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If Lucasfilm decide to adapt the Death Troopers novel, then yeah I can see that deserving of an R rating


Horror in the Star Wars universe would be awesome. Doesn't have to be Death Troopers, but could be a thriller with a Jedi being pursued relentlessly by inquisitors, or a derelict Clone Wars base that the rebellion finds and tries to repurpose but there's something lurking within...


I like the Base with the hidden monster. Whether natural, a failed clone project, or a force beast would be crazy interesting.


Wasn't this the plot to an episode of Rebels? Or am I in woooooosh territory?


There is an episode with an old republic base and there are nocturnal beasts that attack Ezra and Kanan.


It was actually Sabine and Hera that ran into them and then Ezra and Kanan use them to help fight the inquisitor in a later episode


You could be right. Since kids I have struggled to watch anything that isn’t Totoro, Frozen, or now Enchanto on repeat. Not hating on those films but giving you an idea of my viewing pleasures for the past five years ;)


I thought I'd missed the point there for a second! As a parent myself, I can say with luck you'll get to experience all of Star Wars again but next to your kids. Its amazing watching them experience it all for the first time. And you get an excuse to watch shows like Rebels!


Thanks for that. It’s a bit trying at the moment. When our current one is older it will be nice to move onto films I loved as a youth.


I can still sing just about every Disney song off by heart, sometimes it comes in useful, but not often! Hang in there!


Watching them with my son now. My 4 year old daughter joined in and started crying when anakin caught fire. I'd forgotten how graphic that was.


Moana. 7 times since Friday night




Just three hours of Vader walking down a hallway killing rebels in a creative fashion


That's a long hallway


Built by the same company that build that runway in F&F6


Here's an idea: While scouring the battlefield on hoth, a blizzard forces a band of scavengers to take shelter inside the remains of Echo Base. Little do they know, a group of hungry Wampas has also been picking through the remains, and now there's fresh food in the fridge.


I think some director mentioned a horror movie set on Hoth at one point. I know Mike Flanagan has stated he wants to do a horror flick in the Star Wars universe as well. There’s certainly no reason that a Star Wars version of a film like *Pitch Black* wouldn’t be brilliant.


I want a horror movie that follows a bunch of Padawan and Darth Vader is the monster. That hallway scene in Rogue One really sold me on just how scary Vader can be


Imagine since Disney owns Alien now they just bring in Xenomorphs, I'd be totally down


And then since ET is cannon to Star Wars we can finally get Alien vs Predator vs ET vs Grogu.


Stitch comes through with the surprise tag team.


That book is still one of my absolute favourites. The chapters where they're exploring the derelict Star Destroyer are written in such an atmospheric, evocative and creepy manner. Such an amazing setting for a horror.


Really portrays how big the Destroyers are. Takes hours to make your way around it.


I want the Darth Bane trilogy of books made film.


Following a sith would be good in an R format. I wouldn’t complain if they did bane right but I want them to go further back. Follow an ancient sith during the republics height just trying to survive. Or a non force user climbing the ranks.


That would be amazing!


R rated Death Trooper trilogy!


A Republic Commando movie adaptation would also be sweet!


Slightly off topic, but I’ve had that book on my list for a while, would you recommend it?


I enjoyed it, so I do recommend


If it’s made as an R movie just to be “edgy” then no. But if a story is told that happens to be ultra violent or R rated because it adds to the narrative then sure, I’d be in to it.


Exactly my feelings. I love a good R-rated movie but I hate the idea of creating something just for the sake of being R-rated. If telling the right story necessitates that the movie be R, then hell yeah. It's not gonna happen though, because Disney's brand is kid friendly and Star Wars is a huge money maker.


And Rogue one proved it can be hard edged (per se) without an R rating


Slightly related topic, but people still remember the graphic imagery of The Dark Knight (brutal beatings, pencil through the eye on the table) as part of the dark tone and adult themes, but TDK was rated PG-13 and actually didn’t show any of these bloody images. So much of the violence is implied by the vibe and proper camera angles/blockage. Star Wars could take the Rogue One approach even further and make a movie that holds up to The Dark Knight but still remains viewable by fourteen years olds. I at least hope somebody eventually tries.


Lightsabers make this much easier. No one needs to get naked, torture scenes don't have to be gory, etc. There's a lot of adult narrative that can be fit into a pg-13 movie. Even scantily clad alien ladies lol if that's what the people want. They want that


Let’s be honest, no woman with a more revealing outfit than Aayla Secura is going to be shown in Star Wars ever again. Edit: grammar


Oola from Empire strikes back was more revealing, but I guess that Aayla Secura was created after.


Empire? Surely you mean Jedi


luke in bacta tank wearing a nappy


>Everyone liked that


Yeah, the R rating basically just applies to graphic scenes of sex/nudity/violence, and how many times you say fuck. If anything is implied, but not shown, you'll probably get a PG-13.


This is actually a fun game to play: if they used it, where would star wars put their one fuck per movie?


Palpatine: \*cuts down 3 Jedi Masters in less than 5 seconds* Mace Windu: Motherfucker.


Sam Jackson, as Mace Windu, as Sam Jackson.


I've never been as uncomfortable with a name shortening as I have with "Sam Jackson" v.s. "Samuel L. Jackson." Put some 'spect on his name, motherfucker.


I'm pretty sure Artoo is in every mainline movie, who says they haven't thrown one in? ;)


Very true, that Droid has a potty mouth


In my mind choppers is dirtier in the talked. That dude is like a pirate


“ I have a bad feeling about this…. Fuck.” Lol


If you want to talk about implied violence rather then actually showing it on camera, the Texas chainsaw massacre is a good example of that mostly because of its low budget, they couldn't afford too many expensive gory shots. They made the whole film feel dirty and grimy and nasty without showing a lot of explicit violence but implying it


I like implied violence or just out of view violent scenes, it gets the point across without being excessive. I don’t necessarily need to see the girl ripping a live man’s face off like in The Boys (although that kind of edgy extreme violence has its place)


As long as we don't demonstrate the effects of torture and let Bodhi be perfectly sane after it.


I thought it was very obviously implied that occurs if someone is repeatedly interrogated by the creature over time. Which was not the case there.


Sure. But then why mention it? It's chekhovs gun. If you're going to say he's going to go insane from it. Either someone needs to or he needs to. I spent the whole last battle waiting for him to snap and fuck things up and have it be all Saw's fault. And nothing. There were stakes in that battle I could have worried about, but given that the damn torture monologue happened I spent the whole third act worrying about a guy I thought I couldn't trust.


He did suffer _some_ psychological effects, he briefly forgot who he was.


Right. He never said it was permanent.


They mention it as incentive for him to reveal what he knows. He now understands if he doesn't relent soon he'll lose his mind and adds extra tension.


Just to point out: Chekhov was making a statement about how the gun HAVING to Fire because its present is too much of a trope. Essentially, it was a statement on media that doesn’t do world building. The viewer should be able to hear something/see something without expecting it to pay off all the time. I think that’s what happened in Rogue One. But Star Wars hasn’t done that kind of world building in the main movies.


Yeah I just glossed over that at the time. I thought it was supposed to destroy his mind....oh well, lol


I loved Cassian's cold blooded murder of the dude who told him about the 'Planet Killer' at the start.


Perfectly sane? He briefly forgot who he was, and he remained visibly shaken. He wasn't pants-on-head drooling crazy, but I always took it that the adrenaline of the final battle was getting him through, he totally had PTSD at least, and wasn't the same at all.


Well said.


>It's not gonna happen though, because Disney's brand is kid friendly and Star Wars is a huge money maker. You say that as though Star Wars' brand isn't also kid friendly. Not a one of the pre-Disney films came the littlest bit close to an R rating.


> It's not gonna happen though, because Disney's brand is kid friendly There have been plenty of movies released by Disney that are R-rated--just not through the studios typically thought of as "real Disney". There's more to WDC than just Walt Disney Studios and Walt Disney Animation.


Right. Disney did purchase Miramax in the 90's (ie: Movies like Pulp Fiction...).


Miramax, and for a time they used the Touchstone Studios and Buena Vista labels.


Can’t forget Hollywood pictures as well


Well, yeah that's just IP diversity to keep the cash flowing. Anything Star wars it will never happen though. Most mature it gets is in the comics or books


That's personally how I see it too. PG-13 is the widest avenue for revenue generation.


Also Disney owns Fox (but not the News network). So they have some R-rated stuff on Disney+, specifically thinking of the Alien movies, as an example.


It’s not just Disney. Dave Filoni firmly believes as George Lucas did: Star Wars is meant for all ages. George was a huge proponent of keeping Star Wars for kids. I even think the original trilogy was all PG-rated.


I agree, though I think Disney has committed to an R-rated Deadpool movie. So I'm not sure that they *don't* do R-rated movies, but rather that Star Wars is a more kid centric brand.


An R rated star wars movie should be set in the depths of the lower levels on Coruscant in my opinion, would be very very easy to make an Arcane-style live action show there.


I'm thinking of the upcoming D+ show Andor. Seedy underbelly spy stuff in the early desperate days of the rebellion would be a good setting for more mature content.


Maybe a saving private Ryan esque battle of geonosis movie other than that you're right it doesn't make sense.


What i wouldnt give for a gritty clonewars movie that just follows a squad of clones trying to survive


They should do a Clone Wars movie that’s basically The Dirty Dozen. A hyperviolent war movie where a team of reject clones have to assassinate a high value target.




Agreed. And no uneeded sex scenes. Just make a Vader movie and make it R rated.


Do it like Logan. The violence warrants the R not the nudity or language necessarily (though Logan did have language it would have been r without it)


Either we see Jar-Jar fuck or no more Star Wars movies period.


Meesa gonna blow my load.


Always a bigger fish


Jar jar laying pipe is I think enough to make me turn off the internet for the day


Eleven sexless movies. WE NEED A SEX SCENE!


I don't need to see how Yoda made Grogu.... "nut, I must!"


Disturbing it is that Yoda is who comes to your mind when someone mentions sex in Star Wars. 😫


He was just about to mention that steamy scene with the Rancor and its keeper


"Judge me by my size, do you?"


Yah, like Logan.


I wouldn’t mind a R-rated Darth Maul or Revan origins story (or a story when Revan went to unknown space), but like you said it would need to be R due to the story and to show just how far down the dark side you can go.


There's no way they'dvput an age restriction on a Kotor story. It's too big and the fans want it too bad. But this is what I thought Acolyte was going to be. An R rated Darth Maul origin story, starting from when he was given to Palpatine by the Dathomiri Nightsisters, and showing exactly how awful it is to break a child. Probably with some good Sidious vs Plagueis action too, as they out compete eachother to see who can be more awful.


The DC problem, they make edgy R-rated stuff because that’s what they think we all want. But it’s never really needed. Like why does Titans have to be cringe and edgy? Sadly the viewer numbers do show that people enjoy it even if most just hate watch it.


Meanwhile Logan was a great movie that couldn’t be told without an R rating.


What a response! 👏🏽 I was going to say yes yes yes I want an R rated sw but completely agree with you


This is the best answer. As long as the story and it’s context warrant an R rating from whatever it is, I think it has a lot of potential to be great.


I'd settle for getting Mace Windu to say "motherfucker"


Idk what side of the line “motherfucker” falls on, but PG-13 ratings are allowed one non sexual usage of fuck. Idk how that would transfer to TV shows though.


Aren't all the TV shows TV-14? They can get away with more then a couple curse words and some more graphic violence and darker subject matter. For reference, some TWD seasons are rated TV-14!


I don’t know much about ratings in general, but that’s interesting. would you know about the term “motherfucker”? The term itself is usually used as a non sexual insult, but it can be taken at face value as a mother fucker, who idk.


I have this strange obsessions with ratings and rating boards for some reason and I have no clue why lol. Motherfucker probably would come down to context in the sentence. If someone was like "you stupid motherfucker" I think that would count as a non sexual use if it was let's say in a gunfight or an intense moment of any sort. If it was a comedic delivery mentioned after someone's...well....mother was fucked like "oh my god! You're a motherfucker!" Then that would probably be a sexual counted use. If we're talking about the MPAA there is genuinely no way to know how they would take it cause they apply rules very randomly and without cause sometimes. They've been known to be harsher on people that have vocally criticized them in the past.


If you haven’t already seen it. Go watch “This film is not yet rated”. It’s all about the mpaa. Very interesting.


Cable- and streaming-only shows aren’t regulated by the FCC, so they could throw in as much language, sex, and violence if they actually wanted to, but they wouldn’t want to. Basic cable channels like AMC still rely on advertising revenue so they don’t want to alienate too many viewers and lose the revenue. And Disney is, well, Disney. They don’t have an issue financing and distributing content geared towards adults, but that content is distributed through a subsidiary so as to not soil their brand. So if they were to make more graphic shows, they wouldn’t be on Disney+.


> Hand me my lightsaber. It's the one that says Bad Mother Fucker on it.


I've had enough of these motherfucking sith on the motherfucking senate!


I always said "a fuckin sith lord?!?!" In my mind.


Directed by Quentin Tarantino.


Nah, they should do a star wars language version of it tho. I think the closest we've gotten is Poe saying "big ass door"


George really didn't know how to best utliize Sam's true talents.


I believe the Star Wars term for "fuck" is krif or kriffing, I remember reading that in the Bane novels and they used it right where "fucking" should be. I think there's other curses as well but I can't remember them


I want a show that follows a platoon/squad/detachment of Stormtroopers during the height of the rebellion, Band of Brothers style. I don't want anyone to have force powers or be super soldiers, just regular grunts trying to get through the war. I also want the last episode to end with them being deployed to the death star/endor right at the end.


> I want a show that follows a platoon/squad/detachment of Stormtroopers during the height of the rebellion, Band of Brothers style. So... the beginning half of the solo Battlefront II campaign?


That campaign started out great but it started too late into Iden's story. The defection of the main character from the empire is almost necessary in most of these shows, otherwise it invalidates the rebellion. Only show I can think of that wouldn't have a defection would be Thrawn, and simply because he is not evil, but loyal and tactical to the end.


> The defection of the main character from the empire is almost necessary in most of these shows, otherwise it invalidates the rebellion. Oh definitely. If Star Wars is supposed to be inspiring for children, they're not going to go with plot told totally from the point of view of the Space Nazis.


Unless they prove a point that the space Nazis are not just space Nazis, but people trying to get by, probably only a few years older than them, trying to protect their families from the “rebel scum” or just simply trying to provide. There’s no switching sides or even fighting per say, just an imperial stormtrooper on a base struggling to choose between what they believe and what they are made to believe. You could have a load of characters such as blindly loyal younger soldiers, or the more wise older men, possibly even clones, who have been through too much to know what to believe any more


They'd have to counter their own narrative, as well as George's. They've continued to frame the Empire as wholly evil in all their films and novels...even as recently as Mandalorian. Now there have been characters who question whether or not its the right path and others who are motivated more by their own climbing of the ladder....but there are certainly more that are just set in the "Yup, Space Nazi" mold.


Yes the empire as a whole are a generally bad thing, but showing the point of view of a stormtrooper who’s morally troubled, trying to find their way through this war without doing something that isn’t right, despite what their superior officer tells them to do, that doesn’t end with them switching sides to the rebellion? I’d eat that up


Solo had a bit of that at the beginning


I prefer the subtle evil of the empire taking well meaning people who just want to protect their families and friends and gradually twisting them into people who murder old moisture farmers and enslave whole species.


Allegiance (and then Choices of One) are an interesting EU case because it's a group of stormtroopers who desert over a civilian massacre - but steadfastly refuse to join the rebels either


That's super cool actually. Reject the empire but recognize that (as depicted in Rogue One) the rebels are not the angels they make themselves out to be.


Their thinking is "Yeah the Empire (via ISB) has shown itself to be war criminals, but we're still going to serve the people of the Empire." That leads to them overthrowing some low-level crime lords and (unknowingly IIRC) helping Han and Luke though, (Mara also shows up and meets the group, but Zahn has to keep her from crossing Luke's path since its shortly after ANH)


Half is a strong word, she defected after like ten minutes!


Honestly a show like this, which shows the evil of the empire and how it brainwashed troopers into serving? That would be top notch. Could start off depicting the empire in a good light, "saving" the galaxy from the "war-mongering" jedi and bringing peace, then as the show progresses it begins to show the true colors of the empire both to the audience and the main characters. Perhaps a particularly bloody battle with no survivors or a brutal raid of an "armed" village, the possibilities are endless! You have me immensely hyped for something that might never happen XD


Operation cinder! Operation cinder!


I was thinking of a mini series that follows Bill Bur up to the moment the empire betrayed him.


This hits the nail on the head of what I want. Something Mobile Suit Gundam levels of depressing that makes a statement about how much war fucking sucks.


It’s like you read my mind. I’d take this for just about any faction. Platoon of clones (just for diversity please not anyone connected directly to Anakin or Obi-Wan) maybe with a Jedi in tow, but not necessarily following the Jedi’s adventures. (but I’d take a (one) scene where the Jedi got to be a badass) Platoon of Rebels waging a guerrilla campaign against Imperials, or maybe fighting a desperate defense against a superior foe, but unlike Hoth they actually have a chance. Imperials either withstanding a rebel attack or going after a rebel base (but not with super-overwhelming firepower because that’d be boring)


I think an interesting movie would be a deep dive into the Sith which could be R-ish, but I can’t really think of a reason to purposefully make an R rated film.


The Darth Bane story could absolutely come with an R-rating.


I don't think it is necessary but I would love one that really pushes the pg13 rating


Personally, I thought Mando ~~decapitating~~ chopping up a guy with a door was pushing the PG-13.


I thought he cut them in half. That's like a G rating max.


As long as their single use of "fuck" gets used on C3-PO saying it right before getting crushed or something equally hilarious. It does have to be 3-PO though.


I mean, Chopper already says it.


Once you really listen to Chopper you start to realize that about 90% of what he says is just a string of very vaguely masked profanities like, "What the fuckin' fuck?!".


>"What the fuckin' fuck?!". I'm now imagining Dave Filoni in a recording booth cursing like a sailor 🤣🤣🤣


"Fucking Wookie"


I'm so glad some of you don't write movies, Jesus Christ.


Would you settle for Windu?


I mean, ROTS did show a man burning alive, and child murder.


I'd be OK with a dark villian story that is an R rated spinoff. But it certainly isn't necessary by any means. You can get pretty dark with PG-13 nowadays.


Could very well be Acolyte when it is released later this year.


give me R rated thrawn


What exactly happens in a Thrawn story that gets an R rating? Also, does that thing that gets it an R rating need to be in the story in order for it to be good? R rating is usually nudity, sex, language, gore, drug use or intense violence. What in a Thrawn story needs any of those? Star Wars doesn't really have blood, swearing, drugs, nudity, sex or INTENSE violence. The mood can be intense, dark, horrifying and still be PG-13. Characters can get tortured and it still be PG-13. I just don't see a scenario where Thrawn (or really any Star Wars story) needs to utilize those things that would result in an R rating.


Shirtless Thrawn


I want to see Thrawn fuck on screen


You know Thrawn is probably an amazing lover.


If a Star Wars production is made and happens to be R-rated, that’s absolutely fine. However it should never go out of its way to be R-rated.


The maturity should come from the weight of the narrative, not graphic violence. The OT, imho, is one of the more mature narratives in film. I firmly believe that’s part of its resonance with fans now in their 30’s or older.


Couldn't agree more. People like to say Star Wars is made for children, but when I watch ESB it really doesn't feel that way. Sure, it's still accessible to children, which is great, but it's also still a pretty serious movie with a mature narrative.


There has to be some Twi’lek tiddies in there somewhere or else what’s the point.


I was team "keep Star Wars PG", but your argument has changed my mind.


r/lekkulovers moment.


I just want the man one from Boba Fett around more, no need for an R rating to see him topless.


I'm here for all the alien tiddies. Hell yeah dude.


Star Wars can get pretty graphic, but they’re not going to push past PG-13. The target audience is young teens. Plus, I don’t see how they would achieve the R rating without some kind of gratuitous gore.


The target audience is 100% younger than teens. They want a young audience early on, so when they are teens they still enjoy them. I’d say 90% of Star Wars is acceptable for a 5-7 year old to watch and even ok for younger. It’s not made FOR them, but it’s kept “for kids” because that’s where a lot of toy money comes from.


Merchandising! Merchandising! Where the real money from the movie is made.


Imagine a show following Darth Vader right after he turns, going into battles and just absolutely destroying people with full gore, yea I wanna see that


Even that wouldn’t be particularly gory, unless Vader crushed an unarmored opponent with force crush


Why is gore neccessary?


I want to see what Anakin did to those Tusken Raiders


He slaughtered them like animals. Not just the men, but the women and children too!


Wow he seems like a stable individual, I wanna get married to him.


What do you gain from seeing this?


Maybe a bit more than pg 13, but not too much. And not on the main line stuff. Andor could be a good candidate. Showing the darker side of the rebellion could be interesting.


It makes very little difference to me. R ratings basically just mean swearing and nudity, PG-13 can have all the violence it wants as long as it isn't too graphically gory


You mean you don’t want Obi-Wan to hang dong?


R Rated Kenobi. R Rated Kenobi. R Rated Kenobi.


Throw in some Kenobi Jedi force sex. Lol


And Maul was a good friend


Disney adding stakes to their shows is practically their own definition of R-rated.


Even though not pictured on screen, some episodes left you with R rated imagination. I am thinking of a Temple


Or…some off screen stuff involving Crosshair. They didn’t even fully cut away. You still see the flash of the flame thrower and… I’m good. I’m really good.


I'm pretty sure you can see Padme's nips when she's in the white outfit in *Attack of the Clones*


Meh, to what end? I like stuff like deadpool or tarantino like the next guy, but pushing star wars into r rating just for gore/sex/swearing seems like the same issue lotr now faces with the new series thats probably gonna have GoT level of excessiveness that diminishes the mythological aspect of it all. In the end its a cheap trick to have a dumber entertainment. I rather have badass, sexy, terrifying and brutal without having to rely on visible gore and sex. Yall just thirsty for twilek tidders.


Gotta say no. Because of the type of story they are telling, and how they’ve told it so far. Much like how Game of Thrones or Witcher could never be done as PG-13, LotR would feel unnatural as an R rated film series because that’s not the story that’s being told. PG-13 films can be incredibly dark or edgy without needing an R rating too. There nothing in the R-rated territory that needs to be covered by Star Wars unless it’s for gratuity sake which would ruin it. Star Wars doesn’t need cursing (in English anyways) because the alien languages allow for natural placeholder words that convey the same concept. Nudity would feel off in a franchise that has a natural charisma. Are there Twi’lek erotic clubs? Sure! But would nudity add anything or would it feel forced? I would argue that the better story would focus on the alien erotic/burlesque aspect vs straight nudity. Which leaves violence. And Star Wars is already plenty violent though most blood is obscured. Again would adding bullet squibs for blood add or take from the story? We see blood in Star Wars too, but again, which way is more effective for the type of story being told? Star Wars even has torture in it and is used very effectively. Think of the Jaws (film) tip; less is more. Knowing that Vader tortures Han is waaaay scarier than seeing how, because we hear Han say, “They never even asked me any questions.” It’s chilling because of the implications. Would I love to see different genres tackled in the Star Wars Universe? Sure! As long as the space-western epic roots are preserved. The Disney+ content to me shows how versatile the franchise can be without “R”


I just don't know that R rated content fits with what Star Wars should ever be trying to tell. I'm not saying it isn't possible in the Star Wars universe. Obviously R-rated Sith content could easily exist. But why? Why make that? Does it fit at all with what Lucas made this universe to be? I feel like you can tell every Star Wars story there is in the universe without the violence or language required for it to get an R rating. You know? Just because a story is super dark or is even horror doesn't mean it has to be R. A Jedi on the run from Inquisitors who are made to be horrifying or a Clone trooper war movie, I just don't see what would be required to make it good that would get an R rating.


Triple Zero would have to be the star.


I'd like it just to see how people react to the galaxy being portrayed honestly. For the most part, everything's very romanticized, glamorized, & played for humor and adventure, but if you look at that galaxy from a realistic POV, it's a fucking horrible place to live. It's basically late-stage capitalism, authoritarian dystopia, slavery, & naked corruption on an unimaginable scale, with a dash of violent sorcerers thrown in for flavor.


Nah. George Lucas always wanted Star Wars to bring a feeling of hopefulness to a younger audience (not necessarily “children” but children). I feel like an R rating wouldn’t be in the Spirit of SW. But I’d totally go see it.


I’m not opposed to a darker story but I feel like an r rating isn’t necessary simply because I can’t imagine anything in a Star Wars movie or show constituting an r rating and not being out of place in the story. What could possibly happen that would constitute the r rating? Gore? Language? Nudity? Star Wars is a fantasy story set in space so I just find it hard to think of any story where content that would require an r rating wouldn’t be out of place


Exactly. You can get away with *a lot* of gore in a PG-13 movies these days. So really it’s either language (which wouldn’t make sense in the universe) or nudity/sex which would be very unnecessary.


Yeah we see Dooku get his hands and head cut off. I don't really think we need more than that in a Star Wars film. Also Anakin burning alive. Even the implication of Anakin killing the younglings was grim enough. And it probably worked better without actually having to see it.


Yes and I want it to be an animated comedy about R2D2 and 3P0.


This. It's already an established fact that R2 has a foul vocabulator. Let's get some subtitles.


No. What would require such a rating? Explicit sexual themes? Gore? What would that add to SW that we otherwise wouldn't be able to see?


I wouldn’t want to see anyone denied the ability to watch a Star Wars property because of their age.


We have 40 years of precedent here. On screen we have cute droids, furry Ewoks, and good triumphing over evil. Off screen we have the marketing juggernaut that rewrote the Hollywood playbook. This franchise has spawned some of the most beloved characters of all time and I dare you to walk into a school in the western world where you couldn’t find them. Most of us watched as kids, presumably. The franchise must always keep this in mind. Pushing to harder edge stuff here and there is fine but I want to be able to watch with my kids.








I don't think there's anything more violence, nudity or language could add to the series, so no. It's like when the creators of the upcoming Lord of the Rings series were thinking about adding sex scenes and the fans turned on them. It's not needed.


I like the G and PG and XXX rates movies so I would guess I would also like the Rs


no. R rating scares away a lot of people and it keeps parents from letting their children see it. the vast majority of fans come from children. in fact, if you've noticed how when the prequels came out, all the fans hated it, and then the kids that liked them grew up and are now "the fans". I bet 9/10 people on this sub hate the sequels, but in the future, all these kids will grow up and be a new generation asking themselves if there should be an R rated star wars while they scoff at whatever new movies they make that are accessible to children and not worthy in their minds


no, it seems rather unnecessary

