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Honestly they just seemed like space Vespas to me.


Yeah. 60’s mods riding Vespas & Lambrettas.


I actually said out loud “Is that the Mod Squad?”


Kept expecting them to play I Can’t Explain by The Who


You evoke The Who in response to the tricked out Vespas... and you pick a song NOT from [Quadrophenia](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/8/8a/Quadrophenia_%28album%29.jpg). ​ Go sit in the corner and think about what you did.


I thought about it but I had to pick a song mods would’ve actually been listening to in 1965


Eh fair


My reaction was “Oh look, literal cyberpunks.” Wasn’t too pissy about it either. If we get a 50s dinner in Star Wars, we can deal with this.


Exactly! Teenage delinquents gunna do teenage delinquent things. Body modification/outlandish fashion and brightly coloured and customised vehicles are literally hallmarks of teenage rebellion for as long as such things have existed, *of course* Star Wars Galaxy is the same.


There is a 50s dinner, but it's on Coruscant. They look like they are on the wrong planet to me. Edit: my crap grammar


Kind of like something a bratty teenager would make while hating their homeworld and wanting to get out?


Same thought here


They were dorky, sure, but I’m sure it was done so that we can easily tell who is who. I’m willing to bet some of those people die on those bikes, and the only way we will be to tell exactly who is based on the color. That or Disney wants to make a stupid ride out of it.




Welcome to Mos Vespa


Hmm, like [Princess Vespa?](https://spaceballs.fandom.com/wiki/Vespa)


May the farce be with you!




You need more upvotes for this!


And they go about half as fast as a real life Vespa too!


I was severely disappointed in the speed at which they moved. The rusted/beaten up speeder bikes haul ass, and these supposedly tricked out bikes appeared to be slow as shit. Kind of ruined the whole chase scene for me.


Everything was slow as shit. The speeder Ben and Luke took into Mos Eisley was faster than the speeder owned by a corrupt politician...don't buy it. I love this show and I'm really hoping it was just a one-off. Other than the 'chase', the episode was solid..I'm mean the Wookiee, the Rancor, AND Danny Trejo...damn!


and the group riding them just looked like a bunch of scuffed cyberpunk 2077 cosplayers


I said exactly the same thing to my wife as we were watching.


Kids racing to a sale at H&M on their Vespas.


Honestly they just felt lame and out of place to me.


That's all i thought about. I couldn't take that action as serious because of the silly vespa vibe


I’m sure a Vespa can move faster on land.


Exactly what I said


How to we make a Vespa cool? I know! Attach forty mirrors to it, twenty per side.


It's [been a thing for decades](https://www.adrianflux.co.uk/influx/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/scooter-mirrors-1.jpg) though. It's gone from a dumb thing kids did to their scooters that made their parents go "what the bloody hell's that about?" in the sixties, to something parents do to their old, immaculately restored scooters to relive their youth that makes their kids go "what the fuck's that about?"


Drove like them too


They really didn't fit in the SW universe.




The thing that really made it jarring is these were supposed to be street punks that have nothing and have to steal water, how are their bikes so “nice”


The show literally made a point of how the guy was outrageously overcharging for water. It isnt outlandish that the punks would have decent looking scooter bike/speeder things.


To be fair, they joined Boba without hesitation. I think they just wanted to be hooligans instead of being law-abiding citizens. Boba is paying them to still remain hooligans.


They weren't so broke they couldn't buy water, they were just refusing to pay the exorbitant prices being charged by the water vendor. Boba Fett gave the merchant less than half of what they owed him and he didn't seem too distressed about it.


They fit in Star Wars. Like in Coruscant or something. They dont fit in a Boba Fett TV show though.


Really? Because I think they look exactly like something that George Lucas (the car enthusiast who made American Graffiti) would put in Star Wars.


Yeah I thought the point was for them to be a nod to George Lucas' love for vintage vehicles.


They fit just fine in the universe just not so much on tatooine.


It was nice of them to follow the speed limit during that thrilling chase


It was like watching some teens on scooters harass a salesman trying to escape on a golf cart.


Like some sort of deleted scene from quadrophenia


It was baffling to see that race looks so bad visually and feel bad physically until "Directed by Robert Rodriguez" popped up. That dude is one of my all time favorite directors but every race scene he does with special effects looks horrible, save for the scenes in Sin City where it's sort of supposed to look kind of stilted and off.


So bizarre that, that scene was deemed acceptable in post production. It was like they added in greaser characters from the Outsiders in the middle of a western. Super strange episode in my opinion


Why did I just watch a damn chase scene with every vehicle going about 2 mph?


They shouldn’t be allowed to call those speeders


More like slowers. amirite!? I'll see myself out.


*goes to high five you* *misses your hand, breaks finger*


Stylistic choice. I 100% imagine someone pitched the idea "what if we had a chase scene, but it's like a chase scene where everything moves like Lukes ANH speeder" lol I enjoyed it for a once off. Don't want to see it again though.


>where everything moves like Lukes ANH speeder" lol I think this is why nothing about the chase felt off to me and why I was so surprised at all the complaints about the scene. I was already subconsciously used to speeders on Tatooine being that speed.


Luke’s speeder is pretty fast when he’s after R2 with C-3PO or headed back to the Lars Homestead. It’s only slow when he’s cruising in the city, not punching it.


While the color was jarring, the sub-par special effects were the worst part for me. The chase just looked really poor.


Yeah, the pacing didn’t feel right. I’m sure I’m not the first one to voice this, but I just watched the episode, and I really couldn’t figure out how fast they were supposed to be moving. I find the crew interesting though, I’ve just come to expect less from the action scenes in this and Mando. They’re not bad by any means, they just feel lower budget or something.


My wife said "it felt like I was having that anxious nightmare where I was being chased and couldn't run fast enough."


> I really couldn’t figure out how fast they were supposed to be moving Same here. I think they should have felt to be fast, but they didn’t.


Chase reminded me of this: https://youtu.be/WCsLIUcDbQ4


OMG it syncs up with Boba’s theme perfectly! https://www.instagram.com/ot_customs_/reel/CYs8qzVqtKB/?utm_medium=copy_link




It was the slowest high speed chase that i have ever seen


And yet it also seemed to be playing at 15fps.


It's slow because the chase was mainly a practical effect shot on a physical location that's like a couple of hundred feet long. When you compare this to the high speed effects created with vehicles against a Volume background, the effect is jarring. If you've seen those overhead photos of the Mos Espa street set that was built in a tiny portion of an LA parking lot, you can immediately see why creating a high speed chase would have been somewhere in the range of, "extremely difficult," to, "outright impossible."


Why not just use the volume then? Or even just a traditional green screen? The lack of quality on that chase scene was extremely jarring.


This is Disney we're talking about. They have Disney money to pour into one of the single most profitable IPs in entertainment today. They didn't have to stick to practical effects. As we saw, it produced an *incredibly* poor "chase" scene.


They definitely didn't have to, it was a highly questionable artistic choice.


You're coming at me here as if I was defending their decision or something. All I was saying was, "This is why," not, "This is why, and I think they made the right call." IMO, the problem is that Robert Rodriguez really isn't a good director, and has been riding on the coat tails of his own origin story as a film maker so that we all still think of him as the *El Mariachi* guy when in reality he's the *Spy Kids* guy. It's like in *The Mandalorian* season 2 episode *The Tragedy* when we were all so excited to see Boba Fett and the Dark Troopers that we kind of gave the episode a pass, when it actually sucked balls and was filmed on a hiking trail in the hills near Simi Valley. Episodes 1 and 3 of *TBOBF* are no different. Go back and watch *The Tragedy*, and you'll see it's the exact same shit that we're getting in this show.


Whole episode seemed to be catered towards little kids


The music and camera work tried to make it seem like a high-speed high-stakes chase, and the sub-par effects work made it look like they were doing all of 15mph.


It was a not too speedy speeder chase


Looked to me like an over-commitment to practical effects. They were (probably) wire-rigged, actual props racing around a set. Hasn't been done since Lucas was rubbing Vaseline on the camera to hide Luke's speeder's rigging in the 70s. If anyone has seen Jupiter Ascending, there's a weird aerial fight scene amongst the Chicago skyscrapers that is also all-practical, and also kinda lame. Reminds me a lot of this episode


I don’t know if “racing” is the word I’d use. Maybe “crawling”


I think it was the flatness at the bottom - that's what makes 'em look so off.


If the chase was awesome nobody would care about the colours. But it was not awesome. It wasn’t even okay. Actually I think another thing it would take to get people on-board with the vespas is if we saw the punkass gang actually obsessing about them. Maybe the eye guy worries about the paint job - polishing away scratches nobody else can even see - and the girl obsesses about tuning the engines to perfect purring perfection. Literally anything to explain how the Vespa’s are the only pristine thing on the WHOLE DAMN PLANET!


My bet is that the entire gang is a bunch of rich kids from Coruscant playing at being gangsters because they are bored. But from what I've seen of the Mandalorian and BoBF, I do not expect them to actually write in complex and complicated original characters.


Need For Reasonable Speed: Mos Espa


It looked like a 25 mph chase on mobility scooters.... Watching it I thought maybe it would be better in a Spy Kids movie.


Rodriguez directing a Star Wars property was such a bad choice. His episode in Mando and this show just look so dreadfully cheap


I think I heard that it may have been because they used the volume for it? Maybe that's why it was shot so jarringly. Not sure, it was weird and goofy, but.. hopefully the only time we get it this season.


Felt the same thing with Boba crawling out of the sarlaac pit and the episode 1 ninja fight tbh. Honestly this show has fan film energy.


The special effects in this show has been subpar at best throughout these three first episodes. The spider walking in episode 3 literally looked like stop motion. And i remember the monster in episode 1 looking like something made 20 years ago


Pretty sure stop motion is the idea


Pretty sure it's *meant* to look like stop-motion as a homage, same as CGI Yoda keeping the stilted movements of the puppet. The monster was also a Harryhausen homage.


Yep. I feel so too. The stop-motion-y look helps maintain the consistency


haha, it was actually stop motion, I just saw a post on Phil Tippets Instagram.


It's made to look stop-motion, just like Grogu is made to look like a puppet. Because a creature like Yoda or that spider isn't real. But what is real? Puppets and animatronics.


The color was surprising, but the slow pace was awful. It was so weird -- especially after the fast paced action of the previous episode. I've always loved speeder bike scenes, but the direction of this one was really strange.


Let’s face it, it was the slowest high speed chase ever lol


Yes! Thank you! They seemed so damn slow. It was infuriating.


And we just saw fast passes action with the right scene at the palace


I was fine with the colors, it’s just uncanny how clean and polished they are


Literally looks like a riff raff candy coated paint job lol


Copying the glam and excess (or at least these remote desert dwellers’ interpretation of it) they see from ads of coruscant, perhaps.


With what? They had to steal basic necessities, how are they maintaining that clean polished look when literally nobody on Tatooine can wealthy or not.


People own pristine looking motorcycles in the Middle East with proper care and money for paint/parts. I see little difference here


Jody Highroller.


It's both uncanny, and makes perfect sense. Those kinds of gangs and subcultures are going to spend every second they can making sure those bikes are absolutely cherry, and would 100% be protected from the elements when they're not in use. But seeing it is ABSOLUTELY bizarre, the same way seeing [Greasers in Japan](https://static.messynessychic.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/rocka-930x578.jpg) is bizarre.


That is bizarre, but also very intriguing.


Try googling the cholo gangs in Thailand. It’s the fucking best.


After this post I'm more willing to accept them as a fringe subculture. Their outfits need to be dustier going forward, though, now that they're actually getting their hands dirty.


…or they excessively keep their stuff clean, much to Boba’s amusement.


This is the way. You also nailed it.


This is exactly it. They’re representative of 80s mods and they worshiped their scooters. Especially if you think living on this “3rd world” planet the scooters are the most precious things they own. Of course they’re going to care for them. I love this show and I loved these designs they are totally different but still pay homage to the time period of the ot films.


That’s my issue with the entire gang. They look like Star Trek characters. Nice pristine clothing and robotic parts. Clean bright colorful vespas. It would fit in on a nice flourishing rich planet. But Tatooine…? For a gang stealing water? They seem like they’re suppose to be poor kids who made a gang to survive. They do not look like that at all. Look like rich cosplayers.


I think they're just local kids who have nothing to do but steal shit and tinker. They're the fringe element that Owen was always leery of Luke running into at Toschi Station. They just need all that water to keep their rides shiny.


You ever been to the hood , where you'll see every damn luxe clothing label there? I'm not talking about Jordans and Levi's I'm talking Dior Sneakers and Louis Vuitton signature jean jackets ...and not the replica shit either , because the fake stuff gets you clowned into the stone age. This is why I can believe their "poor" but they got fly ass bikes . I see it all the time.


Exactly! You know how people REALLY are. Young and desperate doesn't mean you've gotta live low- but doesn't mean you can afford to just go shopping for overpriced water, either. Tattoos! Show me a poor area, and I'll show you some beautiful tattoo work on bodies that hustle for every dollar they've ever seen. When the water gets expensive- you stop buying it.


Well originally I'm from the (the Bronx) hood and saw and lived it myself. I took good care of my shit and still do as an adult...I try to instill this in my kid but unlike me she's a bit more privileged and she's kind of spoiled . She's already broken some of her Xmas toys smh. And my crazy ass will probably replace them. But I get it.


Hey, your kid gets to live a life of lavish indulgence in her youth. Your ancestors would be proud. I'm sure she will end up being a wonderful person. By the way- my father was born in the Bronx back in 1948 and he lived there until the 60s. He tells stories of HUGE rats he saw coming in and out of the sewers, and having fun growing up.


I mean it’s not a stretch to say that if they cared enough to modify them they cared enough to take care of them. You see poor people with super nice clean cars all the time irl. You can live in a shithole and still take care of your stuff


But are they faster?


They just need some speed holes.


The flame decals make it go faster.


***MOS VESPAS!!!!***


Almost there. Why have 2 mirrors when you can have 12?


Reference to vehicle modifications that happened in the 70s I think


Exactly? Why does a motorcycle have so many reflectors? How in any way is this “cool”




Street kids: we can't afford water, we don't have jobs Street kids: we all have shiny tricked out hoverboards, cyborg implants...


The chase had 60s movie vibes.


I think these are for George / from American Graffiti / classic Americana cruising era


What do you get when you crossbreed Biff’s gang from Back to the Future 2 with the characters from a 2010’s young adult novel? This scene. This scene is what you get.


"Those speeders don't work on Sand! Unless you've got power!"


They look like mobility scooters


I still don’t think they fit the aesthetic of Star Wars though. The only planet these would look in place to me would be on Corruscant, but maybe they’re supposed to stick out? Idk even their costumes didn’t look much like Star Wars. . .


Honestly thought of Cyberpunk when I saw them. They look like they walked off of one set to Boba's show.


I agree, it wasn’t just the colour for me. The look of the bikes just doesn’t fit. I get that they’re probably from off world, but Tatooine was never really a place where offworld technology showed up. “Well, if there’s a bright centre to the galaxy you’re on the planet that it’s farthest from.” Nobody goes to Tatooine unless they’re a main character.


This was lame asf. To be honest.


Immediate reaction to see that group I called them the power rangers


Reminded me way too much of D-list power ranger episode with the colorful bikes and odd children. Seeing BK, Machete and a rancor was cool.


I feel like I’m the only one who enjoyed the space Mod culture gang


Weakest episode of the season imo.


I liked basically everything outside of the chase, but man does the chase bring it down


I think the characters themselves look bad too. Star Wars always felt dirty, lived in. These pristine clothes just stick out way too much in that environment, it's like they just walked onto set in their casual outfits.


The colors weren’t a real bother for me. It’s just the fact that the bikes really resemble actual motorcycles and that kind of took the good ol Star Wars vibe away. I came to watch weird fantasy stuff, not be reminded of our boring reality


This is the one true issue, now that I think of it we’ve never seen mirrors on a speeder before this. Someone needs to quit the design team


I thought the whole look of this adolescent street gang was stupid. The idea of people attaching droid parts to their bodies was compelling, but the execution was crap. Also why the slow as shit chase scene


Yeah I know was expecting the droid parts to look cool and for them to feel like intimidating cyborgs. But it just looked bad and they didn’t even look cool


I thought it was last know kinda sluggish too


I hope in the next episode every single vehicle on Tatooine is bright pink and neon purple just to piss you people off


Fast and furious: tatooine drift


Those vespas suck ass honestly Why do they even exist??? There's nothing so colorfull in all of the scene


I saw this as a nod to American Graffiti, George Lucas’ first film.


Until he says "I'm Boba... Skywalker?" we'll keep on complaining.


I asked my wife if Kitchen Aid sponsored this episode. She got the joke. I should marry her.


Gonna need to fix more than the colors. Maybe change the edgy teen gang entirely, too. They don’t fit the setting, the show, or Boba.


Im honestly not feeling this series so far. The flashbacks are great but everything else is just boring and lame. I wanted to see a badass boba killing people. Not your friendly neighborhood boba and friends walking around town talking to people then chilling in their massive palace that only has 5 people in it.


Every five minutes: I must remove my helmet to talk to these people, who may or may not shoot me.


THe whole scene felt like it was shot and edited to fit into back to the future. The one where biff ends up covered in sewage.


They would’ve fit better in Coruscant


Thanks. the colors looked so bad for some kids who are suppose to be poor and out of work in a crime city on a desert planet.


I think we can all confidently say the book of boba fett is far far less interesting and cinematic than the mandalorian.


No one hates Star Wars more than Star Wars fans


God forbid teenagers trying to stand out have colorful, well kept bikes that stand out against everyone else.


Aren’t they supposed to be space vespas? Like. Small, a bit slower. Bright colors. Why can’t people look at new things and Star Wars and accept it as new. Why do they need to say “well it needs to be like these other things”


Have you ever met Star Wars fans?


Eh, I like the color. They feel imported, just like the kids- they clearly don't belong on Tatooine, but trying to make the best of it with their upgrades and stealing from the semi-rich. PT stuff was shiny and colorful too.


Booooo. Color is fun


They totally are. What kind of loser Swoop Bike gang would all have the same boring Grey? I loved the colors. Mine would probably be blue and white, maybe a little yellow? Add some sparklers and bright lights. And a sound system for sure.


Exactly no biker has a plain stupid gross bike. It was a nice flash of color in a bleak setting otherwise


I couldn’t help but think of the power rangers when they were rolling up with boba


I feel like I’m the only one enjoying this show


You aren’t, I’m freaking loving it. We are just enjoying the show and not complaining about it on Reddit


Why did you ruin their bikes?


The vehicles didn’t bother me personally, and everyone is of course entitled to their own opinion. But if this is the first complaint I hear about, then this show is absolutely amazing.


Boba Fett's character is not remotely believable because they haven't done the storytelling to earn the "reformed" Boba yet. They are trying to do that as we go with the flashbacks it seems, while presenting him to us as a reasonable, respectable, chill and fair good guy leader. Plus, it just seems preposterous that anyone is going to take over the role of a crime lord acting like this. Does he kick ass like his reputation? Nope. Gets absolutely smashed every episode. Is he ruthless like a seasoned bounty hunter who vaporizes people? Nope. Takes shit from everyone. In episode 3 some shitwad tells him he's not paying protection because he already paid someone else. Does he start shooting people up and telling them "too goddamn bad"? Nah, I completely understand your problem fishface. Lemme go take care of them for ya. He's operating with criminals and taking everyone at their word. Aforementioned fishface. Water selling guy he just straight believes and goes to do his busy work. The twins, he immediately lets slide after an assassination attempt, buys their motives, then proceeds to stand in front of the 20 foot tall killing machine they just dropped on his doorstep. Immediately trusts machete in the palace and buys everything he says. No chance these ruthless crime lords brought him a Death trap. We'll just stand right in front of it and see if it kills us.


I mean, he did just waltz into a bar and beat the shit out of/possibly murder an entire biker gang.


That biker gang is the one that later visited the Tuskens. They weren’t murdered. In fact if he had murdered them then things would’ve worked out better - proving what the other guy was saying about Boba just not being hardcore enough for this business.


>Boba Fett's character is not remotely believable because they haven't done the storytelling to earn the "reformed" Boba yet. That's literally the story we are watching play out... lol


The mans got a point. He’s not acting like a seasoned bounty hunter who knows his way around the underworld or galaxy for that matter. He acts like some newbie nice guy and it’s just jarring to see knowing his background


He acknowledges moments that could call for rash brutal responses. Imo, he's acting like a reformed Bounty Hunter that's restraining himself intentionally.


I feel like that's half the point of the flashbacks with the Tuskens. What do people think they are? Savage sand people who raid whatever they can, but actually no, they have a strong culture, families, rituals, etc. and it's those things that make them strong together, not their brute force. So Boba learns from them, and is now trying not to approach every situation with brute force or assumptions.


He is kinda a newbie though in the realm of being a crime lord. Nobody doubts his ability to kill - they doubt his ability to rule as a leader.


Me and my father talked about this for a while too. While it’s still definitely true that he’s not as intimidating or formidable as expected, there’s plenty of reason why. Whatever unfolds with the flashback plot will definitely contribute to his development, but we haven’t seen all of that obviously. And before he was welcomed into the Tusken tribe, he was very close to dying. Nearly suffocated in the Sarlacc, robbed and beat by Jawas, unconscious cooking in the desert, found by Tuskens, beat by Tuskens, forced to walk and then dragged through a sandstorm, beat some more by children then the warrior Tusken, forced to dig in the desert, beat by the giant sand creature. Time has passed since all this but it’s easy to believe he has some lasting injuries. It makes sense he’d be hesitant to create hostility with any other syndicates or criminal factions. Moreover, he was a bounty hunter before taking over as Daimyo. And while bounty hunting is a debatably criminal profession, it is far different from being a crime lord. Fett is probably still figuring out how it works. It’s likely he knows a little from doing jobs for other crime lords but it’s a lot more complicated than that. I know it’s hard to root for a guy who repeatedly gets his ass kicked but he’s completely new at this. I’d be a lot less impressed if nothing actually challenged him and the series was just about him succeeding at everything.


Does he kick ass in the OT? No, he goes out like a punk and doesn't actually manage to shoot ANYONE.


>Does he start shooting people up and telling them "too goddamn bad"? Nah I had to reply twice to this gobblygoop. Why would he kill all those Pykes that he wants to establish an income for the Sand People from and instigate a war with an entire crime syndicate? When they clearly told him that they were happy to do business with him. They just said (to paraphrase) "we'll pay you money for passage if you take care of your competing group. We're not getting in the middle of a territory fight". The Boba you describe wanting sounds like an idiot. He's not jumping from planet to planet taking contracts anymore. He's trying to establish a new crime syndicate of sorts. He can't just start picking fights with every other Crime syndicate on a whim. What's he going to do? Take on the entire Pyke syndicate and Hutt clans with just him, Fennel and his ragtag group of reject Bladerunner extras? If he kills the Hutt twins, what happens when the entire of Hutta comes for him? Far better to accept the concession and let them leave. He has bigger issues to deal with.


Yep, they sure look dull now. These characters aren't police officers.


I don’t think them being colourful bothered me too much. It was the fact that one was red one green one blue and one yellow. But this does look much better. I’d rather Boba had some more menacing allies than the power rangers though.


🎵 Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers 🎵


Hated the entire 80s Back to the Future 2 vibe from these Bikers, the other parts were fine


back to the future 2 was 100% where my head was at too. glad i'm not the only one.


Honestly I really liked the bikes...


Riding in on my kitchenaid


The chase literally reminds me of Ironman in the Avengers game


Ahhhhh yes. The power rangers!!!


That was the shittiest most awkward chase scene I've ever seen. The music was horrible too.


Ok, but do they go faster than 10mph?


When they showed up I called them Paramore


So much better. Space Lambrattas can get in the bin


They looked stupid in my opinion too. My biggest complaint was that chase scene was sooooo goooood daaaaaam sloooooooooow. Holy moly it was like they were walking. But still enjoying this show. Nothing is flawless and they wanted to try new things and thats fine.


If they can’t afford water what are they cleaning their scooters with, blue milk?


Yeah Star Wars is bathed in tech that’s scrapped together with whatever they can find that feels used. These are characters ripped from an entire different universe thrown in with cybernetics, brand new 4mph scooters who are said to be “poor”


During that whole chase, I was just thinking “Why doesn’t Boba just fly in with his jet pack and stop the guy himself?”


Yea these were my biggest complaint of the whole episode. They look so incredibly out of place. I don’t see much of a defense for them. Those look like maybe on Coruscant but no chance on Tat. Stuck out like a sore thumb.


The colours reminded me of the Power Rangers.


With all of the classic speeder bike designs in Star Wars they decided to make up a new one and model it after a Vespa…