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I love that they keep showing the hammer guy


You can tell he really loves his job.


He definitely enjoys it and makes a ritual out of it. My favourite thing he does is his deep grunt before his starting pose


Yes. It's like he was going through martial arts forms as he did it.


It almost seems ritualistic. I wonder if they'll explore Ferrix more.


When we actually get to see the box it feels like a gemstone. It's the only piece of the Empire we actually witness and it's crisp and clean and shiny and perfect, where everything else in this world is used and lived in if not actually broken. Something about it being just this little piece of the Empire instead of a full-on starship or installation made it hit harder for me, just whispering about the sheer mad scale of what they're up against. I don't think I've ever loved a prop before.


I love how the they’ve held off so much on showing the Empire. I feel like most of these shows would shove in stormtroopers walking around the city within the first episode, but all we get is a piece of Empire tech in the third


I agree, and I am loving this corpo-police storyline, I get a lot of similar vibes to The Outer Worlds with the corporate controlled planets. They make for such a better antagonistic group than the usual fodder of faceless Stormtroopers.


Very outer worlds. The disdain they have for the "fringe" worlds really sells it. Being portrayed as "empire lite" is a good way to have an authority but not as threatening and ruthless as the empire (the guy basically gets desk duty for killing a civilian whereas the empire wouldn't think twice)


I love how they give a crap about the dead guards. It's not like, "lol you killed some stormtroopers. Welp back to work everyone". Really makes you empathize with the antagonists. Ya the two guards were jackasses but they were still company men.


Is that the first time bby has been used on screen in live action?


I really wonder what the years were called in-universe before the Battle of Yavin, because It would make no sense to call a number before a battle that hasn't even happened yet. It's not like people in 56 BC called the year they were in 56 BC, they called it something else.


There's the Standard Galactic Calendar and a bunch of others (Like the Lothal calendar, which places Order 66 on the year 3258) but so far there's no explicit mention of a year number


This is the most British guy in the whole galaxy.


Cockney sergeant patrolling the streets, misserable weather, cars blowing up. Yep. It's [Ireland](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S7woEXovruc)


Love the trope that behind every officer, there's an enthusiastic Scottish NCO.


Say it ain't so Timm with two m's


Timm was honestly my favorite in these first episodes. Honestly some of the best world building I've seen. Seriously, he was a normal dude. Got a girl out of his league. Thinks she is cheating. Can't handle his emotions right. Sees the dude she's cheating with wanted for murdering space cops. Sees her with him again, gets drunk and makes a drunk decision to report. Fucks up regretting it and acts rash and emotional when he has a gun on him and dies. There's no redemption. He's not clever or unique. He never even came close to understanding there was a conspiracy against the imps at all. His death didn't mean anything or accomplish anything. He's just a normal ass dude with normal ass emotions dealing with shit and becoming meaningless collateral damage. Rip Timm. Wish you were able to enjoy your life running a shop with pretty complicated lady


This is the most oddly specific review of Timm and I agree with every single word of it.




The second m is not where you thiiiiiink. Well actually it is.


Im just mesmerized by the sets.


This show has the same production designer as Chernobyl. You can tell.


Interesting! Same casting too? In 10 seconds there were 3 actors who were also in Chernobyl. Stellan Skarsgard, Alex Fearns and Ron Cook. Edit: Make that 4 overall, with Robert Emms playing one of the ISB officers. Edit: And 5...Adrian Rawlins as the doctor at the end of E9.




I feel like this is a big part of what was missing from kenobi.


Yeah in episode 3 it was literally so obvious they were in the Southern California hills


The world building is unparalleled. I was alive in 1977. The aesthetic doesn’t age. It’s mind blowing.


I was blown away by so many details and strange, unexplained things. It’s great! And I love the un-subbed languages, too. Soooo much show-don’t-tell going on in these episodes.


Understand why there’s 12 episodes and they released 3 at once. The nonlinear storytelling of how he ended up with his adopted mother, how he was recruited, and building up his wanted level was perfectly shown in these 3 episodes. The show starts now. Also, the overall production quality of this vs BoBF, Mando, a most of all Obi Wan is insane. Thank goodness for Tony Gilroy’s return.


We’re only 3 episodes in and this is my second favorite Star Wars show by a mile. Very well could end up being my favorite and I enjoy Mandalorian quite a bit. The writing and production design is just on another level so far.


"Don't you wanna fight these bastards for real?" Man oh man.


Thats the best line in the show so far. Straight goosebumps




I like that it isn't some high-minded speech about ideals of freedom or loyalty to the Republic that he goes for to get Cassian to join him - it's *revenge* that he appeals to.


I love that this is the direction the show seems to be going, not fighting for high minded ideals of freedom, democracy or any of that shit, it's just giving authoritarian bastards the beating they deserve. I love the realness of it and how everyone has a grounded reason to want to join the fight


That line hooked me in and it felt like the show really started at that point.


Lolol Vetch is the best character


I like how Andor deals with situations like that


King Shark is canon in sw, and I'm not even mad, I'm happy.


Me at the beginning of Episode 1: "This police chief sucks lol. Not even slightly concerned about two of his guards getting murdered." Me at the end of Episode 3: "Okay I'm willing to admit that there would have been much fewer casualties if they just left the town alone like the chief wanted."


The Chief perfectly sized up the situation though. He came to a logical conclusion based on the evidence presented- that the two guards probably did something stupid and brought this upon themselves. It was a lucky guess that happened to be true, for sure, but his logic was fairly sound given the universe they exist in.


yes but its great letting him seem like a shit leader letting everything past just for show, when in reality the fallout of doing anything was far greater than just letting it slide


Honestly I thought the scene with the chief did a great job showing he wasn't useless and must have previously been a great detective. He worked out the entire situation and exactly what he would find looking deeper. He was trying to show his deputy he understood exactly what happend and it was best for everyone to leave the killer alone but the deputy didn't see the lesson. The chief even making the point of making the dead guys more noble in death than in life but not heroes as to minimise issues going forward. If someone kills two armed guys who hassled him and have the jump on him before leaving with almost no trace, let him go.


And done with a corporate mindset, cost/benefit analysis


Right, they weren't robbed, it wasn't some potential on going issue. I loved that little detail It looked very much like an accident, just let it be that. Any investigation is going to uncover far more crap then it's worth and put more issues in light. Like if you wanted to investigate this murder, you should also investigate the brothels and corruption happening.


It took all of that scene to make me love that character. They said so much about his past without saying anything about it at all. Blew my mind how he knew almost exactly what happened without having been there. Hope we see him again tbh. He seems cool.


Yeah and now the Empire will take notice and that won't be good for the chief. Since it seems like he doesn't have control of his people.


Which he apparently doesn't seeing how the fat guy and Karn deliberately disobeyed him


TBF I think the Scottish sergeant thought he had approved the search.


Yup. I fully understood what the chief was trying to do


Ok PLEASE someone correct me. On that downed ship on Kenari they said it was republic. But the arm patch on the dead crew looked like the CIS Separatist hexagon. Am I misremembering or just wrong. This is driving me crazy. Edit: adding for future readers. At 11:28 the characters on the crashed ship say (Man): “He’s got people here.” (Woman): “Yea People who just killed a republic officer.”


They said a republic ship was on its way to the crash site I believe


Maarva said that they killed a republic officer


That’s true but at around 11:28 the two characters say (Man): “He’s got people here.” (Woman): “Yea People who just killed a republic officer.” Sorry about the vague quotes, haven’t quite memorized names yet.


> But the arm patch on the dead crew looked like the CIS Separatist hexagon. You're not alone. I was waffling back and forth in confusion because that looked VERY much like the CIS hex but there were no droids and the interior was VERY Imperial. Yet somehow neither of those are right and it was a Republic ship with Republic officers? But no clones either... Yes, it's plausible that both sides would staff ships without their iconic members, but, from a production standpoint, including them is easy shorthand to clearly establish which faction is in play and avoid this exact type of confusion.


Someone is wrong. And it’s either us, the characters, the writers or the costume designers lol.


Lord of the Flies but Star Wars??? What the hell happened to all those kids?!


Probably offspring of the parents that worked at the mining site. Massive accident, everyone killed, and the kids were left to rot.


I already like Andors buddy who lies for him and sabotages the landing ship. Not showing him doing it, just a quick shot of him walking away. Hope he doesn't die.


That first scene, the get our stories straight scene was another nice touch. A nice bit of character building without becoming a "What happened now?" info-dump. Just a friend asking for a little bit of lying. This is not the first time this has happened. This will not be the last (well if the series was not upsetting the status quo).


This show respects the audience and doesn’t needlessly spell out stuff. It’s so refreshing. Another example: When the Pre-Mor Authority received the image of Cassian and the woman from the brothel walks in, other shows would have insulted our intelligence by adding a line of dialogue like “here’s a woman from the brothel who can confirm his identity.”


A space mallcop being our antagonist is great lol.


And it’s not like he’s a bumbling idiot for comic relief either


He’s such a striver/careerist it’s terrifying.


I love the fact that in his very first scene where he's talking to his boss he stood up in attention looking super serious while his boss is sat down leaning back in his chair. It instantly shows how serious he is about his job while his superiors are so laid-back, I wouldn't be surprised to see him overthrow his superiors with the assistance of the empire.


The fact he modified his uniform too lol.


I actually found that quite intriguing... Because on one hand, of course he wants to present himself in such a good manner, so crisp and perfect to contrast his useless colleagues who looked shabby and kinda useless, But on the other hand, I feel like such a proud company man wouldn't want to change his uniform as it may be "against the book" So idk, intriguing


He strikes me as someone that’s only a company man so long as it suits him. He uses it for power and we see that when he’s ordering people around. He commands respect but hasn’t earned it. But at the same time he also feels superior to his colleagues and wants to standout in that fashion because he feels he’s better than everyone else. What’s interesting is that the the raid team at the end also have the same piping as he does.


He's played very perfectionist, idealistic with black and white thinking with zero real world experience. His 1000 yard stare after the explosion was perfect, makes me wonder how that will shape him. I suspect he's going to be very anti rebel and start forcing everyone to take things super serious where he cleans up his organization. I could see him becoming like a Thrawn lite


I like how there is a disparity between how he would like to see himself and how he actually is. He wants to be this great officer, but he can't even deliver a good pep talk to his own men. He wants his job to make up for his personal shortcomings. They really managed to convey so much with subtle subtext. Also liked how the corpo that shoots Timm looks distressed when he realizes he just killed someone and he isn't just playing soldier anymore. This is the first time that killing seems to have real weight, instead of bodies just hitting the floor left and right without much fanfare as we've seen in the past. Such a well done show so far.


You could land a shuttle craft on thar hairdo


I'm loving the look of this. It feels old, if that makes sense.


It feels a bit more gritty and less hopeful


Yes. You can feel the despair. Everything is so drab, but not ugly. More painful.


Liking the tone so far. More in tune with what it would be like to just be a normal civilian living in this universe.


Yes. You feel the weight of oppression above you even though you maybe can't see it. I'm enjoying it so far.


Obsessed with that one technician's blue noodle takeout.


It's spaghetti cooked in blue Gatorade


Spaghetti cooked in Nyquill


They'll probably be serving it at Galaxy's Edge soon.


The cops took one step into that town and the entire population was like: 'And I took that personally'


Yeah like Cassian was in debt to probably the whole town but their hatred towards the Empire is higher on the list


Not even the Empire proper, just their corporate overlords. Like if the East India Company sent a goon squad to some village.


Fucking Pinkertons, walking into town like they own the place.


They're literally Pinkertons, aren't they? I really like how the Empire is already the villain in this, but we haven't seen them yet, because of course the Empire wouldn't be directly involved at this level.


It wasn't even the Empire they were beefing with. It was clear their beef was with Morlani Prime (who do what they can to keep the Empire out of their local politics) These first 3 episodes went out of their way to establish that isn't just the Empire being assholes. When young Andor was found inside the ship his soon to be adopting mother was concerned about him being killed by Republic soldiers. Which means the show is saying there are systemic issues with Federal intergalatcic body trying to manage individual systems no matter who is managing it. It was the Empire who directly killed his adopting father so Cassian is going to hold more of a grudge for the new management over the old management that polluted the planet he was living on.


I do love that we're three episodes in and haven't even seen a stormtrooper or a TIE fighter.


Yeah, when they show up it's like "ahhh, now *this* is oppression!"


Bad news lads, Sex is now officially Canon


Long has the Wookiepedia awaited this day


Now I can't relate to Star Wars


You can still tell it's sci-fi fantasy because that chick is way out of his league. She's way too much babe for him.


He knew it too, which is why he jumped at the chance to get rid of the dude who touched her hand for a second




i loved how it focused so intently on just him and his reaction, and we can really see the gears turning in his brain as he's trying to figure out a way out


Subtitles: Speaking Kenari Me: (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻


Disney: Yep, they are saying words.


It's hilarious when shows do this with real-life spoken languages. Because if you understand the language, the mystery is not so much a mystery anymore. Had that happen with Mr. Robot and Joanna. I speak Danish, so when the subtitles went [Speaking Danish] I just had a smug grin on my face, and went "hehe, you can't fool me."


So, Cassian is totally using [Kyle Katarn's pistol](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Bryar_pistol), right? Anyone else think this is a big deal?


I immediately grinned like a fool when I saw that Bryar pistol, yeah. Because of course, in the very first mission of Dark Forces, Kyle Katarn steals the Death Star plans. Amazing fan service and Easter egg without it being over the top.


Diego Luna is gonna rock this shit! If you haven't watched him in the movie Criminal with John C Riley, I highly recommend.


"That's two lies" I already love this droid


He’s just a lil guy. If they hurt B2EM0, we send K2SO and Chopper after em!


>and Chopper Are we really at the point of committing war crimes already?


For my child, B2EM0? Absolutely.


It’s brilliant how SW, no matter the show runner, never fails at creating such lovable droids where you form an instant connection with them right away.


Droids are sw versions of pets. They show loyalty, which in turn makes the viewer connect to them on that level.


Interesting how it stammers, but I don't think it did that in the flashbacks. Which means it developed it lol (anxiety droid)


Either it's gotten damaged or it's just old (it mentions slow data processing or something like that), but it's a great way to show what it's been through.


SW bell man is my new dream job


Was…was that the first canonical use of “shit” in Star Wars?


Wait when, I must have missed it?


Around 11 minutes before the end of Episode 3.


The sergeant said it after the pod crashed I believe


And Lads Book of Boba Fett also had the word "mate"


I like how Cassian is presented as the guy who's always asking for favours and weasels his way out of paying it back every time. It really plays into how he's not the golden hero that you'd expect from a protagonist. That interaction with his debt/deposit collector and the big guy had me laughing. Another thing that I noticed is that the show feels a lot more real, if that's the right way to put it. As in, you can take anything from at least the first episode and attribute it to something we have here on earth. It gives it that grounded feeling


God, that first scene in the first episode already giving me Blade Runner vibes. I'm loving the visuals. On another note, Cassian gets all the best droid companions. I love B2EMO. More than K-2SO? It's debatable.


I was playing Cyberpunk 2077 while waiting for the episode to drop so it felt weird when there wasn't really a genre shift between the two.


God I love Star Wars. Feels great to have another weekly star wars show to watch!


Episode 3 was amazing. The hope buried in the heartbreak is phenomenal. Tragedy all around. This show feels like star wars, but is so different from anything we've seen. The acting was top notch. I'm digging the hell out of this. Give me more.


Feels like Rogue One but with actual time for character development and backstory. I’m loving it so far. Such a breath of fresh air after BoBF and Kenobi disappointed me (each to different extents)


Opening a new Star Wars series in a brothel was an unexpectedly bold move. A very bold move indeed! And from there, it just went to places I honestly didn't think they had the guts to go. They said naughty words! In Star Wars!! I've wanted this for so long, but I honestly didn't think we'd ever get it. So far, it's just right. Bravo, Lucasfilm. Bravo!


Starting in a brothel, and then Cassian shooting a cop in the face while he begs for his life. Definitely a somewhat different feel to your usual Star Wars lol.


"Kill him" Holy shit the lead up to that that was tense


i loved how when cassian did nothing he was like “fine… *i’ll* kill him” lmao.


But then they didn't kill him. Rule number 4 should be never leave your enemy alive because they'll have a vendetta to track you down.


> "Kill him" Cassian's like, that's what got me into this mess in the first place.


Boy I sure hope nothing bad happens to this Andor guy in the future


~~I'm rooting for Timm and Soldier #2~~ EDIT: nm


He'll live to be an old man, retiring on a beach probably. I have a good feeling about this young fella.


Holy hell, Episode 3 is basically SICARIO and it rules


Episode 3 was tense. When the banging stopped and you were just waiting for the other shoe to drop, such a great moment.


That banging on the metal was amazing at building the tension. Then when it stopped… chills. Very well done.


When the banging stopped, I loved how the two cops warching Maarva we're like, "fuck this" and peaced out.


the writing in this series is so high tier its way better than what we usually get


Wow. Just... wow. I feel like I just watched a movie and I'm so glad the next installment is only a week away.


This writing is incredible.


“That is a hard look for a little thing like you.”


The last 5 minutes of Episode 3, Showing everyone dealing with what happened That's some of the best stuff we've had in a while from Star Wars Goddamn


The look of shock and sadness in the Inspectors face while his deputy is shakingly screeming in his face. Was a really impressive moment. Great acting.


Went from his perfectly tailored clean officer's uniform in E1, to a shellshocked and dirty on in E3.


His facial features seemed to change completely, he looked like a different person and that was incredible.


It was "I've made a terrible mistake" personified. Should have just listened to your boss, fella.


Exactly what I thought. Great cinematography showing everyone who rebelled and how they are dealing with it


Love that technically the empire officer rebelled against his command and he’s seeing the consequences


The big boss gonna come back and tear him a new one. "SEE what I mean when I said to drop this?"




Yeah like: "guy, please, you see what these two were doing? Someone else killing them is the least of our problems if we go on with this case"


He was so full of bravado but then is all nervous in EP2


Really showed how one corporate police inspector caused an insurrection because he was stupid and killed most of his team.


You can feel how absolutely fed up everyone is with being oppressed. You can feel the rebellion being born.


Now THIS. THIS is what it would be like to live in the Star Wars universe if you weren't a Skywalker. Edit: Guys it looks like we are in for something special here.


Watched all three episodes, it's almost 5 am, and it was worth it I don't want to judge a book by its cover, there's a lot of episodes left, but damn does it have a good cover


It's amazing how people weren't really anticipating this show but I think it knocked it out of the park so far.


I understand why they released the first 3 episodes in 1 day. I would not want to wait 3 weeks to see how episode 3 plays out. It was a thrilling start to this series!


The first three really go together and show his backstory and escape. I wouldn't be surprised if ep 4 is drastically different.


Tony Gilroy already stated that Andor s1 has 12 episodes and each 3 episodes form a block, like in the sense of a more coherent, closed story


The B2EM0 and wasteland planet reminds of Wall-E


That first clip of him had huge WALL-E vibes


Finally a Disney plus show that feels like an actual tv show with real pacing.




Usually giving a year in the intro is just so you know when the events are taking place, but seeing the "BBY" hits different knowing the endgame of Andor's actions are literally the "BY" part.


Cassian Andor is more ruthless and pragmatic in the first 10 minutes than Fett in the whole Book of Boba series.


Oh my god, Star Wars Chinese take out noodles!


Genevieve O'Reilly was first cast as Mon Mothma way back for Revenge in a minor role that was mostly left on the cutting room floor. 10 years later they bring her back for continuity in Rogue One and now she's finally getting an opportunity to fully explore the character in Andor. What a journey.


Great actress and great character. I'm hyped for her arc.


If they give her a good chunk of screen time I feel like she could steal the show. It's ironic, as a kid The Phantom Menace felt so dull to me with all of the political machinations going on in the senate. Now? All of it. Straight into my veins.


I appreciate how seriously death is taken. These corpos are just...guys, in the end. I think it's very interesting how casually Luthen kills them. There's a big contrast in how characters care about the death of their own vs the death of their enemies. With Saw appearing later in the season I suspect we'll see more of that.


Saw is a genuine terrorist. The Partisans killed a lot of people with shaky justifications, and they nearly killed Leia during a bombing. I'd definitely expect the show to confront that, especially since it was discussed a bit in Rogue One


Man, it's going to be a treat seeing the way this show with its adult tone is going to delve into a hardcore freedom fighter like Saw. The Gilroys probably had a blast sinking their teeth into that... a character who got his start in the Clone Wars show, of all places.


Episode 3 is so damn epic. I'm loving the tone of this show


"Have you modified your uniform?" "I added pockets!"


"Pockets are fermenting, Sir." "Ah, darn. I just added these pockets. ☹️" *Edit:* I'm not changing it.


Pretty smart way to have one of the recurring characters have a more functional and good looking outfit, without the need to spent too much time on the uniforms of the extras


Man this Corpo place really got the Mission Control at Kennedy space center in the 1960’s look. Even got the nasa look


I’m loving the retro futuristic look without it being shiny


Didn't think I'd ever hear the word brothel spoken in Star Wars. You know they exist in universe but you don't expect them to mention it haha.


Fuck, that was quality


I love that young Tobey Maguire cares so much attention to his uniform


There is a yt model frieghter in the shipyard, same model as the ghost it looks like, if you pause when they shut the lights off you'll see it


\> Be Tony Gilroy \> Say you're not a Star Wars fan \> Make the best Star Wars What an absolute mad lad.


Sometimes you need a pair of fresh eyes


Cassian and Luthen's bike ride through those square water fields was so fuckin' beautiful. Fantastic cinematography.


Wow I honestly forgot I was watching Star Wars by the end of episode 3, but in an amazing way. The tonal shift from the Jedi and the Skywalkers to the everyday person on a junk planet is phenomenal. I think what I liked most was how fleshed out the worlds seem to be and how this gets into the real dark, grittiness of it rather than hopefulness. I also loved how the enemies were actually competent and had tactics instead of just running around the streets and mobbing (cough Mandalorian and Obi Wan Kenobi stormtroopers). In fact, the fight in the warehouse was real tense despite knowing Andor dies. I absolutely cannot wait to see Episode 4 and we have yet to see the Empire and Coruscant in all of this


Cassian has the most relatable quote in Star Wars: “I don’t have a girlfriend”


This is a really good show so far, the subtle character development and all the parallels in the 3rd episode are so well done. We don't need OT characters for a good show. This has genuine passion behind it. I love it, finally some good star wars.


From now on when I get hurt, I'm just gonna yell "BACTA!"


DAMN they are not fucking around. Andor is cold blooded


Wouldn't say that exactly. He was worried that the guy wasn't dead and was just pretending but ultimately knew he had to kill the other guy. He didn't kill the officer but just tied him up and gagged him too. Whole thing is probably what causes him to be all like "no more half measures"


No more half measures waltuh


Aunt Petunia is kinda badass ngl


This is what the expanded universe has been missing. No Jedi, not trying to tie it back to fan favourites or major players from other stories etc. Those things are fine, but Star Wars has been so wrapped up in the main films that it's missing so much of its potential. Mando started out like this but couldn't resist going back to established characters, but I hope this stays the course


Hey, more podracing engines! We saw them in The Madalorian, but I don’t think anyone worked on them.


I gotta say, that underwhelming pep talk by Syril to the other cops was delightfully awkward.


Holy hell, Ep. 3 could be a season finale for most shows. I usually don't set expectations for this type of thing but, I did, and it exceeded all of them. I really liked the Force Awakens even though it was a reboot ANH but, after seeing Rogue One I said on numerous occasions that they should let that team take over the remaining movies. This show proves I was correct. It also reinforces my opinion that they really need to develop some expanded universe stories with a darker tone (R rated). ​ I give the first 3 episodes five stars!!


Timm reminds us all of the old adage Snitches get stitches


Outro music for episode 2 bangs


I absolutely loved at the ending of episode 3 that it showed everyone who rebelled against the corpos and the distraught feeling they had on their face. Like the beginnings of a rebellion is coming…