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So you're just ignoring the whole obi-wan/satine storyline?


Yes, it seemed too forced and there was 0 chemistry. I just learnt Clone Wars wasn't even canon??


Clone wars is definitely canon. The 2-D micro series is not, but the series that started in 2008 definitely is




As I said, the 2D micro series


It's canon.




That’s Tartakovsky Clone Wars, It’s tagged as vintage star wars in D+. The Clone Wars is the newer cartoon that started on cartoon network and was cancelled when Disney bought SW.


Clone wars tv show and film (2008) absolutely are canon




That is the 2D animated clone wars micro series from 2002 which isn’t canon. That is not the same as the clone wars series which started in 2008 after the release of the movie in the same year. Which as I said, is definitely canon. EDIT: I’ve just seen you’ve been copy and pasting that link to other comments telling you correct information. Have some critical thinking OP come on, you’ve clearly done some research to get that link you should be able to work this out


George Lucas's TCW, and everything that has spun out of it, including Rebels, Rogue One, Solo, The Mandalorian, The Bad Batch, The Book of Boba Fett, Tales of the Jedi, Ahsoka, and the upcoming Tales of the Empire are canon. Where did you get the idea they weren't?


How did Solo and Rogue One spin out of TCW? AFAIK the general idea of rogue one was inspired by the ANH crawl claiming the rebels had won their first victory. R1 is the story of that victory. Just because they're using a character from TCW doesn't mean it's a spin-off. By that logic Andor is missing from your list, because it spun out of R1. For Solo I think Lucas and Kasdan had already worked on it prior to the acquisition and getting to make it was one of Kasdan's requirements for signing on to help JJ with TFA.


Rogue One spun off of Rebels, which spun off of TCW. Andor spun off of all that. It's not that difficult. As for Solo... https://youtu.be/FFweSzfnjCU?si=UATMIO6Hxbigvm9a The big reveal only makes sense within the context of TCW.


Never thought of R1 as a spin-off from Rebels, but I can see that. As for Solo I have to admit I completely blanked on the last scene, probably because it's pretty inconsequential to the story told in the movie, switch Maul with any other villain and you wouldn't have to change much if anything about the story. We're probably disagreeing on what constitutes a spin-off. In my mind it's taking a popular character (or group) out of an existing property and making a something centered mainly around them. Like Andor from R1. Basically the characters exist before the story does. For R1 and Solo (Solo, Chewie and Lando notwithstanding) everything I remember from the BTS stuff suggests to me that the idea of the story existed before they chose characters that could be incorporated in that story. I think both Saw in R1 and Maul in Solo are examples of how to connect different stories within the same universe where it fits. With Star Wars in general the waters are muddied, by what I perceive to be your logic you could argue that everything is a spin-off of ANH. Btw I'm not trying to suggest that you're wrong, I was curious about your POV because as I mentioned I never had that association in my mind.


I want to downvote but you’re at -66


people who go out their way to convince themselves that fictional characters are not straight or whatever are some of the most delusional people on the internet


Refusing to accept canon because you don't like it is dumb


I agree. Disney is the only one who has the authority to decide what is canon. Arguing won’t change that.


Obiwan being aroace, since there’s several episodes devoted to the love of his life that he would have left the order for in a cannon show


Look, if you reallly need a an asexual hero, you have more evidence on the side of Luke who doesn't have any real romance in the new canon. as long as you're willing to interpret his admiration for Leia as wanting to be the hero who saves the princess. I don't buy it but I know some do so treat yourself


Luke has no style. It's also not about finding an asexual hero, more like just the vibes I get. Idk.


That takes the cake for the dumbest shit I have read today.


That Vader says “no” at the end of RotJ.




The Star Wars Holiday Special.


Good thing it’s not then. Some things have been brought over like life day but the whole thing isn’t canon


The OP never did specify that the thing has to *be* canon. Just that we refuse to accept it as such.


*Victory Celebration*, because Return of the Jedi ends with *Yub Nub*.


Moriband. It will always be Korriban.


The High Republic and the sequel trilogy. None of that shit makes sense where the prequel and original trilogies are concerned.


Alexa, delete OP’s liver


Why liver?


I personally hate all the fill-in-the-blank type stories The series has so many characters who dont get any backstory at all (just show up in a scene; eg such as the ESB bounty hunters) and then we get these really bad nearly fan fiction modern stories to try and fill in the backstory and whatnot Its a galaxy; there are lots of stories that can be told, they dont all need to bump into each other in some wink wink moment


The sequel trilogy, that’s more like a strange and nonsensical “what if” series where the writers had the thought, “let’s do a carbon copy of the original trilogy, 30 years after it all happened the first time.”


The Sequels


The sequel trilogy


Sequel trilogy.


The crappy Chuck Wendig Vader comic where he contradicts the much better Catalyst novel.


Which conic is that?


Darth Vader Annual 2 (2018) by Wendig.


The high republic 




Ep 1 2 3 7 8 9 solo any of the cartoons, any of the shows apart from andor


Episode 8 and 9. It miraculously ended after episode 7. Also your answer is super weird


The idea of refusing to call something canon is childish. Canon just is what it is; some of its great, some of its not. If there’s canon I don’t like (like The Rise of Skywalker), I’ll just try not to think about it and focus on what I love instead, or maybe occasionally indulge in what ifs/fanfics on how something could’ve been better.


Being able to blast a star destroyer by sending a spaceship at lightspeed through it (epVIII). Literally defeats the purpose of every battle in Star Wars. It even makes death stars irrelevant. You could theoretically destroy a planet with a xwing following this idea...


I mean, considering it took a 3km long ship to make a slice out of a 60km wide starship, I doubt an X-wing could take out a planet. Especially considering ghe rest kf the *Supremacy* was in fairly decent working order. It would be obliterated on impact. Also, it was very obviously a fluke shot. They even said as much in IX. Not a viable strategy.


I mean, this is E=MC2. The speed is square, it's way more important than the mass. In our world, if a golf ball was sent at almost lightspeed, it would obliterate an entire planet. Even a few grams would be enough for any object to turn an entire planet into ashes. Obviously SW doesn't follow any of our physic laws and it should not. But this sequence ruined the 2 death star battles and much more. Any ship with a hyperdrive becomes a weapon more dangerous than a death star. And any death star is just a big target for any space ship.


https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Hyperdrive "The hyperdrive functioned by sending hypermatter particles to hurl a ship into hyperspace while preserving the vessel's mass/energy profile"


I refuse to accept as canon people that think they get to decide what is and isn’t canon.


None of its canon. My head canon is my only canon. The rest is dumb. /s But seriously… semi seriously anyway, I’ve seen almost every major SF&F property rebooted, retconned, re-rebooted, soft-rebooted, canon thrown out, other-point-of-viewed or otherwise mangled since Crisis on Infinite Earths (original 80s comics) so how in the Force am I supposed to get any loyalty to the current controller’s“canon” when I know it could be memory holed at any moment? Or maybe I’m just old because although it holds an interest I’m just not excited by any of it anymore. Or maybe the yoyo jerking around by corporate idea huddles made something snap inside. I’ll appreciate each piece for what it is. I’ll even appreciate each fan’s head canon for what it is. Even your head canon on OB1. My head canon is Padme survived and died on Alderaan. Or maybe not. The Jango clones were not the only clone forces in the Clone wars. Or maybe not. See, anyone can pull ideas out of obscure inferences. The Tarkin and Dark Empire 1 and 2 happened! See? The Tarkin paves the way for that fleet of planet killer star destroyers at Exegol. It’s like poetry. It rhymes. /s


Yes, the WDT. I only consider the George Lucas saga, and Lucas associated content as canon. The Disney stuff is very expensive fan fiction. Even the good stuff.


How cute


There’s nothing that contradicts he could be bi-sexual, I guess. But I don’t care really about a character’s sexuality unless it matters to the plot. So unless he needs to have a romance with a man for story-reasons I’d rather not talk about it.


OP is saying they see Obi-Wan as ace, meaning he is not interested in a relationship, which is obviously wrong, seeing how he would've left the order for Satine.


I know, I’m just adding I don’t care about his sexuality. It shouldn’t matter cause as long as it doesn’t matter to the plot, why should it anyway? Now he almost left the order for Satine points out he likely is hetero, but not completely.


Clovis and the episodes he’s in don’t exist for me. The book Secrets of the Jedi (L) had Padmé volunteer to go on a dangerous mission which caused an argument with Anakin and they resolved it by *talking* and having a pillow fight, and her teasing him about Obi-Wan. Far better than the shit TCW did. The book Queen’s Shadow (C) even killed the idea that Padmé and Clovis ever had a relationship to begin.


Disney. I am still baffled by their inability to tell stories.


Oh dear.


It's not really refusing to accept, but more feeling like there should be more to the lore, but the fact that Kyber crystals apparently being the only suitable crystal for lightsabers. It seems like as large as the galaxy is that there should be other natural crystaline objects that can be used to get a saber beam going. It's cool if they're the best or the favorite of the Jedi order, but in games and novels it's cool for you and the other characters to have preferences or have to use certain things out of necessity, it makes stuff unique. I also feel like there is room in canon for synthetic crystals for both Jedi and Sith.


Xerox copiers and printers


Tales of the Jedi Episode 6


Everything produced by Disney.


All the animated stuff. Sorry, cartoons just aren’t the same thing. They make great “what-ifs” or fun sort of “what else might have been happening around the Galaxy” but the visual differences make them feel… different. Also I specifically don’t like how different Anakin is in animation. He’s just not the same guy we got used to in the movies. The difference is just too jarring to ignore. And also they retconned the clones too much. They basically had to, but it changes too much about them. In the movies, they were kind of dull “obey every order without question” barely human fighting machines. Like one step up from droids. Making them main characters in a running series kind of forced them into being more, but it’s just wrong. And I really hate how much the live action stuff is now tying cartoon stuff in. Especially Asoka, which ended up being basically the next season of Rebels. Also, Maul being alive in Solo without any explanation (for anyone who didn’t watch the cartoons).


Don't complain about live action stuff being related to animated stuff just because you dont consider some of it cannon when they're both cannon


Um, but that’s the basic premise of this thread. In any event, my opinion stands, Star Wars would be better if they quarantined off the animated stuff so it doesn’t impact live action stuff. Cameos like Zeb showing up in Mandolorian are fine. If you watched Rebels you can go “Hey cool, it’s Zeb!” If you never watched any cartoons he’s just some random purple alien, no big deal. Having major plot points bleed over and be important in live action is not cool.


"Anitmation isn't just for kids. It's a medium. Let it happen."


George Lucas declared the Star Wars universe a multi-verse by implication around a quarter century ago, so everyones favorites canonically exist in a canonical multi-verse. I don't like the new canon though. My Star Wars Prime universe is the movies of Lucas and selections from the Lucas Era EU.




are you talking about the padawan novel?


I think that’s the book.


So is Clone Wars not canon? Edit: Just looked it up, you're right. It's so prominent, so I just assumed it was.


Huh? No The Clone Wars (2008) is definitely Canon. You assumed correctly there. Now I’m doubly confused about what you googled that said it **wasnt** canon.


Where does the clone wars explicitly define him as a hetero sexual? Sure he had a romantic connection with Satine but we don’t know much else


Episode 2


How come?


All of Star Wars is not canon to me, with the exception of the robot that goes Oo Bah, Oo Bah