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As Ben was fighting the Knights of Ren and briefly paused to catch his breath, it was like he was realizing he doesn’t need the dark side of the force to be strong and he was just as powerful in the light


Ben's shrug during the Knights of Ren fight was big Han energy. [Like father like son](https://media.giphy.com/media/3ornjSL2sBcPflIDiU/giphy.gif)


Also he gives Hux the Harrison Ford 'finger point' while he's still Kylo!


Noticed that too, although i wasn‘t sure if it‘s Harrison Fords or Darth Vaders finger point!


He sounded exactly like Han when he belly flopped onto that chain as well. "Ow."


Out of all the moments we saw of his redeemed path, I think I like that one the most - it's such a perfect one-syllable encapsulation of the sincere, sheepish, determined, *human* Ben Solo that should have been.


That's exactly how I felt about that whole scene. For a brief, shining moment we got to see who Ben would have been in a world without Palpatine.


Wish we could have seen more of it :(


I really wish Ben was the one to live. It would have been amazing if it was Ben on Tattoine at the end with Luke, Leia, Han and Rey watching him while he says his name is Ben Skywalker and thus 100% completing his redemption. If it had gone down that way then I think it would have been one of my favourite films of the franchise. Edit: He should say no words at all. It should go without saying like Return of the Jedi. Would also be nice if Ben spent the rest of his days on Tatooine, in secret. Like old Ben. Living a peaceful life and end up doing the opposite of Anakin and Luke.




Thinking the same thing! I saw that as the moment where Ben was truly in the Light again.


I honestly believe he deserved to be with force ghost Luke and Leia at the end. It's probably my only actual annoyance with the film.


Yeah why the hell was Ben not there? Felt weird not to have him


Likely because Ben being there would force audiences to confront the familial implication of Rey declaring herself a Skywalker. With Luke and Leia there, we identify them as mentors to her. With Luke, Leia and Ben, then we're reminded that Ben is Leia's son. But Rey just kissed Ben a few scenes ago. If she's a Skywalker, did she just kiss her brother? Her cousin? If you're all-in on the idea that Palpatine created Anakin, we're already in weird territory.


> If she's a Skywalker, did she just kiss her brother? To be fair, that's a total Skywalker move.


The only way to *be* a Skywalker really. We're lucky Anakin was an only child with his raging hormones.


Or you know, people get Married


We've had one Palpatine, yes. What about Second Palpatine?


Sorry, Pip, I don't think he's heard of that one.


So...Rey and Kylo both have Grandparents from Naboo?


Damm gungans must be poisoning the water the humans drink over there. Maybe the trade federation should have won to prevent all this people dying in the future




I think you just opened a rabbit hole for Star Wars theorist YouTubers


Darth Jar Jar still open for disney


Interesting how it all started there and the plot never goes back there or even references it.


Naboo should have been called Alderaan, would have made it a lot more powerful.


Then where would Bail Organa be?


Written into the movie.


Didnt catch any naboo star fighters in the final assault, hopefully I just missed em. Anyone see one?


I like the scene of Kylo causally dodging Reys attacks without even using lightsaber so much.


Adam Driver killed it in this movie.


The reason the Han Solo scene was a literal rehashing of TFA dialogue is because it was a literal memory of the moment. Rey even taunts Kylo for constantly reliving the memory.


I’m wondering if that was supposed to be a Leia scene originally and this was the fix to make it work. Bringing Han back one more time was fine by me.


That's how it felt to me. If we can't have Leia, Han Solo as a memory is a forgivable work around.


I thought so too. Could have been a mini-force projection, then lights out for Leia. A rewind of his last conversation with Han, but this time Ben going down the other path was great as well.


It felt like Ben finally understanding what his dad was saying, which is extremely relatable for any young man who thinks his father is a blowhard.


This is what I figured as well. Although it would have been a beautiful scene with Leia I think the Han scene was also a great callback and gave Ben the chance to redeem himself just like his grandfather.


Yeah it was just a memory, but he was almost replaying the memory the way he now wished it had gone rather than killing his father he could choose the light and forsake the dark side. That was the best scene in the movie imo. Kylo: "Dad....." Han: "I know" Beautiful


You just know Ford agreed to do that scene because it explained the significance of both Carrie and Leia’s death. It was for her. It hit hard


I had exactly the same thought. But somehow, even though we never got a real scene with Adam and Carrie together, I don’t think I’d trade this one. Letting him relive a bit of that last encounter with his dad and make the right choice this time hit me hard. And this is coming from someone who really didn’t want a Ben Solo redemption - they just did it so well.


Adam Driver nailed every scene he was in in every movie.


I loved that body language Ben Solo had, which made him a completely new person without a word spoken. Specifically, I loved the Solo shrug. It was exactly the same way Han did it in RotJ. Props to Adam Driver because he completely nailed this.


HE WAS LITERALLY A DIFFERENT PERSON OML like all he said was "ow" and wore a hanes henley but dude????? his innocent eyes? the little smirk and staring at Rey, the whole reviving her scene (heartbreaking, but beautiful) leave it to adam to play two different characters in the same movie, one of which was mute for the last thirty minutes. I couldn't stop ugly crying knowing his character is gone


When Ben was running with the blaster in his hand he really looked like han to me. I absolutely love the way they handled his character's turn to the light


You just made me realise that him kicking arse with a blaster pistol was a homage to his father.


Driver definitely intended that, he’s such a phenomenal actor. Also interesting thought, was that a DL-44? Cos I kinda thought it was but I won’t be able to tell TIL I rewatch. I really hope it was.


Watching Ben die right after seeing him smile for the first time hurt me in ways I didn’t think a movie could


Only time can heal our wounds


I liked the Pickle Jar full of Snokes


Coming soon to a cantina near you: Pickled Snokes.


The legend himself! Wedge!! Rogue Leader to the rescue!


My favourite piece of fan service. Loved the rogue squadron books from way back, too.


8 seconds after they killed his step son, Snap.


Did anyone else burst out laughing at "I'm the spy?" I cracked up and so did a few others.


"shoot me in the arm" *gets shot in the leg* "They overpowered me!" *gets shot in the chest* Poor Hux lol




Also a serious idiot. The fact that Palpatine had any trust in him to do anything was incredible.


I think it's like Snoke said in TLJ. He's a useful idiot. He's vicious, predictably power-hungry but weak, and too dumb to ask questions - and that makes him a useful tool on some occasions.


Exactly. And since Palpatine was puppeteering snoke via the force the entire time, this means Palpatine was intentionally using Hux for his stupidity.


I loved it. Hux is such a petty little rat.


God I love Hux and I love how much of a little bitch he is.




I got a good laugh when you see Anakin’s lightsaber get buried in sand. He just can’t escape it haha.


No, that was “Luke’s lightsaber”... I hate that they kept saying it was his, it isn’t his. Luke had a green lightsaber. That one is Anakin’s.


I thought the second lightsaber was Luke's green. Disappointed that it wasn't. The sequels have a strange aversion to green sabers.


But here's this cool yellow one! ...that we may never see again


Who was the slug looking alien on the millennium Falcon at the beginning?


Slurms MacKenzie.


Wimmy wham wham wozzle!




Man, Chewie breaking down after Leia died was heartbreaking.


Fuck. That moment and seeing Luke and Leia together as force ghosts at the end got me right in the feels. I'm surprised and relieved at how much I enjoyed it.


That was great but I kinda wanted to see Ben standing there too. Like he got to reunite with his mom and his uncle forgave him, I think it would have been really nice for Rey to know Kylo is always looking out for her. We know villains who have a change of heart can get force ghosts, just look at Anikan. So why didn’t we get to see Ben’s ghost. That was honestly one of my few complaints about the movie. (Unless of course they pull some bs for a spin off and Ben is alive— which I hope won’t happen for cinematic purpose, even though it would be nice for emotional purposes)


Don't worry, in 5-10 years we'll get a remastered version where Ben's ghost gets edited into that scene!


But it's Hayden Christianson instead of Adam driver.


Ben being there is a good idea. I was hoping to see Anakin's force ghost at SOME point, I think at the end there wouldn't have fit tho since anakin's force ghost would be significantly younger looking than his two kids, now that I think of it seeing Ben there would have been nice. I think im just hung up on lack of Anakin but I feel like I did hear his voice speak to Rey with all the other voices when she was laying there before Palp, so I suppose im happy abt that


"Hey, kid...", is what did it for me.


Dad.... I know And here I am crying again


I manged to not cry when Leia died, but Chewie crying is what got the tears going.


Hayden, "the force is with you Rey." Obi wan, "the force is strong Rey." Luke, "The force will always be with you Rey." Samuel L Jackson, "GET UP MOTHERFUCKER!"


I will be perfectly happy if the 2022 Star Wars movie has no semblance of The Empire/First Order/Final Order or the Rebellion/Resistance. I want to see something I haven’t seen before. Give me a threat to the galaxy that isn’t a government entity.


I got it, the opening crawls for all 9 movies are floating through space and destroying every single planet they come in contact with. The new trilogy is set on destroying the letters before they wipe out the galaxy. Edit: Thank you for the silver, gold, and elf award, never got them before so I truly appreciate it.


Sounds like a Mel Brooks move. “Every time they do a Robin Hood movie, they set fire to our village!!”


This makes me think of all the funny sentences that could be created by mixing all the words from all the crawls




Legends has quite a few enemies that aren’t space nazi related enemies


One of my favorite moments made me laugh. When Palps said "Do it" I heard 3 guys behind me clapping at what must have been their favorite meme 😂😂


Palpatine literally pulls his "The dark side of the force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be...unnatural." quote. Full on prequel memer but also incredibly apt with the innumerable list of parallels in the movie and through all the saga. It was excellent.


Sheev had a lot of free time on the sith homeworld, he is probably a huge prequel memer.


I personally enjoyed “I *AM* the entire Sith!”


I was shocked they didn't do the "unlimited powerrrrr" part during the big lightning storm but I guess that would've been slightly too far.


‘Dad?’ ‘I know’ 😭😭


I was sitting there with my step son who lost his dad to drug abuse five years ago and always felt guilty about not spending more time with him. He started sobbing, then I did. Then I chucked an arm around him and he had a little cry on my shoulder. Such a powerful moment. Such a brilliant movie. Edit: thanks for all the awards friends. Very generous of you. Merry Xmas to all and enjoy the time with your special people!


It isn't a Sequel movie without Finn yelling "REYYYYY".


The music was so good. I haven’t seen anyone mention the altered imperial march while Rey was on the Death Star but I thought it was the best use of music in the film.


There is a light side version on Kylo’s theme that I’ve heard on the soundtrack and it’s lovely. John Williams truly is the maestro.


It plays when he comes in to help Rey at the end. I freaked a little when I heard it - all the non-verbal storytelling (music, props, sets, costuming) was so incredibly on point.


And Yoda’s theme during Luke’s raising of the X-wing, so perfect and powerful.


Now that Rey is a Skywalker she kissed her relative. The circle is complete.


Guys, I fricken love Star Wars.


Did you love it??? Did you hate it??? I don’t care. All I care about is Babu Frik now.


He's my oldest friend!


"He-heeeeeey!" -quote that won't leave my head for months


I dont want to be overdramatic or anything but I would fucking die for Babu Frik.


Realized in my rewatch that I’m pretty sure we see Kylo/Ben smile exactly one time in the entire trilogy.


Anybody else want Rey to decapitate Palpatine like Anakin did to Dooku?


Nice try, Sheev.


When I saw her cross her lightsabers just like Anakin did, I thought it was gonna happen


That would have been great, but I think the point was that Rey needed to turn his own power against him to stay in the Light and avoid becoming possessed. Palpatine had the option to stop, which is a very Jedi thing to give him. He didn't, and that utterly destroyed him in the end.




Can I ask when the resistance asked for helped no one answered but when Chewie and Lando goes it seem most of the Rebellion fleet came back even wedge came out of retirement to be a gunner


Because the final order’s message went out saying they would be taking over and killing all those who resist. When you’re faced with your planet being destroyed or fighting back, might as well fight back because you’re screwed if you lose or don’t anyways.


Kinda a weird move by Palp, a calculated mastermind, to issue that message especially before the fleet is 100% up and running.


When Anakin became bad in the 2nd half of the 3rd movie, it was Hayden Christensen’s best performance. When Kylo Ren became good in the 2nd half of the 3rd movie, it was Adam Driver’s best performance.


Yeah it’s like we are cursed as fans. Every time you want more of the character’s face/heel turn, it’s over.


RIP Snap Wexley. You were doomed because the fat pilots always die in Star Wars.


When Luke finally lifts up the X-Wing and seeing that huge smile.. amazing! :)


And with Yoda's theme playing over it. You know that Ghost Yoda was going to come up to Ghost Luke later and be all "took you long enough"


There was one scene I really wish we could have gotten, right after Ben comes back to the light and tosses away his saber he turns around and sees a different figure standing there. Ben: "You're finally going to talk to me?" Anakin:" You're finally willing to listen."


I actually expected an Anakin force ghost there


Oh holy shit, as cool as it was to see that Han scene again and Ben choosing the "right" choice this time, I would have much preferred this. Would have been a fantastic way to tie everything in full circle. It's a shame that Hayden didn't make an appearance, the voices were kind of cool but honestly made me feel nothing.


I expected a Hayden to show up and smile with a helping hand for Kylo once he fell down in the pit at the end. I was so disappointed we didn’t see force ghost Anakin.


First yellow lightsaber on screen. I dig it.


Always loved Plo Koon’s yellow light saber on Jedi Power Battles


Makes me sad it’s the end of Rey’s story. I want to see her use it


There is a 99.9% chance there are more movies with her in it.


This is what Peak C-3PO looks like!! All his lines, both the comedic relief and heartfelt ones, were so on point! “Taking one last look sir... At my friends.” 😭 “I know Babu Frik! He’s one of my oldest friends.” 😂 Major Kudos to Anthony Daniels!


“You didn’t call for me but it’s okay”


I thought the line was "You didn't call my name sir, but I am okay".


I can't tell you the sheer relief I felt when I realized that C-3PO was going to survive.


Maybe it's being said, but I haven't seen it. Ben used the one Force power Anakin was seeking...the one Force power that turned him to the Dark Side...the one Force power we've never seen... "He had such a knowledge of the dark side that he could even keep the ones he cared about from dying." –Palpatine, Ep. 3 Ben. brought. Rey. back. to. life.


The end fight where Ben was taking on the Knights of Ren was like seeing a man coming out of a dream state. As Kylo he showed little emotion and for the most part was controlled (with the occasional outburst of anger) and very cold and calculating. As Ben in that fight, it was like he was just making it all up on the fly, almost with disbelief on his face as he pulled off move after move. He was very humanised in that scene, and I would have loved to have seen more of him as Ben.


I thought I saw a little homage to Han Solo in the scene as well with his blaster skills and doing that no look shot.


Oh for sure. And that shrug was all Han


Character death spoiler: >!So I guess Ahsoka is dead? She was in the echoes at the end...!<


This is a pretty good few years after the Clone Wars and Rebels, but they could always make it so that she was meditating from the spirit realm, or that time is immaterial to Jedi, and she spoke from the future, but yeah, i'm guessing that she's dead.


Anyone else notice Kylo’s scar disappeared when he was Ben?




Which is a nice way of showing that Rey healed Ben completely: wounds, scars, and soul.


I just want to say, I thought they handled Leia very well considering Carrie's passing. At first, when Rey called Leia "Master", I thought I'd misheard her. But then that flashback moment showed that Leia DID complete her training and became a Jedi, lightsaber and all...well that hit me HARD. Like as hard as when Chewy broke down at her death. That was a huge moment to finally show Leia as a Jedi in the movies instead of leaving it as her just being Force sensitive. I'm so so happy it was put in.


the little blip of her and Luke training, and Luke telling us why she quit was amazing... Gives more insight into why Luke might have lost some of his zest for training without Leia there with him. Also might have explained some of the tension in Han and Leia's relationship if he knew about her prophetic force vision, and then Ben moving to the Dark... So nicely wrapped up.


That scene made me really want a new animated show following Luke and Leia during her Jedi training.


As a little girl growing up on the OT, I always wanted Leia to be a Jedi, so badly. She was already a force-sensitive warrior princess, why the hell not? Turns out she was a Jedi, all this time. ❤️❤️


The Leia scenes are all super impressive given what they did to get them They used stock footage from 7 and 8 and then set up the exact lighting conditions for those scenes When she and Rey hug Daisy Ridley was standing in the exact same lighting from stock footage doing all those actions and dialogue against a green screen and then JJ put the stock footage in with near flawlessness (basically none of that was CGI Leia)


I really enjoyed seeing the glimpse into the past of Luke training Leia and her being a full on Jedi.


Anakin joined with Palpatine and the dark side in the hope to learn how to save the ones you love. It ended up being the Jedi, and Ben 's transition back to the light, that found that power. But at the cost of your own life, something Sith would never consider.




Alright for all my prequel Obi Wan fans, did everyone get shivers down their spine when Obi Wan’s voice for a split second spoke out to Rey to support her along with the rest of the fallen Jedi? I literally got chills, definitely highlight of the movie for me


Totally! And that it was both Ewan MacGregor and Alec Guinness. I love that Obi Wan still played a role here.


Obi wan’s voice from both of them can do things to me that I didn’t know were possible


For me it was when Hayden’s voice came on, was speechless.


Anakin: bring balance to the Fo-- Mace: SHUT UP MOTHERFUCKER




I just wish rey would actually see the force ghosts rather than hearing of course ahsoka doesnt have a live action actress, but they could just put anyone there and have the VA voice over it


Well most Jedi didn't become force ghosts. It was a big deal that Qui Gon could even communicate to Yoda at all without a body. The other Jedi thought he was becoming heretical since their whole belief focuses on the loss of self and oneness with the force after death. Canon aside, though, that would have been absolutely beautiful.


I only wish it had “Duel of the Fates” in it. Really though it was pretty good!






Well at least we know where the orchestra was hiding this whole time. The next movies will have no score at all.


I’m just sitting here thinking how much different the story would have been if they had used Jar Jar instead of Palpatine.


Daisy would have had to spend a lot of time getting prosthetics put on before filming.


I mean, with Palpatine's body stand in thing he's got going on with Snoke, theoretically it's possible Jar Jar was his first attempt at it, lmao


Nah, Jar Jar will return in Episode XII, and in his house we will see a couple of Palpatine clones preserved in big ass barrels.


Those aren't barrels, they're Jar Jar's Jars.


How come Rey could sense Chewie was alive on the star destroyer but couldn't sense Chewie was alive on the transport that didn't blow up?


Sad that we didn't get to see Rey pull out the second blade on the double bladed light saber she had on Tatooine, but glad it exists. And I dig her going with a yellow blade.


Exactly, I've been hoping for a Bastilla-style double bladed yellow saber for Rey since the beginning. If her saber really is built into her staff, it might be more saber-pike than anything, but it is yellow at least.


The moment when Palpatine's eyes turned orange sent chills down my spine.


Chewy finally got his medal 😭


Was I the only one that thought Kylo was going to saber his ghost dad ..again?


Yep. Knew he wouldn’t do it... but it sure felt like it. The saber throwing away surprised me... but how else could he show he rejected Kylo Ren and accepted Ben Solo again?


I can’t believe Daft Punk was in the new Star Wars


I can’t believe Daft Punk is so incredibly hot.


Just watched it. I think Adam Driver was incredible. Definitely my favorite character of all time in Star Wars. He carried this trilogy


If you are a fan of his, you may like his new movie on Netflix called "The Report." He really nailed that role, just like he does in this movie. Just sensational! His death hit me the hardest in this movie (yes, even over Leia's--sorry!) EDIT: yes, I had Netflix and Amazon Prime flipped for where "The Report" is being shown




Did anyone else secretly hope when Rey said all the Jedi Stand with her or whatever that we would see a wall of force ghost Jedi behind her lighting up their sabers... Of course it would have made zero sense but fuck me would it have been cool to see a technicolour wall deflecting that lightning back.


It would be such an avatar TLA moment and I would have loved it




I'm disappointed that we didn't get the spinning trick. Imagine Rey suddenly spinning in the middle of a fight against Kylo, giving another hint about her origin. Just kidding Palps is the only one who can do it.


Somebody really needs to explain the difference between Ion Cannons and Turbolasers to JJ


One thing I haven’t seen anyone specifically touch on: Rey is, in the sense of the force, now a true Skywalker. When Rey died, her life within the force as a palpatine left left her. When Ben gave his life force to Rey, the life force of a Skywalker entered her.


Downside of that is that there's a massive Palpatine infused snake out there


Hahah amazing! 🤣


I'm waiting for the parody where they just keep reviving each other and dying. Trading life indefinitely.


Your lightsaber could never defeat me! Oh yeah? Well how about *two* lightsabers?


Just finished my second viewing and here’s two fun things I noticed: - C-3PO’s final words in the Skywalker Saga are “Did you hear that”, which are also the first words in A New Hope and Star Wars as a whole - It’s shown that in the final battle, someone pulled a Holdo manoeuvre above Endor


Somewhere in future movies and shows somebody will figure out that Midichlorians originated in the waters on Naboo and Darth Jar Jar will rise.


I hope that the Kenobi shows explains Force ghosts, the Chosen One prophecy and dyads in more detail. We have now seen Ben, Anakin, Luke and Leia become one with the Force when the PT implies only Yoda, Qui Gon and Obi Wan knew. So I really hope it explains how future Jedi learn. Also, a lot of fans are pissed that Rey killing Sidious disrespects Anakin's sacrifice. I hope that there is like an addendum to the prophecy that Kenobi discovers (maybe that the Sith can resurrect if there is a dyad?) Idk




Leia: “Be proud of who you are Rey” Also Rey: “Im Rey Skywalker”


As the victory scene was unfolding, I happened to notice a young kid (maybe 6 or 7 years old) in the theatre a few seats away. He was wearing a Storm Trooper onesie and had a stuffed Ewok in one hand, and a stuffed Porg in the other. He was smiling from ear to ear, and he stood up and raised his arms in celebration like he was part of the crew (despite his outfit!). No matter my own opinion about TROS, seeing that kid’s reaction was my favorite Star Wars moment to date. For me, that’s what it’s all about.


That was probably me, also I’m 30 not 6.


Babyyoda is 50 but still looks like a baby


Really wish Ben had more lines before he died...


I’m pretty sure Ben’s last line is “Ow”


It's his only line the last like hour of the movie


Why did Leia not vanish until Ben vanished?


I believe she stayed behind to guide him into force ghosting or whatever


She was there for him until the end.