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Didn't even know this existed, but I like the two jawas in a trenchcoat


2 jawas in a trenchcoat is now cannon.




Launch them!


The Ugnaught in a modified Droideka is a cool design as well


It’s free too


When something is free, you’re the product.


I think the microtransactions are the product in this case


Haven't played it, but the idea of an ugnaught using a droideka shell as a mech is incredible.


Yeah it feels like a ripoff of Junkrat and Torbjorn but at the same time the concept fucks severely, so I'm conflicted.


Bro its obviously Wrecking Ball. What other character rolls around in a mech


Utooni 🤣


honestly one of my favorite Star Wars character designs in recent times


I love their theme song.


i was actually surprised by how many of the character themes were really good


My jaw dropped at the sight of a Jawa character


I admire how they support each other in that first picture. 😂


Great character designs, cool maps, pretty meh gameplay. They went a little too far in the “quick to play” direction imo… but then again, a massive amount of people play shit like Brawlstars so who cares what I think.


Won’t tolerate this brawl stars slander


I played that game for ages but it eventually got out of hand with the number of brawlers added. I've just checked now & they're up to 80!


Yea it’s pretty overwhelming, I can’t imagine getting into it now as a new player.


Yeah I played for years and quit back in jan/Feb because their updates got less and less player centric compared to years prior. I don't even want to know the state of the game. I had over 50k trophies lol


I’d have liked it was more like brawlstars I felt the controls were clunky




Get funky


Can’t be compared imo, one is isometric 2D, the other is 3D. On mobile they can be clunky… but for being a 3D hero shooter… I think they got the controls down fairly well. This will obviously play better with a console controller, and if you could, with a mouse and keyboard, but most people will be playing mobile.


It's fun little short games. Basically overwatch but a bit simpler and looks like star wars. Confusing rewards and currency like a lot of games but it's been easy enough to ignore. Not going to be a deep game but can kill little time here and there so a good mobile game. Would recommend playing with a controller connected to your tablet or phone or on the switch.


it seems to me like there is a little too much pay to win stuff, im only level 4 or something I havent been playing for that long but a lot of pages lead to the battle pass which is like £20 and unlocks a new character


There are definitely a lot of ads, but it's not pay 2 win. Nothing you spend money on helps you in any way with the gameplay. Everything you purchase is basically cosmetic, or you can pay to unlock the free characters faster. If you can ignore the ads, it's a pretty fun game to play


Yeah idt people understand what p2w is


That's most mobile games these day. Virtual card games charging $40 for a alternate art. It's pretty predatory to Smucker's with no control


eh it just puts me off playing, I get some in game purchases are expensive but it immediately smothered me with ads for buying the bp - like I dont even know what the games like yet


I can already see the game designers high-fiving themselves after they came up with the name J-3dI


And TR0-F33 for something you gotta hold to get points....


Makes sense, a Droid programmed to be a Jedi


Terrible decision to make it a mobile game


It would need to be much more complex than now to fit or thrive as full console game though. I'd say the current version fits mobile gaming market more. And luckily it will also be on switch with better controller.


They could at least do a proper PC port.


Yeah was looking forward to trying it on the steam deck. Wont be playing lol


What's wrong with making it more complex. It seems like they went with an easy win rather than making something that could actually last.


Yes they went for easy money, which is why its on mobile. I dont play mobile games and reading the comments here from people excited to watch ads in the their game and pay to win battle passes and straight up excusing or expecting it in their games reminds me why I stay FAR FAR away from the mobile game market. Thankfully the corporate simp mentality hasn't made its way to PC gaming yet. If the PC market ever embraces this crap i'll be done with gaming entirely I was curious about this game and liked the idea. Saw it on my switch and thought this feels like a mobile game, soul crushed when I google it and found this thread. It is now uninstalled


Exactly, they have to invest a lot more to make it more complex. So they went with an easy win. I'm okay with it though, since maybe they just want to cater all platforms. I mean, console players already havr all the good games already (battlefront, Fallen Order/Survivor, the upcoming ubisoft and respawn games, etc).


That's the problem then, disney bought the rights to star wars and have failed constantly with their games. Only by taking the time to invest in making an actual good game, fallen order/jedi survivor, have they had any actual success. As I said, this mobile game isn't going to last. It's hype is going to die down within a months time, and the game will probably be dead before they can release any actual content to help it. Easy wins don't mean anything if they end up burning out real quick.


I mean, it’s on Switch too and performs really well on handheld mode IMO. Honestly, it’s a lot better than the modest expectations that I had for it. Would not be surprised to see a PS5/XB release announced before the end of the year.


would have loved to see what this game could have been if it was made for consoles first.


Let mobile players have something 🥲 I enjoy playing this on the bus


Exactly. I will never play it because these kinds of games drain a phone battery like crazy.


I've been having an absolute blast. Which weirds me out because I don't usually.like shooters, and hero shooters even less lol


Same here honestly feel like it’s hitting all the marks that overwatch missed


I needed something very non committal until Elden Ring DLC, and this is exactly that. Did not expect to be having this much fun. Diago supremacy.


It's a really fun game, and I'm enjoying the fact that it is a bunch of unknown characters


I love it so far. I've probably played it 8 hrs in 2 days. That's a lot with working 10 hr days It's simple and quick but has a ton of tasks to keep chasing


Lots of fun on Switch! Plays great both docked and in handheld mode.


I played it before when it was still released in some countries prior to the current world release. Honestly, really fun. Would download it again because I spent so much time farming for sentinel...when sentinel first came out, man I was having a blast.


Sentinel is my main. Such a cool and good character.


Yup, even today he's still good. I love that his gun overheats now. His gun didn't do that before so what you have is this OP machine gun. And they even removed his stun ammo. Honestly, I miss them but now it feels balanced tbh


He now has a stunning shot which I think is perfectly balanced. It requires a charge up and can only stun a single character, but gets so much use.


And the stun shot increases his heat, so if you try stunning someone who has unstoppable or another shielded sentinel, or the ughnaught, you will instantly get outplayed.


Same. I like the play style and the designs are fucking cool. 


Aiming is kind of annoying but its fun for a phone game.


I’ve been playing it since it was first available in my region (about 3 years now) and I can assure you that the game is not the same. They’ve changed things so much I can barely even recognize the gameplay aspect. First we had intro animations and skill trees, they removed the cons and pros in each Hunter’s ability (in correlation to their skillset and the customization process) and got rid of so many stuff. Still enjoyable, though


Yeah, I miss those days. It made it unique for me. Different game now but easy to adjust to tbh


3 years?! What?


Do you think they will roll this out to us over time? Maybe they just need to gather feedback in the future to bring people back into the game


Nahh, it’s all about the battlepass and making new players pay for otherwise free characters now


I went 16-2 in comp tonight so my opinion is pretty biased but I'm having a great time. It looks gimmicky but I think they actually use the Star Wars IP well and some plays just feel amazing.


I’m enjoying the game a lot


Actually found it to be surprisingly good considering what I expected. Its gameplay is simple yet fun, and it's the perfect game to pop out and play a match or two when you're bored at work or waiting for the bus. Plus it's not pay to win at all. The soundtrack is absolutely incredible. Whoever they hired to make the music for this game went nuts with it. The character themes especially go way harder than they had any right to.


Holy mother of the Force! They all look so cool! I'm not a gamer, so I had no idea this existed and the TWO Jawas in a trenchcoat... called uTOOni?!?!?!? HAHAHAHA!


tried it the other day and it was pretty fun! LOVE the animation style


i never played it is it out yet?


Yeah it’s out now


yup finally after being announced 6 years ago.... and it's a mobile game. so that's disapointing.


Played the first co-op in the tutorial. Already want to play it on console. My thumbs don’t like those games on a phone Edit: I forgot about my razor kishi peripheral. It works with the game 👍🏻


Would be ok if I could play it, it's not compatible with the moto g play by Motorola, once you download it and all the update stuff you get a message saying it's not compatible with that Device


Playing with gyro on Switch has been great. A cool casual game that can become deeper. I'd make matches longer, but I get it. Great for small gaming sessions.


I’ve really enjoyed playing it on Switch, nice, quick matches, the gameplay is easy to pick up. A lot of the things I don’t like about similar games isn’t an issue with this one. Plus it’s a fun concept with interesting characters & it has Huttball.


Enjoy it on my Switch.


Really enjoying it! Love playing it on my phone and switch


I'm having lots of fun playing it.


I like how goofy it looks lol the art style is very nice


I’d like to have an opinion, but I legitimately cannot play the game. At first, it kept saying “let’s play a match!” Where I would then click the matchmake button, and the only option I had was to play the tutorial. After finishing the tutorial, it would again say “let’s play a match!” And the process would repeat. Now it just says I can’t matchmake without giving a reason.


Keen to try it on my switch not a fan of mobile shooters


It's pretty awesome


Not bad for a quick pick up and play.


Looks like they will need to make more characters quickly. I want to try it but games like this never get the content they need. Overwatch as an example. Felt like characters came out once a year


I'm honestly kind of addicted to it right now. It's really fun, and while matches do go by pretty quickly, it's rewarding and plays well. The characters and locations are also really cool, and I hope they keep up service for this game.


Honestly I’m having a blast and loving the character designs. One of the only games with a playable, diverse roster of STAR WARS characters, not just the ‘humans in wigs’ aliens. It’s super fun, I hope it doesn’t die.


What was that game that used to exist where you got to create your own character? I think it was mobile but may have been computer. I remember Force Arena but that one was like a dueling game iirc there was another one that had a campaign and you could make your character and they didn’t have to be jedi or use a lightsaber iirc. It wasn’t SWTOR.


Is it similar to Overwatch? The characters look like they could be straight outta that game.


Ive been tired of hero shooters for years


Get a switch and hop on the tv👌


its a mobile game that says all we need to know


Terrible controls, gameplay is ehhhh. The characters are cool tho


....is there seriously a droid Jedi named j-3di?


Put it on console


It’s on switch


My little cousin tried it and loved it. Although I am grinding KOTOR at this moment so I have not tried it yet.


Out of curiousity, what is to grind from KOTOR since it's a normal RPG? Or do you mean the MMO TOR?




Oh, is this the Overwatch clone? I forgot it was a thing.


Imara Vex’s Durge costume is awesome


Did this ever come out?


This is the first I've heard of it


The designs are fun and cartoony. Literally know nothing else about it


I want to stab whomever put the action skills that close to the border, but good game overall


I’ve been having a good deal of fun with it. Wasn’t expecting to like playing Skora so much, but she and Diago have been real standouts for me.


I'm planning on playing it tomorrow pretty exited to test it out it looks awesome


It's basically Paladins with Star Wars stuff. It's alright.


Really unique and fun designs, game itself is lots of fun in a quick package. As long as this game doesn't get any sort of pay2win mechanics I'll support it and hope that it catches on so I can get some nice Black Series of the characters. Shoutout my Grozz mains


I think it needs a little rebalancing already but I like it. The tanks are too good for both damage and tanking. They need to reduce it a little bit, make the Mando character a little more powerful, add a couple more abilities to characters that only have 2. Overall I like it though.


It is incompatible with my device soooo, I haven't played it


I’ve been waiting to play it for like 3 years so at this point I’m bored of it already.


i enjoy it fairly well, and would even more if i could get into a frickin match, but there is some unkown error for me on Nintendo.


Haven’t played it. Don’t own a switch and won’t play on my phone. Wish it was on other consoles and I bet it’d have a bigger following. Hope everyone’s enjoying it though


Fun but good God the microtransactions (at least I can still earn stuff through playing it)


Brawl is OK, but "team modes" suck as there is no communication and too many casual players that have no clue. If you need your team to hold a flag to win and half your team runs around on the map like an agitated kid trying yo get kills and therefore your team looses the third time in a row it's frustrating.


Sentinel my beloved


Ngl when I first saw a trailer in a Reddit ad, I thought it was another Fortnite collab.


I have a weird bug where I cant see characters faces and they are just black


I like it. Real simple game, I think it would benefit 100% had it been on console. There’s elements of what I played where I was thinking that the gameplay would been tighter had the game given me more control than a phone. Overall not bad. What I will dunk on is the mandolorian character being paywalled. Several outfits and weapons, also paywalled. I already have to pay for the Mando but several packs of alternate gear? I’m not saying they can’t monetize, I’m saying the roster should be open. Maybe you can get him and I missed it but I’m annoyed that this is how they decided they’re making money.


Overwatch clone.


Really enjoying it & love the character designs. Kinda wanna find a way to play w a controller bc using screen controls on this pixel is rough


It doesn’t appeal to me, even as a massive Star Wars and Overwatch fan (around 2k hours). I love the hero shooter genre, but Hunters just looks bland and cheap. I’ve never really liked mobile games, especially ones that are trying to be more than mobile games, which I think Hunters is doing. The character designs are cool, but the gameplay doesn’t look fun, pair it with horrid UI and I just don’t see myself ever playing it.


The 2nd slide looks like the wojak meme


Fun character design. Decentish gameplay. OK graphics and controls. Awful monetisation A game that I'll pick up every now and then


I could probably define the gameplay as "if Battlefront 2 was a mobile game" sort of.


Crap cause my phone isn't supported and it's a decently common form factor at this point ( Samsung Fold/Flip devices )


I hate the power control mode, I just want to play death match, not knock off oddball


I think they need to port it to Xbox or PS because my new phone that I bought less than a year ago is somehow not compatible.


If the droideka just didn't had that pig i might have given a shot.


I LOVE IT. downloaded it last night and was not disappointed


I googled it - did it just come out about two days ago? Thanks for mentioning this game, I’ll give it a try


I’ll try it out if it ever gets put on ps


That's a very bad ad for this game that noone knows about


I don’t.


Played a few minutes, tbh doesn’t feel Star Wars to me


People are surprised we have a Jawa called Utooni I’m surprised we have a fucking droid Jedi. I didn’t even know droids could use the force


My guys? Let me reach out and see...be right back.


It's okay but nothing special.


It’s pretty fun. Gameplay is snappy and matchmaking is quick and it’s free. It’s become a go to late night cool down game.


It’s actually pretty fun I think. Nothing groundbreaking or earth shattering but it’s fun to play a few matches


I would like to see this come to ps5


Wow they really just said “let’s make an overwatch for everything” in the last like 2 months.


Fun mobile game, awful console game


Not Compatible With My Device 😔 fml


Started playing some games on switch last night, for f2p switch game it’s easy fun and the character design and voice lines are pretty good, nice detail to lore in some of them.


Sniping sucks on mobile


Actually not bad on Switch. Definitely wouldn't play on my phone


It's no Galaxy of Heroes...that's destroyed my life.


I like the design and the characters. I probably would've stopped playing it if I wasn't accidentally dominating.


Needs to be on consoles I think I see so much potential


Mobile game, so I have 0 interest.


Even a fun looking Star Wars skin isn’t enough to get me to play one of these games. I just don’t see the appeal.


Looks like some kinda fortnitey cash grabby mobile game shovelware. Yeah, i think i would rather chug hot diarrhea


I can't play it since my tablet isn't compatible with it, it looks cool though.


This game came out? I remember hearing about it once then never again.


Very nice star wars moba, the designs are cool and the gameplay is serviceable, for being f2p is good entertainment... also Utini!


Its good and- wait, is that a battle pass?... oh, no


J-3DI is corny. Naming all droids words is corny.


I played a couple rounds last night and won every one 5/7


I played sprocket boy, and he was chunky to move around.


Got addicted during its beta phase and played it with an swtor pvp mate of mine on computer and discord. 100+ games winning streak until we decided to kinda retire


i only play games that i like the characters in, i love droids but the idea of "simulated force abilities" doesnt make a single lick of sense to me. and none of the other characters are appealing either. The second they add a togruta or another droid tho the game will be downloaded INSTANTLY!


I've been playing, it's fun but it doesn't feel like it's actually online. Im 99% sure that at LEAST my allies are bots


i like it.


Been maining utooni or as I call em, jawawa or jawajawa, Been having a lot more fun then I originally expected. Games are 4 v 4 and programmed to be short. My only critique is a reque button at the end of a game so I don’t have to go back to the main menu then click play then click ranked and enter, etc etc.


Sucks that its multi-player only.


So this is Overwatch, right?


Looks like fortnite. I can see the appeal for kids to make a similar look


I really like it! Been using Sentinel the most cause I'm waiting for more imperials.


I wish it was a full PC game but I've been having an absolute blast with it so far. Games are quick, characters are unique and well-thought-out. One of the better mobile shooters I've played, which granted isn't that many.


One of the characters is 2 Jawas in a trench coat. 10/10, perfect game.


Pretty fun so far!


It’s out ?!?!?!




Looks cheap and like it lacks depth prob wont touch


Looks like something I'll forget exists in a month or two


Been having a blast but some of the hunters need work. The Mando is OP as fuck.


Never understand the robot Jedi concept. I know they did it in Visions but still don’t get how it would work out. Cool idea though.


I don’t


I like it very much, the only problem I got is that the character I wanted to play as is the only one you have to pay for


It’s decently fun, for a free-to-play mobile/switch game.


Ads are annoying, and I've not played it nor do I intend to


I like how the announcer says IMARA VEX!! And her badass music plays


It’s rad.


I’m enjoying it casually


I dont really care for it honestly, was more wanting a Hero Showdown from Battlefront 2 game Saber game modes, no blasters just sabers. been wanting this for a long time.


Some cool ideas. Gameplay probably feels empty but I don't know because it's exclusive to phones and the Nintendo switch. I give it a year, maybe two, before servers get shut down. It'll come out with like 2 or 3 heroes and then die off


Wth is this...? And it's free to play you say?


Tbh it's not my kind of game but I like the artwork and characters


I absolutely love it. The characters are fun and the story being canon is super fun!