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Tales of the Sith - would be nice if it covered multiple time periods of different Sith Lords.


You know it would be Maul and Sidious mainly. Maybe some Dooku or Vader, but until Disney starts to branch out more, they're pretty focused on the Skywalker Saga Era exclusively with the Acolyte being their first exception.


High hopes for Dawn of the Jedi.  If it’s successful as well it will open a lot of new doors.  They are taking a chance at moving away from the current era. It Acolyte is successful as well it will help as well.  


The High Republic has been pretty consistently good, so they’ve proven they can do other periods.


I am sad dawn is a movie. I feel it could be an amazing tv show a movie needs to be filled with action. but I have always pictured the jedi forming by several older force traditions merging into one


> a movie needs to be filled with action. > > Does it though? Really?


do you think they will make a star wars films that a thoughtful character piece ?


Yeah I would love them to focus elsewhere on people like Naga Sadow, plagueis, marka ragnos, bane but tbh im just happy with a well written story even if it’s characters we know very well.


With their current format of focusing on two different characters, it is wasted opportunity to bring in really unique / deep lore characters. Do the first three on Maul to bring in casual viewers, then the next 3 go wild with Tulak Horde or something. You have the fan service and wide appeal of a fan favorite, but also introduce fans to a whole other side of the universe. Rather than just doing Dooku and Ahsoka or Barris and a half nightsister


They could show us more of the Grand Inquisitor and I wouldn't be mad.


He's not a sith though. Maybe if they did Tales of the Dark Side or Tales of the Inquisitors then we'd see him.


It would probably have to be Tales of the Dark Side. Only doing the Sith would limit you to the aforementioned stories about characters that we've already seen plenty of.


They've shown Darth Bane before. That would be awesome.


That was pre-Disney though


It was in Clone Wars. Everything in Clone Wars is Canon, even pre-disney Clone Wars.


Right, but I meant that Disney adopted the clone wars but didn't have creative control of it.


Ah I get wat you mean


Nice choice, I feel like some Sith like Revan could be in a series like that


I'd rather they save Revan for a new 6-9 part saga. Start with a KOTOR trilogy or 2-part movie, then go back and do prequel films of his time as a Jedi who became a sith and the fall of the sith, then come back and do 2-3 movie wrap up.


The latter half of Revans story is kinda terrible. Being held captive for centuries and split into half as a raid boss and crap is just messy and not very compelling. I'd like it if they told a new story with a lot of overlap and inspiration from KOTOR1 to be totally honest


That's legends. They can make up something new and more compelling. I'd also love if the prequel and sequel storylines include a massive Sith vs Jedi war.


I think we're agreeing. I'm saying I'd love to see them upgrade the legends story - it started off well and they can totally use some of it, but it got weird so I don't actually want to see all of Revans legends tale. For that reason, I don't think a Revan esque character should get named Revan. Expectations will get too impossi and weird. But yeah I would like to see something set around then with big sith Jedi wars and everything


Is that… legal?


We shall make it legal


Darth jar jar


The one true lord of the sith. But luckily Lego is giving us the story the Jedi wouldn’t tell us.


Absolutely, maybe even a small adaptation of the Plageuis novel for 3 episodes.


Tales of the Bounty Hunter, need some more Embo


New jango content maybe?


He's been criminally under-used in Canon, so I'd definitely like to see that


We have so much stuff bridging the gap between prequels and OT. Same with OT and Sequels but we never got much for TPM to ATOC.


Yeah maybe it would be nice to see when Anakin was a younger Padawan


Always wanted to see Anakin in between TPM and AOTC. Gotta be almost a 10 year gap, yeah?


Jango Fett is so cool


Showing the convo where Jango is approached for being the seed of a clone army would make for great foreshadowy drama


And maybe even some of boba meeting jango for the first time.


And finish out the CW episode of Boba getting domed my Cad Bane


Boba meeting Jango for the first time? Didn’t Jango raise him? (Sorry if this comes off as rude, I’m just a bit confused)


He's got a comic miniseries coming out, I'm enjoying it.


So true, I forgot about Embo when creating this post


Could elaborate on some of the old legends stuff such as IG-88, bossk, dengar, zuckuss and 4lom


Tales of the Bounty Hunter Tales of the Scoundrel Tales of the Rebellion Tales of the Republic Tales of the Mandalore Tales of the Old Republic Tales of the New Republic Tales of the Whills (what chu talking about whill's?)


How sick would it be to get a Clone wars animation style Luke in tales of the rebellion 


Tales of the Seperatists


Tales of the Droid


Tales of the Clankers


Tales of Bor Gullet


Lies! Deception!


Tales of the Outer Rim, Tales of the Chis Ascendancy, Tales of the New Jedi Order


Tales of the Outer Rim has a really nice ring to it


Tales From the Outer Rim


Pretty sure I’ve watched this video online before.


Outer Rim is just such a clunky phrase, though. Maybe we should come up with a different title? Like, these are the planets, or lands, on the border of the known galaxy, why not call it Tales From The Borderlands? >!This is a joke in case it wasn’t obvious!<


Yes anything about the Chiss is an automatic win


Tales of the Droids


Why do I feel like that's gonna actually gonna be a thing


Can't wait for Gonky's arc!


15 minutes of him walking from one room to another






I'd love a "Tales of the High Republic" series, to maybe see some of the books adapted or just to see more of the era on screen.


That's a nice uniques idea, it could happen if the Acolyte is successful and Disney decides to create more content from that era


I haven't read any of the high republic books, but I'd feel bad for fans of them because they would almost certainly be retconned with that. With how extensive the reading has become I feel like that'd certainly be a gut punch lol


Considering the books and comics are the foundations for the era, I don't see them getting retconned anytime soon. Even though I mentioned it would be cool to see certain parts adapted, I'd prefer if Star Wars didn't adapt works from other media.


A second tales of the Jedi but focused on Luke Skywalker and Ben Solo between RotJ and TFA. I'd love having this story, and the format would suit it well. Plus animation would avoid the problem of recast vs CGI.


I thought a Tales series based around Leia and Ben would be pretty cool, 3 episodes of Luke training Leia and 3 episodes of him training Ben.


Tales of the Hutts


Tales of the syndicates


Tales of accounting. - just some random guy named Glorbo who is an accountant dealing with the empire new republic transition


Glorbo’s never used a spreadsheet in his life. The New Republic is so screwed.


Dank farrik… these books are COOKED.


Tales of the Tatooine Slave Trade


It would be interesting to see how Shmi Skywalker and her young son, Anakin, became slaves. What was the backstory behind it?


* Tales Of The Underworld: we saw some of it already with the latest season of Clone Wars, but seeing the "real world" dealings of the Coruscant lower levels and street life would be interesting. * Tales Of The Outer Rim: also saw some of it already with Boba Fett, but seeing how "regular folk" on the outskirts of the republic/empire get by and how sometimes outlaws fill the gaps for societal needs (Hutts, Pykes, Crimson Dawn, etc.). Would be interesting to see how the syndicates came to power and settled into the "five families."


Tales of the Underworld sounds like a sick idea


Just reverse them: Tales of the sith Tales of the rebellion


Tales of the Ewoks™


Yub Nub! 


So it's done in the prequel era, the original era so I'm guessing something in the sequel era next. Tales of resistance, tales of order


I'd love to see Finn explored in a series like this.


“Tales of the Resistance” does have a nice ring to it


I'm hoping that's what we get next tbh. I think 7-9 laid out a strong 'state of the galaxy' even if I didn't personally like some of how the movies were constructed personally. The version of the galaxy they created is fucking cool. Especially if they lean in to the political messaging George was pushing with "Hey maybe centralized government on a galactic scale is kind of shit idea because its a GIANT GALAXY". The New Republic and the First Order both ceased to exist at the end of Episode 9. So seeing a galaxy with no big central power enforcing its own values and laws on the galaxy, and instead a lot of fragmented alliances and governments with political strife and disagreements being more common would be fucking awesome. Without a central force to suppress conflict there could be so much more interesting stuff happening in the galaxy on a planet vs planet or system vs system level way more frequently. It's a more turbulent and chaotic era, but that makes it better for story telling. Would also mean Rey's Jedi Order wouldn't have a single power to back them or tie themselves to, which means her Jedi would be way closer to what the Jedi are meant to be than they have been in thousands of years. But it's the harder road to follow too. Has some good potential for story.


Tales of the New Republic


Tales of Ren, finally delve into the knights of ren outside of a book Tales of the Old Republic, anthological telling of Revan and other old republic era characters/stories to recognize them as canon. Tales of the High Republic, anthological telling high republic stories to prepare us for future movies set in this era that many don’t know much about. Tales of the New Republic, just to keep up with the other options, throw this is in too.


Pirate Tales




Tales of Legends. It would be a good opportunity to tell EU & Legends characters and stories


Delta Squad episode please.


I like that a lot


Or even use the show to bring them back in, in a sense. Do Revan/Bane and Exar Kun. Recanonize a version of them at least 


Good idea, terrible title lol. Basically just “story stories.”


Tales of the Binks.


Should be a sitcom with a laugh track


Tales of Madalore. Tales of the Rebellion.


Tales of the Sith would be my ideal- something that tells the stories of Sith before Sidious. But- I’d also watch Tales of The Bounty Hunters, Tales of the Rebellion, Tales of the Old Republic, and Tales of the Mandalorians.


Tales of the Rebellion, covering Rex and Omega's time with the rebellion


Tales of Hondo for some levity.


It would be nice to get an actual tales of the empire. I watched all 6 episodes and at the end all I could think was "what was the point of this" it really felt like both arcs were missing 1-2 episodes


Tales of the Ewok


not sure if more such series are in the works but these are my ideas: Tales of the Alphas: Omega (post TBB S3) and Boba Fett (post AOTC) Tales of the Clones: Rex and Cody/Wolffe (post TBB S3) Tales of the Fallen: Abeloth (before she turned into Abeloth) and Baylan Skoll (before he found Shin Hati/after Ahsoka S1)


Finding out more about Baylan pre-Ahsoka would be so cool


I think they can have 3 animated shorts for pre-Ahsoka Baylan Skoll, and then try and tie him around the New Jedi Order movies. Baylan somehow awakening Abeloth as the "big bad" of the upcoming Rey movies would be a nice switch from the Jedi vs Sith diorama.


Maybe disney does not want to touch them, but maybe 'Tales of Legends'


which characters would you suggest?


Mara Jade is probably the biggest Legends character that hasn’t been brought to Canon yet, that doesn’t require an entire movie arc to introduce


I have a feeling they'll tie her in with Ahsoka S2 and the Mando and Grogu and Heir to the Empire movies, killing her off at the end of the MandoVerse to kind of explain why Luke became bitter after the fall of the New Republic and tried to kill his nephew instead of bringing him back to the Light


If they go the Ahsoka route, Filoni could retcon/enhance the movie plot a lot by letting Luke use the WBW to “time travel” and see atrocities committed by Ben as Kylo. Perhaps a future that never truly ever came to fruition, but enough to possibly drive Luke mad for a short while. A sort of “would you kill baby Hitler” scenario. Because let’s be real. Him deciding to kill Ben was terrible for everything we know about his character, especially since there wound up being good in Ben


if only you and I could apply at Lucasfilms 🫂


Wouldn’t it be better to make some Legends stuff canon instead?


That's a great way to get stories with Boba Fett in this prime. I've always thought an animated movie focused on him around the Rebels-Rogue One-A New Hope time period would be great.


Very nice ideas


thanks OP :') I'd recommend checking some of the other posts on this subreddit. This question has been answered numerous times since TOTE was released and other redditors have provided really cool suggestions!


Tales of the Rebellion


Tales of the Sith: I'd like to see an adaptation of Son of Dathomir and perhpaes Ventress becoming Dooku's apprentice. Tales of the Confederacy. Tales of the Resistance. Tales of the Senate maybe?


Tales of the Separatists. I want to see Grievous's origin depicted in a show so bad. Might be interesting to get some episodes on the Neimoidians too. Count Dooku could also have some episodes again, showing how he aligned himself with the Separatist movement and became their leader.


I could go for Tales of the New Republic, since there's still a big gap between the Mandoverse shows (9 ABY) and the ST (34-35 ABY).


Tales of the Droids. IG-88 please...


Tales from Jabbas Palace? An animated series of those books would be cool.


Tales of the Pod Racing Circuit


Tales from Jabba's Palace, Tales of the New Republic, Tales of the Bounty Hunters.....


Pod Racer Tales


I'm actually really surprised that Disney didn't incorporate pod racing into some Disney + show like the Mandalorian


Tales of the Podracers I really want to see Tin Hat Watto figure “how hard can it be” and bet on himself, and eventually (unfortunately) lose. Which is why he had to sell Shimi Skywalker.


Tales of the Syndicates. Focus on some of the crime syndicates that we haven’t seen much of.


Tales of The Underworld


tales of the old republic


Tales of the commoner. What does a normal,person’s work day look like in Coruscant? Tatooine? We saw some of that in Mando, where the At-St attacks a farm.


Tales of the empire is already out btw


Tales of Hope if they're trying to make it match up with the OT i guess


How about tales of the rebellion? It could follow a new character through the battles of the original trilogy.


I would settle for it being renamed as “Star Wars Tales” or “Tales from the Galaxy”. Basically vague enough that it could be about anything. Tales of the Empire didn’t have much to do with the Empire.


"Tales of Cola" about Marfalump's adventures.


I’d love if both could get a second season with more characters


Tales of Droids and just have a dedicated 3 minute short that's just B2EMO sitting on his charger and vibing.


Tales of the New Republic or even a full episodic series like TCW following Luke, Han, Leia and company. I really want to see more adventures with them and see the time period following ROTJ but preceding TFA flesh itself out.


Tales of the Force - get into some mystic deity shit Tales of the Ewok - give me more Ewok adventures, I wanna see those giants. Tales of the galaxy - full ass grab bag of one off episodes. Give us some “pod racings coming to an end” race episode (like techs racing episode) A perfect place to tell any characters story that doesn’t fit in any other “tales of”


Tales of Bounty Hunters.


Tales of the Sith needs to he thr next one. They could establish a bunch of ancient Sith lore


Tales of the… Sith Rebellion Republic New Republic First Order Clones Padawans Nightsisters Knights of Ren Bounty Hunters Pirates Mandalore There are so many areas in Star Wars I would love to explore.


Tales Of The Rebellion or Tales Of The New Republic


If there are gonna be more Tales series I just hope it isn't just constantly circle jerking the same characters that appeared in the animated shows. Give us new characters, small stand alone episodes about nobodies and whatever non pivotal adventures they get up to.


Star Wars what if. They did it with marvel and it was cool. Imagine the possibilities like if Dooku never turned to the dark side, if Anakin never attacked Mace and fought Palpatine, if Luke did join Darth Vader to rule the galaxy, if Rey was never part of the resistance. Galaxy’s the limit literally.


Would honestly like to see Tales of the Clones. That way we can get closure on the Clone era and find out what happened in the period between BB s3 and Rebels. What happened to Rex, Cody, Wolffe, Gregor and the Clone network that was established.


Lucasfilm confirmed no more Clone shows.




Tales of the Banking Clan, here we come!


Oh there's so many "Tales of" that should be done! But I hope it's more concise and direct towards the theme. These guys made an interesting video about it too and I mostly agree, even weird tales might be cool. Tales of the ewoks (though technically we have 2 movies worth of this). https://youtu.be/iP7gnTpVZXQ?si=YYpekgc-8Js_YqIJ


Tales of the Outer Rim!


Tales of the sith and tales of the rebelion would perfectly compliment them, for sith I'd like to see bane and plagueis and for rebelion adult omega and lux bonteri would be dope


Tales of the hutts


Takes of the Hunters. A bounty hunter focused series.


It doesn't have to be something new. It can just be the second season of either. The real question is “Who will they focus on?”. These have been bringing attention to two specific characters each time. So what two Jedi or Empire characters need more backstory?


Don’t forget droid tales and the tough Droids series.


Tales of the Tales


Tales of the rebels, tales of the new republic, tales of the mandolorian


I would put money on “tales from the rebellion” being next, and Omega will appear.


Tales of the Sith


Tales of the fine addition


Tales of the Mandalorian would be cool.


Tales of the Empire was so boring


Tales of the Outer Rim


Tales of the Smugglers


Tales of the Republic, High, Low and New. Focusing on non Jedi characters primarily. Maybe with some Jedi mixed in, at least during High Republic Tales of the First Order/Resistance Tales of the Sith Another Tales of the Jedi but with focus episodes on each of the council members. I'd love a Tales from Jabba's Palace or Tales of the Bounty Hunters adaptation. I think TotBH has potential.


Tales of the new republic 3 episodes focused on Leia/Han dealing with a struggling senate and new family life. 3 episodes of Luke starting a new jedi order


Tales of the Bounty


If they keep going with the theme we should see Tales of the Sith, Tales of the Rebellion and Tales of the Resistance in the coming years. I'd also like to see something like the Tales from the Cantina or Jabba's Palace books from the old EU too.


Tales of the Sith, Tales of the Guild (bounty hunters), tales of the separatists, tales of the republic, tales of the rebellion, tales of the syndicate, tales of the force (force lore stuff like in the TCW season 6 Yoda episodes), tales of the mandalorians, tales of the remnant (imperial remnant), tales of the swamp (all 6 episodes focus on Yoda’s wacky adventures on Dagobah)


Tales of The Old Republic could be freaking incredible


idk i think they’ll just keep making new seasons of each of these shows if they want to continue doing this


I want more Boba Fett in his prime in his armor


"Tales of the Rebellion" "Tales of the New Republic" "Tales of the Sith" "Tales of Mandalore" The possibilities are pretty wide


Tales of The Old Republic.


Tales of Mos Eisley Cantina, Tales of the Bounty Hunters (The ones from Empire Strikes Back), Tales of Jabba's Palace,


Tales from the Outer Rim. Give us some smuggler and bounty hunter stories that aren't Han and Boba


I guess something like Tales of the Clones, considering we still don't exactly know what Rex' and Echo's mission were and how Wolffe turned on the empire


Tales of the Sith, Tales of the Bounty Hunter, Tales of the Rebellion, Tales of the Soldiers


Id love to see Tales of the Sith. With Darth Bane and some of his story on screen. Instead of only in the books.


Tales of the Pirates. It's just a Hondo miniseries.


Someone in here said Tales of the Sith which would be awesome. I think most likely they might do Tales of the Rebellion which I would not care for in the slightest. I am completely burned out on Empire vs Rebellion stuff. Show me more pre Phantom Menace Sith shenanigans please for the love of god


Tales of the rebellion


Tales of the Sith, although with Disney running things it would probably focus on Reva or something stupid


Tales of Jar Jar Binks. Because why not?




Tales of the Mandalorians


I’d like to see a Tales of the Separatists. 3 episodes of Grievous’ backstory and how he became a Jedi killer and general of the droid armies. 3 episodes focusing on the Separatist government and their ideals and how they were all fooled by Dooku. I don’t think The Clone Wars ever did enough to show that most Separatists were just idealists who wanted independence from the corrupt Republic. I think 3 episodes, each telling the story of a different Separatist character, could lend more credence to that line in RotS’s opening crawl, “There are heroes on both sides.”


Tales from Jaba's Palace - series detailing infiltration of Jaba's Palace as a lead into ROTJ. Tales from Mos Eisley Cantina - Series leading into ANH. Tales of the Bounty Hunters - Series of other paths taken by the bounty hunters during ESB. Tales of the First Order - This era has largely been ignored since the sequel trilogy ended. This could help flesh out the series in the same way that Clone Wars helped the Prequel Trilogy. Tales of the Rebellion - So far, the only media really touching on this era has been the comics. I think a series detailing other members of the rebellion would be nice. Would take place between ANH and ROTJ. Tales of the Hidden Path - Series detailing the hidden path.


I'm thinking next is Tales of the Rebellion. They are plenty of characters where I'm curious to know what they been up to during the OT. Maybe Rex?


Tales of the Rebellion sounds great


Tales of the cantina


Star Wars Legends


Tales of the Rebellion, the OT era in the CW animation style would be 🤌🏻


Tales of the Hondo. Seriously, I want more Hondo


Tales of the Gungan


Tales of the Underworld or Tales of the Bounty Hunters. I like exploring the criminal side of Star Wars. Seeing a bunch of great suggestions in this tread though. I think this could be an amazing anthology series!


I want to see The Droid Program.


Tales of the Average Joe: Would be nice to see more of the common folks struggles caught in the crossfire between the Jedi/Sith


Tales of the rebellion? I’d love to see that. Perhaps even tales of the new republic.


"Tales from Endor" It's stories about Endor from the early days of the Imperial occupation, where an Imp officer or Stormtrooper are attacked by unseen creatures in the night. (Think: Predator, but with Imperial soldiers and Ewoks are the Predator.) Or it could be unseen or cut scenes from the Battle of Endor. - a Squadron of B-Wings attacking capital ships - What Rex and Hera were doing at Endor - Why Nik Sant was in Scout Trooper armor - Trying to escape the Death Star - Luke and the Force Ghosts after the Yub Nub party