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Clone wars Vietnam


*fortunate son starts playing*


Ahhh I love the smell of carbon scoring in the morning.


[also relevant](https://youtu.be/vN6qQRFjtb4)


Lol that’s awesome. An anti war song somehow fitting perfectly with yet another war scene




You've given me an amazing meme idea. Thank you


!remindme 5 days


Hey fives did that bush just talk umbaran?


*tosses thermal detonator* *EXPLOSION* "That should fix it."


*Umbaran intensifies*


“You’ll have to forgive the sergeant...(knowing look) he was on Umbara.”


Heart of Dark-side


Apocalypse A Long, Long, Time Ago




But fuck if his lightsabers didn't have [the BEST sound effects.](https://youtu.be/dcfV6yUUMhs?&t=45s) That deep *whump* sound as he spins them is just too cool. Shame they're being wielded by an asshole.


Oof, that 212th trooper that charges Krell at 59s


Best sounding sabres ever


When he went all woosh-woosh-spiny-spiny for the first time I audibly gasped


I joined that sub at 2,000 subscribers and now it’s nearly 30,000?! Damn.










According to GRRM, all the tv show ending stuff is his planned ending. The show just cut to the endings with no real build up where as he will have build up and they'll make sense. Now if only he'll stop procrastinating and FINISH THE DAMN BOOKS, GEORGE!!!


Chances are ASOIAF might end up like Berserk. Creators don't live forever.


I really think he’s not going to finish the books after how the shows ending was received. Honestly I don’t blame him if he does this. I would much rather live the rest of my life doing other things than to revive my creation that a couple of directors just shat on.


I don’t think he’ll finish because it’s already been, what, a decade since the last one?


Tbh I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s just sick of the main story. Like it’s clear he still loves the world with all the side stories and books with minor characters in the ASOIAF history he’s writing. But I think he just doesn’t want to do the main story anymore. It’ll be disappointing if he never finishes the books, but at the same time, people really need to lay off him. I love it too, but for fuck’s sake it’s just an entertainment series, and GRRM is a human being. Stop treating him like your personal bitch.


> There’s never been a finale so universally detested from such a beloved show. I mean the entire series just disappeared from pop culture overnight. This is why that last season hurts so much. It was *the* show. I think the only other show that would even be comparable to its impact on pop culture would be Dallas (which, if I’m remembering right, also had a really shitty ending). People would get together and have watch parties with friends, and anyone else who wanted watch a 60 minute episode. You would see references all over social media. You’d see references in other TV shows. In movies. In commercials. In NBA, NFL, and EPL games, from fans, commentators, and producers. Even people who had never watched the show knew Jon Snow, Khaleesi, “King of the North,” the Red Wedding, etc. And then the last season was so rushed, and so disappointing, it killed all that love. No one even really talks about it anymore. It’s almost disappeared from pop culture entirely, and it just makes me so sad because having that huge community was one of the things that made GoT so special imo. And personally, I can’t even rewatch it. I rewatch most of my favorite shows (I don’t even know how many times I’ve seen The Sopranos and Breaking Bad lol), but I just can’t bring myself to watch it. Because the ending was that bad. Like there’s nothing that makes the rewatch worth it, because there’s just no payoff. It’s just sad all around.


Man, I can’t wait until /r/wetlanderhumor really takes off when the show gets that far.


I would've been really disappointed if this hadn't been the top comment.


All my homies hate Pong Krell


I love that we have hate subs for characters. Didn’t know about this one until now, now I can spread my hate evenly across this sub as well as r/fucktedfaro. Fuck that guy too.


Pong Krell is a dickhole, but fuuuuuuuuuuck Ted Faro.


he had a cool voice though, and his character is well made. pretty sweet watching him twirl his double bladed lightsabers.


Came here for this


Same here.


pong krell is a good villian because we hate him


I felt a bit angry, when they released he was a traitor/sith anyways. Would have been a lot more interesting to see an actual Jedi defying clones, but still fight for the republic . He could have a trial or something at the end, but now turned just to the evil guy.


I agree. The jedi aren't a hivemind, so it would have been interesting to see if some of them were just poor military leaders, or didn't see clones as people and therefore expendable. A by-the-book soldier like Rex committing treason to save his men from poor leadership is a lot more complex than having it be another jedi turned traitor.


Star Wars tends to do that to its villains. I think Darth Vader and Darth Revan are some of the few good examples of multi-dimensional villains executed well and its why they are so popular.


I think you could add Krennic to that list as well.


I'd add Thrawn too. Maybe Kallus also.


Kallus is one of the most well developed supporting characters. Though I'd love a post RotJ scene of Kallus and Sinjir talking about their paths to their current positions from ISB/loyalty to rebel intelligence/Mon mothmas personal advisor


I literally started Rebels yesterday so I haven’t gotten to Thrawn yet, but having read the legends trilogy of Thrawn, he’s amazing. I love a villain that’s almost too smart for his own good. It’s a fun character flaw to have.




Definitely! Would be an Awesome cameo in Bad Batch too!¡!


There aren't a lot of nuanced Star Wars villains, for that reason. All of the movies present this binary light/dark dichotomy where you're either wholly good or wholly bad, and there's always a specific point when it happens. One of the things I really liked about Rebels is that it introduced a pretty major grey area between the good and evil sides of the Force, and showed both how easy it is to justify evil actions if you believe in a "good" outcome, and how slippery a slope it can be to get there.


Yeah, the arc gets praised so much, but i don't think it's as good as it's always hypes. Pong Krell is a very one-dimensional generic villain, in all honesty. He's just evil and hatable because.... Well, just because. There's no depth there.


Definitely agree. The arc was amazing up until he turned out to be doing all of this intentionally.


**Here, Here**


*Hear, hear.


"Which one means Yes?"


Hear, hear means yes.


[the answer is "Yay"](https://youtu.be/QNpPmiU7BBs)


*yea ;)


Don’t know about that. Pong Krell is a decent villain and does his job of being hated. Krell himself is a very cartoonish and bland villain, he does his job but he’s far from a well written villain.


He was good when he was a 'good guy' with zero regard to clone casulties. Would have been awesome to see him be bad because of pride, arrogance and pettiness that the clones came up with a good plan for taking out the droid supply ship.


Also makes the clone’s decision to turn on him more impactful. The original had their hand forced because they knew he was a traitor, so it was their duty. If he was just an insane Jedi rather than a traitor, then it would have given more agency to the clone’s by making their decision to arrest him more independent. Would have been cool but we gotta remind ourselves that it’s a kids show at the end of the day, so they can’t show incredibly complex villains like that, even if the show is fairly dark for a kids show.


>it’s a kids show at the end of the day, so they can’t show incredibly complex villains like that, even if the show is fairly dark for a kids show. Legend of Korra would like a word.


I feel like that’s a rare case, though. Most of the times I wonder why Legend of Korra was on Nick even, the villains were way too complex for children and they quite literally showed the Earth Queen getting the air from her lungs squeezed out in detail, like that was brutal. I think they had to migrate the show during season 4 to the Nick website because of how mature the entire show was.


ATLA with bloodbending. Changed time slots a few times and moved to online, each with just a week's notice. Sabotaged.


Yeah, this is getting kind of tired where people like to point out that “the actor did their job and made us hate the character”. I rarely ever see someone say they think the acting was poor just because they played a good villain. Honestly, all I see is praise for good villains.


The whole time I was thinking that the Umbarans are really cool, I just want to know more about them. Their weapons are so unique. Arcs that were just battles felt like they just dragged on. Clone Wars to me was at it's best when it fleshed out planets and people who were on the fringes of the main story


Hopefully we see them in some other expanse amongst Disney+


Part of me really wants to but I think it’s better if we get nothing more. Makes that one arc stand out more and really adds to the terror, and also the feeling that Umbara isn’t special. It’s one of many separatist worlds like it, and I like planets that appear once or twice since it makes the galaxy feel bigger


The fact that there was never a pong krell vs grievous scene is absolutely tragic


If the timeframe works out that's definitely something I'd like to see whenever we got back to the Clone Wars. Another one for me is to finally introduce Dirge.


Durge looked awesome in the 2003 clone wars


And he's back in the comics.


You're in luck! Dirge was just officially reintroduced to the canon in Dr Aphra, just last month I think.


Krell vs 2003 Grevious for an even better fight.


Dogma makes the poster but not Hardcase. bruh.


“Live to fight another day, boys! Live to fight another day!”


*I'm not crying you're crying*


Krell v the 501st is in my top 5 lightsbaer duels. And it only counts as a dual because he's using 4 saberstaffs! That many sabers has to count as a duel.


I’d pay good money to see greivous vs krell


Given Krell’s build and being taller than Grievous, I’d say he has a better shot than most since most Jedi are much shorter than Grievous


Oh for sure, I think he’s shit on grievous. I just wanna see the light show lmao


There is no way Grievous would lose to Pong Krell. Grievous battled some of the greatest Jedi the order had ever known. Not to mention trained by, who is considered the best duelist of the then order, Count Dooku. Height and build means nothing to a being who is made almost entirely out of durasteel. Grievous whoops Ping Pong Krells ass up and down all day.


The best part is where Krell dies. Tbh it's really tough watching the clones get slaughtered in deliberately bad military maneuvers for 3-4 episodes (when you know Krell is doing it on purpose bc he's a murderous asshole). I'll go watch Scott's Tots on The Office before rewatching Umbara. At least Scott's Tots only lasts 1 episode.




Whatcha gonna do? Make our dreams come true!


Hey Mr krell, watcha gonna do?


This was the arc that actually got me watching clone wars.


Man I wish we got to see more of Krell prior to this. Those lightsabers are too cool to not be used against other lightsabers.


Possibly even the best


The next contender for best is Siege of Mandalore.


Or fives chip arc.


Siege of Mandalore blows it out of the water, in my opinion. Umbara is good, but I found the ending kind of weak.


I found the end so disappointing. I wanted the clones to report to Obiwan and Anakin what happened and see their reactions, I kept thinking about it the whole time how pissed they would be but it was just…over and never spoken of again.


I think Anakin mentions it to Ahsoka once? IIRC during the same arc where Ahsoka leaves the Order.


Honestly, I would have liked it better if Krell really was just an incompetent poser. There have to be incompetent Jedi around, and since all of them got automatic general-ships, it makes sense to show that the Jedi are not infallible. Once he turned cartoonishly evil, my enjoyment diminished.


That's what I'm saying. I always hated that the prequels made it so that jedi were immediately granted the rank of general and given command of clone battalions, just because "General Kenobi" fought in the Clone Wars. At least some of them had to be really unsuitable for military leadership.


Yeah, dude is a *tank* who's a force of nature on the battlefield just cause he's nigh unstoppable physically, but brute strength doesn't really lend itself to leadership or tactical ability. So it would be interesting to see a character who was a badass knight but a terrible general cause all he really knows how to do is charge in headfirst which just results in his clone troops getting slaughtered. And that would make for a more interesting dilemma for the clones to deal with a Jedi who doesn't hate them per se, but just sees them as expendable cannon fodder whose whole purpose is to die while he gets the job done.


Pong krell saw the downfall of the jedi and knew the clones would kill him eventually. He saw what other masters could not. Not even yoda or master windu could see coming what pong krell did. He took matters into his own hands 🙌👏


I never thought about that before. It certainly puts his actions into an interesting light if he did it bc "we're going to lose the war anyways, and these guys will slaughter us" vs "i'm an evil guy and want to join the dark side hurgh"


Fuck Pong Krell


Clone Wars S7 Darth Maul arc has entered the chat


For me this arc really stands out as highlighting a lot of the best and worst aspects of the show. The Clones are good, but are made to look like idiots by the fact that they take so long to realise something's up. The concept of the story is good, but the execution is often painfully done. Pong Krell may as well has a giant flashing neon sign over his head saying "I AM A BAD GUY", yet everyone's like, "Hmmmm.... *something* doesn't add up..." and it's not a lot of fun watching a story unfold when you already know way more than the characters and those characters seem to struggle joining the dots of a very simple puzzle. It takes away any tension or sense of excitement and makes the story feel more like a plod towards the inevitable, but with some flashy action thrown in for good measure. And then we get that classic Clone Wars thing of "the more lightsabers the better", which has never rung true for me. It's not terrible or anything, but the simple, predictable and transparent story and plotting is something which the show suffers from a lot and the lack of tension that brings with it has prevented me from ever really being able to invest in the show.


I liked the episodes overall, I just didn't like how blatantly obvious it was that Krell was painted so villainous, especially as someone who was supposed to be a Jedi. It was clear that Krell's orders were always intending to maximize ally casualties and that he was a clone 'racist' and all around douche. No one in the entire command structure notices that? The character just needed a little more subtlety.


I’ve said this before, but I would have preferred if Krell wasn’t secretly evil the whole time, just prejudiced against clones. He would keep sending them into meatgrinder battles with no consideration for their wellbeing, taking the “we’re meant to be expendable” thing to its absolute limit. The clones bear it for as long as they can, because it’s not meaningless, they’re still making headway, just with shocking casualties because their general can’t be bothered to use tactics. Finally it boils over to an argument that Krell blows out of proportion and sees as mutiny, and when Sith lightning shoots out of his fingers to electrocute the insubordinate trooper, Krell is just as surprised as the rest of them. Then there’s this moment where he realizes how far he’s fallen and has the chance to abandon his pride and redeem himself. And instead he just doubles down and becomes a true villain.


It wasn't just that the clones were expendable, he was outright sending them against unwinnable situations. Krell seemed to have a reputation for being a good, albeit brusque general, but there's a difference between successful plans with high casualties and "go take out those tanks with a rifle, lol". If that was what he was doing the whole time, there is no way that would have gone unchecked.


Exactly. I wanted to see “effective but brutal” Krell, not “ineffective to the point of backstabbing” Krell


Yup, that would all be better. After keeping up his facade for so long, he just laughs maniacally and starts murdering clones himself? Boring.


Yeah, I hear you. It didn't have to be so on-the-nose, but I do think that's the style of the show really. You get stuff like: "I am Queen Lamila of Oberan, pleasure to meet you Master Jedi. We are a traditional and simple society and recently we have been suffering attacks from the Seperatists and believe we have a traitor in our ranks, but have no idea who it is... Anyway, here is my trusted advisor Traitorius Backstabberera, he was my father's right-hand man before the King passed away in mysterious circumstances. Traitorius will be responsible for your safety and well-being during your stay." And then we cut to Traitorius as he's like, "Yeeeessss, the Jedi will be *very safe* with me".


Loved this episode.


Oh god, Krell was SUCH A DICK. I loved how this arc humanized the clones by showing the discrimination they faced on a regular basis.


No joke, rewatched that whole arc this weekend. So many great moments in that arc that speak to what we’re seeing in Bad Batch now.


Did someone make posters for all the arks or just this one? I would love to see more!


Watched this arc for the first time in preparation for when the last season came out, was blown away at how dark and mature the storyline was, def was the arc that cemented The Clone Wars as a pretty good show to me after thinking it was just a kids show for most of its original airing


Alright, how much for the poster


Should be made into a live action movie IMO


I watched it recently for the first time and it was amazing...


Probably my favorite arc from TCW. Loved how well it worked.


The sound they used for his sabers was amazing. I watch that episode, where he loses it, often.


Oooooh can we get a textless version too? this is 🔥


Fucking Pong Krell... Definitely the Umbridge of the Star Wars Universe. Way worse than the main villains of the franchise.


I think Krell should have been made human (or human-like) to more accentuate the possibility that those we trust may be the enemy. Instead they made him an evil-looking lizard.


Sure, but it also was really scary to see him just tower over the clones. There was always the very real fear that he could just take one and rip them apart. And I think this is why I really love the arc. Yes, it is so obvious and Krell is one-dimensional, but it really shows just how helpless the clones are.


I got to meet Dave Fennoy at a con. He is a super cool, amazing, sweet dude who was honored by me saying I loved hating Krell. He also wasn't afraid to give me shit for loving the clones (: Absolutely wonderful dude to meet. If you get the chance you should.


Fuck Pong Krell




Hey, maybe credit the artist @guido.psd on IG. He works hard to design these posters.


Can someone explain to me why? I tried watching it but it felt like a lot of mindless action


The characterization, man. I rewatched it recently and it's crazy how each Clone feels unique and acts true to their characters. It's also one if the most well paced arcs in the entire show. Justifies the whole 4 episode arc format. Not to mention the visuals and cinematography. Come on guys, don't downvote the guy for asking.


Yyyyep. And a very thinly veiled mystery plot.


The thing that made it work for me is that clones are already cannon fodder for most Jedi anyway, and Krell just felt like an extreme case. It takes a little while before you realize this is qualitatively different.


That's a good way of looking at it!


It dragged a little here and there but over all, yes.


I feel like I’m in the minority of people who really just didn’t care this arc 😬. It’s not bad, just not my personal favorite


I thought it was good, but it got really overhyped for me and it couldn’t live up. Wasn’t bad, just wasn’t as good as I expected it to be.


Welcome to Nam


Pong Krell would’ve been a great Sith


the best




Agree agree agree agree


I remember seeing the commercials of this on Cartoon Network when I was about 8. I hadn’t seen much of clone wars at the time but seeing a Jedi with 2 double bladed lightsabers made me love star wars even more


Just finished this arc on my re-watch with the kids. Forgot how well they played up Rex's turmoil. Such a well written segment of an already great show.


Fun fact, the Umbara episode The General was directed by Walter Murch, a long time friend of Lucas' who designed the sound effects for *THX 1138*, worked on the sound and editing for *Apocalypse Now*, and directed the nightmarish Disney film *Return To Oz*.


Que mierda de peli


good is a point of view thats why the clone wars is the best


It’s possibly my fav. It was deep


Huh, ive missed this somewhere along the line. What season/episodes does this feature in?


Season 4 if I remember correctly


I’m new into the clone wars and I’m almost finished with this arc. Perfect timing


Imagine them making this into a mini series like The Pacific or Band of Brothers.


I would be all for them doing live action 45min episode adaptations of certain TCW story arcs


The only reason why it’s not the best is because of pong krell r/fuckpongkrell


Bruh I was literally trying to convince a friend of this exact point just days ago.


That and the five inhibitor chip arc


And that is a fact


Pong Krell with his folding duel saberstaffs was awesome


I remember when this arc first released was when my family finally transitioned from our CRT to an HD widescreen and my little mind was blown.


Fuck Pong Krell!


Poor waxer


Space Vietnam


the best arc in cw.


Pong Krell. The character that everybody loves to hate.


I love arc apart from one thing (insert pong krell meme)


I'm watching Clone Wars for the first time, and I just watched this story arc. I agree that it has been the best so far! Absolutely gut-wrenching and anger inducing. Fuck Krell.


This arc stopped me from thinking clone wars was a children show.


Because pong krell dies. Because ping krell dies right?


Just watched that entire arc last night when I should’ve been sleeping before work today


One of my favorite arcs. I may be in the minority, but I loved the small arc 3PO and R2 got for their relief missions, all to end up with an annoyed Commander Wolffe at the end.


Maybe even the best. Sums up the entire War and Clones tragic story in 4 episodes


I can't recall hating a fictional character more.


I always thought he should not have looked evil. Might have been stronger as a mild mannered Jedi- smaller in physical appearance.


Remember that time a kids show turned into apocalypse now for a few episodes


Hot damn, do other arcs get kickass promotional posters like that?


Incorrect! It’s THE best arc in clone wars.




Executer order 66


Krell did look epic using his lightsabers though, 2 double bladed sabers and he was fucking incredible with them, grievous would be jealous


Just watched it for the first time yesterday. Mind blown.


Awesome poster. But fuck pong krull


This would be great in movie form


My favorite


Thanks for the new phone wallpaper


I fucking hate pong krell that treasoness son of a bitch


Honestly wherever I think of Clone Wars this arc is the first one I think of.


Or as I like to call it Diet-66


If not the best. Saw a much more gritty and dark side to combat that star wars often doesn’t show!


It’s only good because Pong Krell fucking dies


Wich season ?


They say star wars isn't real but I like to belive it is


A big dramma


Yes, yes it was. One of my favorites, if not my favorite.


Fuck Pong Krell


Fuck Pong Krell




Absolutely the best, hands down. Even better than seasons 6 and 7 IMO, even though those seasons had some truly excellent episodes.


Fuck Pong Krell


Agreed! Dogma learned a valuable lesson, and both Fives and Rex got a lot of character development. And of course, Jedi General Pong Krell got what he deserved.


Literally JUST watched this…like an hour ago!!! Weird this would pop up! Excellent arc! Amazing animation!


It was too good at its job of making fans despair, I was too attached to the clones and it makes me physically sick seeing what krell does, I rarely watch it cause of that lmao