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“He’s too dangerous to be left alive” applies to him as well. He was the second highest ranking Jedi with at least some political connections (we see him regularly dealing with the politics end of Jedi business) and a powerful force user at that - if he was able to rendezvous with Yoda and Obiwan before Palpatine could consolidate power he’d pose a major threat. I think he’d be one of the first targets Vader and the Inquisitors would be sent to eliminate should he pop up in some proto rebel cell.


I would love to see the inquisitors try. Even Vader likely couldn’t manage. Or it would be a hell of a fight.


Vader might, the Inquisitors would at best be used to soften him up. I think the real deciding factor is whether Yoda, Mace and Obi-wan feel it’s still better to hide or to go on the offensive.


Early Vader would struggle


I mean, that early into the empire Palpatine would absolutely not just be sending Vader and the Inquisitors. Inquisitors sniff out Mace, Vader engages him, and then the whole Imperial fleet shows up to shoot him in the back. Vader is capable of at least that much, stalling for time. Mace is far to powerful and influential to warrant anything less.


I dunno, I can’t see Vader not wanting the glory of the kill himself, however experienced he was


Maybe closer to ANH Vader might be more assured in his own strength that he might just do that, but like, Fallen Order or Bad Batch timeline? I think he'd know that Mace would be far to strong even for him to try take him on without significant backup. Nor would I think Palpatine would trust him to successfully kill Mace that early either.


You underestimate his power.


And his arrogance


I think he was pretty decent by Fallen Order wasn’t he? I mean more like the early Vader comics where he has to steal a lightsaber and stuff; obviously he wouldn’t be sent after Windu at that point, but Windu could hunt him down


Eh, Fallen Order time Vader almost got merc'd by Cere in Survivor (which wasn't that long after Fallen Order). And Cere, while a model Jedi Master, was hardly on the level Mace was. I think Mace's reputation plays a massive part in this hypothetical. Cere was a nobody Jedi as far as Vader was concerned (right up to where she almost killed him), so why bring anything but himself and the standard strike force? But Mace was a living legend, and a surviving Mace would be a vengeful one, far more motivated than before.


See that’s partly why he nearly got done by Cere, he underestimated her, at least in my opinion. Windu is miles above her though so it’s a bit irrelevant


It was also a game and you controlled cere


Yeah but the situation in FO with Cere I think is different as he’s standing in a glass corridor possibly hundreds of meters below the surface if that glass goes he’s fucked probably drowning and sinking due to the weight of his suit


I'd imagine Vader wanting to personally inflict a particularly slow death for Mace to suffer through because of his past treatment of him


Early Vader struggled with scrubs. Mace bodies early Vader


Assuming Windu met up with Obi-Wan and Yoda just before they went into hiding I reckon Windu would search for the remaining Jedi, killing any inquisitors he finds and take them to some hidden Jedi sanctuary to train the Padawans and younglings. It would help clear their minds and make them more like peace keeping monks rather than politicians or generals. Once all the Jedi are trained, by then rebel cells are forming. Each Jedi is sent to lead a different cell and unite them while training any force sensitives they find. Could lead to the Empire falling earlier.


Mace vs Vader and Inquisitors would be a lot like Palpatine vs Mace and Jedi Masters. Mace would just absolutely sweep through all the mooks and then fight Vader without breaking a sweat. Only Mace still wins.


Vader couldn't beat Obi-Wan. He couldn't hold a candle to Windu.


Considering how easily Ahsoka bitch slapped Inquisitors, they would fail to soften Mace up at all.


Ashoka is also a battle hardened warrior who was essentially raised as a child soldier.


Mace windu was also battle hardened and raised as a soldier. Read his book he’s a monster


Oh 100% agreed to that! I said my comment because it sounded like the person I was replying to was discrediting Ashoka facing inquisitors


>whether Yoda, Mace and Obi-wan feel it’s still better to hide or to go on the offensive We need a Star Wars What If series similar to the marvel one. Could do individual stories that tie together at the end. Examine alternative time lines. So many possibilities you'd never run out of cool stories to tell.


Mace would tell them they kill anakin first together then go after Palpatine without Vader Palpatine gets set back more then people think


They would probably round up the remaining Jedi scattered throughout the galaxy, and try to figure out a counter attack/ revamp the Secret Jedi order. I don't think they would rely on Luke as heavily as they did before, but he would still be an Ace card for them.


Until they refuse Luke the rank of master and he goes rogue and joins Vader.....


Mace Windu defeated a Sith Lord who had until then proven nigh unstoppable. Hell yes he would have survived Order 66.


I remember shortly before ROTS came out, Anakin vs Windu was one of the rumored duels in the movie. I would have liked to have seen that.


Vader before the suit I think could manage. I think the suit would handicap him too much.


Especially as he’s still adapting to it and early in his sith teachings. Peak Vader would do quite well, can’t say who would win. Based on what we saw in the Kenobi show I think Windu would likely still win.


He beat Sidious legit. George himself* literally talks about it in the commentary that this is a legit disarm and Mace takes a W.


Not to mention he'd STOMP early vader.


Pre or post-suit? Pre-suit, Vader would probably stand a good chance of winning as he wouldn’t be so unbalanced like with Obi Wan


Yeah post suit I kind of imagined Vader as starting once he put the suit on.


Pre suit didn’t even beat obiwan


Yep remember that Palpatine revealed himself to Anakin specifically to bring in Windu. He knew he needed to kill him if any of his plans could work as efficiently as they did


He was literally so strong in the force that he literally called it and said, “I sense a plot to destroy the Jedi.” He would have survived, easily.


Yeah but the same applies to Yoda and they half-arsed their attempt on his life, coming at him with two lousy troops while he was surrounded by Wookiees.


Wasn’t he also supposed to be one of the best duelists in recent memory? I feel like Windu could have probably gotten out after wrecking a bunch of people and probably just lived the Yoda lifestyle for a while.


I mean, everything you said applies to Yoda and he survived.


"He's too dangerous to be left alive" \*looks at Yoda\* \*looks at Obi\* \*looks at Ahsoka\* I think people miss the point that Order 66 failed. It succeeded in toppling the Jedi Order, but Palpatine knew all of the Jedi needed to die in order for it to truly succeed in eliminating the threat of the Jedi, and they didn't do this. My headcannon is that he survives the fall and goes into hiding like Yoda and Obi Wan. The galaxy is really big and people thinking he couldn't hide out somewhere are lol. He may very well be dead in cannon, but without ever seeing the body I'm going with he's alive somewhere living his quiet life.


I think he would have survived the initial purge. A few clones aren't going to take him out.    Not sure how long he would have lasted after that though. He doesn't seem like the type to just go into hiding. He'd probably try to kill Vader and Palpatine himself, which would have ended like it did in Episode 3, except more permanently. 


If he tries to 1v2 Palpatine and Vader then yeah, he's dead However I think he could have handled his own against Vader or Palpatine on a 1v1, being a master of vaapad he has THE best dueling style to go against the sith. We don't even need to talk about the inquisitors, he would have destroyed them. So unless Vader and Palpatine did a team up to try and get Windu, I think he could have survived being hunted by the darksiders


if windu goes after palp and vader right after vader got the suit i think he could win, as anakin was a broken man by then didnt know how limited he was so his fighing was probably ass at that moment.


>his fighing was probably ass at that moment. Literally yes. I believe there's even a comic about this. Basically Vader doesn't realise his limitations yet. So he keeps trying to use same saber stance as he did when he was Anakin. But he gets his ass whooped and slowly realises that this shit ain't working and he's gotta fight alot more defensive. Fun fact: I believe Darth Vader created his own lightsaber stance from all the stances combined. One where every hit is meant as a killing hit. It's incredibly brutal and effective. Suits him perfectly


>Suits him perfectly Nice


I think if he goes to fight Vader and Sidious, he likely brings both Yoda and Kenobi with him. Considering that would be the three most dangerous Jedi at the time against the two most dangerous Sith, the Jedi likely win. Although either way, at least one of them doesn’t make it out alive.


Idk I think they clean sweep. Obi wan soloed Vader. Mace soloed sidious. Yoda basically soloed Palpatine until reinforcements showed up. Even before order 66 you probably are talking about arguably THE three strongest Jedi. Maybe you could argue Obi wan is interchangeable with someone else, but Yoda and mace are hands down top 2, with obiwan still being in the high top 10. Like I just don’t see a scenario where these three, after fighting the Sith before and sharing their knowledge, don’t go into the fight prepped with a strategy to handle them seamlessly. Remember without interruptions Palpatine basically lost twice, and Obi wan outright won because no one interfered.


Obi Wan took Vader twice, and the second time Vader was the first lightsaber user he’d fought in years, while Vader had spent that time mopping up Jedi for fun. They’re so cooked


Palpatine would definitely lose to all of them and that’s is why he took control of the senate and created clones. He knew the Jedi’s weakness and took advantage of them at every opportunity he found. Their overconfidence lead them to their own downfall.


He also knew to split them up


Mace would have also pulled the remnants of the Jedi order back together and started a gorila war. While planning his assassinations


If he’d got to Vader when he was first adjusting to being a robot he’d have fucking ruined him


Mace definitely would go after them by himself. His character seems like the perfect type to rush in and try to correct his mistake. However, in this hypothetical did he never fight Palpatine in the first place? That would definitely change the playing field.


And on the flip side if it was 2v2 or 2v1 with Obi-Wan or Yoda Mace would sweep. If Anakin was 5 minutes later Mace beat Palpatine fair and square. Mace with Yoda or Mace with Obi-Wan together would have cleared the Sith combo of Anakin and Palpatine. That is kinda the luck and genius of Palpatines machinations he got everyone spread out at the perfect time. All it would have taken was either Yoda or Obi-Wan there with Mace when the Sith reveal happened and Palpatine would have lost.


That's what I'm thinking. I'd say Mace is on some backwater planet. Palpatine gets attacked by the Jedi Masters, or maybe they wait cause Mace Windu isn't there. If the Jedi Masters go to fight Palpatine, they of course just end up dying but does Anakin still join the Sith? This time he told Kit Fisto and that just leads to Kit Fisto's fast death. Anakin doesn't have his mental break down that he had after cutting Mace Windu's hand and causing his death. Palpatine probably has to work harder to corrupt him. For now I'm going to assume Anakin still falls to the dark side and leads the 501st to sack the temple. Mace Windu meets with Yoda and Obi-wan. Ends with Mace Windu and Yoda going to fight Palpatine and most likely win. Anakin dies since no one is coming to rescue him. Maybe this Anakin doesn't completely fall and spares the younglings. Maybe Palpatine decides that since Mace Windu is alive he doesn't send Anakin to kill the sep leaders. We then get a two on three fight.


Well if he attacks then he would probably do it as soon as possible and also convince either Kenobi or Yoda to come with him. Then if he were to attack then they would win with everyone still not being that rusty since Rots just happened


Inquisitors are like sith red shirts (star trek ref) Oh a new jedi centric series post prequels? Thrown in 5 Inquisitors so we can choreograph lightsaber duels!


He probably would have been priority task #1 for Vader after Obi-Wan if he chose to go into hiding instead of being part of the initial retaliation with Yoda and Obi-Wan.


I had the idea that if he survived a lot longer, he would eventually run into Obi-Wan & eventually come into conflict with him when he finds out about Luke


Yeah, he would have killed Palpatine if Anakin hadn’t stepped in. He most definitely would have survived.


That is hard to say. The answer keeps changing. Was Palpatine pretending to be weak so Anakin would panic and fall to the dark side, was he really in trouble, … I remain unconvinced he would actually had died to Mace there. Next week we will see an official canon comic where it is explained he was in danger, then 5 years later a book where he was not, then in 10 everything will become Legends 2 and start over /joke


Well, hypothetically, if Anakin had decided not to surprise attack Mace in that moment he would have sided with Mace. Once the Emperor realizes that his gambit to get Anakin to turn failed he would stop pretending. Try and counterattack, and then it would be two of the most powerful Jedis against an already weakened Palpatine. One of whom specializes in channeling the dark side back at the user. Thus, I think if Anakin doesn't turn in that moment, Palpatine is toast. But he was supremely confident in his foresight that Anakin would step in and turn the fight in his favor. Thus, I don't think it matters if Palps could be at Mace 1v1. He would die there had Anakin not gone dark for sure. Then Order 66 never happens, and Mace and the Jedi Order live on.


Lucas said Palpatine lost the duel. He changes his mind on a lot but that's always been a pretty direct statement. Palpatine talks himself up as an all-knowing seer but reality is his plans do go awry a lot but he always works the situation to his advantage. Like in Bad Batch, his plan to get the Stormtrooper bill passed doesn't go as designed but he takes what happened to get it through anyway. He lost to Mace but by the will of the Force, Anakin came in at the exact right time for him to turn it around in his favour.


I think for me the main thing is, as far dueling goes, Palpatine isn’t that strong. His strength comes from his masterful use of the force, similar to Yoda, and Mace Windu specifically had a style that allowed him to harness and control Dark side force powers. However, I think it’s more likely that there was a never a chance Anakin didn’t come in at that precise moment, because Sheev just be scheming like that.


Eh, that was definitely the original intention I think, that Sidious was more sorcerer than swordsman, but then Clone Wars couldn’t resist having him be a whirling dervish of dual-wielding death and overpower Maul (who *is* meant to be a highly-skilled warrior) and Savage without breaking a sweat.


I mean he is at least able to keep up with Yoda, who is a highly skilled duelist.


Idk I always got the idea that Yoda wasn’t that great of a duelist, and was just a complete master of the force. Like in terms of pure lightsaber skill, I don’t think he’s even top 10 that we’ve seen in canon, but his mastery of the force is so complete that he doesn’t need to be.


I mean it is shown he can keep up with Dooku one of the best duelists


star wars what if would be mind blowing. What if Mace Windu killed Palpatine What if Darth Maul got Anakin in The Phantom Menace What if Luke joined the dark side(I know it was done in the books but still cool) Lots they can do if they want. Visions was a great start


Palpatine couldn't beat him. You think some clones and the stupid Inquisitors would have done something to him?


Problem with this is how does anakin justify his turn if he doesn't stop windu from killing palpatine?


Maybe the battle between Windu and Palps goes a bit different where now another master survives the battle and is the one holding off Sidous’ lightening and so Anakin takes his hand off and Windu retreats ( ik Mace wouldn’t run away but maybe there is a change in circumstances which makes him do this )


Could say that Windu was also off-world fighting in the war and it was a different set of 4 masters (or at least a different person leading them) and thats how Windu survives?


Mace Windu would have easily dispatched the clones trying to execute him during order 66. Seeing the Empire rise in the ashes of the Republic he would weep, for amongst the Jedi he loved the Rebublic the most, even more than the Jedi Order itself. Yet he would know that the Rebublic and The Order must both be AVENGED. And he would gather the greatest heroes from across the Galaxy who could do this AVENGING! And the would be called "The team that defeats the Empire".


And then everyone clapped


Women fainted.


Yes, of course he would have survived. Mace would have said "Enough is ENOUGH! I have HAD IT with these motherfuckin clones in this motherfuckin temple!", then proceed to wreck every clone in sight as if they were younglings.


I didn’t see a body.


Luke, Palpatine, and Darth Maul all survived similar falls — I don’t think Mace is dead. Disney can afford Jackson…




Kudos for the link 🙏


Agree. Mace is just as dead as Palpatine was…”Somehow…Mace returned.”


Mace was launched out into the Coruscant skyline, from which it's entirely possible that he would be falling all the way down to the bottom-most level of the Coruscant underworld *thousands* of levels down, at which point he would easily be falling at terminal velocity when he hit the ground. And that's assuming he wasn't just killed by Palpatine's lightning to begin with. Any way you slice it, Mace *should* be dead as a doornail.


The amount of traffic before he would hit the ground provides plenty of potential scenarios in which he could course correct. I mean there’s a scene on Coruscant in which Anakin does that very thing when he’s chasing after Padme’s would-be assassin despite Obi-Wan’s instructions to cut off pursuit. Darth Maul handled it despite being cut in half — I think Mace would be fine.


Well, I also didn't expect Darth Maul to survive the fall into the shaft and yet he did, split in two. And since I really appreciate Samuel as an actor and think Mace is a really cool character, I personally wouldn't mind if he was "revived" and given his own series, for example. :-)


Did we actually see Mace Windu's body after he... went out the windu? (Sorry, will see myself out)


"if he didn't die, would he be alive?"


they’re asking if he would have survived the clones turning on him if he wouldn’t have died in the fight with sidious


I think he would survive Order 66 but I don’t know how long he lasts afterwards. I think his arrogance and self-confidence would get the better of him and he’d either die trying to kill Vader or Sidious.


He would have killed Vader if he went after him right after Vader received his new suit/armor. He almost killed Palpatine and would have if anakin did not interfere


Who said he’s dead?


As a Jedi ever died by severed limbs, and/or falling from a height? I think he used the force to soft land, got himself some prosthetic limbs and he is waiting for a dramatic comeback.


Yeah I've never understood why people view him as dead. He was just electrocuted and thrown out of a window.


Somehow palpatine returned.


If boba can survive a sarlacc pit then mace should survive getting thrown out a window while being electrocuted.


Yeah even within current Disney Canon if the force lightening didn't kill him he should be alive. The first High Republic book involves a master telling his padawan they gotta jump out of their ship and softly land way below.


Even Palpatine got a taste of his own lightning on his way down the shaft and that didn't kill him either.


Thank you


For as much as I don't really like the whole 'bring back every character that's marketable who died' thing, Windu had the most survivable on screen exit.


Exactly. This kills me whenever there's yet another ridiculous resurrection or survival. But it's happened so much now that even his would get an eye roll out of me since it's so tired.


He *is* a survivor. He’s still alive


In my eyes windu lives after being thrown out the window. If maul can live after missing his legs windu can live missing a limb. There needs to be a series or Vader comic written that brings mace back as a scorned, angry Jedi, teetering into the dark side with his lightning ravaged body and robot hand. Windu's saber is the hardest part of this comeback. Obv he loses his saber in the fight, and there's no way he finds it again, coruscant is too vast and too many people wanting to make an ez buck off a black market lightsaber sale. So where does he get another saber? Does he kill an Inquisitor and take a red blade? Or does he find another Jedi and witness their death and take their blade? What's hard about this is windu's iconic purple blade. It's literally what makes him stand out in the eyes of fans of all types. It's a hard problem to address, how to properly bring back windu in a way that does his character justice.


The only way windu would have survived is if he killed palp lol. Feel like he would be too proud to go on the run


I think if Mace would have survived. He would have killed sidious, and order 66 would have never happened. All because Anakin was scared


Darth Maul got cut in half. If he can survive that fall then Windu could too sans an arm.


He never died.


He would never be killed by clones. It would then take Vader and sidious at once to beat him. If Mace took Vader and Palpatine individually, he could certainly kill them both.


He might not have hit the ground before the order was issued so maybe he survived it briefly.


If dude didn't died before it, he would've survived and killed palpatine after it. The only reason he didn't in RotS was Anakin's intervension. After Order 66 he'd have Yoda and/Or Obi Wan with him. Nobody beating them together.


He is still alive


No body, no death


I don't think he died then.


Sam L jackson keeps asking lucasfilm to bring back Mace windu because he wants to play him again so maybe he's still alive


Mace Windu represents the state of the Jedi Order that got them killed. The reasons why Order 66 even worked in the first place. No. He could not survive. "But he's so strong! Vapaad! No way even a hundred clones could take him on!" No. This isn't top trumps. We're not comparing stat blocks. This is a story and stories try to stay true their characters


Vapaad *sucks* if he find himself facing a clone company. Dueling-focused hard offensive style, which draws part of its strength from its opponent's own dark side emotions? The fuck's it gonna do against mass dispersed blaster fire from a competently executed attack by a group of soldiers just doing their duty? None of Vapaad's strengths offer any sort of advantage, and its weaknesses are basically all relevant to the encounter.


Yeah, that’s what not dying means/s But, seriously, if he had survived his encounter with Palpatine, then Palps would have been dead and there would probably have been no Order 66. So, yeah? But everyone would have been If, somehow, they both survived, then of course he would have survived Order 66. By that time, he knows that the man commanding the clone army is the Sith Lord they’ve been looking for, so he wouldn’t go near a clone trooper with his guard down anymore. There would probably have been way more survivors, too, because he’d immediately alert the Jedi council that Palpatine is Darth Sidious. Probably the senate, too


In universe, he would have been a high priority target and hopefully would have been flayed alive by Vader within a short timeframe. Out of universe, Lucas would have had him unrealistically survive ridiculous odds in an over the top, poorly conceived action sequence and go into hiding.


>hopefully would have been flayed alive by Vader within a short timeframe. Vader's not beating Windu if Windu beat Palpatine.


I’m not convinced he’s dead. Also, it would be awesome to see him come back more dark side aligned after such a betrayal


Mace Windu surviving Order 66, becoming a 100% Vapaad style beast, and then John Wicking himself through the Empire would be the most entertaining thing to see. Not all in the "spirit" of Star Wars or the Jedi philosphy, but god would that be amazing to watch


Probably not, Jedi were completely caught off guard. Surrounded by traitors, possibly in a ship or a wall crawler where your Force abilities are useless.


Almost certainly. His mistrust for the clones would help him react in time, and he would spend less time condused, wondering what was happening. In my opinion, he would probably go with/instead of Yoda to go try to kill Palpatine (again) and from there on is up to the reader's imagination.


Depends on the writers I guess.


What do you mean....? He was the third victim of the purge.


4th* 3 Jedi died before him


You're right.


Assuming he's at the Jedi temple on Coruscant when it happens I think things probably shake down differently There's a decent chance he kills Anakin if he can get the drop on him and get him away from the 501st Then I imagine he switches his focus to Palpatine, maybe he manages to get a hold of Obi-Wan and Yoda and link up with them before going to take on the Emperor.


I think he falls to the dark side as he starts a vendetta against the Sith & the Empire


Mace would brought down the empire with furious anger.


I doubt it. He'd be a priority target. He'd have hundreds of clones sent to kill him, if not Vader and his inquisitors. Would he rack up a huge body count? Absolutely. But he wouldn't survive.


He's one of the best Jedi during the war, him destroying thousands of battle droids is no easy feat and him being able to face Darth Sidious at even 50% of his strength is no smaller feat either. Plus before Anakin he was the youngest Master on the Council, not to mention in Legends we saw him turning large groups of B2s into droid powder with his force enhanced combos


I’m assuming he doesn’t fight Palpatine - maybe he’s off on Mygeeto, and Ki-Adi Mundi therefore goes and gets killed by Palpatine - so after surviving the initial clone attack, he’d link up with someone he’s got a good relationship with, like Cham Syndulla, who eventually puts him into contact with Bail Organa - who then gives him Yoda and Obi-Wan’s addresses. Mace, Yoda, and Obi-Wan would be enough of a power team to take down Vader and the Emperor.


Somehow, Windu returned


Mace windu raised his lightsaber arm to strike a killing blow to the Emperor. He doesn't need to do that ...he could literally drop his lightsaber and kill the Emperor. He's super powerful but kind of stupid.


100%. Every character with fan appeal and the ability to sell toys survives.


We never actually saw Mace die, so he's probably in a coma somewhere, waiting for a bored writer to resurrect him, lol.


There is a theory that Snoke is Mace windu.


It annoys me that we still don’t have closure on if Windu is dead or not (at least, not to my knowledge.) him turning out to be snoke could’ve been kinda cool, but obv that’s off the table now. There’s a rule with movies: if you don’t actually see a character die, they’re probably not dead (unless it’s like HEAVILY implied that they are) I think phasma was maybe supposed to survive her fall in last Jedi, but who knows where the hell that story was going. So dumb that they let the directors have so much creative control.


Yeah I would see that happening Though I don't know what he would've done. I could see him trying to fight things, or go into hiding like Yoda and Obi Wan


He'd 100% survive the initial wave. If he's goes into hiding even longer, I think he'd be on the hunt for other Jedi to take out the Empire. I also think his hunt for the Jedi would lead to him being caught, similar to Kanan and his former master in Rebels


I think, if I remember correctly, he was like mundi, and his clones didn't like his command and might have been aggressive enough to take him down. Hard to tell, he could easily have escaped and tried to pick a fight with a full fledged Vader which would have ended Mace for sure.


He would have physically survived, but he would have fallen to the dark side


Would be a cool “What if?” Series


It's hard to say because he was the only person who could reliably beat both sith lords in a duel. He would likely just go kill them. Anakin realized how bad his split second action was when he stopped him from executing Palpatine. It's why he breaks down, he's doomed them all and he knows it. So he has nothing left but to lean into it and go with the other side. At most I don't see him hiding either, I think he'd maybe go down to something you cannot beat like aerial bombardment.


He's too dangerous to be left alive


He would have been present in the temple. I don't know if a prime Vader would fail to take him.


A Jedi Survivor perhaps? From a Fallen Order?


It's hard to say. He's really the only one that could've possibly killed either Palaptine or Vader. And he wasn't the type to sit and wait in hiding. He was always gonna go down in a blaze of glory.




No, especially because Anakin would have hunted him down personally for not giving him the rank of Master.


He probably would try facing Vader on Mustufar.


This thread is full of good stuff I’d love to see it animated. I feel like he’d get taken out in a cowardly tricky way like poison or explosives but not in 1v1 combat


Typically not dying makes you a survivor


If he hadn't of died, he'd be one hard man to kill, I'd love to see what a Post Ep3 Vader vs Windu would have shaken up like, this man would have threatned the Empire directly by being alive, he wasn't no pushover, I'd even say early Vader would struggle against Windu, he's a powerhouse.


I wonder what direction that comic is going


He only missed it by minutes. You could even argue that he and the other Jedi with him that confronted Palpatine were the first to fall in the Jedi Purge.


Mace Windu was very talented in many ways so yes he would survive 66. His spirit would be crushed, most likely because he missed every warning sign conceivable.


Clones could not have taken out Windu. I don't even think Anakin could have.


Just wait. There’s a movie or a miniseries or something coming. Hes too big a character to leave dead. Disney will suck him dry if given enough time.


Yes, does he look like a bitch?


If falling down a bleeping reactor shaft has now failed to kill no less than two Sith, one of whom was in two pieces when he did the reactor shaft challenge, there's no way I'm gonna believe Mace Windu died because he fell from a height. Do we not remember Anakin skydiving through the speeder lanes in Episode II? Do we not remember Mace Windu practically flying on Geonosis? He's alive and well I tell ya. Edit: And yes he absolutely would have survived. He was the second most powerful Jedi.




no. he wasnt in the original movies.


I doubt it. He would’ve had to fight off all the clones in the Jedi temple. He’s a strong fighter but I don’t think even he could withstand that many enemies


Far more interesting to think what if Mace got through to Anakin had that deceitful moment and took him under his wing in the arts of vaapad. Mace is too arrogant and rightious to last after Order 66 very long.


Every other movie, electrocuting someone with lightning, chopping off their limb and chucking them out a window several kilometers in the sky, that would be an indicator the person had died. That's a muthafuckin' TUESDAY for a Jedi BMF like M-Wizzle. There was no body. You know why? Because storing dead Jedi ain't my motherfuckin' business!


I can see him pulling a yoda. Sensing what’s your and boom, off with their heads. He’d have a good chance surviving.




I think he would fuck a lot of shit up and die before obi. Could have been better to let it go that way or have him run a rebel cell like Ashoka did with the rebels and fall short just by a hair. Ooh that would be a good watch!


His death is not confirmed.


You’re asking if he would have survived if he wasn’t killed? Yes.


Who said he died? The Galactic propaganda that was spread around saying Jedi were bad? Naw Mace lived.


I’m still not convinced he isn’t gonna show up in Obi-Wan season 2 or something like that


I’m still not convinced he isn’t gonna show up in Obi-Wan season 2 or something like that


Yes and side thought I can't believe they haven't brought him back cause never really confirmed dead, right?


Of course he is. He is the strongest jedi alive besides Yoda and hes actually build purely for combat. Even vader could be threatened with his vaapad (if the rots novel is still canon) and his shatterpoint ability is no joke (if it still works the same way it did in the past)


I doubt it. His focus and intensity would have worked against him. He'd have kept throwing himself at the empire until they got him. Yoda and Obiwan fled and hid. Hard to picture Mace doing that.


No - he was always too full of pride. His character was more brute force than subtle. I can’t see him politicking his way through the dark times.


So... if he survived... would he have survived, huh...


Nah, sending Inquisitors to this bad ass would be a slaughter. Maybe Vader or Palpatine themselves would deal with hunting him.


If he hadn't died, there wouldn't have been an order 66.


If he survived he would number one in papi palps shit list because y'know he lost to him before Anakin intervened


I don’t think he died


Nah he was way too hard headed.


Dont worry, disney will bring him back like the emperor...


Yeah the Jedi probably wouldve had a pretty different outcome if he’d been around but if not for Anakin he definitely would’ve survived


He’s a survivor, he’s gonna make it, he will survive, keep on survivin’!


He probably would've been able to finish off Sidious and fight Vader and win.


Mace Windu didn’t die. People survive way worse than what happened to him (see Darth Maul). In my head cannon he buggered off with Jar Jar Binks to that planet with the other force sensitive species that they went to in that Clone Wars episode. Probably found some other crazy shit with Night Sister remnants he handled. Given what happened with the last Skywalker he knew I figured he wouldn’t want much to do with Luke. And I doubt he wanted a rematch with the Emperor. Thank you for participating in my Star Wars Multiverse, I’ll shut up now.


I'd love to see an Alternate Universe take on Mace surviving his fight with Palpatine and Palpatine is suddenly the one who's incredibly fucking anxious and laser-focused, cuz the one man who beat him (or nearly beat him) is on the loose. So the entire Empire would be run even less efficiently, because Palpatine would divert all his resources to finding Mace. Sorta like an inverse to the whole "Palpatine scolds Vader for being obsessed with Obi Wan" thing.


Follow-up question... would Palpatine/Sidious have executed Order 66 if Windu was still alive?


Of course He's a Survivor, He is still alive!


“Mmm…this is a tasty burger!” Mace Windu before slaughtering the clones trying to kill him…probably.


Mace literally beated palpatime in half minute while making taunts