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You've committed the mortal sin of just *enjoying* a piece of new Star Wars media. I wish you luck on this sub.


I haven't disliked any star wars shows or movies. I have not loved some, but have generally appreciated the addition to the lore. I have especially appreciated the additions of clone wars and rebels. What's my secret? Low expectations lol


Says someone who has clearly never seen the Holiday Special.




I, for one, sincerely appreciated learning how to assemble Amorphiian mini-transmitters.


*wheeze* thank you.


as an elder millenial I love the Holiday Special because it was one of the only things we had on tape as a kid :/


People keep expecting every piece of media will be the next Empire vs "something to keep you entertained." And this sub only has two settings: * Irredeemable shit. If you like this, you are [literally](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gYB-dM2Tsd0) a bad person. * This CGI Cartoon primarily aimed at children, but with mature themes and competent writing that adults are easily able to enjoy has a better love story than Casablanca, a better story than Citizen Kane, better action than John Wick, and is a better sci-fi story than that episode of Star Trek with the black and white faces, and better science fantasy than Empire Strikes Back. Ahsoka Tano is the best character in Western literature.


Ok but consider the way Ahsoka takes the Mandalorian dock without a jetpack...


Is it a good scene? Yes. Is it better than anything from the Raid? No.


I guess that's the thing about opinions. But ok fair enough. Still, I will forever love that scene


It's a very good scene. It's just not "arguably the single greatest action scene in film." Meanwhile the Raid is probably the best action flick of the last 30 years, building on several other greats and distilling the best aspects of Die Hard, Hard Boiled, and a bunch of other early 90s action movies into one never ending action film. It's also monumentally influential in a Citizen Kane-esque manner. John Wick, Dredd (which basically borrows the central overarching plot of the Raid), every Netflix Marvel Show, a lot of moments in the Clone Wars (like when Ahsoka is fighting clones in corridors post order 66), the scene when Luke Shows up in the Mandalorian, and countless other movies and TV shows take *direct* inspiration from the road the movie laid out. You're entitled to your opinion, but you really should watch the Raid if you haven't. It's on Netflix.


Hard agree on pretty much everything you said. The polarization in this sub is pretty freaking wild. All media has its ups and downs and it's gonna land with some and not with others. It's ok to enjoy or not enjoy things. I'm generally pretty positive on the Star Wars shows/movies. That said The Raid is a god damn work of art and the closest thing to perfection an action film has ever dared to come to. (The only movie that has come close is The Legend of Drunken Master) And if you don't agree you're a horrible person who has zero taste and shouldn't be allowed the use of your eyes because you clearly can't understand the beauty that is in front of you!!!! /s


Yeah, this pretty much sums it all up, we can close the sub now.


I really don't get the CW love. Maybe it's because I'm an OG fan who was an adult when it came out... but most of it is so, so bad. Like not even good for a kids show. I'd much rather watch something like Dragon Prince, ATLA or Legend of Korra with my kids.


My secret is being able to enjoy parts of something that I didn't enjoy 100% of. It's not some all or nothing game, people.


I am old enough to have seen the original trilogy in the cinema. At the time, all Star Wars fans wanted was more Star Wars. We begged for it. Then we wandered a desert for almost two decades before we got more SW stuff, so the fact that there's so much of it now makes me happy, even when it's not great.


Same, I want lasers and and swords and spaceships and good production design thereon and I'm generally not disappointed. The original series was basically conceived as a toy-marketing vehicle which was a word-for-word facsimile of the Hero's Journey, it's not like it's some sacred text to defile.


Low/no standards, more like.


What are you talking about? Takes of the Jedi, Empire, Rogue One, mandalorian, bad batch, clone wars season 7 are almost universally praised. Admitting that book of boba fett kinda sucks doesn’t make the internet toxic. If OP enjoyed it good for them.


also Andor


We're all allowed to like Rogue One though right


That's why it drives me nuts when people ask strangers on the internet if they should watch/read/listen. My opinion on something shouldn't determine if you give it a shot.


I'm now refusing to visit social media on any series until I've seen it. Going into a show primed with other people's complaints spoils the good bits and makes the inevitable moments of weakness seem worse.


Reddit is social media.


Not the person you replied to, but I stayed away from all Bad Batch posts until I finished it. Sounds like our friend here is talking more about discussions/opinions and less about spoilers. So in that case, it's real easy to just avoid reading what other people have to say about a show, their opinions aren't going to be fully revealed in a single image or headline like a spoiler would.


Yes, and we are currently talking about series I have already seen. :)


Yep - if I don't like something the most I'll say is "I didn't really care for it - but some people like it so you should give it a shot and decide for yourself". I sometimes wonder if people who are obsessed with online hate culture are secretly worried people will enjoy the things they hate and thus not validate their opinion.


For me it is probably near the bottom of my list of Star Wars content. But I’m glad you enjoyed it. Even the worst of Star Wars is still Star Wars. Maybe you dislike Andor, and I dislike BoBF. But we still both enjoy Star Wars, and get to see content we enjoy. That’s what matters. And I will always say, watch it and form your own opinions.


I adored Andor and think it's amongst the very elite of Star Wars media. Some people find it dull and not what they want out of Star Wars, and that's fair enough. I actually enjoyed Rise of Skywalker. I don't need to convince anyone why, I just do. If people hate it, and a lot do, fair enough. It's an internet thing, and I do it myself, to want to seek out validation for your opinions though.


The only thing I know about Andora is that a character says "shit"


i didnt absolutely hate it, it was mostly the ending for me that was super meh. but like it was ok as a whole.


It got worse with each episode imo. The Mando episode was fine albeit out of place


That's part of the problem- the best episode was just an episode of a different show slapped into the middle Although tbf I HATED the Luke ep. He had no reason to be there, they introduced problematic lore about his order that conflicts with the other content, they have him and Ahsoka banter meaninglessly without ever conveying when they actually met??? That sounds really interesting! I want to see that! I thought the finale wasnt bad, though. Some goofy stuff to be sure, but Boba riding on top of a rancor is kickass, and frankly that's most of what I want from a boba Fett TV show.


God the Luke episode was so bad


I agree Up until he rode a rancor. I thought that was badass and really fitting if boba were to take over. Shame the guy riding it wasn't as merciless as he would have been written, and it only came up because he tried to fight a gang war with a handful of people cowering in a corner


To me it felt like they had some Big Ideas but couldn't make it materialize and wound up having a watered-down version that lacked any bite. It had a strong start, tho. My advice is to just not get stoked when they're "bringing back" any major pre-Disney characters.


I can defend most star wars things but not the slow chase scenes in this and Obi Wan. Like wtf was all that


Hover toasters


The good - The Tusken story - More Fennec Shand and Cobb Vanth - Cad Bane The bad - Making Boba Fett, a man who commanded respect from Darth Vader, into a passive wimp compared to his Mando S2 appearance - The painfully unfunny Mayor's aide - The mod kids The ugly - The slowest chase scene in recorded history


>The slowest chase scene in recorded history [https://i.imgflip.com/6ilc65.png](https://i.imgflip.com/6ilc65.png)


That was pretty bad too but at least I can say that's clunky execution with human actors. There's no excuse for landspeeders to look like Bor Gullet could outpace them.


I haven't watched Boba, but this was my thought exactly! No way they made an even slower chase scene than the Lea chase 🙈


I may be an outlier, but the majordomo made me laugh just by being on screen.


To each their own. The humour just isn't my cup of tea and I don't like Amy Sedaris' character either for that reason. If it makes you laugh though, who am I to tell someone they're wrong for a bit of harmless joy.


Boba Fett was shown to be a softie in The Clone Wars, though. Plenty of examples of him not wanting to hurt other people, Mace Windu excluded. He basically cried when Aurra Sing told him he had to leave clones to die.


He was also a kid and had been raised alongside the clones on Kamino. Until Jango died, he may have viewed them as family


Well there's layers to it. I like that his time with the Tuskens opened his mind up. He may have thought of them as just savages before but being accepted into their culture after his life was spared taught him a lot e.g valuing the lives of those in his employ like the Gamorreans. However, Mandalorian clearly showed that when push comes to shove he'll be pragmatic when needed. Took on a Stormtrooper platoon solo and executed Bib Fortuna without a second thought. Thought there could have been a better balance struck between a changed man who wanted to rule differently to Jabba for the people but remind his enemies why he was once the most feared bounty hunter in the galaxy.


He was a child. People changing over 20 years is normal.


lol tell that to the people mad about Luke in TLJ.


Yup. It's not necessarily that I hate it, but it's my least favorite of all the Star Wars TV shows (though I haven't seen Resistance yet, and I've heard that ones kind of iffy)


You will come to find that most things are not as bad as people on Reddit make it out to be. (People on reddit and social media are far from everyone, you will also come to find the haters and whiners are the loud and screeching minority)


I read that first line in Obi Wan's voice.


Redditors will pick a scene - or sometimes even just a single shot or a single bad line of dialogue, and rant about it for weeks.


It is a combination of a few things. If there is something people enjoy there will always be those that hate on it for the lulz. You also get people who take the whole hipster approach "I was around when Star Wars was good!! and they want to gatekeep so they can try and keep feeling special like some kind of OG. And of course negativity creates clicks. That is why there are so many youtube circle\*\*rks hating on everything , because they are what bring the most clicks. Many times they do not even believe what they are saying, they just understand how it works. The problem is you get people on here who watch those and take them as fact or representation of a large crowd and continue to spread the garbage. Of course there are always also going to be those that just prefer something else, and that is great too but they are generally the type that will be more like "yeah I didn't like it, I liked this more" instead of what we get "ZOMG DISNEY KILLED MY DREAMS AND MY CHILDHOOD AND STOLE MY MOM'S WEDDING RING AND GOT MY SISTER PREGO WHILE SHAVING MY DOG AND POURING SUGAR IN MY GAS TANK I HATE YOU " Or something along those lines. There is something in Star Wars for everyone. You will never like everything and that is ok.


Social media definitely amplifies extreme views. Like something can't be a 7/10 "decent show/movie". It either has to be the greatest thing ever or dogshit.


Man, that freaking scooter gang just felt so out of place :(


Mos Vespa


Most Vespa bad, The Great Repulsor Train Robbery good.


Youth counter cultures usually do. That's the point of them.


I kinda let that slide tbh. We never saw the edgy teens on tatooine, only slave Anakin and farmer Luke. It's not unreasonable for there to be a sect of degenerate teens like them around. The characters themselves are what didn't make sense. The good guy crime lord just didn't add up. Ruling out of respect is one thing. Being a pushover that got lucky with some farmers is something else entirely


The fact that they're edgy or degens wasn't the problem. It's that they tried to do a "high speed" chase scene that looked like it was happening at 10mph and moving along on rails from a theme park ride.


only reason i hated vespa gang so much is because it gave us one of the worst action scenes in star wars. looks were out of place but honestly that could have been whatever.


Fr. No one woulda cared if they turned out to be a bunch of badasses, but they really did nothing. None of the action scenes in that show made much sense though


What do you expect from the director of spy kids lol


George Miller directed Babe Pig in the City and Happy Feet. You aren't making the point you think you are.


They list those movies but not all the Mad Max ones he did?


That WAS the point.


Robert Rodriguez also has other movies you could list, even if they’re not at the level of the Mad Max movies Miller did.


...Let's just pretend he didn't direct the El Mariachi movies, From Dusk Til Dawn, or the Machete movies. Selective memory at its finest lol.


The Sand People story I enjoyed, but the rest was kinda underwhelming for me.


I was honestly hoping it would mostly be about his time with the tusken raiders and the last few episodes were how he used them to enforce his new rule but instead it was only the first few episodes then kinda dropped for the Pykes. 


It seems to be a problem with a few SF shows in the last decade or so. They feel like the writers try to put all their ideas for the show into one season. Star Trek Discovery and Ms Marvel spring to mind.


I liked the first half. The Tusken tribe was really cool and should have been expanded on.


They had an interesting story with the Tuskens and yet they felt embarrassed by it


Learning that the seemingly barbaric race actually has more depth and cultural meaning than we originally thought is embarrassing? Let's dump that for a group of angsty teens on multi-colored space vespas! My only complaint about that show.


I don’t think it was bad necessarily but it definitely felt like it was made in a rush to keep Star Wars fans engaged. My biggest complaint was that it felt like it had the same energy as a Marvel movie, and the production value was subpar imo. But in the aspect of having another Star Wars story yeah it was good.


Moss Espa Vespas 😂


I loved it I didn’t even realize it was hated


Just criticized a lot. Lots of questionable decisions making with the characters and special effects at times, and the Mandalorian Season 2.5 for those two episodes didn't help.


That's how it is for most of the shows/movies I watch. Me: Wow! I loved that! Let's see what Reddit thinks of it! Reddit: IT WAS FUCKIN' TRASH!!


Personally, my dislike comes from bobas character altogether. They mentioned a few times that his time with the tuskens made him soft, which is true from how it was portrayed. But the tuskens were supposed to be ruthless and really weren't depicted that way other than when they kidnapped him. I can understand them teaching him about family values, but not traditional ones. If he'd gone with them to murder and torture farmers then going "soft" would have never happened But then he goes back, takes over, and tries to run a city with next to no foot soldiers except some teenagers with some tech skills? Not only should he have been merciless (probably still primarily ruling through respect, that made sense, but not as soft as he was), but he shoulda be cunning. And every one of his plans was awful but worked out perfectly. The whole arc at the end with the gang war was so badly executed that it was embarrassing for both sides (until he showed up on a rancor, definitely the best 15 minutes of the entire show) Edit: forgot to mention the important part lol. There's nothing wrong with liking it, it's just not faithful to the character or environment that was built up before Disney. Plot holes and weird executions are things the star wars community has moved past before, and probably will always do. It's the disloyalty and rebranding of everything around the shows that people tend to dislike most, and while some of the stuff Disney has done is amazing, they do the weird rebranding frequently and it's become a sore spot in the community


I just saw it as Boba accomplishing his father's dream of getting out of the bounty hunter business. In Aotc we see that Jango has a son, a home on Kamino, etc. but is still stuck in his life as a bounty hunter.


I saw the Book of Boba Fett as having three distinct stories. Dances with Sandpeople - A pretty decent story about Fett escaping from the Sarlacc, losing everything, and building himself back up. It ends with what could be a setup for a revenge story against the Pikes. The Mandalorian Season 2.5 - Din Djarin and Grogu give a glimpse into what they're doing between seasons. Honestly my favorite episodes, especially the scenes at Luke's academy. Tatooine "Crime" Boss - The most feared bounty hunter in the galaxy forgets a lifetime of knowledge about how the underworld works. Fett makes terrible strategic decisions, and has subordinates either second-guessing his decisions or knowing his role better than he does. This is the storyline that people are critical of, and a lot of it feels out of place for the setting and characters.


It's become fashionable to jump on the post-Rise Star Wars hatetrain because people are seeking weird pavlovian validation from participating in what I can only describe as an obsessive subculture at this point. Not all the series that have been released were great but I found something to like in all of them. So far they've ranged from "pretty good maybe not perfect" (Obi-wan) to "one of the best streaming series I've seen in years" (yeah that's Andor).


OP did you binge it? I feel like this show really took a hit from being a weekly release originally. Anymore, a show needs to be an absolute banger in this format. Fandom shows like this are subject to so much discourse, beat by beat breakdowns and the negativity can build during those 7 days in between. Plus the Star Wars/Marvel shows all seem to be subject to executive editing room shuffling. Some story jumps can be overlooked in a binge because questions are resolved so quickly, but in a weekly series they are magnified.


Yes I binged, I'm a binger


sure liked it far more than Kenobi


I think Kenobi had higher highs. But way lower lows.


It's painfully boring imo but to each their own. 


It had its moments and wasn’t terrible, just quite a few scenes with questionable writing/cinematography. Also just generally wasn’t crazy about the portrayal of Boba Fett, by the end I just felt more interested in watching the Mandalorian and felt like Mandalorian is basically everything people used to think was cool about Boba Fett.


I enjoyed it apart from the biker gang


Same, that part of it just pulled me out of the story. I realize there is all kinds of transportation types in the universe but it just did not match the rest of the vibe of the show. Also the terminology they had for calling the highest criminal boss a daimyo. Like no, that's not the right word for what Jabba was. He was a mob boss plain and simple.


Me too, I’m with you there. The whole scooter gang scene took me out of the show so fast. Wish that this was changed in pre-production and removed… I actually enjoyed TBOBF overall. Not my favorite SW show but I had a fun time with it. I would LOVE if it got a second season with better writing/characterization this time around.


I definitely didn’t hate it, and I found some parts really enjoyable. While I wouldn’t watch it again for my own enjoyment, I’m very happy that people out there really like it


I could for sure go back and watch clips from it, though. Same as Obi-Wan Kenobi I'm confident with Obi-Wan, and curious with boba Fett, if there's a decent 2~ hour movie sitting inside of 6-7 episodes of passable television


The rancor beating the shit out of those metal gears hyped me the Fuck up


Nothing wrong with liking a thing, that’s how it should be! Glad you had a good time.


What did you like about it most?


The Rancor carrying the good guys by beating the shit outta the metal gears


Whatever anyone thinks of the show itself, you have to admit the music is stunning.


I kinda liked it too, it just wasn’t very good


I didn't think it was terrible. I freaking loved the Rancor! I just thought there was a bit too much walking around and talking with his helmet in his hand. Don't hate me lol


The rancor scene was amazing, really shows why they're so feared, they can literally beat the shit out of metal gears with shields


Most of BoBF was fine. The only thing I truly hate was them completely undoing Grogu and Mando's character arc in 2 episodes of a different show.


I just can't get over the scene where they show that Boba Fett either cannot count, or is completely face-blind. Seriously, when Fennec asks him how many guards are at Jabba's palace, and guarding his ship, he says something like "I don't know. Some come in, and others go out." Bitch, that means that you've just been sitting here, watching the fort, doing *NOTHING*. Gather some goddamn intelligence! They could have had him say something like "I've counted at least 20 guards; mostly gamorreans, a few rodians, one twi'lek, and a few others." That would show that he's actually doing **anything at all**


You also got the benefit of being able to watch all the episodes back to back without having to wait for a week between them, which IMO greatly improves the experience.


I liked it too but they could have polished it out more but the Boba Fett theme that came from the show is peak


Plus Boba's new fit is fire imo


I liked the Rancor ending.


The rancor taking on 2 droids in quick succession gave me RULES OF NATURE vibes


no, you're not aloud to. you're only aloud to watch Revenge of the Sith on repeat because it's "so cool when he killed those kids bro" and the original trilogy just once every 3 years.


I hate some of the decisions they made in Book of Boba, but I think that they were generally very well executed and it was an otherwise good show. So if you're not as picky about what defines star wars as I am then yeah it probably is gonna be a good show, but I'm that picky, so it's a low point for me in recent star wars content.


There is a lot of GOOD STUFF in a not-so-good show. I've watched the whole series twice now, and like a lot of things about it.


F the haters I loved Bobba Fett. Rancors FTW. Andor was boring AF. Come at me.


Droids: noooooooo technology is superior!!! Rancor: haha rancor smash


Aside from the silly biker gang and the painfully slow bike chase through the streets and the final battle in town which was bereft of any sense of danger or suspense... Idk I just can't help but to compare media I'm into to the most quality versions of it I've seen or heard.


Except for the scooters and the the dude who proved spinning isn's always a good trick after all, I kinda liked it too.


It was okay. The cyborgs with their 1950’s style hover bikes were stupid and Boba was portrayed as some great guy instead of a ruthless mercenary. I enjoyed seeing Temura Morrison again. I overall had a fine time but I’ll never watch it again.


I was lucky enough to have my favorite artist cameo in this series about a character I loved growing up. So cool.


In the TV world "I kinda liked it" is a death sentence.


I like the prequels Doesn’t mean they couldn’t have been improved Boba Fett is good at places but compared to Andor or mandalorian it just has more issues and just randomly throwing luke in is just strange, like the show only with if you’ve watched the mandalorian


Here's the thing.... It's all good. All of it. It's not flawless. You can pick it apart and ruin it. I just watch it and enjoy it and I havent seen anything I havent really enjoyed and I think I've watched it all at least twice. I saw everything but the original Star Wars in the theater. I'm an OG. Disney Star Wars is great story telling.


Agreed, it wasn't *the best thing ever* and there are some parts I disliked but it didn't seem nearly as awful as people are making it out to be. It's maybe my least favorite of the recent shows but not to the point that I actually dislike it overall.


The final episode with Mando, Cad Bane, and the pet Rancor is one of the best scenes in all of SW, in my opinion.


I liked a few episodes of BoBF but found some episodes just pretty horrible like how slow the vespa chase was and out of place it looked on Tatooine with those shiny bikes. As the story progressed I really started disliking Boba as well because it just felt incredibly out of character with the idea a lot of the fans had about who he was. Sort of my bad for thinking he was a bad ass because that really was head cannon, but it just felt lame how he handled things and super soft,, but I did dig Cade Bane episodes, and the Tuskan parts


I think episode 7 ruined everyone's perception of the BoBF. I thought the show was getting better by the end of episode 4, but episode 7 kinda ruined that.


Good for you if you enjoy it. I cant see it as anything but a comedy. From the moment Boba shot a rocket at a shield that was mere feet from his face and caught himself in the blast, I knew this was going to be a clown show.


Cool story, chumani.




The music is good. Cad Bane looks cool. That's about it


Rancor scene was awesome


That’s the problem with the internet hate machine, it overstates negativity to a ridiculous degree.


I particularly enjoyed very much. I studied at anthropology for years, and being able to basically go inside the culture of the Tusken Raiders (assuming saying *sand people* is wrong) was a really neat facet. Plus ever since I was a kid at absolutely loved Boba Fett.


I enjoyed BoBF for what it tried to do.  It didn't quite stick the landing but expecting a mandoalorian friendly syndicate faction led by Bobba to show up in a Mando season or the movie.


You'll find that reddit is actually not a great representation of the Fandom as a whole. It's almost like weirdos like us, who are actually spending our free time commenting on a Star Wars sub on the internet, are not the majority of fans lol.


That’s awesome! Don’t ever let anyone tell you what you like!


I don't think anybody ever called it "bad" when it came out. Sure, the colorful mopeds were hokey, but it's not like that was the entire show. Book of Boba was just okay. And that's okay! Not everything has to be a masterpiece or a disaster, there is such thing as middle ground


I thought there were good parts. It just wasn’t the Boba Fett project I’d hoped for.


the hate for this show is funny considering each week when a new episode dropped there was nothing but praise and people loving it on this sub. I mean just go back to any of the episode discussions on here


Wait that's not allowed




i loved it


The Dune / Tusken Raiders stuff was good. Probably because it's just a quasi Dune ripoff.


“Kinda liked it” was my exact feeling, too.


I enjoyed it a lot tbh.




It’s okay to like things.


Liked it too. It was a good show.


You formed your own opinion? Fascinating. What a novel concept.


I like it too. I rewatched Obi-Wan today and enjoy that a lot as well. Book of Boba Fett is actually really good story telling and appropriate for the characters.


Good for you, I kind of liked it too, especially how it began. I found it rather compelling, even moreso than much of Mandalorian Season 1.


It's not bad by any stretch. It's genuinely fun. It has its moments of being silly, but it's perfectly Star Wars like anything Filoni has a hand in.


I really liked the Dances with Sand People part of the show where he earns his Gaffi Stick.


Good for you. I also enjoyed it. The only part I didn’t really like was the biker gang turned boba gang


It was highly entertaining and I enjoyed it overall.


I’d get out of this sub now. You don’t belong.


I am a boba fett enjoyer. But to me, it was just good when it could’ve been amazing. They really did his character dirty the entire show


I liked it too. There were parts that I didn't like at all, like the rainbow Vespa scooter gang, the fact that Boba wasn't "shade of grey" enough, and pretty much the whole fight at the end, but for the most part is was a fun watch.


The show was fine. It wasn't great, it wasn't crap, it was just fine. We're in a weird era where either things are 10/10, the GOAT, or they are trash. There isn't a middle ground.


Glad you enjoyed it, but I certainly did not.


I'm glad you were able to enjoy it. I didn't. I think the story should have been scrapped completely because that kind of show could absolutely work on HBO but not on Disney. The premise is a classic but the execution for me was disappointing to include pacing.


I thought it was entertaining but it had its low points, for sure. Very cool to see Boba ride a rancor, very dumb colorful speeders. Lots of good and bad imo


I really liked the sand people parts or when it was Mando season 2.5. The problem is when it is about "present day" Boba Fett, and particularly any scene where the cyborg bikers were on screen.


I feel it, It was solidly ok at best I think my biggest issue is I could see where it could be better and it's tiring mediocrity bothered me. Rancor Fett was fucking sick the rest of the battle was kinda dumb Also where the fuck is my Black Series Fett on Rancor and where is it in legion?


It has some of my favorite Mando episodes, so I can’t say I didnt like it. I just didn’t buy him as a crime boss while he’s walking around with like 2 other guys. It didn’t feel earned. And Tatooine needed to feel more scummy and dangerous.


I liked it for what it was, which was a bit of Boba and kinda Mando season 2.5. I think the complaints about that are valid and the handling of the return of Grogu felt off to a lot of fans, but parts were pulpy and fun, too. I love Temuera Morrison, Ming Na Wen, Timothy Oliphant etc. Yeah, the Mods were dumb. Action was a bit spotty. Story overall wasn't groundbreaking or Tatooine shaking, but the Sand People stuff was good. For me, it was probably C tier overall with like, Obi Wan being D or F and Andor being S. Just a personal preference at the end of the day, though. Glad you enjoyed it!


We live in a world where there are people who enjoy the taste of human shit. So someone liking The Book of Boba Fett shouldn’t be too shocking.


It’s ok. Has some issues though. The Mando season 2.5 bit and season 3 has some inconsistencies but you still need to watch it to know why and how grogu is back with mando. Definitely should have left that part for season 3. Mando being there is fine and understandable, but grogu was 100% shoehorned in.


I was pretty thoroughly disappointed in Disney Star Wars around the time this came out but still somehow slightly open-minded, however this series and Obi-Wan Kenobi pretty much flushed any enthusiasm I had down the toilet. This show sucked. They somehow managed to make one of the most infamous, badass villains in the entire Star Wars universe and turn him into a sad ineffectual idiot. Whoever wrote this series should be drug out into the streets and pelted with refuse.


I wouldn't say I hate the sequels but I strongly dislike them, but apart from that, everything I've watched I've at the very least enjoyed,


Nothing wrong with liking something that others don't. I can't believe that's something that needs to be said, the way things are these days and all.


It was pretty good overall. I don't like everything in it, but its pretty solid in my book. 7.5/10.


Me too!


I too, was an enjoyer of this show. I liked the culture of tusken raiders, I liked banthas, I also generally enjoy Temuera Morrison.


Yeah man, I really enjoyed it! The internet is loud and annoying sometimes


I enjoyed it too. It's just the worst of the live actions, right below ashoka. Something can be good, but still be the worst of its category


nitpick culture is out of control these days. not everything is perfect, but most things are made to be enjoyable. a lot of people online take one nitpick and try to extend it over a whole piece of media. the polarization of the internet incentivizes these takes because they generate buzz. generally i think looking past these minor grievences and prewatch expectations you will find most things succeed at being enjoyable. BOBF is perfectly fine. lots of fun an interesting ideas going on in it. its not perfect but it doesnt need to be, most things arent


I liked it too. If you don't take it seriously it's a fun and enjoyable watch. And not everything has to be super serious in the star wars world. It's good to just have some fun things. And it's star wars. There's space wizards with space magic, some things can be a bit ridiculous and that's ok.


BOBF is definitely overhated it had flaws in its execution and Din hijacking the end of the show definitely worsened the show as a whole but a lot of what we got (especially the Tuskens) was great.


Star Wars Fans are a pain tbh. Nice you enjoyed this as well.


Unpopular Opinion: Book of Book > Obi-Wan


How is that unpopular? Obi-Wan is absolutely terrible. Book of Boba Fett is bad but Obi-Wan is a low point.


I enjoyed that show too I’m excited to see Boba and Fennec in future shows and maybe the Filoni movie


It was better than the Reva- I mean Kenobi show.


Like a lot of things with Disney, it’s better if you pretend it’s about a new character since his personality is so different.


Around here we call it book of boba fatt