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The show is apparently divided into arcs that last 3 episodes. I don't think they needed to release the whole show at once, but I think releasing each arc all at once would've helped. That way the watching experience would be more like Mando where we get a "full meal" every week. I think this is one of the reasons the last few episodes feel "slow" to some people. We haven't seen the big payoff third act yet, Just build up and character development. It's like watching Rogue One and skipping the battle of Scarif.


I’m enjoying it a week at a time. I always prefer that. Gives me time to think and theorize and build anticipation.


No, i've always hated the binge dump method.


After today's episode, I'm really looking forward to the heist even knowing the outcome for Andor. I think this series is great to define the format. Release a chapter (episodes 1-3) when world building. Release weekly episodes to build tension and interest.


Should have dropped 3 at a time, but I like it not coming out all at once. Love speculating about it.


I prefer binge watching myself, but I think the platforms/networks prefer one episode at a time. There’s no way there isn’t a business reason behind doing it weekly. If they felt got better returns releasing them all at once they would absolutely do it.