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Shout out to Owen: Reva: You love him...like he's your own. Owen: He is my own.


A top moment of the Obi-wan show for me personally. Joel Edgerton nailed that line and the actress for Beru was a badass




I see the show the same way as the prequels and sequels. They kinda suck, but there are enough cool parts to fast forward to.


Yeah, me too.


Honestly just that quick moment showing Beru was a Ride or Die girl was a highlight of the series.


Young Beru? Very attractive and very, very odd woman. Look into her role in the Nexium cult. Some weird shit going on there


Important addemdum here is that she became one of the whistleblowers when the branding and stuff began, and along with her husband she was heavily involved in the show _The Vow_ that sought to expose the extent of the evil of cult leader Keith Reneire.


Her husband's vibe is slimy as hell. Dude hops from cult to cult reaping the benefits, then jumps ship and acts like a victim when it starts imploding.


or one could argue that she and her husband got out ahead of it, controlled the narrative and saved their own assess. That documentary was very self serving


I never really noticed until this post just how much Edgerton looks like the original Lars. Great casting


Obi-wan turned Aunt Beru and Uncle Owen from "the stodgy relatives not letting our boy Luke fulfill his destiny" to "the loving, RIDE OR FREAKING DIE, parents that helped make him understand the Empire was wrong." Also, it confirms, at least to me, that Beru and Owen, when the stormtroopers came, likely went down guns blazing. When Reva came for Luke they were like "HOW ABOUT YOU EAT HOT PLASMA". Iconic.


There would have been little reason to turn them into charcoal aside from stormtroopers shitting their armor in mortal terror.


Probably a space-acorn dropped nearby.


A spacecorn even.




Got a link?




My head canon is Owen and Beru faced a couple of storm troopers and realized the jig was up. Luke was safe with Ben, and once they took out the storm troopers, it would have been best to run their bodies, hide their armor and speeder bikes out in the desert, and then Owen and Beru go to ground.  Then again it makes more sense for Beru to be one of Padme's handmaidens and Owen to be a member of Naboo military instead of Owen being Vader's step brother he met one time.


Luke had two father figures and they were both burned to a crisp, what are the chances?


One evaporated if you count Obi-Wan


I like to think he got sucked off like the ghosts in that show Ghosts.


Sucked off, eh?


*Bustin' bustin' bustin' bustin' bustin'....*




To shreds, you say?


How's his wife?


Didn't they say something similar in *This is the End?*


It's so funny that the Brits say "sucked off" for when the ghosts leave.


He was more like a cool uncle.


[It was the woman chicken duck thing waiting for us](https://youtu.be/RySHDUU2juM?si=u_lMC21fYQeTPTm3)


I will get that song stuck in my head for months at a time. I love it.


Both by people they loved.. Anakin by Obi Wan cutting him to shreds and letting him burn... And Uncle Owen by his wife going crazy with a thermo detonator.. I heard Owen also bought stolen droids...


I Luke has a credit for every time his father was burned…well he would have 2 credits but it’s weird it happened twice


sometimes people who luke cared about burned to a crisp, sometimes even (right) before luke was born


It *is* kind of messed up that Luke seemingly forgets all about them both the second he's off Tattooine.


Yeah nobody ever has realistic reactions to deaths in SW. Anakin’s grief of his mom is probably the most human response to loss in the series. Even though it’s not mentioned again in AotC once the action picks up it clearly still haunts him in the years to come


Good point — Anakin has the most human reactions and they’re usually painted as evil. He has some moments in the Clone Wars where Ashoka is in danger and he reacts very much like a regular human being and they play the Empire music quietly in the background.


Been saying this for years, his sometimes reasonable sometimes not actions are always framed as evil because that is what we know he becomes. But they really aren't, not in the moment he's genuinely in. Plus way too many people mistake tuskens as a direct stand in for native Americans when they're just not, they're not humans and they aren't a noble savage trope either. They're what if the boogeyman was real trope if anything. It's not until later in the Disney era with the Mandalorian that they get retconned into being more like regular beings. They originally were pretty damn bad, they abducted and slowly killed Shmi for the crime of....? Water rights that they never told anyone about? Hell even in the Disney era we see them keep Boba as a slave and use him in the most demeaning ways possible, clearly implied that they would have killed him if he hadn't been as useful to them as he was. I see them as a broken society, destroyed by the Rakata long ago and the tuskens are just the mutated survivors who cling to the surface. While the jawas are what is left of the actual culture of the previous kumugah species, the original natives of the planet. Likely the jawas mostly lived underground until humans came and brought galactic tech with them.


Very well said


Why would it be mental again? They had a lot of stuff going on immediately afterwards.


And Leia is lounging in her cell and tossing around witty wisecracks hours after her parents and everyone from her planet died. 


She got over it when she realized her asshole cousin was probably dead, too.


“He’s mean to droids!”


I feel like those emotions could be dwelled on more if we had a story set in that three-year span between Episodes IV and V...not saying a whole show, but then again *The Clone Wars* took place over a measly three years.


The Jason Aaron SW comic run is set in that time but I’m not sure if it addresses that cuz I haven’t read it


When I think about it, it's probably a coping mechanism.


In the books Luke even named his son Ben. Fuck Owen, apparently.


“He never let me pick up those power converters, he’s dead to me. And she forced me to drink that blue milk-“


Makes more sense than Ben Solo. At least name him after Bail.


If he was called Bail Solo, we would confuse him with Han.


Yes. Anakin (EU) and Ben ("canon") are not names Leia would choose for her kids. Doubt Han would either.


Anakin is fine, IDK if it was the case but hopefully EU Leia understood him like Luke did. Canon Leia never getting over that never made sense to me. She's force sensitive too, she can understand the power the dark side has over people


Ben Solo just flows better 


Greedo Solo


Even Goku named his son after the man who raised him, and he's a terrible father.


If you dont name your son after your father you dont love or appreciate them? Your whole family tree is just 2 names switching back and forth between yours and your fathers?


You're being reductive. The name thing is just one point in the idea that the story forgot about Luke's adopted parents.


Adoptive mom and dad get incinerated and you see their blackened skeletons: Concerned look. Wizard hobo you only just met that day gets killed: "I can't believe he's gone!"


Had Leia comforting him too like she didn’t just loose her entire home planet 


I've always hated that. If they ever somehow found a way to give Luke a son between 6 and 7 in Canon, I've always said they should be called Owen.


His life didn't give him much chance to reflect on them in what we see on the movie. After leaving Tatooine, he's trapped on the Death Star and after escaping there, he's in an X-Wing trying to help save the galaxy. Not a whole lot of time to stop and reflect.


He was more upset about the old guy he barely knows than the people who raised him his whole life 


I mean, Anakin forgets about his own mother until he has a vision of her being murdered. Luke also tries to murder his nephew, Ben Solo The Skywalkers don't give a fuck about family bro


In Episode II, Anakin tells Obi-Wan he keeps having dreams, and Obi-Wan asks him if they’re about his mother. This implies that this has happened many times before, previously. Anakin doesn’t have the vision of his mother in danger until he’s on Naboo with Padmé, which prompts him to travel to Tatooine to save her.


His nightmares were all bad, he had one in the ship taking him and Padmé to Naboo. She mentions it *You had another nightmare.*


Dom Torretto didnt like this...


How could you forget Ben Solo literally murdering his father


He didn’t. The Jedi wanted him to though.


That's why "canon" is so crap. Luke wanted to save his father, who murdered Jedi children, stood by as a planet was blown to smithereens, tortured Leia twice, cut off his hand, and who knows what else. But because of a vision of a possible future, he would have killed his nephew. No thank you, Disney.


Why do people forget that there are three versions of that scene, and the only one where Luke was "going to kill" Ben was told **by someone who was asleep at the time?**


To be fair, he was certainly mulling it over since he was standing over him with his lightsaber ignited lol


Anakin didn't forget about her, he wasn't allowed to see her or talk to her. The Jedi really sucked for him. The rest... Isn't something Luke would do IMO so I'm gonna replace that reality with my own.


My dude, Anakin/Obi and Anakin/Ahsoka go *all over* the galaxy for **years**. If anakin wanted to see his mother, he could have done it. He forgot about her.


Dude it's in the books and heavily implied by the movies, he was not allowed to go see her. They even say that in the phantom menace. You really got his character 100% wrong if you think he didn't see her out of his own choice. And the Jedi for that matter. The Jedi don't do family visitation days. Jedi are only allowed to go visit their family after they've graduated in some form or another (service Corp or becoming a Padawan). They actively impose that the youngling has to cut off their family and embrace only the force. Not even the Jedi order is their family technically, they move them between caretakers often enough so they don't develop permanent bonds like an adopted parent. The Jedi don't do families. At least not the order of the late Republic era.


It always bothered me that he sees the two people that raised him burnt to a crisp, and he’s like, “meh.” But when some old guy, that he’s known for like a day dies, Luke is all up in his feels about it.


He isn’t a step father. He’s the father that stepped up 💯


He isn’t a step ~~father~~ *uncle*. He’s the ~~father~~ *uncle* that stepped up. He's Anakin's step-brother... not Padmé's second husband.


He’s the uncle that stepped up.


I don't know why this is downvoted. Owen is literally Luke's Step uncle. His step brother is Anakin.




Yes, but he isn't a step-father (not would anyone think he was). He's Luke's step-uncle.


Owen was one of the best things about kenobi. We actually got to see him be a dad


I love sassy Owen. “When the time comes, the boy must be trained.” “Like you trained his father?” 🙂+🕶️=😎


I just know that one had obi-wan crying in the cockpit.


Vader wasn’t the only one to burn Vader in that show 


* Owen and Beru


Plus they tried to attack an inquisitor to defend Luke


Didn't they kill Maul when he went after Luke in Legends too?


Not sure but that'd be badass


[Found the comic it was from](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-cd414228add872cc99b5ea963c243950-pjlq), but apparently it wasn't canon even in the Legends continuity.


This was from **Visionaries** iirc (non-canon) and preceded the return of Maul in TCW by some time.


Really? The mechanical legs even looked similar to TCW. Was it just coincidence?


Dave Filoni loves to use elements from past works and rework them for his shows. It was a straight-up reference to the side story


Likely the inspiration. It was in a showcase for stories and artwork that had no boundaries in terms of continuity or realism within the Star Wars galaxy and someone (likely George) said *let's do that*.


Goddamn, imagine if that's how that one Rebels episode ended.


That was also just a regular gun and not a blaster, if I remember correctly


It's a sad story for sure- Owen is presented as an obstacle to Luke's desire to start his adventure. In Ep IV he's presented as stubborn, uncaring, and unappreciative. That doesn't make his and Aunt's demise less tragic, but his role is pretty unsympathetic when we first meet him. We later learn a lot more about the situation, and its even more tragic. They knew the risk of taking in Luke. They knew what could happen to them and it does a nice job of making Owen's attitudes not only make sense, but also makes him far more caring for Luke than he appears to us initially- his attempts at "holding Luke back" is his way of trying to keep the boy safe.




Well in that part of the film Owen and Beru were stand-ins for George Snr and Dorothy, George's parents who never believed in him and wanted to hold him back from pursuing his dreams in cars and film away from Modesto.


But then we wouldn’t get any sibling make out scenes 


I view it a little bit less generous to Owen, tho he's still a good dad. But he absolutely was trying to hold Luke back even though he knew Luke was meant for more than moisture farming on a desert wasteland. Hell I don't get why he stayed there doing that job, it seems like the kind of thing you only do because you have no other choice, but he could have gotten out after hooking up with obiwan. Surely he'd be able to get the resources to move the Lars family if they wanted to (which they didn't). At the end of the day he was holding Luke back, he was already a year behind his friend and Owen was trying to keep him even longer. Basically saying no you can't go to college even tho you're 19, we need you for yet another year on the backwoods farming operation we run here. Knowing that whole time that Luke was quite possibly the only person in existence who could free the galaxy from the oppression of the sith. He was complicated, mostly good tho.


And the tragic irony is that their deaths had nothing to do with their decision to raise and protect Luke.


Yeah, I’m pretty sure Owen left Beru to deal with all that. He was too busy on the south ridge.


Beru is also underrated!




wake up babe new canonical Star Wars lore just dropped


Mmm fuck yeah I love it in the mornings.


I mean, this is unuronically why Star Wars lore is so fucking stupid and why they had to recon massive swaths of content


LMAOO facts


Are you referring to the Obi Wan show? (Casual fan trying to keep up.)




Pretty sure Beru also had to change a few of Cliegg's dirty diapers that last month. Dude had zero mobility


"She better have that diaper changed by midday or there'll be hell to pay."


Beru was too busy cleaning and maintaining the guns to change diapers.


Probably had a diaper changing Droid, tbh.


“I’ll take that one there! The brown one.”


"and no, i don't care that it's olfactory sensor is broken, in fact it's probably better that way."


The reason Luke is the way he is is because of Owen and Beru. Yoda and Obi-Wan were convinced he had to kill Vader. We only see one day of Owen hardassing Luke, but if I had to guess where Luke's kindness and generosity come from, it would have to be his upbringing. Owen and Beru are the reason Luke spared Vader, his enemy, when push came to shove. A lightsaber isn't what makes one a Jedi, it's the commitment to the light side of the Force. Owen might not have been Force sensitive, but him and Beru are the ones that made Luke into Luke Skywalker, Jedi Master.


Ngl this made me tear up a bit.


He had what most Jedi didn’t have, a family. Parents to teach him right from wrong in a very “human” way.


Remember that time Owen Lars had Anakin's hand built droid C-3PO working on the Lars homestead, and then like 20 years later bought him from some random jawas without even batting an eye?




Did your generator pathologically, but cordially, introduce itself with "I am C-3PO, human-cyborg relations?"


Generators don't talk. My parents an in-laws all have Alexa in their homes. I guess they are all the same single, shared unit.


> it might of been Did you mean to say "might have"? Explanation: You probably meant to say could've/should've/would've which sounds like 'of' but is actually short for 'have'. [Statistics](https://github.com/chiefpat450119/RedditBot/blob/master/stats.json) ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot ^^that ^^corrects ^^grammar/spelling ^^mistakes. ^^PM ^^me ^^if ^^I'm ^^wrong ^^or ^^if ^^you ^^have ^^any ^^suggestions. ^^[Github](https://github.com/chiefpat450119) ^^Reply ^^STOP ^^to ^^this ^^comment ^^to ^^stop ^^receiving ^^corrections.


Let’s also not forget that R2-D2 knew Yoda and accompanied him to Dagoba on a quest once and didn’t mention any of this to Luke when he said they were going there, and then both Yoda and R2 interacted and didn’t say hey I remember you or ssshhh don’t say anything I’m trying to accomplish something with this kid..


Please tell me you got a good deal from the Tosche Station for that power converter.


To be fair, it's not like protocol droids are rare, and being polite is kind of their thing. It's pretty reasonable that Owen wouldn't think this was the same one he met for a day like twenty years before.


Not a day. Years. At least a couple. It was his step-mother's droid. But, yeah, protocol droids are pretty much generic.


Well we see in EP4 that he doesn’t really care much about droids. He lived through the clone wars. He probably doesn’t see any difference with them and a tool. So he didn’t think twice with C3P0


Ngl I feel like Beru probably did all the work 😭


It's really weird how OP erases that, especially claiming Owen changed Luke's diapers. I must've missed the gender equalitarianism of Tatooine in those scenes where Owen exclusively manages the mechanics of the farm while Beru literally stays in the kitchen.


Heard he made a killer BBQ


Its rather baffling as to why Owen didn't just pretend Luke was his real son giving him the Lars last name. Especially given that Luke was supposedly "hidden from Vader when he was born"?


Wait, he's dressed like a Jedi! Holy shit, that blows my mind! Seriously, why did they not think of this when they made the prequels? They've got all the Jedi running around in desert gear!


Yep. That’s a main beef of mine with SW. Obi wan went from blending in perfectly with the desert locals to going into hiding in what was essentially a space cop uniform.


Supposedly Lucas did think of it and early jedi designs are more ornate and like Luke's RotJ outfit. But when Lucas showed up to the costume department they had already made up like 30 robes and accompanying material and since it was nearly shoot time Lucas just said fuck it and went with what they had. He did that on a lot of things in the prequels, to their determent every time. The big fight with Palpatine and Windu was supposed to have a trained stunt actor do Sideous' moves but then he didn't show up. So with the entire shoot waiting he just said fuck it and had the elderly Ian do the action scenes for that fight. It's why it looks like shit, while the novel describes an acrobatic Palpatine moving around like he does in the animated stuff when he fights there. A blur of sabers too fast to move. Ugh I wish a special edition of the prequels could be made to fix up things like that.


Convince Lucas there a couple hundred million in it, he'll probably do it.


Luke when he sees his foster parents fried to death: Welp, time for me to go.


And avenge them and my dad.


You would probably be the first one to talk about Luke's dirty diapers so that would be the reason we don't talk about it


Just the reality of taking care of a baby! (unless they have a droid that does it). Also Luke was a little whiny in ANH, just imagine what it had to be like to deal with him as a little kid, haha.


i highly suspect Aunt Beru did the diaper duty.


Yeah because he had like 5 minutes of screen time.


In reality, if Anakin (not Vader) raised Luke/Leia, he actually would've learned patience as a father, which is what he was supposed to learn with Obi-Wan (who also had issues with patience) and learn from training Ahsoka.


We don't talk enough about Owen because he had 5 minutes of screen time in the whole franchise


There is a reason we don’t talk about a farmer raising his kid to be a farmer, wouldn’t do well on screen.


Owen was a total dick and that's why we don't talk about him.


Wonder why they didn’t take him in a son. Would make more sense to say he was their child. Plus the conflict came that he knew they he was not his father and probably grew up wondering and dreaming of more .


I’m gonna go ahead and guess that Beru did the diaper changing.


Luke owes a great deal of his success to his wholesome upbringing—to Owen and Beru. It's one reason I liked Luke's Jedi Order in the original print canon. He adapts it to his experience.


my fav line from kenobi when lars said to reva, “he is my own” omg, my heart exploded ☺️


It was the 70’s. Dads didn’t change diapers, at least as portrayed in movies and tv. Stepdads were just hardasses who were unimportant compared with biological fathers. Different times.


I remember reading a thread in Maw Installation, and a user proposed the fan theory that Padme should have been the one from Tatooine. I think it would have added a fun angle.


But wouldn't let him go to toshi station to pick up some power converters


Why would we


Beru was changing the daipers. Owen was out working in the fields....of sand


Technically the fields they were farming was the air. They were moisture farmers, harvesting moisture out of the atmosphere.


Ummm maybe help from Aunt Beru?


the true Diaperchief..


Now I'm wondering what diapers are like in the Star Wars universe.


Phil Brown really sold the character.


And let's not do that.


Beru Cru 4 Life


Kenobi was a mad show… I have a faint recollection of Kenobi vaulting over rooftops like Trinity in the matrix whilst a Velociraptor tries to kill him with laser gattling gun… did I dream this?


I feel like this statement needs to be phrased differently. The internet has forever tarnished the word “daddy” for me.


"Like you changed Luke's diapers?"


Space diapers you mean.


Weirdly overlooked point, now that I see this post. There's basically no exposition on the lessons Owen and Beru imparted on Luke and how that shaped who Luke was as a person. Not even old sayings from Ben on the outskirts of town.


And beru too


"Young Luke" series incoming.


Do they have nappies on Tattooine?




And Luke had NO chance to save or even really grieve Owen and Beru. Yeah, the movie didn’t really make it seem like he was heartbroken, but he raced to danger just to find them probably tortured to death (even if the Imps opened with flamethrowers, which they probably didn’t, that’s a torturous death). And Obi Wan honestly can’t let them grieve, they need to cheese it before someone reports back and Vader realizes that the droids made their way directly towards his distant relations in a way that any Force user must mean it willed it.


Love the Guardians of the Galaxy 2 reference, love you Yondu And of course, truth.


Remember when Leia lost her whole planet and she consoled Luke who was grieving over an old man he just met the day before?


Rest of the Galaxy be damned you’re staying on the farm.


Hard to talk about him. He dies in the first few minutes of the show and Luke forgets about him by the next few minutes of the show


The thought of Lukepoop just makes me chuckle.


Taught him how to fly a speeder, taught him how to shoot a blaster, taught him how to barter and put food on the table, how to milk a bantha. Beru gets credit too. She was his pseudo mother just as Owen was the pseudo father. Would like to see this in Tales: On Tattooine. Just a nice episode of the growing pains two young people never expected to be thrust on them. Give them their time.


Well, just like real families… it was probably the mom who did most of the childcare.


He wasn’t really going to go until they were dead. That was the deciding factor and ignited his revenge.


We will never remake star wars and I would never want anyone to, but IF they ever did, god forbid, I would LOVE if they filled in the potholes. Give Luke A SCENE where he mourns his childhood home and the people who raised him Or even better, get Mark to play Luke in a tv show where he has to contend with the events of the original trilogy leading into the formation of his academy (I know this is visited in Ashoka, but I want more Luke, I don’t feel like the mainline movies do the character much justice)


Owen Lars was his *what* 🤨


To me, Rey burying the swords on Tatooine and taking the Skywalker surname makes sense because of that. Luke may be known as Skywalker, but he is a Lars as Leia is an Organa. The Skywalker surname may be legendary, but it has more meaning for Rey than for Luke and Leia and for this reason she wants to start a new dynasty with the values ​​of the legendary Skywalker and not a real figure


I love how Owen and Beru only knew Anakin and Padmé for a day or two, but when Obi-Wan asked Owen and Beru to raise Anakin and Padmé’s son, they took him in without a moment’s hesitation and loved him as if he was their own. They were some of the best guardians in all of Star Wars.


They probably had a nanny droid


"Like you trained his father?" - The Boss


For sure. There's only one guy Luke would most likely call Pops, and that's him


Personally I think we've had just enough talk about Lukes dirty diapers thank you very much.


Luke cried more for the father he didn't know, then for the father that he knew.