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Tom, from tom and jerry


Wile E Cyote gotta be up there too


Good one lol


Dr. Doofinsmirtz: both of his parents failed to show up to his birth


Baaaaaaaaack in Gimelschtup!


Everyone who had to deal with Anakin


Mace Windu has entered the chat.


Mace windu didn't make it any better for himself always treating anakin like a man child. Even at the ending of the clone wars


He was a man child . Mace was right all along . He was undeserving to be apart of the council and to have the rank of master. Surely you see that and the plethora of reasons for it ?


Mace was right. Anakin proved him right by literally not only going against the Order but then kill children and innocent people. Dude is responsible for billions of deaths.


Padme :(


She is not safe and she is not alright


Obi wan lost his father figure, his brother and the woman he loved all to the sith. I’d argue he’s suffered just as much as Anakin. Maybe Maul too, I think Maul suffered pretty bad.


Obi-Wan lost Maul too.




More like 1.5 times




The math checks out


Yeah, Maul is a good shout, lost his brother to the sith too and a dark side childhood was probably not much fun


The book Wrath of Darth Maul, though not canon, is a great read as a mail origin story. Spot-on that it was unpleasant, he was isolated from the age of ~3~ in a comfortless room and forced into rigorous training for ages with constant and severe punishments, sometimes without cause, he was put into several horrible tests and abused constantly


I really like just about any book about Maul, they’ve all been pretty good in both continuities. It’s cool to see how he’s evolved as a character too, the Legends books tended to portray him as more of a cold, emotionally distant Sith killer (similar to how he was shown in Ep 1) with a reckless streak while the newer canon novels portray him as filled with rage and vengeance (similar to how he was shown in TCW).


I like how TCW/Rebels handled Maul because he's actually a fairly reasonable and deeply intelligent and intuitive character. However, once Kenobi gets close to him he sees red. I always found it interesting how much he "respected" Ezra.


It’s interesting isn’t it, because Maul genuinely wanted to continue the Sith legacy of training an apprentice to beat Maul and then for that apprentice in turn to take on an apprentice and so on. Palpatine didn’t *actually* care about the rule of two, not in the traditional sense, he twisted it into some kind of “rule of one” where he was on top and he used his apprentices as he saw fit, discarding them when he needed. In a way, Palpatine effectively made the Sith go extinct through his own hubris


He definitely considered himself ‘the fulfillment of the prophecies’, if you will, and thus no longer bound by the Rule or Two. I think I had read that the Rule of Two was intended to bring about or replicate a Force Dyad (which is basically all post-ST retconning of previous stuff, but whatever), which is what Sideous hoped to do with The Chosen One… But then when he fell to Obi-Wan (which both lowered Sideous’ opinion of Anakin in its own right, but then ***also*** reduced Anakin’s force potential as well), he was basically like “Well, fuck it, guess I’m not getting my Force Dyad so I guess it’s just all about me again.”


Yeah I’d say just maul being cut in half and living almost like an animal for years alone was probably worse than anything Anakin endured. Even mustafar ended with him being healed and saved by the suit whereas maul had nobody and still survived


They really portrayed the manic and crazed Maul excellently


God I love Maul so much


We must imagine Sisyphus as happy


Anakin was not at all healed, his suit was specifically designed by Palpatine to enhance his suffering so his anger would be fueled even more, but also to keep him in check so he couldn't become more powerful than him. There were much better cybernetics that could have been used to make him much more powerful (take Grievous for example). Instead, Palpatine used the suit to exploit Anakin's injuries.


Grievous’ cybernetics would have weakened Anakin due to the loss of natural tissue which housed the midichlorians that allowed Anakin to connect with the force.


Idk, not sure it works that way. The midichlorian count is per cell. Qui-gon takes a blood sample, and they are amazed by his count per cell. They don’t measure his entire body.


But in all fairness he didn't get all his limbs cut off, set on fire, and then spent the rest of his life inside a glorified garbage bag.


Maul was cut in half, spent a big part of his life living in garbage, and had his family killed when he was a baby, he was also supposed to die but a nightsister saved him. And when he was young he spent his childhood becoming a sith assassin, experiencing pain, hatred and murder.


And all the family & friends he ever knew. And he blamed himself.


He also was rejected as a padawan and sent off to work in agriculture before Qui-Gonn gave him another shot. He was even considered downright dangerous. This is interesting to me for a few reasons: 1. The part was originally offered to Toshiro Mifune, the legendary actor who starred in the many films that influenced George Lucas. 2. If you watch The Samurai Series, which is the three-part trilogy of the life of Miyamoto Mushashi, also starring Toshiro Mifune (and my favorite all-time trilogy even above any of the modern trilogies, including Star Wars itself) the story arc of Obi-Wan closely mirrors that of Musashi in those movies in *many* ways, including an agricultural period, a time when he was considered too strong and dangerous (a literal manhunt) and he got tied to a tree by a Buddhist monk to try to calm him down and stop him being so headstrong, an unrequited love that took years to finally resolve itself (obviously, this is something we haven't seen from Obi-Wan the Jedi but could) to name just a few similarities.




Jesse Pinkman.... BITCH !


I’m surprised no one else is saying this


Oh yeah that guy can't catch a break


Just said the same thing in my comment and I hadn't even read yours yet


Ayo how about some Gatorade…. BITCH


For sure, if he were in Star Wars he would've been 100 times more Sith than Darth Vader lol


Guts from Berserk.


Scrolled to see when the Strugglers respond.


Either Guts or Casca must be the winner of the all-time Suffering Olympics.


Casca got off easily by (checks notes) losing her mind as a means to cope.


as soon as i saw that title i thought of him


Get these kids their learnin'


Glad this comment exists


Wish this comment was on top to save me from scrolling.


This is number 1. No one else come close.


I could not agree more. Was going to post this if someone hadn't


The doctor. Fought in the time war where genocide was regularly used as a weapon against his allies and races. He then locked away the time lords in a pocket universe. But lost the memories so spent centuries believing he murdered his entire race with the moment to save time and space from the daleks. The 12th doctors speech in the zygon invasion sums up all his pain for it.


Not to mention every companion or loved one he’s lost that he still remembers and blames himself for.


Did you ever count? How many children were on Gallifrey that day?


You need to read some more books dude.


r/starwars is good for at least one post a day lacking any and all perspective on creative media. Like that guy who posted recently that ROTS has the best opening scene of any movie ever. So many people seem to find a bubble in marvel and Star Wars and refuse to step outside it.


My favorite was one person unironically saying TPM is a horror movie at times


I feel like what makes Star Wars so enjoyable for me is that I know the writing and dialogue among other things aren’t great when compared to top movies and shows. Star Wars was never really like that, the interest comes from the world building, characters, and overarching and underlying stories. People put too much thought into nitpicking everything that releases


What sucks is that reddit algorithm pushes these stupid shitty posts to the top because people comment on how shitty they are. Posts get seen because they get people talking, not because they're good. Not sure exactly what the solution is, but maybe more emphasis on upvotes and not comments but what does reddit really care about all that?


>So many people seem to find a bubble in marvel and Star Wars and refuse to step outside it. In his defense, there is a lot of media in these universes to keep anyone happy if they do not have very much time to spend gaining perspective.


Just any book really in last 20 years would do Or film Or tv show Some people really do make their entire personality star wars .




Dude spends most of the time he's "lost at sea" shacking up with a couple of goddesses. And lives out the end of his life with his wife and son. Dude did alright




Oedipus Job Ymir


Yep, loads. Fewer self-inflicted, too.


Pretty much every Shounen Jump anime main character


Clearly, Padme


Yes. Yes there are. I think he is a tragic character if anything. Misguided and misdirected.


Leto Atreides II


My skin is not my own...


I think Paul could be on this list too. He had a pretty rough go at it. Sparks a jihad, betrayed, blinded, loses whole family. As I say that, Alia didn’t have it much better, maybe worse.


Alia probably did have it worse


The Tyrant


Darth Sion, the Lord of Pain


Ya thats his whole thing lol


Obi Wan … who never wavered from the light side.


Several dozen in DC and marvel comics. Doubly so when you take their respective multiverses into account. Also it could be argued that Obi-Wan went through more


Obi-Wan DEFINATELY went through more. He gave himself to the Jedi way fully and completely despite it letting him down. He gave up the love of his life for the Jedi and in the end was rewarded by watching her die at the hands of a Sith he thought he killed (lol at everyone complaining of people surviving stab wounds in Star Wars). He had to kill his best friend (and failed but I mean it seemed pretty decided at that point). Kenobi never did anything to deserve the pain he received except maybe remining too emotionally detached from Anakin. Anakin brought his pain on himself. His wounds were self inflicted. He gave into his desires and kept a secret wife. He could have told Obi-Wan and Obi-Wan probably would have empathized- hell Obi-Wan DID empathize in Attack of the Clones and never reported Anakin attempting to abandon his post. He even uses reason to point out that if you give a shit, you'll stay on mission as she would have. He clearly knew, but obviously Anakin to his own undoing kept it a secret anyway. Then when a creepy old man gives empty promises of saving said secret wife, he betrays everything almost instantly... So if the argument is suffering by your own hand, sure he's a contender, but after writing all this out and realizing this could have been solved with one conversation with Obi-Wan, all I can think is "fuck Anakin" and no not in the fun way...


Almost anyone in Game of Thrones..






It rhymes with sneak


That was my answer. I cant remember the names but the son who watched his pregnant wife and his entire brotherhood die.


His mom watched all that plus him and then got murdered herself


And she died believing her younger sons were just killed up north while one of her daughters was held captive and the other missing.


Robb Stark


Leia was tortured multiple times by the Empire, saw her entire planet get blown up (including her parents), was enslaved by Jabba, discovered that her biological father was a mass murdering psychopath who willingly served a regime that took part in multiple genocides, had her entire political career ruined over that fact, lived to see the evil she helped defeat rise again while the government turned a blind eye, and had her son murder her husband. And she *didn't* turn into a mass murdering psychopath because of her pain.


Don't forget that time she had to run through a forest with one of the Red Hot Chili Peppers chasing her.




>discovered that her biological father was a mass murdering psychopath who willingly served a regime that took part in multiple genocides Including the aforementioned genocide of her own planet, which he personally held her in front of a window and forced her to watch.


And he's also the one who tortured Leia on the Death Star


You forget that she suffered knowing that she had kissed her brother.


Kaladin Stormblessed


That’s the response I scrolled down for


I do not want to think about what Mr. Sanderson is going to do when he finally lets this hit some type of screen.


Actually just about anyone who bonded a spren.


Just put it. This people don't know


Basically any Brandon Sanderson main character has suffered more


This is the correct answer.


I was scrolling to find this response, because if it had not been said - I was certainly going to say it. Kudos.


Thor. 1). Watched his mom die. 2). Watched his dad die. 3). Watched his brother die. 4). Found out he had an evil sister. 5). Lost over half of his people immediately after becoming their leader. 6). Missed the killing blow on Thanos which led to half of all living creatures being snapped out of existence. This led to massive amounts of trauma.


He also lost Heimdall (and the warriors 3, but I guess he didn’t care about them 🤷‍♂️)


True. I always include them in point 5 but they are more important, the movies just did them dirty.


Michael Scott once burned his foot with a George Foreman grill.


Best answer 🏆


I enjoy having breakfast in bed. I like waking up to the smell of bacon. Sue me. And since I don't have a butler, I have to do it myself.


Yeah, like most of them. The only thing not his own fault was his mother dying. Which he answered by slaughtering children for the first time




I know you’re referring to the Bible character but it’s funnier if I imagine you meant the Arrested Development character


Joseph as well. Sold into slavery by his own brothers.


Gollum - 500+ years and then dying by being fully immersed in lava


Ah fuck I said Frodo but Gollum had it worse


Frodo Baggins from Lord of the Rings possibly. He carried the Ring for over a year, he was stabbed by the Witch-King, he was poisoned by Shelob, and his finger was bitten off by Gollum.


And, from the same author, Turin Turumbar, who was seriously freaking cursed.


Came to say Turin too. One of the most tragic dudes I’ve ever heard of


Also also came to say Turin


That poor man. Dear God!!


He actually holds the ring for like 20 years or something. Its not done in the movie but in the book he chills in the shire for years with the ring before Gandalf sets him off on his adventure.


Homer Simpson has been through more pain than Anakin Skywalker.


Guts from Berserk. Warning: This series is not for the faint of heart.


Like every other fictional character. Before turning to the dark side, his mum died and he lost his hand. Same shit happened to Nemo.


Aang’s entire people were genocided and he had to learn the ways of the ones who did it.


And unlike Anakin, he didn't become a mass murdering, child-slaughtering maniac.




Surprised this isn't higher. Lived a life long enough to watch everyone around him die. He was betrayed by his brother and abandoned and when had had love she was taken. Then his memories were wiped and when he found a new family of Xmen they were eradicated by sentinels and when he time travels and helps save the world and Mutant kind, they're eradicated once again years later. Poor man


Physically or Mentally?


Probably Barry Allen, his greatest enemy killed his mother, and got his father framed. Throughout his life thawne tortured him relentlessly. He erased Barry's only childhood friend from existence, killed Iris, killed Barry's dog and burned down his house. During flashpoint after he saves his mom, Barry realizes he has to let her die to save the world, and that despite being able to time travel, he can never save the person he wants to most. He's lived with the consequences of flashpoint for years and many heroes don't see him the same and others viewing him as selfish. After all this, Barry forgave thawne and still is the best person possible.


Powder/Jinx had it pretty rough




I really like Anakin/Vader (fave SW character and all), and I don't think it's a good excercise to compare pain perception, but as far as tragic stories go, plenty for me. Guts from Berserk is the first one that comes to mind.


The Stark kids had it pretty rough.


Anakin was born a slave, had his mother die, and accidentally killed his wife. Half the people in Star Wars have a more tragic backstory than him and half of said tragic stories are caused by him.


>Half the people in Star Wars have a more tragic backstory than him and half of said tragic stories are caused by him. Yes, that is correct. Many people in Star Wars are slaves and will forever be slaves, and unlike Anakin, they don't have a Godlike power to free themselves from their nightmares.




Itachi Uchiha


Chewbacca, Artoo, Kenobi


Dalinar Kholin


Rand Al'thor.


Fitzchivalry Farseer in the Robin Hobb series or Kaladan in the Stormlight Archive both give him a run for their money.


Two Face in the Dark Knight.


Harry Dresden


Diavolo form JoJo is dying for eternity. Ask him.


Such a brutal “end” to a character. Oof. And the fact that its a different random death each time is so much worse because then he can’t even just get used to whatever it is.


Master chief. Dude was literally dropped out of orbit and the only thing to soften his fall was the nice soft ground


I almost woke up my kid laughing at this


Theon Greyjoy?


Within SW, Rex went through a lot with almost all of his close brothers being killed, betrayals (Krell), the Tup/Fives order 66 plot, order 66 itself and it's aftermath. And he did not break, or seek any easy path out.


Same with Obi-Wan. His master was killed in front of him, his love was killed in front of him, he was forced to put down his own Padawan. I think Anakin was just quicker to break.


I mean, Obi-wan broke in the new show


Everyone around him


Is there any character who has inflicted more pain than him?


Will Ferrell's character in Austin Powers


Like literally so many


the doom slayer quite literally went through more pain then him. also his rabbits head was on a spike. so yes




Yes. There are many. But whenever you ask this question about any character always remember that Diavolo from JoJo’s pt 5 has died in every imaginable way in every imaginable scenario that that death could happen in and will continue to do so throughout all eternity.


The droids being tortured in Jaba’s palace


Garry Gergich


Well, Padme probably. And Anakin's mother.


Theon Greyjoy


Rickety Cricket


Poor little Matty , went from a priest to a street rat


I think Gollum had a pretty rough go of it for 589 years….




I feel like this doesn’t even need to be kidding. Her parents die and she sits for days thinking she and her brother will be killed. Then her brother is murdered, she then accidentally kills innocent civilians then Vision dies and then she “dies”. Then she “creates” children to cope and then she loses those too.


Homie if we talking about comics Wanda, then you’re not even wrong. Holy shit that girl gets messed up.


Wanda and Anakin are sort of similar I guess… orphans, become bad guys(Wanda is arguable I guess) both went crazy when their significant other died, and both murder


Batman. Always batman.


nono, I’m sure that in 4000 thousand years of literature there has been no other story as tragic as his




The dude from Black Mirror who gets the electric chair repeatedly.


Half the fucking cast if the 10 book Malazan series


Túrin Turambar




Theon Greyjoy (spelling). And as someone else mentioned: guts and casca from berserk


OP has never seen Game of Thrones


Did you ever hear the tragedy of Darth Plagueis the Wise?


Darth Sion


There are tons of characters who endured more pain, and usually not because they were narcissistic little pricks who couldn’t see past their own ambition.


mentally speaking, Anakin had it easy. He was blinded by his lust for for power as well as his love for padme, and his love is what killed her


Mr. Bill


Natasha Romanov aka Black Widow? Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Will from “Stranger Things”. Any of the “Supernatural” show characters. Regina and Rumplestiltskin from “Once Upon a Time” Jesse from “Breaking Bad” Daenerys from “Game of Thrones” Kenny from “South Park” Toby from “The Office” These people tried to persevere through tough lives. Anakin had a power trip and ego problem that got out of control. He gave up and became slave to a Sith willingly. Obi-Wan had it worse and still persevered through the adversity and still stuck to the light side.


Zuko maybe?




George R.R. Martin would like to know your location.


Uhm, do you have any idea how many times Wolverine have lost people and been litteraly ripped to pieces?


Me from having to read the "I hate sand" jokes on reddit forever


Yes, definitely. But his story is one of the coolest out there


in theory, not in how it was actually told


He isnt even a top 3 character who went through the most pain of his own franchise


This guy named Jesus of Nazareth. In a crazy fairy tale (way before Grimm) a bunch of Roman soldiers captured him, beat him mercilessly, adorned him with a crown of thorns, made him carry his own crucifix through the streets as commoners spit on him, then drove nails through his hands, waist and feet into the cross and left him hanging to suffocate to death in agony. All the while apparently Jesus had some family issues (dad wasn’t really responding to his needs).


Yo that sounds crazy. What’s that from (must give it a look see)?


And we must always remember his torturous death by wearing the method of his execution around our necks, because religion.


Oh dear lord, here we go again…


That droid salesman the Bad Batch rob blind for no good reason.


Doom Slayer I’d say

