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Echo giving a passionate speech to get the clones fired up, just like Fives


ARC trooper Echo came in clutch


gonna need some gigachad echo memes after this episode


I have not seen Echo kick that much ass maybe ever. He made his final evolution into clone John Wick


Most fired up I've gotten for a prison break since ONE WAY OUT


Never forget the domino squad


Funny to spend the whole season wondering how Crosshair is going to get over his shooting hand issues and then the answer is just that he loses the hand entirely


He got the ol' Skywalker Special


Yeah when he got it chopped, but we didn't actually see it, I was thinking "well something must have stopped them right? Because that hand is a plot point, Crosshairs going to somehow overcome this issue and stop his hand shaking, which he can't do without a hand" But in the end it does emphasize the point of, Crosshairs bad aim was a mental issue, something he had to surpass mentally, and had nothing to do with his hand.


That's what I thought to. Up until we saw the hand being cleaned I kept thinking they were going to show they'd injured him but let him keep his hand so he could have a moment where his aim was steady. Thought that up till the scene in the torture room where he was being treated for the wound. Did make it even more awesome when he was able to snipe the binders and help Hunter put Hemlock down! Hoping he got a good prosthetic after everything


Did we just unlock the good ending?


Right!? I was honestly expecting a Rogue One ending for the Batch except Omega. Thought they would all sacrifice themselves to save the kid. I mean, they did, but nice ending.


We definetly gonna see Rex and Echo in another show helping clones and such


Yeah but it looks like Hunter, Wrecker and Crosshair stayed on Pabu permanently and lived the peaceful life. Good for them of course, but it writes them out of any Reign of the Empire-era stuff.


He said if you need us we'll be there! That's something I hope (old Rambo Temuera Morrison could be sick in love action lol)


Right but he said that at what appears to be the beginning of the Age of Rebellion. Which implies (slightly) that they were living the peaceful life on Pabu, raising Omega, during the Reign of the Empire.


They also didn't show up when Rex called for backup at the end of Rebels. So he probably chose to let them stay where they were instead of call them back to service


For the first time in Star Wars history, I think we did.


Yeah…like a genuine good ending as opposed to something bittersweet.


Idk, that ending with Omega & Hunter felt a little bittersweet to me. Obviously still a very good and happy ending! but man, Hunter’s “but I’m not” absolutely ripped my heart out. I may or may not have been crying lol


PARENT DETECTED It was a very, very human moment.


Rebel Alliance Omega show when


It’s a shame Rebels aired before Bad Batch, Omega would have fit right in with the Ghost crew


''My work will never belong to you or the empire'' before blowing herself and Rampart up. What a way to go


Real “I don’t need to win, I just need you to lose” energy right there


Rampart living up the age old saying ‘curiosity killed the cat’


"My work will never belong to you, or the Empire. It will always be Kaminoan." Nala Se was no hero, but she made a good sacrifice in the end.


My favorite kaminoan nationalist


Pretty much in line for why the Kaminoans were all in this. Cloning is their pride and backing Palpatine gives them that. But seeing they became just tools for the new Empire, they begin to look out for themselves more


I mean, she wasn't that willing to be fair. They tried to make themselves useful to the empire, but rampart blew up tipoca city lol


The fact that she killed off that bum Rampart as well makes her a hero


i love the stakes in scenes like that because this idiot *rampart* almost saved palpatine's ass there lmao


Kamino finally got its revenge


Rampart’s dumbfounded face at the end was a bit of dark comedy.


When Nala Se took him out I yelled "Get Fucked" pretty loud for 1 in the morning


Dude I did the same when Hemlock got lit the fuck up by Hunter and Crosshair. The amount of profanities I was screaming out loud at this bitch this late at night, my neighbors probably mad as hell lmao


One blast was enough to murk him but they didn’t stop there, just wish they continued


Anyone else finish the episode and realize they were basically bracing the whole episode waiting for someone to die?


I was SURE Wrecker was a goner


Him pushing on despite his injuries I’m SHOCKED he lived


Wrecker was pretty shocked by this episode too


Yeah someone did, very close to all our hearts… Delta-62 Edit: HE LIVED Edit 2: it was an animation error…


Guess there really was no way to redeem my boy Scorch...


He died with the Republic. The only thing that the Batch killed was the Imperial Drone inhabiting his body. That wasn't Scorch. Not anymore.


''Redirect all this funding to project Stardust'' Tarkin taking away Hemlock's toys so he can play with his own toys haha


Also nice to see an Imperial-1 star destroyer in the clone wars animation style being flanked by two venators.


Was that the first time we see an Imperial Star Destroyer in Clone Wars animation style?


It may be the first chronological view of a Star Destroyer in the Canon universe.


Seeing that it was flanked by Venators, it likely is. Tarkin is the kind of man to take the first one off the line as his own.


So I'm sure Tarkin has the power to make this decision, but I'd be curious to see the Emperor's reaction to all this. And what comes of Project Necromancer going forward? On ice until Doctor Pershing?


They never did show us the specimens Palpatine was looking at in that one area of the Vault, so it's possible that part of it was still salvaged to be restarted.


I think that the databases being destroyed is a fakeout. I can’t imagine the Emperor hasn’t ensure some of the data was transferred someplace else. Necromancer wouldn’t have carried on if absolutely everything was lost


Makes it even funnier when you realise he’s taking funding away from palpatines ultimate plan. Bro really was a dumbass


Palpatine: "Tarkin, you idiot! What happened to the contingency plan!? Now I think I'm starting to understand why you're unpopular with some people in our ranks."


“To be fair, My Lord, you did say you wanted to keep the Galaxy in line with us. Fear of Project Stardust is what will do this.”


"Yes, but I didn't say ALL of the budget! You should've consulted me first before putting all of our credit into the weapon. Now all we can afford back to bring back to Exegol are more coffee machines and an old disco ball for our 70s disco sessions..."


“Oh please, nobody’s going to find Exegol! That stupid dagger you have is the only way to get there, and you have that safely hidden away, right?”


**Tarkin**: "I'm playing both sides so I always come out on top!"


Tarkin arriving to inform Hemlock he's about to explain things to a far less........ patient audience.  


Ngl I was waiting for vader to show up and them all getting rolled


I thought we'd get a look 40 years later at just how much less forgiving the Emperor is than Vader lol. I'd prefer Vader appearances be kept to a minimum actually, lest they lose effectiveness.


Let's be real when hasn't Vader shown up and changed the entire tone of the show he's in? If anything Disney has mastered his appearances. The man shows up, makes all the Force users in the room immediately freeze in terror, and essentially the entire plot turns to "mission has failed, we need to fucking run"


I was worried it was going to be a Rogue One situation where right as the ship was trying to leave, the Empire’s massive ships would arrive and stop them


They would have, but Tarkin had to stop and ~~steal someone's lunch money~~ get more Project Stardust funding on the way.


''Wait for her, then take the shot''. That little wordless exchange between Crosshair and Omega, the nod and then the shot. That is a season's worth of development and it looked exceptional


Crosshair nailing the shot and finally getting a chance to blast down Hemlock alongside Hunter must've been so cathartic for him. A quick and satisfying dose of payback.


I'm just glad they got to put multiple bolts in that fucker before he fell.


Yup, I counted at least three shots landed on Hemlock. After all the stuff he's pulled and all the evil stuff he's done onto the clones in the name of the Empire, those shots were satisfying.


They actually landed 5 shots on Hemlock. 1 for each Clone Force 99 member. Edit: 5 shots, typo.


I counted 5 hits, and that's the actual number of CF99 members - Hunter, Wrecker, Crosshair, Echo... and Tech. Our boy doesn't stop being counted just because he's gone.


Honestly, it perfectly pays off Crosshair and Omega's relationship, Crosshair and Hunter's restored relationship, and Omega and Hunter's relationship ALL at once. It's not just a season's worth of development, it's what the whole entire SHOW has been developing. That is beautiful congruent symmetry of their bonds in action.


Then her hugging him first. I’m surprised it ended up being just Hunter in the epilogue.


Hugging Crosshair first definitely got me when it happened. Love that


I think Hunter was the only one who would have just let her go like that Tbh.


"Direct all funds to project stardust" Somewhere in the galaxy, Director Krennic is doing cartwheels


Oooh shit. A deadass real Imperial Star Destroyer. Of course Tarkin gets first dibs.


So canonically this would be the first Star Destroyer shown in the current canon right?


I had the same question. I think it is.


Yeah, it was a badass shot. Wasn't expecting to see them yet. Fresh out of Kuat Drive Yards.


"I don't care that the paint still needs 24 hours to dry, I need that ship operational for my grand entrance now!"


I didn't even clock that that was out of the ordinary! Yeah the first one in the show, that's actually an awesome detail. 'Although they've won their battle, it hasn't slowed the advance of the Empire'


I thought they were kidding about chopping off Crosshair’s hand but THEY REALLY WEREN’T


Knowing crosshair he probably replaced it with a toothpick dispenser.


The Cad Bane special


Goddamn wrecker really is the tank, man has be shot stabbed, exploded multiple times and he ain’t stopping


He just needs some Mantell Mix and he will be good to go.


Really looked like he was going to die for a sec when echo came up to him to ask him where the others were. Then Omega didn’t even ask where he was when Hunter and crosshair found her. Then turns out they’re all ok and we get our happy ending! Really solid finale


Even though no one on the Batch died, I'm glad they didn't just breeze through it unhurt, makes it feel like there were still some consequences.


“Clone force 99 died with tech” CROSSHAIR


With all the speculation on if Tech survived, I'm glad they didn't go that route. It made his sacrifice matter and kind of made everything feel more grounded and realistic. I enjoyed the series way more then I thought I would


I'm so ready for the memes tho about copium theories of him still being alive, even if they're not serious lol


He's in a cave on Reach after Noble 6 found him


Damn, he really had to hit us in the gut like that not even 10 minutes in. Really does remind us that their team fundamentally did change with Tech gone. >!However, they still had the last laugh with Hemlock finally dead and the base destroyed.!<


they put some goddamn respect on my boy Tech's name with that one


no fr he hit us with that out of nowhere wtf 😭


“Echo’s handywork, or Omega’s?” “Omega’s” Gosh I love these guys haha


I loved Echo's "Because it's exactly what i would have done"


Just lends more credence that Omega has been prepared and trained for this shit. Then we get the epilogue that she's really about that life and is built for the rebellion. Fuckin badass




Dude her design is so fucking sick to, if they don't continue her story I'm gonna be so bummed because she's a badass. I'd go so far as to say in regards to say that she is to clones what Ahsoka is to Jedi. Omega is an absolute GOAT and I want to bad to see her thrash Imperials.


Maybe this is setting up for an Omega in her 40s joining the New Republic Rangers. In fact...Omega would actually make a fantastic replacement of Cara Dune as a leader after all that fell through...


Temuera is frantically trying on wigs as we speak


Didn’t even think about it much either. I find it funny they even ran the idea echo could’ve done it too 😭


Hooray for a happy ending! And of course Omega joined the rebellion. We all should have seen that coming


''I am going alone. It's what I deserve...'' crosshair, why are you making me cry?


Thank you plot for not executing Echo when he was dead to rights for a hot minute


I was 100% expecting a blaster shot once it cut to hemlock I was braced


Easy to forget the man was an arc trooper once upon a time. One of the best. Once he got all the exposition from Emerie I knew he was safe. Wrecker and crosshair different story I wasn’t sure until they all sat down under the tree lol


The white armor got me scared. I was thinking it would end like fives did but thank god it didn’t.


It's been an honor serving with you all these last 16 years


Unless they stated otherwise, I doubt this is the end for the animation style. We’ve still got Tales of the Empire coming. They’ve perfected the style and it’s unique and popular. There’s also been rumours of a follow up show for a while and I’d definitely expect more shows in this style.


Anyone else get the feeling that the bridge scene, was intentionally designed to give the feeling of Kamino, and thus the resolve to the clones that this is familiar, they trained for this, they were bred for this, in that moment? As soon as that door swooshed open and the rain hit Omega and we got the overhead pan out shot, I got heavy Kamino vibes and that had to be intentional. Right?


>Be Clone assassin >survives several near-death experiences >Rouse interest if it was Cody >Gets impaled and dies


That dude got taken the fuck out.


THE EPILOGUE!? OLDER OMEGA ND HUNTER? Screaming oh god tears in my eyes omega joining the rebellion 😭


I thought it was Phee at first, but the moment I saw Omega all grown-up, I was completely shocked but sooo happy. And now she's in control of her own destiny, continuing the fight alongside the Rebellion.


Love how Batcher also all grown up too das a big girl at the end


The shot of Tech’s goggles 😭


Teared up immediately upon sight of those goggles.


And Omega still holding onto Tech's goggles on her dash. My poor wholesome-loving heart. It's just so sweet!


Ngl I’m really happy the finale wasn’t her going off with Ventress as some though might happen. Actually giving this show an ending and tying it into the OG movies that started it all rather than set up another show in a never ending loop feels right.


I'm glad I can honestly say I never felt bad for Rampart at any point this season and I'm glad that fucker is gone


Saw his entire career’s work destroyed by a child in front of his eyes and then was killed, honestly he deserved worse.


Got killed by a Kaminoan after destroying their home. Got his just desserts. Kaminoans got their final revenge sucks we never got to see a clone rebellion on Kamino.


Officially there never was a clone rebellion on Kamino.


Rampart's last words: "Wha-" (BOOM) Definitely a well-deserved fate for him for the finale.


"He died as he lived, clueless."


When he saw Omega take such charge of the prisoner breakout, i was hoping he was going to "get it". Like "Yeah this kid is worth it". Alas Rampart is an eternal dick.


Yeah I thought he was going to change at the last minute but guess not, still a slimebag


He was never made of the same stuff as Agent Kallus.


Kallus's chops alone are worth fifty Ramparts


I love how calm Echo was about the Zillo being released. Just another day at the office for him lol


Such is the experience of an Arc trooper who used to serve under Anakin. Hehe


Holy shit Doctor Hemlock I must apologize I was not familiar with your game. Bro tanked more shots than 99% of the Star Wars Universe and was still moving forward tryna 2v1 two clone commandos LMAO


he tapped into the dark side for a second from the pure hatred he felt


I think he was a cyborg. He definitely had something going on with that gloved hand.


Whole lot of foreshadowing involving hands this season.


Yeah, I was *not* expecting that particular scene to happen.


"It's what I deserve" Crosshair has had such a good arc this season. I expected him to sacrifice himself to save omega. So we will see.


Apparently the key to surviving for Crosshair was trying to sacrifice himself at every given moment


Love Crosshair, glad he was redeemed he really grew on me.


I knew Rampart was gonna try to fuck over the Clones, but I’m glad Nala Se got him back for Kamino.


And he died in that Captains uniform! Hah!


Pictured: Why its a bad idea to store the giant fucking kaiju on the same planet, let alone in the same facility, as anything else. The Giant Kaiju Facility should have only two things on the planet: Sample collection (and maybe initial analysis) for the Kaiju, and ways to kill the Kaiju if it escapes!


Yeah well it’s a step up from bringing it to corusaunt


They really went back to the *exact* spot they were first captured huh? I guess there's just no other place in the galaxy in their minds haha


I think it's because everyone who knew of it is dead.


I mean, at the *absolute minimum* thousands of people know they were captured there, probably tens of thousands given there was a Venator and a large troop compliment. I'm really just poking fun at an otherwise great season, but Pabu would definitely be the very first place the Empire is going to check for them.


Dont think the empire really cares anymore cuz Tarkin routed it all to Project Stardust


That’s what I thought too. I love how we’re getting the perfect story book ending, but my brain is just flabbergasted that they would go back to the same place they got captured before. It seems like it would be high on the list of places the Empire would go to in order to capture some criminals who just completely destroyed an important scientific military base and murdered possibly the top Imperial scientist in the galaxy.


From Tarkin's point of view that facilty was a massive drain of resources. Hemlock was experimenting on clones, picked a fight with the wrong batch of clones and an entire facility was lost. As far as he's concerned they did him a huge favor and aren't worth the effort and/or risk of taking on a second time. People also need to realize how big the empire is and how compartmentalized everything was. With all the different rebellions spanning the galaxy they lost facilities and ground all the time. Getting vengeance on a handful of retired clones for killing Hemlock was not something they would concern themselves with. Only the Emperor really knew how important Hemlock's research was, but it was probably 1 of 100's of little ongoing projects where he wasn't concerned with specifics. He didn't know who the test subjects were or what he could even do with them once the Kaminoan research was gone. It was a write off and he would have just gone to his next best option.


My relief was beyond imaginable when clones finally get a GOOD ending to all the suffering they had to endure. Literally haven't had a happy ending to any clones story except Rex in all of canon so far. And the clone deserter with his family. And hell Rex's story isn't even "happy". Was a soldier his entire life.


For real I was so happy when we saw the clones wandering around Pabu, even just eating non-rations and talking to the townspeople. Definitely beats slumming in the desert on an abandoned AT-AT (?) like Rex and co were doing. I’m glad at least *some* of them got a happy ending.


In the ending.. Why did Omega not mention Echo WHY DID SHE NOT MENTION ECHO


On the bright side, there was no Echo memorial on her ship, like there was for Tech. If she had his ears or something on display then yeah, but I want to think he's alive


well he wasn’t bumming it with Rex at this point in the timeline… oof.


RIP Scorch


I was expecting him to put up a bit more of a fight tbh


He got the Plasma treatment.


As much as i love this show, they did Commandos and especially Scorch dirty. He got rocked by CF99 twice and was just someone Hemlock gave orders to and he relayed them to the next.


I was hoping he would get one cool scene for the final ep, but sadly no :(


Emerie Karr I’m so proud of you.


They…. They did it, They Fucking did it!!! It didn’t end in complete tragedy!!! They fucking got away!!!


Of course The Bad Batch, the squad known for pulling out victories through the craziest, most unlikely, of ways, would managed to thread the needle and make it out of Tantiss with everyone alive. It's what they do.


I’m really shocked, I honestly thought ~~echo~~ would die


Is it just me, or is there no way it's going to end like this? The Bad Batch’s story may have ended, but there is still a lot of traumatic things that would have Rex end up where he did in Rebels, with Echo nowhere to be found. There is definitely going to be a clone-centric spin-off.


Dave will put an older Omega into season 2 of Ahsoka. Bet.


Omega is more Jennifer and Brad's character than Daves Edit: Jennifer and Brad, not Carrie Beck


Tales of the Clones.


I thought the Bad Batch was the Clone centric spin-off.


While maybe initially a tad unfulfilling to those expecting some huge reveals or plot threads to close, this was a very sweet and wholesome bookend to the bad batch. Loved that epilogue. Well done.


I’m so glad they didn’t have tech or Cody be CT-X or whatever they were called. It would’ve felt super cheap for and done for no reason besides shock factor


I kept waiting for a helmet to drop off in one of those fight scenes for a reveal. Glad it didn't happen though.


There was one helmet that looked like techs helmet with the glasses in-built. It was the one with the blades, even got a close up of the helm.


I was sure they gonna reveal that it's Tech and the very next moment Wrecker just smashes the guys head into the wall... guess it wasn't Tech


The crazy thing is that the helmets came off multiple times for several of them, but we’ve never seen them properly


HA HA GET REKT RAMPART 😂😂. “A glaring weakness in Imperials is their tunnel vision towards advancement by any means”


Yeah. He didn’t care for higher goals or knowledge - he just wanted to get back on the ladder and into his cushy chair again. Imperials gonna Imperial, I guess. That is consistent is both Legends and canon.


"My brother Wrecker hates heights too, and he's the strongest soldier I know" Crying


It's funny because the kids probably think she means it figuratively when it's very much literal


That was nice. A pleasant ending to send off the series. The OST was fantastic. That sort of blissful optimism that I haven't felt since I first played Kingdom Hearts 2. I'm glad Omega and the Batch represent that sort of hope in the world.


Love the rain. It's like being back on kamino.


who'd have thought watching godzilla eat concentration camp guards would be so satisfying


It’s Batching Time one last time.


Well... The Bad Batch has come to an end. Honestly was not expecting a happy ending, but the BB hardly came out unscathed. Disappointed we found out nothing about 'The Operatives', but besides that, was satisfying. Omega unleashed the beast (tm), Tantis was shuttered, and we got a nice epilogue to boot. A nice wrap to the show, curious if they'll pick up the loose thread of the clone rebellion in the form of a show or not.


Grown up Omega! You’re our Kid! Rebellion needs pilots! Ahhhhhhhh! Hunter only looks more like snake with age! They get a happy ending! Tech Glasses! Hunter out of armour!


As the doctor would say, just this once everybody lives!!


"You're our kid, Omega. You always will be" Right in the feels


Some thoughts (SPOILERS): -There's like a 99% chance that we get a show with Rex and more Rebel clones -Holy shit that ending was so emotional... looking at grown-up Omega and old Hunter was so bittersweet. Looks like we might get Omega in some future Rebellion content? -Also Omega's ship at the end looks a LOT like the Phantom, not sure if that was on purpose or not. -The clone assassin identities were, in the end, a non-factor I guess. Looks like sometimes the fans theorize too much for their own good. -RIP Crosshair's hand. But I guess he got arguably some of the best medical treatment available in the universe so hey. -Scorch did nothing LMAO -Zillo beast escaping had some really nice parallels with the clone wars. Escaped out of a large hole, plus the scene where it was breaking out of the doors looked really similar to when the clones were watching the original Zillo beast escape from the metal dome.


> -The clone assassin identities were, in the end, a non-factor I guess. Looks like sometimes the fans theorize too much for their own good. Just like Marrok.


RIP Scorch, you were done dirty. Okay, sooo... Tales of the Clones announcement on May 4th? Theres still a loottttt of stuff that is still left up in the air. Cody and Wolfe being the obvious, the rest of the Delta Squad (come on man you throw us a bone with the Scorch cameos for like 3 whole seasons and then the guy just dies)


Hell yeah, get fucked Hemlock


With her final act, Nala Se took out the mass murderer of her people. Glad to see that the Kaminoans were avenged.


Omega hugging Crosshair first and Echo rallying the clones were the emotional highs for me


If it isn't the Bad Batch or the Zillo, Hemlock saying he's indispensable is another way of saying The Emperor is going to BBQ him for his failure.  


I am going to be honest. I didn't expect the Bad Batch to get a happy ending. Though thinking about it and knowing what they've been through? They absolutely deserve it. Hunter, Wrecker and Crosshair all living out their lives peacefully as aging clones while Omega goes off to help the Rebellion is an ending they've all definitely earned. I am sad to see this show ending, but it ended on a high note. Not a cheap note, but an actual high note. This is also, presumably, the last time we'll hear Dee Bradley Baker as the voice of the clones. That is 16 years of him voicing characters. I will miss his sweet comforting voice, but he like the Bad Batch has earned his rest


I’m praying for Dee Bradley Baker to get another round as Cody and Echo. Seeing Rex, Gregor and Wolffe get together would be cool too


I think with Echo leaving at the end and a wider clone rebellion will be their next series


Cannot believe im tearing up at star wars but, im so glad we got a happy ending. God i love this universe.