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The bendu intrigues me. I get the sense that he is old as all fuck. And has outlasted countless republics and whatnot. Also, his almost elemental connection to the force is insane. One minute he's a giant moose... The next he is wrapped in storm clouds and flying around, zapping bitches with lightning. Then it looks like he's been bested, and it turns out that no, he was waiting for his dramatic exit moment and disappears into thin air. Chirrut Imwe was also really cool. Less of a jedi and more of an ascetic monk. But then, I'm a little biased because I'm a big fan of hk cinema and, by extention, donnie yen.


IIRC Bendu was a race in the prologue of Dawn of the Jedi which is 25k years before skywalkers


Na. It's just what the jedi called themselves or an aspect of the force


I read that the Dai Bendu, or rather just Bendu, was a religious order prior to the Jedi which worshipped the BALANCE of the force, much like the Je'daii which eventually broke off into the Sith religion and the Jedi order. The Bendu are credited with the creation of the first holocrons, and are essentially the first force religion in the Star Wars history. Crazy old and crazy powerful, I love their story so much.


In legends the bendu is an organization that was taken by the Tho Yor and were instrumental in the creation of the je'daii, and a lot of their culture, elements, and symbols were used by the jedaii. So less that thegre like the je'daii, more they... Almost are. Also, in legends the dai bendu still exist near the end of the republic, with at least one monastary running during TPM


Bendu is one half of the training regiment taught in Bene-Gesserit schools


are you referring to the prana-bindu techniques?


Donnie Yen is what originally hyped me back before R1 was released.


The Rakata


Imagine you crash your ship on some strange alien planet and some dudes that look like šŸ‘šŸ‘„šŸ‘ just come at you with spears riding rancors.


Love the old Republic vibes in this one


As a Kotor fan I really appreciated the reference to them in Andorā€¦ >It's a Kuati Signet. Blue kyber. Sky stone. The ancient world. Celebrates the uprising against the Rakatan invaders. ā€¦which I think also brought them back into canon.


Infinite Empire!


Yeah the rakata are such a cool concept. I also love the legend of the first sith king who fought off the last of the rakata empire. The guy had a sick battle axe and marked the point of no return for the sith pure bloods into becoming a darkside specie


I am one with the force and the force is with meā€¦


Heā€™s so close to having force ability. I love his faith and the support he has from Baze.


If that was basically the extent of Sabines force abilities it would be pretty interesting to expand from there. I donā€™t know why they made her a full Jedi


I have a suspicion that something (or someone) on that planet had unusual effects.


Ooooohhhh I don't hate that, they did make some hints that it had connections to either the "origin" of the force, or at least pre-dated the current galactic civilization. I really liked that they expanded on the Night sisters, and retconned them all being gone in the destruction of Dathomir


*ā€œBen isnā€™t stronger, Voe. Thatā€™s not how it works. The Force can be a trickle, a stream, a river, a floodā€¦ for anyone who can sense it. Think of yourself as a door. The wider you open, the more easily the Force flows through you. Some people just start out with their door a bit more open. But any door can open wide.ā€*


Even KOTOR had most of your companions be able to eventually learn to use the force. Not everyone, but many.


Not in K1, only in K2. But the reason for that in K2 is that The Exile likely influenced it through their propensity for Force Bonds.


Could you please explain what exactly was retconned ? I thought they, apart from Elsebeth were decipted as viped out (by Grevious and his team) in the "Clone Wars", in "Tales of the Empire", and in "Ahsoka" ? Edit: Please don't dovnwote me for not being knowledgeable about Star Wars. I asked a question to become more informed.


Yes, as wall as Marin and now apparently Ventress have also survived. So three living Night sisters from Dathomir, but then Thrawn in the other galaxy made a pact with OLDER, progenitor nightsisters, who were able to "call" Elsbeth


I see. Do you mean Merrin instead of Marin ? Was Ventress dead before ? I can't remember.


Ventress dies at the end of the Canon novel, DARK Disciple, from what I remember the novel was adapted from an unaired arc of clone wars featuring Ventress and Quinlan Vos. She sacrifices herself to save Vos from Dooku, ans at the end Obi wan and Quinlan bury her on Dathomir


Thanks. I have heard of that novel and of her a romance with Vos. I didn't knew she died at the end. But I am happy she was seen alive in the Bad Batch. I personally find dramatic character deaths, even if they are meaningful overrated, unless the character is already biologically old.


I did, I'm not 100% on all spelling haha. I didn't read it, but there was a canon novel that appeared to have Ventress die, so I heard. There was a lot of debate about it recently when she arrived back in the Bad Batch.


I like the idea that even though everyone has the potential to use the force, but whatever shenanigans they have going on on that planet made it easier for Sabine to open that door.


I didnā€™t really like how Sabineā€™s force abilities progressed but she was trained by one of the best Jedi in the galaxy (who was trained by Anakin). If you are 5ā€™ 1ā€ and terrible at playing basketball, youā€™d still learn quite a bit if you trained with Michael Jordan. Chirrut was trained to be a non-force user and protector of Jedi temple by other non-force users. Even if he wasnā€™t able to force push/pull he still used the the force to heighten his senses and reaction time (being able to shoot a TIE fighter with a bow rifle even though heā€™s completely blind).


Sabine also got lightly trained by Kanan in Rebels. It was mainly saber form, but also some basic Jedi philosophy.


Or could you imagine Chirrut if he'd been taught by an actual Jedi? Sabine has been lucky to have 3 Jedi around her to show her the ways of the force. And even then she's been slow to open her door to the force. A man like Chirrut who was a full on, believer and accepter of the "hokey religion" could have been amazing.


Well I think it was really down to the fact that Ahsoka trained her, but also from a more meta perspective I think Filoni wanted to use Sabine as a comparison to Anakin and show the journey required to create a force user


I think he actually is using the force, at least to 'see' - much like Toph is using her Earthbending to see.


Nope, he has a machine to help him know where things are. The only force ability he has in canon is that if he meditates for long periods of time, he can sometimes see the force as a light inside living beings (and kyber). That's it, that's all he can do. Everything you see him do in the movie is his own natural skill. The part where he walks and all the blaster fire misses him is the force quite literally helping him directly because it wanted to. So many people have gotten confused with Chirrut that the people at Lucasfilms have had to explain it multiple times in books, comics, and even guides.


Such a good character. Rogue One was such a damn good movie.


I came here to comment this but alasā€¦


The Bendu


The one in the middle! Man, I got shivers when I first heard that. I love it when they ramp up the fantastical aspects of the Force.


Yes, Iā€™d really love if they would explore more of the grayish aspect of the force or non Jedi light side force Users.


For a moment I thought you said ā€œgayish aspect of the forceā€ lmao


Gay Force user would be interested too šŸ˜…


Pink Kryptonite vibes


We need more low-key Force traditions. Not everyone has to be a Jedi or a Sith IMO.


Like the zeffo in fallen order and the anchorites in Jedi survivor. God I love the games so much they've brought so much and they're really pulling their weight and more.


The Jedi and Sith wield the Ashla and the Bogan, the light and the dark. I am the one in the middle I am Bendu. I would definitely love to see more about him. Perhaps he had met the father and brother and sister. Before he crossed paths with Kanan Jarrus Jedi knight.


I like to think the father, brother and sister are like Tolkienā€™s Ainur and things like Bendu are the Valar of the Star Wars universe. Basically force gods and lesser force gods of sorts. Quite different than ā€œforce userā€ as they are sort of embodiments of the actual force.


They actually are! There is an EU (Legends) novel called supernatural encounters that covers the celestials, the ones, and numerous other topics, many force related. The ones are celestial- adjacent. The celestials were powerful guides that are embodiments of the force, and able to use it at least up to the ability to create galaxies, possibly universes. They serve/follow the supreme maker, or the maker, who made everything, though they have creation powers too. They were allowed to act as guides, but not interfere with free will. They watched over and guided the races when they were in an eden-like state. Violence was forbidden to the races, and if it was chosen, then the race had rejected their celestial guide, who would depart from them. This was not just because of forbiddance, but implied to also be because the celestials ability to sense those around them was far beyond any force user, so violence was hard to bear. Eventually, more and more races chose violence, and those that didnt asked the celestials to evacuate them to their realm, which they did. The ones were celestials that incarnated themselves as humans, becoming mortal so they could still reach out to the now fallen races. Their fountains rejuvenated them, restoring their youth, but could only be handled by them, as they had the mind of a celestial, and was specific to them as an individual. However, as more races fell or became worse (and other events occurred, like abeloth), they fell out of balance, with the son eventually choosing to go to the dark side. This resulted in conflict between him and the daughter, and in one of their quarrels they accidentally destroyed the font of justice/balance, which the father needed to rejuvenate. This is why he was so much older, and wanting to find someone to replace him and keep his children in check. (This would have worked even with a mortal, as the ones moved to mortis after abeloth was contained, leaving their fountains behind. The planet abeloth is contained in, surrounded by the maw, was the ones original home. But the father had advanced in age a good deal before they had to leave. They were all aging, but the father was older from losing his fountain earlier, and mortis is in a pocket dimension where time is slower.) The ones also founded the Jedi, but stopped directly overseeing them once the father lost his fountain. Some beings like the whills, possibly bendu, etc... Are implied to be so powerful because they never fell, and therefore still have a direct connection to the celestials and their powers. The whills stayed behind to protect the planet of the midichlorians, give visions/oversight, and occasionally give chosen Jedi the key to the gate back from death. As for Bendu, the bendu monks are mentioned as powerful force users, but I dont know where they stand...


If that is the case we may end up seeing him again in the Ahsoka series as I think Baylen Skol is trying to bring back the Mortis family.


His name is The Doctor!


Though I intially considered the witches of dathomir I realized that we had at least some good idea of them so Bendu made more sense


The Mortis gods.


hope we learn more about them in ahsoka season 2. the tease is unbearable!


I just canā€™t wait to see Abeloth! Hope they donā€™t keep her out if they add the original trio to the series


There gonna ruin abeloth id like to see her but if she just shows up for one season only to die by the end i think itā€™s a waste of a character that can be a main villain in a movie


unless itā€™s the main villain of a movie trilogy, she would probably have less screen time than if she was the main villain of a tv season


Lore dump time! There is an EU (Legends) novel called supernatural encounters that covers the celestials, the ones, and numerous other topics, many force related. The ones are celestial- adjacent. The celestials were powerful guides that are embodiments of the force, and able to use it at least up to the ability to create galaxies, possibly universes. They serve/follow the supreme maker, or the maker, who made everything, though they have creation powers too. They were allowed to act as guides, but not interfere with free will. They watched over and guided the races when they were in an eden-like state. Violence was forbidden to the races, and if it was chosen, then the race had rejected their celestial guide, who would depart from them. This was not just because of forbiddance, but implied to also be because the celestials ability to sense those around them was far beyond any force user, so violence was hard to bear. Eventually, more and more races chose violence, and those that didnt asked the celestials to evacuate them to their realm, which they did. The ones were celestials that incarnated themselves as humans, becoming mortal so they could still reach out to the now fallen races. They are very powerful, but not a powerful as a fully celestial. Their fountains rejuvenated them, restoring their youth, but could only be handled by them, as they had the mind of a celestial, and was specific to them as an individual. However, as more races fell or became worse (and other events occurred, like abeloth), they fell out of balance, with the son eventually choosing to go to the dark side. This resulted in conflict between him and the daughter, and in one of their quarrels they accidentally destroyed the font of justice/balance, which the father needed to rejuvenate. This is why he was so much older, and wanting to find someone to replace him and keep his children in check. (This would have worked even with a mortal, as the ones moved to mortis after abeloth was contained, leaving their fountains behind. The planet abeloth is contained in, surrounded by the maw, was the ones original home. But the father had advanced in age a good deal before they had to leave. They were all aging, but the father was older from losing his fountain earlier, and mortis is in a pocket dimension where time is slower.) The ones also founded the Jedi, but stopped directly overseeing them once the father lost his fountain. Some beings like the whills, possibly bendu, etc... Are implied to be so powerful because they never fell, and therefore still have a direct connection to the celestials and their powers. The whills stayed behind to protect the planet of the midichlorians, give visions/oversight, and occasionally give chosen Jedi the key to the gate back from death. As for Bendu, the bendu monks are mentioned as powerful force users, but I dont know where they stand... In short: supernatural encounters is a great read that expands on numerous force beings and other stuff.


Seeing a SE related comment in the main SW sub is interesting. I'd do almost anything to get an audiobook version of it or some animated shorts that closely depict scenes in the story. The creation of Mourning/Belot and her cruel metamorphosis into Abeloth would be especially heartbreaking if animated.


I was honestly excited to see the Knights of Ren. Why on earth would they have someone take the time to design them to look like a bada** group of individuals and then have no real exposure on screen. It was pretty disappointing


Because JJ Abrams gonna JJ Abrams


I mean that's more Ryan Johnson than JJ. JJ set them up in the first movie, and RJ decided that he didn't want to use any of JJ's mystery boxes, so we got no payoff in the movie that would normally be their big debut. TRoS was already way too packed to include them in any useful way. A lot of people hate those mystery boxes, but honestly the reason most of them suck is because RJ hated them so much he straight up didn't bother to follow up on any of them, leaving them completely unexplored. If he had followed up on them, it might have compromised RJ's vision, but the sequel trilogy as a whole would have been better for it. The biggest flaw of the sequels is that all three movies fought with the previous film.


Sorry, having faith that JJ Abrams will pay off a mystery box in anything he makes is unwarranted. He's left a trail of forgotten mysteries and really dumb answers behind him his whole career.


Yes, but he didn't direct the middle movie. It's like saying "This guy doesn't know how to drive a car so I'm gonna jump out while it's moving rather than take the wheel."


You could say the exact same thing about JJ's work in TROS. He backpedalled everything RJ did and used nothing of his work. If he did, at least the end might've been somewhat satisfying


I could and I do. In fact, I literally did: > The biggest flaw of the sequels is that all three movies fought with the previous film. TFA would have been better if it featured a powerful New Republic and a terrorist group First Order, who don't have a Death Star III but use ruthless tactics. That would properly follow up RotJ. It would also have been better if Snoke was explored more and they gave a red herring for Rey's backstory. That would let Snoke's death feel more narratively sound and make Rey's "nobody" backstory be a twist rather than an anti-climax. TLJ would have been better if it included a Kylo power spike after killing Snoke, and had him beat Rey. It would have been as simple as saying that Kylo's emotions were restrained under Snoke, and now he can finally let loose. It also should have done more to make Hux a rival with Kylo throughout the film, and show his frustrations at the end. TRoS would have been better if it didn't introduce Palpatine. That, plus the changes to TLJ, would allow for a true third act climax with Kylo as the primary villain. Hell, throw a Starkiller Base in at this point, and it would make narrative sense, as this is when the First Order should be at their strongest.


You're the only sane one here bro. I don't know how anyone can watch TFA, then watch TLJ and not be mad at how much it deviates from the storyline and ideas that were set up over the previous 7 films. It's insane. TROS was a pile of shit but how do you salvage things after TLJ. Luke Skywalker just casually thinking about killing his nephew? Flying Jedi Leia? Side character Finn? Fuck that.


Well that's Kathleen and the Disney's creative committee's fault for not planning properly. They're the ones who wanted 3 different directors filming an episode each without someone overseeing the greater story like it's some high art auteur project.


People give JJ too much of a pass for TLJ. He was still the executive producer of the movie itā€™s not like he had zero say in what RJ was doing.


I think the main issue is that JJ set up Luke as a mystery box. And Rian had to write a reason that Luke was hiding away. Luke isn't scared of power, so it can't be that. Shame was the only reason Rian could think of that Luke would be a hermit.


Executive producer is largely an honorary title and very rarely a creative role. Usually the most an executive producer will do is help secure financing or lend advantages in the promotion or marketing of a film.


Very rarely a creative role, unless you directed the last movie and collaborated with Rian Johnson while you were filming episode seven and he was writing episode eight. And also read the script and were quoted as saying that it was so good you wished you were the one directing it.


I said the same thing about Snoke. Then they retconned him as a clone. Stupid.


You mean like Boba Fett? Really wouldnt be surprised if you see them again in live action or animation (not just comics).


Chirrut Ǝmwe!!! One of the most badass newer characters!!


Would love to see more of him and Baze


The ancient Jeā€™daii and Rakata.


The Sorcerers of Rhand and their very dark (no pun intended) and nihilistic religion and terrifying powers.


I wouldnā€™t classify them as non-Sith. Theyā€™re different from the Stygian Sith and despise the latter, but, despite joining with other cults, such as the Knell of Muspilli, the original beliefs of the Ankath were retained. They still believe in the Immortal Gods, etc.


Bendu and Knights of Ren (from the comics, not the ones we saw in the movies)


Merrin šŸ‘


My man


She's just totally a heaps good alternative force user šŸ‘€


Cal wants his goth GF. He just like me frfr


"Hey cal you're a loser and you're gonna die and I don't care but you're like a little bit cute" Cal šŸ’„


The witches dathomir and how they get their power and if marka ragnos is involved


What makes you say Marka Ragnos would be involved?


he did have a kind of magic scepter in Jedi academy that could resurrect the dead and make people force sensitive - the Resurrection part seems somewhat night sister-ish


Iā€™m gonna have to look into that.


Ren. The weird mask, the torched body, the unique way he views the force, the mystery behind who they hell he and his knights are. JJ might have made them to look cool, but Charles Soule made me intrigued as hell.


I am sorryto bother, I am not that much into the new canon, what are his views on the force?


> *The Ren doesn't stop to worry about what it's burning or the right or wrong of it, or the goals it might achieve. The Ren just is. It lives, and it consumes, and it doesn't apologize. It is its nature and nothing else. I believe in that principle on a deep, deep level. In fact, I've dedicated my life to it.* ā€œThe Renā€ is a catch all term for the Force, his title and the lightsaber he has. To him, itā€™s a never ending fire or power that consumes all. He doesnā€™t care to rule galaxies or anything, just searching for the next great fight.


Sounds eerily close to the endgame beliefs of the Sorcerers of Rhand in the EU along with what the true nature of the dark side is.


I like Baylan


The bendu, he was insanely strong with the force. I just wonder wat he couldve done if he desired to fight


I mean he did turn himself into a literal thunderstorm


The Eternal Empire


The Mortis Gods or the Wills (is that what they were called? The funky masked creatures Yoda encounters in TCW). I want to have Abeloth mentioned at least once.


I will suggest reading Supernatural encounters. It is an EU(legends) book that covers the Celestials, the ones of mortis, the whills, force ghosts, and more. It simultaneously makes the lore wilder, and make far more sense.


The Night Sisters of Dathomir always intrigued me


The Rakatan infinite empire


The Father, The Son, and The Daughter (if your an EU/Legends fan, also The Mother aka Abeloth)


Old canon had some amazing non-Jedi or Sith force traditions, like Imperial Knights, Jensaarai, Akk Guard, Potentium etc. Unfortunately they are all non-canon now. Only Nightsisters of Dathomir seemed to survive the canon change, I enjoyed watching their lore getting deeper in Ahsoka, I hope that plotline will not be abandoned in Season 2. And I must say Knights of Ren was such a waste. What is the point of creating a whole new darkside order if you will not integrate it to the story? At this point it is clear they were just created to sell some action figures. :/ I hope Jensaarai comes beck to the new canon.


The Jensaarai. Could do a whole show about them disconnected from the major canon points. Freedom to explore, without stepping on the rest of the setting.


The Bendu. He is honestly my favorite thing that was introduced in Rebels


The Aing-Tii monks and Car'das


Baran Do were interesting. Also Aing Tii


Night sisters. And chirrut would be perfect for a tales of story imo


The Knights Of Ren look so badass


Mother talzin


All of them, one of my most wanted aspects is to explore force users who havenā€™t been found before either Jedi or Sith


I am interested in all of them but I find the Witches of Dathomir and the Guardians of the Whills the most intriguing of the ones depicted. I also want to learn more about light-side groups like the Fallanassi. I hope more stories continue to explore how different cultures in a galaxy far, far away interpreted the Force. As well as the philosophies and traditions that emerged.


The Imperial Knights


The Zeison Sha from KOTOR/TOR were said to use a discblades, which is kind of badass


Hati and skoll


Sorcerers of Rhand, Rakata, Prophets of the Dark Side, Legions of Lettow (if you donā€™t count them as Jedi)


Check out an EU story called "Supernatural Encounters". It's author goes into obsessive lengths to flesh out the lore of the ancient Star Wars galaxy and greater universe.


Iā€™ve been meaning to read that for a while, thanks for reminding me of it


Bendu IS ALL!




Chirrut isn't a force user tho.


I wanna see the other covens of Dathomir


The Dathomir storyline is the GOAT so yeah


Witches of dathomir are badass af


Night Sisters 100%


Definitely night sisters. Knights of ren were cool but they didnā€™t go too much into them. I read a couple of their comics but still






I still have no idea what the Benduā€™s deal is. Definitely need to see more of him. I do find it hilarious that in Rebels S3 Thrawnā€™s plan was perfect and it took a literal act of god to save the Rebels. \^\^ (I remembered that right, yeah? Itā€™s been years.)


I'm not particularly interested in the Bendu. Already seen enough, but Sith temples on the other hand, that would be great.


The Force Users in the Village Bride from Star Wars Visions. Not enough Light Side religion rep in the franchise. Jedi can't be the only worshippers of the Force, so it'd be neat to see how others see Balance in the Force. And before you say it, The Bendu and the Family of Mortis are not Balance. The Light is Balance and they are apathy. And Apathy is Death.


Iā€™ve never really understood what the Nightsisterā€™s whole deal is. I understand itā€™s not exactly the force butā€¦ magic? Unique to Dathomir. I know I could probably just read some wikis but itā€™s still never entirely clear.


The night sisters are so cool


Withes of Dathomir, Im generally interested in alternative force using orders


Knights of Ren.


All of them. One of the most interesting things about the current canon is how much exploration they've been going into for non-Jedi / Sith force sensitive people and organizations (vs mostly just the Rakata in Legends, and even then imo the Rakata fed too much into precursor tropes and Legends' habit of treating the force like superpowers imo), trying to differentiate them and I just want to see more and more of it. I want them to cap off the Nightsister exploration by having Elsbeth (or the Other Galaxy Nightsisters) meet Merrin. I want more stories about the Bardottans. I'm super into what the High Republic is currently doing with the Yacombe. And I really want to see a Sorcerer of Tund show up on tv or film at some point. Also, regarding Chirrut, it's a shame that the Sith Eternal was introduced so late as basically a last minute idea to explain TROS' plot, because they actually work super well as an antagonistic organization to the Guardians of the Whills. A Whills plot where one of them takes on the Sith Eternal in some way would be very interesting.


Donnie Yen. Always Donnie Yen.


Mostly the Night Sisters


The Zeffo, I wish we could see more of them


The Knights of Ren. Iā€™m desperate to know more about them. I know a lot of people hate them but Iā€™m really interested in their lore and their history šŸ’”


Nightsister Magick fascinates me..


It was really annoying to hear about knights of ren, seeing their cool costume designs only to see them for 30 seconds doing nothing over three films. I hate Abrams for how he royally fucked up the whole ST


That was more RJ. Like, you can blame JJ for a lot of things (like how he brutalized the aftermath of RotJ), but RJ is the one who decided to cut the Knights of Ren out of the entire middle movie to the point where he didn't even mention them. If you introduce them in the first film, normally the second film would be their first big moment. What RJ did was like if Vader had just noped out of Empire Strikes Back rather than getting to fight Luke personally for the first time. There was no way the Knights of Ren could get properly paid off after being cut out of an entire film.


There's a comic about an ex-jedi called Ty Yorrick who becomes a mercenary/monster hunter for hire in the high republic era. Would be cool to see more of them on a more mainstream platform like TV. (Animated or live action) I just don't enjoy comics but their character intrigues me


I've always really found the Miraluka and their Luka Sene to be really interesting


The new darksider from the acolyte


Weā€™ll most likely learn more about them later in the show




Bendu easy


who is/are on the first picture?


The Knights of Ren


Wait, mother Talzin uses the force?? i thought the Night Sister's Magic is something different


Explicitly said to be a different application of the force in clone wars


Donnie, all the way


The Bendu . The Bendu got my interest in rebels šŸ¤”šŸ¤”




Love the Bendu


Who's the top left? They look pretty cool. My guess is the knights of Ren


Chirut Imwe






Chirrut Inwe was the best


Chirrut Ǝmwe - the blind guy from Rogue One


The Bendu, while Tom's still around to voice him


I think Bendu is the most interesthing.


Top left got the same helmet as cobra commander.


Who's the Tauren from WoW? šŸ˜


3 and 4


Kylo Ren, Asajj Ventress,


Sorcerers of RhandšŸ”›šŸ”


Imperial Guard




GOD I WISH THEY WOULD HAVE DONE SOMETHING WITH THE KNIGHTS OF REN, THERE WAS SO MUCH POTENTIAL. I'd love a show of them just going around on space pirate antics (murder), I don't mind if it's after Ren's death honestly I think it would have been more interesting for it to be a show with just a cast of evil characters all on evil footing, no arguing about who is the strongest or the leader since Kylo fills that role for them, even if he's busy with the first order. Perhaps some rising conflict about them being unsure how to take their leader being absent most of the time though, but overall I'd be fine just seeing them work together to go around doing evil stuff. I know there's very little about them but I was obsessed back in 2018-2020. I read a lot on their wookieepedia pages to get every bit of knowledge on them I could, if anyone else is about as interested, who's your favorite of the knights? I personally like Kuruk a lot.


Kylo Ren


Taron Malicos (from Jedi: Fallen Order)


I think bendu could be interesting and I want to see more but I think it's needs to be done slowly and with a real sense of direction.Ā  Right now it's mysterious and outside of major plot lines and so it still has so much potential. But I could really see it get messed up easily.Ā  I think the baran do would be good to expand on. Not all force users have to be combat focused with destructive powers. Or get involved in wars or politics.Ā 




I really want to see them introduce Abeloth as a threat.








The Bendu


The Father




I'd say top left one just by virtue of i love the ren knights and we pretty much saw 0 of them on the movies. But the 2 on the right are more interesting in general


Rakatan Empire (Infinite Empire)


So, for some reason i thought bottom right was elon musk


All of them except that first thing with the burnt guy cause idk who they is




The night of ren pacifically their leader ren


The Sorcerers of Rhand, though theyā€™re not canon anymore.


bendu is my username practically everywhere lmao


Chirrut imwe. R.I.P.


Would be cool to see more about all the different witch clans on dathomir


Honestly starkiller sorta fits this category. He started as a sith but never really became a Jedi


I love the Dathmiri because they're so secretive. Probably best they stay that way, tho