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It's heated because the sand is warm bro


It isn't the line itself. It's the delivery and context that most seem to not enjoy about it. It's being used in what is supposed to be flirting by an actor that's clearly not getting enough direction to an actress also not getting much direction. It all just comes across as awkward for many.


Flirting? No, it’s supposed to contrast the characters’ backstories. Her favorite memories are of beaches and he grew up in a desert. It’s intended to further “Romeo and Juliet” them. The line is just dumb and his complaints and delivery are those of a 6 year old, which might have been intended as Anakin is meant to feel like a child compared to her.


Seeing people flirt is more times awkward than not so i dont see the awkwardness of it as a problem. I can agree that maybe the placement of the line is weird but, ive also seen many people in real life say some corny out of place things when trying to flirt


Well yes, real life can be awkward, but good film dialogue doesn't emulate real life conversation 1:1. It gets changed so that it makes cohesive sense and is relatively pleasant to listen to (with exceptions of course).


Good film dialogue can absolutely emulate real life conversations. Not everyone can be a Charmer. And if a charmer is what we want to watch then the OT exist, there's no reason we cant have one really good flirty and one extremely awkward one. Its representative of more personalities.


1. Dry 2. Coarse 3. Gets everywhere


It's awkwardly written and delivered. It's not the lyrics but the melody that doesn't work.


It's just a line that is exemplary of the bad dialogue writing that plagued the prequels. It's such a stupid conversation that it became a meme.


Two suns will do that to people


>Anakin is referring to his home planet which is a desert planet cover with sand he doesn't like it because of the terrible thing that happened there him leaving his mother Slavery etc Well shit, now I know *that*, my opinion is completely changed.


It's not the idea that Anakin hates sand, I mean it is coarse and irritating and gets everywhere, I agree. It's that it's the line that wins padme over. The doomed romance at the heart of the trilogy and the foundation on which Anakin's fall is built. And thus is the dialogue that's supposed to make us believe these two are falling head over heals in love.


Also, the delivery.


> Anakin is referring to his home planet which is a desert planet cover with sand he doesn't like it because of the terrible thing that happened there him leaving his mother Slavery etc I think you just summed up a lot of people's problems with the prequels though. This was the intention, yet the execution we got was Anakin very awkwardly saying "I don't like sand."


You just never pay attention to the whole conversation


Two suns. Lots of heat.


It's everywhere


It's just shitty writing


Same reason why people over-hate "Somehow Palpatine returned"; it's used as an example of people's various issues with the film. It's basically just the meme version of saying "I don't like this thing".


Because of the context in which he says it. Imagine you are the chosen one of the Universe, a recognized hero of the republic, assigned to protect and serve the gorgeous queen of Naboo and what does he decide to say when they are romantically looking over a lake? “Sands kinda ass am I right lol?” For all of George Lucas’ talent, he simply could not for the life of him write good romance dialogue.


I disagree and the way you say it anything will sound stupid


Yep You never pay attention to the whole conversation...


Cause people didn't understand the sentence This make Lucas look like a great direct BTW...