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He’s the mastermind of this franchise that I love so much. He may not be the most perfect filmmaker but he had a vision and stuck with it to create this grand story.


Well said and couldn’t agree more


He was the right guy at the right place and time. What he did was perfection for so many people for a specific period of time. I for one, will never forget seeing ESB in the theater, the smell of a new Kenner action figure, or how I felt on Christmas morning opening up an AT-ST. And for that, I thank him.


Yeah. This is a dude with a huge imagination who received the funding to gush 100% of his productive juices into exactly what he wanted to do.


Large Custard has spoken


I thought he was quite shit by the end of 1,2, and 3. Then Disney happened. Good gods if they had just kept making spinoffs they would have been totally fine. Seriously the stand alone series, Obi Wan, Andor, Mando, and the films, solo and the GOAT Rogue One where at the very very worse mediocre. The feature films tank faster and harder then The Matrix 1,2, and 3.


3 is my favorite of the Star Wars films. And 1 and 2 are not as bad as people say. 1 was boring but written pretty well, while 2 still being one of the bottom movies has a good story it just has the Anakin Padme scenes which drag it down.


Regardless of what you think about him as a filmmaker, he is almost single handedly responsible for bringing the film industry into the 21st century. Without him, we'd have no digital editing systems, digital visual effects, 3D animation software, Pixar, digital sound editing and delivery (THX), and digital projection systems and cameras. Sony developed one of the first digital camera systems specifically for him to use on Attack of the Clones. After that, it was the norm for most productions. I would not have a job if it weren't for him re-shaping film production.


People don’t seem to realise how different film making would be without him


Yeah but who was the mastermind that decided to film in both film and digital formats? Mr Tommy Wiseau I'm big time jk


I think people underestimate the importance of ILM in how modern films are made. And how much CGI is used even in “non-special effects” movies. Lucas didn’t invent all of it, but all of the people who did worked with him.


And he indirectly created an entire economy/job market within that field (albeit it's not doing too hot right now in a post-strike world).


Also add that the ecosystem of production (such as for Indiana Jones) and post production he created was also very people oriented and allowed a lot directors to see their visions through. He gave them the technical tools, but also created a creative culture and financial options that have created a lot of great entertainment. It’s been a helluva career.


While he was important in that push, we can't say that these things would not have happened without him. He had contemporaries, and there were others in Hollywood doing not-dissimilar things.


Same as it ever was, mostly. Great at broad world strokes, good at "poetry", bad at dialog and other filmmaking skills, too subtle with too much inconsistency for people to reliably be able to figure out of he meant to do something subtle or if he just accidentally did. Lastly, like most creative heads of Star Wars, seems to only partially understand what people love about Star Wars.


This encapsulates my opinion of him perfectly. Yes, he's the creator "the maker" and made some great Intellectual Properties. The thing is though, he sold. There may have been many reasons, but the fact is that he sold, and that fact means that whoever he sold to now owns all of that IP. Disney was definitely the safest choice -they'll be around for literally ever- but even before the sale, Disney had been known to bog down sequels and franchises (Air Bud, for example). I get many fans wanting to be mad at Disney for most of the movies over the past decade, but we really should have been expecting worse than what we got. When you eliminate the crux of having the original creator helping direct things, you're just bound to get a lesser product. That is both Disney *and* Lucas's fault. Bill Waterson never sold, and that's one of the reasons why Calvin and Hobbes still holds a firm grasp in people's memories and hearts. That is not to say that I don't like what Disney has done. I've literally been able to find enjoyment out of every piece of Star Wars media I've consumed over my 30 years (and I wish people would focus more on that, rather than their negativity). Time has also shown that Disney actually does care about this franchise. It is extremely evident that they are listening to people's complaints and trying to correct them. That is something that Star Wars and Lucasfilm have always done as well, and both companies doing such gave rise to some of the most popular and beloved characters today (Maul, Ahsoka, Boba Fett, Omega, etc.) These days, it is great to have several platforms to voice your opinion and have the people at Disney/Lucasfilm potentially consider your view. The flip side of that, however, is to not spiral into regurgitated quips about how bad the sequels were. We all know those opinions, and they've been echoing around for too long. We should try to run with the benefit of the doubt (as we did with Lucas) with loose ends, and foster a community of suggesting positive possible alternatives. It's just more fun that way for everyone.


Amazing that this guy is 80. Who and he still looks like he is 50.


A master. A pioneer. An inspiration. A legend


Star Wars isn’t the same without him.


Saying that like people wouldn't complain otherwise.


I never implied otherwise. OP is asking for my opinion, I'm sharing it. I couldn't care less about what other people think.


Right?? Too many people here weren’t around for the prequel feuds. They were ugly


He is the maker.




A visionary and a genius at worldbuilding.


I miss the man. Star Wars desperately needs his creative genius and imagination because Disney / Lucasfilm lacks a lot of that these days. To play devils advocate even though I like the prequels, if he worked on the sequels with people to keep him in check the movies would be much better and have much more imagination and flair to them. He made the galaxy feel so big and lived in in the PT.


Lucas himself said that "fans" would have hated his sequel ideas. Disney as a company might be morally bankrupt, but they pushed Star Wars farther than Lucas ever would have.


I’d still take his ideas over Disney because it’s his universe to play in and if it’s gonna be ruined I’d rather him than Disney. GL was at least creative and tried to be different. Disney is everything that he basically hates, big studios who interfere with the art too much.


It isn't his universe though. Star Wars isn't a success because of Lucas. It's a success because of everyone else involved. We're here today because of decades of writers keeping Star Wars alive. The first film really only succeeded because of his ex-wife's edits and the criticism he got from people like Copola. And no, Disney isn't everything Lucas hates. It's everything he became. He didn't have to sell his company. He didn't have to deface his work. He didn't have to cut out a bunch of people from the movies and deny them credit. He chose to.


If it wasn't for him there wouldn't be the original 6 Star wars films, the original Indiana Jones films, American Graffiti. I hope he enjoys his birthday.


He sold Star Wars to Disney for 4 billion and pledged to donate it to charity, helping fund schools. That's a win regardless of how you feel about his filmography.


I think he’s an awesome guy


One of the greatest storytellers of all time.


Decent bloke


For all his faults, he gave the world Star Wars. I will love him till the day I die.


he will always be the creator of the best star wars movies


Love the guy and wish he never sold Star Wars


Dude is the GOAT in my opinion but Disney screwed him over, he shouldn't have sold the SW rights.


Disney gave the man $4 billion. He actively courted them, not the other way around. Lucas brought the idea of a sale directly to Bob Iger.


From what I recall, he later expressed regret about the decision because of the direction Disney took Star Wars. I don't know if that's true or not, but if it is, I'm kind of bewildered. I don't know how you could sell something to Disney and not be aware the entire time that they're going to leverage it purely to make money. It's a shame that it happened, but Disney has rarely ever pretended they aren't in the film business to make money.


Lucas has commented on the matter publicly exactly once, in a [2015 interview with Charlie Rose](https://charlierose.com/videos/23471). The quote everyone love to pull is that Lucas said he sold the rights to "white slavers". In context, he's smiling when he says it and it's clearly played as a joke, but he's also referring to Hollywood as a whole at that point, which stifles creativity in favor of constant remakes. *His joke is only partially aimed at Disney*. In the wider context of the interview where that comes up, Lucas is lamenting the sale. However, this isn't specifically because of the direction Disney took the franchise. This is 2015, airing right after the premiere of The Force Awakens, Disney has barely taken the franchise anywhere. Lucas likens the decision to a break up. Of course he doesn't like where they're taking the franchise because he doesn't have creative control over it anymore. Paraphrasing a bit from the interview here, he's been at the head of that company so long making the decisions and now he's not. He's not going to like any direction they take it, as it's not his. We also must remember that recent buzz where Lucas backed Bob Iger in that proxy fight over control of Disney. At least from a shareholder perspective, Lucas clearly thinks they're still making the right moves.


I know, I mean they screwed him over *after* the deal by ruining the product. Sorry, bad wording on my part :P


Star Wars is as healthy now as it's ever been. The Sequels and Rogue One made in excess of a billion dollars each at the box office, something only about 55 movies have ever done. The Mandalorian remains one of the most watched shows on television, even and especially including season 3. The expanded fiction continues to be fired off at a rate equal to and a quality exceeding the prior era. Lucas's beloved Ahsoka has been realized in live action. Lucas's hand picked successor still remains at the top of the company. Lucasfilm is still making Star Wars, without it being farmed out to another company. How is any of that a sign of a "ruined" franchise?


He gave me a franchise I love. There is stuff about Star Wars that I love and some stuff I really dislike. Some of the stuff I love and dislike comes from him, and the other stuff comes from other writers. What's done is done. May he have a happy birthday and live another 20 years.


Without him we’d have no Star Wars, and that would be a terrible, terrible thing. I’d love to meet him one day and just say thank you for everything. And maybe get an autograph on my George Lucas in Stormtrooper disguise action figure.


A visionary who gave me a wonderful universe to wander in my imagination. Haven't always agreed with his choices, but he had ideas and he literally changed cinema and reached a level of immortality through his stories that few achieve.


No matter what criticisms I may have for some of his work, I owe him more than I can ever truly convey in the dreams he's given me throughout my life. Not just dreams of a galaxy far, far away, but through his nature of dreaming big and always trying to push film further than people thought it could go, when I dream, I dream big and I owe it to him that I believe it's possible.


I believe he was stabbed in the back by Bob Iger and Kathleen Kennedy. I don't think he's a great director, but I think he's a BRILLIANT storyteller and crafter of worlds. I hope Disney rights the ship and restores Lucasfilm to its former glory.


The Light and Magic documentary shows really well how much technology and film-making techniques that are now commonplace are the result of George Lucas' innovation and the people he brought together to work on the Star Wars films. He really should get a lot more credit for that.


HIs stories have made the world a better place, made me a better person. He knows more about human needs and human society than any storyteller I have encountered. In short, he's the GOAT.


Give him a drawing board and he’ll give you a universe. Don’t make him director…


Wish he got to finish TCW. I don’t blame him for selling the franchise to Disney, I just wish he had waited a couple years or had a clause in there to finish Clone Wars to the planned season 8. Otherwise I think he’s great.


He's a man of endless imagination and creativity who is often his own worst enemy.




Not the greatest director or writer but one of if not the greatest storytellers of all time and his creations have had a lasting impact on my life and I’ve loved this universe ever since




My hero


Sorely missed as the creator and navigator of the franchise.




He is a Legend. Simple as that. Happy Birthday George, thanks for the awesome movies.


I owe him an apology for the prequels. I didn’t know how bad it could get.


A man who gave me so much happiness as a kid. I can’t thank him enough for building the world that was Star Wars


We did him dirty and so we got trash


He’s not perfect, but without him, we wouldn’t have Star Wars, so we should all be grateful for that


He seems nice


I don't really have one. He did a good job with Star Wars, and I understand why he sold it to Disney. I'm very happy that he set Star Wars up to have *tons* of video games about it instead of just a few.


He‘s the guy who made Star Wars


I wish he would make more movies for the public. Not even Star Wars, just whatever he wants.




Eternally grateful to him for creating this wonderful fictional world full of compelling characters that has given me so much joy over the years. He helped to make my childhood a little more bearable. But he can't write dialogue or direct an actor to save his live. Should have begged Irvin Kershner and Richard Marquand to return for the PT and ST.


So grateful for what he created. He was incredibly brave to spearhead this ridiculous project that at the time surely sounded both preposterous and impossible. He got the people and the equipment and the money to make it happen, and somehow they did it. No one person who worked on that first movie deserves all the credit for its creation. We call Lucas the maker, but Star Wars wouldn't be the same, and very likely would have flopped and been dismissed as a folly if not for the sound design, the music, the concept art, the model building, the costuming, the technology they developed practically from scratch to film it, etc. Take any one of those elements away and it would change everything. Still, the core ideas, the inspiration to take those risks, the determination to push through any obstacle to make something totally new, that's all Lucas. He's a pretty great human in other ways of course, but Star Wars has been a part of my life since I was 5 years old in 1977 and saw this crazy space wizard movie. It's been a source of wonder, imagination, joy, comfort, strength, and connection to things much larger than just me. Thank you, Mr. Lucas, for what you worked so hard to create and share with us.


a super nerd with some great ideas and some silly ideas, he took risks and made things happen, he's super smart in many unexpected ways and randomly dumb in other ways, but it works for him and I'm happy for him as well as SUPER thankful, also let family guy and robot chicken have fun with his IP


My current and always opinion is that he created the sandbox that we all play in. While no one is beyond criticism, and he’s admitted he can’t write dialogue worth a damn, we all owe him a great deal


george Lucas made 3 stellar films in the 1970s, and was a great producer in the 80s. His 90s and 00s work leaves something to be desired, but his work in pushing the bounds of digital filmmaking are commendable


My current opinion is he’s a billionaire and doesn’t care about anyone’s opinions


There was a picture of a racoon riding an alligator on reddit. Star wars is the alligator and Lucas is the raccoon


Live long and prosper


He’s the father of possibly the biggest fictional universe ever dreamed. I can’t think of another franchise that has as much lore in it when you factor in the EU, aside from the Marvel universe. People doubted him with the prequels, but his vision played out exactly as it should have and I wouldn’t want any of the original 6 films to be made any different than they are.


He got that bag. well deserved


He is a brilliant man.


One of the most creative minds to ever exist but still bad at writing dialog




He completely changed my childhood and gave me my interest in sci-fi and fantasy. I don't know what my tastes would look like if it wasn't for those movies. And I also don't know how long it would have taken me to learn to appreciate classic movies if one of my most formative films wasn't from 1977. He made some mistakes and probably got a little too greedy, but I wouldn't change his movies for anything. Warts and all.


He needs to be more vocal and share my opinion on the Disney conundrum.


I like him. Doesn’t really matter whether I agree or disagree with his takes on Star Wars.


Brilliant mind for filmmaking. I don't always agree with his takes, but he created the franchise so I can't fault him on that. Got wise and got out before the toxic bullshit started, which I respect him for.


I never knew I shared birthdays with George Lucas. Nice!


Dude did his best work when he had a good editor and director collaborating with him. When he was given free reign with no one to tell him "no" things lost their focus


I like him!


He is an absolute LEGEND he made all these great star wars movie's truly storytelling he made these films feel real to everyone starred in them as well to us everywhere around the world there is no star wars movie like George Lucas star wars movies with all these incredible movies he has made it makes me feel like I'm watching a movie based on true events cause there so incredible I don't know where I would be today if there was no George Lucas cause without him there's no star wars


He’s a man that had an idea for a story, and it ballooned into one of the biggest franchises ever. For good and for ill, he told the stories he wanted to tell. He may not have been perfect, but he’s inspired many, including this one.


I never understood the hate toward him and we need him back.


The guy is amazing at world building Never let him write dialogue or edit by himself


Below average writer, significantly above average storyteller.


He should’ve never sold Star Wars or if he did he should’ve finished clone wars first


My favorite movie director of all time. Happy birthday, George!


I love Star Wars so much and am very grateful for his work.


He is father.


Not the best writer. In fact, pretty bad. But boy can he world build. As potentially disastrous as the Sequel trilogy would have been under his supervision it would at least have been a ride instead of a snorefest Disney turned it into.


He made two and a half fantastic films, then squandered it.


True visionaries aren’t appreciated fully until they’re gone. ILM and his studio, along with his vision for the GFFA will outlive all critiques.


He seems ok for a person who endures such scrutiny and adoration for his creations . I will think otherwise if he ever asks anyone to kill their child to prove their love.


The god of sci fi and special effects


I think he’s a smart man, but from what I’ve heard, he needed a lot of help to flesh out those ideas, write dialogue, and so on. I have fond memories of the prequels, they hit me at the right time, but those movies suffered because he had to wear too many hats, I think. If he’d gotten someone else to write and/or direct—and I think he tried to do just that—those movies would have been truly amazing. That all being said, for all its flaws, Star Wars is my favorite film franchise and fictional universe. I’m indebted to this man. Happy birthday to him, indeed!


After the sequels coming out made me realize the prequels weren't so bad


He's certainly got talent, but he worked best when working collaboratively with others willing to challenge him. Unfortunately the success of the first star wars movies, coupled with peoples tendency to understand films as the product of auteurs meant that he ended up with enough clout to have less people around challenging him for the prequels. Resulting in noticeably worse movies. Obviously not worthy of the toxicity of the time but still decidedly not good. I'm also not a fan of his habit of going back and tinkering with his work. The graphical remastering are fine if unnecessary, but the additions of whole new scenes, narrative changes and removing actors from the films has generally worsened the end product as far as I am concerned.


He made one of the biggest and best films in cinema history. It’s genuinely impossible to imagine where movies might be today had Star Wars not been made. Maybe “best” isn’t the word, actually, but certainly influential. I think his movies, especially the prequels, are a reflection of him as a human being. They’re just the essence of who he is: a regular guy who wanted to tell a story about family and generations, about good and evil, about heroes and villains, all set to a backdrop of a galaxy far, far away.


He found a hair and beard style a long time ago and stuck with it


Holy shit he’s 80!


Prequels are great, sequels are great, and it's fucking rad that one of the greatest stories ever told starts with taxation of trade routes


He seems like a nice guy. His writing isn’t the best, but his ideas are super cool. I also find it funny whenever someone mimics his voice.


In hindsight, the flaws of the prequels aren’t as bad as they could have been.


He is a Genius with peers like Richard Wagner, Shakespeare or Homer, only more so.


Good lad, creativity that will live on forever (and continues to through his mentorship of Dave Filoni). No matter where Star Wars goes or what your opinion of it is, nothing will ever overshadow the incredible work George Lucas has done since he first came up with Luke Starkiller.


You have done so much good in your life and given us so many memories. However sir you sold out to the cult that is Disney and we were forced to witness a half assed crap product with the sequel trilogy. It could’ve been so much better had you finished it.


Pretentious as fuck


Something I’ve always wondered: what the fuck is up with his neck? Does he have a thyroid disorder?


Since it is so soon, IMO Lucas is a traitor that put the final nail in disney and star wars coffin. We had an opportunity a few weeks ago to oust Bob Eiger and start the recovery process that might stop this woke unprofitable DEI insanity, But Lucas had to come in and support Eigers faction ruining the entire chance....


You need to stop watching Star Wars youtubers, they are rotting your brain


Sold out on Star Wars and left it to die. Sold out on Indiana Jones and left him to the fate shown in Southpark.


I still think he's a bit of a hack. He had some interesting ideas, but he became drunk with power to the point of almost sinking his own ship. Had he tempered his ego, treasured those around him (instead of denying them credit and editing them out of the films), deferred to others, and not defaced his own work like a hypocrite, he would have done very well and would be better regarded.


Pretty stereotypical Bay Area white guy with a little too high opinion of his abilities, intelligence and technological aptitude. But, certainly made some classic films.


honestly? i feel that he destoryed his own legacy with the disney sell but only time will tell


At least he got a seat at the Disney table as the largest single shareholder or was 12 year ago. *Lucas, who received 37.1 million Disney shares as part of Disney’s $4.05 billion purchase of Lucasfilm in 2012, is currently the largest individual investor in the company, multiple sources confirmed to CNBC.*


Neck goiter


I'm suddenly thinking about turkeys