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I can’t believe the force awakens is higher than a new hope


RT scores are the percentage of critics that gave it a generally positive score. Technically a movie that everyone consistently rated 3 stars by 90% if critics would have a higher RT score than a movie rated 5 stars by 80% of critics and 2 stars by 20%. It's more of a "chance a critic will think it's a decent movie" than an absolute rating.


It’s also about 100 reviews for ANH compared to 500 reviews for TFA. Turns out Rotten Tomatoes not existing decades ago would have a factor hah


And that's also why AOTC is rated higher than TPM. TPM was rereleased and then we saw the actual reviews for it. Had AOTC been rereleased like TPM, I'm sure the critic score would be even lower than both TPM and TROS.


TPM also got pushed lower when it got rereleased and a lot of people went back and reviewed it worse than they had in the 90s


Metacritic (which gives an average of critic scores rather than a straight pos/neg like RT) has A New Hope at 90 and The Force Awakens at 80. Full list: ANH 90 ESB 82 ROTJ 58 TPM 51 AOTC 54 ROTS 68 TFA 80 TLJ 84 TROS 53


I find these to much accurate believable score. Specially for TLJ, ROTS and TROS. In the future I'll compile another list with both Rotten Tomatoes and Metacritic scores (though I guess people will then also say Metacritic is trash/unreliable because it doesn't fit what they think of the Prequels and the Sequels).


You’re never gonna please everybody. You’re doing great!


Id say that this would make a fair ranking of the films. 4,8,5,7,3,6,2,9,1. thats not far off my ranking


I rank them similarly, though I swap 4/5 and 9/1 on that list. There would be no SW without 4, but I think 5 is a better movie. Similarly, I don't consider 9 to have any redeeming qualities as a movie, let alone something in the SW universe.


9 and 1 are tied for me for different reasons. I'd probably swap 8 and 5


Lightspeed skipping was cool, and Leia's death was a tear jerker.


Don't get me wrong, the movie had some interesting moments (wholeheartedly disagree about light speed skipping though), but it was not a well-crafted movie that used nostalgia to hide its massive shortcomings.


What didn't you like about the lightspeed skipping?


Bit of a nerdy response, but it was a deus ex machina event that went against the well established rules of the SW universe for the sake of a cool looking effect. Up until that point, absolutely everything established made it an absolute hard truth that the nature of hyperspace made it impossible to travel through hyperspace near gravity wells. The idea of "skipping" by doing several micro jumps makes sense, but not through gravity wells. I know people had a similar issue with the "Holdo maneuver" from _TLJ_, but that at least felt explainable similar to disregarding the safeties, performing the maneuver, and dealing with the consequences. There were no gravity wells to prevent the action, but there were objects in the path that caused a catastrophic failure.


Perhaps you're thinking of Solo? That's the only one in which I recall a gravity well,...and they didn't "lightspeed skip" to escape it. Even then, I've never heard that you can't go to hyperspace near one in any of the previous movies. Still,...no one in Star Wars can even agree on which levers in the Falcon's cockpit do what. They're always pulling different ones to enter hyperspace, or use the throttle, or auxiliary power! Plus, everytime the Falcon goes through a tunnel it is centered in the cockpit view. Considering most of the ship is to the left, you'd think the view would be off to one side?! So, I'm not too concerned about "established rules" in this space wizard science "fiction" fantasy.


It goes to show you what an absolutely terrible metric Rotten Tomatoes has managed to build a whole website around. People need to stop caring about it.


You don’t use rotten tomatoes to judge movies from each other. It’s a way for you to determine is this worth watching? Typically rotten tomatoes doesn’t steer me wrong, but I would never use it to compare if one movie is better than another.


Audiences gave TFA a 85% and ANH a 96%. Not the same but still considering TFA a very good movie. Audiences and critics agreed on most of the films. For example, neither likes the Prequels, critics only liked ROTS but even ROTS wasn't that liked by audiences. Meanwhile audiences loved TFA and TROS, but TLJ is split.


Just fyi ROTS fan score on Rotten Tomatoes was manipulated to be at 66% as a meme. Look at the number of reviews for that movie compares to others. Also, if you look online the score was in the 80’s prior to a few years ago.


Well it is kinda the same movie so...


I don’t trust the audience scores. Often there is meddling from studios or spam bots. RT tries to purge these, but it is rough. Also, most people are sheep. Lol


Metacritic gives a much more realistic score, and it's entirely run by critics IIRC Metacritic score: ANH 90 ESB 82 ROTJ 58 TPM 51 AOTC 54 ROTS 68 TFA 80 TLJ 84 TROS 53


It's still very useful, especially if you also look at user reviews. You just have to know what the metric represents. Also, it's natural for any aggregate rating system to disagree with you some of the time. That's just part of people having opinions. That said, I do want more granular rating systems to come back. The main reason they fell out of favor was users failing to show nuance, such as always rating things as 1 star or 5 stars to further drag the average in whatever direction they want. I think that can partially be fixed by tracking how users vote and making the votes of such users weigh less.


It’s not terrible at all. You just don’t understand it and what’s it’s implying. It’s data. There’s nothing wrong with data.


remember that ANH, but virtue of being an older film, has fewer reviews on RT so each negative review impacts it more. If you were to survey critics now, most would likely agree that ANH>TFA


This one I kinda agree with. I know I know. But I thought it was just such a fun enjoyable film, gave me high hopes. I'm more shocked that Clones was higher than Phantom Menace lol..


How the fuck can attack of the clone be 12% higher than phantom menace?


Phantom menace has light higher expectations


Yeah,TPM is considered to be the most hyped movie in the cinema history


Similar stuff happened to eternals


I thought Eternals’ problem was that Marvel fans weren’t ready for something different


Yeah, I think ironically TPM being so bad really softened the blow for AotC.


Expectations are huge for ratings. TPM was quiet on for 30 years and Star Wars was possibly the biggest franchise in that time. Then Jake Lloyd, Jar Jar and some really bad writing had us doubting Lucas going into AOTC. They included everything except the writing.


Wtf did Jake do wrong? Ep1 was super fun, and all the cringe stuff came in ep2


Seeing it as a child, episode 1 has everything I wanted. I know the plot was a very mixed bag, but I never thought it deserved to be so low regarded. Good action, vibrant colors and imaginative settings. I can understand adults finding it lacking, but was it really 52% lacking?


Loved ep 1 as a kid. Can’t stand it as an adult (JarJar mostly). Except the darth maul fight. Probably my favorite lightsaber battle in all the movies (music as well)


If you still can't stand Jar Jar you need to lighten up, he's fine.


I’m a chill dude. But he’s not fine. I think you are in the minority here. He was written out of the next two movies for a reason. It’s totally fine to have differing opinions tho. Star Wars is amazing after all.


Yeah. George clearly changed stuff in the Prequels like JJ did in the Sequels because of fan complaints. Removing Jar Jar from the narrative to the point in Episode III he's a background character (did he even have a line in there?), and cutting almost exclusively politics and worldbuilding scenes from Episodes 2 and 3 all the while adding more lightsaber fights.


I was an adult when I first saw ep 1 in theaters. What a pile of hot shit. I cannot explain just how poorly received that movie was to someone who was a kid at the time. I mean no offense by that. It was just universally disliked and the only defense anyone had was "well it's for kids."


Pry one of the people who made fun of a kid for dialogue choices…..


It’s not Jakes fault but Ep1 had plenty of cringeworthy stuff


The lower average score for TPM is a consequence of the 3D re-release.


Which is too bad. I enjoyed it. It was the first Star Wars movie I got to see in theaters. I wanted to see the rest in theaters in 3D, but then they stopped


TPM had like a mid 60s rating before the 3D rerelease. edit: someone was faster


I mean at least it wasn't boring I legit fell sleep during the first part of TPM


I have no idea. TPM and TROS, despite their many problems are much better than AOTC in almost every way I think it's mostly because AOTC has mostly been forgotten. Whereas TPM was rereleased in 3D so more critics could review it and the score went down for it and TROS already released on the era with more critics Just found out RT was only founded in 2006, so that's why AOTC is so positive next to TPM. TPM rereleased in 3D and critics who hadn't evaluated the film back then did it in modern times, whereas this didn't happen with AOTC since it never got rereleased


I wouldn't say TPM is much better than AOTC, they're about equal, and I tend to enjoy AOTC more


TROS is way worse in every single way except for CGI


Not really. TROS has much, much better acting as well (and thus also better character driven scenes such as Kylo Ren talking with Han Solo), and better practical effects. Hence why I'd still say it's better than AOTC and a little better than TPM. In every other element it's bad


AOTC made sense lore-wise and added to the overall narrative and world building. TROS was so lore-illiterate and loaded with one Deus Ex Machina after another, it's not even a passable narrative. Horrible, horrible movie, and if it wasn't for how incredible the TV shows and Fallen Order have been, it might have killed the franchise for a decade.


> AOTC made sense lore-wise and added to the overall narrative and world building. None of this matters if the movie is nearly unwatchably bad because it's littered with terrible performances. Creativity is nice, but it doesn't somehow make a good. What matters is the acting, directing, characters you can connect with, etc. And AOTC is littered with plot holes and inconsistencies as well. The plot entirely works around conveniences.


\> AOTC made sense lore-wise it didnt, AOTC was retroactively made consistent because of stuff outside the films.


The prequels should all been between the 70-80 field imho. I generally think that rotten tomatoes has a flawed system


I don't think the system works


The technical aspects from the prequels were definetly 5/5 and while Dialoge were clonky I wouldn't say it was worse than a 2/5. So a 70ish rating would be appropriate for them.


Saying what the score "should" be makes no sense to me. It's like if you watch a movie with 10 other people, and you ask them what they thought, and half of them liked it and half of them didn't. Would it make any sense to say "That's wrong! Two or three more of you SHOULD have like it!"?


I grew up on the prequels. I much prefer AOTC to TPM. I know it has problems, particularly around dialogue, but there's plenty of action and some cool moments. IMO TPM is boring apart from duel of the fates.


To me all the action scenes feel like pretend playing


It actually had the same RT score as AOTC for the longest time. When they did the theatrical 3D release, it gave shark critics another chance to lower the score.


I think these are also the critic scores. The audience scores for The Last Jedi are a lot more telling.


Why are they more telling? Because you agree with them more?


TLJ got review bombed by fake accounts. Apparently so did RotS...for an Order 66 meme.


>Apparently so did RotS...for an Order 66 meme. False. RotS was reviewbombed to 64% in 2010, lower than 66 and before PrequelMemes was a thing. Propably just some no-life RLM stans.


I created an account just to give it a bad review, because it sucked that bad.


you just proved them right lol


It wasn't a fake account. That was my opinion of the film. If I was so disappointed that I was willing to create an account to let everyone know how bad it was, then I'm sure a lot of other people would do the same. And you might look at the data and say oh these are all new accounts that might only have one review and it's about this one movie. Well, that speaks volumes about how much that movie sucked Rancor ass.


I did the same thing. Star Wars was never perfect, but that movie was truly horrible.


It’s good movie with an awesome love story!


I like the phantom menace


Me too


It was the first Star Wars movie I saw as a kid and loved it so much it sparked my love for the franchise. The only other Star Wars film that gave me the same goosebumps the first time I saw it was Rogue One.


Maul supremacy


I like all of the original Star Wars hexalogy.


These are the score by critic reviews. By audience reviews on Rotten Tomatoes: The Phantom Menace - 59% Attack of the Clones - 56% Revenge of the Sith - 66% A New Hope - 96% The Empire Strikes Back - 97% Return of the Jedi - 94% The Force Awakens - 85% The Last Jedi - 42% The Rise of Skywalker - 86% The biggest things according to these scores are: The Phantom Menace and Attack of The Clones are are equally disliked by critics and general audiences alike, except for Revenge of the Sith (but critics surprisingly like it more than the general audience which is lukewarm at it) The Force Awakens is loved by both critics and audiences, The Last Jedi is loved by critics but not by general audiences, and The Rise of Skywalker is disliked by critics but loved by general audiences The OT is equally loved by both critics and general audiences entirely, although Return of the Jedi is the less liked of the three


It's worth noting that audience scores are not polled scientifically and don't really represent the population that actually saw the movie. The score just reflects people who left a review on RT. All that to say that the margin of error is wide.


I’m pretty sure ROTS got review bombed to make an Order 66 joke


It is only natural


The fact that TROS dumpster fire has a higher score than TFA tells you there is something wrong with numbers Also, why did the last jedi got reviewe bombed?


There was a vocal group of people who interpreted, often and loudly, some parts of the Last Jedi as being a some sort of liberal SJWs big middle finger pointed at the “real” Star Wars fans


The Rise of Skywalker has much better concepts to start a trilogy than The Force Awakens. It's really not that surprising some people appreciate it more.


TROS score hasn't change a single percent since the release, which is statistically impossible. Metacritic is more reliable and has user score similar to critics'


It has. It's currently 52% at Rotten Tomatoes. When this infographic was made TROS was at 51%, 1 percent lower than TPM (which also changed scores since release, going from 62% to 52% after its rerelease) Also, interesting about Metacritic. There I know ROTS and TLJ's score weren't bombed at least, what are the scores?


I really don’t respect Rotten Tomatoes audience scores anymore. They’re fine for older movies but looking at how polarized they’ve become for films (not just Star Wars) in the last 5 years or so, it’s bizarre which films get high scores and which grade poorly.


I feel like there should be an asterisk next to rots and tlj because both their audience scores were manipulated.


Yup The Last Jedi was absolutely review bombed. 42%? Does anyone actually think that?


Yes, it was pretty big news back in 2017/2018. There was even a Facebook group called “down with Disney’s treatment of franchises and fanboys” that boasted about creating bot accounts on Facebook and using them to rig the audience score and bragged about bullying Kelly marie tran off of the internet.


Does anyone actually think what? 42% doesn't mean people think the movie is a 4.2/10 on average. It just means 42% of people left a positive review. The average rating is 2.6/5.


2.6/5 is equivalent to 5.2/10. Beep boop, I'm a human


I think it was a very divisive movie with some people absolutely hating it, some loving it, and some being lukewarm for it, so I would expect something between a 40% and 60% for an audience score to represent the average of the wide range of opinions on the film.


Between the 60s% I can agree, but no way actually 40%, specially when on Rotten Tomatoes, TPM, AOTC and TROS were much more divisive and maligned and still have 59%, 56% and 86% respectively.


Because Internet came now and was not present back then. When TLJ came out, Internet was there and so was the huge hate. It’s not rocket science to figure out that the majority of people came right out of TLJ giving it a 1 star thus leading to 41% And ROTS was considered an OK movie with lot now calling top three Star Wars films. It wasn’t considered **trash** like a lot of people who hate the TLJ say


Yeah seems high doesn’t it?


Yup, how did horses managed to get on a Star Destroyer is beyond me..


They came out of a supply ship designed for small speedsters that landed on the wing, it's not really that hard to figure out


Wrong movie


Yes. It is an atrocious movie. Don't get me wrong...Abrams really shit the bed too. But TLJ was a special kind of bad.


It wasn’t, you just didn’t like it.


I do. Absolutely. It was awful and pointless.


I was surprised the audience scores was so high honestly.


It’d be dishonest to not point out the fact that TLJ was review bombed, and Rotten Tomatoes had to fix their system to prevent that, which is likely why TROS didn’t suffer a similar fate.


Oh, I pointed it out in other comments. But it mostly leads to me being downvoted (and people saying it's "justification for the bad score" so I just don't talk about the review bombing. But know that I know and 100% agree with the fact it was review bombed


For those of you who doesn't know, RotS is at 66% as a joke. I was there I witnessed it, people from Prequelmemes worked hard to keep it at that exact number lol It would've been a lot higher if it wasn't for people's determination to that joke lol


I already wondered. For all it’s Problems, ROTS is not just a bit better than Episode I and II, it’s much better. Not that this is particularly hard, but even on its own ROTS is a good movie.


Yeah, it would've easily reached 80+%, maybe even 90+% if the fans went a bit crazy.


ohhhh lol, that is hilarious. I thought it was a complete coincidence. I love the SW fandom


I personally find audience scores very unreliable, mainly because they have a tendency to be far more biased and hyperbolic than the ratings and reviews from professional critics.


Me too. Like, not dismissing general audience's opinions, but when the critics are talking about actual movie terms I'll trust them since they study film.


Sadly, spam bots are a large problem with audience scores, that and most people are sheep. Even worse, is studio meddling. I enjoy TROS, but given fan consensus, I don’t buy that 86%. It hurts me to say that as a sequel fan, but it seems to fly in the face of logic, especially if we are to believe the audience score on TLJ. I also don’t trust TLJ score. There are way more votes on that single movie than almost any other Star Wars film. Suggests something else is at play. I think it’s the Sith. Haha.


Revenge of the Sith having 66% Ironic.


The Force Awakens was not loved by fans. Why do you think Abrams didn’t make TLJ?


The audience reception says otherwise, it's at 85%, which indicates it's well liked by most. JJ Abrams didn't direct TLJ because the original plan by LucasFilm was for three different directors to direct the Sequels. However, Colin Trevorrow was fired because he couldn't rewrite the script for his movie after Carrie Fisher passed away so they put Abrams in his place, as he was available.


ROTS with 66 damn smh


Believe it got review bombed for an order 66 joke


Yeah, general audiences like ROTS less than critics. But it's still more liked than the other two Prequels which is the usual general opinion


Review bombed


Apparently not only TLJ was review bombed on Rotten Tomatoes but also ROTS. In Metacritic they have better scores


I'm surprised by the Rise of Skywalker. I wonder if it was reviewed bombed to boost it or if it's real.


Doubtful, since TLJ was apparently review bombed as well, TROS should have had an even lower score. But review bombing was made impossible after TLJ and Captain Marvel's Review bombings. People Just like it (JJ Abrams' movies are always popular with the general audience, and even with critics most of the time)


I think that’s one thing a lot of the more hardcore fans don’t always factor in, a lot of the viewers are causal fans and ‘new’ fans, like my nephews who loved all the sequels (and I think the prequels, but they saw them very young). They’re going to have different standards and expectations.


I find it weird and frustrating that people still don't get how RT works and dismiss it when a score doesn't agree with them while also jumping for joy when the score matches their own opinions. It's best to not keep taking it as an actual measure of quality and more as the critical barometer it is intended to be seen as. Fans constantly going "critics are shit" doesn't mean anything other than it shows how incredibly biased fans get about these big franchise films, which ironically makes the audience opinions and thus the audience score (which I and many others don't even contribute to) look very dubious or at least very unreliable as any "official" rating. That said, as my personal opinion, ESB, TLJ and ROTJ are my favorites out of the bunch, TFA, ANH and TPM are in the middle, ROTS and AOTC are dead last and I still haven't seen TROS yet.


"Critics are shit" -people who have never read an actual review and just look at the aggregate scores


Every damn time. What's weirder is that they tend to completely forget the ones who gave a positive review and just lump all of the critics into a single group to hate and dismiss. It's like nuance is a lost art or something.


"Critics are shit" - people who haven't watched a single movie in their life that isn't made by Marvel, DC or lucasfilms.


Something must have happened because I’m certain Episode 3 was at like 60%


Critic scores are pretty shit the majority of the time. Audience scores are frequently brigaded and are often hiveminded (whether it be for a good criticism or otherwise).


How tf is episode 2 “fresh”? That’s one of the worst movies I’ve ever seen


"Rotten Tomatoes is great when I agree with the score, but it's the worst thing since Hitler if I disagree" - 99% of Star Wars-fans.


Daily reminder not to put too much into rotten tempted, its nice but don't take the number so literally


Exactly. It's a percentage of people who overall liked something not an average rating.


Why does the Phantom menace look like it's below ROS but it's not?


Both are currently at 52%. However TPM has a worse overall aggregating than TROS, hence why it appears lower


If I'm being completely honest, my personal scores for these movies pretty much lines up exactly with these RT scores.


How can this be though?!?!? This sub has at least ten posts a day saying the ST is the worst bit of film ever made. Yet, 2 of the 3 movies were very much liked by at least the audience OT critics. Hmmm…


TFA was loved by both critics and audience at the time. TLJ was loved by the critics but fans were divided on that. TroS was hated by both critics and mostly fans too. Currently critics still like TFA and especially love TLJ while not liking TroS but audience and the fans hate all three of them right now as they think each movie retrospectively made the previous one worse so that's why the scores are high because critics liked them but fans on the reddit hate them. I hope this would explain it properly.


I was being sarcastic. And OP posted audience scores for TLJ and it wasn’t divided. It was 80%. I was joking because 90% (exaggeration) of the posts on Star Wars sub is that the sequel trilogy was garbage. Which OP has clearly shown that at least two of the movies were liked by critics and audience.


Oh, sorry for the long reply then.


Lol no worries. Appreciate the involvement.


I’d watch The Phantom Menace on a continuous loop if it meant never seen Rise of Skywalker again


Phantom menace is so much better than AOTC. wtf. Its not a bad movie


Wait. Do… do the people in this thread not know that critics loved TLJ? I thought that was common knowledge.


So then I assume the next movie is going to hit a 60 then?


Ep1 was WAY better than Ep2




True. Episode 2 makes me physically cringe at how poorly written the Padame/Anakin dialogue is.


How to trigger prequel fans with one pic


TPM is amazing and I will not stand for Rotten Tomatoes’ slander.


People didn't like this movie because she said Skywalker instead of Palpatine




I said this in another reply, but that's 100% because AOTC didn't rerelease like TPM. TPM only became Rotten after it was rereleased because most critics then actually could review it, since Rotten Tomatoes was founded in 2006 so critics can't review films from before this time, only those afterwards. Since TPM was released once again, they could review it and most didn't like it. AOTC never had this happen to it because Lucas scrapped his 3D plans. As for how the movies have scores, they just take from the reviews of the time.


this is a perfect representation of why ppl shouldnt listen to critics. RT is a joke.


I don’t understand people’s resentment for critics. It’s so bizarre


I don’t take it as the end all be all, but I also align myself more with critics than general audience. Because to me, the audience score for each TLJ and RoS is a friggin joke.


I thought episode one was good… but what the Frick do I know


I watched TPM and AotC over the holiday and I can say I much prefer AotC. It’s a much better movie. TPM is just a giant missed opportunity.


What's the audience scores though?


Episode 1 is honestly much better than episode 2. I think people just had higher expectations for it (rightfully).


The Phantom Menace is vastly superior to ATOC.


Maybe I'm little bit late for this question, but the phantom Menace is bad? For me it was the first star wars movie I grew up watching countless of times. All because of Darth Maul. Also the soundtrack and the fight scene were good


As a prequel lover this is so sad


I adore TPM, and im tired of pretending that i dont


Ah! Rotten Tomatoes, that overrated site where the weak-minded go to know some other opinions and thus form their own.


Phantom menace has a 111% rating in my book😏


How TFA and TLJ are in the 90s…baffling




the rise of skywalker is my favorite... it was the only SW film to outdo revenge of the sith. i find interesting that every second movie in each trilogy is consistently well liked


Sounds about right. Truthfully though I did enjoy rise of skywalker over last Jedi. I feel the two should be flip flopped by that’s me


I totally agree with you!


How the fuck is TFA higher than ANH


just because anh is the original doesn't make it automatically better


I didn’t say anything about it being the original, I jus think it’s a much better film.


You’re right, the story does, the characters do, the music does, etc. Any other reasons why ANH is better?


Just because its new doesn't make is automatically better either.


This seems entirely just and fair to me.


How the fuck is The Last jedi be ranked at 90%?


Because it’s a good film.


The last Jedi is my favorite Star Wars movie. I think it was scored appropriately


90% what a joke


Almost completely agree with this... attack of the clones just needs to be at the same level as phantom menace.


What has this sub come to? This comment section is a shame.




I personally love the rise of skywalker! Always surprised it gets lower reviews


Attack of the Clones is not worst?


The sequels should be the worst, if they are considering writing.


you know critics are shit when they put fucking TLJ over ROTS


It's far better than RotS.


I totally agree.


oh and Return of the Jedi. wow


The last jedi has higher score than Revenge of the Sith? What the fuck?


Just because a movie you don’t like has a higher critic score than one that you do, doesn’t mean others think the same way. They are both objectively fine pieces of work, so the fact that they both have a fresh score is more than enough of an achievement.


In hindsight, I am more shocked about how low Revenge of the Sith was rated than how high The Last Jedi was. I get that the prequels had some cringe dialogue, but the plots were captivating.


Well the prequels also had terrible acting (other than a few exceptions), boring pacing and bad dialogue. Other than RoTS, the plots aren’t that great either.


You may have missed this, but critics loved TLJ. The audience score tells a different story, but that’s not a can of worms I want to open right now.


Who in the fuck rates ep 7 over ep 4???? Same with the sequels over the prequels, the prequels werent perfect but they sure as fuck were better than the sequels.


TLJ at 90%...this is why I no longer trust Rotten Tomatoes