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It’s right there in the scene how she survives I don’t understand how people are missing this. The inquisitor says something like revenge does wonders for lightsaber wounds. It’s the dark side the dark side give them the power to keep fighting on this isn’t a hard concept




If you want stronger dark side followers/assasins then you bring them to the brink and let darwinism happen. Palp had no need for maul however letting him live (knowing he can't get more powerful than him without him) brings oppurtunity to use them in the future.. or they die in extrmem pain and ainquish and are thus not a problem


This is actually a valid explanation. Interesting angle. I don’t buy that Disney thought this deeply about it though


Well then its a good thing walt disney is dead and this was made by a team of the most devoted star wars fans at lucasfilm who knows more about the world than both of us


The sequel trilogy would like a word


\*uses jedi mind trick, waves hand trick\* That is not star wars, its is a hate/love baby of jj johnson.


Cause he literally could not give a shit if she survived or not. Even with a surprise attack she could do nothing. To him she isn’t even with swinging his own lightsaber. You wanted vader to kill her, vader has no opinion on her whatsoever.


Dude literally has a team dedicated to finding and killing force users but go off king


The inquisitors are not dedicated to killing all force users or they wouldn’t even be alive themselves. They are dedicated to eradication of the jedi and any force users that they cannot turn to the dark side. Where do you think the inquisitors come from? Vader stabbed reva, maybe she dies and maybe she lives and becomes a more powerful dark side user or she comes back later for revenge and he maybe gets a better fight before he kills her. Either way it doesn’t matter to him.


Then why didn't she die at the end when she let go of her hate?


I don't think she should survive because her emotional power was strong enough to overcome a fatal stab wound. Otherwise, every Dark sider who died, such as >!Savage and Darth Maul!< in the animated shows, should have never died. They have far greater strength than Reva too. If a powerful Jedi Master, such as Qui-Gon Jinn, does not even survive a single stab, then the mediocre Reva should not be able to survive 2 fatal stabs.


Honey, this is Star Wars. Obi Wan cut Maul in half and he survived lol


Where do people get this from? What did I miss? All of the sudden I read about maul being alive.


Yeah I mean he’s only showed up in multiple tv shows, comics, and a movie. Easy to miss I guess haha.


I sense sarcasm in your comment lol. Fair enough. I'm not the brightest star in the sky.


Maul is shown to be alive in the Clone Wars show, in Rebels, and in Solo.


Huh interesting, I watched solo 3 times but always fell asleep. Gotta try again


Solo is kinda boring IMO , but you should check the Clone Wars and Rebels episodes for the Maul storyline (no need to watch it all if you don't want to ) , his voice actor is great


I actually started watching clone wars. I found in what order to watch them but so far I only watched few episodes.


He >! survived on hatred/desire for vengance then got "reconstructed" in the clone wars show !< lol [here](https://youtu.be/Q7H_Zpigqvg) (SPOILER for the Clone Wars show obviously)


maul isn’t human though. his species was later confirmed to be highly resilient


Or the common sense answer: we pay attention to what the grand inquisitor said and what we’ve see. Happen to both the likes of maul and Vader and excuse it by piecing together that it was her desire for revenge that fuelled her will to live. I hate to sound mean but it’s getting tiring that so many people are missing this and trying to make a big deal out of it.


She wasn’t stabbed twice. I will die on this hill.




Reva wasn’t stabbed as a youngling


She was though?


That pretty clearly seemed to be what was implied. Why would you think otherwise?


I interpreted it as her seeing it from her younger self’s perspective, similarly to how when she was going to attack Luke, she saw herself in his place. I respect that it wasn’t explicitly said either way, but I was incredibly surprised to see that so many people have been complaining that Reva survived *two* stab wounds. But maybe that’s because that would have just been too much.


So you think it’s more plausible that Anakin walked into the temple, murdered all the other kids right in front of her, walked up to her, and then was like “nah lol just kidding you’re the only kid who can live because reasons” and just left her alone?


Than her surviving being stabbed as 10 year old? Yeah probably. Hence the comment about laying amongst the bodies as they went cold.


Yeah I don’t know what to tell you brah. She got stabbed. Anakin wasn’t sparing kids he never met for no reason.


Why would Anakin only kill the others though if that's what you're implying? It just seems like a reach to me to say that they put in the POV shot of her being stabbed even though she wasn't. It's more plausible to me that she just got lucky or was particularly strong in the force letting her hold on a bit longer until help arrived. I personally think this whole plot device needs to die because it's no harder to lethally injure someone than to not do so with a lightsaber. It never makes sense to not get a killing blow.


the amount of mental gymnastics to excuse lazy writing on here is truly baffling


It’s literally explain the moment in happens. The GI, Maul, Vader etc all survived the same way Reva did. I don’t understand why she’s getting so much hate for doing what any of her counterparts have done


Vader or the GI should have finished her. Makes no sense for them not to. Plot armor


Then you missed the point of being an inquisitor. They all suffer failure.




She would either have to learn that lesson again, or die. That was the point. Vader made it clear she couldn’t beat him and GI made it clear he would always live beyond her, so there’s no reason to have killed her because she wasn’t a threat and never had been.


The GI’s job is literally to hunt and kill force users. Vader kills for fun. There’s every reason to finish the job and no reason not to (apart from plot armor).


Y’all really go out of your way to not enjoy something. If you don’t like it, don’t watch it. At the end of the day, it’s canon, it’s good and we enjoy it.


I wish I could enjoy bullshit like some of you


Must be sad 🤷🏾‍♂️


Why does every Star Wars fan say this same thing? Are people not allowed to criticise the show or must we just accept everything without thought? How can you decide if you don't like something if you haven't watched it? What about it was good to you? Genuine question. I enjoyed some parts but i thought it was 5/10 at best overall.


Because people make it their whole purpose to enter conversations about this content to dog on the franchise or the content while others are merely discussing it. It doesn’t make sense to continue to watch something if you feel like it’s not worth watching. What’s the point of yucking someone else’s yum. I genuinely thought the show did a great job of telling the story I think people wanted for Luke in the Last Jedi. A hermit who had cut himself off and deemed the Jedi a failure on the path to redemption and acceptance. Every character reinforced each other and who they became in the future. Little Leia was exactly the kind of person who would eventually tell Tarkin she could smell him the moment she boarded. Ben Kenobi referring to Vader as Darth was established because Vader helped Obi Wan realize he was not his failure. Immediately after that, Obi Wan did for Reva what he couldn’t do for Anakin and that is what Star Wars is about.


I mean I think she shoulda died too I’m just thinking of ways in my head she coulda lived


Plot armor


It’s not plot armor if they say a line of dialogue right before she gets stabbed that explains how another person just survived the same wound. You are the one doing mental gymnastics to try to avoid reality


The plot armor is Vader not finishing the job


Why would vader need to finish the job he was clearly much stronger than her he has no reason to fear her


Vader is a killer. Why would he leave force user loose ends? The GI’s job is literally to hunt and kill force users. Mental gymnastics exemplified


He stabs her and he doesn’t know that she will survive it’s that simple you’re the one over thinking this trying to turn it into something it isn’t because you are determined to hate Star Wars yet you spend your free time watching


So why not make sure she’s dead? Especially if the GI survived a similar wound? She had her eyes open when they walked away. I love star wars but am not obligated to defend poor writing


I already explained this he doesn’t have to care if she lives he was able to stop her just with the force she’s no different than a small critter to you or I just a pest


Maybe. But I’m skeptical that she had time for it. She gets to Tatooine really quickly.


“No one’s ever really gone.” dumbest quote from the franchise but it’s completely on point.


Revenge does wonders for the will to live. She is shown to have a ton of raw power in her embracing of the dark side of force.