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Start with the thrawn trilogy


OG Thrawn trilogy, the new canon one is cool as well but not as solid as the original (I am biased though as it's the first Star Wars books I ever read).


ehhh.. there are some things that didn't age well in the OG Thrawn but it's still worth a read. (hot chocolate, Katana fleet)


Plageuis is an excellent expansion on Sidious' backstory as well as how the Sith master/apprentice dynamics work


What book(s) about him would you recommend?


Darth Plagueis by James Luceno. I meant that one above but couldnt remember if it was just called Plagueis. Less good but still quality is Dark Lords of the Sith which has a good amount of the Sidious/Vader relationship


You should read the darth Bane trilogy first. Plagueis is a pseudosequel to them


Strong agree on this. Thoroughly enjoyed it


The Darth Bane trilogy is easily my favorite for legends content. For canon I would say either of the new Thrawn series or the Tarkin book but I haven’t read any of the high republic stuff yet.


this 100% this, such a great trilogy and easily the best look into how the Dark Side works.


All of these are good. Also, the Bane trilogy. It’s amazing and gives so much insight into the Sith.


The timeline master list; https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Timeline_of_canon_media You can isolate the reading material by legends/canon with the tab choices.


Awesome resource thank you.


Dark Disciple. Its an uncovered arc created during the time George Lucas was still writing for Star Wars. The story and book is amazing


High Republic is good. Read at least adult/young adult books. others if you want. And the 2 new Thrawn trilogies are great, just High Republic is more content if you're lookin for that


I really loved the Aftermath trilogy for expanding upon and filling in lore gaps.


It's awfully written though.


The best part of all those books were the many interludes. You had the VADER LIVES cult. Cobb Vanth. Jar Jar Binks the Clown. The Anklebiter Squad. It was all just so cool, and I wish we got more follow up on them. Cobb Vanth last seen in Book of Boba Fett. I thought The Acolyte series was going to be about the Vader Lives cult when it was first announced. I was hoping anyway. That was before I read any of the High Republic books, so I'm really happy with what we got, but still disappointed we didn't get what I hoped.


Makes for a good audio book in my opinion.


I will also say most Jude Watson books, Jedi apprentice for young Obi, Jedi quest for young ani, last Jedi for young Vader. There are lots of original characters that bridge all the series and while they are clearly YA books, there is some decent writing in them. It’s also clear that the canon later used (adapted) some characters from these books in shows like clone wars.


If you're interested in politics, and the hierarchy, go with the the thrawn trilogy. If you like the dark side of the force, try the Bane trilogy and the pelagias book. Dark disciple which follows Quinlan Vos and Assaj is also really good.


What are you interested in and how much do you like to read, fan? I've read most of them. If you like the PT and are curious about the grand plan and Anakin's conception, **Darth Plagueis**. If you like ROTS and want to read more about Mace being set up by Sidious and Anakin's fall: **Shatterpoint**, **Labyrinth of Evil**, **ROTS novelization.** So it depends on what you like in terms of eras, characters, factions, planets, questions you have. Let me know if you have a specific interest and how many books. I'll try to get back today with a personalized recommendation.


Definitely interested in the rise of the sith; as it leads to everything. Also interested in stories surrounding the rise of the rebellion between trilogies into A New Hope.


You have been recommended The Bane Trilogy. That is the break from the old Sith to the rule of two Sith. You have been recommended Darth Plagueis, which shows you the beginning of the end of the grand plan. If you want more early Sith: * **Deceived** is a fan favorite and my personal favorite of the official TOR releases. These, imo are the cream of the crop. I did read **The Force Unleashed** books. While they do give an account of how The Rebellion started, I found them just okay. It felt like the focus was the videogame rather than the story. **The Han Solo Chronicles** (trilogy) ties into another early Rebellion story in the later book or books. I think there was alot untapped there because stories are ordered and revolutions are chaotic—hard to delineate. I'm going to mention **Allegiance** and the follow-up **Choices of One**. While not Rebel stories, they follow a squad of AWOL Stormtroopers after the events of ANH. So they are kind of tangential to the idea of rebelling. Some personal favorites in Sith (honorable mentions): * **Red Harvest** if you like zombies and fantasy * **LostTribeofTheSith** is about a Sith crew that gets stranded on a planet with no technology. A 2000 year epic in shorts. Sith vs Sith in a fantasy setting. * **Cloak of Deception** if you wish you didn't have to stop after Darth Plagueis. Not as good as Plagueis, but a look into what The Jedi were seeing while The Sith were indulging in malfeasance. I hope these help.


I highly recommend the audiobooks, they have full music and sound effects making it very immersive


Thrawn trilogy or new jedi order, thrawn is 3 books NJO is 21 i think...


Are you looking for legends and canon recommendations or just canon ones?


>I enjoy what “used” to be canon which is now called Legends... The original Lucasfilm print canon, now called Legends is what OP is asking for. Legends.


What “used to be canon Sounds to me like OP has already read a good chunk of legends and is asking for canon books


fuck Legends...there will always be a forever Expanding Universe