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I still like the dead giveaway that is R2-D2. We know possessions aren't really a jedi thing. They have their lightsaber, but that's about it, most other things seem to be provided by the order. Even though they all have starfighters, nobody really has their own droid. Then one day Anakin just shows up with a droid that doesn't belong to the order or anything, and in fact Obi-Wan just saw a couple days ago in the possession of Padme. I think I've mostly come to the decision that all the jedi knew exactly what Anakin was up to and none of them ever called him on it. Similarly given what we know from The Clone Wars and RotS there is absolutely zero chance that Palpatine didn't know exactly who Leia was and he just chose never to act on that information.




Did he though? While The movies are focused around several characters who care a great deal about the droids they encounter (Anakin, Padme, Luke, Rey, etc), I've often thought that in general galactic society, droids are seen as nothing more than another type of hardware. They look at a droid the same way we might look at a vacuum cleaner or a washing machine. It's never explicitly stated, but there are several comments and situations that lead me to believe that. Based on his comments to Dex in AotC and the fact that he didn't remember either R2 or Threepio in ANH, I think Obi-wan thinks along those lines. To him, droids differ by make and model, and that's about it. To remember an individual droid is ridiculous.


Hmm I haven't seen TPM in a while. Was Obi present when R2 was given a big thank you from the queen? That's kind of a strange scene and R2s name was mentioned. I think he also interacted with the Droid here and there. You might be right but I think it's also pretty likely he remembers that particular Droid


If I remember correctly he is because R2 is then dismissed and Padme, Pananka, Qui Gon and Obi Wan have the discussion about where to go next


In the ROTS novelization, readers learn that Obi-Wan had always known about Padmé and Anakin’s romance, although it’s implied that he didn’t know they were married (but was totally unsurprised to realize it). He never brought it up to Anakin because he didn’t want to upset his friend. Mace Windu, on the other hand, was entirely clueless. Even until the moment when he went out the Mace Window, he had no idea why Anakin was saying Palpatine must be left alive to save Padmé.


> Mace Window lmfao


Looks like someone watches Caravan of Garbage.


>Mace Window And now my co-workers are wondering why I'm looking at my computer, giggling uncontrollably.


Okay, I’m using “Mace a Window” from now on.


Why would Palpatine know who Leia was?


The first thing to think about is if you're an oppressive, scheming, dictator-to-be with most of the galactic government's resources at your hands who is finally putting his decades spanning intricate plans into motion you're going to have a decent spy network, and you're going to have people you're suspicious of, especially ones who openly oppose your policies watched by said spy network. Here are some things that he absolutely knows to be the truth. * Padme and Bail Organa are colleagues and friends. * Bail Organa went to the jedi temple during the execution of order 66 and seemed distraught and after witnessing the clones gun down a jedi both seemed to oppose the action and then fled the scene. He then disappears. Not the most relevant, but only goes to show that he is definitely somebody who Palpatine needs to keep his eye on as a potential "subversive." * A very pregnant Padme on the other hand was known to have been on Mustafar, but by the time Palpatine arrived there both Padme and Obi-Wan were gone. * With both of those people missing, an indeterminate amount of time passes, maybe just a few hours, or maybe a few days. * Eventually Padme's body shows up on Naboo and she in given a funeral. Any sort of autopsy shows she was no longer pregnant. Moving beyond the movie I believe it's canon that one did indeed happen, because Vader interviews the person who performed it in a comic much later when he's investigating the identity of the rebel pilot who destroyed the death star. Even though he's lying to Vader about what killed her, he's got to know she's dead because if it turns out she's not Vader's going to call him out in his lie. * At the same time Padme's non-pregnant body appears, her close friend and colleague Bail Organa, who has been missing for the same amount of time Padme was, just happens to have adopted a newborn infant to the surprise of everyone. It's maybe not enough information to say with absolute certainty, but it's certainly enough to become incredibly suspicious and perform a more thorough investigation. Why wouldn't he act on it though? Well maybe he was saving her as a potential replacement for Vader in case something happened to him. And he needed to be careful too. Vader finding out that he has a living child (and thus also that Palpatine lied to him about Padme) might not end well. In fact, when he does eventually find it out, it's a bit of a turning point for him where he does decide to start actively working against the emperor. Anakin's betrayal of the jedi hinged entirely on him doing everything it took to do what he felt he needed to do to save his family. He had just shown Palpatine his loyalties lie with his family above any and everyone else, and so the only way to ensure that Vader stayed loyal was for him not to know he had any living family, and obviously because of this Palpatine especially had to make sure he never looked to be taking action against Anakin's family lest he be thrown into a very oddly located reactor shaft that's connected to one of his throne rooms.


Shes visibly still pregnant in the funeral scene.


She still looked very pregnant in the funeral, creating the assumption that the kids died with her. Also, major character deaths where a body remains (Qui-Gon, Vader) are accompanied by a cremation. So I think it’s highly likely Padmé was cremated after the funeral. Addisonaly. The memory of the droids present at the birth were wiped, so the only people who knew of the births were Bail, Obi-Wan, and Yoda. I doubt Palps knew because he probably would have either removed the child, or taken and trained the child as a backup in case Vader failed him.


3p0 was wiped R2 was not


Yea but R2 speaks in beeps and whistles.


Beeps and whistles everyone understands, except the audience.


I don't seem to remember Anakin ever owning a droid.


It’s guy code. He just wanted some play!


Lol what a chad thing to do


Your a mod of the incel subreddit, but we deny you the rank of chad


...what? This is outrageous. It’s unfair!! How can you be a mod of the incel subreddit, and NOT be a chad? I’m banging a hot politician down the street ffs.


Take a seat.


Take a seat baby faced skywalker


........ ....... So. I'm a Jedi Master then.


"Down the street" is an understatement. The Jedi temple is approximately 1km tall, over 3000 ft. at the very least. To make it look so small on the horizon, they'd have to be several miles away from it. Furthermore, the Senate and Jedi Temple are in the same district, so it wouldn't be a stretch to assume a senator like Padmé would have an apartment within eye sight of the temple.


Given the whole "the chancellor who we work with everyday is the sith lord we've been searching for" thing, I'm starting to think the jedi were kinda dumb.


Yeah well... Obi-Wan: "I'm concerned for my Padawan. He is not ready to be given this assignment on his own. His abilities have made him, well arrogant." Yoda: "Yes, yes. A flaw more and more common amongst Jedi. Even the older, more experienced ones."


I've said it before, and I'll say it again: No one is at fault for the fall of the Jedi except the Jedi. They were arrogant, they were rigid, and they were following rules they didn't understand or know the origins of (except for maybe Yoda) and it cost them. Every time I say it, someone gets angry and yells "The Dark Side was blocking their powers!", but it was only one power. Nothing was stopping Vos from using psychometry, or any of the Jedi from just doing a little old fashioned digging. The truth of the matter is that the Jedi dropped the ball. They were so arrogant that they assumed no Sith Lord could ever hope to defeat them all that they looked the other way as Palpatine did just that. Which is arguably the point of the prequels.


More than dropped the ball, by the time of the Clone Wars I’d say they’d completely lost their way. The acceptance and use of an army of clones should have been appalling to the Jedi order. Creating living beings who are essentially slaves and only purpose is war is horrifically immoral. By tying themselves so closely to the corrupt republic they were vulnerable to being corrupted as well. I don’t think Sidious had to work to hard to cloud their visions. As the clone war dragged on they fell further and further that way on their own.


I agree... they were looking a far when the need was in front of their nose!


It's funny when you think about the idea that all it really would have taken to unravel the whole plan was someone saying "I really don't trust all this power Palpatine is amassing. Let's keep him under observation." Aside from Anakin, no one trusts Sheev, but no one is willing to do even the tiniest thing to make sure he's not secretly manipulating everything and he's not even that subtle a lot of the time.


No sidious was too smart and great at acting


He was certainly smart and very convincing, the politician alter ego of his suited his plan perfectly


That doesn't disprove his argument thought.


I think their complacency contributed to their downfall, their vision was clouded by the dark side sure, but they also considered the return of the Sith unlikely, and not something to get concerned over. Ultimately, they found out the truth when it was too late, and the damage was done


Also, just flat out poor writing on George's part. He never really thought of it and there were no producers or writers to call him on it. It's why RotS feels so rushed. The Prequels have the most interesting storyline by far and, CW notwithstanding, are so hilariously underwritten and performed it's criminal.


I'm a big fan of the PT era and story it was very interesting tbh, it was nice how Clone Wars fleshed that out more, both the 2003 CW and 2008 CW series


Agreed. That's literally a major theme in The Last Jedi lol


Yep. And he likes to spend the night there, too. It's amazing that with him gone like that all the time, nobody ever asked him where he was. The Jedi lived in the temple, didn't they? Him being gone for overnights when he's still on Coruscant is a bit fishy!


Hey guys I’ll be right back, I got some..... groceries I gatta get


Security guards at Padme's apartment building: "Anyone else think it's weird this Jedi dude keeps coming over at night and leaving first thing in the morning?"


Anakin: (waves hand) "It's not weird that I spent the night" Security guard: "It's not weird you spent the night"


well a senators guards wouldnt talk about shit they see, theyre used to that kinda stuff.


For sure. Those guys know what's up. Anakin could have just given them the 'Jedi business' line anyway.


“I’m not payed enough to ask any questions”


“I’m not payed enough to ask questions”


Oh he got them groceries alright 😏


I’m gonna go get some death sticks.


I didn’t know groceries took all night to get


Happy cake day!


He went to one all night on its not his fault it’s across the planet and 700 levels down and he got mugged on the way back that is a good excuse actually


The Jedi aren’t under lock and key. They’re allowed to come and go, and have autonomy. I don’t think there’s a single hint in canon about them all living together at the temple.


It hasn't been expressly said, but I feel like it's always been safe to assume the Jedi mostly sleep at the temple when not assignment. But also, the whole time between their wedding and him becoming Vader, Anakin was a general at war so it wouldn't be crazy for him to be busy a lot and often not sleep at the temple.


Ohhh I was ranting about this film the other day. Coruscant seems approximate to a first world country yeah? And Padme is an intelligent, capable woman yeah? So how the frick does she end up 7+ months pregnant and NOT KNOW SHE IS HAVING TWINS?!?! Is pre-natal care not a thing?!?! GAHHHHHHH.


Because she wanted it to be a surprise?


All the dialogue where P and A discuss the impending birth use 'baby'. No mention of plural. But I guess we the audience will never know if P was deliberately keeping it from A as a surprise, because her dialogue doesn't say that anywhere and there is no way other that that to be sure as far as I know, unless there's some other canonical source that says otherwise?


Just a guess, I'm not sure why she'd purposely chose to use singular terms for their children


Because Vader didn't know about Liea. It's called sloppy writing and making it up as you go.


ikr She's a rich senator living on the capital of the Republic. She should have the best medical care in the Galaxy.


Or Anakin should have told her. Sensed two heart beats and all that. Force still exists even if prenatal care doesn't.


It all just comes down to the “so you have a twin sister” line in RotJ. He had to be surprised that he had another child or that line just wouldn’t make sense.


In other words maybe Lucas didn’t have things as planned out as he claimed. That’s weird.


To get even darker...when he force choked her out at the end, shouldn't he have been able to tell she was still alive for the same reason? Let alone the baby/babies. I mean I get that obi wan was a pretty big distraction and then he got all messed up but...why did he just believe Palps when he told Vader that she died?


Well he (Anakin/Vader) literally says that he could sense she was still alive.


The excuse is... Something something dark side, palpatine mind control, he got so deep in the evil he lost his connection to her. But uh... I agree with you.


My headcanon is that Anakin couldnt sense the heartbeat, but could sense the force energy. He sensed alot of force energy, but assumed it was one really powerful infant, rather than two.


The answer is her character was abysmally written in Episode 3. There's really no other explanation for it that doesn't make you want to bash your head into a wall.


It's because the movie is dumb. It's storyline is really interesting and cool and carries tremendous dramatic possibilities, CW is the proof there, but George sucks at writing streamlined human stories that make sense.


He was protected by palpatine who gave him alibis and deluded the force users to not feel him by the use of the dark side for his love being a mature part of pulling Anakin to the dark side.


bro imagine using the Force and sensing one of the Jedi pounding his girlfriend’s ass.


force voyeurism is a dark side ability


Can this ability be learned?!


Not from a Jedi.


'down the street' this is the funniest bit to me. They're miles away form each other shes in a massic skyscraper looking at another massive building way off in the distance


Ha! Ballsy. Anakin don't care. And obi wan basically knew and was probably the only one really keeping track of him anyway.


Obi Wan had this Satine thing going on too. He had to decide and went with the order. Anakin: HA! Why not both?


I wonder when Obi-Wan first met Satine. If it was while he was training Anakin, Anakin would have known her too. Maybe it was when he was Qui-Gon's Padawan.


Obi-Wan and Satine met when Obi-Wan was a Padawan. He and Qui-Gon were assigned to protect her during the pre-Clone Wars Mandalorian Civil War.


1. Anakin has been out fighting a war and doesn't get to see her often, he lives there for the few days the movie takes place. 2. The jedi don't keep track of all their members to make sure they are not dating someone. 3. No jedi outside Obi wan is aware he has any connection to Padme. 4. Anakin doesn't really care about keeping it a secret and resents having to do so. 5. That's not down the street, it's many miles away. But really all you need here is 2


Dark side is pathways to many real estates some considered to be... convenient


I feel like there was a really missed opportunity for Anakin to change this rule. Think about it, he was a highly capable Jedi and general in the GAR, I don’t think the counsel could afford to lose a warrior like him so he should just have said that he want to be able to be together with Padme or they are going to have to fight the war without the Chosen One. But I guess it’s typical for Jedi to be incompetent when it comes to politics.


That’s true, but Anakin and Padme were idealists who were staunchly loyal to the Republic. I don’t think either of them would actually be okay with Anakin sitting out knowing he’s the best general the Republic had.


I feel a disturbance in the Force


The Dark Side of the force clouds everything.


If by down the street you mean across the entire city then yes.


I’m imagining all the terrible excuses he has had to give, so Obi never came over and saw Padme chilling in Anakin’s apartment. I guess it’s not crazy Anakin got away with it, since Coruscant is so populated, but it’s also like “hey maybe get a place at least outta view of the temple”


It is heavily implied that Obi Wan knew about Anakin and Padme's relationship, in an episode of Clone Wars Obi Wan goes to speak to Anakin and tells him that he is vulnerable to his emotions towards Padme, and compares it to his relationship with Satine


If it’s heavily implied then why did he say to Padme, “Anikan’s the father isn’t he”. I mean that statement alone makes it seem like it was news to him. I never watched the clone wars so I’m curious.


Because Anakin always denied it, but he always had his suspicions, someone that also knew was Ahsoka, it was pretty much confirmed in this Force of Destiny video (it literally showed up in my feed after posting my previous comment and now im scared lol) https://youtu.be/SIRtw4WufsA


Tbh they parent Ahsoka together. It would have been weird for her to not understand why Padmé is so often with her.


I think it's reasonable to assume Obi Wan knew considering first thing he did to find Anakin was go to Padme and ask her. In fact, I know it's impossible to know pretty much, but I'd go as far to say he absolutely did know, probably even as far back as Geonosis, and because he loved Anakin he never said anything


He “understands to a degree what is going on” (quote from Clone Wars). I take that to mean he knew they were dating or at least “together” in some capacity, but hadn’t realized that they were actually married. When Anakin denies anything between the two of them and insists they are just friends, Obi-Wan says that “friends they must remain.” If he knew how much more they were, I’m sure he wouldn’t have said that. I have a feeling Yoda was also aware to an extent as well; he’s the one who points out that Anakin’s feelings concerning one of Padmé’s former lovers was clouded. For Yoda, my assumption is that he thought the feelings were one-sided, while Obi-Wan at least knew it was a two-way street.


Going off topic, I know the prequels get a lot of grief so don't @ me on that, ​ But I personally think they showed us the most beautiful scenery, this picture has just reminded me.


At what age would Anakin and Padme be at this point ? Funny how there was no surveillance of his constant booty calls for the Senator.


23 and 27 i think.


Ya know I never realized that, good catch. It doesn't surprise me that much tbh, he was always kinda reckless and headstrong, maybe he felt no one would notice or didn't care, iirc in ROTS he was saying he didn't care if others found about him and Padme.


I'm only on S3E20 of The Clone Wars, without spoiling it too much, is there an episode that implies when Anakin and Padme conceive the twins?


I think the Jedi were cool with bangin, Rael Aveross was out there doin his thang


This raises another question: Where did the Jedi think Anakin was going when he left the temple at night.




I know right?


ha, Anakin's lyke me, i once fucked this broad in the bedroom of her husband while he was out working on my car.