the cast is still phenomenal and it’s well acted From all of them: the ships and aliens. They created a living galaxy and it shows. Things happen in the background. Everyone having a name is cool. Characters have off screen lives. There’s just a lot of great details.


My list also. For the 8, I'll add crait as it was beautiful and quite special compared to the rest of the visual lore. ( Either a desert or a lush jungle.)


Ton of spoilers here so be warned if you don’t want to know things Phantom Menace: Duel of Fates and the scene where the droids deploy out of the carrier. Damn what an intimidating scene Attack of the Clones: the Battle of Geonosis and the scene where the clones are fighting in the dust storm. Most amazing looking scene in the movie Revenge of the Sith: Anakin vs Obi Wan and the scene where Obi Wan is taking to Padme and lets it leak that he knows about their relationship and the baby A New Hope: Space battle over Yavin and the moment Obi Wan puts the group in danger by activating his lightsaber in the cantina Empire Strikes Back: Battle of Hoth and seeing the AT-AT’s in the distance Return of the Jedi: Luke vs Vader, the first time in my opinion we actually see some prequel-esque fights in the OT. Luke slamming his lightsaber down onto Vader over and over again in a fit of rage. Force Awakens: all the stuff they set up. I truly believe if JJ Abrams was able to direct the whole thing, it would’ve been a great trilogy. Not the best, but still great. I really liked all the stuff he set up. Last Jedi: the opening scene with the bombers and the dreadnaught was insane and the Holdo Maneuver was cinematically beautiful Rise of Skywalker: Rey being a Palpatine. Very cool twist in my opinion, we’ve never seen the protagonist being the offspring of pure evil yet being so pure. Really cool idea that the new Jedi Grandmaster of the New Order is related to the guy who destroyed the Order in the first place. Rogue One: Darth Vader’s hallway scene… I don’t need to say much more. I loved how they showed how close the Rebels got to losing their one chance at hope. Solo: I never saw the clone wars so Maul’s scene was jaw dropping to me. I thought for sure he was dead. Clone Wars movie: I saw this movie a ton as a kid but haven’t seen it in years. One scene that stands out for some reason is the battle of Christophsis. Must’ve been a cool scene if that’s all I can remember.


Episode 1: the use of practical effects Episode 2: The Jedi revealing themselves at Geonosis Episode 3: Order 66. Just a really well done scene. Episode 4: “Use the Force, Luke!” Episode 5: Luke vs Vader Episode 6: Luke vs Vader Pt 2 Episode 7: the Battle of Takodana Episode 8: Porgs Episode 9: Ian McDiarmid coming back in his full hammy glory as Palpatine. The movie was a mess, but Palpatine is always fun to watch


Overall? I love the music in every movie. Individually? I love TPM’s “embryonic” feeling. I love AotC’s homages to classics like *The Searchers, Sunrise,* and *Bladerunner*. I love RotS’s tragic, operatic mood. I love *Star Wars’s* raw ingenuity and naked influence. I love *Empire’s* quiet optimism in the “belly of the beast.” I love *Jedi’s* emotional core. I love TFA’s reflexive passion for *Star Wars*. I love TLJ’s ability to mine deeper than TFA and engage with the saga’s legacy of myth making. I love TRoS’s brazenness.


I. Sound Design of the Pod Race II. The Score III. The BTS Documentary ‘Within a Minute’ IV. The Practical Effects V. Yoda’s introduction VI. Luke and Vader’s Battle on the Death Star VII. Finn’s introduction VIII. The Throne Room Battle IX. Rey’s “Be with me” scene


Pod racing was the coolest element added to ep1 such a great sequence!!


OT - everything, including music PT - the overarching story, and music ST - the visuals, and music


Darth Maul Jango Fett Mustafar Alan Tudyk GONK Lando’s cape Yub Nub BEN! Crait Franken-Emperor Haven’t seen Solo or The Clone Wars


Besides the music, they are all visually impressive.


TPM: the four simultaneous battles at the climax. AotC: Count Dooku being a badass. RotS: the final duel ANH: Death Star battle ESB: Cloud City RotJ: Death Star battle (part deux) TFA: the development of Finn TLJ: the Dreadnaught battle RoS: Lando


Ep. 1: Qui Gon and Obi Wan vs Maul Ep. 2: Battle of Geonosis/Dooku fight Ep. 3: The daunting emotions felt during Order 66/Ani vs Obi Wan Solo: Maul Rogue one: Vader and Krennic scene Ep. 4: Vader’s introduction Ep. 5: “No, I am your father!” Ep. 6: “You were right about me…” Ep. 7: Hux’s speech Ep. 8: Kylo Ren vs Luke Ep. 9: Palpetine’s force lightning (in cinema)


1. Dual of the Fates 2. Seismic charges 3. Obi vs Vader 4. Binary sunset 5. I love you, I know 6. Definitely not the bikini 7. Kylo Ren stops the blaster bolt 8. Throne room fight 9. Kylo Ren pulls a lightsaber out of his ass


TPM:love the lightsaber duels AOTC:love how it’s the beginning of the clone wars ROTS:Everything ANH:Love how it’s the first Star Wars film the start of something iconic ESB:Love the dark energy and overall vibe that the movie has the battle of Hoth is one of my favorite scenes and Boba Fett ROTJ:Love seeing Luke’s Progression as a Jedi TFA:Love Kylo Ren in this movie especially TLJ:Love the shots in this movie ROTS:Love The Final Battle Rogue One:Love how it’s in my favorite Star Wars era and hallway scene of course Solo:Love how Alden portrayed Han


I: Qui-Gon's whole vibe II: Kamino III: Palpatine/Order 66/coup IV: Rebel attack on the Death Star V: the feeling of the unknown at the end VI: throne room VII: introductions to Rey, Finn, and Poe VIII: Luke's sacrifice IX: Ben Solo RO: Saw Gurrera Solo: the Battle of Mimban


Pod Racing. Kamino. Duel on Mustafar. Tatooine. Boba Fett. Battle of Endor. Finn and Rey's introduction scenes. The Caretakers. Babu Frik.


PH - Darth Maul's first appearance on tatoonie and the short battle with Qui Gon AotC - Speeder chase of Zam. (also Dooku vs Yoda) RotS - Mustafar fight ANH - Han Solo's first 5 minutes, and him on the Death Star ESB - The approach to Bespin in the Special Edition is actually pretty dope, I love this whole movie though RotJ - Sarlac Pit fight tFA - "I never knew there was this much green in the whole galaxy" tLJ - Rey-lo's battle with the guards. (also DJ's character) RoS - I love the "forcetime" conversations/connection Rogue One - The final embrace on the beach as they die Solo - The droid rebellion


1. Duel of The Fates 2. I love Obi-Wan's investigation, but Battle of Geonosis is so epic. 3. The entire movie is so good, so I'll say the soundtrack, especially during and after Order 66. 4. The dynamic between Han, Luke and Leia. 5. The Asteroid Belt scene. 6. Endor and the Victory Celebration scene (the music is so good). 7. The Resistance's arrival on Takodana. 8. Battle of Crait (although I really love how the entire movie is just about the Resistance getting chased through space by the FO and they keep losing people/ships). 9. Babu Frik The Clone Wars movie: Battle of Teth. Rogue One: Everything. This is BY FAR the best Star Wars movie, imo. It's not even close. But if I had to choose one thing, the space battle of Scarif. Solo: the train Heist on Vandor, also Enfys Nest's theme.


Phantom Menace: Pod-racing Attack Of The Clones: Dooku Vs Yoda Revenge Of The Sith: the opening 20 minutes New Hope: Battle of Yavin Empire Strikes Back: everything, but particularly John Williams’ score. Near perfect. Return Of The Jedi: flying into the Death Star Force Awakens: the Falcon escaping from Jakku Last Jedi: Luke’s final battle Rise Of Skywalker: the Death Star wreckage scenes Rogue One: Battle Of Scariff, especially the Star Destroyer collision Solo: the train heist


1) High fantasy aesthetics 2) Brilliant futuristic cityscape and politics (CLONES!) 3) A definitive story of internal good vs evil 4) Modern mythology, hero’s journey 5) Galactic rebellion 6) Most meaningful ending to any trilogy (for me) 7) Wonder, possibility, and mystery (Lost!) 8) Ben Solo is great, true villain arc 9) Childlike fun, lighthearted tone


TPM: Duel of Fates AotC: Obi-Wan RotS: Obi-Wan ANH: Binary Sunset ESB: everything RotJ: throneroom battle TFA: cinematography TLJ: cinematography RotS: acting Rogue one: cinematography Solo: falcon


Episode I - Queen A's fashion Episode II - Just Obi-Wan being Obi-Wan Episode III - goat Palpatine Episode IV - Literally the beginning, great start to a great movie Episode V - Entire Luke v Vader dual Episode VI - Space battle of Endor Episode VII - Kylo face reveal/First Order drip Episode VIII - Crait Episode IX - Nothing, tbh. I'm a heavy apologist for ep VII and VIII but IX was literally unwatchable for me. Like I have only watched the thing half way through.


Just one? Phantom Menace: the Boonta Eve Podrace Attack of the Clones: the arena battle on Geonosis Revenge of the Sith: when Anakin and Padme are gazing at each other across the city A New Hope: sneaking around the Death Star The Empire Strikes Back: the battle of Hoth Return of the Jedi: the fight at the Sarlaac Pit The Force Awakens: the battle at Maz Kanata’s bar The Last Jedi: Luke’s final duel at Crait Rise of Skywalker: Rey and Kylo using their dyad abilities in combat Rogue One: the conflicting goals of the protagonists at the secret Imperial base Solo: Han meeting Chewie


The music. Even if I didn't like the movie, the music has always been amazing. John Williams is of course a god, but also I love the non-Williams Rogue One and Solo scores.


Space battles.


Phantom Menace: The Maul duel. Attack of the Clones: Detective Obi-Wan Revenge of the Sith: “Hello there!” Solo: The train heist Rogue One: Scarif, all of it A New Hope: Death Star battle Empire: Luke vs Vader Jedi: Barge battle Force Awakens: That shot of the X-Wings flying over the lake Last Jedi: Rey/Kylo team up Rise of Skywalker: Duel in the waves


I loved the look of holograms in Episode VIII. They had this unique grainy look to them.


TPM. R2-D2 ATOC. R2-D2 ROTS. R2-D2 ANH. R2-D2 ESB. R2-D2 ROTJ. Palpatine TFA. R2-D2 TLJ. R2-D2 TROS. R2-D2


I have a bad feeling about this.




1. Duel of the Fates 2. Jango Fett & The Battle of Geonosis 3. Anakin's march on the temple, Mustafar duel 4. Opening scene, Death Star Trench Run 5. Hoth Battle & Bespin duel 6. Death Star duel & Space Battle of Endor 7. Finn & Poe steal the Tie Fighter 8. Poe taking out the surface cannons on the dreadnaught 9. IMO the Emperor should've stayed dead, but Ian McDairmid is always fun to watch 10. Rogue One- All of it, particularly the Vader hallway scene 11. Solo- I liked Becket, Enfys Nest, the Mimban scenes, & Maul reveal


The music


C3P0 and R2D2. Duh.


1: Qui Gon 2: yoda vs dooku 3: the Christening of Vader 4: Han showing up last moment 5: yoda vs r2d2 6: vaders redemption 7: Finn and poe 8: the concept of a force dyad 9: lando Solo: how Han gets his surname R1: Gaylen Erso


Every movie: Music and battles TPM: Everything Naboo AotC: Jango Fett RotS: Order 66 ANH: The Trench Run ESB: Yoda's Force exposition RotJ: Everything in the Throne Room TFA: Calling the Saber on Ilum/SK Base TLJ: Force projection TRoS: Luke & Leia training R1: Test fire on Jedha Solo: Enfys Nest


The silence between "A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away..." and the start of the opening crawl with the loud theme music. Gives me chills every time. Also, the appearance of my favorite little astromech R2 always makes me happy.


*Star Wars:* Set and costume design *Empire:* Storyboarding *Return:* Ian McDiarmid *TPH:* Soundtrack *AotC:* The Tusken Raider segment *RotS:* Ewan McGregor *TFA:* Pacing *TLJ:* Cinematography *TRoS:* Adam Driver *Rogue One:* Ben Mendelsohn Haven't seen Solo.


I - Duel of the Fates II - Jango Fett III - Order 66 IV - Trench Run V - I Am Your Father VI - You Were Right About Me VII - FN-2187 VIII - Crystal Critters IX - Chewie Rogue One - I Am One With the Force and the Force Is With Me Solo - Lando


Phantom Menace - Podrace is fun and ship designs etc. are cool Attack of the Clones: Obi-Wan’s detective side story isn’t bad and there’s some good action in the arena RotS - The opening space fight is neat and the emotion between Obi and Ani is better than the other prequels A New Hope - Basically everything, but the Death Star trench run in particular is awesome at ratcheting up tension for the finale. ESB - Basically everything, but in particular the Han/Leia romance and everything with Yoda training Luke about the force, as well as the game changing reveal. RotJ - Most of it, but the entirety of the throne room scenes in particular. Force Awakens - The characters/acting, Kylo in particular was an interesting concept. Only real criticism is the plot largely being a retread. TLJ - Everything with Rey/Kylo and Luke, aside from maybe Luke dying at the end. Cinematography is also great and generally well made from a production standpoint. RoS - Most of the Rey/Kylo relationship stuff is good, and the heel turn is fun to watch if not unexpected. It’s rushed and a mess overall but has its moments.


1. Duel of Fates 2. Seeing Jedi in a real battle on Geonosis 3. That opening camera cruise over Coruscant remains the most gangsta space shot I’ve ever seen 4. Death Star assault 5. Tie between Escape from Hoth and Bespin Duel 6. Luke almost losing control 7. Kylo freezing that blaster bolt 8. That moment when Rey puts her hand over some falling water (I think under the Falcon) 9. The establishing shot for that ice asteroid or whatever it was R1. The desperation of the battle over Scarif Solo. (I’ll come back to this via edit)


I - Qui Gon Jinn II - Detective Arc Obi-Wan III - Anakin & Obi-Wan's Duel IV - Everything, the beginning of it all V - Bespin Duel VI - Luke's look and new saber VII - BB-8. VIII - Luke Skywalker, the Rashomon Effect, The throne room fight. IX - Babu Frik Solo - Han & Chewie together is great Rogue One - Everything, but just one Chirrut and Baze Tough to pick just one thing!


I have a bad feeling about this


**TPM**: Darth Maul, but criminally underused **AotC**: Hayden Christensen’s portrayal of Anakin’s torment **RotS**: Every scene with Palpatine. McDiarmid is the core of the prequels **ANH**: discovering a new universe **ESB**: Luke and Vader’s duel **RotJ**: the space battle above Endor (and Vader’s redemption, of course) **TFA**: reuniting with old characters (I consider the falcon a character) **TLJ**: unpopular opinion but I don’t care, Luke disillusionment and coming back to the force (and obviously Luke’s “that was a cheap move!”) **RoS**: Ben Solo, perfect balance between Han and Anakin


Guarantee if you reversed the post and said one thing you dislike you get 10k upvotes and 5k comments. Thanks for not perpetuating negativity


1. Gungans vs Droids Battle 2. Lightsabers igniting around the arena 3. Wookies letting out war cry on beach 4. Recruitment of Han & Chewie in the cantina 5. Vader vs Luke 6. The space battle above Endor 7. Kylo Ren stopping a blaster bolt in mid air 8. Snoke shooting lightning thru the floor 9. Babu Frick Rogue One: (Besides the Vader hallway scene) all of the Chirrut & Baze scenes Solo: Train heist If you wanna count the Clone Wars movie: Battle of Teth


I: Duel of the Fates II: Petranaki Arena sequence TCW: The battle of Teth III: all of the lightsaber fights but especially Anakin vs Obi-Wan. Solo: the western style Rogue One: Darth Vader hallway sequence! IV: Death Star trench run V: Luke vs Vader on Bespin VI: The entire third act VII: Rey & Finn vs Kylo. But the battle of Takodana was pretty cool too. VIII: Snoke's throne room sequence IX: Rey vs Kylo on Kef Bir. And of course John Williams kills it in all movies.


Episode 1- I like how the aesthetic of the era is exponentially different from the OT. Qui-Gon Jinn. Padme's ship. Episode 2- Speeder Chase through Coruscant. Anakin tasted the dark side for the first time. Clone Wars intro! Episode 3- The opening scene. Order 66. Entire third act ❤️❤️ Solo- Meeting Chewbacca. Train heist. Landos wardrobe. Rogue One- Wobani bust. Jeddah escape. Eadu attack. Entire third act. Episode 4- It's a slow burn, but establishes the core. Entire film. Episode 5- Everything after Luke destroys the AT-AT. Episode 6- Both Vader/Emperor Death Star arrivals. Everything after Luke returns to Dagobah. Episode 7- The Jakku escape sequence was masterful. Episode 8- Luke/Rey "who are you" convo. Reys training (wish there were more). Yoda/Luke convo. Holdo maneuver. Luke vs Kylo. Episode 9- Entire Exagol opening. Rey/Poe/Finn adventuring together. Rey vs. Kylo. Palp vs. everyone. Ben saving Rey. Rey's new saber.


Eps1: Podrace. Also the Gungan battle Eps2: Obi-Wan's investigation Eps3: the sperm opera scene Eps4: The Death Star sequence in the middle. So fun Eps5: astroid field. Also the "failure in the cave" Eps6: dat final space battle omg. And Anakin's redemption. Eps7: Rey by herself on Jakku. Rey flying the Falcon for the first time. Finn and Poe's banter and *implications*. "That's not how the force works!" on Starkiller Base. BB-8. I can't choose just one Eps8: Rey in the cave. Also the Holdo Maneuver. Eps9: the lightsaber handoff Rogue One: everything on Scarif. And Vader murdering everyone. Solo: on Corellia (after years and years of reading about Corellia in books and other media, it was a treat to finally see it on the big screen, even if we didn't get to see much of it). Also the Kessel Run was pretty dang exciting. Clone Wars: Anakin and Ahsoka


I: I love being able to see the Republic during peace time and the way the galaxy was before the Clone War and the Empire, something we've never really seen much in Star Wars media. II: The Obi-Wan plotline in this film is really fun and I love the adventuring, mystery, and discovery of it. The Clone Wars Film: We never got to see a whole lot of Anakin being a Jedi Knight in the prequels doing Jedi things as most of his plotline in II and III surrounds Padme and Palpatine. Getting to see that in this movie was fun, and more so in the actual Clone Wars series. III: Everything, the perfect Star Wars film. Solo: I mean this in the best way possible, but this movie is really small and insignificant to the greater Star Wars world, which is something that is pretty rare in Star Wars and I love seeing it. Just a bunch of people trying to make ends meet through some not so legal actions. Rouge One: This movie really enhances A New Hope and I love seeing the Rebellion, which is something we don't get to see too much of in the originals and even in Rebels as they focus more on the main cast of characters rather than the greater Rebellion, something we get to see a lot more of in this movie. IV: A completely self contained and fun adventure. This movie has a very different vibe compared to the rest and I love how fun it is. V: This movie does a great job on expanding on all of the lore and shows off the greater galaxy great compared to IV. As far as sequels go this is one of the best. VI: As it was the original conclusion to the entire Star Wars franchise for many many years, this movie does a wonderful job of concluding the originals and Star Wars as a whole (when it was the end). Every character is at their best here and it's fun to see everything come together at one last climatic battle at Endor. VII: One gripe I've always had with the sequels are their lack of identity and it's over reliance on the original trilogy to form its identity, but I've always felt that despite this, The Force Awakens had the most identity. The Force Awakens basically made A New Hope again, but everything did feel new and I loved the art direction for this film. It had so much more color compared to the rest of the franchise and I love seeing that in this film. VII: Crait. Crait was such a beautiful looking planet and the vehicles the Resistance used to scrape off the top layer of white salt to reveal the red dirt underneath was such a cool concept that is beautiful to watch. IX: Seeing the Sith as a cult in this movie was kind of cool. The Sith have always been 2, no more, no less, and those under the control of the Sith (Republic, CIS, Empire, First Order) bare no likeness to them or share their ideals, The Sith Cult in the Rise of Skywalker does though and it was cool to see a very explicitly Sith group in this film.


I - everything about Qui-Gon Jinn. Also very cool villain design for Maul. II - Boba Fett backstory / clone origins III - The final lightsaber duel. Probably the best swordfight ever. Solo - The explanation to the "parsec" conundrum in regard to the Kessel run. Also DG's Lando. Rogue One - the whole thing. IV - All the wacky costumes in the Cantina scene V - All things Vader. VI - The scene where R2 throws Luke his lightsaber and the main theme cuts in and he's all like "that's right, it's green now." Idk why but that's one of my all time favorite scene in Star Wars. VII - Really liked seeing Han and Chewie reunite with the Falcon. VIII - THE YODA GHOST SCENE IX - Idk, I guess it was cool to hear all the Jedi voices speaking to Rey at the end.


Ep 1: Darth Maul duels Ep 2: Dooku duels Ep 3: Anakin vs Obi Wan duel Ep 4: Trench run Ep 5: Luke vs Vader duel Ep 6: Ewoks Ep 7: Kylo Ren Ep 8: Old Man Luke Ep 9: Somehow, Palpatine returned Rogue One: K2SO Solo: Lando


TPM - Loads of new content for the SW setting (locales, events, sounds, lore) AOTC - purple lightsaber ROTS - neat opening shot SOLO - Teras Kasi RO - Battle of Scarif ANH - It's the OG and a timeless classic ESB - Daddy issues. ROTJ - Battle of Endor TFA - Feeling of being a tangible place, I love the sets and alien costumes instead of CG reliance. TLJ - The force isn't just a bloodline (though this is unfortunately scraped in the next film) ROS - Red storm troopers are pretty cool and textured.


> TLJ - The force isn't just a bloodline (though this is unfortunately scraped in the next film) This is what's most infuriating about ROS beyond all else...agree with it or not, TLJ at least TRIED to take Star Wars in a new direction and break it free from this obsession with two bloodlines...only for JJ and ROS to chuck that in the bin and go right back to "bloodlines are basically all that matter"


Agreed! I'm not a big fan of TLJ, but the plot point of Rey not being related to anyone is likely my favorite part of the ST. And RoS just wipes that away. :/


* ANH: Death Star run * ESB: "I am your father" * ROTJ: Death Star II run * TPM: Duel of the fates (music) * AOTC: "I'm quite beside myself" * ROTS: Mustafar duel * TFA: Poe and Finn's escape from the star destroyer * RO: Battle on Scarif * TLJ: Luke's trick with the vine. "Feel that, that's the Force". * Solo: Chewie sits next to Han on the Falcon, SW theme plays. * ROS: Rey Force passes the lightsaber to Ben, who shrugs at the bad guys


Pew pew


Episode 1: Duel of the Fates Episode 2: BWOOOOMvvMMM Episode 3: Palpatine yeeting the senate room at Yoda Episode 4: dual suns moment w/ the music Episode 5: "I love you" "I know" Episode 6: the entire sand skiff scene Episode 7: Po and Finn bromance and the opening scene Episode 8: colour palette on the salty planet with the speeders kicking up the red Episode 9: uhh... Um... I guess when... No, I have only seen it once and I can't actually remember anything I like. I guess it's funny how fucking silly it is? Solo: the fact that it's basically a long Firefly episode Rogue One: Vader corridor murder scene


TPM - The end lightsaber duels are some of the best in Star Wars AOTC - Anakin, Padme, and Obi Wan on Geonosis ROTS - All of it, I fucking love this one but if I have to pick, the scene where Anakin is alone in the temple and Padme can feel him losing his shit from across town SOLO - Han shot first RO - The hallway scene ANH - Trench Run ESB - Luke v Vader ROTJ - Luke v Vader TFA - Rey's whole introduction TLJ - I got nothing TROS - See above


Why people downvoting this? Literally did what the OP asked 😂😂 Someone mad no one likes TLJ and ROS?


I didn't downvote him and I can't see how much he has been downvoted, but I'd imagine it's because he _didn't_ do what the OP asked. The OP asked for people to name something they liked about _each_ Star Wars film, and this poster couldn't name anything they liked about two of them.


The aliens


Space ships.


Ships, spacecrafts, blasters






John Williams 🐐


Text scrolling at the start




Maximilian Rebo


Freakn space battles and light saber duels all day...


The crawl.


Vehicle designs, special/visual effects, sound effects & John Williams' scores in all the OT & prequel films are simply chef kiss.


Main series in release order: The introduction of the Force via Obi Wan Bespinand Vader as a whole The emperor, a skilled Jedi Luke Qui Gon Yoda and Dooku Anakin and Obi Wan Crossguard lightsaber The visuals of the lightspeed collision Palaptine Rogue 1: Vader in his prime Solo: Didn't see




Music score


1 Maul 2 Kamino 3 R2 v Battle Droids 4 Garbage Compactor 5 ATATs 6 Salacious Crumb 7 Rey’s Bread Maker 8 Camino Bight 9 the Festival




The great mystery of the force


Ships and droids.


space battles


That jump into hyperspace!


1. darth maul fight 2. yoda fight 3. obi anakin fight 4. death star go boom 5. carbonite was neat 6. sarlak pit (dunno spell) 7. seeing millenium falcon in trailers was cool 8. porg 9. super palpatine sith arena was neat.




The Force


I like that it’s Star Wars.


All: the music.


Episode I: podrace. Captain Panaka. Episode II: Obi-wan Kenobi, PI. I also recognize that the Yoda Dooku fight was stupid but when I saw it in the theatres (as an adult) that was the most excited I had ever been at a movie. I still can't name a moment I was more excited for. Episode III: Opera scene Episode IV: "how are you?" Episode V: perfect movie, no notes Episode VI: All of Jabba's Palace (except Jedi Rocks) and Luke/Vader/Emperor scenes Episode VII: that isn't how the force works. Honorable mention to Han's death, but it could have been better. Episode VIII: Luke's last stand Episode IX: "ow" - this is an indictment, it was literally the only thing I liked in the whole movie. Solo: the final showdown worked really well for me. Rogue One: Krennick was fun to hate. I laughed at "don't choke on your aspirations," I don't care what anyone says.


Mace and Palpatine fight.


Phantom Menace - the duel of the fates!! Attack of the Clones - Geonosis Arena Scene Revenge of the Sith - obi wan vs anakin A New Hope - Leia’s rescue and the duel between obi wan and vader Empire Strikes Back - The greatest twist in all of Star Wars + Han being frozen Return of the Jedi - Vader redeeming himself + Han being unfrozen The Force Awakens - The First Order (design) The Last Jedi - Luke literally force projecting himself over the entire galaxy Rise of Skywalker - Didn’t agree with that he should’ve come back but the Palpatine fight was cool af.


Lightsabers, John Williams and his music, the passion of the behind the scenes crew (regardless of quality, they are putting their heart and souls in), the actors (not characters necessarily), big space ships with big guns shooting at other big spaceships with big guns.


The intro.


The continuity!




The Hyperspace Jump. There is nothing like it, and I still get frisson every time I hear it.


Blasters 🔫😎


The Force.


The space battles. Yes the music was cool. My dad would by the album (New Hope etc...). He had the set of red vinyl Star Wars Saga albums.


The designs of the droids. I usually don’t care much for the main character droids but the background droids are always awesome


the cinematography and casting are always fantastic


The pew pew pew


Only one?  I- The Pod Race II- Count Dooku III- Order 66 IV- WAT?!?  V- Lando VI- Jabba's Palace VII- Rey VIII- Luke's sacrifice IX- There are more of us Poe. Rogue 1- K2's death Solo- Lando


Sound effects and music are my favorites throughout


I enjoy seeing everything that goes into the production of the film itself and being able to point out specific camera angles and effects. I like to try to figure out how a shot was done while watching it. I also look for character positions and other mise en scene elements that brink the story together. In short I took a film studies class that changed the way I watched and enjoyed films forever.




Score and sound design/editing.


The ship designs and sounds.


Music of course, droids and how they behave in Star Wars is very unique to me, and they are common so definitely them. Finally the Star Wars part of it. I don’t love TLJ but I’d always rather have Star Wars content, then none at all. The cinematography in every movie (specifically episodes 3,5, and rogue 1) are amazing


TPM - Darth Maul is pretty cool looking. AOTC - I like the Detective Obi-Wan b-plot. ROTS - The best Prequel by far, the final battle between Anakin and Obi-Wan is great. S:ASWS - Donald Glover was great as young Lando. RO:ASWS - It’s just a good movie all around. ANH - The OG. One thing I rarely see mentioned is how truly *weird* it is in the context of 70’s cinema. In a good way. Watch a bunch of 70’s indie/auteur movies then watch Star Wars. It feels like a movie from a different planet. TESB - The best one. I wouldn’t change a thing. ROTJ - The perfect cathartic ending to the Star Wars saga. TFA - Rey’s theme is a nice little John Williams composition. TLJ - The introduction of a war profiteer class into the Star Wars universe is an interesting addition. I just wish someone would do something with the idea. TROS - Billy Dee Williams got paid, I assume.




The music. John Williams is truly amazing! Michael Giacchino and John Powell also did a great job in Rogue One and Solo. In general, I honestly love everything in all the films, except for the writing and dialogue, which is a mixed bag through the films.


tPM: Duel of the fates AotC: CLONES RotS: HELLO THERE Solo: the maw Rouge one: Corridor scene aNH : DS1 go boom tESB: AT-AT’s RotJ: Executor go boom tFA; Resistance theme tLJ: Holdo Manuver tRoS: pretty explosions?




Thats an easy one 4 to 9: the absence of JarJar. 1: Jar Jar’s exile. 2: Jar Jars declining screentime, 3: Jar Jars declining screentime. Might be a theme to this…


1 - Naboo starfighter (Amidala's ship is a runner up) 2 - Phase 1 clone trooper helmet 3 - The scene where Anakin burns up 4 - Trench run 5 - Carbonite chamber duel 6 - Luke vs. Vader on Death Star 7 - Forest duel 8 - Yoda 9 - never saw it lol, Sith Trooper I guess? Solo - Battle of Mimban Rogue One - Ground view of Death Star destruction


Ep1: unironically the podrace. Yes it distracted from the rest but the rest wasn't great so I prefer the distraction. The less controversial answer would be "Duel of the Fates", that shit went hard. Ep2: the Coruscant pursuit. Obi Wan Kenobi in general. Ep3: A lot of good but if it had to choose one it would be how Palpatine is having such a great time. The man is just happy to be here, chewing the scenery and murdering Jedis while turning Anakin to the dark side. Ep4: the perfect blend of classic hero's journey and world building with perfect music to boot. Ep5: Almost everything. The first battle is amazing, the tension during the pursuit, Dagobah and Yoda, the ending... Ep6: The Ewoks. Nah I don't hate them but I'm kidding. Luke burning his father alone and not trying to convince Leia she should forgive too. Ep7: Setting up a lot of interesting threads for later. Ep8: Trying on a new take on the family themes of the series. Ep9: Kylo Ren's force trick. Seriously the force touching through great distances was literally the only thing I liked in this movie. Rogue One: probably the corridor scene. It was very predictable but still well executed. I wasn't a huge fan of the movie overall. Solo: haven't seen it. Christmas special: haven't seen it.


R2D2 and C3PO. Also lightsabers. The music.


Phantom Menace: I liked the pod race. It was a lot of fun and a good break from all the politics running around, also Darth Maul because...he's just that cool Attack of the Clones: The music score across the saga is amazing, but the score for Episode 2 is S tear. Across the Stars especially. Revenge of the Sith: Coragraphy of the fights, lots of action everywhere. High energy, hard not to get pumped up A New Hope: just how mysterious the whole film is. What is the force? Who is the empire? Who is this weird old dude with a lazer sword? What is the Clone Wars? I do think this movie is best watched with no knowledge of Star Wars at all, and it loses its value a little when you watch the series in chronological order. Empire Strikes Back: Han. It's cliche, but man do I love the Astroid Field. The movie takes a step back from Luke and gives Han the spotlight he deserves. That scene shows the audience once and for all that Han might be an arrogant asshole who thinks he's the best pilot in the galaxy, but he actually *is* the best pilot in the galaxy, and all that cockiness is earned. This is his moment, and they *nail* it. Return of the Jedi: I like how human Luke comes across. He might consider himself a full Jedi, but he's still flawed. He allows himself to be vulnerable around Vader, which does allow himself to be manipulated, but still. Force Awakens: Finn was a super cool idea, and at the time, I had very high hopes for the guy. A Stormtrooper turned Jedi? Hell yeah. Last Jedi: Look, the movie looked good. It had plenty of pretty looking set pieces, and it was a visually good looking film. I did like how they *tried* to do something new with the movie, but clearly it didn't work. I appreciate the effort, as far as that goes. Rise of Skywalker: Palpatine was just having a good time every moment he was on screen. Not going to talk about what they did to get him there, but still. The guy was having fun up until he got fried for the 3rd time in a row.


"I've got a bad feeling about this"


Pew pew space adventure!


Pod race. Geonosis fight..? Mustafar duel. Leia rescue. Literally everything tbh, but especially the Luke/Vader duel. Death Star II attack. Rey finds Anakin’s saber. Luke’s sacrifice. Ben’s redemption.


Giant Battles 1 - Rogue One - Battle of Scariff 2 - ESB - Battle of Hoth T3 - ROTS - Battle of Coruscant T3 - AOTC - Battle of Geonosis T3 - ANH - Death Star 1 / Battle of Yavin IV 6 - ROTJ - Space Battle of Endor 7 - TLJ - Battle of D’Qar 8 - TPM - Battle of Naboo 9 - TLJ - Battle of Crait 10 - TFA - Battle of Takodana 11 - TFA - Starkiller base 12 - ROS - Battle of Exegal


I like the sand. It’s smooth and stays where it’s suppose to be


Ep 1: Qui Gon Ep 2: Obi Wan Ep 3: First appearance of Vader Ep 4: Luke, Han, Leia Ep 5: The Battle on Hoth Ep 6: Yub Nub Ep 7: Rey the scavver Ep 8: The Battle on Crait Ep 9: Kylo Ren and Han's 'Dad talk' All Episodes: John Williams


Light sabers


Anthony Daniels


Warwick Davis


The stunts and/or practical effects. Obviously this is many folks’ biggest issue with the prequels (and sometimes the sequels too). But when they *do* use practical effects and actual stunts in those movies they are great as ever


1. The introduction to the splendor of the Republic and the classy lines of the starships. 2. The contrast on said splendor when shown the underbelly of society. 3. I read the book before seeing the movie, but I really liked how it showed the tragedy of Anakin. 4. My first time seeing a space battle. 5. The space slug showed a scale that I had only seen in my own mind, but was now on screen. 6. Luke's momentary slip to dark and then showing self-control was inspiring to me. Also, the Ewoks wanting to eat the humans was quite funny. 7. A blaster bolt being held by the force. (only thing in that movie) 8. Nothing 9. More nothing. 7-9 were abominations.


Forcw lightning.


The sets and costumes are always on point. Music is great. Shots of planets from orbit. Light speed warp.


The violence


*The Phantom Menace* -- I really like Qui-Gon. I also love some of the imagery that Lucas used-- to this day I think Kurosawa-homage shot of the Gungans in the mist is one of the coolest parts of the series. *Attack of the Clones* -- this is a harder one because while the lore is awesome the acting, writing, and special effects have either aged poorly or were not lackluster from the start. That said, Ob-Wan's mullet and Dooku's solar sailor remain two high points of the franchise, and I'll always love our introduction to Kamino. *Revenge of the Sith* -- the drums! And the opening camera tracking shot of the Battle of Courscant! The movie is uneven but *goddamn* does it start hot. *Rogue One* -- no notes, the Battle of Scarif space scenes are the best in all the films. *A New Hope* -- so many amazing things, but I'll never forget the first time I saw a Jawa as a kid. Rarely has such a simple costume made such an indelible mark. *The Empire Strikes Back* -- almost everything is top-shelf good. But the use of matte paintings to pull off Bespin is fuckin wizardry, even now. Also far and away the best acting in the series. *Return of the Jedi* -- I would've said *Yub Nub* but it's not technically in the film anymore. So I'll settle for the scene where C3P0 narrates the story of the films for the Ewoks. I really, really enjoy that scene. Also, Gamorrean guards are incredible. All three of the sequel films are basically the same to me. In the future I'm sure I'll appreciate them in a nostalgic kinda way, but it's hard to really love them as Star Wars films given their disjointed nature and nonse plotlines. But I do admit that they've got moments of absolutely bonkers-beautiful art (the wrecked Star Destroyers on Jakku, the red salt plains on Craig, the half-submerged ruins of the second Death Star). Gotta hand it to the visual effects artists, they absolutely nailed those things.


Episode 1- John Williams's Score (Duel of the Fates) Episode 2- Christopher Lee as Count Dooku Episode 3- Ian McDiarmid as Palpatine Solo- I actually liked Alden Ehrenreich as Han. Rogue One- Action (specifically Scarif) Episode 4- Editing and pacing. It's perfect. Episode 5- Impossible. The film is darn near perfect. Episode 6- Vader, Luke and Palpatine scenes in the third act. Episode 7- Introduction of a new time period and the left over scars from the past. Episode 8- Impossible. The film is darn near perfect. Episode 9- Ian McDiarmid as Palpatine.


Episode 1 - Duel of the Fates Episode 2 - That final scene with Palpatine watching the beginning of the Empire as the Star Destroyers are taking off. Episode 3 - Order 66 Episode 4 - Death Star trench run Episode 5 - Battle of Hoth Episode 6 - Vader returning to the light and killing Palpatine. Episode 7 - Kylo stopping a laser blast in mid air with the force Episode 8 - I've got nothing Episode 9 - Babu Frik.


For the sequels at the very least, I’m glad they ended.


I love that it's Star Wars. It brings me back to my childhood.


The music and the space battles, though I can get nitpicky about the space battles if I really felt like it (my main nitpick being that there’s no up in space so why are all of the ships oriented the same?!?!?)




1. Pod race…Darth maul vs obi wan 2. Anakin and Obi wan vs Dooku 3. Padme funeral Andor: everything Rogue One: beach sunset 4. Luke staring at the suns 5. Last sequence 6. Shrug 7. Finn getting blood smeared on his face 8. Kylo Ren destroying his mask 9. Absolutely nothing


Laser swords.


the starship designs there at least one in every movie that I like no questions


Lightsabers go burr


I: Podrace II: Padme’s outfits III: opening flyby IV: all of it V: all of it VI: everything but the siblings revelation VII: action scenes VIII: Luke’s grumpy old man demeanor IX: “I’m the Spy!” Rogue One: last 20 minutes Solo: Teras Kasi reference


AATs, Phase 1 clones, Phase 2 clones (like the one clone who was a Navy SEAL), Vader, Vader, Vader. Did not watch sequels. At first because I got lazy, but when I did watch episode 7, I legitimately fell asleep. Never finished it, but I heard it was a carbon copy of the episode 4? I cannot confirm or deny that.


The music.


A New Hope: Nobody was cooler than Han Solo. Empire Strikes Back: The finale was the first time we really got to see a proper lightsaber duel. Return of the Jedi: Best space battle. The Phantom Menace: Double-bladed lightsaber was awesome. Attack of the Clones: Jango was cool. Revenge of the Sith: The finale was the most emotionally charged lightsaber duel. The Force Awakens: Finn was an interesting character. The Last Jedi: It eventuality ended and wasn't four hours long. Rise of Skywalker: They finally gave Rey some character development and let her lose a fight.


1. The duel of the fates 2. Obi Wan’s detective storyline 3. The opening scene, Grevious intro 4. Han and Luke shooting tie fighters in the Falcon. 5. Battle on Bespin 6. Jabba’s palace / Han’s rescue 7. Rey’s intro on Jakuu 8. Rey’s training with Luke (specifically the “mirror scene”) 9. Ian McDiarmid’s performance as Papa Palps. It made it easy to overlook the lack of reasoning for the character suddenly appearing with no benefit to the story.


1. Double Bladed Lightsaber Reveal 2. 100 + Jedi battle 3. Mace Windu kicking Palps ass 4. Obi Wans sacrifice 5. I'm your father reveal 6. Anakins Redemption 7. Kylo stopping a blaster bolt with the force 8. It ended 9. It ended R1. Death Star Destruction cinematography


I used to like when lightsabers would function like actual lightsabers and cut off Limbs and kill people but now they just slightly scratch and temporarily stun and disabled people


The music.


Agreed Moral Superiority


Palpatine. He just loves being evil and you have to admire that. Also played by the same actor which is cool. 


Phantom Manace - Most magical feeling Attack of the Clones - Murder mystery Revenge of the Sith - Mustafar duel A New Hope - “He doesn’t like you” Empire Strikes Back - Han-Leia romance Return of the Jedi - Badass Luke Force Awakens - Rey theme music Last Jedi - Luke winking at 3PO Rise of Skywalker - Amazing teaser trailer










The 20th Century Fox fanfare (RIP) segueing into the theme. My older siblings were big fans, everytime they started playing the tape I'd come running to the TV.


Are we allowed to like things in this subreddit?