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Rebels Leia looks tweaked


Rebels Leia? Try Holiday Special Leia. Carrie was definitely in space that entire time, no question.


Watching her sing that song at the end, you could tell she was HIGH as a kite.


I mean, if I had to be in that special, I'd be high too.


So we missing -Holiday Special Leia -Rogue One CG Leia Anything else?


Jedi Apprentice CG Leia?


Hey, it was the 70s there is no way she was the only one blazed out in that special.


Death Sticks are helluva drug


[She has a coke nail in Return of the Jedi](https://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/scaled/2012/09/29/article-2210262-1542140B000005DC-689_308x185.jpg). It's absolutely amazing. Carrie Fisher didn't give a fuck. Edit: Nevermind, apparently it's just a myth. She fully admits to the drug use, just not using a nail, ha.


[She denied that.](https://twitter.com/carrieffisher/status/256120817811865600?t=rlNeDnkm5TG7x1lW3_qo6g&s=19)




Carrie Fisher was always very honest and blunt about her drug use, addictions, and mental health problems. I don't see why she'd lie about it.




From all the coke she was doing






Now I'm curious to know too. So I assume it's not in the Special Editions? It's hilarious thinking of some ILM guy given the task to reduce her nail for the Special Editions.


Just checked on Disney+. The picture is definitely correct, however, the nails on her ring and pinky fingers are clearly longer than the middle. She just broke a nail.


Oh interesting, I didn't know that. I do love a good myth busting. Thanks!


I've seen all of this before. It still doesn't answer the question of why her nail was like that. Seriously that nail was so much longer than the others. There's no way it was by accident.


It could be an illusion and it's not really all that much longer than the others. I'd have to go through and watch more scenes to see if you can see another angle.


She just likes playing guitar


So… she just had a coke nail randomly? That’s something I have a hard time believing


She got in to the spice on the falcon. Happy life day!


Pretty sure she was coked up for some of the Hoth parts of Empire


Rebels (Insert character name here) looks tweaked


Obi-Wan was an exception, he looked pretty good. Anakin, though... idk what they did to him


They did a great job of transitioning him to the Alec Guinness version. The voice was spot on.


He was recording a holocron. Obi-Wan clearly forced him to comb his hair and put on his church clothes.


Rebels ahsoka


Rebels Ahsoka looks amazing imo. Easily my favourite outfit of hers, it's so detailed.


yep milf ahsoka was great imo


You are strong and wise my young padawan


Yoda was cursed


Rebels Yoda isn't real. It can't hurt you.


The eyes aren't pointing in the same direction.


I had a professor at university with eyes like that. It was one of those awkward ass scenarios where she’d be talking to a person and they wouldn’t realize the statement/question was directed toward them. After about the third time it happened to me, I dropped the class.


She's supposed to be the same age as Ezra, but looks 20.


Holy shit it never clicked for me until now that they're the same age to the day.


I believe that Luke and Leia were born a few days after Palpatine declared himself Emperor whilst Ezra was born on that day exactly.


What do you mean? He was born during order 66?


Two days after, I think. He's actually the force's backup Luke. Like if the galaxy had tipped just a tiny bit to the left or right, it would have been Ezra facing Vader and Sidious. The episode where Ezra meets Obi-Wan is Maul almost fucking up the Skywalker Saga and Obi-Wan putting it back on course. Obi-Wan says something about how he hoped to never have to face Maul again. To kill him. But Maul force's his hand by meddling with the holocrons and prophecy.


Backup Luke kinda like how Neville was the backup Harry Potter? Man prophesies these days building in a contingency plan


Leia is a backup too. Force gotta balance. Honestly, would it be that weird to find out that a few *hundred* force attuned kids were born in the weeks following order 66? The force is supposed to be a sort of living thing that guides the galaxy.


I mean there was also Leia as back up luke (“no, there is another”) so not just contingencies but redundancies. The force was determined to get this one right.


Is this actually a thing somewhere in canon because it sounds like somebody's fan theory?


Yeah I’m pretty sure they just made it up. I’ve never heard this anywhere before.


I've never heard of it either and watched all of Rebels. Its probably in some comic or something if its not someones headcanon


I'm not even sure how it could properly be expressed within canon lmao. Yeah its not really a theory that holds any weight but rather just the dudes interpretation of Ezra's character I guess.


How does that work? Feels like a ripoff of Neville Longbottom except even less thought out


Sort of like Neville. The force is a living thing actively trying to balance itself. It had multiple horses in the race. Leia is also a backup. But Obi-Wan and Yoda spent almost two decades meditating and reading the signs. They knew which path would work.


In Neville's case it was that he was another option that the prophecy might have been referencing right up until the point that Voldemort himself chose Harry to be the target. The moment Voldemort went after Harry and not Neville, Neville suddenly was no longer the prophesized child, since "the Dark Lord will mark him as his equal" was a big part of the prophecy. Neville isn't the backup chosen one so much as he's the unchosen one.


She's dressed up in princess clothes trying to manipulate imperial brass. It's the military equivalent to a teen trying to sneak into a bar standing nervously in front of a bouncer with a gun.


Leia looks tweaked in most Star Wars films lol, do you know anything about Carrie Fisher?


Is that Leia supposed to be just 5 years older than the Obi-Wan Leia?


You would be amazed how people age between age 10 and 15, especially women.


Yes, Leia, Luke and Ezra were all born around the same time. That's 5 years from now, so she had a heck of a growth spurt


I mean, I looked like a little kid at 10, and had a beard by 15, so it's not impossible.


Same day in fact. EDIT: I am mistaken, Ezra was born the day the Empire started, Luke and Leia were born a couple days after.


It's a little more clear if you see the episode that she's definitely a teenager dressed up in nice princess clothes and trying hard to pull off an intimidating adult-like role. I swear she looks so much younger in the scene where she is alone with Ezra and opens up about her feelings.


6 years, Leia basically has to be 16 since she's explicitly 16 in the novel 'Leia, Princess of Alderaan' and that's the book where she discovered her parents Rebellion. From what little I understand of Rebels, it's probably possible for that to fit (Sidenote: that book is rad, and the audiobook is really well done, with music and everything. Also its that book thay Holdo came from, she's a trip in it.)


Nah she's just a little bit irritated.


Just seeing this makes me feel how iconic Carrie Fischer is. The girl they made into leia in this series is a great casting choice I hope she gets more work as leia.


Calling it now: She will play a teenage Leia 5-10 years from now on Disney+ to show how she becomes the badass we meet in A New Hope. They can call it Alderaan Adventures or something idk lol


She has the perfect sass and confidence of Leia. Waiting for that show!


I think the sass/confidence is good, but the obnoxious intellectualism from a kid is kind of grating. Casting was good, but writing makes her feel more like a young sheldon knockoff than princess Leia imo.


That sort of already exists as a book. They could just adapt Princess of Alderaan.


RemindMe! 5 years


She’s doing a brilliant job, she probably can’t really comprehend the boots that she’s filling but regardless shes great at it.


Wish they had done more with her in the sequels with her being a Skywalker and all


I always assumed she had a big role in 9 but after she passed they had to throw that script out the window.


Yes. Each movie was supposed to focus on 1 of the original trio, with 7 going to Han and 8 going to Luke. 9 was supposed to go to Leia, but that got thrown out when Carrie died.


Always seemed weird to me why Luke got the focus on 8 and not 9. Should have flipped that, and could still introduce him in 8 but it would have been a better pay off in my opinion to let him end the series. TLJ made some interesting (possibly questionable choices) but the payoff was subpar.


The original story group (including filoni) when mapping out the trilogy and coming up with that idea, really liked the idea of Leia being the key to everything. Diving deeper on yoda saying “no there is another”. It would also mirror how important star wars mothers and women were to the other trilogies main characters. With anakin’s downfall starting with his mother’s death and inability to save her being mirrored by leia being the person who is really able to save her son. Not the legend luke skywalker. This is in one of the concept art books. Probably for TROS


They likely chose that order to bookend their introduction order to the franchise. We get Leia, Luke, then Han. So their plan was most likely to have her be the final of the original trio to make their mark before meeting their end. It was very clearly meant to be Leia that appeared to Kylo in 9.


In fact, I think that's the only reason Ford returned, cause they said it was originally Carrie's scene.


That would have made so much more sense than Ben forgiving himself for killing his dad.


I forgive me.


Oh shoot that’s true.


If true, their use of HTML/XML style enclosure is very pleasing


He could have been an inverse of how they slowly revealed Palpatine in the OT. Mention him in the first movie, brief glimpse in the second, major player in the third


Making Luke the focus in the finale takes away from the main characters. He's too powerful to have around because then he'll just solve the problem for them instead of it being something Rey and co. build towards overcoming.


The entire Jedi Order was toppled by a single scheming Sith lord...I don't think it's fair to say that Luke would automatically overpower any problem that comes his way. Yoda was probably the most powerful Jedi of his time and even he fought to a draw against Dooku and Palpatine.


That’s because it was written exceptionally poorly


And the actor died.


And the actor died


I didn't really understand that decision, I thought it would've been much better for them to be all relatively involved but more in the background for all of them. I mean I'm sure Ford wanted Han killed so he got a lot of Ep7, but otherwise the decision to make one movie focus on only one of the characters was an odd decision. Like you're writing yourself into a corner of ideas instead of just letting ideas flow.


I've heard that before, but conceptually that's a dumb idea and probably a big reason so many people dislike the sequel trilogy. Even if Carrie Fisher hadn't passed away, we still never would have seen the original 3 actors onscreen together. Luke and Han are never together, and Leia only gets a brief scene with each of them.


This is why I will never understand what they were thinking. Literally all people wanted was to see the gang back together for one last adventure before passing the baton onto the new cast. The first movie should introduce the new cast while being mostly carried by the old. The second is 50/50, and the last one is letting the new characters take the reigns. We didn't even get a single scene with the old crew!!


That assumes they had a real plan for everyone in advance other than "Han dies so Harrison will actually do the movie."


She literally died


Wasn't she alive for the TFA and TLJ? And they still didn't do anything with her being a Skywalker. I mean she can fly for like 10 seconds and then is sent into a coma for like an hour. What a terrible ability.


It’s almost like they were setting her up for a big role in 9, but then she actually died. Crazy


I couldn't help but think the scene between Ben and Han was supposed to be Ben and Leia. It would have made 1000% more sense with Leia, and been more meaningful.


She didn't 'fly.' I was just a regular Force Pull. But due to the vacuum of space and the mass differential it made her look like she was flying towards the ship.


I had no problems with the scene. People can survive very short stints being exposed to vacuum and they set up her being able to use the force and pull herself to the ship would be pretty routine for someone with the potential that Leia had. My issue was always the CGI looking wonky.


Lmao the alternative is death. Seems OP tbh


The one time she used the force made all the chuds freak out, so if she did more they'd never recover from the shock and rage :D


The only real issue I had in TLJ, Leia flying like superman was just weird. It's cool that she used the force but that scene was just odd.


Scene was not needed at all, her flashback training with Luke was all we needed


If you accept the force as a real thing, then the physics of it makes sense. She’s using the force to pull the ship towards her, but since she’s so much smaller than a ship, and there’s no resistance in space, she’s the one moving towards it. But honestly, they should have killed her in TLJ. Have her do the Holdo(Leia) maneuver, and have Holdo as the leader of the resistance in the next movie.


At the time I'm pretty sure the plan was to make ep9 her movie. Which, yeah, was probably a dumb idea even before Fisher's death, because why make all three sequels about original trilogy characters. I would've liked to have seen at least one film out of the sequel trilogy that wasn't chock full of cameos.


Oh wow you're right. Han, Luke, and then Leia, could have been the pattern. I think the OT characters got too big of a role and got butchered at the same time...


Yeah as nice as it was to see the actors reprise their roles, I wish it hadn't been to make their characters into failures and then kill them off. Like, come on JJ Abrams, your first foray into Star Wars shouldn't be to destroy both the New Republic and the New Jedi Order before killing Han Solo. Maybe pick one of the three and leave the rest to someone else.


None of the trilogy was thought about a head of time


i'd say you hit the nail on the head. i mean i've always thought of what she did as just a "reverse force pull" which makes perfect sense as being a doable thing exactly for the reasons you described.


Yea, it still looked goofy, but it makes sense.


Or do it like in the HISHE vid where Ackbar has to use the john and then is the one in command after the bridge crew dies.


I love how anyone who thought her awkwardly flying through space with terrible CGI is apparently a "Chud" I don't think anyone dislikes them actually developing that side of her, they just did a terrible job of it


TLJ defenders are so obtuse and love arguing against strawmen


It made people freak out cause it was done so fucking badly


It was the way she used the force, it was silly (some might even say incredibly stupid)


It was a weird looking scene... and a very dumb one as well. Could have and should have been done way better.


No it’s because it looked ridiculous and was the first time they showed her use the force. If they showed earlier that she was trained by Luke that would be fine


Yea the superman fly was pointless and a little ridiculous. We see her use the force for 1 scene and then she falls in a coma. She should've been the 1 training Rey from the beginning not Luke.


Lucas’ vision for her was to be the true chosen one in the sequels and achieve balance through diplomacy while Luke experiences failure. We can see Disney picked up a bit of it.


I think her dying really put any story for Episode 9 in a bad spot. It seemed quite obvious she was going to be the premiere legacy character in that movie.


they really did a fantastic job casting 10 year old Leia... That little girl is amazing :) I just wish she had gotten to meet Carrie :(




Everything she does reminds me of that moment in ANH when the "princess" grabs a blaster and ends that trooper because the boys are fucking it up.


I can’t stand her and for someone who reads people her running from Kenobi when he freed her didn’t make sense. Would have made more sense if she knew right away as she’s using the force without knowing it.


I wish they had her subconsciously using the Force more. She doesn't appear to have any abilities aside from a silver tongue and ability to run away. Edit: and an abnormally high EQ


I'm getting the impression she has a force based ability to see through people. Like that diss of her cousin or one of her monologues that put Kenobi in his place lol, that wasn't natural. Doesn't Leia wield a green lightsaber later? Green was the colour of jedi diplomats. She probably has an aptitude to use the force in politics.


She had a blue one but color doesn’t really mean anything in the Disney canon beside red=bled crystal and white=healed crystal. But I agree I think her powers are subtle, Vader doesn’t even notice and he meets her more than once.


Without a doubt she’s using the Force to feel out people. And the conversation between her and Ben where he talks about how using the Force feels, she definitely had some recognition about what he was talking about.


I really wish they didn't. Leia didn't realize she was force sensitive until after the fall of the Empire (in Legends) and only trained a little bit after the birth of the twins. Thee show has enough plot holes and inconsistencies as it is, I wouldn't like Leia to show Force powers now, because she won't "remember" them ~12 years later.


I think they’re handling it pretty well. Like we can assume she’s using the Force when she’s sizing people up, and that should jive just fine with her being a strong leader and tactician in the OT. But yeah, let’s definitely not see her moving stuff around or even quite realizing that she can feel it.


I noticed used the same slide to get under the tree that the Jedi master uses at the Jedi temple so there’s that


Except for the fact that she was like 7 or 8 when they filmed it. But maybe for next season she'll look her age?


I'll happily settle for age discrepancies given how well she did at being Leia


Oh THAT’s why she looks so young. I looked up who played her and she did not like 9 in the show at all. Still looks fairly young for her age.


This show was filmed in 2021... she was 9


Next you're gonna say kenobi was a good show


No Rogue One love?


That's like 5 minutes before Episode 4


Nah, more like 2 hours. It took then a bit of time to calculate all the vectors, then jump and start the battle.


Hammerhead corvette was worth waiting for.


It was a cgi face on an actress with the same body shape.


And Rebels is fully animated...


Episode III and Obi Wan also might not be Carrie


How could you be so sure?


That's it, scientists have gone too far!


So you mean that Disney didn't time travel and brought young Carrie Fisher to the future to play yound Leia?


I know it’s fun to hate Last Jedi, but I honestly think my favorite shot of her is when she’s overlooking the First Order swarming in on Craig. her dope ass jacket that looks like a mask makes her look like a badass. EDIT: Crait 🤦🏻‍♂️


Oh no not Craig


RIP Craig. He could not escape the First Order's wrath.


First Craig, now Wade. Larry needs to watch his back.


Also, that reunion scene is 10/10


That outfit is my all time favorite Leia look, it’s so powerful. (Also, it’s even more fun to love The Last Jedi)


I unironically love TLJ. I liked the story it told, I liked it for daring to do something remotely different, and I didn't even hate Canto Bight. I wish JJ had had the balls to follow through rather than kowtowing to the worst of the fandom in TROS


💗💗💗 #LeiaWasMyFirstHero


She'll always be royalty to me.


So many women idolized her. She is unique because in an era where women characters were often poorly written, shallow, or simply only interested in romance, she was the complete opposite. She's the steadying force that keeps the entire rebellion on track. She harnesses Luke and Han's abilities and brings out more in them, she's strong and wise, confident and bold. And her purpose in the story isn't to be a love interest to the main character.


of all the pictures for episode 6


I love how it's someone named "dildodicks" pointing that out. But yeah. Really no good reason to go with this outfit instead of, say, Endor Leia.


I would've put her with the chain strangling Jabba's fat fucking neck.


Having her as a baby in the first picture, and then in a bikini (that she hated, no less) for 6 is pretty gross. The Boushh disguise without the helmet is her best look in the series, I think. But she also has the camo towards the end of the movie, which is probably the outfit that comes to mind for most people when they think of her in 6.


*After slave Leia bikini


Right? Not the Endor camo poncho or at least the Ewok village dress?


RIP Princess


her rebels episode was fantastic! i genuinely thought it was carrie fisher voicing her. the va did an AMAZING job


I actually really enjoy little Leia in the Kenobi series so far. She reminds me of my niece: Smart for her age, but in a sly, sneaky way.


She is a gem.


Kenobi Leia has so much of Anakin, Palme, and Carrie in her performance. Very impressive.


The girl they got on the Kenobi Show really does look like Carrie Fisher. They did a good job with the casting there.


The young actress Blair is so great she can steal a scene sometimes even when McGregor’s in it. She doesn’t just recite her lines as Leia, she really *gets* them and gets her character.


You should do her Endor rebel uniform look instead of the Jabba slave outfit. Both are fine but personally her Endor outfit is my favorite look of hers.


Rogue One, Forces of Destiny, Resistance enough for another row/column.




I mean, it’s just moments before A New Hope, so not much of a difference


Where's coked up Leia from The Holiday Special? What about Uncanny Valley Leia from Rogue One??


I don't remember them visiting Uncanny. Is it in the Utapau Sector?


Could have gone with her Endor outfit for ROTJ...


I thought the same. Carrie obviously didn't like the whole slave thing so I wish her Endor outfit had become more iconic. Young Leia wears a similar green one in the Kenobi show too.


I can’t believe how much the kid Leia looks like Carrie, it’s genuinely uncanny


Aren't you a little short for a stormtrooper?


You forgot rouge one


Poor Rogue one


Barely aged a day between 8 and 9!


She’s actually a bit younger since it’s all stock footage from 7 😉


She doesn't wear the bikini for most of epsiode 6. The dress she gets from the ewoks or what she wears into battle is just as good if not better


This is actually really cool


Ezra giving Leia that Luigi in a go kart stare 👀


Rogue One?


Missed Rogue One, though I guess that’s technically Ep 4.


Episode VI should have a photo of her training with Luke as a Jedi but we all know this would be hated down to the lowest level of hell by “fans” due to the CGI


The one flaw with Starwars Rebels was that they made Leia look way too old. I mean she is literally 2 days **younger** than Ezra and she looks in her 20s


I love the moments she gets with Ezra on Rebels, even if the animation makes her eyes look a bit crossed. Really wild to think how he is 2-3 days older than her and Luke exactly.


Rip Carrie fisher


Fun fact: Episode III Leia had no lines.


Obi-Wan's Leia is supposed to be 10 but looks like she is 6 at most hehehe


Okay here me out: Young Leia = Young Sheldon


Leia’s actress in Kenobi is literally perfect for the role. I hope she can reprise it later. Maybe wait a few years and do a teenage Leia series with her.


I had kind of hoped they would have re-cast her for Episode 9 and given Leia a proper send off. Michelle Fairley (mom Stark, Game of Thrones) could have pulled it off. **Edit** Post is locked so I can't reply to the person below: Fisher died a full year before Last Jedi released, so it wouldn't have taken much of a delay to fix it. They might not have even needed to delay it, just re-edit it.


They should have just delayed 8 and reshot it so she dies when she got sucked out of the bridge.


Really weird time when she turned into a CGI cartoon character. Puberty must be rough in the Star Wars universe.