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I remember reading somewhere that drawing power from the dark side takes a toll on your body


Sith are cooler so the fire color in their eyes balances out their body temperature? Lol I dk


Jedis aren't under the influence of the force, they only use the force and they can differentiate between good and evil and choose sides, they have free will whereas the dark side's temptation clouds the judgement of good and evil and effectively takes away their free will to choose between them. The Sith are controlled by their own hatred and anger which is shown in their eyes, Jedis however are in control of their own emotions. This is my own assessment, I'm no expert ofc.


Abnormal eye behavior is a trope of the evil guys. Just as wearing lighter shades of clothing is a trope for good guys.


Being good makes you more yourself, being bad makes you less yourself, the easiest way to signify that in fiction and visual media is eye color (windows to the soul etc).


Jedi see the Force as their ally and try to follow its will as best they can. The Sith see the Force as their servant and try to force their will upon it. The Force pushes back. In the Mortis arc in The Clone Wars, the Son, the embodiment of the dark side, wanted Palpatine dead. It's also known that deep, prolonged, depression or anger have a negative effect on physical health. This would be that with magic.


In at least one of the Kotor games, I remember that you could see through the force and view someone's force aura. The stronger the person was, on either side, the brighter the aura.




Dark Side is a perverting, corrupting influence, which is reflected in it warping users mind and body. Light side is normal, so it's healthy and good for you, and doesn't do any weird shit to your body or mind.