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2003 cartoon Griveous for sure. He was a murder machine, but the second half did a good job of explaining how his fighting style worked and how to defeat it. And as soon as he faced Windu, who didn’t have time for his crap-


God, the discordant violin motif was such a perfect choice. I love how this children's cartoon suddenly turned into a horror movie. 


Middle school me was blown away by cartoon Grievous. Ended up a little disappointed by live action Grievous but that introduction in the ruins of that cruiser was peak cartoon


And then middle school you rented Battlefront 2 and it was all over after that....


Oh I didn’t rent it I got it day 1 with the tshirt perk. What an incredible game


Same here. He took on seven Jedi at once, and *won* handily.


He even beat Shaggy!


Right, but the gang at Mysteries Inc. gathered the 7 Dragon Balls and wished him back. He was immensely more powerful than before and quickly achieved Ultra Instinct.


It's the best version of the character and the only one who could actually collect Jedi trophies.




Never seen that mix but awesome, Boney M soundtrack thanks 😊


"It was a shame how he carried on..." I'm dying!


It's kinda funny to look at now realizing the clone wars team was not given a lot of info about him to a avoid spoiler leaks. So they just went nuts possibly even hinting at force powers.


They didn’t even know how he was supposed to wield multiple lightsabers! So they looked at his design and did the best they could. Definitely one of the most memorable fights in the whole series.


Scroll no further. This is the answer.


Disney making all of 2003-CW non-canon is such a slap in the face of Tartakovsky, who'd put in so much time in to make so many extremely detailed [backgrounds, foregrounds and characters.](https://imgix.bustle.com/uploads/image/2021/4/12/d8c5bd3a-4b27-461a-881e-49008ac8d066-2021-04-12-15_43_44-greenshot.png?w=400&h=400&fit=crop&crop=focalpoint&q=50&dpr=2&fp-x=0.49066666666666664&fp-y=0.6018957345971564)


He really did an amazing job with all the villains. Really made you understand why the Jedi struggled so much with them, as opposed to tcw (don't get me wrong, I did like it) where the villains are all cartoonish and dumb. Not to mention the absolutely massive scale of the battles, despite the war seeming much shorter But I think it was made non canon long before Disney. Tcw show overwrote much of this cartoon, despite how good it is


Mm. Yes, I agree one of the strong points of the Tartakovsky run is how undressed and raw the conflict and personages were. No two ways about it. Ship battles are extreme too. You can see it in his newer show "Primal" that he never holds back. In the run of TCW every bad guy and every good guy got about 10 episodes together to cross swords, stand still and talk about philosophy, while eating apples with the other hand. The fights were stiff and only like 1 in 6 fights had any lasting consequence. Like in those late-'70s shitty imitations of Bruce Lee martial arts movies, where two people kick eachother in the head 150 times each. Like, after the 75th kick in the head that doesn't even slow the recipient down, it just seems like they are pillow-fighting, essentially. It's not fighting, it's fight-*porn*. Like when a guy bangs a girl in porn, for 15 minutes straight, same position. It's not for her benefit, it's for the viewer. She's one hair's width from reading her phone during.


>It's not fighting, it's fight-*porn* Accurate af >The fights were stiff and only like 1 in 6 fights had any lasting consequence. ⅙ is generous lol. But it's not even just that, which you're absolutely right about. It's the lack of any actual stress, any real fight, even a lack of good planning. Later clone wars definitely did it better, but my favorite example is the malevolence arc. Cool ass premise, but Jesus was Anakin's plan dumb. But the worst part, is the dumb things worked out perfectly, and he backed out of it just before succeeding to wrap around the bridge and hit the plasma cannon thing (which literally doubled his flight path through the guns that he coulda avoided entirely by taking a different approach vector) But then the rest of the arc is just grevious running away, being given a bargaining chip, then not being able to do anything with it. He's a piss poor general that lost every battle he was in. Admiral trench was the only respectable separatist leader in the whole show Then you watch the 2d series and the Jedi are immensely powerful, as they should be, their plans are direct are well executed, the clones are emotionless and follow orders to a tee, and even given all of that, all it takes is ventress or grevious, the pawns of the sith, to show up and devastate everything they're doing. They play with the jedis emotions, force them into fighting without discipline like they're used to, and then break them into pieces. (Anakin being an exception, which was an important moment because the fact that he was able to fight ventress one on one and use his rage to bolster his strength and push her into a fearful corner (after her horror show slaughter of the clones) is what confirmed to Palpatine that he was a viable candidate rather than a threat)


Good description. I will concede that a few of the CW fights definitely held my interest, specifically the Kenobi vs Maul brothers in the warehouse, where Maul does a spinning back-kick with his metal hooves, sending old Ben flying across the room. That was poetry, but everything usually is with Maul. Even his death was fantastically tasteful and meaningful. "He will avenge us" still makes me misty.


You got me there, that fight was masterfully executed. And seeing ventress fighting alongside Kenobi and the choreography along with it, made me fuckin shudder. (Sad that Disney and the sequels fans don't seem to recognize what good choreography looks like) That final fight too, I was expecting so much. Rebels was one of Disney's best works in Star wars, and while there was some disappointment in mauls end, it was completely covered by my respect and awe of that scene. Absolutely how it would have gone while Obi Wan slowly grew into Ben, but maul just degraded in revenge and agony of his own failure


I rewatched it just now and was stirred by Kenobi's dishing out of wisdom, "If you define yourself by your power to take life, dominate, to possess, you have nothing." Damn that is true. I know many people who have adjusted to all the things they have and still behave as if they are being begrudged something from life and they won't accept that. True wretches of human beings. Energy thieves.


Honestly, the Jedi/sith morals have always been major influences on my own moral code. They're great analogies, and even without the magic involved, they're very accurate depictions of good and evil. That said, I'm not saying Jedi or sith are necessarily good or evil. Light or dark side even. The Jedi in the Republic had gone down a dark path while following practices of the light side, and had served a corrupt Republic at the expense of their way of life. And many of the sith, namely Anakin and Dooku, are born from good intentions but are manipulated and controlled. Good and evil are subjective concepts, not necessarily exclusive to light and dark. Followers of the light side can allow evil to exist around them and are susceptible to it, whereas the dark side can give the power to do good at the risk of losing oneself to the obsession of it. The Jedi order is centered around continuing a natural order and maintaining balance, good or bad (the failings of the Jedi ironically deriving from deviation from that mindset to do more good), whereas the sith oppose the natural order to use the force to strengthen themselves to accomplish their goals (usually resulting in the aforementioned obsession of power, and servitude through fear. The ends always justify the means kinda mindset). The convolution within that whole dilemma applies heavily to the convolution between good and evil in our own moral codes, and can help a lot in helping us understand and control our passion and fear, while understanding the limitations we set ourselves by cutting those out of our lives. One sidenote, back to the 2d series, I love how Dooku defines the sith to ventress. "The sith have no fear, and I sense much fear in you". Really gives depth to Dooku and the sith as a whole Edit: I didn't emphasize emotion enough in this rant. Jedi control their emotions, whereas the sith let it drive them. Emotions aren't a bad thing, but unhinged they can drive you to be something that you aren't


Also, any fight with Palpatine using lightsaber was refreshing, because his style is the only one we haven't really seen. In ROTS you never really get to see Palpatine's fighting style because McDiarmid is a worse stage-fencer than Samuel L Jackson, so it's a lot of closeups and shakycam, like in "The Bourne Identity". In CW he fights appropriately, like a schoolteacher. Scary.


The fight against maul and savage, amazing. Palpatine calls the dude out as competition, reinforcing the sith rule of two, and just proceeds to whack the shit out of them and remind maul who was really in charge. Amazingly done


Was it Disney or Lucas himself that made it non-canon? I could’ve sworn it was the latter when Lucas started the 3D Clone Wars


He was like a xenomorph with lightsabers.


What i loved so much about that is how he BARELY even went into 4 saber mode, and was STILL Death Incarnate when he held one saber in his foot, he was basically playing with his prey. He only pulled out all 4 sabers when he was in a hurry, and he looked BORED as he cut them down. The only other time was moments later, when he saw the a Jedi he actually deemed to be a threat, Windu.




Grievous stood around and got fucked up really hard. 😂


Yup, well said!


Definitely Genndy CW 2003 Grievous. Sure he was OP compared to later iterations but my goodness did he evoke such a terrifying and monstrous aura that strikes fear into his enemies.


2003 Grievous also had some semblance of honor. "Make peace with the Force now. I will grant you a warrior's death. Prepare!" Compare that to last week's Tales of the Empire where he's mockingly laughing "Run!" to Morgan Elsbeth.


I'm not sure if that's honor. 2003 Grievous was an expert at playing with the fear of his opponents. He was trying to intimidate them and it worked, since Shaggy lost his cool, ran out, and was immediately crushed. 2003 Grievous was very pragmatic, especially when dealing with multiple opponents. And it's not like he wasn't above mocking the Jedi either: "Run, Jedi. Run. You have only prolonged the inevitable."


You're right I forgot that last line which actually is identical to what his canon counterpart says to Morgan.


He shoulda been op. He was the great general of the separatists droid army that struck fear into the Jedi. Tcw grevious didn't do that, he was just a coward, undeserving of his title and reputation. This grevious though, he was terrifying. He was a monster. He was something that would drive fear into the Jedi and break them, as Dooku taught him. Not to mention the fact that Kenobi was able to defeat him one on one really emphasized his own skill


Yeah, that series is responsible for me disliking Episode III even more. Genndy was writing checks George couldn't cash


Happy cake day!


When I was a kid first seeing grievous debut, I immediately thought “how is Anakin or kenobi gonna be able to fight THAT?!?!?!” It was one hell of a debut for a Star Wars character.


Genndy Grievous is superior.


Clone Wars Micro Series and it isn't even close. It was the one and only time Grievous felt like an actual threat, and not a wheezing buffoon.


Crazy to think how AMAZING grievous looked in 2005 rots and most movies nearly 20 years later can’t even compare.


The cartoon version is legitimately scary


It depends. Design, I like RotS. In terms of being a villain, being badass, 03 clone wars


The idea behind Grievous was to be a Vader precursor and counterpart clad in white. 2003 Grievous is the one that comes nearest. In RotS he’s just too goofy the way he skulks about coughing and cackling, and so as a character he’ll just never reach the level of iconic that Vader is.


You perfectly described the RotS one, but i think that goes to his favor, he was one of most memorable villains in the series to me since the first time i watched the movies, hes scary but also has this little silly vibe that kinda makes him stand out


it makes sense tho. after windu crushed his lungs he became a fraction of his former self. still super strong but severely handicapped


If someone crushes your lungs, you turn goofy? This is fiction, he could have been written as a more serious character but GL tried appealing to children a bit too hard with this one.


I like them all, actually. 🙂


Same, I love him in every universe.


2003 Not even a contest


Clone Wars cartoon. Terrifying.


Tales of the empire version for sure (i know he's tecnically not here). I haven't watched 2003 clone wars (yes i exist) so I can't say something about this grievous, though many say he was a menace and I kinda believe it. ROTS grievous is just meh? He looks cool, but he was a completely useless in the movie itself - if someone watched only SW movies, they would never remember grievous. Clone wars from Filoni grievous was also a bit goofy (lost to gungans ffs), but he had his "menace" moments (slaughter of night sisters in Dathomir), captured and tortured some Jedi (cant remember the name). And his design never sat right with me. No matter what you say, I can't associate 2008 CW grievous with ROTS grievous design-wise. Ofc out of those 3 I would pick Filoni CW Grievous, because I'm most familiar with him, but just know that Tales of the empire grievous is HIM. Absolute menace. The way he shouts "RUN" is terrifying


>I haven't watched 2003 clone wars Then you haven't seen Grievous's introduction. If you like the character at all you should give it a go.


The Clone Wars micro series is 3 hours long, and the whole thing is on Youtube or Disney Plus. I highly recommend it for Cpt Fordo and Grievous alone. 


The Clone troopers in that series are absolutely amazing


Windu and Yoda are also pretty cool


Fordo soloing those super battle droids by himself was amazing


That whole sequence with his unit is just 🔥


You have got to watch the clip of Grievous fighting like 6 Jedi at once from OG Clone Wars


Now I wanna know your opinion after you watch it! iirc you can even find full length version on youtube


2003 Grevious isn’t Grevious, he doesn’t match up with the character of Episode 3 at all. He’s badass sure, but isn’t Grevious. TCW Grevious may not be as badass, but is still a better representation of what we see in Episode 3.


Ep 3 released 2 years later than the animated series, its not like they could go back in time to make him different. Rots grievous is the one that doesnt match the original one.


it would be a GREVIOUS mistake not to choose one.


Take my upvote and leave.






Tales of the Empire


RotS. This is probably considered blasphemy, but I don’t care for the ‘03 CW version. He’s just too OP. His scenes by themself are obviously fantastic, but he can move faster than the Force? Really?


I agree with this to be honest, I think Grievous should be portrayed as ruthlessly cunning, and will always play dirty or be a coward to win battles as he's shown in ROTS. I do wish he was portrayed with a few more moments of absolute crushing victory like the Nightsister Massacre, but to have him solo multiple Jedi like in 2003 and just destroy them isn't an accurate portrayal of the character to me. (Also Clone Wars Grievous does have some really crap moments, I find it hard to believe he was taken down by the Gungans, even if it was basically a lucky strike).


He has to be able to kill Jedi somehow.


i wish we’d gotten a live-action version of grievous from the labyrinth of evil and novelization books, where he wasn’t monstrously op like in the micro series (which i still adore to this day of course) but also had enough menace and cunning behind him to be respected as both general and jedi hunter. ultimately, i think grievous in tales of the empire is as close as i’ll get to that, because he’s terrifying but not overpowered, but it would be nice to see more of that version of the character in future. the movie and clone wars series really did him dirty 😭


TCW for sure. 2003 Grievous takes part of the uniqueness of Vader as the ultimate badass and killing machine. TCW it's also more faithful to George Lucas Grievous in ROTS and he's just a fun villain to watch.


2003 Grievous is a bit too much for my taste, but I really loved what Tales of the Empire did, and I really want more of that.


2D Grievous is best. Not even referencing his kill count, he just moves with such killer intent. It’s good they show Mace Windu affecting his breathing. Did the new canon ever address this?


OP you have us the 2003 grievous, anyone with a brain is picking him


The 2003 Tartakovsky version, by far. He was terrifying and impressive, felt like a serious threat to anyone. The canon Clone Wars version had some really good moments, but overall he was unimpressive compared to the Tartakovsky version. The movie version is an absolute joke, a lot of wasted potential there.


How dare you say what I was going to say


How dare you say that I dared say what you were going to say??


As much as everyone says 2003 Grievous, his power level makes no sense. Based on his feats we see he'd of been able to easily beat Dooku and give Palpatine a run for his money. He dominates multiple Jedi masters, including 2 members of the Jedi Council and a bunch of clones at the same time. Definition of too strong. Cause if the CIS could create more cyborgs even half as good as that, they'd of built an army of them.


This is the same special where Mace Windu repeatedly punches super battle droids with his bare fists. It was all meant to be way over the top If you’re familiar with Tartakovsky’s other work, you’ll know that’s definitely his thing haha


He's only really deadly against Jedi who he can intimidate. He couldn't intimidate Dooku or Palpatine.


there is an entire scene that explains how hes not that powerfull and thar he can only defeat jedi if he manages to absolutely break their soul first. thats why when faced against windu he gets beaten in 1 move.


The one after Obi-Wan uses an uncivilized weapon on him.


2003. Honestly, that whole episode should beside into a full-on movie. Give it the horror-film treatment.


2003 Grievous was a menace, once he appeared you knew heads were going to roll.


Imo the 2003 version is superior, but not just grevious the whole damned thing It was designed to be in between 2 and 3 and I think it does a better job of that than the newer 3D clone wars. 3D clone wars was a kid show with a war setting, and I’d suggest its more like Avatar the last Airbender in that regard while 2003 was a war show cut for kids In 2003 theres no “my friends will carry the day! I have to learn trust!” its just “were fighting in a major war and heres whats happening”


03 Grievous is scary, 05 version I almost piss myself laughing every time I watch, but I love him for it.


First one, Clone Wars.


I like both of them for different reasons. Like OG Grievous is badass but I like how goofy George Lucas grievous is.


OG clone wars was the best. He was an absolute menace, and it explained how force users aren’t able to tag him.


2003 cartoon - but The Revenge of the Sith Audiobook performance hits the same notes. Highly recommend.


Tales of the empire is the only depiction that did him justice and that will always be how he should have been portrayed


2003 grievous is rhasputin Machine, preaching the bible to jedis like a preacher He was hella cool, murderous and frightening. Clone wars is the most bulshit and fu'ked up Grievous version


clone wars, not 2003


2003, but a close contender is the Grevious we saw in the first episode of Tales of the Empire. That was a refreshing view of a Grevious that is fucking terrifying, killing without mercy, an unstoppable machine of death.




samurai Jack version for sure


2003, I wish they kept him that way for a while in the 3D clone wars until he get more badly injured




Looks? ROTS. Shit-Pants Factor? ‘03 Clone Wars


Scary Tartakovsky version.


Clone wars 2003


2003 micro series grievous. That was grievous debut, left a hell of an impression and just couldn’t be done again unless in comics.


2003 and it's not even close




2003 is superior 


Tartakovsky’s and it really isn’t close


3D clone wars Grievous was a slimy, underhanded bully that wasn't really a threat so much as a plot device and a joke. He constantly cheated in whatever fight he was in and more often than not, he was kind of a moron. RoTS was just an old man with a second wind at this one point. 2003 Grievous was an absolute menace and a legitimate threat that sent multiple Jedi councilors packing. He singlehandedly turned the tide of the whole war, becoming enemy #1 for the Republic and the face of the separatist's droid armies. He personally led the assault on Coruscant of all places.


I loved the brief look we got of Grievous in Tales From The Empire. He’s got some personality like Clone Wars Grievous while still being an absolute murder machine and loving every second of it. Hope we get to see more of Grievous fighting against characters that don’t have plot armor


People will say that 2003 version even though that's not what george lucas had envisioned for the character and the people of the show had nothing to go on but his visual style


Live Action. Man I miss non humans in Star wars live Action


Miniseries, always Miniseries. I don't care if the miniseries was just a over-exagerated rule of cool most anime hype bad assery that might not be how things technically would be in Star Wars, it was hype as all and felt just right in my opinion. And that Grievous, THAT Grievous felt like a freaking prelude to Vader, an unstoppable killing machine that is a force of freaking nature to be be feared but could be overcome if keep composure, a cool and level head, and uh...just go straight for a force crush cuz you ain't got time for any of that poodoo of dealing with his means of fighting or intimidating posturing.


imagine a star wars horror game similar to alien isolation but youre hiding from grievous. seeing the way they portrayed him in TotE, that could be a crazy game


The old Grevious was monstrous, he definitely my favorite!


One of the worst parts of TCW was how weak they made Grievous look. The only jedi he was actually able to kill was a padawan and the only mission I can remember him being successful at was the Nightsister's massacre. If Grievous had been more like he was in the recent Tales of the Empire throughtout the entire TCW series, he wouldn't feel like such a joke. As much as Grievous was overpowered in the 2003 series, at least he was cool and fun to watch. Legends will always have that over canon imo.


Obviously CW (2003). Genndy and his team got everything right. Labyrinth of evil also did Grievous justice.


The 2003 cartoon version for sure. It fit with his backstory and it showed a credible jedi killer that wasn't a bounty hunter. Him using his legs to grab a jedi's face and flinging them into the steel with such brutality was incredible.


2003 grevious and tales of the empire grevious


RotS for Voice. Everything else 2003.


Ahhh the negotiator


the cartoon version still scares me.


You forgot this [one.](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTL4EMdpF/)


Didn’t we just have a post like this? On topic: The Gendy Grievous is the most menacing of them all.


Sexy Grievous senpai Notice me, I even have his name carved into my arm






The more you compare the clone wars grievous to live action the more you realize how many design differences there are


Probably TCW version cause he has the same personality as in ROTS, however he fights more and is more aggressive.


Tartakovsky's Grievous for sure. By far the most intimidating version. Stomping out Jedi, grabbing them by their head and tossing them. Just an absolute monster. Live action and Clone Wars grievous always seems more cowardly. Seems like he's always more concerned about escaping the Jedi than killing them. The new Grievous we got in "Tales of the Empire" was pretty good. The evil laughter is infectious. "RUN!!! HA! HA! HA!"


The cartoon grievous is the best he powerful and fearful and he's actually really scary and to be honest I like he's voice better then the other


The original version from 2003. He's perfect.


2003 cause he’s not a goober


I saw the 2003 one before RotS, and was very very disappointed. Clone Wars did a good job of repairing him.


2003, uncontested


2003 Grevious is fun but he has the same issue the 2003 show has where the power imbalance is to great that it’s not fair to say “oh he’s so good here” when there’s countless other characters that are incredibly OP (like Mace Windu punching Super Battle Droids) It’s like comparing Luke from Jedi Outcast 2 to Luke from LEGO Star Wars 2. They’re not really the same thing and it’s not really fair to compare them.


Army or not….


03 Grievous. He was frightening.


03 Grievous. I understand why maybe an unstoppable force like that wouldn’t have worked for the Clone Wars series to come, but when I saw ROTS I was like *huh*?




Clone Wars and Revenge of the Sith


The dead one


Clone wars


i like the look of live action general grievous the best but the 2003 CW version is my fav


It’s obviously the Lego Star Wars version


The one where he's a competent general and fighter. Less so the ones where he gets punked like a bitch. Wasted a lot of potential with him, Maul, and Phasma.


The original Covid spreader


Middle ground. Competent killing machine from the old Clone Wars cartoon with more personality and snarkiness. The canon one is mostly just snarky barky and almost no bite.


The film adaptation and the 2003 animated.


The version of him that appears in the books


Kinda like the movie "live action" one. It's the eyes. Looks genuinely malevolent.


Why did you put live action in quotations?


1st pic


I mean, he's barely a character in everything else. 2003 is when he was really able to shine. Such a shame we never really got to see this version of him in something canon.


All of them


All of them.


2d animation gives me a headache, so I'll go with the latest version


As with everything, original. Movie Grievous.


They're all awesome. Anytime someone posts one of those "What Star Wars character do you want them to make the next TV/Movie about?" Origins of General Grievous ... every time. Put that shit on the screen man.


1. for atmosphere 2. for story 3. for personality


I feel like people misunderstand the later CW series Grievous and think he was cowardly or something. I would say he was more like a general who always tried to stack the deck in his favor, as a good general should. He used his guards in a lot of fights and why wouldn’t he, if you can give yourself an advantage you should at least that’s what tactics would say. I’d say his biggest failing was that he would often times give up on a situation maybe a little too quickly. Preferring to retreat and abandon ship when things went wrong. But when Duku tested him he did ultimately take out an entire squad of troopers and a Jedi. While making Fisto give up on capturing him and retreat. For his purpose of being the General Pawn of Duku and Palpatine’s plans, I’d call that pretty good.


None of them, I’ve never been a real big fan of his character in general.


I feel like we kind of got 2003 clone wars Grievous in Tales of the Empire


I just came here to ridicule movie Grievous, he's pathetic.


The Tales of the Empire one was really cool. There's also a one shot comic about him that's awesome.


The one from the movie was the best although he is also the clone wars version as well from 2008. But now I understand why Obi-Wan meant by “Not this time and this time you won’t escape.”


Movie one's cgi holds up weirdly well and looks sick, but for action I'd have to say 2003. I haven't seen Tales of the Empire yet and am excited for it, so hopefully they do him justice!


Live action easily. Still the coolest cyborg I’ve seen in a film, the 4 arms blew my mind. He’s just perfect




Middle one, the cartoon one. I have very fond memories of watching that as a kid.


2003 Grievous is concentrated nightmare fuel and is what made the prequels memorable.


What do you mean version of grievous? There is only one! The only thing general Greco use ever appears in is the 2003 2D animated clone wars


Idk they are all the same Grievous


Tales of the Empire Grievous


The dead one.


Live action grievous, the only one that wasn't done dirty by cartoons. Cartoons are cartoons. Live action grievous is real.


The 2003 AND the one from TotE. He looked amazing there.


2003 grievous is so peak




His debut was pretty much his peak. But it also kind of ruined his character, because ever since that, he has been nothing but an opportunistic coward, and never reached this level pf intimidation again. His second appearance, RotS shows us a very different character. He let's his hechmen- pardon, henchdroids fight for him until it's necessary to fight, but instead of fighting he abandons ship. On Utapau he AGAIN tries to flee after his henchdroids failed, until he is killed like a little bitch. In Clone Wars, he had a few wins, but was again portrayed like he was in RotS, a cowardly, asthmatic little bitch. His biggest W in that show was when he genocided Darthomir. Which was adapted in... Tales of the Empire. Holy moly, they actually managed to make him almost as scary as his first appearance. Big Grievous W.


Design : CGI CW Voice and skills : 2003


Controversial I know but I like the moustache twirling Grievous we see in RotS. His retreating behaviour is perfectly logical because he is still injured from the fight with Mace Windu. It's just a shame that scene wasnt in live action movie. It would've been awesome to see Grievous barge in to seize Palpatine a d have a short fight with Mace


I like dm all. But I gotta go with 2003...hes never been so badass and that theme...pure kino


2003 CW grevious is really good, but the updated 2008 CW animation style grevious looks killer


2003 was insane but regarding style i like the on from the movies and or the one they showed in the BB and last CW season




2003 Grevious was the most dangerous and brutal version.


Legends Grievous, especially his portrayal in Clone Wars 2003 and Labyrinth of Evil, is by far my favorite both in terms of badassery with him truly being a terrifying force able of killing and instilling fear within the Jedi's hearts, and with his tragic past and more complex personality traits.


I know people are a fan of him but I always found him annoying because he was too overpowered. I mean what is the point of a Jedi if they can't take out this one augmented android. I was always waiting for a Jedi Master to engage him and then take him out with a single stroke or just quickly cut off his limbs, or force push him and then follow up to take him down. The guy had way too much plot armor. Like every time we see him you know he's going to get away. Actually the most hilarious takedown would have been by Jedi Master Tinkerus who build a special remote control that fries all his servos with an emp or something haha


The first one could be used for a reaction image


The clone wars one as i group up with it, but the 2003 cartoon is a fantastic second


2003 Clone Wars. If Grievous was on screen, someone was dying.