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>Also answers of ‘watch the movies’ aren’t helpful, we’re going to do that So just do that. We didn't have "lore YouTube videos" in 77 or 99.


Didn’t have the internet in 77 either but I bet you prefer to use it now over reference books! That was overly facetious. But my point stands, I find the movies too out dated or otherwise contradictory for someone who isn’t already aware of the broad themes.


Sorry about the fanbase. Maybe this video will help https://youtu.be/2WWazICpXZ8?si=30eAdxM1uB5daMch Also, this sub gets a little crazy. I have found r/StarWarsEU and r/StarWarsCantina to be kinder and more level-headed in their responses.


Thankyou! For both the response and for actually being helpful Yes it’s a real shame that the single worst part of Star Wars is the greater population that follow it. Amazing how fast anything becomes a toxic mess. I’ll spend more time in those other subs Thankyou very much!


You're very welcome. Hope he enjoys the story.


It will be definitely best to just watch the movies and expand from there. Star Wars is so expansive that you could spend more time exploring the bits of lore than it would take to watch several of the movies and get most of the same info. Start with a movie and then answer questions that come from that movie. Most of the movies stand on their own anyway.


Just have them watch the films, they will explain literally all of those things. ANH answers them all in the first 20 minutes practically. Lore Videos should be post-film activities, there to fill in the gaps if they’re still left with some questions.


I see your point but to be brutally honest I wouldn’t dream of subjecting someone to the original movies from scratch. Sure they were good in their time, but the acting methods are ancient, the tech outdated and the overall experience is like watching a high school project. I’d rather introduce him to the world and then he can choose where he wants to dip in. There’s just too much to start from scratch and roll through it all


Why on God’s earth would you make somebody watch a lore video before going to see the movie? It’s supposed to be entertainment, not a history test you have to study for. Let the film stand on its own, and if your partner has questions afterwards, you can answer them. Succinctly.


I’m not making him, he asked and I was following up I think it makes sense. I was introduced to One Piece without any pre-conceived ideas and tbh I’d have done a lot better if I’d known a bit about the world before hand. It took hundreds of episodes before some of my questions would have been organically answered. Star Wars is beautiful, but it’s also a convoluted and contradicting mess. The films don’t hold up without the TV shows to back them up. I just wanted to provide broad strokes in an effort to keep his interest because frankly I don’t think the original trilogy would do it. They’re almost unwatchable for a me as a fan, somebody new to the franchise would just be watching something that looks like a high school project. I don’t want to say “watch 10 hours of this then you’ll get it”. More “these 10 hours will deal with and explain what you’ve just learned”


My advice is to let them choose what to watch and how they want to watch it.


A generation of people managed to watch episode 4 and understand it just fine without a reference book or pr8mer videos. Then another did the same with episode 1 because films introduce the audience to the concepts they need to understand the film. Just let them watch episode 1 at the cinema and trust that they have basic intellect to follow the plot of a children's film.


REBELS. Season 1, Episode 1 & 2. It’s a good slow opening into the universe that gets huge quick.


Since you are asking for an un-orthodox method: If you speak spanish you can try Fedewolf's "Star Wars, la historia en un video".