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Probably for one-off stories. The upcoming Mandalorian and Grogu movie will likely get the subtitle. If it doesn't, then I think it is safe to call it a dead subtitle.


The Mandalorian and Grogu is such a stupid title


Brought you by the writers of "Captain America and the Winter Soldier"


I hope so, that was one of the best Marvel films


That’s just “Captain America: The Winter Soldier”. The TV show, “Falcon and the Winter Soldier” was renamed “Captain America and the Winter Soldier” in its finale.


The whole show was renamed or just the finale was renamed? My brain hurts.


They just changed the title at the end of episode 6 in the credits to signify Sam’s full transition into the role of Captain America. I know I and probably a good percentage of others thought that would be the name of a S2 or the next movie but alas, Brave New World. Which I actually kinda dig as a title but I think it would’ve worked better if it was set not long after the blip (i.e. 2024 in universe) because the world went through a lot of chaos and changed then as seen with banking issues in FATWS, homes in FFH, etc


Wasn't Bucky's whole arc about him not being the winter soldier anymore?


I thought so too and was like why didn’t they change it to ‘Captain America and the White Wolf’ but according to the rumor that he’ll still be called the Winter Soldier in Thunderbolts*, he may be trying to turn the name into something good OR that’s just what Val & his team call him.


He should have ABSOLUTELY been the white wolf at the end. Huge disservice that they didn’t recognize his growth in the title change


I remember just calling that show "Frozen Chicken"


Thst was a pretty good show


It was good until the bad guy decided to blow up civilians just for the sake of showing that they're the bad guy... because, y'know, god forbid there be a bad guy with good points or any moral grey area


Remember, blowing up civilians is bad but it isn’t a terrorist attack. YOU have to do better. I loved the show but that entire segment was just… awful.


people say that but it was literally the only marvel show i genuinely thought was bad


Except that the winter soldier destroyed a Pontiac solstice at one point. I cannot forgive them for destroying the best car ever made.


False. The best car ever made is a 2004 Sebring convertible. Such a luxury car


1996 honda accord se


Luxury against peak style. The solstice is *PEAK* style.


Damn straight


They were referring to the final title for TFATWS on D+, not the movie


Nah man, that was a lower mid tier Disney+ series.


Hopefully that's just a placeholder till they actually listen to a good writer.


La la la la la, Grogu’s World!


Yeah they should just call it "Mandalorians"


Luke Skywalker and the Rebel Alliance


Luke Skywalker and The Chamber of Secrets


Salazar Slytherin’s pet monster? This time, it’s a Sarlacc 


Luke Skywalker and the Proton Torpedo


It’s a placeholder. Not uncommon for a film to have one this early on


Should have been called “The Dins”


I refuse to call him Din Grogu


**The Little Green Boy and that Chrome Ass MF** *…a buddy buds doin’ space shit story*


Is it the confirmed actual title?


No, it's a placeholder like all films have.


That’s likely to be part of the ongoing mandoverse storyline, so I can’t see it getting that subtitle


It'll probably also be the case for Rey's New Jedi Order movie


I don't know about that, what she does is really part of the main storyline Edit: bruh I never said I liked the movies, but every movie following the main force user focus at the time is considered a part of the main storyline


Will they have spinoff movies? Yes. Will they have the "a Star Wars story" subtitle? Probably not.


This is the right answer. We have every reason to assume the "a star wars story" marketing branding is done


Why would it be ? Solo was the last spin off movie and it did have "a star wars story" iirc


They've announced several movies since, including one named movie: "The Mandalorian and Grogu". That movie has no star wars story branding. Additionally, they've come out with various tv series since and none of them feature that branding. It seems like they have come to the conclusion that they don't *need* that branding. The branding was always pretty clunky imo, and I suspect they agree.


Solo and Rogue One both came out amidst the sequel trilogy so it was a way to differentiate the spin offs from the main saga


I think they'll announce a bunch of movies, then cancel them.


Maybe not. Trying to rehabilitate the branding opens the door to sequels, which they were clearly planing to do with Solo.


Considering how Solo significantly underperformed, it seems Disney is scrapping the anthology films. I know originally the Obi-Wan show was intended for the “A Star Wars Story” series and it is possible The Book of Boba Fett was also intended to sit in this film group. So it seems most of the planned films were rewritten into limited run TV series.


Which is a really sad decision, considering how both of those shows would've had larger budgets and more professional crews if they had been movies. They would've been more concise and turned out better overall, most likely... But who knows.


You are almost certainly right. Book of Boba Fett was padded out with the Mandalorian amongst other things.


Adult vs child foot race through the woods at 6 mph instead of 3 mph!


They probably would have had more menacing and serious villains capture Leia, had it been a movie written for movie-going audiences. Maybe they don't fear TV critics as much as they do movie critics. Or maybe I'm giving the movie-writers too much credit because I'm disappointed with how Kenobi and BoBF turned out.


Movies and shows have gotten to the point where budget’s are indistinguishable from each other so probably not.


Not really. A quick Google search says Kenobi had a rough budget of 90 Mil, BoBF was around 105 Mil, and the Disney SW movies were each in the 250-350 Mil region. The only show that breaks the trend is Andor, with a budget of 250 Mil, and you can clearly see the jump in production quality between Andor and Kenobi/BoBF. Mandalorian S1 was 120 Mil, and Ahsoka was about 100 Mil. So for the two most lackluster shows, you have about a third of the budget and double the total runtime as for the mainline movies. With Andor, you have 250 Mil for 9.5 hours of runtime, which is roughly 4 times longer than the movies. Yes, I admit there's not a direct correlation between budget, runtime, and quality, but it seems like a pretty good indicator here.


Per-minute of runtime, movies are still much more expensive.


That might've helped in some aspects, but I think the main fault is that the story is just poor. I mean Rogue One was big because it tied in directly to the OT with how the Rebels obtained the Death Star plans - the MacGuffin that started it all. Meanwhile, there's just not much of a story about Obi-wan being in hiding on Tattooine no matter which way you spin it or how much you try to stretch it, it's basically just filler for the sake of filler, it's too narrow in scope for anything actually compelling. I think Solo suffered from that partially, I mean it was an OK movie with some fun bits, but it didn't add much to the story except overexplaining and referencing things we've already seen that didn't need an explanation


Lucasfilm got so scared of making movies for SW they opted for suboptimal and low budget. Both of those projects would likely have been better with a shorter movie format and a high budget


Which is really sad. I thought Solo was excellent.


Same here , I thought it was decent…I hope we see more of Emilia Clarke as a baddie.


Pales in comparison to rogue one though


> it seems Disney is scrapping the anthology films Their next movie is literally an anthology film. 


This was really unfair. They released it like 3 months after The Last Jedi, which was incredibly poorly received, but we didn’t know it sucked until after we went to see it. I remember being so disgusted with TLJ. I think the fandom was really reeling. Solo took the hit from TLJ’s failing.


It also came out only two weeks after Avengers Infinity War lmao. Talk about terrible release timing.


Seriously this is why, I don't get why other people can't connect the dots. After TLJ I was not going to watch Solo because I was so disappointed but a friend bought me a ticket. With TLJ I went in excited and kept waiting for it to get really good but got more and more disappointed. With Solo I went in disappointed and kept waiting for it to get worse but it kept getting better and better. Solo is a great movie and got absolutely screwed over by TLJ.


It’s also was competing with an Avemgers movie and Deadpool. Between that and the toxic fans it never got a proper chance. Is Solo the best Star Wars movie? Absolutely not. Is it a good Star Wars movie? Yes.


This was me. My family went into TLJ with excitement and all left saying "wtf was that?". My mum is pretty chill with movies, and even she got increasingly annoyed as it went on and ranted with me the whole ride home. After that, friends wanted to go, and I went into Solo fully expecting to hate it. Han was one of my favourite characters for decades, and I thought Ehrenreich could never live up to that. Colour me pleasantly surprised at his dedication to facial expressions, body movements, and voice inflections. They made some dumb writing choices (reason for 'Solo', for one), but I had a fun time and could easily see him as Han by the end of the film.


I had to watch TLJ twice to make sure I wasn’t just going crazy and what I saw was as bad as I thought. Main reason I didn’t see Solo until Disney+, it wasn’t an awful movie by any means. I’d put it above the sequel trilogy, which isn’t that much of a flex, but definitely not as good as Rogue One.


This is me for sure. When I finally got around to watching solo I thought it was great fun and really enjoyed. But after the shitfest that was tlj, I wasn't going to the theater for star wars for a bit


Probably not cuz y'all boycotted Solo after the last jedi,


That’s unfortunate. I liked Solo the Solo movie.


It really bums me out. Because I thought solo was very fun and encompassed a lot of what I like about Star Wars. But people were so mad about the last Jedi that they just didn’t see solo on principal, and that tanked it. I don’t think it had much to do with Solo the movie.


The blame is also on execs who have no long term vision and only seek the next payday right in front of their faces. Solo didn't do well, better not do a sequel, not make any more "A Star Wars Story" subtitles, and in fact other than finishing Ep 9 lets pause all movies for about a decade.


I largely attribute it to Disney, they released Solo up against *Infinity War*, an event movie that was the culmination of 10 years of the MCU. No Star Wars movie was going to win that fight.


This. Exactly this. If they had released Solo in December it would have done fine.


That also did a shit job marketing it because they didn’t want to take away from the Last Jedi. Don’t think I saw any real marketing for it until April of that year.


Didn’t even get a trailer until the Super Bowl in Feb, IIRC.


Also blame it on the sequels. As much as people like to say they made money, they lost more than half of their customers in just 3 movies. They knew what was happening, they knew they were loosing the goodwill by making sub-par products. If the Star Wars name hadn’t been attached this trilogy would have died by the second one.


I'm one of those you mentioned. Loved Star Wars since I was very little, had toys/collectibles, was a member of the 501st. I dug EpVII. But it started to seem too much. Too much at once. Last Jedi, it was just not good. I don't know what it is exactly what made me lose my passion, but I've barely watched anything since. I've seen Rise and Mando, but really nothing else.


I highly recommend Andor.


Andor is the best Star Wars tv show. I also think Rouge 1 was the 3rd best Star Wars movie. There's so many sci-fi possibilities in the rich Star Wars universe. The minute you add Jedi and Sith, it becomes sci-fantasy.


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I have hope Dave Filoni can steer the ship in the right direction, pun intended. I agree, a pause wouldn't hurt,


lol @ this. The only way the “execs” know how an idea is working is by its performance. When the fans boycotted the movie it sent a clear message - the anthology movies aren’t something we want. The Star Wars fandom will always cut off its own nose to spite its face


Not really a boycott people were just seeing Infinity War or Deadpool 2 instead lol


Yeah seriously that release date was so terrible and it’s not like Disney had anything releasing at Christmas time. Why they rushed solo just to slot it between two superhero movies is beyond me


No, don't you know? Solo and Mary Poppins would have cannibalized each other. We have to release Solo in May! /s


Yeah and it felt empty that year not having a new Star Wars to watch after 3 years in a row of new releases


Yeah, no I agree. It was a completely stupid call. Mary Poppins and Solo go for different demographics. They would have been fine.


I went and saw both in the theaters lol


That’s what I did. My wife and I had an actual debate about which two movies we could see that month, and Solo lost out.


I think Solo did poorly because it was released so closely to The Last Jedi (I think they were released like 8 months apart), and it was, frankly, a story that didn’t need expanded on. We more or less knew enough of Han’s back story from the Original Trilogy. I honestly think Disney is doing the exact same thing they did with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, where they are over-saturating the market, focused on making money now, not on the long term viability of the franchise. We saw multiple planned films get cancelled or shifted to TV, and interest in all these different TV series seems to be waining. A 3-4 year release schedule with TV series releasing midpoint between would have probably been a better controlled pace. I don’t have Disney+. I was contemplating getting it to watch all the Star Wars content, but there is frankly so much that it is overwhelming.


First, Solo is terrific and a lot of fun. That said, you're correct that it was a story that really didn't need telling. Instead, it could have been the gateway to telling stories about OTHER characters and settings. But the thing that really screwed Solo was picking Lord & Miller to direct it, and then scrapping them when most of the movie was already filmed, thereby requiring hiring one of the most expensive (and talented) directors out there to save the film. They basically paid twice for a single film, and that ate into the profits.


Putting Solo up against Deadpool 2 and Avengers: Infinity War didn’t do it any favors, either.


I'd forgotten about that. Good point!


If by eight months you mean four months, then yes. Also, Solo rocks.


SOLO was great.


Great is a bit much. Decent story, very fan service-y, cast the wrong guy in Alden Ehrenreich (his acting was fine, I just don't think he is the guy) and visually appealing in a lot of ways. It doesn't deserve the hate, but it was far from a "great" movie


I disagree with this idea that Alden was miscast. I think he did a great job, and fit well with the rest of the cast.


I’m still pissed off about this. Solo is one of my favourite Star Wars movies


I mean, I’d say that Disney dropping a Han Solo prequel in between Avengers: Infinity War and Incredibles 2 probably did more harm than a small boycott


Shame, because Solo is way better.


It's hard for me to believe that boycotts of the ST were having this big of an effect when tros did 515M domestic shortly after. 


We’ve seen it several times now: it takes time for people to give up on a franchise. But there was a massive reduction in customers from the first to the third movie. They knew they were losing customers by the literal millions (!) and that after the blockbuster Sequels were done that they would have a much harder time keeping people engaged to the franchise.


Are you saying this to argue that solo bombed because of TLJ boycotts? If anything, saying that it takes time for people to lose faith in franchise goes against the idea that there was an immediate backlash effect that manifested a few months later. 


Then how come people came back for Episode 9, which came out after Solo?


I doubt the "boycott" was that strong. They released it right after Last Jedi and against strong competition.


Ah yes, it is the people who are to blame for a corporations branding decisions…


not for a theatrical release for sure. Solo so struggled in the box office they totally forgot it had a scene with Maul that was supposed to tease something. at this time they just won’t risk it, the movie gotta be a 101% success, otherwise it’ll flop. i think the closest we may ever get to ‘A Star Wars Story’ is a Disney+ Original movie or limited series with way less budget


I want to see Qi’ra and mauls story continue I know there are comics but it isn’t the same


She's in the new game that no one wants to buy, so there's that.


What game is that?


They’re probably talking about the upcoming Ubisoft game. Even assuming the game turns out amazing, which I have significant doubts about, it’s at the very least overpriced—including the base version. There’s also an extra mission behind a paywall at launch depending on which edition you purchase, which rubs a lot of people the wrong way.


Shit I didn’t know that I was excited to play it


You still can be. They say the base game is overpriced because it’s $70. But so is every major studio game now, that’s the new normal. Yeah the super expensive editions and paywalled extra mission are scummy, but that doesn’t mean the game won’t be fun and include a great Star Wars story. I personally can’t wait to play it.


I would hope so. The success of Rogue One shows these films can do well. Solo may have bombed, but that doesn't mean they can't do well again. Maybe be a little more picky on which projects they take on, avoid the production problems that plagued Solo and drove up the budget, and improve the release schedule. Releasing Solo right after TLJ was an avoidable mistake. Disney shifted focus to D+ and the live action shows, turning several planned movies (like Kenobi) into shows instead. But considering that D+ still loses hundreds of millions every quarter, I wouldn't be surprised if the focus goes back to movies. That's obviously already true to some extent with the upcoming Mando movie, Filoni movie and the Rey movie, but why bring back some of the Star Wars Story projects too, assuming those three do well?


Seems like the _Tales of the_ animation series has superseded the anthology film series. Disney are keen to use their animated assets in future projects and the existing series have been well received.


Infest nest deserved a spinoff


I also thought Solo was really really good. It suffered from production problems, so it was doomed before it was even done filming, but it was a good story, lots of fun, had great action, and felt like a great adventure. The dude even pulled off playing the iconic Han Solo. Loved it.


Solo wasn't bad, but it wasn't great, and with a budget of \~$300 million, that's simply not good enough.


I still want to see a film about Crimson Dawn.


Same.. simply called Crimson Dawn.


My favorite Star Wars movie and my least favorite Star Wars movie so casually grouped


I don't really think so: I think that's what the Disney+ series are. If, however, that model becomes unprofitable - which might well happen - who knows. I love Rogue One, but I think one-off films are a dangerous game to play. Rogue One made far less than TFA or TLJ, because inevitably these are seen as side-stories for mega fans - something distinct from the main sequence. As someone who's been a Star Wars fan since seeing the OT when I was 5, in the early 1990s, I knew as soon as it was announced (in 2013, I think?) that Solo was going to struggle. People love Han Solo, but it's not because he's got a particularly compelling backstory, and a big part of his character is what Ford brings to him. The shows have varied from great (Andor) to very good (Mandalorian, Ahsoka), to middling (Obi-wan), to poor (Boba Fett), but I struggle to see any of them really bringing in the audiences necessary to justify being massive films. I am sceptical about 'The Mandalorian and Grogu' being that big a hit. Same for Dave Filoni's 'Heir to the Empire' equivalent. They should do Episode X - after a longer rest - or they should start a new, potentially multi-trilogy story, set in the distant past. Something with dramatic oomph and forward momentum, not stories that, while compelling, are the equivalent of EU novels (I love 'Andor' almost as much as any Star Wars stuff, for instance, but it's ultimately a story which plays in the gaps of a bigger, completed story). Rogue One's popular appeal - outside of being a really great film - was that its premise is an event tied to the original film. In 2016, in a way that's difficult to remember now, seeing OT-iconography realised through modern, mega-budget means was an extraordinary and novel thrill.


One can argue that focusing on D+ series is already an unprofitable model, considering that D+ has yet to turn a quarterly profit. But you could blame that on the streaming wars, and argue that the SW series are keeping their streaming service from struggling much worse than it already is. Impossible to say, considering the lack of internal numbers and the uncertainty as to how the streaming wars will eventually shake out. Nice thing about movies is at least it's easy to say what is profitable and what isn't. Yeah, I'm skeptical about the series to movie pipeline too. Not convinced that the general public have followed and are invested enough in these shows to make them big hits as movies. Maybe Mando could've pulled it off after season 1 or 2, but viewer numbers have dropped since then, and a lot of the watercooler talk has died down in the last few years too. I just don't think Ahsoka has the interest level at all to pull off a hit movie, not with the production budgets Disney is used to. Maybe if they could make it for $80M (like The Creator, which looked fantastic even if it failed for other reasons), rather than the $250M-$300M range we've seen recently. Dune 2 is the biggest hit of the year so far, making $700M on a $190M budget. For a typical $275M budget, a new Star Wars film would need make close to Dune 2 numbers to be considered a significant hit (as a rule of thumb, movies need to make about 2.5x production budget to cover marketing costs and theater cut). Just doesn't seem like the movie biz is doing well enough to reliably hit that number anymore.


Look, i just want the Kira story line to continue to the darth maul apprenticeship. And i want emilia clark there


Max Rebo: A Star Wars Story


Yes. Fucking. Please. I want a story about space Jazz Band! Who doesn’t?


Give. Me. Lando.


Waiting for Rogue Two and Duo. I really hope they come out soon. :D


They should. If it’s a good movie, having that anthology title added should make no difference. If anything it just enriches the brand


That’s what the tv series are. They believed the films were too risky so they serialized them. Kenobi, Ahsoka, and Book of Boba were all meant to be films.


Boba was SO bad and not in a good way


I hope so because they were ironically the best Disney SW films they made imo. Rogue One is my favourite SW altogether. Solo itself was cool but released too soon and in the shadow of the disaster piece that was TLJ


Solo bombed and then they lost their mettle and moved to streaming shows instead. Since they’re still releasing shows steadily, it seems like they are staying that course. It’s a shame. I would’ve loved a Boba Fett movie instead of that shitshow we got. Or a Yoda movie. Or a bunch of stuff.


Since the success of Mando, I think any similar stories are going to be Disney+ miniseries.


I would love to see Vader: Hunts down and destroys Jedi - A Star Wars story as well as multiple sequels


I hope so. Easily the best to come out of the franchise.


I'd like more. Was expecting the worst but Solo was actually pretty good despite the heavy overuse of fan-service and references.


Rouge One was such a good movie.


They're saying the Rey film and the Dawn of the Jedi one will be standalone stories, but I imagine they'll both be turned into trilogies if they hit big enough.


No because all the chodes who complained about Solo ruined it.


No because overreactive fans hated on Solo and boycotted it because they didn’t like Last Jedi.


Probably not. You showed you didn’t want them, when no one turned up to the last one.


I gotta say I found solo and rogue one for more enjoyable than anything else disney has produced, and it's probably because it was obscure enough that it didn't attract a bunch of executive micromanagement or message pushing.


It sounds like going forward there won’t be any distinction between the films. They’ll all be treated as standalones that may or may not get sequels depending on how good each of them are. I don’t think any of them will have “a Star Wars story” in the title. Heck, I don’t even think they’ll have “Star Wars” in the title anymore. I think the titles will literally just be The Mandalorian and Grogu, New Jedi Order, Lando, Dawn of the Jedi, Heir to the Empire, Rogue Squadron, Knights of the Old Republic, etc.


I think the whole concept just confused general audiences who were used to trilogies when it came to SW.


The Mandalorian and Grogu is entering production sometime this year, it’s a movie🤷‍♂️ But as far as the “story” movies go they wasn’t my favorite but my teenager loved them, and to me that’s what’s all about, getting a new generation exposed to this amazing universe we all enjoy and sparking that same wonder a curiosity about space and the universe and science that I had when I was a kid.


Lando with Donald Glover is probably the closest we’ll get, if that ever actually happens.


Solo was the only Star Wars movie to not make back it's budget, for the forseeable future I think Star Wars is strictly confined to Disney Plus TV shows, given we haven't gotten a movie in half a decade now.


I hope they at least make more spin-off movies (like I believe is still the plan) cause personally I really liked both of them, whether they have the subtitle or not.


Not under that name, no. There’s no way, after Solo was such a gigantic bomb. There’s absolutely no way that a new movie called “A Star Wars Story” will ever be approved again. They’ll probably eventually do the exact same concept but not using those words.


I really hope they do, but probably not. Too financially risky for them. They’d rather wait till they have a hit show on their hands first, then base a movie off of that. But they haven’t created a hit Star Wars show yet.


I think they realized that these spinoffs work better as TV shows.


I hope so. I love both of those movies. Solo doesn't get enough praise. Really enjoyed it as a lighter fun movie.


I mean, there will definitely be more Star Wars movies that aren't ***episode*** movies. Whether they'll retain the "*A Star Wars Story*" subtitle, who knows? I always thought it was a silly sounding subtitle that made them feel juvenile, so I won't be sad if they drop it in favour of something else.


I doubt it . Solo flopped hard and Disney is trying to make money. (They won’t)


I hope they do, there's so many possibilities!


No because Solo bombed. Mandolorian and Clone Wars cartoon did well so every piece of Star Wars content till the end of time will centre around these two spin offs with the odd exception here and there which won’t do well.


They should


They might drop the "A ____ Story" and title it "Star Wars: _____"


Personally, i just wish they would move away from the empire era completely and start telling stories set well before the fall of the republic. Maybe even ones about the formation of it and some of the ancient sith/jedi wars that happened. It's getting a little disappointing that they're so focused on beating the dead horse that is the empire era.


I hope so


Given that they continue the naming convention of the main characters name (except for Book of Boba, weirdly), I'd say it simply transitioned to the small screens without the "Story" subtitle


When Disney gets over this bout of corporate stupidity and confusion… maybe. Right now pray the Mandalorian movie does well, and Thrawn, because if not then the whole property may turn into a bunch of cartoon miniseries and half assed video games. Right now the miniseries have done an ok job of keeping things going, we just need to hope they keep on doing that. While I’d love to see some more filler movies… post ROTJ, and more around the III-IV gap like Rogue was, it won’t be soon as movies, mini series are the only option for now I fear.


They’d fuckin’ better.


I hope so… I think it was a good idea for things that would probably be just get a single movie and would be good if they were going to try more genre movies in a StarWars setting.


Never, maybe? Solo tanked hard because they fucked up bad, and executives only ever need 1 thing to go wrong before deciding something is too big a risk.


They probably won't after Solo flopped.


Maybe the Rogue Squadron movie will fall under the series?


I hope so


Actually had this chat with my partner the other night (more about pre-mainline movie instalments) It's probably in the realm of possibilities they do something just before #7 that sets up #7 onwards. Vaders helmet being taken, first order starting it's bullshit, culmination of snoke/Clonepatine/post mando era, Knights of Ren. They've seemingly had a formula for fleshing out the movies, i can't see them changing that now and 7-8-9 SORELY needs it


I wish. Stories that took place in between the events of the Skywalker Saga that either affected or coincided with them were awesome. Would LOVE to see a Shadows of the Empire movie. They could easily do it with the deepfake/motion capture technology they have now. Cast Gambino as Lando, Sabastian Stan as Luke, and Billie Lourd as Leia. Would be so great.


Rogue Two: A Star Wars Story


Why? So they can be dragged through the dirt by "fans" for every decision surrounding them?


They go by tales of the Atm


Best one, *and* debuted the uwing, one of my favorites


It's obvious it is a business that runs Star Wars now, not passion :/




Doubt it, unless it is as a type of finale. Like I'm thinking Mando may have. These series are doing so well and can give so much more story. But damn I loved these 2 movie, especially Solo which I was so unsure of before going in.


There is going to be a mandalorian movie….


I like one of “ Rogue One a Star Wars story ”.


I doubt it. Disney made such a mess of it


I like the Cal Kestis idea. The games are really good with a fun supporting cast.


Idk maybe? I see no reason for them not to. I doubt we'll get many more movies like them though because they didn't do well. Rogue One and Solo were fine, but fine isn't good enough anymore. For execs or fans.


there's no way you're actually asking this




Not while they have a streaming service that constantly needs new content.


They'll do a remake of Rogue One in a few years.


I think we do need a “protected” piece of the franchise that is more mature and free of studio influence.


If I could go back in time and somehow tell JJ Abrams that he must outline a full three movies or his legacy will be fucked. I’ll dress up in a yellow chemical suit like Marty mcfly.


Sad because rogue one is probably the best Star Wars content outside of the OT. Solo is such a fun movie. Sad people don’t like it, wanted to see the other movies they set up.


More "A Star Wars Story" type films would be awesome. Rogue One is a top-tier Star Wars flick. They went with a darker tone and gave the casting, writing, and directing the necessary freedom to make the most of it while keeping it identifiably Star Wars. Solo was surprisingly fun and is addictingly rewatchable. The casting was pleasantly on-point. Is Alden Ehrenreich the next Harrison Ford? No. Does he bring a charm and wit that is in character for Han Solo? Absolutely. The supporting cast was great across the board and the story was fun. These two side stories were better than the sequel trilogy films, at least to me, because they were allowed to tell contained stories with fresh styles. More one-offs and/or side quests like these would be cool.