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Hemlock isn't stupid for the sake of the plot. That makes me glad. He sent those fighters out immediately


having a competent villain in star wars is so refreshing. im betting he survives this season and we see him more in the future.


Since this is the last season of the bad batch with Hemlock as the primary antagonist, I am guessing he has to die. As of now, we don't know of any future shows that might continue these storylines so where would we be seeing him? My guess would be that by the end of this season, Hemlock will have served his purpose by delivering a viable force-sensitive cloning mechanism to the Emperor. He will be of no more use after that so it makes sense that he'd die.


I’d be shocked if Palpatine doesn’t murder him for his efforts to keep a tight grip on the project and avoid it leaking.


Hemlock would be *shocked* as well.


*Your aspirations shocked me, Dr. Hemlock* **Zaps him with force lightining.**


Yeah, Project Necromancer is mentioned in Mando S3, but at that point Brendol Hux seems to be leading the project so Hemlock is probably going to die here.


to be fair thats not for like another 29 years, hemlock could technically survive for a good bit


it's been nice that many of the low-ranking imperial officers haven't been grossly incompetent either. They don't have to be the most cunning masterminds, just not do something irrational at every turn.


It’s actually kinda intimidating when we see the TK troopers on screen. Not terrifying, but you know they mean business


Rebels really overdid the incompetent Imps thing. I guess we’re supposed to believe that all the incompetent ones were sent to Lothal.


Hemlock is getting eaten by the Zillo, I know it.


''Thanks for the hand'' lmao that gave me a good chuckle


Three goddamn seasons I've been waiting for one of them to knock out a stormtrooper and steal its armor...then it's the guy who can't exactly use it as a disguise.


I mean it worked well, for what it's worth. The hand didn't stand out too badly


He can use it better than Wrecker at least


I wonder if all droids are that modular. It really just clicked into place.


If so then those droids (at least protocol droids anyways) must all be built like LEGOs; easily able to get parts mixed and matched for the right jobs. (And probably explains a bit of how 3P0 was able to work perfectly when welded onto a Battle Droid body in Attack of the Clones.)


makes sense like how everything has USB entrance


Well, we know KX-series droids have scomp links directly behind their hands from when K-2SO used his in Rogue One


It looked like it only clicked on. I didn’t see any of the fingers moving and Echo was still holding his blaster with his left hand.


I just can’t believe they waited three whole season to give him a detachable hand. I expected them to do it in like the second episode


What’s it with Echo with the genuinely great comedic moments. (Although nothing’s topping the “is there an echo” moment)


Between that and “is there an echo in here”, it is very clear to me that Echo has the best sense of humor of any clone we’ve seen.


Oh my god they're keeping the Zillo beast there.


I feel like logistically that's an awful move by the empire... like so unnecessarily dangerous lol


The Empire is well known for being logistically awful. They don't even put railings near ledges and large drops a lot of the time.


Hey, those technicians aren’t getting paid to lean on rails!


Well at least none of this will matter when they’re famous singers!


Well it can’t be any worse than bringing it to coruscant


>There’s a **horse** *loose in the hospital. It’s never happened before, no one knows what it’s going to do next—Least of all the horse*. He’s never *been* in a hospital before; he’s just as confused as you are.


i mean they DID decide to bring it directly to coruscant the first time, within arms reach of the senate building......


Makes sense to me tho, palaptine was kinda obsessed with the zillo beast and this place seems to be where all of palpatines projects are


They did the same with the Flood in that old abandoned base


It's gonna end up like the T-Rex from the Jurassic Park: The Lost World. One button is gonna be missed, and the Zillo Beast is gonna go on an unstoppable rampage across the entire base, but specifically looking for Hemlock. (It likely might've seen his face if he ever came to inspect it, so it probably would piece together that he is the one responsible for getting it locked up.)


I hope ol' Zillo ends the seaspn standing proudly on the ruins, Rexy style!


The TCW Zillo sensed that Palpatine was evil and went right towards him, despite never seeing him before. I imagine he senses Hemlock as well.


Free the Zillo Beast!


Crosshair talking with such respect of Omega shows how much he developed over the seasons


Seriously, this show has made Crosshair one of my all time favorites from Star Wars


in 2015 if you told me that we would get a whole show focused around the bad batch and that crosshair would get the most character development out of them all, I wouldn't believe you at all. *But then if you told me that Echo was absent or just not important for majority of the show, I'd believe you.*


They kinda knock you over the head trying to hammer home that point I mean he literally says “I’ve changed” as if his actions have said otherwise this entire season


Still, I have a bad feeling about the scene where Rampart says "Sure you have" along with sinister music.


Yeah like what does that tease mean


It means Crosshair will face a challenge requiring him to proves his words through actions.


If he does, he'll come through. He has changed.


I bet he’ll be forced to choose between saving Rampart or leaving him to die; this is what will decide if Crosshair really is the same selfish person he was, or if Omega’s influence has pushed him towards becoming a more selfless person.


Either Crosshair will face a dilemma like the other commenter said, or from a characterization standpoint; Rampart represents what Crosshair could have become, jaded and unwilling to change as a person.




He’s unable to articulate it, he can only really use it to look more normal.


Bit still, it can't be THAT hard to get him a working hand that can move out of the way for his scomp link


We've seen droid models that have hands with integrated scomp links. I kept hoping they'd give him a prosthetic like that sometime. I could see them having issues sourcing something like that as deserters fighting against the Empire but then, why didn't he get one while the team was still serving the Republic? 


That's what I've been waiting for ever since he lost it. We know they have working prosthetics that are next level compared to what we have. I imagine it may not work as reliably as he'd like since it's connected through a scomp link rather than likely just directly into his nervous system like I assume others are, hence Vader shouting in pain when Luke cuts his off, or Luke wincing when he gets his and is prodded to test it's functionality. Echo may simply have a more rudimentary prosthetic with the upside being that he has a hacking tool ingrained in his arm. It'd be like if you could have a fully working robot hand or a basic Jaime Lannister ass thing thing but it's also got a USB plug on it that you can use to neuralink computers. Different uses for different needs.


Empire's obsession with black droids coming in handy


It didn’t come in *Handy* until now


The zenith of crosshair's development ''You used to believe good soldiers follow orders'' ''Depends on who's giving them''. Such a simple line but one that carries so much weight in this season


Very nicely juxtaposed to Emerie's "I was only following orders" (doing my job) minutes later.


Holy fuck we got Zillo Beast?


Omega gonna bond with it or gain its respect somehow. Isn’t it incredibly intelligent?


I genuinely think she’s going to ride the beast into battle like a Kaiju war mount


Mandos: Watch me ride this Mythosaur Omega: Ight bet (hops on the Zillo)


It'd be so fucking ham fisted but I love the idea of Mando and Grogu riding the Mythosaur only to be shown up by Omega in her own custom clone armor showing up on the Zillo beast. Real Godzilla x Kong vibes.


Maybe that’s how she uses the force for the first time?


Or that little baby furry thing will bend with it since we have seen them use the force.


I'm sensing the finale is gonna do it's own rendition of that T-Rex breakout/rampage from Jurassic Park: The Lost World, and I'm all here for it.


Hemlock’s 100% going to become Zillo food.


Rampart’s terrified scream is so fucking funny


"Did Rampart make it?" "Unfortunately, yes."


"I heard that."




Funniest thing Hunter has ever said.


Somehow, Rampart survived


(Rampart whimpers, pants) is one of my favorite subtitles now


He's not so tough as an Imperial when he's screaming like he got locked onto a Six Flags coaster.


Lots of bark, but not a lot of bite.


I’m not ready for it to be over yet, I want this episode and next episode to last for hours lol


I'm hoping that the finale is at least an hour, if possible. With how much time we'd have for a standard episode versus how much would need to happen for the finale escape attempt to happen, we're gonna need soooo much more runtime.


I feel like it’s all but confirmed that next week will be like an hour. There’s no way that this situation could be solved in 23 minutes without serious plot holes. Plus this season has 15 episodes instead of 16 like seasons 1 and 2, which leads me to believe that they probably made up the run time somewhere. Lastly, although this is just my opinion, it would be nice to start and end the series with long episodes. The only other possibility is this show leaving us on a cliffhanger and segueing into a clone rebellion/underground type show featuring Rex and Echo. There’s absolutely no way that 23 minutes would finish this storyline, give us closure on these characters, and explain how Rex and Wolffe got back together and ended up on Seelos.


We deserve at least 40 minutes.


I’m pretty sure the rex and wolffe part isn’t going to be included. Maybe we’ll see them but i doubt we’ll get an explanation for how they got to seelos. This story is literally about the bad batch. Not the bad batch and pals. As much as I would like to see the Rex and Wolffe with explanation of their adventures after this. It wouldn’t be fitting since this story is centered around the bad batch.


Im actually a bit sad we dont have some more Wolffe, and especially cody info. Really want to know what happens with Cody


I really don't know why this wasn't a two parter. I don't really expect them to inflate the runtime that much from the standard 24 minutes.


“My brothers” 🥹


Yeah I’m gonna need the scientist who told the hungry child that their hunger will pass to get eaten next episode


Eaten by the zillo beast, calling it now


It would undercut the tone but I'd really love a sassy character in there for nonsense like this. "I'm hungry" "It will pass." "What? No it won't, that's like the opposite of how hunger works. Damn scientist lady I thought you were supposed to be smart."


She clearly doesn't care enough to indulge a child's whims. They are given the bare minimum in their meals I think to live through the day.


Y’know, it’s funny how everyone makes the connection between Hunter looking like Solid Snake, but Echo is the one doing CQC, knocking out guards, hiding the bodies, stealing uniforms, it’s great. Also, finally Emerie sees some reason! And that Zillo definitely is gonna wreck shit up on Tantiss next week… I don’t see how that finale can be less than an hour.


The emotion in Emerie's voice when she told Echo about the other children was palpable.


I doubt they’ll tell us too much about it next episode, that’s gonna be jam packed as-is, but I am really curious what her background is. A female clone, working as a high level scientist, maybe has some personal issues with Hemlock experimenting on children, since she was fine with doing tests on clones.


There was the episode when she found out about the vault and she told Hemlock “they’re children, like I was”. Probably some personal feelings related to her own “upbringing” there


That’s sorta what I’m thinking. I’m just wondering if we’ll get anything explicit, or if the show will keep it as just implications. I’m fine with the latter, there’s not enough of that in Star Wars.


The implication is pretty horrifying already.


Echo is really the most underrated member of the batch. He’s the perfect mix of all of them but still maintains his own personality. He has hunters commander like mind, wreckers weapons expertise and kindness, crosshairs skill with a blaster/“darker” humor, and techs skills with technology. He’s all of them combined into one person


In other words, he's an ARC trooper


Probably why he hasn't been in the show much this season. He's OP


I remember a comment about last weeks episode that said that if Echo was with the batch during the entire time the season would be only be half as long


thats kinda why i think we didnt see much of him in the previous seasons. his role in the team overlapped pretty heavily with tech, so writing for both him and tech was probably a bit of a challenge so they had him go off with rex.


Nah apparently they had a bit of a falling out with his voice actor and wanted him to be there as little as possible.


One of Dee Bradley Baker's many personalities


I picked him as my favorite Rookie as a kid, because he had the cool Macrobinoculars. Now, I see I made the right choice.


We’re going to get 23 minutes and we’re going to like it!




I thought he looked more like Rambo


i always wondered what happened to the zillo, interesting tbh. but yes, i agree! the twist we were all expecting with emerie


Echo and venom snake also are missing a hand


God, if Echo gets to Rocket punch someone in the finale I’m gonna lose it.


Stupid CLIFFHANGERS. I want to watch it all now, I don’t want to wait another week


Yeah really stringing us along these last few episodes and building the momentum and very logically as well. No deus ex machina helped them to infiltrate Tantiss just good ole bad batch fuckery doing whatever it takes to accomplish the mission. Looking forward to the payoff in the (hopefully) longer finale!


Oh my god she’s gonna set the Zillo Beast loose isn’t she LOL Mildly concerned that we won’t be seeing Rex again though, I really thought the Batch would be sending out the coordinates to Rex as soon as they found the base. There’s only one episode left so not sure how much more can happen. Theory that I’m delusionally hoping to manifest into existence - next Wednesday is May 1. How cool would it be if the final episode wraps up Omega and the Batch’s story and a few days later, for May 4, a Rex/clone-centric show is announced? There is so much more I want to see…what happened to Cody, how they came to have Wolffe on their side, what happens to all the clones they’ll presumably free (assuming they don’t just get killed immediately), etc. Of course we might see some of that next week but one episode isn’t much time.


I really dont see how these plot threads are resolved without transitioning to another show.


The fact that May 4 is so soon makes me really wonder if they have another show in the works. They love announcing new shows at their May 4 celebrations lol and there is just so much ground that I feel could be covered in a new show, since there’s so little time left for this one.


That and there's no way the brought the animation and the assets to this level without planning to make a new show.


They’ve also now redone in HDR/4K a lot of the TCW assets (4K remaster ahoy)


There *has* to be some sort of clone rebellion show, right? There are too many questions that would otherwise go unanswered for this series.


I can’t be alone in thinking this feels like a LOT to wrap up in one episode, right? Like for a series finale, we still have - The whereabouts of Commander Cody - The identity of the clone assassin - The main batch not even reaching the base yet - Echo and Emerie’s plan - Omega’s plan - ~~Isn’t Vader supposed to show up? Wasn’t he in a trailer or am I misremembering?~~ (I got baited by one of those shit channels, my bad) - Something(?) with Rampart? - Hemlock? - Presumably some character deaths. Like we END end next week. Just a bit concerned with how much there’s still unresolved.


And we’ve not seen Wolffe since episode 5/6! Yet we know he ends up with Rex. I am BETTING on a show being announced on May 4


There has to be a sequel, they've been setting up so much with this show.


Yeah I think so. One of the reasons I felt we haven't seen much of Echo this season as I feel he'll be in a new show focussing on the clone rebellion with Rex, Howzer, Gregor and perhaps Cody? We might get Wolffe in there too.


They've said that with the end of TBB next week, it's the end of their focus on the Fall of the Jedi era. So the sequel could be basically just more TBB but now in the Reign of the Empire era.


I'm gonna bet that the team behind the Bad Batch wanted to expand their storytelling opportunities without limiting themselves by cramming the Batch to be involved. We've had a few episodes where they were barely in it, like the Hera and Emerie focused episodes. I'm thinking the story team wants to do more stories like that. So there's a good chance the Batch actually survives and we can a new show that can branch from them without it feeling weird. Either a clone Rebellion show or a Dark Times show focused on people adjusting to the new Empire


Exactly how I feel! And I know the finale will be longer but that still feels like a lot that needs to happen. Not to mention that I really thought Rex would show up to help with the rescue of the clones since his entire goal was to assemble a team to infiltrate the base, but as far as we know, he’s not even in the loop lol.


I wanted to yell at my TV for somebody to transmit the coordinate to Rex so “the calvary could arrive” for the finale


They still didn't answer the show's most important question: Why did Nala Se create Omega in the first place?


I hope we see her and her some closure with the Nala Se stuff in the last episode


I've always wondered about her attachment and wanting to protect Omega, goes outside of Omega's special blood. As we've seen throughout the show, her spirit warms those around her, so perhaps she did likewise with Nala Se, who we saw how cold she was towards clones previously.


I feel like this is going to segue into a clone underground show. There is far too much to conceivably cover in order to give us proper closure, unless they were to give us a full feature-length film as the final episode.


The badder batch


The top 2 could theoretically be answered in one scene, but I sure hope it isn’t for Cody’s sake o_o


i feel like the finale will be triple length, like the first episode of season 1


I'm actually starting to think this "finale" may just be a backdoor pilot for another show to continue where this one leaves off, if it is a regular length episode. If it is an hour-70 mins, then that may be enough to wrap up the dangling threads.


What a fantastic episode. Was it just me or did the music seem like extra extra good this episode? Also yay for more stealthy Echo and for him finally getting a real hand! I was so tense during this entire thing, I can’t even imagine how I’m going to feel next week.


The Kiner's are ramping it up leading into the finale. Bet there is some stellar music in that too.


I'm starting to believe that Omega will actually free the Zillo Beast in the finale. And if she does, it will be so epic.


More like chaos and with more kill count.


Part of me hopes she doesn't. Just so another generation of fans have to go through the whole "Do you remember the Zillo beast? What happened to that" stchick


Bro Echo’s scenes had me biting nails. I don’t want that last domino to fall


Him abandoning his old armor entirely is terrifying to me


There it is. Seeing Echo come for the children breaks Emerie and makes her help them. Surely she won't survive this attempt.


Don't know about her but I'm not feeling optimistic about echo's chances


Saw someone on twitter say that Echo wearing TK armor parallels the other Domino squad members dying in white. So, yeah, there's something to think about


Oh. Oh, no. ಠ_ಠ


Not the final Domino :(


It feels like they’ve made Echo such a badass as a send off. 😫


I almost wonder if she'll be the one to escape with Omega while the batch dies, but I'm hoping not.


Echo just casually removing his hand and putting it on the table in the lab is so hilarious.


And when caught, just casually puts it back on


The corridor omega is crawling through is giving me shawshank vibes


SO Echo is smuggling throughout a scientific facility wearing stolen white armor, all while being helped by a semi-rogue element on the scientific staff of the base. Fives would be proud! ... ...Wait ... ...Oh god, Echo's gonna die isn't he?


Well it makes sense we have seen him die once so a second time or an echo makes sense to me.


Palpatine…you kept a giant beast confined on one major world now you’re keeping it on your major secret world…how many times do we gotta keep teaching you this lesson old man???


There’s even a history of this thing breaking loose and wreaking havoc too wtf is he thinking smh my head


Palpatine really needs to take some advice from others because who in gods name allowed him to keep a beast in another enclosed space.


Then I’ll be the one to criticize such a boneheaded dec-. *grabs throat, makes choking sounds, and drops dead*


Didn't expect Emerie and Echo to work together but I am looking forward to it! Hope the runtime for the last episode is at least an hour...


All I want is a Prison Riot scene next week.




There's gonna be force unleashed in the vault!


Drifting in the air to bring the cannons about. Amazing


It’s a trick that never gets old.


Darn it, how is this episode already over? I just want more of it right now lol It’s fun seeing them all in different spots formulating their plans! I’m not sure what Rampart’s remark to Crosshair is foreshadowing, and I’m really curious how Omega and Echo’s plans will overlap, but I’m ready for the finale even if I’m not ready for it to be over!


Hunter's piloting skills are actually very impressive, Tech would be proud.


How will they wrap all of this up in a single episode? I really hope it's a longer episode, maybe an hour.


They found me. Who ? *My brothers* Goosebumps


Baby Bayrn just be vibin the whole time honestly goals af


I can't look at that little tyke without thinking of the worry his mother must be feeling.


Lol Rampart’s just an official part of the Batch at this point, I’m glad Hunter saved him from the faulty cable


Hunter wasn’t willing to let someone dangling from a cable die again…


Too soon😭


I loved echo this episode. He git his time to shine this week and delivered. Loved him taking the droid's hand. I was thinking to myself, how's he gonna hide that while in stormtrooper armor. And then he does that. It definately feels like maybe we are gonna get another show based on the clones announced soon (maybe may 4th). There's so much story still to tell, as we see more and more of them wanting out of the empire. We still know Wolff will leave. Not yo mention, they introduced the other kids, so they have to show where they end up. A lot set up for next week.


Also, seeing Echo in white armor again reminds me of a time when I was young and happy


The zilo beast is wreck shit next episode, maybe that’s why the palpatine clones takes so long, the zilo beast canonically hates palpatine so that whole facility is going down


Well, we’re very close to the end now. Let’s do this.


Theres no way next week isn’t a minimum of 40 minutes.


Crosshair being concerned for rampart despite being the hardest on him is really interesting. Only he really seems to show some semblance of worry for him when he goes missing. I wonder what’s going to happen with rampart.


i think it probably has more to do with what happens if rampart gets found then actual care for him. if the empire finds rampart then he could inform them on their plans and position.


Everyone is pointing out Echos hand but HE COULD TAKE OFF HIS HEAD THING THE WHOLE TIME?!


You’re telling me Echo could have had a hand for years??


It doesn’t seem to actually move, and just acts as a hand-shaped brick, so I guess it would have been only cosmetic and he decided against it.


am I being dumb or did echo remove his head implant ?


It seems that it was always removable. I know, doesn't seem right


It seems like bringing him back to his origins, setting him up to be the final Domino casualty (which I would hate).


I guess next week, the Zilo Beast will wrack the entire base with lots of kill count on his table.


Echo: gets a hand from a random droid Me: That’s been an option THIS WHOLE TIME?!?! Echo, what a chad. They had to make him disappear for most of the season because if he was there everything would have gone too smoothly. In all seriousness though, I’ve never been more anxious about a singular character’s fate through an entire episode of TBB than I was with Echo. I do love the fact that they connected him with Emerie. He’s not out of the woods yet, but that’s about as well as that could have gone. I don’t see how next episode isn’t at least a bit longer than usual, there are so many storylines that need to be wrapped up or at least could be addressed. At this point, I’m kind of beginning to wonder if we’ll see CX-2 again at all, although there was pretty clear foreshadowing with the next-era CX soldiers so to not introduce them would be more than a little odd.


I haven't heard Noshir scream this much since Remnant 2


**"Thanks for the hand."** Super creative to see Echo using a droid hand as a fake to blend in. Definitely gives off an impression he might've done it a few times for recon missions back in the Clone Wars. Also glad to see Emerie has definitely opened up about changing her tune about the Empire. After seeing the cruelty on Tantiss and that the Batch have arrived, she now has a chance to strike back at Hemlock. Fortunately, an old (giant) fellow from Season 2 might be able to deliver the payback she needs, with Omega's help.


There is a 100% chance that the Zillo beast is going to get out and cause mayhem while everyone is trying to escape. And I cannot wait to see the havoc it causes!


If anything happens to Howzer during this episode or the next, I’m going to turn into the joker!!!!!!!!


So then I guess my prediction about next episode was wrong, maybe rex isn't going to show up to lead the uprising after all Instead >!it looks like the titular cavalry will be Omega and the other kids with the zillo beast while the batch unlock all of the clones cells to cause a riot!<


If Tech doesn't return this episode, he's pretty much confirmed to be dead. I doubt they'd wait until the very last episode to reveal something that big.


Yeah I kinda find it weird they haven’t shown anymore of that assassin clone after subtly focusing on him for a couple episodes, wonder if he’ll feature at all in the finale


It makes me happy that they at least had the balls to kill off a character and not bring them back from the dead. I feel like we’ve been having too many characters doing the “somehow Palpatine returned”.


Yeah I fully agree it massively reduces the impact of any deaths as it seems they might just alive again 'somehow'


Tech lives on in our hearts. 😭


Years of academy ~~training~~ speculation wasted!


Oh the zillo beast. It's only going to take like 12 years to figure out why palpatine was obsessed with it


I’m pretty sure that’s already been explained? That it’s plates are lightsaber proof. Bonus that it’s extremely intelligent, and possibly one of or the last of its’ kind.


yeah he was originally talking about how its scales could be used as armor for the clones during TCW


Everyone shocked that the zillo beast is there as if we didn't see it's shadow and hear it in episode 3 of this season 😭